What life situations show courage?

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Why is courage needed?

Why is courage needed?

Mastering your own fears and developing courage are necessary conditions for happy successful life. If you deliberately work on yourself in this direction, you will eventually reach a point where your fears lose all power over you. They will no longer influence you and the decisions you make.

You will set bold, inspiring goals for yourself and go towards them, knowing for sure that you will be able to achieve them. You will calmly and confidently overcome any problems and obstacles in your path. And nothing can stop you.

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Are you familiar with the situation when you missed a good chance just because you were unable to make a decision quickly due to timidity? Then have you more than once remembered the missed opportunity and reproached yourself for your indecisiveness? Everyone knows the feeling of annoyance, and it seems that if you had been a little more courageous at that moment, your whole life could have turned out differently.

This is probably an exaggeration, but we will no longer be able to know for sure - time has been lost. We could forgive ourselves if that was the only case, but we again become numb at the moment when courage is needed. A psychologist will help you find out the reasons for this reaction, but we can only give a few tips that will soften the feeling of fear in everyday situations. We hope your life changes for the better along with small personal victories.

What is courage and why is it needed?

In general, courage can be defined as a complex of the following qualities:

  • The ability to soberly assess a situation and manage emotions.
  • Inner strength. A brave person does not seek to assert himself, because he is confident in his abilities and calm.
  • The ability to take responsibility. Only brave people have the determination to manage states or large groups.
  • Willingness to defend your interests. A brave person without hesitation undertakes to defend his loved ones, country or his life’s work.
  • Ability to make decisions. Fear is familiar to every person, but the brave know how to act, neglecting imaginary dangers.

Fear is a strong and necessary emotion. Thanks to controlled fear, we avoid real dangers, but imaginary threats fetter the will and do not allow us to express ourselves. best qualities. There are many times more fictional fears than real ones. People are afraid of the dark, mice, insects, closed spaces, communication with strangers... These restrictions often interfere with a full life and shape character, which, as we know, becomes destiny. We must learn to separate real dangers from imaginary ones, and overcome the latter.

Can you imagine how much more interesting life is for daredevils who don’t even think of being afraid of drafts, sidelong glances and judgment from strangers? Courage is inner freedom and the joy of being yourself. You probably shouldn’t expect reckless actions from a naturally shy person, but everyone can free themselves from crippling fear.

Learn to trust yourself

Main driving motive must be your beliefs and desires. Often people deliberately choose a weak position in order to attribute their failures to enemies or external circumstances. Some people find it convenient to relax, mope and let everything take its course, give up and not be responsible for own life. It is much more difficult to set goals, cast aside indecision and achieve what you want, relying not on luck, but on your own strength. To learn to rationally evaluate your actions and get rid of unnecessary doubts, you need to work on yourself.

Don't let others dictate your behavior and manipulate you. Listen to your feelings before making a decision. Indecision in many cases is the result of overprotectiveness of relatives and fear of not fitting into the generally accepted framework. Fear of condemnation leads a person to resign himself to the position of a weak and unadapted person. Getting out of this circle is not easy, but it is necessary to do it - give up stereotypes. Get out of your comfort zone and start determining the direction of your life yourself.

“Not an inch of land!”

An effective method for developing courage. Imagine that your problems are strategic points that you must conquer. Consider even small tasks as fortresses, and storm them without fear. For example, refuse to fulfill someone's request if it is unpleasant or inconvenient for you.

Or maybe you don’t dare to achieve what you want because you are convinced that you won’t succeed anyway? Analyze why you underestimate yourself, what makes you accept only what comes into your hands? Why do many people not even slow down before solving problems that you consider insoluble? It is unlikely that you will find sufficient justification for passivity. Just because you close your eyes, your problems do not disappear. Open your eyes - and act! You will see that the most difficult thing is to force yourself to take the first step.

Don't be afraid of change

Fear comes not only from self-doubt; reluctance to change anything in life also prevents action. You don't like your life, but you're afraid it might get worse? Analyze the losses and gains from such tactics and imagine the prospects.

  • You may be left alone. If you continue to be timid and doubtful, you will miss out on your one or only one. But you could have a wonderful romance or just a small pleasant story. Maybe you haven't decided to meet your soulmate?
  • It is unlikely that you will achieve career heights if you constantly watch out for mistakes and listen to the opinions of outsiders.
  • Sooner or later, your mood will affect your appearance. Are you afraid of sidelong glances and decide to blend in with the crowd? What is this disguise for? Don't want to annoy people you'll never see again? Isn't it too much high price for dubious calm?

We do not encourage you to do reckless things and shock - the consequences can indeed be unpredictable. But allow yourself to express yourself, each person is individual and can boldly declare their specialness. Don’t be afraid of your own merits, explore new areas, write poetry, sing if you think you have good voice– express yourself openly. And learn to express your opinion, although it will not be easy at first. You will realize that you deserve respect and feel better about yourself.

The world is not an enemy camp

It is impossible to become bolder if you pathologically do not believe in success. Stop thinking that you were born only to be evaluated and judged. Believe that your capabilities are much wider than you imagine. Just believe and try to do something meaningful for yourself. Faith is an essential component of success.

When you wake up in the morning, do not prepare yourself for new challenges, but open yourself to achievements, albeit small, but very important. What is commonly called happy life, consists of just such daily joys. Don’t try to reproach yourself if something doesn’t work out right away, and don’t pay attention to the misunderstandings of strangers. You will get depressed if you don't learn to forgive and love yourself, be kind to yourself, at least stop punishing yourself for every little thing. See mistakes as learning experiences. The only problem that cannot be corrected is death, the rest can be overcome.

Don't be afraid to live!

A timid person drives himself into his fear, like into a shell. As a result, isolation sets in, and the fear of making mistakes completely paralyzes. Getting out of this state is not easy, but it is possible:

Brave people are also afraid of something, but they are able to overcome the phobia. For example, the fear of heights is known to the vast majority of people, this is quite natural, but some still decide to jump with a parachute. Make it your goal to get rid of your personal fear, don't try to overcome it overnight, but take small steps day by day. One day you will realize that fear is no longer there, it has retreated.

When planning something important, consider possible failures

Everyone experiences defeats, but not everyone is broken by them. Scroll all possible options development of the event, and understand that nothing terrible will happen even with the most unfavorable outcome. Now analyze the possible bonuses if you complete the job well, try to feel the joy of the upcoming victory. Capture this picture and believe that it will come true.

Expand your circle of friends and make new acquaintances

People have a natural interest in each other and the likelihood of being rejected is low. Take a step towards, perhaps another indecisive person waiting for communication. The loneliness in which we find ourselves due to the eternal rush and isolation weighs heavily on many. Initiate communication, be open - and you will be surprised at the number of interlocutors and new acquaintances.

Don't forget to praise yourself

Celebrate your successes, even the smallest ones - these are your victories and they deserve to be rewarded with at least a kind word.

Don't be afraid to take risks

It's better to try and fail than to regret not doing something. Even if you don't achieve what you want, you will gain useful experience, and this is also a worthy trophy.

Like any skill, courage can be developed if desired. All brave people are confident in their abilities, but it also works Feedback– believe in yourself and you will lose your fears.

For High Quality In life, determination is essential. It is one of the required leadership qualities, necessary for doing business, in many professions and even in family life There is no way to do without it. Only a determined person is capable of becoming a politician, doctor, military man, teacher or film director. And if this quality is not there, you should seriously consider how to become bolder and more decisive.

Meaning of the word

The meaning of the word “decisive” can be viewed in many Slavic and related languages ​​as a general one. The Old Russian version had 2 meanings - “to untie” and “to forgive sins.” In Slovenia, “resolve” and “liberate” were defined as one word. In Serbs and Croats “to decide” and “to untie”, in Latvians the word means “to untie”.

The modern Russian language gives it qualities of a strong-willed nature, in which “decisiveness” is when a person knows how to quickly and boldly make decisions. It is noteworthy that the essence is close to “unraveling difficult situations”, “freeing yourself from the burden of choice.”

Why is determination needed?

The lexical meaning quite subtly conveys the shade of the state of relief that is felt after making a decision or making a choice. It is doubts that lead a person into a state of stress that exists due to internal contradictions, contradictions of equal possibilities. Psychologists say that it takes from a few seconds to 3 days to make a decision. If thinking lasts longer, uncertainty and timidity lead the body to a nervous breakdown.

Courage and determination are necessary for everyone, regardless of work activity and communication skills, if only because it is important for health. Life confronts people with an innumerable number of choices every day, and modern stress for many is the inability to cope with controversial situations, the fear of making a mistake. In fact, doubting for too long does much more harm.

Reasons for indecisiveness

The roots of the problem go back to childhood. The problem, oddly enough, is created for us by society, starting with those closest to us. Parents limit their children to their “don’ts” out of fear for their health, often emotionally. This fear is passed on to the previously fearless little explorers. It is no secret that many parental phobias are inherited, and this phenomenon definitely has nothing to do with genetics; everything happens at the psychological level.

They fill the consciousness with the horror of choice social standards and looking at other people's opinions. “What will people say if I…” This thought firmly sticks in the minds of grown-up children and is firmly embedded in the consciousness of adults. However, determination and determination absolutely require one to move beyond this misconception.

All problems are created by our mind. Before you can get rid of indecision, you will have to learn to turn it off for a while. Its function is to react to danger. Feeling the possibility of aggression from others, he tries to protect his carrier. But in this case, his activities have nothing to do with the desires and needs of a person; on the contrary, all this is not taken into account. That is why a choice that is not always carefully thought out, weighed dozens of times, does not always bring happiness.

Development methods

A determined person is happier. He is more natural in his desires and fulfillment of needs, because he is closer to the initial state of those who came into this world. He uses what is called "intuition" and lives with the brain in friendship, but not in submission. There are several ways that can tell your inner essence how to overcome indecision. Many are easier to use when accompanied professional psychologist, but independent exercises also bring significant success.

We are talking about removing internal blocks. Psychology has come to the conclusion that a determined person does not need beliefs and fears that affect self-esteem. You can develop confidence in the correctness of decision-making by working with your consciousness according to the following plan:

  • Correlate your actions with the goal, specifically choosing where you want to become bolder and more decisive.
  • Feel and realize what the end result of the first point causes fear, fear. If it seems like there isn't one, we're talking about about self-deception. The honest answer found within will be half the battle in trying to develop courage and get rid of eternal doubts.
  • Assess whether the result obtained will actually become a source of negativity. If this is indeed the case, what conditions are necessary for the end result to be completely satisfactory? Correction will help the mind come to terms with the new way of functioning. This moment is difficult for independent work, as it requires a comprehensive review. If you look at it narrowly possible consequences, the result will be, but not so significant.
  • Do such conditions really exist? Identify them for yourself and record them in your consciousness.
  • Pave step by step instructions on the way to the goal. Each point should contain a tiny step, but a real one, which leads to the goal and can be perfect.

Ultimately, the state should be close to the initial, natural state, when everything is possible. And the point is not to do everything that comes to mind, but to realize that it is possible. This will allow you to believe in your capabilities when you become more self-confident, capable of quick action in any situation.

Attitude towards mistakes

How to develop determination without making mistakes? No way. Mistakes are important and necessary. They will definitely be there. You can't help but pay attention to them. They're teachers. Their role is to give real experience, and not contrived or inspired by a close circle. This will allow you to break out of everyday life and cultivate qualities in yourself. successful person. After all, it was precisely such people who made many mistakes in their lives, sometimes shaking humanity. This is their destiny and privilege, those steps that led to the top.

If a mistake is made, don't be upset. The fact that the action was perfect, the choice was made, is more important than mistakes on the way to understanding how to become more decisive. Moreover, many of them are resolved in the course of further work in the chosen direction.

For children

How can you be a decisive person if you can’t take a step in childhood without a parent’s eye? Small man will confidently walk through life if he feels his right to do so. But indecisive kids, modestly lowering their eyes, obedient and without problems, are simply adored in children's institutions and within families.

Yes, a determined person is born from a difficult child. He will find himself in dangerous situations, get involved in everything, try to check every statement of adults, express his persistence in his not always reasonable desires. Parents should be braver. To properly raise such a child, you need to:

  • Forget about raising your voice. The baby receives confidence in his life from his parents. They don’t shout - he is safe, he can act. Even in difficult situations a calm tone will give the same result, or even better, than worried or, even more so, angry exclamations.
  • Reduce pressure with your authority. Then, unlike his peers, he will develop himself with the right to make his own mistakes, without fear of them, maintaining courage in the face of his choice.
  • Seeing the possibility of dangerous situation, give the child the opportunity to feel it. Doesn't believe what's in the cable electricity, which can hit hard and cause harm to health? Introduce him to a small power plant - a battery, a cable from it, a current that pinches his finger. Show a real power plant in the video. Draw his attention to the difference in size, let him compare the capabilities of that current with a battery. Such moderately competent actions for a specialist will help preserve the baby’s health and keep his desire to know the world in order.
  • Supervision. It should not be in the form of instructions, but constant attention, assistance in classes, increased child employment. It makes no difference whether the grandmother agrees to do this, or whether she will have to hire an intelligent specialist. The main thing is compliance with these principles.
  • Perseverance and courage should be encouraged. Errors should be discussed, but not become a reason for instructions or prodding. They are the norm, part of the positive qualities.

Such principles are promoted by many great teachers who have raised many successful students. This is much more difficult to do compared to traditional parenting. That is why private schools operating on such principles are much more expensive than regular ones. If you can’t use them, you’ll have to learn their ideas yourself. What you won’t do for your own child’s success.

A determined person always wins. There are more roads in front of him, he spends the time of his life on development, and not suffering before a choice. They are not special, they just live by different rules that are accessible to everyone.

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