In what year did the lion of Durov die? The Lion of Durov died

Biography and episodes of life Lev Durov. When born and died Lev Durov, memorable places and dates important events his life. Quotes from the actor and director, Photo and video.

Years of life of Lev Durov:

born December 23, 1931, died August 20, 2015


“The tragedy is over. Actor
goes away. But the scene remains
and begins to live his own life.

Well, in the form of gratitude to fate
depict the scene with all passion.

You delivered your monologue. She
will survive your words, your voice
and thunder of applause, and silence,
so tangible after
I. Brodsky “Rembrandt. Etchings"


This actor, a favorite of entire generations of theatergoers and moviegoers, was remembered not for his main roles, not for his images of heroes “without fear and reproach.” On the contrary: his characters are often comical and secondary. But Durov played each of these “little people” with all his heart, giving 100%. In his performance, any character came to life and was memorable.

While still at school, Lev Konstantinovich went to study at the drama studio at the Palace of Pioneers. And in future fate as if she was leading him, clearly showing which path this most talented person should follow. More than once it happened that a director, who was transferred from theater to theater, took with him Durov - short, quick in his movements, funny and not at all like the canonical “stage star”.

Lev Durov in 1976

Perhaps it was the amazing performance and dedication of Lev Konstantinovich. For him there were no unimportant roles, there was no “undignified” work. Each character, each episode provided an opportunity to work on oneself, to rise to a new level of mastery. And Durov never stopped working on himself: after finishing his directing courses, he himself began staging plays at the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, where he acted long years. Already at a more mature age, Durov also became a teacher, completing a course at the Moscow Art Theater School, which he himself graduated from.

Those who knew Durov personally always spoke warmly of him as a sincere, emotional and very optimistic person. Friends recalled how, having come to visit Lev Konstantinovich in the hospital, where he was lying with a stroke, without even entering the ward, they heard everyone laughing from there - it was Lev Konstantinovich who amused the doctors with jokes.

Durov said that life should be loved at any age. “No one has ever made it out of this life alive. Nobody! Vladimir Ilyich? He has an unenviable role,” the artist joked. And he himself remained active and active until last days life, continuing to work in the theater despite his “serious” age. Lev Durov died a day after the operation due to acute heart failure at the age of 83 years.

Lev Durov as Agent Klaus in the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring”

Life line

December 23, 1931 Date of birth of Lev Konstantinovich Durov.
1954 Graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School and joined the troupe of the Central Children's Theater. First film role.
1963 Transfer to work at the Lenkom Theater.
1967 Transfer to work at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.
1973 The role of Agent Klaus in the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring.”
1974 Receiving the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
1978 Graduated from the Higher Directing Courses at GITIS. The role of Captain de Treville in the film "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers."
1982 Receiving the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.
1990 Receiving the title of People's Artist of the USSR.
1999 Publication of the book “Sinful Notes”.
2002 Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.
2008 Publication of two books by L. Durov: “Tales from Behind the Scenes” and “Tales for an Encore”.
2011 Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree.
August 20, 2015 Date of death of Lev Durov.
August 24, 2015 Farewell to the artist at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

Memorable places

1. Lefortovo (Moscow), where Lev Durov was born.
2. Moscow Art Theater School, where L. Durov studied.
3. Russian Academic Youth Theater (formerly the Central Children's Theater), where L. Durov began his professional career after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School.
4. Lenkom Theater (formerly Moscow state theater them. Lenin Komsomol), where L. Durov played in 1963-1967.
5. Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, where Durov worked since 1967.
6. The first city hospital (Moscow City Clinical Hospital named after N.I. Pirogov), where L. Durov died.

Lev Durov on anniversary party dedicated to his 60th anniversary acting career

Episodes of life

Throughout his busy acting career, Lev Durov starred in more than two hundred films.

Durov loved jokes and friendly pranks. Once, by his grace, Yuri Nikulin even traveled from Moscow to Leningrad to audition for a picture invented by Durov.

Durov was invited twice ceremonial presentation title of People's Artist - for the first time Soviet Union, then Russia - M. Gorbachev. And both times the actor was unable to come to the presentation because he was busy with the play and filming. As a result, the actor received the treasured folder, which was pretty dusty, only after a year and a half and without any solemnity.

A story dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Durov’s acting career (2014)


“It is impossible to live without hope for the best.”

“My role is protest little man against the concept of "little man".

“...old people themselves should not give up, they should carry a childish spirit in their souls until the end of their days, understand that life goes on while you are still walking. We should enjoy the rain, the sun, whatever.”


“He has always been the standard of professionalism, theatrical ethics, theatrical excellence. Bitterly. He played in the theater repertoire until the end. This is a very big loss for the Russian theater and Russian art... An actor that several generations have grown up with.”
Sergey Golomazov, artistic director Theater on Malaya Bronnaya

“He was a man who, every time he went on stage and film set, treated what he did with the utmost conscientiousness, because everything he did was for people, and not for himself.”
Mikhail Boyarsky, actor

“He did so many things that he became such a living legend a long time ago.”
Joseph Raikhelgauz, director of the School Theater modern play»

National artist USSR actor Lev Durov, logically, should have become a circus performer: he is a descendant of the famous Durov dynasty of trainers, known throughout the country. But Lev Konstantinovich’s parents moved away from family traditions and their son’s creative inclinations turned to the acting profession. Throughout his life, Durov played in almost two hundred and thirty different film projects, including cartoons, he participated in hundreds of performances in several theaters, was a director, teacher and writer-publicist. In addition to many of his highest awards and titles. Durov had the golden order "Patron" for charitable activities and the title of academician in two film academies. The cause of Lev Durov's death was heart disease.

He was born in 1931, into an intelligent family, and from childhood he discovered a craving for theatrical activities: studied in the drama studio at the Palace of Pioneers of the Baumansky district of Moscow. After graduation high school, Lev Konstantinovich became a student at the Nemirovich-Danchenko Studio School at the Moscow Art Theater of the USSR, from which in 1954 he entered the troupe of the Russian youth theater. Together with his friend Anatoly Efros, ten years later he moved to the Lenin Komsomol Theater. After that, they worked together again at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya until the end of their lives. While working at theater stage, Lev Konstantinovich played many diverse roles. In 1987, he graduated from the Higher Directing Courses at GITIS and staged many performances as a director, independently and in collaboration with other colleagues.

His debut film work was the role of Yasha in the Soviet comedy " Good morning"and, after that, the invitations from directors did not end: Durov turned out to be not only a cinematic, but also a very diverse actor, capable of transforming into any image, starting with the heroic Yuras Bratchik and ending with the insidious provocateur Klaus, the betrayer of Pastor Schlagg or the brave captain of the royal musketeers de Treville. The audience loved Lev Durov for the authenticity of his images and the special features inherent only to him. His voice was immediately recognized in cartoons and when duplicating the roles of other actors. Discoveries were expected from him - he interpreted the characters of his characters in such an interesting and unusual way: it was often impossible to guess what to expect from them. Durov was multifaceted and unpredictable.

IN privacy Lev Konstantinovich turned out to be a surprisingly bright person. He knew how to make friends and his theater colleagues loved him: Durov rarely visited bad mood and usually charged everyone with his positive energy, jokes, practical jokes, good example. At the same time, he was distinguished by amazing sincerity and did not hide his indignation at the unworthy actions and characters of some people. He lived for 53 years with one single woman - his wife, actress Irina Nikolaevna Kirichenko, who was his classmate at the Moscow Art Theater School. In that happy marriage a daughter was born, Ekaterina Ershova, also an actress. Despite his heart disease, Durov carefully looked after his wife until her death in 2011. She spent the last two years of her life in bed due to a broken hip. Lev Konstantinovich took the death of his wife very hard and only work distracted him from his melancholy.

His last short film was released in 2015. The actor became ill in August 2015 and was urgently hospitalized at the First City Hospital of the capital with a suspected stroke, but after examination the diagnosis changed: acute heart failure. Durov spent two weeks in the clinic and during this time they managed to undergo a complex operation. The actor, according to doctors, even felt better. However, after a while, blood clots began to form in his vessels. New operation did not save the situation, and severe pneumonia, caught two days before due to the patient’s immobility, also made itself felt. Lev Konstantinovich was hastily put into a medically induced coma, from which he never emerged. The weakened body of an elderly, tired man simply could not withstand so many complications - that’s why Lev Durov died at the age of 83.

He is buried on Novodevichy Cemetery Moscow.

1150 Views Lev Durov belongs to the famous dynasty of circus trainers. Lev is the great-nephew of Anatoly and Vladimir Durov, who created a new Russian school for training circus animals. Lev's parents had nothing to do with the circus. Konstantin Vladimirovich Durov, the actor’s father, worked as an explosivesman. Mother - Durova Valentina Ignatievna worked in the Lefortovo Palace in the historical archive.

The childhood of Lev Durov

Lev Durov spent his childhood in the Lefortovo district of Moscow. The actor's parents, Konstantin and Valentina Durov, often received criticism from their son: he often received bad marks and fought very often. He was expelled from school several times. The father was not too strict, he never shouted or scolded Lev, and as punishment he simply did not talk to his son. From the memoirs of Lev Durov: “True, it would be better if he swore. His silence was the worst punishment, because I respected him very much.”

The Durovs lived on the territory of the Lefortovo Museum. "The rooms are probably in their own past life were stalls. They looked strange: long, narrow, like a pencil case. There was one toilet for forty communal apartments,” recalls Lev Konstantinovich.

There were three children in the family, besides Lev there were two more daughters; Lev was the middle child.

When the war began, Leva Durov, along with other boys, extinguished lighter bombs on the roofs, gave amateur concerts in military hospitals, trying to cheer up the wounded: he could simultaneously sing, tap dance and make funny faces to cheer up the wounded.

Theatrical career of Lev Durov

While studying at school, Lev Durov was fond of classes in the drama studio located in the Palace of Pioneers. The studio was headed by S.V. Sierpinski. When did the Moscow Art Theater begin to recruit courses? famous Sergei Blinnikov and Georgy Gerasimov, Durov enrolled in this course. During his studies, he became Blinnikov's favorite. He always dreamed of studying at the Moscow Art Theater School, and now his dream has come true. Durov was one of the best students of the course.

After finishing his studies at the Moscow Art Theater in 1954, Durov came to work at the Central Children's Theater. Anatoly Vasilyevich Efros worked there as a director. They would then work together for more than twenty-seven years. Durov himself worked at the CDT for almost ten years.

During the transition A.V. Efros, several actors went with him to the Lenin Komsomol Theater, among them Lev Durov. Durov played at the Lenin Komsomol Theater for four years.

In 1967, Durov, following Efros, went to the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. He still works there now.

The outstanding Soviet director Anatoly Vasilyevich Efros involved Lev Durov in all performances. Their work was inextricably linked. Lev Konstantinovich Durov created impressive images in Efros's performances. These were Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet, Sganarelle in Don Juan, Zhevakin in Marriage. Durov also played successful roles in the plays “Whose Old Man Are You?”, “Tribunal” and others. When Gogol's famous "Marriage" was presented at a festival in the Scottish city of Edinburgh, a review appeared in the local newspaper. The author noted that it is worth going to the play “Marriage” only for the reason that the “tragic clown Lev Durov” plays in it. The actor is still proud of this title.

Currently, Lev Durov works at the theater on Malaya Bronnaya and at the same time plays in plays at the “School of Modern Play”, which is directed by director Joseph Raikhelgauz.

Lev Durov - Director

After studying at the Higher Directing Courses, Durov began working as a stage director. The repertoire of the theater on Malaya Bronnaya included several of his successful performances. Among them: " Cruel Games"Arbuzova, "Cinderella" by Evgeniy Schwartz, "Indictment" by Dumbadze, "Curtains" by Varfolomeev, "Still She Spins" by Khmelik, "Xanthippe and this one, what's his name..." Aleshina. Durov, as a stage director, also staged the following plays: “The Jews of the City of St. Petersburg” by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, “Merry Men” by Simon, “After the Benefit Performance” based on the works of Chekhov, “Oginsky’s Polonaise” by Kolyada, “The Forest” by Ostrovsky.

One of his last directorial works was the holiday genre play “The Road to New York” by Malyugin. This is a story full of music and dance that tells what happened to the daughter of an American millionaire. Recently the premiere of the modern play “Passion according to Torchalov” by Voronov took place.

Film work by Lev Durov

Lev Durov's film debut took place in 1954. For 55 years, Lev Konstantinovich played almost 170 roles in films. The actor’s first film was “Good Morning,” where he had the role of an excavator operator’s assistant. In the film “Guest from Kuban” Durov was already an assistant combine operator. Then he played a policeman. According to the actor, he played in films, as he himself believed: “in half-color, half-artistic, half-musical films.” The first serious role took place in the film “Nine Days of One Year” directed by Romm.

All of Durov's characters have a bright personality and originality. Each of them contains the actor’s unique intonation, his inherent human originality, temperament, and ability to look at the world around him in his own way.

Pictures in which Lev Konstantinovich Durov starred:
"Leap Year" in 1962;
“I’m Going to Search” in 1966;
"All the King's Men" in 1971;
“Seventeen Moments of Spring” in 1973;
“Open Book”, “Strange Adults”, “Ksenia, Fyodor’s Beloved Wife” and “Kalina Krasnaya” in 1974;
"The Last Day of Winter" in 1975.

Also, his roles in famous paintings: “Success”, “Armed and very dangerous”, “The Three Musketeers”, “Zoshchenko’s Stories”, “Bumbarash”, “Farewell to Matera”, “The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants”, “The Thirty-fourth Ambulance”, “The Nose”. Participation in these films made Lev Durov very popular and brought nationwide love from the audience.

The actor’s friend Vladimir Kachan noted that “the geography of his title - People's Artist of the USSR - formally narrowed to the size of Russia, but actually expanded. Because he is, as before, a People’s Artist of Belarus, and Ukraine, and Kazakhstan, and the Baltic States, and Israel, and the USA, and all other countries where they love and remember the artist Durov, a dramatic clown, a hooligan, a joke teller, and one of their own a man for all segments of the population, and therefore an absolutely people’s artist.”

People's Artist of the USSR, actor and director Lev Durov died on the night of Thursday, August 20, at the 84th year of life in intensive care after long illness, reported in the Union theatrical figures Russia. “Lev Durov died this night in the hospital,” STD said.

Earlier, news of the actor’s death appeared in the media with reference to the words of the artist’s daughter Ekaterina Durova. “Lev Konstantinovich died today at ten to one in the morning,” she said.

It is known that a day before his death, doctors at the First City Hospital in Moscow performed an emergency operation on the actor. Afterwards, he was put into a medically induced coma. Despite all the efforts of the doctors, it was not possible to save Durov.

Durov spent the last two weeks of his life in the hospital. His hospitalization became known on August 7; the actor was taken to the hospital with a suspected stroke, but later he was diagnosed with acute heart failure.

A week later he contracted hospital-acquired pneumonia. Due to the prolonged immobility, blood clots began to develop in the vessels.

Many artists expressed their condolences over the artist’s passing.

Theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR Valentin Gaft told the TV channel "360 Moscow Region" that one of the best periods of his life is associated with Lev Durov. "Lev [Durov] with his works proved what great director Anatoly Vasilievich Efros. Leo is Russian artist, when you look at him, you understand who he belongs to, what kind of language he speaks, and that there are such Russian people on the planet. He is a characterful, great artist," he said.

“The news is monstrous, but what can we do, we’re leaving. It’s good that the memory of Leo is and will be preserved. There is something to remember. This largest man. This is an amazing person; his gift from God and his life were connected. He was brave, desperate, fair man, with an amazing sense of humor, who did not brag about his successes. He was a great clown, this is the greatest virtue in an artist, to be also a jester in a high sense this word," Gaft continued.

“Fate has connected me with him for some decades. He is my colleague, comrade, partner. I can express deep, serious condolences,” added People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Valentin Smirnitsky.

“I adored him and loved him, but life is life. We will all never get used to this,” said actor, presenter, Nika Award winner Leonid Yarmolnik.

Soviet and Russian actor, People's Artist of the USSR Vasily Lanovoy said that he has known Lev Durov since teenage years. One of the most striking qualities of the artist was surprise at the world. "It was very bright, light, talented person, with the greed of a child for all manifestations of nature. He was terribly interested in everything. Surprise at the world is one of its most striking qualities. Both in the theater and in art, this was all instantly felt. I was left with the feeling of a child surprised by the world. We've been friends all our lives. This is one of the great Soviet old men of Russian theater and cinema,” he emphasized.

Lev Durov was born in Moscow on December 23, 1931. He comes from a famous dynasty of Russian circus performers - trainers and clowns. IN school years studied at the drama studio at the Palace of Pioneers of the Bauman region. After graduating from high school, he entered the Moscow Art Theater School, taking the course of Georgy Gerasimov and Sergei Blinnikov.

In 1954, he graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School and was invited to the Central Children's Theater, where he worked for ten years. In the same year, Durov began acting in films and played more than 200 roles during his life.

In 1963 - 1967 played on the stage of the Lenin Komsomol Theater, since 1967 - in the Moscow drama theater on Malaya Bronnaya, where he also acted as a director.

After graduating from the Higher Directing Courses at GITIS (1978), Lev Durov became a stage director. He stages performances at the theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

In 1996, as artistic director, he graduated from a course of students at the Moscow Art Theater School.

In 1999, Lev Konstantinovich Durov’s book “Sinful Notes” was published. In 2008, two books were published: “Tales from Behind the Scenes” and “Tales for an Encore” (in the “Actors’ Book” series).

Until his last days, Lev Durov, in parallel with his work in his theater, participated in performances of the “School of Modern Play”.

Lived and worked in Moscow.

In 1990, the actor was awarded the title "People's Artist of the USSR." In addition, he had the titles "Honored Artist of the RSFSR" (1974), "People's Artist of the RSFSR" (1982), "People's Artist of the USSR" (1990).

He was awarded the medal "Defender of Free Russia" (1993), the Order of Friendship (1996), the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2002) and III degree (2011) and many other awards.

Lev Durov was born in Moscow, in Lefortovo, and comes from a famous dynasty of Russian circus performers - trainers and clowns.

During his school years, Lev Durov studied in the drama studio at the Palace of Pioneers of the Baumansky District, where his teacher was S.V. Serpinsky. After graduating from high school, he entered the Moscow Art Theater School, taking the course of Georgy Gerasimov and Sergei Blinnikov. Among the teachers were old Moscow Art Theater students: Vasily Toporkov, Pavel Masalsky, Alexander Karev, Joseph Raevsky. Durov was one of Blinnikov's favorite students.

In 1954, after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, the director of the Central Children's Theater, Shah-Azizov, invited Durov to his troupe. He agreed and in September he came to the first gathering of the troupe in his life, where he met Anatoly Efros, with whom he would not part for almost 30 years. In Central children's theater he worked for about 10 years. When A.V. Efros moved to the Theater. Lenin Komsomol, he took with him several actors, including Lev Durov. In 1963-1967, Durov performed on the stage of the Theater. Lenin Komsomol, when, in 1967, Efros was removed from the leadership of Lenkom and transferred as another director to the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, he was allowed to take 10 artists with him, and Durov left with him. To this theater, in which, after graduating from the Higher Directing Courses at GITIS in 1978, Durov successfully combined acting and directing, he remained faithful until the last day; in 2003-2006 he was the chief director of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

Lev Durov began acting in films in 1954 and played more than 200 roles during his life; He worked a lot on television, including participating in the filming of the TV show “Marquise.” In 1996, as artistic director, he graduated a course of students at the Moscow Art Theater School.

In 1999, Lev Konstantinovich Durov’s book “Sinful Notes” was published. In 2008, two books were published: “Tales from Behind the Scenes” and “Tales for an Encore” (in the “Actors’ Book” series).

Until his last days, Lev Durov, in parallel with his work in his theater, participated in performances of the “School of Modern Play” by director Joseph Raikhelgauz.

Lev Durov died on August 20, 2015 at 00:50 in the intensive care unit of the First City Hospital after a serious, long illness. On August 24, after farewell at the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, he was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Lev Durov was born in Moscow, in Lefortovo, and comes from a famous dynasty of Russian circus performers - trainers and clowns.

During his school years, Lev Durov studied in the drama studio at the Palace of Pioneers of the Baumansky District, where his teacher was S.V. Serpinsky. After graduating from high school, he entered the Moscow Art Theater School, taking the course of Georgy Gerasimov and Sergei Blinnikov. Among the teachers were old Moscow Art Theater students: Vasily Toporkov, Pavel Masalsky, Alexander Karev, Joseph Raevsky. Durov was one of Blinnikov's favorite students.

In 1954, after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, the director of the Central Children's Theater, Shah-Azizov, invited Durov to his troupe. He agreed and in September he came to the first gathering of the troupe in his life, where he met Anatoly Efros, with whom he would not part for almost 30 years. He worked at the Central Children's Theater for about 10 years. When A.V. Efros moved to the Theater.

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