Dostoevsky's house. Five memorial museums on the map of Russia

Museum-apartment F.M. Dostoevsky (Moscow) (branch of the State Literary Museum) is the first museum in the world by the time of its creation. Dostoevsky.

Organized in 1927-1928. venerable V.S. Nechaeva (the first director of the museum). The opening took place on November 11, 1928. In the 1940s it became part of the State Literary Museum.

Located in Moscow, in the left (northern) wing of the former Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, built in 1806 by I. Gilardi and A. Mikhailov according to the design of D. Quarenghi in the style of late Russian classicism, where Father F.M. served as a doctor. Dostoevsky - .

October 30 (November 11 new style) 1821 F.M. Dostoevsky was born in the right wing of the same hospital, in a government apartment occupied by the father of the future writer. In the apartment on Novaya Bozhedomka, which since 1954 bears his name, Fyodor spent the first fifteen years of his life, until May 1837, when he left for St. Petersburg, to the Engineering School. It is interesting that the premises were never rebuilt; the walls, stoves and ceilings were preserved as they were during the writer’s lifetime. The premises adjacent to the memorial apartment were reconstructed in 1979-1982.

The history of perpetuating the memory of Dostoevsky began with the works of the writer’s widow Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskaya, when a living connection with him was still felt. She admitted: “I don’t live in the twentieth century, I stayed in the 70s of the nineteenth. My people are Fyodor Mikhailovich’s friends, my society is a circle of people close to Dostoevsky. I live with them. Everyone who works to study the life or works of Dostoevsky seems like a dear person to me.”

In addition to editions of Dostoevsky's works, she collected over a thousand items related to her husband. The directorate of the Imperial Historical Museum in Moscow invited her to place the collection in one of the towers of the Historical Museum building. This was how the foundation of the “Museum in Memory of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky” was laid. Historical Museum. However, not located in a memorial space and not intended for viewing by the general public, this collection could not become a museum in the strict sense of the word. It became a memorial apartment in one of the side wings of the former Mariinsky Hospital for the poor, in which children's and adolescence writer.

The materials for the creation of the museum were received from the descendants of the writer - A.A. Dostoevsky, M.V. Savostyanova, A.M. Lenina personal belongings of the Dostoevsky family and his relatives: books, paintings, household items, etc. Some of the furniture that belonged to the writer’s parents came from the Dostoevskys’ house in the village of Darovoye.

The interiors of the apartment were recreated according to the memoirs of Andrei Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, the younger brother of the great writer, who left detailed description events and furnishings of the parental apartment, including drawings and diagrams: “... our father, already a family man, who at that time had 4-5 children, using the rank of headquarters officer, occupied an apartment consisting, in fact, of two clean rooms, except for the front room and kitchen. When entering from the cold entryway, as is usually the case, the entrance hall was located in one window (on the clean courtyard). In the rear part of this rather deep antechamber, a semi-dark room for the nursery was separated with the help of a plank carpentry partition that did not reach the ceiling. Next came the hall, a fairly spacious room with two windows onto the street and three onto a clean courtyard. Then there was a living room with two windows facing the street, from which a semi-light room for the parents’ bedroom was also separated by a wooden plank partition. That's the whole apartment! Subsequently, already in the 30s, when the parents’ family grew even larger, another room with three windows to the backyard was added to this apartment<...>The kitchen, quite large, was located separately, across the cold, clean entryway.<...>The furnishings of the apartment were also very modest: the hallway and the nursery were painted with dark pearl-colored glue paint; the hall is in canary yellow, and the living room and bedroom are in dark cobalt. Paper wallpaper was not yet in use at that time. The three Dutch ovens were enormous in size and made of so-called strip tiles (with blue borders). The furnishings were also very simple. There were two card tables in the hall (between the windows)<...>. Next there was a dining table in the middle of the hall and a dozen and a half chairs of birch wood under a light varnish and with soft pillows made of green morocco (there was no oilcloth for upholstery at that time. Furniture was upholstered either with morocco or hair cloth). The living room contained a sofa, several armchairs, a mother's toilet, a wardrobe and a bookcase.<...>There were, of course, no curtains on the windows or curtains on the doors; On the windows there were simple white calico curtains without any decorations..."

The museum exhibition also includes a hospital corridor, in which Dostoevsky’s writing pen, symbolizing the future fate of the writer, is displayed.

Among the memorial items on display are an oval pre-sofa table, a bookcase, portraits of parents and ancestors, bronze candelabra from the collection of A.M. Dostoevsky.

In addition to the memorial apartment, the museum has a lecture and exhibition hall and an exhibition “The World of Dostoevsky” that gives an idea of ​​the writer’s work. Here you can see a sofa purchased by Dostoevsky in 1866 during his stay in Moscow, an ink set, glasses, Business Cards writer, a box with cigarette sleeves, a copy of a bookcase made to order by A.G. Dostoevskaya for the “Museum of Memory of F.M. Dostoevsky" in 1913, a desk from the writer's last apartment, transported from St. Petersburg, at which individual chapters of the novel and.

Sightseeing tours by exposure

Lectures: “F.M. Dostoevsky is the son of a doctor”, “I came from a Russian and pious family”, “Dostoevsky and the genius loci of Moscow”, “Raskolnikov’s crime”, “Dostoevsky’s novels”, “The image of man in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky."

The work of F. M. Dostoevsky, who spent most of his hectic life spent in St. Petersburg, is known and appreciated by the whole world. And born and raised great writer in Moscow. An apartment-museum of Dostoevsky was created there in 1928. About Us high degree authentically recreates the environment in which little Fedya lived with his parents and brothers.

Where is the museum

On the street Dostoevsky, 2, there is a museum-apartment of Dostoevsky, the address of which we have already indicated. IN pre-revolutionary Russia here stood for the poor, which was founded by the wife of the late Paul I. The austere classical stone building with a colonnade was built by I. Gilardi and A. Mikhailov in 1806 according to the design of D. Quarenghi.

These days the hospital has changed its purpose somewhat. True, it remained a medical institution that housed and Russian society phthisiatricians. Novaya Bozhedomka Street, as Dostoevsky Street was called until 1954, is located in the very center.

What young Fedor saw from childhood

New Bozhedomka in the 19th century was not a prestigious place. It was a rather provincial area outside of God's house where they brought suddenly dead people found on the street, those killed in fights or robbery, as well as suicides. Beggars or very poor patients flocked to such charitable institutions, and long queues formed. For the Dostoevsky brothers, this was a familiar picture. Contrary to the prohibitions of their parents, they communicated with the naked one. In the hospital yard of Bozhedomka, poor, “humiliated and insulted” people began to enter the life of young Fyodor. He was especially shocked in his adolescence by the story of a raped girl. This real episode from life entered his work as a motif of a desecrated and desecrated childhood, trampled into the dirt. So from an early age Fyodor Mikhailovich learned compassion.

How the museum began

After the death of Fyodor Mikhailovich in 1881, his widow Anna Grigorievna began to actively collect all the manuscripts, books, letters, photographs, and personal belongings. More than a thousand exhibits were placed in storage in 1889. This was the Museum in Memory of F. M. Dostoevsky. However, he failed to attract the attention of the general public, since he existed in isolation from the memorial space. During the revolutionary storms, many documents were lost. Thus, it is still unknown where the white and draft manuscripts of the novel “The Brothers Karamazov” are located. So that everyone could see the place where the future writer spent his childhood and adolescence, it was decided to create an apartment-museum of Dostoevsky, and it was opened in Moscow in 1928.


Former military doctor Mikhail Andreevich, the father of a large family in the future, worked as a doctor at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor.

In the meantime, in 1821, when the family occupied a small room in the right wing, the second son, Fedenka, was born. Two years later, the whole family moves to the first floor of the left, northern wing, where Dostoevsky’s apartment-museum is now located. They were allotted only two rooms, a kitchen and a hallway. There are two more rooms, but their purpose is unknown.

Where does the inspection begin?

First of all, the visitor encounters the first mention of Fyodor Dostoevsky, reading the entry in the “Book of the Baptized and Inveterate in the Hospital Church of Peter and Paul.” The baby's name is adjacent to those who lay and died in the hospital: a soldier, a retired captain, the wife of a monastery minister, a released servant.

What conditions did the family live in?

The everyday side was carefully described by Fyodor Mikhailovich’s younger brother, which made it possible to restore a simple and modest home environment in the Dostoevsky Museum in Moscow. The hallway leads into the dining room, or "working room", the walls of which were painted yellow, and the windows overlook the hospital courtyard and Bozhedomka.

It contains armchairs, an oval table, card tables, a sofa, and a wall cabinet made of mahogany - a discreet Empire style that allowed one to maintain noble dignity. A family with seven children was gathering at the dinner table. On the walls there are images that date back to the beginning of the nineteenth century and are associated with memories of visiting the Kremlin and the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. And in the evenings, fairy tales from nanny Alena Frolovna were heard in this room. Fyodor Mikhailovich recalled that already at the age of three he himself tried to compose intricate and scary stories.

Behind the plank partition

The children's room was separated from the hallway by a wooden partition. There were two chests in it, on which Mikhail and Fedor slept. The room was a bit dark. It is preserved in the Dostoevsky Museum in Moscow.

Start of the exercise

On the card table lies the Bible, open to the Book of Job, published in 1815. All the Old Testament stories were read to the children by their beloved mother Maria Fedorovna, who came from a merchant environment and grew up in Borovsk. She was her children's first teacher.

The first textbook for all children was “The One Hundred and Four Sacred Stories.” Fyodor Mikhailovich never parted with a copy of this book and cherished it all his life like a shrine. There are also a few children's toys that the children played with under the supervision of their mother, who was doing needlework. This is what one of the two rooms in the Dostoevsky museum apartment looks like.

Living room

This room is connected to the dining room. She played an important role in the family. It is also very significant for the museum-apartment of F. M. Dostoevsky in Moscow. It contains all the original things that Fyodor Mikhailovich touched.

In the living room there is a sofa, in front of which there is an oval table on a small carpet. There are armchairs around it, as well as a bookcase, and a table with a guitar in the corner. Having learned to read, the children freely chose the books they liked. After lunch, everything in the apartment was quiet so as not to disturb the sleep of my father, who was resting on the sofa when his work day at the hospital was over. Having rested, the father continued his work in the evening: he wrote patient histories and prescribed medications. At this time, no one bothered him with loud conversations or noise either. When their mother’s unmarried brother came to their house, he picked up a guitar. Maria Fedorovna played along with her brother on the second instrument.

They sang Russian songs and romances. The family also really loved it when everyone gathered at the table in the evening and read aloud the novels, poetry and prose of A. Pushkin, and Karamzin’s “History”.

Now the museum-apartment of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky strives to convey all the moments of the formation of the writer’s personality, therefore, in addition to everyday objects, emphasis is placed on the spiritual life of the writer. The desk at which he wrote the chapters of The Brothers Karamazov, his personal ink set, his glasses and business cards were transported from St. Petersburg to Moscow. There are also illustrations for his works and authentic photographs of the writer’s family members. The museum, located on Dostoevsky Street, gladly welcomes everyone who is interested in the work of the genius, and conducts not only excursions, but also themed evenings.

Dostoevsky Apartment Museum in Moscow (Moscow, Russia) - exhibitions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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The museum is located in the northern wing of the ensemble of the former Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, built in 1806 by I. Gilardi and A. Mikhailov in the style of late Russian classicism according to the design of D. Quarenghi and is a cultural monument. The hospital wing was intended for various services and government apartments for hospital employees. The family of the doctor M.A. Dostoevsky, the father of the future writer, occupied a small apartment of two rooms on the ground floor, which was later expanded. F. M. Dostoevsky, born in the opposite wing, lived in this apartment from 1823 to 1837. He left for St. Petersburg when he was not 16 years old.

In 1983, according to “Memoirs” and the plan of the youngest of the Dostoevsky brothers, the layout of the outbuilding was restored.

The writer’s childhood apartment on Bozhedomka was never rebuilt. The museum was opened in 1928 based on the collection of A. G. Dostoevskaya. And in 1940 it became part of the State Literary Museum. The first exhibitions were of a historical and literary nature.

The exhibition partially uses memorial furniture and other rarities - portraits of F. M. Dostoevsky’s parents, immediate ancestors and relatives, bronze candelabra (from the collection of A. M. Dostoevsky), the first book in Dostoevsky’s life “One Hundred and Four Selected Stories of the Old and New Testaments” and much more. The memorial exhibition also includes a hospital corridor in which Dostoevsky’s pen is displayed, symbolizing his future writer's destiny. Outside the walls of the memorial apartment, the museum has a lecture and exhibition hall and an exhibition “The World of Dostoevsky”, which gives an idea of ​​the writer’s work. Here you can see Dostoevsky’s St. Petersburg desk, at which individual chapters of the novel “The Brothers Karamazov” and “The Diary of a Writer” were written.

Fyodor Dostoevsky visited many cities in Russia - in some he lived for a long time, in others he stayed, rented a dacha, or was, in his words, “boarded up alive” during hard labor. We present a selection of five memorial museums Dostoevsky.

Museum-apartment of Fyodor Dostoevsky

Fyodor Dostoevsky was born in a small Moscow apartment at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor - his father served as a staff doctor here. The future writer lived in this house until he was 16 years old; his early memories were connected with Moscow - family holidays, the first books he read and trips to the theater. Dostoevsky wrote: “Without the holy and precious, carried away into life from the memories of childhood, a person cannot live.” In 1837, Fyodor Dostoevsky and his older brother Mikhail left for St. Petersburg to prepare for admission to the Engineering School. But even then they dreamed of devoting their lives to literature.

The former hospital premises were never rebuilt. The layout of the apartment in which Dostoevsky was born has been preserved as it was during the writer’s lifetime. The ancient interior has been restored here; the rooms contain original belongings of the Dostoevsky family: furniture, portraits of the writer’s parents and his other relatives, business cards of Fyodor Dostoevsky and his ink set. The memorial apartment contains a Gospel - it was given to the writer in 1850 by the wives of the Decembrists.

Omsk State Literary Museum named after Dostoevsky

In 1849, Fyodor Dostoevsky was arrested in the Petrashevsky case. He was sentenced to death, but before execution the Petrashevites had their sentence commuted and replaced death penalty hard labor. Omsk exile became for Dostoevsky ordeal- not only physical, but also moral. The rest of the prisoners belonged to the writer noble origin hostile, it was forbidden to correspond with relatives, or to keep diaries. Dostoevsky pondered future novels and secretly wrote notes in the Siberian Notebook. Impressions of the prison later appeared in his “Notes from House of the Dead».

The Omsk Dostoevsky Museum opened in 1983 in former house commandants of the fortress. In 1859, the writer was here visiting the last commandant, Alexei de Grave. Its exhibition tells about the life of the writer in the Omsk prison. In one of the halls, a prison cell with bunks, shackles, uniforms and prison household items was recreated. The museum houses the first edition of “Notes from the House of the Dead”, issues of the magazines “Russian Messenger”, “Notes of the Fatherland” and “Time” with the first publications of Dostoevsky’s novels.

Literary and Memorial Museum of Dostoevsky in Novokuznetsk

After four years of hard labor, Fyodor Dostoevsky was sent to serve as a private in Semipalatinsk. Here the writer had an affair with the wife of a local official, Maria Isaeva. Later family moved to Kuznetsk (today Novokuznetsk), and a few years later Isaeva’s husband became seriously ill and died. Dostoevsky came to Kuznetsk several times - here Isaeva rented a one-story house where they could see each other. In 1857, the couple got married in the Odigitrievskaya Church in Kuznetsk.

The Literary and Memorial Museum of Dostoevsky opened in Novokuznetsk in 1980. On the log house first half of the 19th century century there is a memorial plaque: “The writer F.M. lived here in 1857. Dostoevsky." The literary exposition is based on the “Kuznetsk love drama" writer. All five halls tell about it: “Road”, “Kuznetsky Piglet”, “Mordasovsky Salon”, “Triangle” and “Wedding”. The museum stores documents and photographs, antique furniture, dishes and icons.

House-Museum of Fyodor Dostoevsky in Staraya Russa

The provincial town from The Brothers Karamazov is in many ways reminiscent of Staraya Russa, the city where Fyodor Dostoevsky’s family rented a dacha. Later, the writer bought his own house here. Since 1872, Dostoevsky came here every summer with his second wife Anna and children. The couple called the wooden two-story building on the banks of the Pererytitsa River “our nest.” In Staraya Russa, Dostoevsky worked on the novels The Demons, The Teenager and The Brothers Karamazov; here he wrote the famous speech that he delivered in Moscow at the opening of the monument to Pushkin.

The first museum in the writer’s house was opened by his wife in 1883. Several times it closed and started working again. In the modern memorial house-museum, the furnishings of the 19th century have been restored based on drawings and sketches. Among the original exhibits are programs for family performances, a bureau at which Anna Grigorievna took shorthand notes and transcribed her husband’s notes. Fyodor Dostoevsky's harmonium is kept here, and in the hallway his gloves and black satin top hat lie in front of the mirror.

Literary and Memorial Museum of Fyodor Dostoevsky

Among Dostoevsky's St. Petersburg addresses, Kuznechny Lane occupies a special place - the writer rented an apartment in one of its houses twice. Fyodor Dostoevsky lived here in the early writing career, while working on the story “The Double”, here he spent last years life and completed the novel “The Brothers Karamazov”.

The Dostoevsky Museum in Kuznechny Lane opened in 1971. The central exposition of the museum is the writer's memorial apartment. In the living room and dining room, nursery and bedroom, the interiors were recreated according to archival plans, memories of the writer’s wife and his contemporaries. In Dostoevsky’s office you can see his desk; a pen with a feather, a medicine box and the writer’s wallet are kept here. In the cabinets there are books from the writer’s personal library, in the corner of the office there is an icon in a silver frame “ Mother of God Joy to all who mourn."

Every year the museum participates in the Dostoevsky Day holiday. Performances and exhibitions take place here, and guides organize walks along the “Streets of Dostoevsky” for everyone.

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