Zarathustra horoscope by month of birth. Live Journal of Oleg Aliyev: "Heraldry and Life"

  1. The Deer with the Golden Antlers (1938, 1970, 2002)
    Deer is primarily a sign of charisma. This is the charisma of a loner blazing new trails. People born in this year are given the ability to recognize evil and see through people. The Deer totem suggests a desire for something more, pride, a desire to create new things and lead others.

    The true path of the Deer is to keep light and purity in your soul and always resist evil. How less people will doubt and look back, so much the better.

    The antitotem of the Deer is the cold desire to destroy everything and suppress others. Those who follow this path lose clarity of thought, become callous and eternally dissatisfied with everything around them.

  2. Mountain Ram (1939, 1971, 2003)
    Those born under the sign of the Ram are under the special control of their ancestors. The totem suggests that people are endowed with inner peace, the desire to be with everyone in some matter, and obedience. Despite their inner humility and peace, people of this totem are endowed with extraordinary activity. For them, the most important thing in life is family and family ties.

    The antitotem of the Ram is associated with alarmism, fear and break from tradition. The Ram is ruined by stubbornness instead of peacefulness and obsession with the thought of superiority.

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  3. Mongoose (1940, 1972, 2004)
    The Mongoose totem is a symbol of the creator and creator. People associated with this totem react quickly to changes, they are unpredictable and quite abrupt. Their frankness amazes everyone; they will not hide their thoughts and certainly will not gossip behind their back. The Mongoose's path is creativity.

    The antitotem of the Mongoose is stupidity, helplessness and lies. Those who follow this path will only generate darkness.

  4. White Wolf (1941, 1973, 2005)
    People born under this sign are very active. They love to take risks and are not afraid of any dangers. Wolves are travelers, they seek adventure and cannot stay in one place. The totem gives a person extraordinary fortitude and the ability to survive in extreme conditions. The path of the Wolf is the path of justice. He seeks out any injustice and punishes it.

    The antitotem of the Wolf is the need to break everything around and mock others. Laziness and cowardice are the greatest enemies of this totem.

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  5. Stork (1942, 1974, 2006)
    Storks are pilgrims who are very attached to their family, no matter how strange it may sound. They love to fly far, but they are drawn to their nest. Accustomed to always relying only on their own strengths, they are very persistent individuals. It is difficult for them to fit into society, their inner world much more interesting for them.

    The antitotem of the Stork is manifested in disdain for home and to your children.

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  6. Spider (1943, 1975, 2007)
    These are people who cannot live alone, they must have their own clan. The Spider totem suggests slowness and harmony, as well as sensitivity and enormous creative potential. They are modest and quiet, but they unite people around them.

    The Antitotem of the Spider manifests itself in excessive adventurism and standard thinking. And often due to a simple inability to take care of one’s health.

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  7. Already (1944, 1976, 2008)
    Snakes possess the great secrets of the harmony of the world, as well as the ability to cleanse karma. These people are often defenseless, especially in times of change. It is quite difficult for them to adapt to circumstances. They have a very flexible mind, a certain philosophical outlook on life, and they are also persistent and always achieve their goals.

    The antitotem of the Snake is lack of flexibility, laxity and immaturity.

  8. Beaver (1945, 1977, 2009)
    The beaver was a sacred animal among the Zoroastrians. A thousand human lives could not compensate for the killing of one beaver. The Beaver symbol is harmony, beauty and love. Such people will never be discouraged, they will change something, improve something, but just not whine. They have no equal in hard work, and also in accuracy, hospitality and firmness of conviction. These are practical and economic people.

    The Beaver's antitotem is sloppiness. This is a person who does not value family values ​​and frivolously betrays his principles.

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  9. Turtle (1946, 1978, 2010)
    These people are often secretive; they move through life slowly but surely. They have a life goal, which they follow without leaving the intended path. They have a good memory, which can cause them to be a bit annoying, returning to the same thing over and over again. Their highest goal is knowledge of the world and harmony with nature.

    The antitotem is nervousness and hysteria. Such people are easily influenced by others.

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  10. Magpie (1947, 1979, 2011)
    Those born in the year of Magpie are the biggest tricksters. They can unravel any intrigues and intrigues instantly. And they have no equal in creating their own intrigues. Such people are multitasking and very dexterous. Their path is a game for justice.

    The antitotem of the Magpie is terrible talkativeness and inability to keep secrets.

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  11. Squirrel (1948, 1980, 2012)
    For Squirrels, life has one more path in store. It could be a Squirrel running around the Tree of Life, or a squirrel in a wheel, which is completely dependent on circumstances. Often these people are very economical; they quickly cope with any tasks. These are the workaholics who cannot imagine life without work. They will work both at work and at home. A strong family is important to them.

    Squirrel's antitotem is pettiness, slowness and, of course, laziness.

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  12. Raven (1949, 1981, 2013)
    Unpredictable temperament and extraordinary fate - this is what can be said about the Ravens. They love to live solely for their own pleasure, without commanding others, but also without obeying anyone. Often such people can “crow”, then their words will come true exactly. For them, the most important thing is freedom and the opportunity to travel. If they start a family, it’s too late.

    The Raven antitotem makes a person weak, capable of fawning and living on other people's handouts.

  13. Rooster (1950, 1982, 2014)
    The Zoroastrian Rooster is a warrior. He needs to reform, change and lead something. Such people start revolutions. They tend to be knights: merciless, honest and decisive. They are always full of energy and plans. They need everything at once, they want to change the world, and also start a family.

    The antitotem of the Rooster is infantilism and sweetness. Such people are very lazy, cowardly and helpless. They even look like wet chicken.

  14. Tour (1951, 1983, 2015)
    Those born under this sign have the soul of a child; they always need care and guardianship. Tur is an idealist by nature, he is soft and pliable, vulnerable. But behind this vulnerability lies the strength and desire to protect your loved ones until last straw blood. These are very kind people.

    The antitotem of Tour is nervousness and anger.

  15. Badger (1952, 1984, 2016)
    The Badger's symbol is wealth. Badgers make very zealous and thrifty owners. They try for the good of home and family. They always have supplies, so they are not threatened with poverty. The Badgers always have their own system, which they carefully build. They do not like to share their secrets with people, even with those closest to them.

    The Badger's antitotem is carelessness, cockiness and greed.

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  16. Camel (1953, 1985, 2017)
    Hardy and modest people. They know how to be content with little, they are characterized by asceticism. These people are extremely distrustful and always expect the worst. They have a strange trait: the more the Camel loves a person, the more he kicks him. Like this defense mechanism. These people are sharp and know their worth. Behind the pompousness and harshness lies a very reliable person who you can always rely on.

    The antitotem of the Camel suggests hypocrisy and lisp, as well as cruelty and deceit.

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  17. Hedgehog (1954, 1986, 2018)
    Hedgehogs are very unpredictable, they are fussy and possessive difficult character. They are meticulous and love to stick to details. But despite this, they are very constant and faithful. Hedgehogs are called upon to defeat the darkness by piercing it with their thorns.

    The antitotem of the hedgehog suggests cowardice, lies and the ability to do dirty tricks. It appears when a person becomes promiscuous in his relationships.

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  18. Doe (1955, 1987, 2019)
    Like the spirit animal, these people are graceful, graceful and aristocratic. Their manners and speech are fascinating. This romantic natures with an idealistic outlook on life. Lani is a creative person who loves art, dancing and ballet. In women, the influence of the totem is much stronger than in men.

    Lani's antitotem is rudeness, harshness and causticity.

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  19. Elephant (1956, 1988, 2020)
    These are people who cannot be pissed off. They are slow and take a very long time to decide on something, but once they have made a decision, they will not deviate from their goal. They are hard workers and will work as long as necessary, but will not tolerate anyone getting in their way. They are conservatives, traditions are important to them. Family and home are above all else for them.

    The antitotem of the Elephant is stunted, fussy, talkative and deceitful people. They are cowardly and do great harm on the sly.

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  20. Horse (1957, 1989, 2021)
    This is the architect of his own happiness: honest, brave and strong. These people are active, love sports and strive to achieve an athletic physique. They defend justice with all their might and are very romantic.

    The antitotem of the Horse is cowardice and neglect of responsibilities.

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  21. Cheetah (1958, 1990, 2022)
    These are real warriors. They are fascinated by battle, they strive to overcome dangers, and love to fight. They are characterized by aggression and harshness, as well as an unwillingness to retreat. They are always ready to protect family and friends, no matter what.

    The antitotem of the Cheetah is cowardice, meanness, deceit, greed and weakness.

  22. Peacock (1959, 1991, 2023)
    These are many-sided and funny people. They may be different in different circumstances. Peacocks are talented, and they try with all their might to show this talent. They never cease to amaze others and enjoy it.

    Peacock's antitotem is grayness.

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  23. Swan (1960, 1992, 2024)
    The swan is a symbol of hope. These are very bright people, they radiate kindness and tenderness. They are selfless, but proud. Material wealth is not important to them; they are waiting for a miracle. For these people, inner peace is important, much more important than anything else. These people are also very faithful; it is important for them to find their one and only love.

    The antitotem of the Swan is greed and concentration on material benefits.

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  24. Lynx (1961, 1993, 2025)
    These are strong but soft people. They are quite unpredictable: they can manifest themselves sharply and suddenly. They make good leaders, but often Lynxes find fault with others for no reason. These are kind people, just very demanding.

    The antitotem of the Lynx is hypocrisy and timidity.

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  25. Donkey (1962, 1994, 2026)
    Donkey is a symbol of reliability. These people are hardworking, resilient and patient. So peaceful and good people still need to search. They are modest and balanced. No impulsiveness, only informed decisions. However, when they find themselves in the middle of a conflict, they can become stubborn.

    The antitotem of the Donkey is importunity and pettiness.

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    The antitotem is arrogance and tediousness.

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  26. Eagle (1932, 1964, 1996)
    These people cannot imagine themselves outside the team. They are capable of sacrifice for the sake of a common cause. Eagles are protectors; there are no barriers or obstacles for them. They are quite ascetic.

    The antitotem of the Eagle is malevolence and fussiness.

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  27. Fox (1933, 1965, 1997)
    In the year of the Fox, people are born with very mysterious and strange destinies, often difficult. These are dexterous, smart and cunning people. They know how to sense intrigue, never get into trouble, are very careful and even cowardly. They cannot stand stupidity and arrogance.

    The antitotem of the Fox is greed and stupidity.

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  28. Dolphin (1934, 1966, 1998)
    The most beautiful of all totems. People under the auspices of the Dolphin are very wise. They are idealists and have the ability to inspire others. Dolphins are true to their ideas to the end. They are prone to philosophy and peacemaking. Their purpose is to help others. They are saviors, they are the ones who make us believe that all is not lost for humanity.

    The antitotem is malice and vindictiveness.

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  29. Boar (1935, 1967, 1999)
    These are fearless people. They are always ready to repel the enemy, strive to be leaders and lead others. Boars are very changeable: when they have a goal, they go towards it with all perseverance, but as soon as it is achieved, the Boar will fall into apathy.

    The antitotem is greed and deceit.

  30. Owl (1936, 1968, 2000)
    These people are very secretive and prone to mysticism. They live a very reclusive life, not allowing others near them. They have their own life schedule. The lives of these people may be connected with higher powers.

    Owl's antitotem is vindictiveness and arrogance.

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  31. Falcon (1937, 1969, 2001)
    Those born under the sign of the Falcon are high-flying people. They are the ones who can achieve great success. They are brave, courageous, but somewhat obsessed. They can often indulge their whims. They need a wise mentor, but they do not tolerate dictatorship over themselves.

    The antitotem is grumpiness and loudness.

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The Zoroastrian horoscope (or Persian horoscope) is based on the ancient cycle of the Sun and its movement in its orbit around the center of our Galaxy. In the Zoroastrian horoscope, the cycle is divided into 32 years, each of which corresponds to 2 animals: a totem and a second antitotem animal. These animals symbolize the positive and negative aspects of personality and the manifestations of the energy of the year as a whole. The totem animal of the Zoroastrian horoscope shows the inner essence of a person, his hidden hopes, desires, fears and motives of behavior. The year in the Zoroastrian horoscope begins in the spring, with the vernal equinox on March 21. Zoroastrian horoscope shows compatibility according to totem signs, each of which has its own character and manifestation in the outside world.

Boar (1967, 1999)
The boar is the owner strong character, courage and bravery. He is a traveler and conqueror, as well as a tireless explorer. The boar knows exactly what he wants; the closer he wants, the more effort he puts into achieving it. If a barrier stands in front of a boar, it will instantly be crushed and destroyed.
The boar is patient with his loved ones and merciless with his enemies. He allows absolutely everything to his loved ones; they have no prohibitions or barriers. The boar always senses when his favor is being abused and tries not to let it go too far. An arrogant and unscrupulous person who took advantage of the boar’s trust will certainly be among his enemies. He never does anything halfway; he takes a long time to choose who he can trust.
Boars, with all their strength of character, quite easily obey a person who senses the height of his thoughts and aspirations and can appreciate logic reasonable person. They can easily cope with rage if they understand that it is necessary.

Dolphin (1966, 1998)

People born in the year of the dolphin work for the good of society, although they rarely occupy a prominent place in it. They rarely strive for material wealth and prefer to be content with consciousness. The dolphin is a peacemaker and a noble fighter for justice. He quite often helps others, does it quietly, without even demanding gratitude. The dolphin notices the aspirations and hidden desires of others and will always help the most worthy to realize themselves.
The dolphin is a wanderer, he is not attached to specific place, in any country he will always find a like-minded person and a kindred spirit. Neither nationality, nor religious beliefs will ever prevent a dolphin from recognizing honest man. The dolphin is not afraid of hard work; on the contrary, he almost always takes it upon himself.
Dolphin is a kind parent and a most devoted spouse. His family must be ideal, although he is ready to put up with the shortcomings of his loved ones.

Lynx/Nightingale (1929, 1961, 1993)
People born under the sign of Lynx are very emotional, harsh and irritable natures. They do not forgive other people's mistakes and are loyal to their own. The lynx does not understand jokes and takes them for aggression. The lynx is wayward and does not listen to other people's advice. The behavior of the Lynx can be unpredictable, it is better not to irritate her, she is insinuating and lulls vigilance with her softness, but in fact she is only looking for a moment to attack, it is better not to turn your back on her. She does not like to deal with everyday problems and will gladly push them off to her partner. If you don’t contradict her and don’t piss her off, then she’s a pretty pleasant person to talk to, courteous and sweet. People of this sign often have extrasensory abilities. Lynx loves to have fun, indulge in idleness, has a tendency to bad habits. The Lynx is often considered unhurried and slow, but in fact it is only waiting for the moment for the final jump in order to be the first to reach its cherished goal and taste the fruits of someone else’s labor. The second sign of the year, Nightingale, is rare. The nightingale is wise and modest enough not to flaunt their affairs and wait for their approval; these are very decent people, do not accept lies and unseemly actions, are noble and benevolent. The antitotem manifests itself in excessive servility strong of the world this, cowardice and lack of own position.

Eagle (1932, 1964, 1996)
A person with the Eagle sign is used to relying only on himself in everything, although he will not refuse help to those who need it and for this he is ready to make self-sacrifice. Because of this, the Eagle often becomes an object of ridicule and misunderstanding. Pure thoughts Selfish people often use Eagle, commitment to noble impulses and childish spontaneity in their unseemly actions. Some Eagles may have the gift of foresight. Eagles are completely devoid of cunning, do not know how to weave intrigues, they are ready to solve all problems with enemies only in open battle, often neglecting the instinct of self-preservation. They feel free in any society, can carry on a casual conversation, have their own point of view on everything, which sometimes arouses the secret hostility and envy of their ill-wishers. The antitotem of the sign is manifested in the excessive greed and insatiability of the Eagles, to satisfy which they do not hesitate to resort to the most obscene methods. Eagles are prone to early marriages; they are mostly monogamous and good family men.

Owl (1936, 1968, 2000)
People born in the year of the Owl have an independent character and lead a solitary lifestyle. They do not like noisy companies; they prefer to communicate in a small group of like-minded people, connoisseurs of mysticism and philosophy. Owls value spiritual benefits more than material ones; they are ready to fight for an idea to the end. The owl is very distrustful, fears betrayal even from its loved ones, although for its part it values ​​them very much and is always ready to come to their aid. Women under this sign are more active than men - they defend their point of view with particular tenacity, they have their own specific goal, to achieve which they make a lot of effort, they are good mothers and devote a lot of time and effort to creating warmth and comfort in their family . The antitotem is manifested in the opportunism and cowardice of the Owl, she tries in every way to please a person stronger than herself, she is ready to lie, dodge, and cheat so as not to lose his protection.

Falcon (1937, 1969, 2001)
The falcon is constantly in search; it cannot sit idle and contemplate. He can take on different things, but not complete them, because he cannot calculate his strength or predict the result of this work. He definitely needs a wise leader who will show him the right direction for his activities. The Falcon simply needs to feel that he is respected and appreciated, this gives him inspiration and additional strength and one can hope that he can cope with any challenging task. Falcon is a proud and independent person by nature and rarely asks for help. He is ambitious and vain, inclined to show off his affairs in order to hear words of gratitude and admiration. The antitotem of the Falcon are people who do not recognize any ideals and morals; people who have different views according to their convictions are cruelly ridiculed and behave arrogantly and defiantly with them, but are quite cowardly with those who can resist them.

Polar Bear (1931, 1963, 1995)
A person under the sign of the Polar Bear has an open character; they say about such people “the soul is wide open.” Whatever he does, he does it on a grand scale. The polar bear is terrible in anger, but is easy-going and tries to quickly make up for its incontinence. He has remarkable strength and can often miscalculate his blow. He has organizational skills, is respected and listened to, and can lead people. The polar bear is a multifaceted figure, he is a decent partner in business, you can rely on him, he is absolutely honest and not greedy. The polar bear loves to work hard, cannot stand idleness, but also leaves room for entertainment and relaxation. He is a wonderful family man, an attentive and caring father. The antitotem of the Polar Bear is the Brown Bear, he is envious, other people's successes haunt him, so he tries in every possible way to belittle and destroy them. The brown bear does not tolerate attempts at resistance from those who have become the subject of his attacks; it is better to seek a compromise with him than to enter into an open skirmish, as he may harbor a grudge and look for a reason for revenge.

Donkey (1930, 1962, 1994)
According to the zodiac sign, the Donkey is a very calm and peace-loving person. He is a workaholic and always strives for his goals in his affairs. He has his own principles and beliefs, which he will not compromise to please anyone. He is resilient and can work a lot without requiring others to evaluate his merits, and suffers deeply from forced idleness. In his aspirations, he is uninitiative and conservative, values ​​stability and peace, he is quite stubborn and shows strength of character when someone tries to force him to change his plans. The only thing that can stop the Donkey is hopelessness and the lack of visible results of his work. He does not take advantage of the moment when a situation arises to receive “easy” money; as a law-abiding person, he will wait out this situation and resume his activities at the first opportunity to receive legal income. The antitotem of the Donkey is excessive vanity, stinginess, lust. His family members are the first to suffer from his unreasonable actions.

Magpie (1947, 1979, 2011)
Magpie gives people vivacity, restlessness and vitality. She does not stand aside, and sometimes even influences what is happening. Magpie chats quite a lot, managing to react to a number of situations at the same time.
This bird is a skilled manipulator; behind its cheerfulness and external frivolity lies a fair amount of cunning and a clever, resourceful mind. No matter how much the magpie speaks, she will always keep her promises, even when this is impossible, her words always contain deep meaning. Magpie is not inclined to worry about defeats, because she does not react to anything seriously; having lost, she rushes into a new competition, in which she will certainly win.
Magpie can pretend to be modest, or perhaps she will try to make her merits visible to everyone around her. She does not attach much importance to the opinions of everyone around her, although she uses their attention for her own purposes. And she unravels other people’s insidious plans with great enthusiasm.

Squirrel (1948, 1980, 2012)
Under the sign of the squirrel, hardworking and active people are born, but very often their lives are spent in useless bustle. They spend a lot of time running away from any troubles that they could easily overcome.
Squirrels are quite constant in their affections, and they never betray their true friends and do not notice their weaknesses and shortcomings. The squirrel forgives close relatives everything, sometimes taking the blame for their mistakes and unworthy actions.
The squirrel takes care of loved ones, great importance gives to the family, tirelessly equips the house. After all this, the squirrel plunges into sadness and loses interest in life, because such troubles do not bring her happiness. But even in periods of despondency, the squirrel is not afraid of death. Such a person has a natural sense of observation, to which he does not attach due importance.
The antitotem deprives the squirrel of its agility and speed, fetters its thoughts, and slows down its movements. This person spends his whole life in turmoil, equally afraid of a long life and an early death.

Fox (1933, 1965, 1997)
A person born under the sign of the Fox is smart and resourceful. It’s rare that anyone manages to deceive the Fox; she has a keen sense of smell, can immediately distinguish a lie from the truth, you shouldn’t deceive her, so as not to be embarrassed later, since she immediately makes such cases public. The fox is very careful, rarely acts openly, usually pushes other people to take such actions, but she herself prefers to remain in the shadows and enjoy the fruits of her labor. Possessing a remarkable mind, the Fox cannot stand smug and limited people and often they become the subject of her offensive and aggressive jokes, irony and sarcasm. The fox is not one of those signs that overcome obstacles on the way to the intended goal; usually she prefers to show the direction to others, and she herself it's already underway well-trodden path. The antitoteme of this zodiac sign is stinginess and servility. He can easily expose another, weaker partner to attack; he tries not to enter into confrontation with strong ones, unless he finds another, stronger partner, and leaves the previous one with his nose.

Beaver (1913, 1945, 1977, 2009)
The Beaver totem endows people born in its year with hard work, accuracy, thrift, and hospitality. A beaver is a good family man, a caring parent and a reliable friend. He constantly takes care of his neighbors, surrounding them with active care.
People with the Beaver totem are active life position. They are confident in their future well-being, as they are engaged in its arrangement every day. The beaver is not afraid of routine and monotonous work and happily greets every new day to continue the work he has started.
The beaver is a traditionalist and conservative. He treats any innovation with great caution. The Beaver is also constant in love. As a rule, he has a strong, friendly family.
The beaver has a strong, dense build and wide hips.
The traits of the Beaver's antitotem - Nutria - are manifested in contempt for family and blood ties, a tendency to wander, constant search lost meaning of life.

Turtle (1914, 1946, 1978, 2010)
The Turtle totem gives a person secrecy, isolation, and slowness. The turtle is wise and calm. She is characterized by contemplation and philosophical view to the world. She strives in silence and contemplation to learn all the secrets of the world. Despite the fact that risk and adventurism are alien to her, the Turtle knows exactly what she wants and stubbornly goes towards her goal.
The turtle hides from others in its shell. However, despite her reserved nature, she is always surrounded by friends. The secret of its popularity is the feeling of security it gives people.
The turtle is an excellent analyst. She knows how to learn lessons and draw the right conclusions from her mistakes. However, its disadvantage is that the Turtle is prone to excessive self-examination and can relive its past failures for a long time.
Totemized Turtles should have several large dark spots on their backs and thick skin.
The antitotem of the Turtle manifests the nature of the Slug. These people are vain, hypocritical, soft-bodied.

Peacock (1959, 1991, 2022)
The peacock is a fascinating creature that requires enthusiastic and admiring spectators to truly display its brilliance. He demonstrates the most best qualities, captivating the audience with her beauty. Peacock strives for excellence in many areas, although he rarely takes everything seriously. He is a wrestler who tries his best to reveal his talent, surprising those around him with new and new experiments.
The peacock is indifferent to the blessings of life and power; he is content only with recognition and popularity. The bird retains the childish ability to be surprised at everything around and always believe in miracles. Peacock is sometimes a deceiver, but naive and trusting. He has no serious enemies, but there are plenty of envious people. In addition, the peacock treats everything that happens with humor and a little frivolity. He quickly gets used to the fact that sometimes his expectations do not come true, and tries not to worry about this, allowing any business to take its course.

Stork (1910, 1942, 1974, 2006)
The stork is an eternal lonely wanderer, who, however, is incredibly attached to his home and his family.
A person with the Stork totem is endowed with a special gift of awareness of all the deep manifestations of life and an amazing ability to accurately distinguish the main from the secondary. As a rule, Storks are gifted with a sharp analytical mind, but even the most talented among them do not strive for recognition from society.
The highest charisma of this sign is considered to be the gift of insight into what is hidden from other people.
The stork is silent, thoughtful, melancholy. From the outside, he may seem indifferent to the people around him. This happens because the Stork is constantly concerned about problems that lie beyond the interests of the majority. In the team he is often labeled as a strange, introverted eccentric.
Physically, the Stork stands out with its blurred, thoughtful face, long limbs and impaired coordination of movements.
The antitotem of the Stork is the short-legged Woodpecker. Such a person is talkative, fussy, quarrelsome, arrogant, loving and fickle.

Spider (1911, 1943, 1975, 2007)
The spider in the Zoroastrian horoscope is a symbol of the Absolute, and its web is a symbol of the universe. The Year of the Spider marks the attainment of harmony and peace.
A person with the Spider totem is purposeful, sensitive, and dexterous. He is leisurely and attentive, he will not miss his goal. The spider is an excellent manipulator, he simply has a talent for creating various societies and associations, so he seems to strive to weave his web. Despite the fact that Spider is not a clear leader, his opinion is invariably listened to both in the family and in the team.
Spider is a skilled strategist. Under no circumstances will he give up his intended goal, but he almost never acts directly, so he always defeats his enemies.
The Spider, as a rule, has “golden” hands. He is endowed with a talent for various types handicrafts - sewing, knitting, weaving.
Antitotem of the Spider - Tarantula. People under the influence of the antitotem are characterized by quarrelsomeness, outrageousness, and an insatiable desire to weave intrigue and sow discord.

Snake (1912, 1944, 1976, 2008)
The Snake totem endows those born this year with excellent intuition, a mystical mind, and the ability to gain insight.
The snake is distinguished by wisdom, constancy, and the ability to adapt to any circumstances. In the people around her, she is interested in the hidden reasons and secret motives of their actions.
A person with the Snake totem is inclined to return to his roots, strives to realize and accept the wisdom of his ancestors. Thanks to its well-developed intuition, the Snake has discovered many secrets of world harmony, so it is little distracted by the external, momentary and insignificant.
Outwardly, people with the Snake totem are distinguished by their graceful slimness, flexibility, mobility, deep-set eyes with a penetrating, hypnotic gaze, as well as telepathic abilities.
The antitotem of the Snake is the Viper. She is characterized by frivolity, inconsistency, laxity. Such a person sees only the negative, evil, and vile in others. He is in constant tension, as he constantly expects a trick even from close people.

Elephant (1924, 1956, 1988, 2020)
The elephant, by its nature, is serious and slow, never makes hasty decisions, and considers every step carefully. Despite the fact that the Elephant looks like a simpleton, he does not trust anyone, not even himself, checking everything several times.
The elephant is internally strong, it is able to withstand the blows of fate. Such a person is an integral, but at the same time passionate person. The elephant has enormous patience, but it is not unlimited - if he is driven out of his temper, he is capable of destroying everyone who meets him on the way.
The elephant does not like loneliness; he is more comfortable in the circle of friends and loved ones. Family is very important for him; it should be united, friendly and strong.
The elephant is faithful to traditions, but at the same time he blindly trusts few people. He can destroy the established order of things if he is convinced of this necessity.
Under the influence of the Elephant antitotem, he turns into a less reliable and reasonable person, who talks a lot in vain, and is incapable of serious actions.

Cheetah (1926, 1958, 1990, 2022)
A person born in the year of the Cheetah is active, cunning and intelligent from childhood. He does not need support, since he makes decisions only himself and constantly strives for independence. The cheetah combines strength, emotion and reasoning.
Often the Cheetah goes ahead, but at the same time he will be able to give in, remaining faithful to his interests. The cheetah is even capable of attacking a weaker opponent; he does not neglect any means. The cheetah is prudent, so it rarely commits rash acts or serious mistakes.
The cheetah is honest, but not loyal; he is more like an egoist with a wide range of interests and changeable plans. The cheetah is popular with the opposite sex. And only when it comes to his own feelings, the Cheetah briefly forgets about his prudence and becomes a slave. But soon one object of passion is replaced by another; remorse and empty experiences are alien to the Cheetah.
The Cheetah anti-totem lacks strength and courage, does not know how to understand people and trusts those who openly use it.

Swan (1928, 1960, 1992, 2024)
The swan is spiritually aspired, he has little interest in material wealth, power or recognition are alien to him. He is more inclined to meditation and reflection than to active actions. The Swan always remains true to its high ideals; it will never stoop to greed, betrayal or deceit.
Lebed has a rather narrow circle of friends, but at the same time he treats his loved ones with tenderness and great love. He needs their support, understanding and approval. In love, Swans are very faithful to their soulmate; as a rule, they make their choice once in their life and forever.
At times, due to uncompromisingness and loyalty to his ideals, Swan becomes cruel and merciless. In an effort to do the right thing, Swan can forget about the feelings and experiences of others; he cannot always understand those qualities of people that he himself does not possess.
The Swan antitotem is only concerned about his own benefit and material wealth, he has no moral values. Without experiencing pangs of conscience, he lies, easily profiting from the mistakes of other people.

The most ancient horoscope of all existing is the Zoroastrian. It is built on the basis of beliefs about totem animals.

According to the Zoroastrian horoscope, every person is visited by his guardian animal at birth. The “animal spirit” remains with a person until the end of his days, endowing the developing personality with animal qualities: dexterity, strength, the ability to avoid obstacles, and so on.

The Zoroastrian year does not begin on January 1, but on March 21. There are much more signs than in the usual Chinese horoscope: 32 instead of 12. Each new year is patronized by its own totem, demanding respect and certain character traits to achieve success. You can find out which totem protects you by the year of your birth.

Deer: 1906, 1938, 1970, 2002, 2034. This Sign symbolizes constant movement and the will to win. Deer are light, swift and responsive. A deer will never refuse to help its neighbor, and can easily turn its enemies into its friends.

Ram: 1907, 1939, 1971, 2003, 2035, 2067. The color of this Sign is purple. People who are patronized by the Ram often have esoteric abilities. They feel very subtly the world and are kind to their family and relatives.

Mongoose: 1908, 1940, 1972, 2004, 2036, 2068. The mongoose endows those born in its year with innate grace, quick physical and emotional reactions and intransigence towards enemies. The Mongoose Man is incapable of betrayal, lies and treason.

Wolf: 1909, 1941, 1973, 2005, 2037, 2069. The wolf is one of the most powerful patron totems. People of this Sign most often prefer independence, but at the same time they are extremely respectful of blood ties.

Stork: 1910, 1942, 1974, 2006, 2038, 2070. The Stork People honor the traditions of their clan and see strength in unity. Most often, such people get married late because they are looking for a soul mate for life.

Spider: 1911, 1943, 1975, 2007, 2039, 2071. Spiders - certain " gray cardinals”, smart strategists, foreseeing everything several moves ahead. The Spider will never get involved in open conflicts. Such a person solves everything through diplomacy.

Snake: 1912, 1944, 1976, 2008, 2040, 2072. Snakes are wise, they can see hidden meaning simple things and recognize the slightest lie with amazing accuracy. Snake women are often called “fatal.”

Beaver: 1913, 1945, 1977, 2009, 2041, 2073. Those born in the year of the Beaver are born peacemakers. Such people create the world around them, are prone to manual labor and are not afraid of hard work.

Turtle: 1914, 1946, 1978, 2010, 2042, 2074. The turtle is able to endow those born in its year with insight and the ability to slowly achieve their goals, inexplicably overtaking their rivals. Such people live in harmony with themselves and are guided by the popular saying: “The slower you drive, the longer you will stay.”

Magpie: 1915 1947 1979 2011 2043. Magpie people are born politicians and speakers. A sharp mind allows them to find solutions in the most difficult situation, and lightness of character - not getting hung up on little things.

Squirrel: 1916, 1948, 1980, 2012, 2044, 2076. People born in the year of the Squirrel have an indefatigable desire for new adventures, exploration and communication. Squirrels are economical, always know how to provide themselves with a decent life, and most often marry early.

Raven: 1917, 1949, 1981, 2013, 2045, 2077. Crow people from childhood can feel their connection with otherworldly forces. Raven endows them with a bright destiny and an abundance of changes. To find their happiness, such people must accept their differences from others.

Rooster: 1918, 1950, 1982, 2014, 2046. According to the Zoroastrian horoscope, those born in the year of the Rooster are entitled rich life and many new experiences. Such people are confident in themselves, most often know exactly what they want, and always achieve their goals.

Bull: 1919, 1951, 1983, 2015, 2047. Ox people are distinguished by an impressive physique and have the most powerful generic protection. The Ox will never take revenge, cheat or manipulate others.

Badger: 1920, 1952, 1984, 2016, 2048. Badger people are distinguished by their kindness of character and commitment to family traditions. Those born in the year of the Badger most often do not have problems with money throughout their lives and willingly help their loved ones.

Camel: 1921, 1953, 1985, 2017, 2049. Those born in the year of the Camel can often seem arrogant and arrogant at first glance. However, under external inaccessibility, Camel people often hide their vulnerability and emotionality.

Hedgehog: 1922, 1954, 1986, 2018, 2050. Hedgehogs are outwardly fussy people who can do many things at once. Overflowing energy helps them achieve great heights in their chosen career, and their innate honesty helps them find loyal and devoted friends.

Doe: 1923, 1955, 1987, 2019, 2051. People born in the year of Lani have a thin, graceful figure, are easy-going and very vulnerable. Resentment has an extremely strong effect on Doe people, but through accepting their emotions they gradually become stronger.

Elephant: 1924, 1956, 1988, 2020, 2052. The Zoroastrian totem Elephant is primarily associated with longevity. Most people born in the year of the Elephant are endowed with good health and live to a ripe old age.

Horse: 1925, 1957, 1989, 2021, 2053. Key quality Any person born in the year of the Horse is honesty and devotion to his life purpose. Once the Horse has found its path, it will follow it to the end, overcoming any obstacles.

Cheetah: 1926, 1958, 1990, 2022, 2054. Cheetahs are distinguished by their aggressive approach to solving any problem. life problem. Every person born in the year of the Cheetah is a fighter who stands up for his principles and beliefs to the end. Over time, the Cheetah's intransigent attitude may soften if he meets a loved one who balances his complex character.

Peacock: 1927, 1959, 1991, 2023, 2055. People born in the year of the Peacock are rightfully considered the most bright personalities. Peacocks are attracted to the stage; they like to be visible and in the center of events. However, under the guise of a carefree “player of life” hides a sensitive soul and strong empathy.

Swan: 1928, 1960, 1992, 2024, 2056. The swan is a symbol of spiritual growth, self-development and inner purity. Those born in the year of this Sign receive a desire for high ideals and an unbreakable inner core that supports such a person in any, even the most difficult moment.

Lynx: 1929, 1961, 1993, 2025, 2057. People born in the year of the Lynx stand out among others for their unpredictability. Lynx live by emotions, their actions often seem inexplicable: for example, Lynx can easily give up status and material gain without any particular reason.

Donkey: 1930, 1962, 1994, 2026, 2058. The Donkey totem is characterized by perseverance, turning into stubbornness, incredible hard work and the ability to achieve one’s goals by any means. People who are patronized by the Donkey are sure to achieve a high position with the help of their work.

Polar bear: 1931, 1963, 1995, 2027, 2059. The main character trait of Polar bears is considered to be selflessness and generosity. Those who are patronized by this Zoroastrian totem are always ready to help those in trouble.

Eagle: 1932, 1964, 1996, 2028, 2060. Eagles are distinguished by big-picture thinking and a strong personality. From the moment the Eagle realizes his capabilities, he becomes calmly self-confident. Such a person is doomed to success and public recognition.

Fox: 1901, 1933, 1965, 1997, 2029. People born under the auspices of the Fox totem will have a bright and eventful life. Foxes are smart, endowed with many talents, but often until a certain time they do not realize their uniqueness and keep to themselves. Love usually helps a Fox reveal all the facets of her character.

Dolphin: 1902, 1934, 1966, 1998, 2030. From birth, Dolphin people are endowed with an indefatigable thirst for adventure and a thirst for travel. They rarely stay in one place for a long time: among the Dolphins there are a lot of travelers who are driven by a frantic desire to reveal all the secrets of the world around them.

Vepr: 1903, 1935, 1967, 1999, 2031. People born in the year of the Boar from an early age divide those around them into “us” and “strangers”. Vepris are extremely patient, attentive and caring towards “their own”. It’s better for “strangers” not to anger the Boar and not fall under the hot hand.

Zoroastrianism, which greatly influenced Christianity and Islam, is one of the world's most ancient religions. His mythology formed the basis for the creation various horoscopes, among which the most famous is Zoroastrian horoscope, which has a cyclicity of 32 years, each of which is protected by a certain totem: a bird or an animal.

A special specificity of the Zoroastrian horoscope is that the totem has enormous power over the person it dominates, and the task of the individual is to adapt as much as possible to the character of his heavenly patron. Also, the Zoroastrian horoscope assumes an external resemblance between a person and a symbolic animal, which is considered a good sign of the favors of fate and good luck in later life.

These questions are answered by the most ancient of known to mankind horoscopes - Avestan, Zoroastrian horoscope. It is based on the 32-year cycle of Saturn, the planet that in astrology symbolizes the inner core. That is why this particular horoscope reflects the inner essence of a person, the very core of his personality.

Thirty-two totems of the Zoroastrian calendar correspond to thirty-two personality types, the Zoroastrian priests believed. But, since each of us has both light and dark side, since any quality can be turned both for good and for evil, each patron totem is opposed by an antitotem: the focus of negativity characteristic of a given type of personality. Read, analyze yourself, develop the “totemic” sides of your character and get rid of manifestations of the antitotem.

IMPORTANT:The Zoroastrian (Avestan) year begins on March 21, at the minute of the first sunrise in the sign of Aries. That is, those born from January 1 to March 20 are protected by the totems of the previous year.

The main thing to remember! Fight your antitotem!


  1. Golden-horned Deer (since March 22, 1938, 1970, 2002): pride, strength, determination. Antitotem - Warty Toad.

  2. Mountain Ram (from March 22, 1939, 1971, 2003): collectivism, duty, traditions. Antitotem - Sheep.

  3. Mongoose (since March 22, 1940, 1972, 2004): agility, creative activity, flexibility of thinking. Antitotem - Cobra.

  4. Wolf (since March 22, 1941, 1973, 2005): independence of character, courage, responsibility, endurance. Antitotem - Werewolf.

  5. Stork (since March 22, 1942, 1974, 2006): peace, fatalism, conservatism. Antitotem - Toad.

  6. Spider (since March 22, 1943, 1975, 2007): fight against evil spirits, well-being at home, healing. Antitotem - Fly.

  7. Snake or Snake (from March 22, 1944, 1976, 2008): karma, reincarnation, intuition, mysticism. Antitotem - Viper.

  8. Beaver (since March 22, 1945, 1977, 2009): natural harmony, beauty, love. Antitotem - Otter or Nutria.

  9. Turtle (since March 22, 1946, 1978, 2010): wisdom, consistency, caution, secrecy. Antitotem - Seagull.

  10. Soroka (from March 22, 1915, 1947, 1979, 2011): connection with higher world, secrecy. Antitotem - Mole.

  11. Belka (since March 22, 1916, 1948, 1980, 2012): thought, knowledge of the family tree, a lively mind and a sense of duty. Antitotem - Marten or Rat? [like Swan].

  12. Raven (since March 22, 1917, 1949, 1981, 2013): seriousness, severity, isolation, purification from filth. Antitotem - Solitaire.

  13. Rooster (since March 22, 1918, 1950, 1982, 2014): victory over demons, triumph of justice, reformism. Antitotem - Kite.

  14. Bull or Tour (since March 22, 1919, 1951, 1983, 2015): symbol of peace, prosperity, self-sacrifice, selflessness. Antitotem - Wasp or Elk.

  15. Badger (from March 22, 1920, 1952, 1984): storage of wealth, traditions, memories, strengthening of the material world. Antitotem - Cat Bayun.

  16. Camel (from March 22, 1921, 1953, 1985): skepticism, humor, perseverance, independence. Antitotem - Black Karakurt.

  17. Hedgehog (from March 22, 1922, 1954, 1986): grace, novelty, freedom. Antitotem - Monkey or Shrew.

  18. Lan (from March 22, 1923, 1955, 1987): harmony, beauty, righteousness. Antitotem - Chimera.

  19. Elephant (since March 22, 1924, 1956, 1988): stability, solidity, firmness. Antitotem - Mouse.

  20. Horse or Horse (since March 22, 1925, 1957, 1989): justice, hard work, striving forward, broad-minded. Antitotem - Jackal.

  21. Cheetah (from March 22, 1926, 1958, 1990): right-wing struggle, belligerence, fearlessness. Antitotem - Leopard or Swamp Cat.

  22. Peacock (from March 22, 1927, 1959, 1991): overcoming illusions, games, disguises. Antitotem - Jerboa.

  23. Swan (since March 22, 1928, 1960, 1992): purification of faith, spirituality, hope. Antitotem - Rat? [like Squirrel] or Duck.

  24. Lynx or Nightingale (since March 22, 1929, 1961, 1993): enlightenment, insight, transformation, fun. Antitotem - Tick.

  25. Donkey (since March 22, 1930, 1962, 1994): abundance, peace, patience, passive resistance. Antitotem - Rabbit.

The mythology of the Zoroastrians influenced astrology and formed the basis for the creation of various horoscopes, including the Zoroastrian proper, associated with the thirty-two-year cycle. Since each year is assigned a patron - an animal or a bird - this horoscope is also called a totemic horoscope.

The peculiarity of the Zoroastrian horoscope is that it gives the totem almost unlimited power over a person; the determining factor for success is that a person should try to be like his totem, and not try to change it weak sides or change behavior.

In addition, the Zoroastrian horoscope assumes some external similarity between a person and his totem, which is also a favorable factor for future fate.

Every year gives birth to people, both good and bad; in the Zoroastrian horoscope we see, accordingly, a totem that bestows positive qualities, and antitotem, imparting negative qualities. Of course, traits of a totem and an antitotem can appear in one person; It is also possible to give birth to a personality with a neutral character.

The Zoroastrian calendar is one of the most ancient in the world. The beginning of the year is associated with the spring equinox, which should be remembered by people born in January, February and March when determining their sign.

1st year of the cycle (1906, 1938, 1970).

The totem of the year is a deer with golden antlers, a symbol of ascension, pride, grace, and higher power.

2nd year of the cycle (1907, 1939, 1971).

Totem - mountain ram, mouflon, symbol of connection with ancestors, great external activity with internal peace, uniting people (in a herd, in a team).

3rd year of the cycle (1908, 1940, 1972).

The totem is a mongoose, a symbol of dexterity, surprise, and the fight against all kinds of evil spirits.

4th year of the cycle (1909, 1941, 1973).

Totem - wolf, symbol of independence, courage, responsibility, endurance.

5th year of the cycle (1910, 1942, 1974).

The totem is a stork, a symbol of peace, the conquest of space, adherence to the established order, asceticism, and willingness to help.

6th year of the cycle (1911, 1943, 1975).

Totem is a cross spider (the one that weaves a web and catches flies), a symbol of the fight against evil spirits, exorcism, healing, a symbol of the well-being of the home.

7th year of the cycle (1912, 1944, 1976).

Totem is a snake (the only snake in this calendar), a symbol of the wheel of incarnations, karmic rewards, the flow that carries people, hidden currents.

8th year of the cycle (1913, 1945, 1977).

The totem is a beaver, a symbol of natural harmony, beauty and love, the inviolability of laws.

9th year of the cycle (1914, 1946, 1978).

The totem is a turtle, a symbol of wisdom, consistency, modeling situations, caution.

10th year of the cycle (1915, 1947, 1979).

The totem is a magpie, a symbol of connection with the higher world, as well as prayer, gaining protection, verbal magic, and spreading the word.

11th year of the cycle (1916, 1948, 1980).

Totem is a squirrel, a symbol of thought, knowledge of the family tree, testing beliefs, identifying truth, searching for faith.

12th year of the cycle (1917, 1949, 1981).

Totem is a raven, a mediator between heaven and earth, a symbol of seriousness, severity, isolation, loneliness, cleansing from filth, inflexibility.

13th year of the cycle (1918, 1950, 1982).

Totem is a rooster, a fighter with the forces of darkness, a symbol of victory over demons, the manifestation of hidden evil spirits, the exposure of evil, the triumph of justice.

14th year of the cycle (1919, 1951, 1983).

Totem - tour, bull, symbol of peace, prosperity, big hidden power, duty, dedication, self-sacrifice, but also vulnerability.

15th year of the cycle (1920, 1952, 1984).

Totem is a badger, a symbol of storing wealth, traditions, memories, frugality, gradualism, strengthening the material world.

16th year of the cycle (1921, 1953, 1985).

The totem is a camel, a symbol of skepticism, asceticism, humor and ridicule, perseverance.

17th year of the cycle (1922, 1954, 1986).

Totem is a hedgehog, a symbol of grace, unpredictability, freedom, novelty, revolution.

18th year of the cycle (1923, 1955, 1987).

Totem is a doe, a symbol of the birth principle, harmony, beauty, restoration of righteousness.

19th year of the cycle (1924, 1956, 1988).

The totem is an elephant, a symbol of stability, strength, seriousness, thoroughness, and balance.

20th year of the cycle (1925, 1957, 1989).

Totem is a horse, a symbol of justice, contract, hard work, striving forward, leadership.

21st year of the cycle (1926, 1958, 1990).

The totem is a cheetah, a symbol of the fight for a just cause, belligerence, unpredictability, and fearlessness.

22nd year of the cycle (1927, 1959, 1991).

The totem is a peacock, a symbol of overcoming illusions, learning the true essence of things, but also games and disguises.

23rd year of the cycle (1928, 1960, 1992).

The totem is a swan, a symbol of purification, faith, mutual assistance, spirituality, hope.

24th year of the cycle (1929, 1961, 1993).

The totem is a lynx, a symbol of enlightenment, insight, transformation, fun, surprise.

25th year of the cycle (1930, 1962, 1994).

Totem - donkey, symbol of abundance, peace, patience, passive resistance, search for the true path.

26th year of the cycle (1931, 1963, 1995).

Totem - polar bear, a totem of the Aryan peoples, a symbol of the Aryan mission, healing, magic, unexpected upheavals, unpredictability, generosity, slow build-up and fast, sharp actions.

27th year of the cycle (1932, 1964, 1996).

Totem is an eagle, a symbol of royalty, power, statehood.

28th year of the cycle (1933, 1965, 1997).

The totem is a fox, a symbol of cunning, lot, harmonious changes, restoration of balance.

29th year of the cycle (1934, 1966, 1998).

The totem is a dolphin, a symbol of knowledge of secrets, help, salvation, travel, good thoughts, guidance.

30th year of the cycle (1935, 1967, 1999).

Totem - boar, boar, symbol of victory, achievement of power, intense struggle, awakening enormous forces, activity.

31st year of the cycle (1936, 1968, 2000).

Totem - an owl or an owl, a symbol of mystery, the hidden essence of all things, the destruction of invisible evil spirits, the fight against the forces of darkness. People of this year are characterized by courage, devotion, a tendency to revolution, attachment to home, determination, alternating periods of inactivity and great activity, excitement, orientation to the past, brightness. The features of the antitotem are collapse, lack of composure, cowardice. The year is associated with turning points, reforms, splits, the struggle for justice, breakthroughs into the unknown, in the worst case - with the outbreak of wars, with the active destruction of people, with the abandonment of the past.

And let us note once again that the character traits of the totem and antitotem do not appear in all people born in given year, but only for those marked by light or dark forces, respectively. The same can be said about the similarity of a person’s external appearance to the image of a totem or antitotem. Here a lot depends on the choice of the person himself. In the same way, the manifestation of the event characteristics of the year depends on the choice of society and its rulers. Each year favors endeavors associated with its characteristics and discourages opposing aspirations or lays down a program to punish people who make wrong choices.

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