Human totem sign. Animal mascots for earth signs

Every person has a totem. It is capable of having the character of a talisman or patron, which means it can exert a certain influence and is capable of endowing its owner with various qualities. Nowadays, many have become interested in this; there are enough ways and options to determine it; the simplest is the name or date of birth of a person. Behind every person there is an animal; it is this animal that can impart not only positive qualities, but also negative ones. Thanks to this point, character traits are easy to compensate, creating a balance.

Methods for identifying a totem animal

There are certain ways to understand which totem animal is the life partner of a particular person. It is possible to look at specialized calendars or astrological tables. It is also entirely possible to engage in some form of meditation. Naturally, the latter method is much more effective and better, because in this case each person will be able to feel and understand much better which animal is closer and dearer to him. During meditation, the subconscious and human consciousness are in close relationship, hidden energies become stronger and show their true essence.

You should know that a totem symbolizes various aspects of a particular person’s personality, so it is quite possible to select several totems at the same time and use them. This will only make working with them easier.

Also, in various life situations, a person will become more profound and pragmatic. For example, during a period of protracted illness, you can use the properties of the totem that rules the earth, and in case of psychological and spiritual problems, use air totems. When using totems, a person can take advantage of hidden capabilities and become much stronger and wiser.

Should know

Before you start searching for a totem animal, you need to know certain information. The totem is considered an animal from the world of mysticism or wildlife. Any person has his own totem or several of them at once. Moreover, each has a main totem and several secondary ones. Each person must determine it independently, because it is a connection with his personality.

The totem may well change over the course of a lifetime. He can have a great influence on the fate of an individual for a long time, and then hide in the shadows, helping only when it is really necessary. There are different totem animals in different areas of life. When working with them, you don’t have to worry about certain restrictions, because they simply don’t exist. First you need to establish a close relationship with the main totem, and then you can move on to using others. If a person commits wrong actions or deeds, then the totem may leave him.

Shamans and thoughts

If you listen to the teachings of the shamans of antiquity, then it is worth remembering that if a person has the strength of an animal, this does not at all mean the availability of his skills and energy. These qualities exist in the subconscious of the individual, but they need to be constantly developed and worked with. The totem animal used to be determined by the year of birth and date. The shamans were also convinced that if a person was excellent at finding contact with certain animals, this meant that he had a strong totem.

The individual must find a common language and establish contact with the totem animal in order to have his own patron. You need to honor the totem and show respect to it. If a totem helped a person in a difficult situation, then you should definitely thank it in your heart. Shamans have understood since ancient times how useful totems are and what they are needed for. They knew that with the help of a totem a person could receive excellent health and physical condition, enormous strength and powerful energy. The totem also showed individuals how to get out of a difficult situation with minimal losses.

Totem animal by date of birth

Each person has his own totem animal, which protects him and helps him discover certain qualities and temperament in himself. Ancient Slavic peoples recognized their totem animal by old tradition. If a person knows his individual totem animal, then he can understand himself much better, achieve inner harmony and find out his own purpose in life. If he knows what his totem animal is, he can discover unexpected talents in himself, engage in creativity, and discover his true essence.

  • Bear (December 10-January 9) 1931, 1963, 1995
  • Belka (January 10–February 9) 1948, 1980, 2012
  • Wolf (February 10-March 9) 1941, 1973, 2005
  • Dog (March 10–April 9) 1954, 1986, 2018
  • Cat (April 10-May 9) 1961, 1993, 2025
  • Tiger (10 May - 9 June) 1958, 1990, 2022
  • Raven (June 10-July 9) 1949, 1981, 2013
  • Snake (July 10-August 9) 1944, 1976, 2008
  • Dolphin (August 10–September 9) 1966, 1998, 2030
  • Deer (September 10–October 9) 1970, 2002, 2034
  • Buffalo (October 10–November 9) 1967, 1999, 2031
  • Fox (November 10–December 9) 1965, 1997, 2029

Each creature has unique features and properties. So how can you recognize the totem beast by date of birth and use its power to improve your life? How to discover the hidden energy in yourself and find your Self? Here it is worth using Celtic, Zoroastrian and Turkic astrological calendars and horoscopes.

Online calculation of totem animal:

Totem by zodiac sign

Finding a totem animal by date of birth is not difficult. You just need to look at a special calendar and understand which animal is the main patron in a certain period. You can also pay attention to secondary totems, which can help in difficult situations to help reveal a person’s hidden abilities and skills.

Any person is able to understand who his totemic patron is; he just needs to be able to turn to the animal. Naturally, you should not expect instant results, but after a certain period of time you can notice significant changes. Life will change for the better, your personality will become stronger. However, if a person cannot go into the depths of the subconscious, then he is able to simply look at the calendar or find an animal according to his zodiac sign.

Search for a totem

To begin with, you should choose a place for privacy and loneliness, so that no one will disturb you. You should relax as much as possible and close your eyes, sit quietly, make your breathing even and calm. You need to concentrate on meditation and eliminate extraneous thoughts. It is necessary to free your own consciousness as much as possible from unnecessary fuss and focus on the main thing. You have to open up and free yourself.

Inside yourself you should imagine an endless space of black color, concentrate on it, feel it and sense it. This is what will be the huge Universe, which extends to infinity in all directions.

When you can feel the image, you need to imagine a tiny point in the center of the Universe, as if pulsating without stopping. You need to look at her carefully and observe. It will begin gradually, slowly at first, and then faster and faster, to increase in size, take on the shape and outline of a certain animal. It could be an insect, a bird or a huge predatory animal.

It is worth concentrating as much as possible on this image, presenting it in all details.

When the image begins to resemble the real one, you should ask in your thoughts who it is, what its name is, and continue to wait. It is quite possible that the name will pop up in thoughts on its own or the person will hear the necessary information. It is also likely that a person will see it even more clearly and realize that he has known him for a long time. Everything will depend on the individual characteristics and abilities of a particular person to perceive sensation through the organs of hearing, smell, touch or vision.

You must first whisper the name of a given animal in order to remember it and subsequently constantly contact the patron. However, only a person should know it; no one should be told about it.

It is also worth contacting the image by name and asking him to tell you about his properties and skills, about hidden abilities and in what situations you should count on his help. You need to keep all the information in your head, you can’t tell anyone about it.

When a person has managed to learn everything he needs, he needs to slowly dissolve the image of the animal in the infinity of the black Universe.

After this, it’s worth sitting in silence for a while with eyes closed. Well, when the consciousness is ready to return to reality, you can open your eyes and finish the mediation.

Types of totems

  • Bear - refers to those people whose date of birth is in digital equivalent from December 10 to January 9. The main positive thing about such people is understanding and wisdom, as well as calmness. But there’s no use for laziness.
  • Wolverine - this animal is classified among people born between January 10 and February 9. Man has the strength and ability to organize himself in any situation. Often such people are considered reserved and even closed.
  • Raven - refers to those whose birthday coincides with the dates from February 10 to March 9. A person can have the ability to intelligently understand other people by listening to his inner world. Intelligence is the main quality of people under such protection. But there are also negative aspects to living in your fantasies.
  • Ermine is a person born between March 10 and April 9; it is important for them to be independent from anyone and nothing. Moreover, friendship is not just a word for them.
  • Toad - near that person, the day of occurrence of which falls in the period from April 10 to May 9. Well-being is important for every person.
  • Grasshopper - from May 10 to June 9. Constant striving for the best despite all obstacles and misunderstandings.
  • Hamster - laziness is manifested in the character of this person, but at the same time, if there is a goal, they cannot be stopped. This is for people from June 10 to July 9.
  • Snail - a person under this protection is always friendly and loyal, but there is also a minus: he fantasizes excessively. This is typical for people born between July 10 and August 9.
  • Ant - a person born between August 10 and September 9 is hardworking and never deviates from his goal.
  • Soroka – there are more negative than positive here, the period from September 10 to October 9.
  • Beaver - will always be close to the person whose birth date falls in the period from October 10 to November 9. Most often, this person is hidden and withdrawn, which means his soul is dark.
  • A dog is the one who is capable of protecting its person born from November 10 to December 9. Like this animal, man knows how to make friends, his devotion is sometimes simply surprising, but many people like him.

Various cultures and totem

In ancient times, people were convinced that animals were the ancestors of humans, which is why Darwin’s theory is true for many. Animals have always been revered and respected. Totem animals in different cultures and peoples are almost the same. In most cases these are wild birds and animals.

However, some animals are owners of impressive strength and mysticism, courage and courage, determination, while others embody such traits as patience and wisdom.

In India they were sure that all the Gods had their own individual animals, which were considered messengers and allowed them to move. In ancient times it was believed that God was in every animal.

Essence of the Totem

How to understand which totem animal protects a particular person? The most the right way There will be meditation in this matter. Some people almost instantly understand which animal is their patron. For example, some people get along well with dogs and rodents, while others adore crawling animals and know how to handle them.

If you carefully look at how animals behave towards humans, you can determine your own totem without effort. The roots of the totem can manifest themselves throughout existence, but not all people notice this. It is necessary to clearly understand that the totemic beast cannot be separated from a person; it goes hand in hand with him throughout his entire existence. It is the animal that shows the true essence of a particular person, his character and skills. The totem contains hidden personal traits and the energy of a certain personality.

Assistant and comrade

The totem represents psychological condition personality. If you look at the totem animals different nations and cultures, then we can understand that in ancient times people asked for help not only from animals, but also from plants. People used to easily unlock their own potential using this knowledge. Why is this impossible now?

One has only to understand which animal is a person’s patron, come into contact with it and establish relationships. Then, during a difficult period in life, it will definitely come to the rescue and help you release your inner potential and hidden energies, use your abilities and know your own Self. Totems are the companions of every person in such a complex and unpredictable life!

There are many methods of finding your personal animal totem, from the simplest - using special calendars and astrological tables - to specialized meditative techniques. Naturally, it is most preferable to use the latter method, since it provides a greater chance of finding your individual totem, as it allows for a more subtle “tuning” of the subconscious and consciousness. But in this article we will look at each of these methods of finding your totem, and which one you choose is your own business, you can simply combine them.

Do not forget that, at its core, a totem is a symbol of certain aspects of your personality, and its use helps not only to establish contact with it, but also to gain access to the corresponding energies. Therefore, using three totems at once will make your work with them more flexible, in different situations you will be able to solve current problems more accurately and productively. For example, in case of illness, it is better to resort to the help of a totem associated with the earth, and when solving some intellectual or psychological problems, it is better to resort to the help of totems associated with the air.

Calendar method of finding your personal totem

The calendar method of finding your totem is very simple; to do this, just use the calendar of totems, which are found in almost every tradition. Here you can see a whole range of such calendars that you can use. Their principle is based on the astrological correspondence between the year (sometimes the month of birth) and the totem.

Please note that the calendar and meditative search for the totem do not contradict each other, so you can use both methods.

A meditative method of finding your personal totem

As mentioned above, the meditative method of finding your personal totem is more preferable, since it allows you to take into account your individual characteristics as much as possible.

Please note that this article provides both a general meditative method of finding your totem, and a technique that allows you to find 3 and 5 totems at once - for each of the areas of your personality! After performing any of the 3 and 5 totem techniques, be sure to perform general method search for totem!

General method of finding your totem

Go to a place where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes. Sit quietly, balancing your breathing and concentrating on the upcoming meditation. Free your consciousness from all vanity. It must become open and free.

Before your mind's eye, imagine a huge black space. Focus on it, try to feel it as fully as possible - this is a huge Universe, stretching endlessly in all directions.

When the image becomes stable, notice that in the center of this huge black space there is a small point of light pulsating. Watch her for a while. Look closely at the pulsating point and you will notice how it gradually increases, taking on the shape of some kind of animal - it could be a luminous bird, a snake, an ant, etc.

Concentrate on the shape of your personal totem.

When his form becomes stable, mentally ask his name and wait. After a while you will learn his name. It may pop up in your mind on its own, or you will seem to hear it, or maybe you will see it, or just at some point you will realize that you already know it. It all depends on your natural inclination to perceive information through hearing, vision or sensations.

Say the secret name of your personal totem several times in a whisper to remember it well. Only you and no one else should know it.

Contact your totem by name and ask what properties it has and in what cases it can help you. Keep everything you learn secret.

When the necessary information is received, mentally “dissolve” the image of your totem in the blackness of space.

Sit silently for a while without opening your eyes. When you feel that your consciousness is ready to return to the everyday world, open your eyes.

Meditative method of finding 3 animal totems

Concentrate on the area from your feet to your navel. Feel this part of your body. Then move your attention to your navel and imagine that a dark red glow appears from there, gradually filling the whole world. And in it appears a huge land stretching in all directions. Its landscape can be anything, but there will definitely be a hole in it.

Watch the hole carefully: after a while, some creature will appear from it - a snake, a raccoon, a wolf, and so on.

Concentrate on the area from your navel to your heart. Feel this part of your body. Then move your attention to your heart and imagine that a dark green glow appears from there, gradually filling the whole world. Stay in this state for some time until you achieve complete peace. And then take a closer look: you will see how a huge clearing with lush green grass spreads out in this space. Watch carefully: after a while you will see some animal come into the clearing - a hare, deer, bear, etc.

Concentrate on the area from the heart to the crown. Feel this part of your body. Then move your attention to the area of ​​the “third eye” (the point between the eyebrows) and imagine that a gentle blue glow is emanating from there, filling the whole world. Feel the lightness and airiness, and then look closely: you will see clouds appearing in this gentle blue glow.

Meditative method of searching for 5 totems

Go to a place where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes. Sit quietly, balancing your breathing and concentrating on the upcoming meditation. Free your mind from everything vain. It must become open and free.

Concentrate on the base of your pelvis and imagine a ball emitting yellow light emerging from this point. It grows slowly and reaches a size two to three times your height.

Take a closer look - inside the ball there is a small clearing surrounded by forest. In this clearing stands your totem animal - a wolf, a fox, a bull, a bear, etc.

Concentrate on the genital area and imagine a ball emitting blue light emerging from this point. It grows slowly and reaches a size two to three times your height.

Take a closer look - there is water inside the ball, and a shark, dolphin, perch or any other representative swims in it water world, which can be your personal totem.

Fire totem

This class of totems is quite conventional, which is why its name was put in quotation marks. The thing is that its category includes not only real-life animals, but also those that could be classified as mythical - dragons, phoenixes, salamanders and so on, that is, those that are in one way or another connected with the element of fire , personify it. Therefore, do not be surprised if during meditation you come across just such a representative of the animal world. Don’t get confused, because a totem is just a symbol behind which there are certain energies.

So, concentrate on the abdominal area and imagine how a ball emitting red light appears from this point. It slowly grows and reaches a size that is 2-3 times your height.

Take a closer look - inside the ball there is a fragment of the steppe zone (sometimes it can even be a desert), and on it stands your personal totem - a rooster, pheasant, lizard, etc.

Concentrate on the heart area and imagine a ball emerging from this point, emitting a soft bluish light. It slowly grows and reaches a size that is 2-3 times your height.

Take a closer look - clouds are floating inside the ball, and a bird is hovering between them, which is your personal totem. It could be an eagle, a kite, a dove, a sparrow, a parrot or some other bird.

Concentrate on the throat area and imagine a ball emerging from this point, emitting a soft White light. It slowly grows and reaches a size that is 2-3 times your height.

Take a closer look - an insect flutters inside the ball in a light haze - a dragonfly, a butterfly, a bee, etc.

Practice working with a personal animal totem

At its core, the practice of working with a personal totem is a set of various meditative techniques, using which you can establish contact with the “animal” part of your personality. This will help you discover new sides of yourself, gain access to an additional source of vitality and, as a cumulative result of all this, heal from many diseases and psychological problems.

It is best to meditate early in the morning or in the evening, before going to bed. During the meditation period, make sure that no one distracts you. Ideally, there should be silence, especially at first, until you learn to concentrate well on your inner sensations.

Before meditation, it is advisable to take a shower; if this is not possible, wash your face and wash your hands and feet. And immediately after meditation you should not take a shower; at least 30 minutes must pass. In any case, never start meditative practices without taking a bath; this is a matter of not only physical, but also energetic hygiene.

You should meditate in loose clothing, preferably made from natural materials. Nothing should interfere with normal breathing - no rubber bands or tightly tied scarves or ties. Naturally, shoes and socks should be removed.

During meditation, you should not be wearing rings, necklaces, chains, earrings or other accessories. All these items interfere with the normal circulation of vital energy, which can lead to unwanted side effects.

The room where meditation will be carried out should be well ventilated. Meditating in smoky rooms or rooms where alcoholic beverages have recently been consumed is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, very unpleasant “surprises” await you.

It is strictly forbidden to meditate on a full stomach. A full stomach interferes with the normal circulation of energy within the body. After eating, at least 40-60 minutes should pass. If little time passes after eating, this can lead to vomiting or other negative consequences. Most of the meditations given here involve working with energies, and therefore have a strong effect on the entire body. These, at first glance, simple exercises may not be as harmless as you think.

At the end of the meditation session, under no circumstances immediately go on business. Stay calm for at least another 15-20 minutes. And only then plunge into the “vanity of vanities.”

You can meditate in any position in which the spine remains straight - this can be a classic “yogic” pose with crossed legs or sitting with your knees bent. But you can also just sit on a chair, and in some cases even lie on your back. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and can completely relax.

Since ancient times, people have treated certain animals with great reverence and sacred fear. And now we know very well that many peoples have their own animal totems or animal symbols, about which there are legends, which are given certain honors and the killing of which is completely unacceptable - even if it is not regulated by law - from the point of view public morality. Want to know which animal is your totem? Read on.

The history of totems

The Egyptians revered Apis, a sacred bull, who certainly had to be marked with a white triangle on his forehead and a spot resembling an eagle on his neck, as well as another spot - in the shape of a waxing moon - on his side.

Many have heard about the geese that saved Rome in the first years of its existence from the nomadic tribes, the Gauls. Now, of course, geese are considered sacred birds by the Romans.

In India today the cow is a sacred animal, and in China the tiger is such an animal. In general, the horoscope of animal totems created by the Chinese may indicate a special reverence for animals and also that eastern peoples, like no one else, they are able to see the connection between the animal, natural world and the human world.

Our ancestors were convinced that if the man will come in in contact with any animal, it becomes its patron, and a person will acquire the qualities characteristic of his patron.

From time immemorial, the tradition has come to us to identify a person with some kind of animal, and even now we often find in a person features - external and internal - that make him look like some kind of animal. Thus, comparisons “cowardly like a hare”, “cunning like a fox”, “loyal like a dog”, “hungry like a wolf”, “strong like a bear (bull)”, “plows like a horse”, etc. and so on. testify to a person’s great powers of observation and active understanding of certain animal traits in relation to human qualities.

For this purpose, here is a table of animal totems in accordance with the year of birth of a person. To calculate the year of compliance not listed in the table, use the formula n+32. (Note by author)

Thus, there are 32 animal totems in total.

It should be noted that in Eastern horoscope animals are different, but this system of identities was born among the Zoroastrians, fire worshipers, and there is no analogy between these two systems.

Below is waiting for you Full description animal totems and information thanks to which you can find out your animal totem by date of birth.

Deer totem

A person whose patron is Deer is calm, graceful, and slender. Slowly parting with his thoughts and beliefs, as well as habits and stereotypes. It is difficult to open up to new sensations and emotions - he is conservative. In addition, he is ambitious - he believes that those left behind are not a threat to him, and is not afraid of obstacles that may stand in his way - he simply believes that they will not arise. The “Deer” man is laconic, answers in monosyllables: “yes” or “no,” and does not indulge in complex, florid reasoning about the essence and complexity of earthly existence.

Wears classic-cut clothes.

Everything in his life is stable and balanced. Such a person seems passive, but as he approaches the goal he develops enormous speeds, steadily moving forward. Able to observe and control any situation. He cannot stand criticism of himself, feeling protected - after all, he has horns!

Deer is a symbol of long life. The Egyptians considered him a prototype of a creature susceptible to flattery, because he allows himself to be seduced by the sounds of a flute. The deer is partial, reliable, extremely jealous, he is the owner.

In China, the deer is an animal totem of longevity and wealth.

Deer in Christian art serves as a symbol of hermitage, piety, and purity. It is mentioned as an enemy of the snake, which it can lure out of hiding with its breath and then trample.

The animal totem of the Deer symbolizes Christ, who seeks the devil to destroy him, as well as the soul thirsting to hear the Word of Christ (Psalm 41: “As a deer longs for streams of water, so does the soul long for Thee, O God!”)

Ram totem

Large, bulging eyes, hair falling over a large sloping forehead, short stature, stocky man. Smiling, helpful, gentle.

But this softness is only on the outside; on the inside there is rigidity and obstinacy, especially in matters of principle. He likes public speeches, mass celebrations, and large crowds of people. Often such people adore art, devoting themselves entirely to it. Ram loves family and is caring. An exemplary parent, honors traditions and foundations; he is loved by all members of the clan.

The ram loves boasting and exploits.

The animal totem Ram is a symbol of ardor and sexuality. In myths, he embodies the creative and wild forces of nature, has a powerful reproductive instinct, and is impulsive.

Mongoose totem

Nimble, thin, slender.

Has a pronounced creativity. They have excellent fighting qualities; people of this type are a priori winners. The mongoose does not like to lose in any big or small matter. He is characterized by a non-standard approach to all areas of life. He is an individualist by nature. Most of all he values ​​the freedom of expression of his Self. He is dexterous, resilient, and finds a worthy partner with great difficulty. But the Mongoose is not very cunning, and he can be tricked.

Work is more important to him than personal ambitions; it is the most important thing in his life.

The mongoose is by nature a breadwinner, a master. A woman can rely on him in literally everything: she looks after him like a stone wall.

The mongoose is vain, loves wealth and prosperity. But he loves to give generous gifts, is unconventional in love, and loves to improvise.

The animal totem indicates that the Mongoose is promiscuous, flighty, and has difficulty finding good professional connections, business partners, and a spouse. It is difficult to create a family, and having found one, he does not like to sit at home, he constantly travels somewhere, finding important reasons for his absence. Sometimes he is capable of vile acts and moral dishonesty.

Living with him, you need to “adapt” to him in a good way words, then he will be more faithful and reliable.

Totem wolf (dog)

Full description of the animal totem: such a person has a face tapering towards the chin, a stern, piercing, penetrating gaze, often like that of a hunted dog driven by a pack of predators.

You should not expect a violent manifestation of feelings or “calf tenderness” from him. He is a Spartan by nature. On the other hand, he loves adventures and often organizes them himself.

Often bifurcates, lives in two houses, finding special satisfaction in this. Constantly seeks the thrill of sensations and feelings, provoking those around him. He can be rude, but also gentle.

Sensitive to weather changes, an excellent predictor of changes and disasters, force majeure in nature.

He has a keen sense of everything that happens, and often has unusual abilities, including the occult.

In the house of a person with the Wolf totem, the wife is the mistress. Strong woman. The element of struggle in this relationship is attractive to the Wolf. The other lady of his heart must be weaker, he takes care of her from all adversities. If a partner gains power over him, he does not stay long. It is impossible to intimidate him.

The wolf honors family ties, but he himself must set the tone.

The wolf is a good breadwinner; his “legs feed him.”

It is better to keep him company than to dissuade him from adventures and travel. The wolf doesn't care about the impression it creates. He is not inclined to play, often he needs strength in literally words. The Wolf is not accustomed to smiling; he perceives someone else’s smile as a grin.

The wolf is a symbol of cruelty. This menacing image is found in fairy tales and legends, where the wolf represents bloodthirstiness out of control and primitive strength.

Stork totem

A lean figure, a straight nose, the pose of a monument on a pedestal, a somewhat “ballet” appearance.

Both the lightness and festivity of the totem do not exclude an outwardly stern, inaccessible person.

The symbol of the Stork is peace, love, family, children. But in the family the Stork is often lonely - what a paradox! He is unpredictable and psychologically complex. Something constantly seems to oppress him. There is some kind of defenselessness in him. The stork is a “strange wanderer”, often not of his own free will. But he always knows how to achieve his goals.

It seems that he is attracted to fun, noisy companies, but in reality he does not adapt well to large groups, he needs support from a partner. Moral support - Right way to the heart of the Stork. Despite the desire for “eternal flights,” they are strongly attached to their family. The stork is monogamous - it chooses one girlfriend for life. The problem is his unquenchable desire to be liked, he craves admiration, wants to be looked up to, and nothing else. Without receiving warmth and attention, a person with the Stork totem can leave, “fly” to another nest, despite the fact that he is essentially monogamous. Its main value is freedom.

The stork generally symbolizes new life, the arrival of spring, paternal or filial affection.

In Christianity, the stork symbolizes purity, chastity, prudence, and vigilance.

Spider totem

The small, seemingly inconspicuous spider differs from larger individuals in its hypersensitivity. A light breeze, fluctuations in the fields of the Earth, the Sun, warmth and light - everything affects him, his mood.

The spider is a complacent person, he is silent, lazy, tenacious, sensitive, responsive.

Skillful hands are his business card. He is a “jack of all trades” in love too. It is unlikely that you will be able to outplay or deceive him. But even having figured out you, the Spider will never show it.

Spiders need to be “teased”, fooled, otherwise they go into their “cocoon”. Let the Spider be jealous and worried, but these intrigues should be woven very subtly, like a web. You can transmit information through an intermediary. A person with an animal totem must wait all his life, sitting in his dark corner, busy weaving a web, and you make him run. The life of Spiders is grey, they are attracted to bright things. Spider is not indifferent to bright, cheerful people. If you break his net, he runs in to repair the break; make him do it more often.

The spider is credited with fatal power, and the web, an eternal intricate chain, symbolizes the Cosmos and the hidden foundations of Existence.

Totem (snake)

Lanky, thin, flexible, as if he had no bones - this is what this man looks like. Such is his character.

Fits well into a new life, in different circumstances. He looks sluggish, seems like an observer, he can wait, and quite patiently, for a bad time.

Already an esthete. Appreciates appearance, pleasant little things, and expensive items. They prefer older partners when they are young, seeking support; in old age, on the contrary, he adores youth.

He doesn’t like responsibilities; he likes a civil marriage. It “lays down softly”, but it’s often hard to sleep!

Inactivity is often apparent - the moment will come and it will take its toll! When activated, it becomes playful, and may even get carried away; you should constantly monitor it. Shake it, let it turn around like it’s already in a frying pan.

You need to greet him with affection, love, care, while preferably looking as seductive as possible. It needs to be warmed up - their natural temperature is low. It is not recommended to rush things - in case it stings! He can't stand violence, he'll slip out of his hands.

The snake is one of the most complex universal symbols of animals: a snake, a lizard, a dragon are approximately the same concepts. IN Western culture The snake is the personification of evil, cunning, death, destruction, sin, the devil, but it is also a symbol of wisdom, healing, renewal, rebirth.

Beaver totem

Full description of the animal totem: short stature, strong build, protruding teeth.

This person is distinguished by extreme ability to work. Works mainly for the benefit of the family. He is very caring and will warm you with warmth, like a beaver with its unique fur. The beaver loves order in everything and is not a chatterbox. He is a focused life builder. When choosing a life partner, the Beaver is not too concerned about the external qualities of the partner; the main thing for him is efficiency.

Beaver's conservatism is very great; he does everything slowly, taking into account past experience: once established rules are a dogma for all time. Beavers have a complete lack of desire for adventure on the side, for love affairs.

The beaver does not like to be given gifts - he likes to give them himself.

He especially values ​​cleanliness and is an exemplary owner. The beaver is not at all cunning, as is commonly believed. On the contrary, the tricks of those around him anger the Beaver. Responsibility and seriousness are all that is needed in order not to be separated from the Beaver.

He is a workaholic, his feelings are somewhere out there... Beaver will never leave his favorite “dam”, so don’t try to take him away from it. Beavers are sacred animals, they cannot be offended, they can be surprised and delighted.

In general, the animal totem signifies qualities such as diligence, hard work, and abstinence.

Turtle totem

Solid and passive at the same time, the turtle personifies the boss. Slowness and self-confidence create an aura of power around the Turtle. The roundness of the forms and the majestic smoothness of movements are in no way associated with indifference to what is happening. Such people do not grab stars from the sky, but steadily move towards their goal. They have their own sense of time, because they are long-livers.

There are always many relatives around the Turtle.

She is very secretive, her mood is difficult to predict and determine - only her shell will be shown to you. The mask of indifference helps the Turtle, it “takes the blow well.” Any aggressor will be in trouble - he will “break his teeth and claws” on the same shell.

“Turtle” - a man needs to feel like the master of the house, especially since he is a good earner, he should not be bothered or pushed.

In love it’s a different matter, it’s simply necessary, you need brightness and compliments. It is useless to boycott him. “Turtle” is a persistent and patient man, but all turtles love gossip and rumors.

In eastern myths, the turtle plays the role of an enlightening hero, symbolizing perseverance, it restores the balance of the world, supports the world with its strong paws. The shell of a turtle is used in fortune telling; it was the stripes on the back of the turtle that served as the reason for the creation of the great Chinese Book of Changes.

Magpie totem

Small lively eyes, a smiling mouth, a large, hooked nose.

Swiftness of thought, restlessness of character, love of rumors and gossip distinguish a person whose totem is magpie.

They are restless in their habitats and love moving and business trips.

All meetings of Magpie can be disrupted due to the “million things” that she is busy with at the same time. They don’t find time to discuss important things because of the bustle. Small matters, including all the numerous acquaintances and relatives, occupy all the time of Magpie.

People of this type love everything bright, shiny, extraordinary.

Magpies always take the bait of gossip. Such overly nimble Magpies should be skillfully landed. Give her appropriate gifts, talking about the little things, and then casually move on to the main thing.

Magpie always has money and connections. It is effective to “feed” her by hand, but do not take her at her word.

Squirrel totem

He is short, his hair is often brown, his eyes are small and shifty. The squirrel is nimble, nimble, and constantly seems to be looking for something.

Unusually efficient, economical, thrifty.

Loves to stock up on everything for future use. She is very hardworking, always spinning on a wheel.

Often forgets about caution, being extremely trusting; loves to take food “from hand,” figuratively speaking, and does not always see the danger in this.

The squirrel is businesslike, very organized, and unusually attractive with its spiritual qualities: kind-hearted, responsive, gentle, merciful. But at the same time, Squirrel will not give up what she has, at least until you tame her.

He loves children very much, values ​​family, values ​​friendship and love. She is talkative, charming, always has many friends and acquaintances, often patronizes them, but also expects reciprocal feelings. She loves to seem defenseless and touching.

Raven totem

Black shiny eyes and hair. Graceful posture, proud appearance. Often seems offended. We are vulnerable, he cannot be told what he does not like - he flies away instantly, fortunately there are many habitats. Tends to change places, friends, lovers.

In our minds, the raven symbolizes evil, dark forces. Many fairy tales and others convince us of this. folklore works Slavic people. According to legend, crows peck out the eyes of the dead and serve as harbingers of disaster.

According to Hebrew legend, the raven was white before Noah sent him to find out if the flood waters were receding - when the raven returned without good news, he turned black.

Rooster totem

Full description of the animal totem: fighting spirit, bright appearance, boastfulness, enthusiasm, indomitability, desire to please, to dominate - at least in your own chicken coop. He has a very strong temperament, “mountains are up to his shoulder” and “the sea is knee-deep.” He's not afraid of anything. However, he is unusually touchy. Vocalist, loud, loves scandals, rushes into embrasures, not knowing caution, not knowing danger.

The rooster is a totem symbol of courage, vigilance, but also arrogance and vanity.

In the Christian tradition, the rooster is associated with the Apostle Peter’s denial of Christ (Gospel of John: “the rooster will not crow until you have denied me three times”).

The image of a rooster is also used as a symbol of property.

Totem tour (cow)

Soft, beautiful, large, slightly bulging eyes; importance, majesty in the look. Sedate gait. The physique is strong, large, tall or above average height. Courtesy, charm.

Such a person is faithful, reliable, attached to property. Tour's temperament is melancholic. He is caring, reliable, warm and comfortable with him.

He is a little sluggish in his thoughts and likes to “chew rubber.”

The animal totem cow is a symbol of motherhood.

In India, the cow (go, gau, dheni, usrakh) is a sacred animal, a symbol of food, generosity, the embodiment of the Great Mother Aditi and the Earth, sometimes the Universe. Paired with a bull, they are a symbol of the female and male deity, giving birth and feeding.

Badger totem

Nimble, short, dark eyes, irrepressible temperament.

Reliable, businesslike, thorough, but also fearful, vulnerable, hasty. The badger is very trusting and at the same time careful. Useful around the house, loves to stock up on everything for future use.

It is not easy to tame a Badger because of his fear of being caught in a net, especially in a love net. The Badger will not be able to live in captivity. He loves nature, working on the land, he is an excellent farmer and agronomist.

The Badger is similar in character to the Beaver, but the Badger has a different element - earth. It is therefore difficult to make him “go with the flow” - it is better to let him go his own way.

Camel totem

A person of this type is tall, lean, slightly melancholy, hardy, and patient. Very reliable, will never let you down. Extreme by nature, Camel can work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, or in general where endurance and stamina are needed.

It’s easy to get along with a Camel - give him something to drink, feed him, and put him to bed.

The camel is thrifty, its “hump” must be filled, and it itself is always ready for travel, transitions, and other disasters.

The camel is peaceful, calm, balanced, intelligent, mystical.

Since the animal kneels down when accepting a load, Christianity ascribes to the camel the symbolic meaning of humility and patience.

Hedgehog totem

Prickly by nature, the Hedgehog is inaccessible. This is its main property.

The hedgehog is small in stature, he has small eyes running around. Hardy, athletic, incorruptible, detached from everything in the world. He goes about his business, putting “good” on needles.

It's not scary with him, he will protect you with his needles. Provided that you can tame it, it will even remove its needles and become “soft.” The hedgehog can become round and roll where you want it. Driven, practical, reliable. But if something irritates him, it can hurt. It requires a special approach.

Doe totem

Lean, beautiful, graceful, with soft eyes and a languid gaze.

Romantic, capricious. She is timid, cowardly, and likes to flee. Often a victim of cruelty and injustice. Being very artistic, she often expresses herself in art. She's missing common sense.

The doe is a symbol of femininity, the feminine principle.

Elephant totem

Heavyweight, slow-witted, the Elephant is not very attractive in appearance, but intriguing. He doesn't make contact easily. Wise For loved ones - caring, an assistant in difficult matters, reliable.

The elephant, the largest animal on earth, is endowed with symbolic meanings of memory, wisdom, longevity, fidelity, patience, and power. His images are often found on good luck amulets.

In China, the elephant symbolizes strength, prudence, energy; in Buddhism, it is a symbol of the Buddha's patience and wisdom (according to legend, a white elephant appeared in a dream to his mother, Maya, to announce the birth of the lord of the world).

Totem horse (horse)

These people are hardworking, reliable, stubborn, tenacious.

They themselves are quite large, their tread is heavy. The eyes are big and beautiful.

The horse is a totem symbol of universal libido and energy.

Associated with voluptuousness in the bestiaries of the Middle Ages, the horse is seen as a universal symbol of psychic energy put in the service of human passions, especially sexual desire, which, if uncontrolled, leads a person to self-destruction.

The horse symbolizes impulsiveness, uncontrollable desires, instinctive drives that act as driving factors in human behavior.

Cheetah totem (leopard)

Flexibility, strength, endurance, grace – these are the characteristics of a person whose totem is the cheetah.

The “Cheetah” man is warlike, aggressive, with an indomitable temperament, and fearless. An honest, noble fighter, Cheetah is nevertheless treacherous with his enemies. Likes to play with danger. He is characterized by caution, he can hide in order to gain strength, but he is inclined to achieve his goal at all costs.

Loves affection and does not tolerate violence. Tenderness, care, attention - these are the things that uniquely affect the Cheetah.

Peacock totem

Peacock people are important, beautiful, significant, extraordinary. Unhurried.

Thanks to its lush tail and the beauty of its plumage, the peacock, on the one hand, is associated with the beauty of existence, and on the other, with selfishness and vanity, leading to loneliness.

The Peacock person strives to maximize his creative potential. More and more new features are constantly being revealed in him; he not only constantly surprises those around him, but also never ceases to surprise himself.

Peacock always has many plans, sometimes completely crazy, which he is not always able to bring to life. He does not cling to property and other earthly goods. He is often disliked because he tries too hard to be visible.

A person with the Peacock totem should remember that, having appreciated the personality of another, he will not thereby lose his merits, his beauty will not fade, and his originality will still be noticeable - will he become more attractive to others for his attention to them.

In the Middle East, a peacock with a hundred eyes, depicted on both sides of the Tree of Life, is a symbol of the incorruptible soul and the duality of consciousness.

Swan totem

A person with a manifested Swan totem is very beautiful, graceful, he is characterized by selflessness, pride, loyalty to high ideals, and a tendency toward self-absorption and meditation.

The swan is closed in its inner world and is sometimes cut off from the outside, but it is very attached to people dear to it and is faithful in love. Without a loved one and close friends, he may wither away.

The swan is a contradictory totem symbol: on the one hand, it is grace, perfection, beauty, purity, innocence, and on the other, hypocrisy, since its snow-white plumage hides its black body.

Legends say that a swan sings only before death (hence the expression “swan song”), so it symbolizes the end of life.

In Christian symbolism it is associated with the image of the Virgin Mary.

Lynx totem

People with the Lynx totem have something of a cat in their appearance. Their behavior is unpredictable. At times they are peaceful and calm, but can suddenly become angry and hateful.

Lynx is always a mess, a collapse, although she does not forgive others for this.

A person with this totem often seems loose, but knows how to instantly pull himself together and mobilize. She is full of optimism, overflowing with ideas. Has the gift of prophecy.

Donkey totem

People with such a totem are inconspicuous, meek, patient, and hardworking. Outwardly they are not very noticeable. It is difficult to get along with them; you need a special approach, affection. They follow whom they love, showing perseverance and patience.

A person with a manifested Donkey totem approaches any life situation sensibly and balancedly, has a fairly strong character, but he needs some additional incentive to work.

When the world is turbulent, in times of conflict and unrest, the Donkey becomes passive, withdrawn and stubborn, and does not want to do anything.

The donkey represents meekness, humility, patience, and is sometimes a symbol of the poor. In evangelical stories, the donkey is often found: he carries Mary to Bethlehem, we also meet him in the scenes of the Nativity and the flight into Egypt, he appears with Jesus when the latter enters Jerusalem - it is in memory of this honor that a black cross was left on the back of the donkey.

In a negative position, the donkey is associated with infidelity.

Polar bear totem

Important, imposing, unhurried, with excellent posture, a little heavy. The eyes are attentive, often dark and penetrating.

Man with totem Polar Bear has a strict, chivalrous, somewhat unpredictable character. Reliable, practical, homely, a wonderful family man. Takes care of all relatives.

He is not conflicted as long as his freedom is not encroached upon.

He always has gigantic plans and projects that he knows how to bring to life. Can rally people and lead them.

He loves to play and reaches ecstasy when playing. Loves life. There is no meanness in him, and he himself does not tolerate betrayal.

At times he “falls” into a trance state.

Eagle totem

People whose totem is the eagle are distinguished by their proud posture, beautiful profile, well-trained voice, and ability to behave with dignity in any society. They do not imagine themselves outside the team and are capable of sacrificing themselves to a great cause. IN personal life always ascetic.

The “Eagle” man is strong, courageous, creatively gifted, will not miss his goal, is peace-loving and at the same time cunning.

Thanks to his keen vision, the eagle is considered to be the personification of the all-seeing eye, Providence, or even God; He is the second figure of the solar triad.

The eagle in Christianity is a symbol of the Evangelist John.

Fox totem (fox)

People whose totem is the fox are cunning, wise, insightful, careful, and enterprising. They look great, are quick in their movements, agile, have many necessary connections, are picky, love flattery and beauty. They work with partners to achieve their goals.

Often red-haired, clear-eyed.

The fox symbolizes cunning, deceit, hypocrisy, treachery, and also longevity and fertility.

A fox lying on the ground with its mouth open pretends to be dead in order to lure prey; this is the personification of the wiles of the devil.

In the medieval bestiary, the fox is characterized as a very crafty and cunning animal; it is compared to people who indulge in debauchery, commit murder, theft, and perjury.

Dolphin totem

A person with a dolphin totem is very handsome, agile, slender, graceful, loved by everyone, and can find an approach to everyone.

Caring, will always help a friend in trouble. A wonderful family man. True, he loves to swim into unknown distances...

An inspired idealist, Dolphin is wise and prone to philosophy. He is very mysterious and enigmatic in his behavior, constantly monitors everything and knows how to discreetly provide help. Can transmit thoughts over a distance.

The dolphin symbolizes love, diligence, speed.

In Christian art the dolphin signified all fish; anchored or strung on a trident - a symbol of Christ on the crucifixion. In addition, it symbolized the salvation of the human soul through Christianity. Dolphins were often depicted carrying souls to the upper world.

Totem boar (pig)

People with a manifested boar totem have an athletic build, a large upper body and a large head.

Wild temper, unconventional appearance, rudeness, strength, aggressiveness, sexuality – these are the characteristics of a person with such a totem.

Reliable, promising in many aspects of life, but requires care and affection. Vepr himself is ready to forgive his friends, family and friends a lot, sometimes such forgiveness is undeserved.

The boar knows how to correctly assess its strength and does not like aimless actions. In a peaceful environment, he listens to other people's opinions and is quite tolerant.

Sometimes the boar is ascribed a symbolic meaning of abundance, contentment, and sensuality.

Totem owl (owl)

A person whose totem is an owl loves to dream, daydream, and philosophize.

Owl has his own life schedule; he prefers to sleep during the day and stay awake at night. Very closed, prone to mysticism and suspicious (especially men). The owl lives mysterious life and no less mysteriously leaves her.

Can be a seer, predictor of the future, organizer secret societies.

Feeling a thirst for creation and defending the highest values, the Eagle Owl often does not know how to resist the forces of the enemy. He expresses himself fully only in a friendly environment.

The owl is traditionally considered a symbol of wisdom.

Totem falcon

People with the falcon totem are brave, self-confident, have a proud posture, and a beautiful look.

A person with a manifested falcon totem is a “high-flying bird,” brave, very proud, obsessed with patriotic ideas, a preacher and reformer. He can do a lot of good with wise leadership, but he does not tolerate dictatorship over himself. However, Sokol can also act as an excellent disorganizer: if something needs to be destroyed, he will do it with pleasure.

Much of his life is exaggerated and theatrical. Falcon is characterized by recklessness. Although after some time he may regret what he did.

Now you know how to find out your animal totem by date of birth. Having determined which totem animal is yours, you can cultivate those wonderful qualities in yourself, strengthen those positive traits that are in your potential (determined by your patron totems), and also take into account the negative aspect of influence - with it, of course, you you can handle it.

In addition, learning something new about yourself is simply interesting, and self-knowledge, as we know, is an endless process.

Thus, you can not only find out the totem animal corresponding to your name, your essence, using the Nine-Digit System of Translating Letters into Numbers (Table 1), but, since totems are designed to protect, you can also use the image of the totem animal on your personal talisman or amulet.

In addition to the image of a totem animal on your amulet, you can use the Zodiac - stones, plants, numbers, metals that suit you. However, if your totem is an animal that is unpleasant to you due to its qualities... Again, the all-powerful numerology comes to the rescue. So, use the Nine-Digit System for translating letters into numbers for your name or egregor - surname. Date of birth is not included in this calculation.

Example: A certain young lady named Anastasia turned to the master with a request to make a protective talisman for herself. According to her year of birth, 1973, she is a Wolf, but the girl is categorically against the image of a wolf on her amulet.

We calculate the number of her name using the table: 161121116 = = 20 = 2.

In the second group, among the totems, there is a dolphin, which attracted Anastasia’s attention, since her Zodiac sign is Pisces. And it was decided to depict a dolphin on her talisman, among other things.

In this case, we see that the totem chosen by the girl is even more suitable for her.

By the date of birth of any person you can tell a lot about his character, future destiny, and even choose effective talismans. Natural stones and minerals, metals and trees that differ in their effects are suitable for certain zodiac signs. But animal mascots occupy a special place in this area. Depending on which of the twelve zodiac signs you belong to, various animals will be able to protect you and make your life easier, since they will be mentally suitable for you.

Animal mascot meaning

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of animals in our lives. Even in modern world our smaller brothers always remain close to us, and in ancient times the life of the entire people as a whole often depended on them. Many tribes had a sacred beast, the killing of which, even unintentionally, was punishable in the most severe way: execution. Such animals include, for example, a cat, which was worshiped by people in Ancient Egypt, or a cow, whose cult was deified in India.

Other nationalities believed that their family descended from a certain animal, which means it is no longer just a smaller member of the family, but an ancestor who deserves the greatest honor. Similar examples include, for example, the cult of the monkey in China. Also, humanity has long noticed that for certain people, specific types animals are more suitable than others: they are able to preserve and protect humans, both on the physical and spiritual levels. Such animal mascots can share vital energy and even heal people. To determine which animal will become your talisman and amulet for life, you should turn to your date of birth: it is according to the signs of the zodiac that such gradation occurs.

How to use such a talisman

If you have already determined which animal is your amulet, then you may be faced with the question of how exactly to bring its power into your life. After all, if your amulet is, for example, a cat or a rabbit, then you can easily get such an animal at home. By caring for him, you will strengthen your connection and constantly be under his protection.

But what if your mascot is, for example, a snake or a bear? It is unlikely that an ordinary modern resident of a metropolis will have the opportunity to provide such an animal with everything necessary for life so that it is constantly nearby. In this case, you will need to purchase or make your own stylized image or figurine of your mascot. It can be anything: decoration with an image, interior detail or embroidery on clothing.

In addition, it is sometimes possible to acquire part of the animal itself: for example, its tooth or claw. Of course, it should be remembered that harming the animal itself is unacceptable.

Animal mascots for earth signs

Zodiac signs associated with earth include Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus. People born under this zodiac sign are very persistent and pragmatic. For them, the most important thing in life and in everyday life is order and clarity; in chaos and creative disorder, they experience almost physical suffering.

They receive the greatest surge of strength and calm when they are busy working with the earth: this can even be caring for indoor plants or just a walk in a small forest or park.

Animals, which are a talisman for them, are also tied to the earth, this allows them to create the greatest connection between man and beast.

Animal amulets for Taurus include:

Owl. This sacred bird will provide any person born under the sign of Taurus with great wisdom and patience. In addition, it will effectively replenish your internal reserves, concentrating energy and space on yourself. You should not have an owl at home; you will hardly be able to provide this bird with proper care, but having an owl figurine is a must for every Taurus. It is best if it is made of natural onyx, or made from improvised materials with your own hands.

Golden Taurus. Such a symbol must be present in the life of every Taurus: this is the kind of bull that will give financial stability and abundance in the house.

Cow. This animal is able to make the family life of Taurus complete and harmonious.

Virgos are best suited for:

Grasshopper. This small insect can give Virgos almost everything: love, prosperity and protection. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to have a live grasshopper at home, so buy a figurine of it made of yellow jasper.

Pig. This gentle and kind animal will give the Virgo well-being and satiety for the rest of her life.

Siskins and swallows. Small, harmless singing birds are the perfect match for Virgos in character. Such feathered creatures will remove all unnecessary suffering and maintain a wonderful mood in Virgos, regardless of the external situation.

If you are a Capricorn by date of birth, then it is best for you to have:

Black cat. This strong and dexterous animal will bring good luck and luck to any Capricorn in all endeavors. Even if you cannot have such a cat at home, do not pass by it on the street: feed and pet it, the cat will definitely thank you.

Goat. This small pet will bring health for people born under the corresponding zodiac sign. Of course, having a goat in an apartment simply won’t work, but having a figurine of one, preferably made of green malachite, is a must.

Animal mascots for fire signs

The fire zodiac signs include Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. These zodiac signs are very active and like to act immediately, without much prior thought. They strive, first of all, for family comfort and warmth; this is the primary goal in their life, which pulls everyone else along with it.

In addition, these zodiac signs are very strong internally and this attracts other people who flock like moths to the light of these signs.

Animals that will store and improve fire people, are also distinguished by their ebullient energy and special grace, such as a deer.

Aries should pay special attention to the following animals:

Deer. This powerful and beautiful forest animal will reliably protect all Aries from any negativity and provide them with additional strength. If you get a chance to get yourself a piece of deer antler, be sure to take advantage of it. Such a talisman will be your best assistant in all your endeavors.

Sheep and ram. Warm and quiet domestic sheep and rams will be the best helpers for Aries in their main goal: creating a strong family and a large hearth. It is very good if you place a picture depicting these animals in your home, for example, above your bed.

If you are a Sagittarius by date of birth, then you should ask the following animals for help:

Deer. This horned graceful beast, like Aries, can provide protection for Sagittarius. You can decorate your home interior with any image of a deer, and also, for example, put its photo on your mobile phone screen.

Partridge. This mother hen symbolizes all those family values, which any Sagittarius needs so much. These are the ones she will give to everyone born under this sign. In addition, the partridge is able to endow its owner with rich creative internal energy, which will help to effectively and quickly achieve their goals. You can carry her stylized image with you in the form of a keychain or decorate the walls of your apartment with a suitable picture.

For Leo, the following animals will become animal talismans:

A lion. The king of beasts carries within himself powerful strength and energy, which he willingly shares with his owner. Also, this solar beast will be able to bring with it vigorous activity and warmth, which can warm many around Leo himself. The image of the king of beasts is best transferred to the image of a believably made figurine, but always of a large size.

Eagle. This bird also takes the place of a king, but of the celestial world. He concentrates the highest power in himself, which he extends to Leo. In addition, it is able to improve personal relationships and provide Leo with reliable family life. As a talisman, you can carry an eagle feather with you.

Ladybug. This completely harmless insect, which is simply not capable of harming anyone, compensates for Leo’s hot temper and balances his hot-tempered character. That is why Leos are advised to carry with them a small figurine or picture depicting a ladybug.

Animal mascots for air signs

Air signs include the zodiac signs Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. These signs are distinguished by high intelligence and generosity towards other people. They value comfort very much and strive to provide it not only for themselves, but also for their family. However, representatives of the air element get along very tensely with new people, showing great distrust of them when meeting them. They are very rational and like to weigh their every step so as not to make any mistakes.

Also, people born under these signs often have vigorous energy and a desire to travel and learn new things.

It is for this reason that the animal mascots of air signs are mainly birds.

Such animal amulets for Aquarius include:

Pigeon. This free bird is able to provide any Aquarius with the energy that is required to carry out the vigorous activity characteristic of this sign. Also, such a bird provides Aquarius with successful travels and protects him from various troubles along the way. There are many of these birds living in cities. Aquarius should show special care and concern for them.

Goat. This pet, which has great integrity, brings good luck into the life of any Aquarius. Therefore, be sure to get a figurine of such a beast.

For people whose date of birth falls under the sign of Gemini, the talismans will be:

Crow. This cunning bird, possessing extraordinary intelligence, will support Gemini’s desire to understand the world. In addition, the raven is able to strengthen intuition and develop magical abilities in an individual. It’s very good if you hang a homemade talisman made from crow feathers at home.

Elephant. This majestic beast will give Gemini peace and strength, both physical and spiritual. Be sure to place his portrait in your house.

If you are Libra, then your assistants will be:

Goose. Such a poultry will give Libra more confidence and calm, which they will need in many situations. It is worth carrying a large goose feather with you.

Pigeon. Just like Aquarius, it will add a little strength to Libra and protect from any negativity.

Donkey. Despite its apparent stupidity, this animal has high intuition and will willingly share it with its owner. To attract his power to their aid, Libra should have a stylized figurine of him at home.

Animal mascots for water signs

Water signs, which include Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio, are considered the most introverted signs of the zodiac. They are characterized by a certain coldness and detachment; among these signs there are almost no overly sociable people. But people born under these zodiac signs are distinguished by a high creative streak and a special worldview.

These zodiac signs are quite stable in their habits and decisions, and are also somewhat overly touchy.

For Cancers, the talismans are:

Crayfish, lobsters and crabs. These freshwater inhabitants will help Cancers protect themselves from troubles along the way and will give them much-needed activity and additional fortitude. Try to organize a small aquarium in your home where these arthropods will live.

Hamsters, rabbits. Small, cute, fluffy rodents will give Cancers balance and tranquility.

For people under the sign of Pisces, the talismans will be:

Fishes. By keeping ornamental fish in your home aquarium, you can always communicate directly with them. Such talismans will give you good luck in any of your endeavors.

Turtles. Turtles will bring calm and orderliness into your home. In addition, they can give you health if you keep them as pets.

The following animals are suitable for Scorpios:

Gazelle. A light and fast gazelle will give Scorpios exactly what they lack: ebullient energy and success in their endeavors. It is best if you have an amulet with a piece of gazelle horn. Quail. This bird will ensure family well-being and relieve Scorpios from chronic diseases.

Kiryanova Olga Viktorovna

Specialist in working with amulets and amulets. Expert of the Ancients Slavic symbols. Has extensive experience in selecting individual amulets. He independently charges amulets and provides free consultations to readers of our resource.

Articles written

Ancient peoples, especially the Indians, believed in the existence of spiritual assistants to totems in the form of animals and birds. Even the names were chosen in accordance with the name of the custodian. Mascot spiritual patron– an animal that influences human behavior and develops internal potential.

The amulet protects from adversity, unpleasant situations, helps to find the right one. life path, your destiny. The animal is determined by its date of birth, and therefore by its horoscope. It plays a role in what year, under what zodiac sign a person was born, and on what date. Animal mascots according to zodiac signs bring good luck if they are kept as a pet.

The question of which talisman, which symbol to choose regarding the zodiac sign, has long been studied by experts. You can also find out which animals correspond to certain zodiac signs. Next is just about this.


Capricorns, born under the auspices of Saturn, belong to the element of Earth. For practical, goal-oriented Capricorns, a black cat or cat is suitable as a totem, depending on the date on which they were born. The animal protects from magical effects, energetic influence, and ill-wishers. As for the meaning, a black cat guards the house like a fortress. If representatives of others zodiac signs shun her, gives love, prosperity and protection. Charms with images of animals are worn on the chest, tattoos are made, and figurines and figurines are used. However, the most powerful talisman is in the form of a live black cat.

The second talisman for Capricorn is a turtle. She is unhurried, slow, just like Capricorn himself does not tolerate fuss and haste. With small steps, the turtle confidently moves forward, eventually reaching its intended goal. In Japan, turtle figurines are given to newlyweds at their wedding for a prosperous family life, happiness, financial wealth.

The goat figurine enhances the qualities of Capricorn, adds self-confidence, and helps to achieve success.

You cannot have a goat as a pet, but for those who have large private property, such a totem will bring good luck.

According to the horoscope, Aquarians belong to the element of air; they always crave change and strive to experience new sensations. You should know that representatives of this sign seem to be constantly on the razor’s edge; they themselves do not know where they will find themselves in the next moment. The talisman for this zodiac sign is a bird, or rather its wings. Owners of such an amulet experience inner satisfaction and feel a constant flow of new ideas and stimuli. And this desire for renewal, newness is directed in the right direction.

Amulets for Aquarius are angels with wings, airplanes, zigzags, as well as living birds. Aquarius can be considered a frivolous sign, but this is not so. Because of the depth of their thinking, they seem strange, unusual, not of this world. They tend to rise above the ground, mentally soar in the clouds, just as birds do. Amulets will help you cope with excessive daydreaming, but will also give you emotional freedom.


People born according to the horoscope sign of Pisces are distinguished by a high creative streak. The water element gives them a constant flow of emotions, but constantly takes them away from pressing everyday problems. Pisces never swim against the current, do not resist events, but easily adapt, and therefore never drown.

Which one is easy to guess. The most correct solution– put an aquarium in the house. Decorative fish will fill you with energy and even heal. This is their purpose. They are quiet, calm, silent. Like Pisces, who do not like strong noises or loud sounds, they live in their own special world.


Representative of the fire element. According to the horoscope, Aries are characterized by impulsiveness, stubbornness, determination, optimism, vanity, as well as charm, a light sense of humor, and love of love. Aries became a symbol for them. Always with his head raised and a pretentious appearance. Next, we will consider which animals are suitable for an Aries talisman.

Aries is the easiest person to recognize their talisman in the form of an animal. The name of the zodiac gives a clue. As for animal talismans, in addition to the ram and sheep, the patron saint is a deer with large antlers. Next to such animals, Aries feels a surge of strength, replenishment of energy, puts his inner world, finds the correct solution.

It is recommended to keep animal talismans in your home or office. When a difficult situation arises, you feel supported by them at such times. The person calms down, quickly finds a solution, and continues to move in the right direction.


Taurus is born under the auspices of the Earth element. Calm, balanced, purposeful, hardworking. He always achieves his goals and solves complex everyday problems with ease. Pleasant to talk to, with a light sense of humor, friendly, balanced. In critical situations, Taurus acts unpredictably and does not control his emotions. Anyone who gets in the way of an angry bull will have no luck.

The talisman animal according to the zodiac sign is a bull. An animal amulet around the neck develops inner potential, helps achieve goals, and ensures inner peace. It is precisely this amulet that sets each Taurus apart from the rest. The figurine is placed in the house, placed on the desktop.

Taurus has another animal talisman that helps develop intuition and protects against negative energy influences from the outside - an owl or an owl. The bird brings happiness and good luck, so get an exclusive talisman to ensure your well-being on all fronts.

An amulet on the chest with an image of a wise owl or a tattoo on the shoulder looks great.


According to the horoscope, Geminis are representatives of the air element. The date of their birth determines that they are characterized by variability, optimism, well-developed intuition, enormous creative potential, intellectual abilities. Geminis are touchy, vulnerable, know how to love and need reciprocal feelings like no other sign. They know how to support, listen, and find a way out of any situation. They do several things at the same time and do not always finish what they start. They cannot stand loneliness and constantly need communication.

There are several amulets, the talisman for twins is a bird and an animal. Black Crow helps develop intuition and intellectual abilities. Such a totem can be addressed in a state of psychological instability, with severe emotional shock, or negative magical influence. Under the influence of the black crow, psychic abilities are enhanced. The meaning of this symbol is very multifaceted.

A mighty elephant will give Gemini self-confidence, increase optimism, and show where to move in difficult situations. The elephant imparts hard work, so projects begun will not be left halfway to completion.


The most sensual sign of all in the horoscope. Element of water, patron Moon. With well-developed intuition and extrasensory abilities. Feels others, knows how to listen, and keeps secrets. He understands the feelings of others instantly, but he skillfully hides his inner world from others. Reluctant to share his desires, he always achieves his goals. Cancer is a born psychologist, so he easily calculates the best option for himself and easily overcomes obstacles.

He tolerates loneliness well, needs temporary solitude in order to understand himself and determine his future direction of activity.

The talisman for Cancer according to the horoscope, regardless of the specific date of birth, is an animal with a large energy reserve, and not silent fish or crustaceans. Hamsters and rabbits help to cope with depression and fill you with enthusiasm. So that life does not seem difficult, and the opportunity to quickly gather strength presents itself, it is recommended that Cancers get these funny little animals. In addition, animals that are worried about their offspring are suitable - squirrels, cats, bears, elephants.

a lion

Fiery under the auspices of the Sun. He is characterized by impulsiveness, lack of restraint, grandeur, authority, and leadership. Patronage and nobility are also inherent. The image of the king of beasts is the most powerful totem for Leo. It helps to easily overcome all difficulties, make the right decision, strengthen self-esteem and social status.

According to horoscopes, the Leo beast is the king of all other zodiac signs. He does not tolerate people contradicting him, resisting his will, or doing things his own way. Because of this, Leo is often rude, cruel, and aggressive. The ladybug will help pacify the anger.


Born in the element of Earth. Virgo is a true worker, the most practical sign. He always acts as society and the charter require. Love is often calculated. Pays special attention to health, worries even if everything is fine. The most important decisions are made after careful preliminary consideration. Virgos never do anything for nothing; they always wait for a response. Often unconfident, they almost never communicate their true intentions; any desires are kept secret.

By nature, Virgos are very easy to recognize; they get to the bottom of every detail and notice the most unnoticeable things.

Talismans in the form of different animals are not suitable for Virgos. They prefer the grasshopper, invisible in the grass, or the hard-working swallow. To bring your well-being back to normal and improve your health, it is recommended to go to nature, where grasshoppers chirp. There will be happiness and prosperity in the house if a swallow makes a nest under the roof.


They belong to air signs. Libra can be distinguished by appearance. They are true connoisseurs of beauty and always strive to look stylish, fashionable, and attractive. Calm, somewhat unsure of themselves, with a slight sense of humor. They try to get around conflict situations side, but if the balance of the scales is disturbed, it is difficult to stop them.

The animal totem for Libra is the peacock, which makes everyone admire it. Feathers are often used as an amulet. And also animals that are no less attractive in appearance - fox, tiger, dolphin.


The most mysterious sign. Refers to the element of water. Emotional, with developed intuition, highly vulnerable, but well in control of his emotions. Attacks in special situations; the bite can be fatal. Scorpios are given away by their eyes, which act on others like hypnosis. It is impossible to hold your gaze for long. Scorpios know their worth well, insults do not hurt them, compliments do not touch them.

There are many legends about this sign. Scorpios can be reborn from the dead and combine life and death. Snakes, beetles, scorpions, and spiders are suitable as pets for Scorpios. Next to such totems, you feel calm, intuition develops, and you can put your inner world in order.

According to the horoscope, a snake or a bear for Scorpios is necessary to strengthen internal potential and develop abilities. Their meaning lies in the power that these totems provide. It can be compared to patronage higher worlds. The quail bird will give family well-being, love, and mutual understanding. Gazelle will add energy, which Scorpios so often lack. The she-wolf will give you an inner idyll.


Representative of the fire element. These zodiac signs are impulsive, purposeful, ambitious, generous, and loving. For Sagittarius, it is necessary to wear animal talismans, characteristic of fire signs. This collective image includes the traits of a charming, purposeful Aries, a powerful, generous Leo.

It is interesting that the totem for Sagittarius is the partridge, which gives family well-being and love. Achieve financial success public recognition the deer will help. Fidgets and travelers, Sagittarius, is also patronized by the goose and the eagle.

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