The principles of education Makarenko briefly. About labor education. Trust, sufficiency of resources

Everyone knows that Raising children is the most important area of ​​our life and our future. Today in Russia there is an acute issue of raising children. This is directly related to the "spiritual crisis" that we are witnessing. Traditions, moral norms and qualities were passed down from generation to generation. Education has been and remains the most urgent task of our time.

It also provides for the prohibition against harming others. Primary castration is the discovery, about three years old, of a difference between the sexes that signals the "entry into Oedipus". It is preceded and prepared by the mirror experience so valuable by Jacques Lacan, when the child loses the illusion of his/her/her merging with the mother and identifies him as pregnant in his own image, as soon as he could recognize himself in the mirror, appreciated by the word, although at first he was surprised, but advanced to be a man among others, becoming a man or a woman.

He appears as an object, that is, no longer a merger with his mother, his first “no”. The secondary castration in the dolto corresponds to the oedipal castration given by the father as if he had announced to the child. It is impossible forever for a son to love his mother because the other person loves him. Your sisters are as sexually forbidden to you as your mother is.

Problem moral education was relevant at all times. So, in Soviet period development of our country, many teachers of that time, such as N.K. Krupskaya, S.T. Shatsky, A.V. Lunacharsky, A.S. Makarenko, developing the principles of socialist pedagogy, drew Special attention on the relationship between teacher and pupils. They argued that education should be based on deep companionship, on love and respect for children. The above teachers developed educational methods that were very effective at one time - they gave good positive results, these methods and techniques were in demand and time-tested.

The girl also undergoes oedipal castration, but otherwise. She begins by wanting to marry her mother before changing objects and wanting to seduce her father. Serge Tribolet summarizes the Oedipal problems. Parents, especially one of them, are perceived by the child as objects of desire. This difference is felt differently in a boy or a girl: presence against the background of absence or absence against the background of presence, and the difference is attributed to a fantasy scene with contraction of the penis in a girl or the possibility of contraction in a boy, while Freud finds an acc of the Oedipus complex at the age of three to five years old, Françoise Dolto finds him later, especially his permission.

The famous teacher A.S. Makarenko developed the methodology and principles of education in the team and work. Upbringing younger generation in the spirit of collectivism has always been a difficult task. The main idea of ​​A.S. Makarenko was the education of children in the team and through the team, thanks to the collective influence. In his concept a team is an association of people to achieve common goals in common work; an association that is distinguished by a certain system of powers and responsibilities, a certain correlation and interdependence of its individual parts. The works of A.S. Makarenko of that period contain an understanding of the need to implement the idea of ​​combining education and upbringing with labor, as well as the development of abilities and talents of each emerging personality.

The entry into Oedipus corresponds to the discovery of the difference between the sexes. A boy discovers his penis at age two and then discovers at age three that girls don't have one. This recognition of the prohibition of incest signals the resolution of the Oedipus complex. For a girl, the desire to identify herself with her mother makes her desire a child from her father. When she no longer attempts to break the prohibition against incest, the oedipal resolution will be completed on the fantastical plane. This law of the prohibition of incest governs the laws of sexuality, it is the oedipal castration, which corresponds to the restructuring of the libido and the birth of genital desire.

Another, also quite important type of educational methodology of A.S. Makarenko is raising children in the family. A.S. Makarenko contributed huge contribution in the development of this labor method of education and professionally covered all problematic sides family education. The main condition of family education A.S. Makarenko considered the presence complete family, as the first consistently strong team where one or both parents are an authority for their children. They identified several types of parental authority:

All these phases find their basis in the order of fantasy. This oedipal fantasy about the prohibition of incest plays an important role in the mental life of every person. At about 7-8 years old, the so-called latent period begins, which lasts up to 9-11 years. This is the time of the first years school life, where many of the problems are rooted in a poorly resolved Oedipus. Jean-Claude Lyaudet illustrates.

The word "read", says Françoise Dolto, can become a taboo! Therefore, the oedipal age is fundamental to the future of everyone. Leaving Oedipus, integrating the prohibition against incest and leading to a dissociation between genital desire and love for parents, the child truly enters Humanity. The internalization of family laws is followed by the study of social laws.

  • oppressive authority. This is the most scary view authority. Fathers suffer the most from this authority. Children are usually downtrodden, weak-willed;
  • distance authority. Parents give the child as little time as possible;
  • the authority of pedantry. In this case, the opposite is true. Parents are overprotective of their children;
  • love authority or "false" authority. Parents are ready to make many concessions, if only their children would obey them;
  • the authority of kindness. In this case, children's obedience is also organized through children's love by the stability, gentleness and kindness of the parents.

The activities of the great teacher A.S. Makarenko did not go unnoticed. Children, by chance, who managed to get acquainted with his methods of teaching and educating A.S. Makarenko, found their place both in the peer group and in life. Some parents were not against raising their children with the methods developed by A.S. Makarenko.

The central concept of Dolto's theory, deriving from his clinical practice with neurotic children, is also the title of his main theoretical work"Unconscious Body Image". Body image should not be confused with body schema. It is "the medium, the bridge of interpersonal communication." The unconscious body image is the unconscious core of the subject's personality forever. "We communicate from the unconscious to the unconscious, although there is a language that, encoded and conscious, prevents us from saying everything, and others from hearing everything, from what we express."

A.S. Makarenko enriched pedagogy with valuable pedagogical ideas, methods and techniques, he developed his own unique communitarian method of working with difficult children and adolescents, homeless children. A creative teacher - A.S. Makarenko gave a new interpretation to a number of pedagogical issues and analyzed in detail the problems that had been put forward earlier, but not sufficiently developed before him in Soviet pedagogy.

An example illustrating the power of the unconscious body image is the case of Frederick, a child abandoned after his birth by his parents, collected in a nursery and taken in at the age of eleven months. At the age of seven, he went to the Dolto Clinic for psychotic symptoms. At school, he refused to learn to read and write. During consultations, the adoptive mother discovered that he had previously had the name Armand, which was changed to Frederick when he was adopted.

During the treatment, Dolto's idea calls him "Armand". Therefore, Frederick was able to overcome difficulties in reading and writing. This predominance of the most archaic phonemes, of which the first name is a typical example, shows that body image is a structural trace of a person's emotional history. This is the unconscious place from which any expression of the subject is developed: the place of emission and perception of interhuman linguistic emotions.

The experience of A.S. Makarenko in working with difficult teenagers and homeless children is a unique pedagogical legacy of the Soviet era, which, we believe, should not be forgotten. Best Experience leading domestic teachers should be transferred to a new generation of teachers. Experience and pedagogical ideas A.S. Makarenko can and should be rethought and mastered by the younger generation of teachers and educators.

In short, the unconscious image of the body is neither body nor mind. Interference between a person and his body - the place where they intersect - is the structural and symbolic substratum of the emotional history of each person, the heir to the unconscious transcendent memory. Indeed, it seems that children have a memory of the time before birth and that human experience is passed down from generation to generation, explaining the family neurosis. According to Gerard Guillero, the theory of unconscious body image "is the only one that can claim to be a coherent and concrete theory of child psychoanalysis."


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The human subject causes recognition. He is the subject of desire that "exists as an object recognized by others as individuated by the boundaries of the skin of his body." As Dolto noted, "because, endowed with a symbolic function, a person learns the code of his attitude towards another, loves himself, because he is loved by others." Especially the mother, who assures her a certain narcissism as "the similarity of being, known and recognizable, becoming for everyone in the genius of her sex", from pregnancy to death.

To speak to a child means to recognize him as a subject in the process of creation. It's about not about "baby talk" which is "non-communication", but about speaking normally and authentically. The tribolet emphasizes the range of recognition of true speech. To tell the truth is to acknowledge the child as a subject, to talk to him as to himself, to respect him as a man or woman in the making.

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Telling the truth does not mean that everything should be told or shown to the child. The child is a being of speech from the life of the fetus. It's never too early to "tell the truth". If the child is "in the desire of the parents", he is also a desiring being, he has own wish.

Most importantly, this word should be addressed to a child whose status is recognized as a person. It's not so much about talking to kids, it's about telling them the truth. According to Dolto, let's look at the recognition issues that cross education.

Educational Recognition

Sigmund Freud, in the sixth of which, referring to the application of psychoanalysis to pedagogy, to the education of the next generation, she said, of all the subjects studied by psychoanalysis, which we think has highest value given the magnificent prospects it offers for the future. It is appropriate to recall here the diagnosis made by Freud during questions of education.

An experience pedagogical activity A. S. Makarenko (1888–1939) is widely known throughout the world for the re-education of juvenile delinquents.

In 1920, A. S. Makarenko was invited to head a colony for juvenile delinquents, which radically changed his life. Already in the first years of the colony, he develops the principles of relations between pupils and teachers:

Therefore, education should hinder, forbid, suppress, and this is what it has always been widely used. It is best that the teacher himself was analyzed, because without personal experience it is impossible to assimilate the analysis. Freud did not think that education should "take sides", but believed that "the number of revolutionary factors contained in psychoanalysis is already large enough to be sure that the child it forms will not rank, later on the side of reaction or oppression".

She later explained: Physician: This can also mean that the physician must correct educational errors that may do more harm than good. He sought to convey "the novelty which psychoanalysis brought forth as the idea of ​​the preventive education of the loss of the energy of the heart and the intellect", the preventive education of neuroses and psychoses. What ultimately gives meaning to the work of those who, like me, are constantly confronted with human suffering, is an opportunity to put everything they have understood, thanks to these suffering beings, educators and, through them, children's services.

1) equality of rights and obligations of educators and pupils;

2) a clear organization of labor;

3) the role of public opinion represented by the council of commanders and the general meeting;

4) a clear list of serious misconduct: laziness, deviation from hard work, insulting a friend, violating the interests of the team.

However, not all officials liked the activities of A.S. Makarenko. In 1928, he was removed from the post of head of the colony, went to work in the NKVD, and soon accepted the commune named after. F. E. Dzerzhinsky.

Education, according to Dolto, is a matter of humanizing the child who returns to learning autonomy. To become autonomous is the humanization of the child. AT little man there is an impossibility to be autonomous. It is a partial object of an adult, both for his body and for life. To survive, it must be partially represented. The child obeys the rhythm of the adult, but he has his own life force, his own desire, and as soon as possible he must be able to recognize it.

You know that the child begins to exist independently by saying "no" to the caregiver. The autonomy of a child who lived in safety "is the conquest of a sense of freedom, an inherent sense of being human." But to respect the freedom of the child - to offer him models and leave him the ability not to imitate them. The child can only create himself by saying "No", an attitude of opposition that occurs during the second year. He learns that there are prohibitions necessary to protect him from certain dangers that are temporary.

The concept of social education of A. S. Makarenko is based on the formation of personality in new social conditions. He believed that in the conditions of a labor colony it was possible to educate a new person, a Soviet citizen, a collectivist.

A. S. Makarenko carried out his pedagogical work in the conditions of the formation of the Soviet state, therefore, in many respects it was politicized. The teacher actively emphasized that only communist education is able to resist philistinism and the vices of education, it is "general and unified, it will enable each individual to develop his inclinations and abilities." As methods of communist education, he singled out public opinion, competition, encouragement, punishment, system of perspective lines.

As a general rule, take as few initiatives as possible from minors, except for a real danger to them or financial impossibility. Obedience should be felt by your child as an assurance of security in his actions and harmony in his life as truly desirable.

To do this, let's give very few orders, and they are not mandatory for immediate work. The pace of execution is not fast with the child, he must have recognized your order as an offer. There are ways to demand obedience that make it psychologically impossible for a child.

Nevertheless, it cannot be argued that his pedagogy humiliated the personality, it only assumed individual development individuals in a group setting. The principle of collectivist pedagogy formulated by him is as follows: "As much respect for a person as possible, as much demand on him as possible."

A. S. Makarenko paid great attention to the education of conscious discipline, which is possible in the unity of the team and discipline.

The social life of people means control of desires according to the Fa, the same for everyone, the Law of the prohibition of incest. It is also about "the fight against the sociable instinct, easily accessible to man, the tribal mammal, as well as to educate his civil and social meaning, the adoption of the Rules, which does not prohibit his criticism. If necessary, children should "become their parents' teachers" if they are dealing with parents who are not autonomous.

Children's learning of autonomy implies responsibility. According to Dolto, on the one hand: It is important to awaken them to the responsibility of themselves. This is very important point between reproduction and education. On the other hand: "Each person is responsible for all", without which a person is an "incomplete being". Best Resources for the study of autonomy and responsibility is the ethics of communication and the example of teachers.

Yu. V. Vasilkova and T. A. Vasilkova highlight the ideas of A. S. Makarenko that are relevant for the modern social pedagogue:

1) the ability to create children's team, united by reasonable, creative, productive labor;

2) creation of children's self-government, various forms which were a school for every pupil;

3) creation of special relations between pupils and educators;

4) wide circle methods in team building.

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