Samburskaya with a short one. Nastasya Samburskaya: “Previously, my difficult character was hidden by a feminine appearance, but with a short haircut everything became harmonious

Actress, star of the series “Univer. New Dorm” Nastasya Samburskaya never ceases to amaze fans with her experiments with appearance. True, all her previous beauty interventions pale in comparison to today's. The actress cut her hair bald and hurried to tell her Instagram followers why she did it.

“A couple of years ago, when I got Instagram, I made a bet with a friend that if I got 8 million subscribers, I would shave my head. A strange bet. And I shaved. Thank you, my subscribers! Now wait until there are 9 million! There I have a new loss is planned,” Samburskaya wrote.

Samburskaya is the absolute record holder for the number of followers on Russian Instagram. Olga Buzova, who is currently followed by 7.9 million people, is breathing behind her. Whether the TV presenter will somehow celebrate the upcoming “anniversary” - we’ll see soon.

Nastasya decided to part with the long dark hair that fans of the TV series “Univer” are accustomed to a few months ago. First she made a bob, and then shortened her hair even further, dyeing it Blue colour. However, the experiments did not end there - in the filming of HELLO! in December last year she appeared blonde.

"The new image matches my temperament. Everyone is used to classical beauty, long curls and doll-like faces, but that’s not me. A short boyish haircut is what reflects my character and my inner state,” the actress said in an interview.

Amburskaya is the absolute record holder for the number of followers on Russian Instagram. Olga Buzova, who is currently followed by 7.9 million people, is breathing behind her. Whether the TV presenter will somehow celebrate the upcoming “anniversary” - we’ll see soon.

Let us remind you that Samburskaya recently received a special award from the Neforum Awards (National Award for Runet Bloggers) in the category “The Most Popular Instagram in Russia.” Contenders for the first national award the bloggers were determined by popular vote, and the winners were named by an authoritative jury.

Today, the Univer star has 8 million subscribers.

It is worth noting that it is scandalous famous actress Nastasya Samburskaya was accepted into the troupe of the theater on Malaya Bronnaya more than 6 years ago. She plays successfully big stage, and one of the last performances in which Nastasya takes part is “Rabbit Hole”.

Before going on stage, Samburskaya took a photo from the dressing room and surprised fans with a new daring look. Nastasya commented: “In full gear, getting ready to go out” (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. - Ed.). Samburskaya’s followers are well aware of the actress’s love for outrageous outfits and bright hair color, but this shot amazed fans.

The photo shows that Samburskaya was again experimenting with hair color. This time, the dark blue color prompted fans to confess their love to the artist: “Cool! The image is super, it suits you very well!”, “Fatal beauty”, “You are brilliant in any image”, “Lord, how I like your style.”


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Nastasya Samburskaya does not like to live by generally accepted rules and boldly goes against the system. Here in musical creativity the actress and - now - singer went her own way. If in the first track Nastasya only sang, then with the second composition she showed what she wants to convey with her creativity. The clip, the title of which we cannot write for ethical reasons, turned out to be bold and topical. In an interview with our portal, Samburskaya told how she herself characterizes her work and answered the question of what made her get rid of her long hair.

Recently, the production center of Viktor Drobysh has become a second home for Nastasya Samburskaya - it was there that we agreed to talk about her musical career and creativity in general. Tired after training, the actress greeted us with a reserved greeting. Our heroine, dressed in a sports jumper, denim skirt and heavy leather boots, looked like a hooligan, but very stylish. Our entire conversation took place in the same hooligan manner.

website: Nastasya, your new video came out the other day. Are you satisfied with the result of your work and the reaction of the audience?

Unfortunately, it didn't turn out quite what I wanted. We filmed the video in America: on the first day in a dry cleaner, and on the second on the street. And so I hoped that the second day of filming would take place in the desert among cacti, but in the end we filmed in downtown (city center - website note) on a hill.

“It was also a surprise to me how the public perceived the video - I still don’t understand why everyone liked it so much. By no means do I want to say that this is a bad job, but I imagined it differently. If I got the director's chair, I would do everything differently."

website: This is your second video. Which of the two jobs do you like better?

N.S.: I can't answer this question because we're talking about about two absolutely different jobs. The video for the song “Bad Boys” was not originally a video - we shot a video for the concert “Viktor Drobysh - 50 years old. Everyone will be there." This video turned out to be very beautiful, and we put together a clip from it, that is, we did not have the task of making a picture, but rather wanted to show that I can sing.

website: Do you already have ideas for new videos?

N.S.: Yes, we are going to shoot the next video in Moscow. I think I can reveal little secret- perhaps they will be involved in the shot real people without specific place residence. My songs will not fit the usual video sequence with glitter and beautiful artist playing the piano. We are making a short film to convey the meaning of the text.

website: What will be the name of the song you are preparing to shoot a video for?

N.S.: The working title is “The whole elite will gather” or “I swore not to fall in love.” The song is almost ready, but only a demo version has been recorded. I'm waiting for Viktor Yakovlevich to return from filming (Drobysh, producer of Nastasya Samburskaya, - website note) so that we can complete this work.

website: Can we say that you rap?

N.S.: Don't know. I once blurted out: “It’s not my fault that every time we get some kind of rap?” To which they said to me: “What kind of rap is this?” Others, on the contrary, ask how long I will continue to read.

“In general, I don’t consider myself a rapper. My songs are simply impossible to sing. I deliberately didn't choose a genre because it doesn't matter to me. The main thing is what I sing about.”

website: Maybe your own style is emerging?

N.S.: Maybe. We have a lot of material, and it is completely different. But our songs are not banal, like “Tears and snot, I’m dying and yearning without you, I fell in love and suffer, oh-lu-lu, la-li, la-la.” You see, I just composed a song and I can write a million more poems like this. I can even write music, even if I don’t quite understand styles - my soul sings.

website: Do you play any musical instrument?

N.S.: Now I'm learning to play the guitar. This is difficult for me because I need to devote a lot of time to classes, which I don’t have. I come home and have no energy left to play the guitar.

“In the end I decided that I would ride in a car back seat and learn to play. This is perhaps the only moment when I can pick up an instrument. So far I only know a couple of chords, and my dream is to go on stage and shout: “Olympic, I don’t see your hands!” And play the guitar."

website: Do you want to devote yourself entirely to your music career?

N.S.: Previously, I calmly combined work in cinema and theater. I think that even now I can arrange my schedule so that I don’t have to make a choice between acting career and music.

website: Are your external transformations related to the fact that you took up music seriously, or is it just a change in image?

N.S.: These changes have nothing to do with anything. I just have friends who are hairdressers: one will cut the hair, the other will color it...

Maybe I'm just tired of walking around with long hair. My time is valuable to me - I often go to the gym, and after classes it takes a very long time to wash and dry my hair every time. Today after training I washed my hair with shower gel because there was no shampoo. And if I had the same head of hair now, my hair would stick out in different directions or even fall off. Behind long hair difficult to care for.

website:Your fans think that with a short haircut you want to become less feminine...

N.S.: Believe me, after the haircut my character did not change at all, it just became more noticeable. Previously, people paid attention to my feminine appearance and turned a blind eye to difficult character, and with a short haircut everything became harmonious in me.

“I feel comfortable with this hairstyle. The only thing is that I’m tired of comments and requests that I grow my hair again. But I can’t do this right now. I’ll sort out my own head and wear the hairstyle that I like and not someone else.”

website: But, nevertheless, is the support of fans important to you as an artist?

N.S.: Of course, I want the fans to treat me well and not throw tomatoes at me at my performances.

N.S.: I can send, but recently, under a contract with one company, I am prohibited from publicly sending people. This condition must be fulfilled.

N.S.: Now I am involved in three performances. We are also rehearsing another production called “The Witches of Salem” - its premiere is scheduled for April. Filming is planned for spring and summer, so in the meantime keep an eye on my musical work.

There are also plans for a tour to Germany and America; in September the theater and I will tour in Yekaterinburg. You can also watch films and TV series with my participation (smiles). I can not only send everyone on Instagram, I also do creative work.

Nastasya Samburskaya

Nastasya Samburskaya decided to radically change her life. She recently announced her departure from the series “Univer,” in which she starred for about 5 years. She explained her action quite simply: “You have known my character Christina for 5 years. I worked faithfully until, you know, my love for this character ended. It's always difficult to leave your favorite place into the unknown. But no amount of money will save you if you go to work like you’re going to hard labor, with a sour face, spoiling the mood of those around you with your appearance” (hereinafter, the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved - website note).

As you know, Samburskaya has a record number of subscribers on Instagram - 7.4 million. In a few hours, about 300 thousand people looked at selfies with a new hairstyle, 4 thousand of whom left comments. Mostly very angry, offensive and boorish. Some thought that Nastasya had gone crazy because in a couple of months she changed several hairstyles, and cut her hair from “long” to “short”. For some reason, others thought that the artist was seriously ill and that’s why she cut her hair so short. Moreover, followers were not afraid to write that the star was allegedly undergoing chemotherapy and was forced to get rid of her hair. Still others began to lament over Samburskaya’s supposedly lost femininity and advise her to cut her hair bald.

The artist probably laughed heartily at the comments and ridiculous assumptions of her subscribers. She decided to answer everyone at once: “the back of my head is breathing now, I’m laughing at you))) someone writes that she’s gone crazy, someone that she’s depressed... they even suggested cancer. I just got my hair cut because I didn't like the bob. And, before you write “the next haircut is bald,” read how many people have already written this before you. You are not original” (hereinafter, the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved—approx. site).

Interestingly, some readers decided that all her departures from successful projects And dramatic changes image are associated with the search for oneself and inner peace. “Now you are a real Batman!!! Samburskaya, you have some kind of internal public protest! what does this have to do with?.. I see, it’s called finding oneself!.. And I really like yours new image) It’s interesting when a person is not afraid of new images) I think your life with a new hairstyle will take on some new page, let’s say sooooo interesting and crazy happy)…”.

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