Russian State Archive of Literature and Art. “Archive of the Muses” - Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (rgali)

Russian state archive literature and art - "Archive of the Muses" - is the largest repository in Russia, included in the State Code of Especially Valuable Objects cultural heritage peoples Russian Federation. More than 3,000 funds and 1.5 million storage units contain the richest materials on history Russian literature, music, theater, cinema, visual arts, architecture.

Created in 1941 on the eve of the Great Patriotic War, The archive became a favorite and a subject of special concern of the state. “Never has any archival institution received such huge funds for the purchase of manuscripts, museum valuables and entire libraries from private individuals,” as Irakli Andronikov emphasized. “Never before has any museum received such a mighty stream of autographs, diaries, notebooks, albums, suitcases with letters, drafts, documents, memories, drawings, portraits, books."

The main feature of the RGALI collection is a unique information set in which the personal funds and creative heritage of writers, composers, artists, actors, directors are combined with the diversity of management documentation of the Institute of Cultural Management, creative unions, public organizations.

The Archive funds contain documents of the 14th-11th centuries, and among them are manuscripts and personal documents of prominent Russian cultural figures, autographs of A.S. Pushkin, the most valuable collections and parts of the collections of Yu.A. Bakhrushin, F.F. Fidler, S.P.Melgunov, P.I.Bartenev, personal funds of M.Yu.Lermontov, N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky, A.P. Chekhov, V.V. Rozanov, A.A. Blok, B.L. Pasternak, A.A. Akhmatova, M.I. Tsvetaeva, A. Bely, M. A. Kuzmina, V.T. Shalamov, A.I. Solzhenitsyn, D.D. Shostakovich, S.S. Prokofiev, M.M. Plisetskaya, R.K. Shchedrin, the creative heritage of figures of the Russian diaspora, as well as documents of governing bodies, institutions and cultural organizations - the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, the All-Union Committee for Arts (VKI) under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Ministry of Culture of the USSR and the Russian Federation, the State Committee for Cinematography of the USSR, scientific and educational institutions culture, film studios, theaters, circus and stage, publishing houses, editorial offices of literary and art magazines.

Another feature of the RGALI collection is its museum component: the third part of the collection is visual materials (paintings, graphics, photographs, etc.). A real discovery last decade became a collection of Russian avant-garde from the collection of RGALI with works by E.G. Guro, M.V. Matyushin, K.M. Zdanevich, S.B. Nikritin, V.S. Bart, A.A. Morgunov, M.V. Le-Dantu, L.M. Lisitsky, V.E. Tatlin and others. The memorial collection is also representative, including more than 1000 museum objects that belonged to N.A. Berdyaev, V.A. Solovyov, A. M. Remizov, M. I. Tsvetaeva, I. G. Erenburg, A. G. Koonen, K. M. Simonov, K. A. Kedrov, M. M. Plisetskaya and others.

The modern image of RGALI is openness and accessibility. Numerous publications, exhibitions, round tables and of course, high degree informatization of archival activities. We hope it's new showroom, which will be located in one of the buildings of the building, will become a popular platform for friends of RGALI and Muscovites.

Nikolaeva Lyudmila Igorevna
Director of TsGALI St. Petersburg

Historical reference

Since November 2011 - St. Petersburg State Treasury Institution “Central State Archive of Literature and Art of St. Petersburg” (TSGALI SPb)

2008 - 2011 - St. Petersburg State Institution “Central State Archive of Literature and Art of St. Petersburg” (TSGALI SPb)

1991 - 2007 - Central State Archive of Literature and Art of St. Petersburg (TSGALI St. Petersburg)
1988 - 1991 - Central State Archive of Literature and Art of Leningrad (TSGALI Leningrad)
1969 - 1988 - Leningrad State Archive of Literature and Art (LGALI)

The archive was created in 1969. The basis of the archive was made up of materials for the 1920s - 1930s, transferred from the Leningrad State Archive October revolution and socialist construction (now TsGA St. Petersburg). These are documents from the funds of state institutions and public organizations of literature and art of the city and region: publishing houses, editorial offices, theaters, concert organizations, film studios, the Committee on Radio and Television, creative and trade union organizations, art educational institutions, cultural libraries. In addition, since the 70s. XX century archive is actively replenished personal archives cultural figures.

By Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated October 8, 2007 No. 1268, the St. Petersburg state institution “Central State Archive of Literature and Art of St. Petersburg” (TSGALI SPb) was created for the purpose of forming and maintaining the archival fund of literature and art of St. Petersburg

History of the archive building

In one of the ancient corners of St. Petersburg on Shpalernaya Street there is a building built in the spirit of classicism with Baroque elements in bluish-white tones.

The history of the creation of this house dates back to 1730-1740, built according to the design of the architect M.G. Zemtsov as a warehouse building for the Store Yard of the Goff-Quartermaster's office. In 1841, the warehouse was expanded, as a result of which a two-story part of the building was built, the facade facing Voskresenskaya embankment, according to the design of the architect L.I. Charlemagne. In 1851, the two-story part was reconstructed according to the design of the architect E.I. Martynov.

Beginning in 1853, the building was converted into an archive for the Ministry of the Imperial Household. So, in 1853, the two-story part of the building was converted, and in 1899-1902. according to the project by A.A. Bruni reconstructed the four-story part. The façade of the building acquired baroque features.

The archive was headed by Konstantin Yakovlevich Grot, professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, member of the Council of the Ministry of Public Education, who lived in the outbuilding of the house. After 1917, the name of the archive was slightly changed to Division II of Section I of the State Archive Fund. And in 1926, the archive funds of the former Ministry of the Imperial Court moved to the current Russian State Historical Archive.

From 1936 to 1969 The Leningrad State Archive of the October Revolution and Socialist Construction (now the Central State Archive of St. Petersburg) was located in the archive premises.

In 1971, the building on Shpalernaya, 34 opened its doors to the Leningrad State Archive of Literature and Art, which is still located here today.

Characteristics of funds

976 funds, 338,317 storage units*

The funds of state institutions, public organizations of literature, art and cultural and educational work, as well as funds of personal origin of cultural figures of St. Petersburg from 1917 to the present are concentrated in TsGALI St. Petersburg.

The archive contains documents from liquidated and currently operating cultural institutions: the Directorate for Arts and the Main Directorate of Culture of the Leningrad City Executive Committee, the Directorate of Leningrad Academic Theatres, the Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press (Glavlit, 1939–1976), departments and committees of culture, cultural and educational institutions and cinematography, as well as funds of creative organizations, including Proletkult, Leningrad branches of unions: filmmakers, writers, journalists, architects, artists. The archive stores documents from the holdings of the publishing houses "Aurora", "Brockhaus and Efron", " World literature», « Soviet writer", "Fiction" and others, the editors of the magazines "Aurora", "Zvezda", "Neva" and local newspapers, the Petrograd Bureau of the Russian Telegraph Agency (ROSTA). The materials of the Leningrad Broadcasting Committee contain texts of speeches by writers A. A. Akhmatova, O. F. Berggolts, V. V. Vishnevsky, V. F. Panova, N. S. Tikhonov before the residents of besieged Leningrad.

Stage and musical art presented by the funds of the All-Russian Theater Society (VTO), Russian musical society, State academic theater Opera and Ballet named after. S. M. Kirova (now Mariinskii Opera House), State Academic Bolshoi drama theater them. A. M. Gorky (now ABDT named after G. A. Tovstonogov) and others, Academic Philharmonic them. D. D. Shostakovich and the Capella named after. M. I. Glinka, Leningrad State Conservatory named after. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, Choreographic School them. A. Ya. Vaganova (now the Academy of Russian Ballet), Academy theatrical arts, Higher Art and Industrial School named after. V. I. Mukhina and others.

The funds of the Lenfilm film studio, the Leningrad branch of Goskino, etc. are concentrated here. In the funds of the Property Department of the Republic of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, the State Museum Fund of the Leningrad Branch of the Main Science (1917–1929), the Commission for Control of the Export of Scientific and Artistic Values ​​Abroad, a number of city and suburban museums, documents on the organization of museum management, reports and certificates on nationalization, state registration and protection of artistic values, materials on the restoration of monuments, etc. have been preserved.

The archive contains funds from research institutes located in Leningrad, such as: Research Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography (now Russian Institute art history), artistic culture, comparative history of literature and languages ​​of the West and East, bibliology, Leningrad branch of the Academy of Construction and Architecture. Educational organizations are represented by materials from the collections of libraries (including the Russian National Library and the Central City Library named after V.V. Mayakovsky), palaces and houses of culture, clubs, lecture halls, as well as the united fund of the national houses of education of Leningrad (1924–1938) .

The collections are represented by materials on the history of St. Petersburg, collected by S. M. Vyazemsky, and the historical and artistic collection of D. I. Kotelnikov.

A significant group consists of funds of personal origin: writers and poets A. R. Belyaev, D. A. Granin, M. A. Dudin, V. V. Konetsky, Yu. S. Rytkheu, M. L. Slonimsky, literary critics G. A . Gukovsky, V. A. Manuylov, art critic F. I. Shmit, artist E. E. Moiseenko, composers B. A. Arapov, V. P. Solovyov-Sedoy, director A. A. Bryantsev, actors E. I. Time, Yu. V. Tolubeev, film director F. M. Ermler, choreographer L. V. Yakobson and others.

Behind last years the archive received documents from the following organizations: the St. Petersburg public organization "World Club of St. Petersburgers" and the St. Petersburg State budgetary institution culture" State Philharmonic St. Petersburg for children and youth", as well as documents of personal origin - film director A.N. Sokurov, architect G.P. Stepanov, art critic P.E. Kornilov, cameraman D.A. Dolinin, composer V.E. Basner, actor N.V. Burov, poet A.A. Blinkov, composer I.G. Zhukovsky, pop artist D.M. artist V.G. Shevchenko and others.

In its 3012 funds there are over 1 million 300 thousand storage units of the 18th-21st centuries, individual documents - the 14th, 16th, 17th centuries; institutional funds - 351 ff.; personal funds - FF 2677; microfilms - about 6,000,000 frames. 1 lb., microforms. Therefore, any list will be incomplete; we will name only a few. Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI). [ Electronic resource]. - Access mode: Cap. from the screen.

Most ancient source- Easter Haggadah of the 14th century. - a handwritten book containing a description of the Passover Seder ritual and fragments of biblical texts read on it historical tales and prayers in Hebrew, decorated with micrography of the 15th-16th centuries.

The main feature of the documentary base of RGALI is a unique information set in which the personal funds of writers, composers, artists, actors, directors and other outstanding artists (2664 funds) are combined with the variety of management documentation of the Institute of Cultural Management, creative unions, public organizations (348 funds) . Right there.

The archive contains numerous documents from authorities government controlled in the field of culture Soviet period: Ministry of Culture of the USSR, Committee for Arts, Committee for Cinematography, Union of Architects (Writers, Composers) and other organizations.

Documents of state institutions and public organizations for the pre-revolutionary period are represented by funds, first of all, of public and cultural associations and societies, such as the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature (1811-1930), the Society for Benefits for Needy Writers and Scientists (Literary Fund, 1859-1922), as well as the funds of the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines “Russian Bulletin”, “Delo”, “Russian Wealth”, “Sovremennik”, etc.

Russian theatrical art is reflected in the funds of the Moscow office of the Imperial Theaters and the Russian Theater Society. Documents on the history of fine arts were deposited in the funds of the Moscow Society of Art Lovers, the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Tretyakov Gallery.

The history of the development of culture and art of the Soviet period is captured in the funds of administrative bodies in the field of culture - the Committees for Arts under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (1936-1953) and the RSFSR (1938-1953), the Main Directorate for fiction and art of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR (Glaviskusstvo, 1925-1928), the Ministry of Culture of the USSR and its departments (1953-1991), as well as sectoral governing bodies certain types arts - the USSR Cinematography Committee, the Directorate of Art Exhibitions and Panoramas, the State Association of Musical, Variety and Circus Enterprises, etc.

Cultural, educational and literary and artistic non-governmental organizations in the field of literature are represented by the funds of Proletkult (1917-1932) and the All-Russian Society of Proletarian Writers “Forge” (1920-1932), the Union of Writers of the USSR (1932-1991) and its predecessors - literary associations and circles , literary publishing houses. Similar creative organizations are represented by the funds of the All-Russian Theater Society, the Union of Composers of the USSR (1934-1991) and the RSFSR (1957-1991), the Unions of Artists (1957-1991), Architects (1932-1991), and Cinematographers (1965-1991) of the USSR.

The archive stores numerous funds of scientific institutions in the field of art under the Ministry of the Imperial Court, such as the Academy of Arts (1757-1918), the Institute of Art History, as well as funds of specialized higher educational institutions: theater schools and the State Institute of Theater Arts (GITIS, since 1879). ), Moscow State Conservatory named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky and the Higher State Art and Technical Institute (VKHUTEIN, 1926-1930), the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK), etc. A significant part of the funds is represented creative organizations, such as film studios, theaters, circuses, ensembles, choirs and orchestras, museums, permanent and traveling exhibitions, as well as publishing houses and editorial offices of magazines and newspapers.

The documentation of these institutions can be divided into three groups: Federal Archival Service of Russia: Quick Reference Guide. Russian State Archive of Literature and Art: Guide / Ed. E.V. Bronnikova, T.L. Latypova. - M.: ROSSPEN, 2010. - 695 p.

Managerial, reflecting the administrative functions of the institution. Among the management documentation there are documents of a general nature - reports, certificates, reports to higher authorities;

By personnel, including information about the life and activities of creative workers. Personal files, as a rule, continue to be stored as part of the fund of a specific department or institution. RGALI receives personal files containing information about creative activity, which is reflected in questionnaires, autobiographies, personal documents;

Directly creative, associated with the creation of cultural values.

About half of them are literary materials; the other half comes from all other arts (theater, ballet, music, cinema, sculpture, architecture and fine arts). Right there.

Most large fund, available in the archive, the family archive of three generations of the Vyazemsky family of the Vyazemsky princes is the so-called “Ostafevsky archive” from the village of Ostafyevo, Moscow province, including a lot of documents on the history of literature of the first half of the 19th century V. Documentation of this fund allow us to get an idea of ​​many processes in Russian literature of the first half of the 19th century.

His documents reflected public and literary processes, the life and work of many writers of that time: the archive quite widely represents the correspondence of many Russian writers: G.R. Derzhavina, P.Ya. Chaadaeva, A.S. Griboyedova, N.V. Gogol and other writers. Literature early XIX V. presented by materials from classic writers A.S. Griboyedova, N.M. Karamzina, V.A. Zhukovsky.

The archive contains a significant part creative heritage F.M. Dostoevsky, I.A. Goncharova, N.A. Nekrasova, I.S. Turgeneva, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The dramaturgy of the 19th - early 20th centuries is reflected in the materials of A.N. Ostrovsky, A.V. Sukhovo-Kobylina, A.F. Pisemsky, A.P. Chekhov. A significant part of F.M.’s archive is of great value. Dostoevsky, containing his notebooks with early versions of the novels “Crime and Punishment”, “The Idiot”, “Teenager”; epistolary heritage of the writer.

The “Silver Age” of Russian literature is represented by the funds of A.A. Akhmatova, A.A. Blok, M.I. Tsvetaeva, L.N. Andreeva, I.A. Bunina, A.I. Kuprina. In the funds of S.A. Yesenina, V.V. Mayakovsky, O.E. Mandelstam, F.V. Gladkova, A.S. Grina, Yu.K. Oleshi, K.G. Paustovsky, B.L. Pasternak, Yu.N. Tynyanova, A.A. Fadeeva, I.P. Ehrenburg, and many other writers reflect the history of Soviet literature (XX century).

History documents national music are contained in the funds of P.I. Tchaikovsky, S.I. Taneyeva, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, S.S. Prokofieva, R.M. Gliera, V.Ya. Shebalina, D.B. Kabalevsky, N.Ya. Myaskovsky, I.O. Dunaevsky, D.D. Shostakovich, in the funds of the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky (2727 items), State Musical Pedagogical School named after. Gnessins (1280 items), State Music Publishing House (4614 items), magazine " Soviet music"(2355 items), etc. Another feature of the RGALI collection is its museum component: the third part of the collection is visual materials (paintings, graphics, photographs, etc.).

Russian theatrical art, its various directions and stages of development are reflected in the funds of actors and directors A.I. Yuzhina, V.E. Meyerhold, M.G. Savina, E.D. Turchaninova, A.A. Yablochkina, L.V. Sobinova, A.A. Gorsky, M.I. Petipa, as well as in the collections of the Moscow office imperial theaters(10280 storage units), the Society of Dramatic Writers and Composers (2951 storage units), the Central House of Artists (6630 storage units), Chamber Theater(1129 storage units). The specificity of theatrical art, when the performance of each role, each production is a unique, inimitable creative act, gives especially great value for theatrical research and construction to such materials as director's copies of plays, sketches of scenery and costumes, photographs of actors in roles and scenes from performances.

The archive also has special collections dedicated to outstanding cultural figures whose personal funds are stored in other places (for example, the collections of A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy). Documents of personal origin of famous figures of literature and art can be found in numerous personal collections (D.I. Evarnitsky [Yavornitsky], F.F. Fidler, E.F. Tsippelzon, L.N. Rabinovich, Ya.N. Tarnopolsky, Yu. G. Oksman and others).

The traditional difference in the formation of museum and archival collections predetermined the nature of their collections: works of fine art are stored in museums, documentary heritage - in archives. However real life much richer in rules and schemes and, being imprinted in the personal archives of cultural and artistic figures, often violates these schemes and rules. That is why the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, along with handwritten and epistolary heritage, stores works of painting and graphics of the 19th and 20th centuries. Another reason for this apparent incident is that at one time archives served as a reliable shelter for the works of those artists who did not belong to the “ official art”, were not recognized by the authorities or were simply destroyed by this authority.

The overwhelming number of such artists are representatives of the Russian avant-garde. It is their works that make up the significant majority of the “fine” collections of RGALI. Russian humanitarian encyclopedic Dictionary: In 3 volumes. Volume 3: P-Y. - M.: VLADOS, 2002. - 704 p.

The circumstances under which paintings and graphic works ended up in archival storage are interesting and varied. They reflect in their own way Soviet history. Thus, during the formation of RGALI in the early 1940s, the backbone of the collection consisted of materials received from the State literary museum, including the funds of the publishing houses “Detgiz”, “Iskusstvo”, “Muzgiz”, etc., as well as the editorial offices of art magazines. At the same time, in 1941, part of the museum’s fund was received from the Literary Museum by V.V. Mayakovsky, including the poet’s drawings and stencils of the “Windows of Growth”. Documents from the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, State Art and Technical Workshops (Vkhutemas-Vkhutein), were transferred from the State Tretyakov Gallery. Russian Academy artistic sciences, Moscow Society of Art Lovers, as well as various materials by artists A.G. Venetsianova, I.N. Kramskoy, I.K. Aivazovsky, I.S. Ostroukhova and others. Thus the foundation of the archive’s art collection was laid.

At the same time, personal funds of artists began to form in the archive - the most complete complex in which numerous works of art: drawings and sketches, engravings and etchings, sketches and studies by V.M. Vasnetsova, I.E. Repina, V.K. Byalynitsky-Biruli, B.M. Kustodieva, M.V. Nesterova, S.Yu. Sudeikina, A.N. Benoit, M.V. Dobuzhinsky, N.K. Roerich, K.S. Petrova-Vodkina, E.G. Guro, M.V. Le Dantu, L.M. Lisitsky, V.E. Tatlin and others. The collection of posters was also replenished from personal funds - this part of the RGALI collection is unique in its completeness and numbers about one thousand two hundred posters, including over four hundred originals by V.V. Mayakovsky, V.V. Lebedeva, M.M. Cheremnykha, D.S. Moora, V.N. Denis, photomontages by L.M. Lisitsky, G.G. Klutsis, S.Ya. Senkina.

The collections of filmmakers are also rich in visual material - Ya.A. Protazanova, I.I. Mozzhukhina, V.I. Pudovkina, M.I. Romma, L.V. Kuleshova, Dz. Vertova, R.L. Carmena. RGALI stores more than five thousand drawings by S. M. Eisenstein.

In the 1960s, RGALI acquired the most valuable archive of Yu. P. Annenkov, which included forty original drawings - theatrical sketches, book covers, portrait sketches. In the same way, the already mentioned archives of E.G. were added to the funds. Guro, V.F. Khodasevich, K.S. Petrova-Vodkina, K.N. Redko, as well as A.A. Arapova, I.I. Nivinsky, P.N. Filonova, P.V. Kuznetsova and E.M. Bebutova.

A special place is occupied by the legacy of figures from the Russian diaspora, in the return of which a huge role on the part of official structures was played by I.S. Zilbershtein, a famous art critic and literary historian, a collector who devoted his life to the study and promotion of Russian culture, collecting its relics. As a result of his foreign trips, the collections were replenished with watercolors by A.N. Benois, sketches by M.V. Dobuzhinsky, K.A. Korovina, S.M. Lifarya, A.M. Remizova.

RGALI houses a rich collection of works by V. E. Tatlin. The fate of Tatlin's works, like his own fate, was predetermined by a categorical rejection of his “formalist” art. After the artist’s death, his legacy was almost lost: paintings and drawings were left unattended in the studio. A friend of the artist, sculptor S.D. Lebedeva, saved the situation: she turned to archivists, and RGALI employees took away Tatlin’s works, thereby preserving them for posterity. Frame graphic works V. E. Tatlin in RGALI coincide in chronology with his pictorial heritage. The most valuable are two albums of sketches, mostly nudes, made in 1912-14. by the hand not only of the meter himself, but also of those who visited his workshop at that time - L. S. Popova, N. A. Udaltsova, A. A. Vesnin and other artists of Tatlin’s circle.

The early avant-garde in RGALI is still a whole layer of little-known or completely unknown works by E.G. Guro, K.M. Zdanevich, S.B. Nikritina, V.S. Barta, A.A. Morgunova.

The RGALI collection contains more than a hundred albums by one of the main figures of the poetic and artistic avant-garde, its collector and custodian - A. E. Kruchenykh. Easier to compose short list names that are not represented in this collection than to list the many artists, poets and writers who appear in one form or another in this uniquely comprehensive illustrated history of the artistic avant-garde. Therefore, albums are perceived not only as a historical document, but also as a unique artifact, as an independent work of art, where the historical document becomes an aesthetic value. No less representative in the archive is the era of the birth of constructivism in the early 1920s. It is enough to name a number of brilliant names. Among them is L.M. Lissitzky with his sketches for book covers, innovative photographs and unique graphic design; G.G. Klutsis and his poster designs, I.V. Klün with his small color compositions and sketches of book covers.

A special place is occupied by the legacy of the architect Ya.G. Chernikhov, consisting of many graphic creations of the second half of the 1920s. Repeating motifs on the themes of “architectural fantasies” and “machine forms”, Chernikhov achieved constructive and stylistic perfection of his compositions. The avant-garde works in the RGALI collection - from paintings to sketches - are striking in their diversity. And what is even more surprising - despite the randomness of the selection of names and the nature of the works - they illustrate the history of the avant-garde in Russia with sufficient completeness.

To date, RGALI has collected 483 museum memorial items that belonged to N.A. Berdyaev, V.A. Solovyov, A.M. Remizov, M.I. Tsvetaeva, I.G. Ehrenburg, A.G. Koonen, K.M. Simonov, K.A. Kedrov, M.M. Plisetskaya and others. Thus, in the M.I. Tsvetaeva keeps her casket made of pear wood, cornaline beads, a bamboo pen with a cap, a silver ring, a signet, a silver dish, a metal chain-necklace with pendants, a glass inkwell in a metal case. As part of the N.A. Foundation Berdyaev - a metal cigarette case, pince-nez, leather wallet and purse, two rings, a pocket mirror in a leather case, wooden handles, an Omega watch with a monogram. The entire interior of K.M.’s office was transferred to the archive. Simonova.

Documents from the editorial offices of numerous magazines and newspapers published in Russia between the 18th and early 20th centuries are preserved in the archives. Among them are such as “Russian Wealth”, “Sovremennik”, “Rech”, “Russian Vedomosti”, etc. Chmykhalo A.Yu. Archival file: manual / A.Yu. It snorted. - Tomsk: TPU, 2005. - P. 33-35.

The archive materials include collections and individual manuscripts foreign writers, public and statesmen: V. Hugo, A. Dumas, E. Zola, R. Rolland and others, contains autographs of Napoleon I, Voltaire, O. de Balzac, J. Sand, F. Liszt and others.

Many foundations have rich collections of graphic materials and photographs. From individual small acquisitions in the archive, special thematic collections of documents have been formed - albums, engravings, manuscripts, poems, letters, memoirs, diaries, photographs, folklore materials, as well as formal lists of artists (about 70 collections in total). In addition, a number of archive funds contain copies of documents received from foreign archives, including England, the USA, Czechoslovakia, France, and Yugoslavia.

In 1988-1993 Over 100 funds and parts of funds were declassified at RGALI. These are mainly documents of institutions, organizations and persons who were in exile or repressed in Soviet time. Among them are personal funds and documents of A.T. Averchenko, A. Bely, Z.N. Gippius, S.A. Yesenina, S.P. Melgunova, M.I. Tsvetaeva, the funds of the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines “Krasnaya Nov”, “At the Literary Post”, the Institute for the Study of Jewish History, Philosophy and Literature, Glavlit.


Russian State Archive of Literature and Art: history of origin and development

Characteristics of the archival collections of RGALI



The Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI) - “Archive of the Muses” - is the largest repository in Russia, which concentrates the richest materials on the history of Russian literature, music, theater, cinema, fine arts, and architecture.

The location of the archive is Moscow.

The RGALI archive contains documents characterizing various historical stages in the development of literature, art, and social thought both in Russia and in other countries of the world, dating from 1545 to the present.

The archive contains funds from central government bodies in the field of culture, theaters, film studios, specialized educational institutions, publishing houses, and public organizations; personal funds of writers, critics, artists, composers, theater and film workers, collections of documents.

The purpose of this work is to describe the history of the emergence and development of RGALI, as well as briefly characterize its archival funds.

The work consists of an introduction, two main chapters, a conclusion and a list of sources used.

1. Russian State Archive of Literature and Art: history of origin and development

The Russian State Archive of Literature and Art is a federal archive that is Russia's largest repository of documents on the history of literature, fine arts, music, theater and cinema.

The archive was created in 1941 as the Central State Literary Archive. He became a favorite and the subject of special care of the state. “Never before has any archival institution received such huge funds for the purchase of manuscripts, museum valuables and entire libraries from private individuals,” recalled Irakli Andronikov. “Never have autographs, diaries, notebooks, albums, suitcases with letters, drafts, documents, memories, drawings, portraits, books flowed into such a mighty stream into any museum.”

A significant part of the collection consisted of materials from the State Literary Museum, formed back in 1933. Funds from other repositories were also transferred here: the Central State Archive of the October Revolution (now part of the GARF), the Central State Archive of Ancient Acts (now RGADA), the State Historical Museum, Tretyakov Gallery, etc.

In 1954, TSLA was renamed the Central State Archive of Literature and Art (TSGALI USSR), in 1992 it received its current name - the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI).

The archive contains documents characterizing various historical stages in the development of literature, art, and social thought both in Russia and in other countries of the world. Chronological framework The collected documents cover three centuries - from the 18th century. to the present day, but the bulk of the materials date back to the 20th century. Selected documents dating back to 1545

RGALI documents contain information about cultural life countries, about the various stages of development of literature, art and social thought, about creative contacts between representatives of domestic and foreign culture.

Documents are stored in two main archives - funds of institutions and organizations, and funds of personal origin, which make up the bulk of archive funds. Among them are manuscripts and personal documents of outstanding cultural figures of Russia, the creative heritage of figures from the Russian diaspora; as well as documents of governing bodies, institutions and cultural organizations.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 2, 1997, RGALI was included, along with State Museum Fine Arts named after. Pushkin, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Military Historical Archive, the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, etc., to the State Code of Particularly Valuable Objects of the Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation and is responsible for the safety of the documents in storage and their proper use.

The vast majority of documents stored in RGALI are of historical and cultural value.

2. Characteristics of the archival collections of RGALI

archive literature art foundation

In its 3012 funds there are over 1 million 300 thousand storage units of the 18th-21st centuries, individual documents - the 14th, 16th, 17th centuries; institutional funds - 351 ff.; personal funds - FF 2677; microfilms - about 6,000,000 frames. 1 lb., microforms. Therefore, any list will be incomplete; we will name only a few.

The oldest source is the Easter Haggadah of the 14th century. - a handwritten book containing a description of the Passover Seder ritual and fragments of biblical texts, historical tales and prayers read in it in Hebrew, decorated with micrography of the 15th-16th centuries.

The main feature of the documentary base of RGALI is a unique information set in which the personal funds of writers, composers, artists, actors, directors and other outstanding artists (2664 funds) are combined with the variety of management documentation of the Institute of Cultural Management, creative unions, public organizations (348 funds) .

The archive contains numerous documents from government bodies in the field of culture of the Soviet period: the USSR Ministry of Culture, the Committee for Arts, the Committee for Cinematography, the Union of Architects (writers, composers) and other organizations.

Documents of state institutions and public organizations for the pre-revolutionary period are represented by funds, first of all, of public and cultural associations and societies, such as the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature (1811-1930), the Society for Benefits for Needy Writers and Scientists (Literary Fund, 1859-1922), as well as the funds of the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines “Russian Bulletin”, “Delo”, “Russian Wealth”, “Sovremennik”, etc.

Russian theatrical art is reflected in the funds of the Moscow office of the Imperial Theaters and the Russian Theater Society. Documents on the history of fine arts were deposited in the funds of the Moscow Society of Art Lovers, the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, and the Tretyakov Gallery.

The history of the development of culture and art of the Soviet period is captured in the funds of administrative bodies in the field of culture - the Committees for Arts under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (1936-1953) and the RSFSR (1938-1953), the Main Directorate for Fiction and Art of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR (Glaviskusstvo, 1925 -1928), the USSR Ministry of Culture and its departments (1953-1991), as well as sectoral governing bodies of certain types of art - the USSR Cinematography Committee, the Directorate of Art Exhibitions and Panoramas, the State Association of Musical, Variety and Circus Enterprises, etc.

Cultural, educational and literary and artistic non-governmental organizations in the field of literature are represented by the funds of Proletkult (1917-1932) and the All-Russian Society of Proletarian Writers “Forge” (1920-1932), the Union of Writers of the USSR (1932-1991) and its predecessors - literary associations and circles , literary publishing houses. Similar creative organizations are represented by the funds of the All-Russian Theater Society, the Union of Composers of the USSR (1934-1991) and the RSFSR (1957-1991), the Unions of Artists (1957-1991), Architects (1932-1991), and Cinematographers (1965-1991) of the USSR.

The archive stores numerous funds of scientific institutions in the field of art under the Ministry of the Imperial Court, such as the Academy of Arts (1757-1918), the Institute of Art History, as well as funds of specialized higher educational institutions: theater schools and the State Institute of Theater Arts (GITIS, since 1879). ), Moscow State Conservatory named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky and the Higher State Art and Technical Institute (VKHUTEIN, 1926-1930), the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK), etc. A significant part of the funds is represented by creative organizations, such as film studios, theaters, circuses, ensembles, choirs and orchestras, museums, permanent and traveling exhibitions, as well as publishing houses and editorial offices of magazines and newspapers.

The documentation of these institutions can be divided into three groups:

managerial, reflecting the administrative functions of the institution. Among the management documentation there are documents of a general nature - reports, certificates, reports to higher authorities;

by personnel, including information about the life and activities of creative workers. Personal files, as a rule, continue to be stored as part of the fund of a specific department or institution. RGALI receives personal files containing information about creative activity, which is reflected in questionnaires, autobiographies, personal documents;

directly creative, related to the creation of cultural values.

About half of them are literary materials; the other half comes from all other arts (theater, ballet, music, cinema, sculpture, architecture and visual arts).

The largest fund available in the archive, the family archive of three generations of the family of the Vyazemsky princes, the Vyazemsky princes, is the so-called “Ostafevsky archive” from the village of Ostafyevo, Moscow province, which includes a lot of documents on the history of literature of the first half of the 19th century. Documents from this collection allow us to get an idea of ​​many processes in Russian literature in the first half of the 19th century.

The archive contains a significant part of the creative heritage of F.M. Dostoevsky, I.A. Goncharova, N.A. Nekrasova, I.S. Turgeneva, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The dramaturgy of the 19th - early 20th centuries is reflected in the materials of A.N. Ostrovsky, A.V. Sukhovo-Kobylina, A.F. Pisemsky, A.P. Chekhov. A significant part of F.M.’s archive is of great value. Dostoevsky, containing his notebooks with early versions of the novels “Crime and Punishment”, “The Idiot”, “Teenager”; epistolary heritage of the writer.

The “Silver Age” of Russian literature is represented by the funds of A.A. Akhmatova, A.A. Blok, M.I. Tsvetaeva, L.N. Andreeva, I.A. Bunina, A.I. Kuprina. In the funds of S.A. Yesenina, V.V. Mayakovsky, O.E. Mandelstam, F.V. Gladkova, A.S. Grina, Yu.K. Oleshi, K.G. Paustovsky, B.L. Pasternak, Yu.N. Tynyanova, A.A. Fadeeva, I.P. Ehrenburg, and many other writers reflect the history of Soviet literature (XX century).

Documents on the history of Russian music are contained in the funds of P.I. Tchaikovsky, S.I. Taneyeva, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, S.S. Prokofieva, R.M. Gliera, V.Ya. Shebalina, D.B. Kabalevsky, N.Ya. Myaskovsky, I.O. Dunaevsky, D.D. Shostakovich, in the funds of the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky (2727 items), State Musical Pedagogical School named after. Gnessins (1280 items), the State Music Publishing House (4614 items), the magazine “Soviet Music” (2355 items), etc. Another feature of the RGALI collection is its museum component: the third part of the collection is fine art materials (paintings, graphics, photographs, etc.).

Russian theatrical art, its various directions and stages of development are reflected in the funds of actors and directors A.I. Yuzhina, V.E. Meyerhold, M.G. Savina, E.D. Turchaninova, A.A. Yablochkina, L.V. Sobinova, A.A. Gorsky, M.I. Petipa, as well as in the funds of the Moscow Office of the Imperial Theaters (10,280 items), the Society of Dramatic Writers and Composers (2,951 items), the Central House of Artists (6,630 items), and the Chamber Theater (1,129 items). .). The specificity of theatrical art, when the performance of each role, each production is a unique, inimitable creative act, gives especially great value for theatrical research and construction to such materials as director's copies of plays, sketches of scenery and costumes, photographs of actors in roles and scenes from performances.

The archive also has special collections dedicated to outstanding cultural figures whose personal funds are stored in other places (for example, the collections of A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy). Documents of personal origin of famous figures of literature and art can be found in numerous personal collections (D.I. Evarnitsky [Yavornitsky], F.F. Fidler, E.F. Tsippelzon, L.N. Rabinovich, Ya.N. Tarnopolsky, Yu. G. Oksman and others).

The traditional difference in the formation of museum and archival collections predetermined the nature of their collections: works of fine art are stored in museums, documentary heritage - in archives. However, real life is much richer than rules and schemes and, being imprinted in the personal archives of cultural and artistic figures, often violates these schemes and rules. That is why the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, along with handwritten and epistolary heritage, stores works of painting and graphics of the 19th and 20th centuries. Another reason for this apparent incident is that at one time archives served as a reliable shelter for the works of those artists who did not belong to “official art”, were not recognized by the authorities, or were simply destroyed by this authority.

The overwhelming number of such artists are representatives of the Russian avant-garde. It is their works that make up the significant majority of the “fine” collections of RGALI.

The circumstances under which paintings and graphic works ended up in archival storage are interesting and varied. They reflect Soviet history in their own way. Thus, during the formation of RGALI in the early 1940s, the core of the collection consisted of materials received from the State Literary Museum, including the funds of the publishing houses “Detgiz”, “Iskusstvo”, “Muzgiz”, etc., as well as the editorial offices of art magazines. At the same time, in 1941, part of the museum’s fund was received from the Literary Museum by V.V. Mayakovsky, including the poet’s drawings and stencils of the “Windows of Growth”. Documents from the State Tretyakov Gallery were transferred from the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, the State Art and Technical Workshops (Vkhutemas-Vkhutein), the Russian Academy of Art Sciences, the Moscow Society of Art Lovers, as well as various materials from artists A.G. Venetsianova, I.N. Kramskoy, I.K. Aivazovsky, I.S. Ostroukhova and others. Thus the foundation of the archive’s art collection was laid.

At the same time, personal funds of artists began to form in the archive - the most complete complex in which numerous works of art are stored: drawings and sketches, engravings and etchings, sketches and studies by V.M. Vasnetsova, I.E. Repina, V.K. Byalynitsky-Biruli, B.M. Kustodieva, M.V. Nesterova, S.Yu. Sudeikina, A.N. Benoit, M.V. Dobuzhinsky, N.K. Roerich, K.S. Petrova-Vodkina, E.G. Guro, M.V. Le Dantu, L.M. Lisitsky, V.E. Tatlin and others. The collection of posters was also replenished from personal funds - this part of the RGALI collection is unique in its completeness and numbers about one thousand two hundred posters, including over four hundred originals by V.V. Mayakovsky, V.V. Lebedeva, M.M. Cheremnykha, D.S. Moora, V.N. Denis, photomontages by L.M. Lisitsky, G.G. Klutsis, S.Ya. Senkina.

The collections of filmmakers are also rich in visual material - Ya.A. Protazanova, I.I. Mozzhukhina, V.I. Pudovkina, M.I. Romma, L.V. Kuleshova, Dz. Vertova, R.L. Carmena. RGALI stores more than five thousand drawings by S. M. Eisenstein.

In the 1960s, RGALI acquired the most valuable archive of Yu. P. Annenkov, which included forty original drawings - theatrical sketches, book covers, portrait sketches. In the same way, the already mentioned archives of E.G. were added to the funds. Guro, V.F. Khodasevich, K.S. Petrova-Vodkina, K.N. Redko, as well as A.A. Arapova, I.I. Nivinsky, P.N. Filonova, P.V. Kuznetsova and E.M. Bebutova.

A special place is occupied by the legacy of figures from the Russian diaspora, in the return of which a huge role on the part of official structures was played by I.S. Zilbershtein, a famous art critic and literary historian, a collector who devoted his life to the study and promotion of Russian culture, collecting its relics. As a result of his foreign trips, the collections were replenished with watercolors by A.N. Benois, sketches by M.V. Dobuzhinsky, K.A. Korovina, S.M. Lifarya, A.M. Remizova.

RGALI houses a rich collection of works by V. E. Tatlin. The fate of Tatlin's works, like his own fate, was predetermined by a categorical rejection of his “formalist” art. After the artist’s death, his legacy was almost lost: paintings and drawings were left unattended in the studio. A friend of the artist, sculptor S.D. Lebedeva, saved the situation: she turned to archivists, and RGALI employees took away Tatlin’s works, thereby preserving them for posterity. The corpus of graphic works of V. E. Tatlin in the Russian State Archive of Literature coincides chronologically with his pictorial heritage. The most valuable are two albums of sketches, mostly nudes, made in 1912-14. by the hand not only of the meter himself, but also of those who visited his workshop at that time - L. S. Popova, N. A. Udaltsova, A. A. Vesnin and other artists of Tatlin’s circle.

The early avant-garde in RGALI is still a whole layer of little-known or completely unknown works by E.G. Guro, K.M. Zdanevich, S.B. Nikritina, V.S. Barta, A.A. Morgunova.

The RGALI collection contains more than a hundred albums by one of the main figures of the poetic and artistic avant-garde, its collector and custodian - A. E. Kruchenykh. It is easier to make a short list of names that are not represented in this collection than to list the many artists, poets and writers who appear in one form or another in this uniquely comprehensive illustrated history of the artistic avant-garde. Therefore, albums are perceived not only as a historical document, but also as a kind of artifact, as an independent work of art, where the historical document becomes an aesthetic value. No less representative in the archive is the era of the birth of constructivism in the early 1920s. It is enough to name a number of brilliant names. Among them is L.M. Lissitzky with his sketches for book covers, innovative photographs and unique graphic design; G.G. Klutsis and his poster designs, I.V. Klün with his small color compositions and sketches of book covers.

A special place is occupied by the legacy of the architect Ya.G. Chernikhov, consisting of many graphic creations of the second half of the 1920s. Repeating motifs on the themes of “architectural fantasies” and “machine forms”, Chernikhov achieved constructive and stylistic perfection of his compositions. The avant-garde works in the RGALI collection - from paintings to sketches - are striking in their diversity. And what is even more surprising - despite the randomness of the selection of names and the nature of the works - they illustrate the history of the avant-garde in Russia with sufficient completeness.

To date, RGALI has collected 483 museum memorial items that belonged to N.A. Berdyaev, V.A. Solovyov, A.M. Remizov, M.I. Tsvetaeva, I.G. Ehrenburg, A.G. Koonen, K.M. Simonov, K.A. Kedrov, M.M. Plisetskaya and others. Thus, in the M.I. Tsvetaeva keeps her casket made of pear wood, cornaline beads, a bamboo pen with a cap, a silver ring, a signet, a silver dish, a metal chain-necklace with pendants, a glass inkwell in a metal case. As part of the N.A. Foundation Berdyaev - a metal cigarette case, pince-nez, leather wallet and purse, two rings, a pocket mirror in a leather case, wooden handles, an Omega watch with a monogram. The entire interior of K.M.’s office was transferred to the archive. Simonova.

Documents from the editorial offices of numerous magazines and newspapers published in Russia between the 18th and early 20th centuries are preserved in the archives. Among them are such as “Russian Wealth”, “Sovremennik”, “Rech”, “Russian Vedomosti”, etc.

The archive materials contain collections and individual manuscripts of foreign writers, public and government figures: V. Hugo, A. Dumas, E. Zola, R. Rolland and others, contain autographs of Napoleon I, Voltaire, O. de Balzac, J. Sand, F. Lista et al.

Many foundations have rich collections of graphic materials and photographs. From individual small acquisitions in the archive, special thematic collections of documents have been formed - albums, engravings, manuscripts, poems, letters, memoirs, diaries, photographs, folklore materials, as well as formal lists of artists (about 70 collections in total). In addition, a number of archive funds contain copies of documents received from foreign archives, including England, the USA, Czechoslovakia, France, and Yugoslavia.


Thus, at present, RGALI is Russia's largest repository of documents on the history of literature, social thought, music, theater, cinema, and fine arts. Founded in 1941, partly on the basis of the collection of the State Literary Museum - Goslitmuseum (GLM) - as the Central State Literary Archive of the USSR (TSGLA). The specialized funds from the Central State Historical Archive of the USSR, the State Historical Museum, the Central State Historical Archive, the State Tretyakov Gallery and other archives were also transferred here. In 1954 it was renamed the Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the USSR (TSGALI), and in June 1992 - to the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI). In April 1997, the archive was included in the State Code of Especially Valuable Objects of the Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation.

The archive contains documents from the 18th century. to the present day. The bulk of the archive's funds are the personal funds of cultural figures. The documentary array model includes 65% written sources and 35% visual. More than half are documents of personal origin: creative materials, correspondence, biographical documents, etc. The rest are management documentation, including documents on personnel. RGALI also deposited various sources on the history of Russian culture: works of painting and graphics, photographs, memorial objects and relics; information about the cultural life of the country, about the various stages of development of literature, art and social thought, creative contacts representatives of domestic and foreign culture.

The archive contains funds from central government bodies in the field of culture, theaters, film studios, specialized educational institutions, publishing houses, and public organizations; personal funds of writers, critics, artists, composers, theater and film workers, collections of documents.

List of sources used

1.Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI). [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: #"justify">2. Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary: In 3 volumes. Volume 3: P-Y. - M.: VLADOS, 2002. - 704 p.

.Federal Archival Service of Russia: Brief reference book. Russian State Archive of Literature and Art: Guide / Ed. E.V. Bronnikova, T.L. Latypova. - M.: ROSSPEN, 2010. - 695 p.

.Chmykhalo A.Yu. Archival work: manual / A.Yu. It snorted. - Tomsk: TPU, 2005. - 138 p.


(RGA Navy)

Saint Petersburg

1. History of creation.

The archival repository dates back to 1724, when, by an oral decree of Peter the Great, the archive of the State Admiralty Collegium was created. Since 1827 – Archive of the Maritime Ministry. In 1918, the archive documents became part of the EGAF USSR.

In 1925, the Marine Department of the Leningrad Branch of the Central Historical Archive (LOTSIA) was created. And in 1934, the department turned into the Maritime Historical Archive, which in 1937 became known as the Central State Naval Archive (TSGVMA).

In 1941, TsGVMA was renamed the Central State Archives Navy USSR (TsGAVMF USSR). In 1992, the archive underwent its final name change, becoming the Russian State Archive of the Navy.

2. Composition of funds.

The archive stores documents generated in the activities of the central institutions of the maritime department, departments of fleets and flotillas, formations, units and ships, naval educational institutions, military ports, shipbuilding enterprises, hydrographic and scientific expeditions, and figures of the Navy.

Total: 2875 funds, 927,663 cases;

29 funds, 266,456 units. hr. Photo documents.

Documents for the period: from 1550 to 1940.




1. History of creation.

In 1961, on the basis of documents on the history of the national economy of the USSR, allocated from the TsGAOR of the USSR, the Central State Archive of the National Economy of the USSR (TsGANKh USSR) was created.

In 1992 it was transformed into the Russian State Archive of Economics (RGEA).

2. Composition of funds.

The archive stores documents on the history of the economy and social development of Soviet society since 1917: funds of people's commissariats, ministries, state committees, main departments providing planning, financing, standardization, managing sectors of the national economy, as well as central bodies of the RSFSR with similar competence, which Before the formation of the USSR, they extended their activities to other Soviet republics.

The funds of production and economic organizations are concentrated here: trusts, associations directly subordinate to the central governing bodies of the USSR; funds of people in the national economy and science, as well as sets of documents on the personnel of all organizations - sources for completing the archive and nomenklatura workers in the economic sphere.

Total: 1955 funds, 3,520,521 cases;

5 funds, 279,767 units. hr. scientific and technical documentation

1046 units hr. photographic documents.

Documents for the period 1917 – 1993.

Russian State Archive

Literature and art



    History of creation.

The Central State Literary Archive of the USSR (TSGLA USSR) was created in 1941. It was based on the funds of the State Literary Museum (SLM), formed in 1933. Profile funds from the Central State Historical Museum of the USSR, the State Historical Museum (GIM), and the Central State Historical Archive were transferred to the Central State Literary Archive of the USSR. , State Tretyakov Gallery and other archives.

In 1954, the archive was renamed TsGALI of the USSR, and in 1992 - to RGALI.

In April 1997, the archive was included in the State Code of Especially Valuable Objects of the Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation.

    Composition of funds.

Archive documents characterize various stages the development of literature, art and social thought, creative relationships between representatives of domestic and foreign culture.

The archive contains funds from central government bodies in the field of culture, theaters, film studios, specialized educational institutions, publishing houses, and public organizations; personal funds of writers, critics, artists, composers, theater and film workers, collections of documents.

Total: 2871 funds, 1,078,777 cases for the period from XVIII to 1993.

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