Famous people from KVN. “Cheerful and resourceful”: the most successful teams in the history of KVN

KVN is one of the oldest programs on Russian television. 55 years have passed since the first release on November 8, 1961; in total, KVN has been on the air for 41 years. If not for the forced break (the program was closed in 1972, and the show resumed only in 1986), KVN would have been ahead of the Travelers Club program, included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most old transmission on domestic TV.

Fragments of the finale of one of the first seasons 1964/65:

For the first seven years of its existence, KVN appeared in live and involved direct communication with the public, which was rare on Central Television.

KVN very quickly grew from a simple youth program into a real “club of interests.” Today there are more than 80 official leagues united in the International KVN Union, more than 200 teams compete in them, and more than five million people attend the games annually. In total, there are thousands of student and school teams in Russia and abroad.

One of the symbols of KVN is the presenter Alexander Maslyakov. Meanwhile, he got into the program by chance. After one of the founders and first presenter of KVN, Albert Axelrod, left the project, a competition was held for the vacant position - each team nominated its own candidate.

Bella Sergeeva director of Central TelevisionThey wanted to take Sasha Zatselyapin to replace Axelrod. It was the captain of the Physics and Technology Institute. But it was inconvenient to just take him, and we decided to organize a competition: let each of the 12 teams nominate its own candidate. And there was Pasha Kantor, captain of MIIT. And then Pasha comes and some boy with him. Pasha: “Bella Isidorovna, you know, I can’t. Well, what kind of presenter am I, take this - Sasha Maslyakov, he is so good, he is talented.” I looked, my God, the hairs were sticking out, the eyes were running, he was so nondescript, sad, looking around. And the program begins, everyone conducts their own competition. Well, first, Zatselyapin. Then the second one is some kind of presenter. Horrible! “Well, that’s it,” I say. “We died.” Then Sashka. “Well, there’s no need to watch this. I’d rather go for a walk somewhere.” And suddenly, he became so poised, combed his hair and was so lively. Svetka (Svetlana Zhiltsova - editor's note) faded away. He helped her with something else. That is, this is truly a gift from God (from the book by Mikhail Shchedrinsky “We are starting KVN”).

1963, Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova start KVN:

What do KVN players become?

The creative personnel of most domestic and not only television channels are largely composed of former KVN players. They become successful screenwriters (Vitaly Kolomiets, Leonid Kuprido, Andrey Rozhkov), producers (Semyon Slepakov, Sangadzhi Tarbaev), TV presenters (Leonid Yakubovich, Mikhail Marfin, Tatyana Lazareva, Garik Martirosyan, Dmitry Khrustalev) and actors (Dmitry Brekotkin, Natalya Gromushkina, Vladimir Zelensky, Natalia Medvedeva). Basically, they continue to work in the humorous genre one way or another. However, there is famous people, in which it is not always possible to recognize former KVN players.

Alexander Filippenko, theater and film actor, National artist Russia

MIPT KVN team, champions of the 1962/63 season

“It was a pleasure to participate in KVN. It was there that Alik Axelrod, the first presenter and creator of KVN, saw me and invited me to the “Our House” studio - it was the famous theatre studio at Moscow State University. Khazanov, Farada, Filippov, Slavkin and many now famous people started there. I continued to study at MIPT, but every evening I went to rehearsals and performances. This defined my later life. After the studio closed, Yuri Petrovich Lyubimov invited me to his theater. I became an actor in that “great” Taganka and at the same time entered the correspondence department of the Shchukin School” (from an interview with the Los Angeles city portal).

Boris Burda, expert on “What? Where? When?”, participant in the show “Own Game”, journalist, writer

KVN team of the Odessa Institute of National Economy, champions of 1972

“Our KVN was the most courageous program of the era of unfreedom, and the revived one was the most cowardly program of the era of glasnost. When the KVNs of the late 60s were on, the streets were empty, and after each performance of Odessa residents, Demichev (Minister of Culture of the USSR in 1974-86 - editor's note) called our regional committee and reprimanded us for something, in his opinion, inappropriate. We were never told why exactly. And in the KVNs of the 80s they even cut out what Pravda had already published. The funny thing is that this was done by his editors, my colleagues in KVN of the 60s, who also suffered from censorship and cursed it, like me. When at the very first KVN they cut out the question: “What happens if the superstructure collapses onto the base?” and the answer: “The stratum will suffer the most,” I realized that I correctly decided not to return to KVN” (from an interview with the “Purely Odessa site”).

Timur Weinstein, producer (produced, in particular, the television series “Soldiers”, “Happy Together”), general producer and founder of the WeiTMedia group of companies (series “Ashes”, “Motherland”, show “One on One”), Deputy General Director - General Producer of the NTV television company

KVN team "Guys from Baku", champions of 1992

“KVN led me astray. I graduated from medical university and am a psychiatrist by profession. But then I went into creativity, which influenced my entire life. further path. Now KVN helps me have a constant vitality and, probably, react with irony to everything that happens around me” (in an interview with the newspaper “Vzglyad”).

Pelageya, singer, Mentor in the TV project “The Voice”

NSU KVN team (took part in the games of the 1997 season, becoming the youngest KVN player at that time), champion of 1988, 1991 and 1993

“I lived in Novosibirsk then. KVN members saw a singing girl on TV, called and invited her. This was just the first season of their game. I took part in music competition, I went to Jurmala. I was nine years old at the time, and a new life was beginning - we were offered to move to Moscow, write an album, and so on. All in all, carefree childhood, when you could do whatever you wanted, it ended, and next season the team played without me. Of course, all this was interesting! They are adults, they are all so talented, their energy is overflowing! And they loved me very much there, I was like the daughter of the regiment. A lot of interesting people came from there: Tanya Lazareva, Alexander Pushnoy, Garik Martirosyan... Now, 10-11 years later, when I communicate with them, it’s like I’m immersed in childhood” (in an interview with Novye Izvestia).

Vyacheslav Murugov, CEO media holding "STS Media"

BSU KVN team, champions of 1999 and 2001

“I served in Brest in the Belarusian Army with the rank of lieutenant, then I met Valentin Karpushevich (at that moment the captain of the BSU team - editor's note), who lived and still lives in Brest. Actually, we met at some wild drinking party, I woke up on the KVN team, where he brought me and recommended me. In front of the team, I then came up with a joke about the fact that “when Belarus bows to Russia, Poland is offended...”. They asked if this joke could be taken to the team? I asked: which one? It was at that moment that I learned about the existence of the BSU team. I learned about KVN a day earlier... Actually, my career as an author began with this joke.<…>I didn’t set myself the goal of achieving heights on television, but it happened that way. KVN simply became a catalyst that revealed my Creative skills"(from the questionnaire on the website of the International KVN Union).

How to celebrate the birthday of KVN on the First

Several years in a row main holiday KVN players celebrated as part of the Moscow Mayor's Cup, the winners of which automatically qualified for the finals Major League. In 2013, six teams took part in the holiday game.

Yuliy Gusman

Now the second person (after the head of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst), sitting on the jury of the Major League, Yuli Solomonovich Gusman, began playing in KVN back in 1966. He and his friends created the “Boys from Baku” team and became its leader and captain. For five years in a row, from 1967 to 1972, the Baku team did not lose a single competition! And in 1970, the team even won the KVN Champion of Champions Cup. Yuliy Solomonovich has a diploma as a psychiatrist, he also graduated from courses for screenwriters and directors at the State Cinema Committee of the USSR, and then returned to his native Azerbaijan, where he worked at a film studio and in musical theater. And in 1988 he moved to Moscow. It was he who was the author and embodiment of the idea of ​​​​creating the prestigious Nika cinematic award. Vel entertainment shows on TV and radio, staged musicals, filmed legendary film"Park of the Soviet period." And although today Guzman is mostly silent during the filming of KVN, it is absolutely impossible to imagine a humorous show without him!

Garik Martirosyan

Garik Martirosyan

Surprisingly, one of the brightest players of the end of the last century, Garik Martirosyan, also has a medical education, like Yuliy Solomonovich. Moreover, with a similar specialty, Garik is a neuropathologist and psychotherapist. Martirosyan even worked as a doctor for three years! But you can't fool fate. Garik began playing in KVN in 1993 as part of the New Armenians team, and in 1997 he became a champion. In 2005, it was he, together with his fellow countrymen Arthur Tumasyan, Arthur Janibekyan, Artak Gasparyan and Artashes Sargsyan, who created the mega-popular project “ Comedy Club", which had no analogues on Russian TV at that time. In 2007, he hosted two seasons of the “Minute of Glory” project on Channel One, and a year later he became the host of the “ProjectorParisHilton” show along with Alexander Tsekalo, Ivan Urgant and Sergei Svetlakov. Produced and wrote the script for another very successful project- “Our Russia” on TNT. Also hosted the program " Main stage" and "Dancing with the Stars" on the Russia channel. And all this time he did not stop acting in the Comedy Club, for which we congratulate him!

Sergey Svetlakov

Sergey Svetlakov

Because of playing KVN with Svetlakov, a student at Ural state university communications have begun serious problems with his studies, but they were not going to expel him, because he was the captain of the university team " Ural dumplings" In 2000, “Pelmeni” became champions, Sergei graduated, but did not leave KVN. Svetlakov wrote jokes and scripts for other teams, and in 2005 he began writing for Comedy Club. But Sergei was not eager to be in the “frame”, and appeared on the screen only a couple of years later - in the project “Our Russia”. But he gained real popularity only after the release of the program “ProjectorParisHilton” on Channel One. In 2009, he presented the project “Southern Butovo” on the main button of the country, in which he was a permanent participant together with Vera Brezhneva. Every New Year, Sergei appears on cinema screens in one of the main roles in the film “Yolki” by Timur Bekmambetov, this has already become good tradition for the residents of our country, “Our Rashi”...

Pavel Volya

Pavel Volya

A resident of the glorious city of Penza, Pavel Volya, played in KVN for a short time. His team “Valeon Dasson” played only one game in the Major League - and “flew out” in the 1/8 finals of the 2001 season. Pasha returned to hometown, worked as a radio DJ. After graduating from university, Volya moved to Moscow, where at first he worked as a foreman at a construction site, and later got a job as a screenwriter on RTR in the program “ Good evening» Igor Ugolnikov. Then he got a job at MuzTV, for some time he even voiced the cartoon character Masyanya (there was then a cartoon evening show with a popular animated girl). But Pasha, a talented joker, was remembered during the creation of the Comedy Club; he himself came up with the image of a glamorous scumbag, and it was he who opened the first performance of a stand-up show in one of the capital’s shopping centers. In 2007, Volya began to sing, recorded several compositions that became hits, and then released an album. In 2008, the film “Plato” was released in cinemas, after which Volya became a superstar. After his first success, he played in several more popular films - “Happy New Year, Moms”, “ Love affair at work. Our time”, “Love in the City-2”, “Bride at any cost”, “The best film”. Some time ago, Pavel accumulated so much of his own material - monologues and humorous selections - that he began to give solo concerts, having unprecedented success among the public. Volya even traveled half the world on tour - everywhere the Russian public received him with a bang. Last year, together with his wife, Laysan Utyasheva, he launched the “Willpower” project, in which the gymnast is responsible for improving the body of the participants, and the comedian is responsible for increasing intellectual vigor and mental activity (at least that’s what is written on their official website). In general, everything is fine with Pasha!

Mikhail Galustyan

Mikhail Galustyan

But Galustyan was nevertheless expelled from the Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort Business because of playing in KVN.

Too much time was spent on rehearsals and games, and there was not enough strength or desire to study. Despite this, Alexander Maslyakov invited Galustyan to the Major League, and then he also managed to recover at the university. In 2002, Mikhail became captain of the team, and in 2003 “Burnt by the Sun” became champions. In 2006, he was invited to appear in the project “Our Russia” on TNT. The show “ glacial period"on Channel One and the series "Zaitsev+1". In 2012, Galustyan founded his own film company, which produces music videos, corporate films and documentaries. Mikhail has already produced 17 films, in which he played not the last roles.

Semyon Slepakov

Semyon Slepakov

Captain legendary team“Team of Pyatigorsk” Semyon Slepakov played in KVN from 2000 to 2006. The talented author (and he wrote the scripts for his performances himself) was immediately noticed, so he was one of the creators of the “Our Russia” project, and at the same time worked as a screenwriter in several programs on Channel One. In 2008 he became one of the producers and author popular series“Univer” and the film “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny." In 2010, he broke the truth from the stage of the Comedy Club with his songs with a guitar. Producer of the famous TV series “Interns”, “Sashatanya”, “Concerned, or Love of Evil” and the sketch comedy “HB”. I recorded two music album, using his own role as a “tenman” bard.

Natalya Yeprikyan

Natalya Yeprikyan

Natalya Andreevna appeared in KVN as a member of the Megapolis team when she was already 26 years old, which is a very respectable age, because mostly students play here. In 2004, her team became the champion of the Premier League, and a year later - the champion of the Major League. On next year a small but very ambitious girl creates her own women’s humor club, which she calls “Made in Woman”, and two years later the TNT channel begins to show the show. The program quickly conquers the audience and changes its name to “Comedy Woman”.

Dmitry Brekotkin

Dmitry Brekotkin

Dmitry Brekotkin dedicated 12 whole years of his life to KVN and the Ural Dumplings team in particular. He came there in 1995, but the team became champions only in 2000. Then the artist began to be invited to such popular projects as “Thank God, you came!”, “News Show”, “Yes Youth!”, “Big Difference”, “Southern Butovo”. In 2009, he became a participant in the permanent show of the STS channel “Ural Dumplings,” which included many members of the KVN team of the same name. Former KVN players not only appear on TV, but also give big concerts, which are sold out in Moscow.

Svetlana Permyakova

Svetlana Permyakova

In 1992, Svetlana was a member of the KVN team of Perm State University, but the guys only reached the first quarterfinals of the Major League. After 10 years, Permyakova returned to KVN with the Parma team. Svetka and Zhanka, cheerful fatties in funny hats and bright makeup, were loved and immediately remembered by the audience. In 2005, she became a DJ on Russian Radio, and in 2006 she appeared on TV screens as the host of the “Three Rubles” show on RU.TV. In 2007, Permyakova finally had her finest hour, she began starring in the TV series “Soldiers” and successfully did this for three years in a row. After filming ended, he received the role of head nurse in the TV series “Interns.” Svetlana also plays in private theater productions.

November 8th is World KVN Day. The game, which united the youth of several countries, turns 52 this year. Today we decided to remember the most bright teams KVN, which the audience loved

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« Odessa gentlemen»

One of the most stylish teams in the history of the Club. They also had their own indispensable attribute - white scarves. The guys from Odessa State University skillfully combined the traditions of the southern humor of their city with the trends of the times. Which gave them wide scope for jokes: perestroika, prohibition, shortages, the collapse of the USSR...

It is safe to say that the “Odessa Gentlemen” helped millions of their compatriots overcome these years of hardships and difficulties with a smile. By the way, in the history of KVN they will remain those who announced Alexander Maslyakov as president of the club. These words were spoken right during the performance, so many took them as a joke, but everything was serious. In addition, Odessa residents were the first of many cheerful and resourceful people to continue their activities on television, founding the “Gentleman Show” program.

"Ural dumplings"

The last champions of the 20th century spent five seasons in a row in the KVN Major League. Gradually rising higher, they were able to win in 2000. In addition, the team has as many as five large KiViNs of different colors.

Unlike most of their colleagues, after finishing their careers in KVN, the team members did not run off to different projects, but founded the creative association “Uralskie Dumplings”. Since 2009, almost unchanged, they have been producing their own comedy show on the STS channel. Of the prominent members, the team lost only Sergei Svetlakov, who very successfully focused on his own career.

"Children of Lieutenant Schmidt"

The swindlers from Ilf and Petrov’s novel “The Golden Calf” called themselves the children of Lieutenant Schmidt. One of the founders of the team, Peter Vince, came up with this name for the team, which united cheerful and resourceful people from Tomsk and Barnaul.

As a result, “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” became one of the most titled KVN teams. In addition to three championship titles, their track record includes the “Big KiViN in Gold”, the Cup of the President of Ukraine, the Cup of Friendship and the Cup of Three Generations. Well, for the audience they will forever remain sincere guys in funny striped suits.

"Burnt by the Sun"

The KVN team, which, perhaps, only a baby does not know. With their sparkling and sometimes borderline humor, they burst into the club of the cheerful and resourceful in 2000. Few people remember, but initially the team was led by Ruslan Khachmamuk, but in 2002 he left and Mikhail Galustyan took his place.

Sharp text jokes, stunning miniatures and the mind-blowing game of Mikhail Galustyan made the whole country fall in love with the team from Krasnodar region. The jury did not stand aside either. In 2000 and 2001, “Burnt by the Sun” became the silver medalists of the season, in 2003 champions, and also took the KVN Summer Cup three times.

After the collapse of the team, almost all the participants became non-media personalities, except for captain Mikhail Galustyan and Alexander Reva, who constantly flash on the TV screen.

"County town"

A team with one of the most fantastic stories. Twice “Uyezdny Gorod” reached the semi-finals, where they lost to “Burnt by the Sun”, led by the brilliant Mikhail Galustyan. In 2002, the situation repeated itself, but the Chelyabinsk team was already ahead of the St. Petersburg team. This time, Alexander Maslyakov could not stand it and, by a strong-willed decision, took “District City to the finals.” There they started with a penalty of 0.2 points, which did not prevent them from finally winning.

The team was one of the first to use the same images and even costumes in their performances. They are remembered by everyone who has ever seen KVN: the Ural man Sergei Pisarenko, the shy botanist Evgeniy Nikishin, the eternal schoolboy Arkady Lapukhin.

RUDN University Undoubtedly, the team of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia is one of the most unique in the history of the club. The team was best at making jokes related to stereotypes about various peoples and countries. This is not surprising, since it includes representatives of a dozen different states.

Muscovites have also come a long way to success. They made their debut in the KVN Major League in 2003, after which they disappeared from television screens for almost a year. But gradually things began to improve for the team, and in 2006 they celebrated the championship. And in 2011 the guys made an unexpected comeback, performing at music festival in Jurmala. And there they were successful - the RUDN team won the second KiViN gold medal in its history.

Pyatigorsk team

Whoever remembers the old will have an eye over there... there it lies!

The team from Pyatigorsk appeared in 2000 and immediately captivated the audience with unusual and bold jokes. Absolutely not standard guys led by Semyon Slepakov and the “flower of the team” amazing Elena Borshchev did not make a show out of his performances; they did without special effects and complex decorations and hardly danced. But the audience's attention was undivided! In 2003, the guys were able to reach the finals, and in 2004 they became champions of the KVN Major League. Got it twice in a row prestigious award KiViN club in gold (in 2004 and 2005), and in 2006 they won the Summer Cup.


One of best teams 2000s rapidly burst into the world of KVN. In 2004, Muscovites took part in the Premier League tournament, where they reached the final in their first season. True, Megapolis shared the victory in the main game of the year with Maximum from Tomsk. The next year, the Muscovites already triumphantly marched through the Major League, but they also shared victory in the finals - this time with the “Narts from Abkhazia”.

Despite the fact that the team quickly stopped performing in KVN, the humor of almost all of its participants still amuses Russians. Natalia Yeprikyan can be seen in the show “ Comedy Woman", the author of the idea of ​​which she is. Denis Privalov and Denis Rtishchev work in the ProjectorParisHilton program, and the latter, among other things, is also the main author of the script for Evening Urgant.

"Sportivnaya Station"

Bright, stylish, young, dynamic, cheerful... all this is about the guys from Sports Station. The team appeared in 2002, and in 2006 became the champion of the KVN Premier League. And although the guys did not manage to take first place in the Major League, they managed to really fall in love with the audience, maybe the reason for this was really funny and kind jokes, maybe it was the superbly executed STEM competitions. And, of course, the personal charm of the frontman and team captain Dmitry Kozhoma.

Even the meters of the game recognized the talent of the Moscow guys - for best performance At the benefit performance of the “Guys from Baku” team, “Sportivnaya Station” received a valuable prize for a real KVN player - the cap of Bakhram Bagiradze.

"Fedor Dvinyatin"

“The only KVN team, after their performance, the stage is treated with bleach!” So, without undue modesty, perhaps one of the strangest KVN teams declared itself. The audience was immediately divided into two camps: those who fell in love with the participants’ game irrevocably, and those who called it antics and clownery.

Despite this, many FD miniatures were immediately stolen for quotes and even today they can be heard in conversation strangers. The guys' performances are distinguished by puns, absurd phrases and brilliant acting.

The team from the Moscow region city of Stupino appeared on Channel One in 2007 after the next Sochi festival. Then they broke into the KVN Premier League, and in the 2008-2009 season they played in the Higher League, although they never received the championship title.

"City of Pyatigorsk"

The KVN team from the glorious city of Pyatigorsk appeared on big scene only in 2011, but has already gathered an army of its own fans. The most significant, in every sense of the word, trump card of the team is its captain Olga Kartunkova. A powerful and formidable woman who holds all players in fear immediately attracts attention.

The team's humor is tied to the confrontation between the team and its tyrant captain. The players also give the audience amazing songs and colorful miniatures. Well, what does it say, you need to look.


"Raisy" - pure women's team, with completely unfeminine jokes. Those who are really not afraid to surprise either the audience or the strict KVN jury, prepare for their performances carefully - their performances are always filled with a variety of props. The team was created in 2009, in 2011 it made a real splash at the festival in Sochi, and in 2012 it already took part in the Major League games and won bronze.

"Team of the Kamyzyak region in KVN, the city of Kamyzyak, Astrakhan region"

It was thanks to this team that fans of the game had a dream - to personally meet the mayor of the city of Kamyzyak, and at the same time visit the local court. The team is not at all embarrassed to joke at the sharpest social topics, and looking at the team captain Azamat Musagaliev, it’s simply impossible not to smile - what a real KVN player, cheerful and resourceful! The team appeared in the Major League in 2012 and this season, according to many, the Kamyzyaks have every chance of becoming champions.

People always strive to escape from everyday worries and hassles. Various activities will help them with this, allowing them to relax both soul and body. To lift your spirits you can visit Entertainment Center, sauna, etc. But there is another option. You can turn on the TV at a certain time and watch a humorous TV show, such as KVN, “Stand-up” and much more.

Favorite show of many generations

The club of cheerful and resourceful people is humorous program, a game of several teams. They perform in front of the audience, competing in wit. Participants are asked various tricky questions, the answers to which should please both the audience and the jury.

Let's take a closer look at what kind of club this is, let's list some KVN teams, a list of their participants and the years when they gained popularity. Among them there are those who keep their mark and continue to be interesting for fans for several decades now.

Famous KVN teams, list of KVN players

There are several alliances of teams called leagues. The central leagues include: Higher, Premier, First, Slobozhanskaya, Ural, Northern, Ryazan, Volga region and others. Interregional ones include: Dnieper, Pacific, Astana, Caucasus, Polesie and so on.

In 1986, the KVN Major League appeared. Most often on television you can see games of teams that are included in it. The host of the KVN program is Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. His son leads the Premier League. His name is Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov. Since 1987, more than 200 teams have participated in the Major League. And the Club of the cheerful and resourceful is not going to stop there.

List of KVN (Major League) teams

In the Major League different years The following teams participated:

  1. Moscow Engineering Construction Institute. They performed three times.
  2. Engineering and Construction Institute of Voronezh. The team played 3 games and advanced to the semi-finals.
  3. Sevastopol Instrument-Making Institute. They delighted the audience and the jury with two performances.
  4. Chemical-Technological Institute of Moscow. We played 4 games. We made it to the finals).
  5. Team "Ural wipers" of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. This is one of the record holders. The team took part in 7 games and reached the final.
  6. Odessa State University "Odessa Gentlemen". We played 8 games and became champions.

In subsequent years, teams from Dnepropetrovsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Ural universities, MGIMO, Medical Institute in Ivanovo and Aviation Institute in Kharkov participated in the league. As well as other educational institutions.

Winners of Major League games

Novosibirsk (NSU) became champions in 1987-1988. In 1989 - Kharkovites, in 1995 - the "Squadron of Hussars" team.

The 2001 champion was the team of the Belarusian State University. The year 2002 brought good luck to the famous “District City”. In 2003, “Burnt by the Sun” (Sochi) won. 2006 was a successful year for the team

Behind last decade became champions: “ Ordinary people"(MEU), "MaksimuM" (TSU), team "PriMa" (Kursk), Team of the Krasnodar Territory, "SOK" from Samara, "Triod and Diode" (Smolensk), "City of Pyatigorsk", "Soyuz" ( Tyumen), Team of Kamyzyak region, “Asia MIX” (Bishkek).

Let's list the 2017 KVN teams.

The following reached the finals:

  1. “Radio Liberty” (Yaroslavl).
  2. "Sparta" (Astana).
  3. Team of the Great Moscow State Circus.
  4. Team “Buns named after Yaroslav Hasek” (Tver).

The following reached the semi-finals:

  1. Georgian national team.
  2. "Player" (Tambov).
  3. “Benevolent Roman” (St. Petersburg).
  4. Team of the Kaliningrad region.
  5. "Russian Road" (Armavir).
  6. Team of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

The list of KVN teams can be divided by country. For example: Russia has 154 teams. Ukraine has 37. Kazakhstan is represented by 6 teams. Belarus - 6, Georgia - 5, Armenia - 3, Azerbaijan - 2. Abkhazia, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Kyrgyzstan - one team each.

Russia became the champion 21 times, Ukraine - 5, Armenia -3, Belarus - 2.

The audience especially remembered: “Ural Dumplings”, “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”, “New Armenians”, “Burnt by the Sun”, “County Town”, “Only Girls in Jazz”, RUDN University, “Makhachkala Tramps”, “Four Tatars” and some other.

Some members of KVN teams (the list with photos can be seen below) have become very popular. They are invited to various TV shows. Everyone's favorite Sergei Svetlakov, the inimitable Mikhail Galustyan, the charming Garik Martirosyan, Dmitry Brekotkin, Ararat Keshchyan and others. Cheeky humor and witty statements have become their calling card.

Jury members

All games are judged by people who are close to television and understand what it means to have a sharp mind, artistry and stage presence. Just saying a “smart” thing is not a victory. Participants must present themselves at their best at its best, get used to this or that role.

The jury evaluates the teams' performances and gives them marks.

You can often see such famous figures as Leonid Yakubovich, Igor Vernik, Valdis Pelsh, Leonid Yarmolnik, Mikhail Efremov and others as judges.

The list of KVN teams is updated annually. I would like to hope that the new participants will delight the audience with interesting jokes and sketches, just like the old ones. The program Club of Cheerful and Resourceful is one of the most favorite programs not only of the adult generation, but also of children.

I started watching KVN fully in 1998 (I’ve seen some numbers before), and gave up in 2010. After that, I made attempts to resume watching it, but at some point I gave up, gave up and never turned it on again. I don't know what caused this. Maybe I watched Monty Python and saw what humor could really be. Maybe the reason is that KVN mainly touches on teenage topics - parties, exams, show business, which have long ceased to be close to me. Maybe the reason for this is adjustment to modern realities (clip thinking, numbers are short, fast, dynamic, you don’t have time to feel them). Or maybe KVN really is in crisis now, who knows. Although I heard “KVN is not the same anymore” during the period when I actively watched it and laughed until I cried at the jokes.

However, even though modern KVN is no longer close to me, no one takes away from me the old “tube” teams and their magnificent style, humor, and charisma. So, these are the top 11 of my favorite KVN teams! Why top 11? Because I stole the idea from the Nostalgia Critic!

A small disclaimer. At the end of each item I will indicate “favorite number”. This does not mean that he is the best or favorite. Rather, it’s just a very good number, one of the first that I remembered, and it’s also easy to find on YouTube.

11) “Pyramid” (Vladikavkaz)

The main problem of Caucasian teams in KVN is their one-sidedness. Almost everyone, in one way or another, tries to make jokes about the Caucasus. And it would be nice if there were a lot of topics, but no, everything depends on a certain set: long-livers, ladies' men, lawlessness, Lezginka, poor knowledge of the capital's traditions. In these five jokes, for example, “Narts from Abkhazia” emerged as champions. But there were those who were able to go beyond these stereotypes. Off the top of my head I can name two such teams – “New Armenians” and “Pyramid”. The Armenians, of course, will be more famous. They were champions, they created the Comedy Club, they gave Martirosyan to the world. But I tried to remember their best numbers... And you know, for some reason I didn’t remember anything whole. At the Pyramid, I remembered five numbers offhand. To be honest, I like the same 2008 champion “Maximum”, who beat “Pyramid” in the final, a little more. But I didn’t include it in the top purely out of respect for the Ossetians, who managed to joke not only about how a hundred-year-old grandfather cares for a girl, while his grandson, released from prison, uses his cell phone as a shoehorn, and at the end everyone dances lezginka.
Favorite number:"Clan Bolvano"

10) “Fedor Dvinyatin” (Moscow – Stupino)

And here many people will have a question: I confessed my love to KVN at the turn of the century, and then suddenly I include THIS in the top? Let me explain. "Fyodor Dvinyatin", in my opinion, were a distorting mirror of the era in which they played. In the second half of the 2000s, jokes about “substances,” about glamour, social life, and parties began to be heard more and more often on the stage. “Fyodor Dvinyatin” brought these themes to the point of absurdity. He simply did not care about all the norms of morality and decency, laughed at them and really forced himself to hate. It is not for nothing that one of the most high-profile scandals Major League of KVN, when Yuliy Gusman smashed them to smithereens parody of Valery Leontiev. These guys, with their wild behavior, laughed at KVN, at the audience, at the jury. And that's great!
Favorite number:"Pushkin's Nannies"

9) “Megapolis” (Moscow)

I don’t know who first came up with the concept of “the team captain comes out and spreads rot on everyone,” but “Megapolis” was the first to take it to the absolute level. This idea did not resonate with many. I admit, at first I didn’t like it either. It was hard to watch people hate each other, even if only as a joke. But if you do not pay attention to this controversial idea, then you can only admire Megapolis. Their numbers constantly contained references to classical literature and music. One of their first memorable numbers - poet-fabulist– this is generally something unimaginable. The team tore up the hall not with the fables themselves, but with their names or first lines (“one day a whale was walking along the shore. Suddenly, a camel rose from the water in amber spray”). “Megapolis,” in my opinion, was the last echo of the good old KVN - with long solid numbers and brilliant theatrical acting, and not “jumped out - joked - ran away - and all to the music.”
Favorite number:"Hussar Ballad"

8) BSU (Minsk)

The only two-time KVN champion in my era. This team was memorable because it did not have any specific style. That is, Belarusians went out not only for Lukashenko and potatoes. They took it with humor. However, none of their iconic numbers were similar to the other. Yes, in 2001 they had Galygin with parodies of the aforementioned “Alexander Khrigorievich”, but at the same time the team did not slide into endless self-repetitions. And BSU were the only ones who showed the real KVN on stage... porn film! My generation will understand what I mean. This is even more so free time, seemed like a very bold move.
Favorite number:"Concert "Time Machine"

7) “Prima” (Kursk)

Tell me, KVN fans, what is the first association you have when you name this team? Of course, pictures. Illustrated humor was their specialty, their know-how; many generally consider it almost their invention, although, of course, they joked like that back in the sixties. And yes, their rooms were simply magnificent. At the same time, you never know where, when and on what topic they will produce a masterpiece. In principle, there is no point in talking about their drawings - all this is easily found on the Internet. But when talking about “Prima”, many miss their other feature, which is atypical for their generation. Just pay attention to their humor outside of the pictures: parliamentary debates, housing and communal services reform, “visiting the Erokhins,” apartment renovations, musical "Loaders"... The team joked about household topics, close not to Muscovites, but to ordinary provincial Russians. Didn't hesitate to screw it into your room political satire. It’s a pity that they were remembered primarily for the pictures, and secondly for the poems. Yes, they even often used songs that one of them modern generation I didn't even hear it. Take, for example, the remake of “My Darling” about a trip to Turkey.
Favorite number: but there will be no pictures for you! "Glue the Homewrecker"

6) DasISTfak’t (Yaroslavl)

The most unknown team in this selection. These guys spent only two seasons on television, and in the Premier League, they quietly disappeared and remained generally misunderstood. And this is easily explained - jokes about Zhanna Friske are much more understandable to the average TV viewer than, for example, "Hunting Martens with a Boomerang". It seems to me that if Sergei Kuryokhin played in KVN, his team would be somewhat reminiscent of “DasISTfak’t”. It was even clear from the reaction of the audience that sometimes they simply didn’t understand what the guys were doing on stage. But alas, the main reason that these guys were never allowed into the tower was not unconventional humor. And it’s not even a dissonant name (at first they were called “Das Istfak”, then they were forced to add the letter “t”). main reason- in topics for humor. Their very first speech contained the phrase “There are all these “Ours”, “Young Guard”, everyone has eyes worth five kopecks, throw them grains - they will peck.” I don’t even understand how they were allowed on TV with such killer humor during the times of real freedom of speech. Unfortunately, over the years, KVN has been increasingly used as a political platform for instilling in young people the “correct” ideology and the “correct” image of enemies. And rare social humor like remake "I want to break free" looks very inappropriate, like an attempt to show: “Look, people, we have freedom of speech!” Although in fact... but let's not talk about sad things.
Favorite number:“While everyone is at home” in Czech"

5) “LUNA” (Chelyabinsk)

For many teams, it happens like this: you watch five numbers, memorize two hundred jokes, and then go around and quote them. With “LUNA” the situation was somewhat different. Off the top of my head, I only remembered two separate jokes from them, but one of them has long since become popular. First - “birch tree, I would like as many buds as you have”. Well, and the second is the legendary phrase about the film (no matter which): “The book is better. And any". “LUNA” was different – ​​the integrity of the number. No KVN team of the 21st century has ever had so many integral numbers, broken not into several pieces, but consistent with one theme. Take, for example, my favorite - "Love Formula". Actually there goes full retelling Soviet comedy, and not yet the most famous one (not “The Diamond Arm”, not “Ivan Vasilyevich”). The team on stage in STEM and “Homework” was a real theatrical production, albeit compressed by time frames. Set up a lot good jokes– this, of course, is not easy. But making a lot of good jokes on one topic is already aerobatics.
Favorite number:“Dowry” (although I love “Formula of Love” most of all)

4) Pyatigorsk team

There were and, for sure, there are many teams in KVN that want to look like simple guys from the provinces. But alas, another joke about how Nikolai Baskov rode in the elevator all day because there was a mirror reveals that the guys, or at least their authors, are the most metropolitan citizens. The Pyatigorsk people were real provincials. From the very first performance, it seemed that they had seen KVN somewhere at the dawn of the nineties, and then lightning struck their only television in the village. Yes, they already had a lot of humor about modern realities, but sometimes it seemed that they were reluctant to joke about these topics. They did much better in numbers about the Middle Ages, Rural Romance, Chapaev... In general, they did about the same thing as “MOON”, but at the same time they had a couple of advantages over their Ural comrades. Firstly, they used even less popular films for their numbers. Secondly, their humor was sometimes so absurd that you didn’t immediately understand that they were joking like that, and you sat there, waiting for the joke to end. And then it dawns on you... Well, another important fact is that Pyatigorsk was very good in warm-ups. And this, as you understand, is the most difficult KVN competition.
Favorite number:"New Year" (with "Bohemian Rhapsody")

3) “Ural dumplings” (Ekaterinburg)

We won’t talk about what “Pelmeni” is doing on the STS channel - why talk about sad things? In general, personally, I only saw Pelmeni’s championship season in 2000. And from it I only remember “Can’t touch this” on improvised instruments, as well as the enchanting “Delchev Somersault”. But the main thing is what they did after leaving the “tower”. Most of the Anniversary games and the short-lived project “KVN. Outside the game” they stayed on the numbers of “Pelmeni”. Plus their constant performances at Sochi festivals, including 2003, when they gave us, perhaps, the best KVN number recent years 15 (I think you understand what are we talking about). Their humor was based on absurdity and unexpected breaking of the fourth wall, and before it became mainstream. Once I caught myself thinking that when constructing jokes, they reminded me very much of Monty Python. And then I found out that “Dumplings” was actually inspired by “Monty Python”! And most importantly, they skillfully used the image of an inadequate person on the team (Dima Sokolov). That is, in KVN, many build almost all of their humor, all of their performances around a person who is, as it were, “not of this world.” “Pelmeni” used Sokolov as a kind of joker when it was necessary to finish off the audience, which was already dying of laughter.
Favorite number:“Show “Doors” (“Gladiolus” everyone has already seen a hundred times)

2) Team of St. Petersburg

The St. Petersburg team is a unique phenomenon in KVN. Perhaps, no team that did not become a champion has received such strong popular love. St. Petersburg became the first for many KVN fans of my age true love. They took me with some kind of lightness, liveliness of humor. And they looked very youthful. While others came out in the same greetings and simply joked “in line,” these guys jumped and ran around the stage, simply blowing your mind with incredibly cool humor. They combined the lightness of modern humor with St. Petersburg intellectuality. Their humor showed respect for the viewer - just look at their number about Bob Marley's visit to the USSR. Almost no one showed such musical numbers in KVN. Except for one more team (more on them later). And how they dressed! Look - most KVN teams either wear uniforms uniform style, or players dress in certain images (for example, “County City”). And here they went on stage as if they had just come out of the dressing room and forgot to change clothes.
In 2005, Peter suddenly decided to return, although he was clearly no longer attracted to young people. And they returned completely different. They had uniforms (beige jackets), and humor was no longer so light and fast. They again, as at the turn of the century, seemed anachronistic. But anachronistic in the other direction. Have they gotten worse? No. They just changed their style and became different. These were already respectable men and a woman with more respectable humor. But they still did not become champions. In general, that season finally convinced me that KVN is won not by the team that is better, but by the one that “needs.” Twice - in 1999 and 2002, St. Petersburg lost in the finals to teams that should not have made it to these finals. First, they defeated BSU in the semifinals, but by Maslyakov’s decision, the Belarusians also advanced to the finals, where they performed objectively better than anyone else. Then absolutely the same story happened with “District City” (although their advantage was no longer so obvious). And in 2005, St. Petersburg fell behind the winners by 0.1 points in the semifinals. 0.1!!! (in words) One tenth! In this situation, I won’t even remind you that those estimates were clearly underestimated. Maslyakov said in a cold voice that “the numbers say the following...”, and Peter left KVN forever.
Favorite number:"Bad Radio"

1) “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” (Tomsk)

The Pyatigorsk national team on stage looked like a kind of “greetings from the past.” Peter looked ahead of his time. “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” is a team out of time. Their numbers (except for the realities of the era) would have looked great in the eighties and look great now. Tomsk residents were not pioneers of any genre or symbols of any era. They were just showing off humor highest quality. As they say, they came out and tore the hall apart. At the same time, it made no difference to them in which competition they did it - “homework” or “warm-up”. I have never seen a single team that was so cool in the warm-up. At the same time, their main trick was to run out to answer before the required time had expired - the resourcefulness of Grigory Malygin (R.I.P.) and the company in those years was simply amazing. And DLSH also had incredibly cool singers. There is a team from RUDN University that showed off their ability to sing. For "Children" this was a given. At the same time, having Gasaev and Vince on the team, they could not bother with the lyrics at all, but simply take over the audience with their bare hands at the expense of powerful voices. At the same time, they not only made hilarious alterations ( “how disgusting it is in Russia in the morning”), but the song performance was also turned into a small performance.
But the most important contribution of “Children” to KVN, and indeed to the history of our country, was the ability to easily joke about the situation that developed in Russia in those years. The crisis, the devastation, the always drunk president, the closure of NTV - all these topics were easily turned into a joke by DLSH, teasing the current government, but at the same time leaving in the hearts of people the hope that everything would eventually settle down, everything would be fine. And as confirmation - their indispensable final songs with a rural-folk slant. In modern KVN, in order to raise the spirit of patriotism, for some reason it is considered necessary to throw a stone at America. The “Schmidts” made the Russian soul open up and feel proud of itself without pseudo-pathetic phrases, without Zadornov’s “Russian savvy”. And it was incredibly cool!
I have already written a lot about “DLSh”, but I have to highlight one more paragraph about “Siberian Siberians”. In 2001, almost all Tomsk residents performed under a new name and new registration. Yes, they received reinforcements from the NSU team, but still the same people set the tone. With the only exception - Alexander Pushnoy. And that year they seemed to have decided not to fight for the championship, but to show the people what they themselves liked. Just think about it: in 2001, a parody of "PINK FLOYD". And not even on Another brick in the wall, but on Shine on your crazy diamond! Pushnoy was a pioneer of the rock-KVN style. It’s a pity that this style has largely ended at Pushnoye.
Favorite number:"Lucky case"

P.S. Just in case, let me remind you: this top is purely my subjective opinion. Be sure to write yours in the comments. Which KVN teams did you love and love? Is KVN “cake” now? If not, when do you think it became “not a cake”? In general, we are waiting!

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