Who coined the term homo sapiens? The emergence of Homo sapiens

In light of already published and future videos, for the general development and systematization of knowledge, I offer a general overview of the genera of the hominid family from the later Sahelanthropus, who lived about 7 million years ago. years ago, before Homo sapiens, who appeared from 315 to 200 thousand years ago. This review will help you avoid falling into the trap of those who like to mislead and systematize their knowledge. Since the video is quite long, for convenience, in the comments there will be a table of contents with a time code, thanks to which you can start or continue watching the video from the selected type or type if you click on the blue numbers in the list. 1. Sahelanthropus (Sahelanthropus) this genus is represented by only one species: 1.1. The Chadian sahelanthropus (Sahelanthropus tchadensis) is an extinct species of hominid, approximately 7 million years old. His skull, named Toumaina, meaning "hope of life", was found in the north-west of the Republic of Chad in 2001 by Michel Brunet. Their brain volume, supposedly 380 cm cubic, is approximately the same as that of modern chimpanzees. Based on the characteristic location of the occipital foramen, scientists believe that this is the most ancient skull of an upright creature. Sahelanthropus may represent the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees, but there are still a number of questions about its facial features that may call into question the status of australopithecus. , this species was first found in 2000 in the Tugen Mountains of Kenya. Its age is about 6 million years. Currently, 20 fossils have been recovered from 4 sites: these include two parts of the lower jaw; symphyses and several teeth; And in 1994, more fragments were obtained, amounting to 45% of the total skeleton. This is a very significant find, which combines characteristics of both monkeys and humans. The age of the finds was determined based on their stratigraphic position between two volcanic layers and was 4.4 million years. And in 2006, a new find of Australopithecus anamas was announced, in northeastern Ethiopia, about 10 km. from the location where Ardipithecus ramidus was found. The age of the Anamanian Australopithecus is about 4-4.5 million years. Australopithecus Anamensis is considered the ancestor of the next species of Australopithecus. 4.2. Australopithecus afarensis, or "Lucy" after the first discovery, is an extinct hominid that lived between 3.9 and 2.9 million years ago. Australopithecus afarensis was closely related to the genus Homo, as a direct ancestor or close relative of an unknown common ancestor. Lucy herself, 3.2 million years old, was discovered in 1974 in the Afar Basin near the village of Hadar in Ethiopia on November 24. "Lucy" was represented by an almost complete skeleton. And the name "Lucy" was inspired by the Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds." By the way, the belonging of Sahelanthropus to the human ancestry is disputed by the discoverers of the next genus with the only species Ororin tugensis., containing one dominant and larger male and several small breeding females. "Lucy" would live in a group culture that involves socializing. In 2000, the remains of a skeleton believed to be a 3-year-old child of Australopithecus afarensis, who lived 3.3 million years ago, were discovered in the Dikika area. These australopithecines, according to archaeological finds, used stone tools to cut meat from animal carcasses and crush them. But this is only the use, not the manufacture of them. 4.3. Australopithecus bahrelghazali or Abel is a fossil hominin first discovered in 1993 in the Bahr el Ghazal valley at the Koro Toro archaeological site in Chad. Abel is approximately 3.6-3 million years old. The find consists of a mandibular fragment, a lower second incisor, both lower canines and all four of its premolars. IN separate species . Australopithecus africanus has only been discovered at four sites in southern Africa - Taung in 1924, Sterkfontein in 1935, Makapansgat in 1948 and Gladysvale in 1992. Sediba may have belonged to the late South African branch of Australopithecus, which coexisted with representatives of the genus Homo already living at that time. Currently, some scientists are trying to clarify the dating and look for a connection between Australopithecus sediba and the genus Homo. this Australopithecus got there thanks to its lower three root premolars.. They are also called massive australopithecines. Finds of Paranthropus are dated from 2.7 to 1 million years. 5.1. Ethiopian paranthropus (Paranthropus aethiopicus or Australopithecus aethiopicus) The species was described from a 1985 find in the Lake Turkana area, Kenya, known as the "black skull" due to its dark coloration, due to the manganese content. The skull dates back 2.5 million years. But later, part of the lower jaw, discovered in 1967 in the Omo River Valley, Ethiopia, was also attributed to this species. Anthropologists believe that Ethiopian Paranthropus lived between 2.7 and 2.5 million years ago. They were quite primitive and have many features in common with Australopithecus afarensis, perhaps they were their direct descendants. Their special feature was their jaws that protruded strongly forward. This species is believed by scientists to diverge from the Homo lineage on the hominid evolutionary tree. during the Pleistocene Epoch from approximately 2.4 to 1.4 million years ago. 7. The genus Humans or Homo includes both extinct species and Homo sapiens. Extinct species are classified as ancestral, especially Homo erectus, or as closely related to modern humans. The earliest representatives of the genus currently date back 2.5 million years. 7.1. Homo gautengensis is a species of hominin that was identified in 2010, following a fresh look at a skull found back in 1977 in Sterkfontein Cave in Johannesburg, South Africa, Gothenburg Province. This species is represented by South African fossil hominins previously classified as Homo habilis, Homo ergaster, or in some cases Australopithecus. But Australopithecus sediba, which lived at the same time as Homo Gautengensis, turned out to be much more primitive. Lived from approximately 2.4 to 1.4 million years ago, during the Gelasian Pleistocene. Scientists also believe that they quickly became sexually mature, even in their youth. 5.2. Paranthropus boisei, aka Australopithecus boisei, aka "Nutcracker" was an early hominin described as the largest of the genus Paranthropus. They lived in East Africa different years existence and migration could not but create many different views of scientists on this species. According to available data and their interpretation, the species originated in Africa, then migrated to India, China and to the island of Java. Overall, Homo erectus spread throughout the warmer parts of Eurasia. But some scientists suggest that Erectus appeared in Asia and only then migrated to Africa. Erectus have existed for over a million years, longer than other human species. A 900,000-year-old fossil of an upper jaw and part of a skull discovered in Spain belonged to a boy at most 15 years old. Previously it was classified as a separate species. Stone tools were found along with skeletal remains. There is still debate about Homo Flores, whether he could have made tools with such a brain. The theory was put forward that the found skull was a microcephalus. But most likely this species evolved from erectus or other species in conditions of isolation on the island. 7.13. Denisovan man ("Denisovan") (Denisova hominin) are Paleolithic members of the genus Homo, which may belong to earlier also as Georgian Man (Homo georgicus), Homo erectus georgicus, Dmanisi hominid (Dmanisi) and as Working Man (Homo ergaster). But it was isolated as a separate species and they, together with erectus and ergasters, are also often called archanthropes, or if we add Heidelberg man of Europe and Sinanthropus from China, then we get Pithecanthropus. In 1991 by David Lordkipanidze. person. It is believed to be the third person from the Pleistocene to demonstrate a level of adaptation previously thought to be unique to modern humans and Neanderthals. The Denisovans occupied large territories, stretching from cold Siberia to the tropical rainforests of Indonesia. In 2008, Russian scientists discovered the distal phalanx of a girl’s finger in Denisova Cave or Ayu-Tash, in the Altai Mountains, from which mitochondrial DNA was later isolated. The owner of the phalanx lived in a cave about 41 thousand years ago. This cave was also inhabited by Neanderthals and modern humans at different times. In general, there are not many finds, including teeth and part of a toe phalanx, as well as various tools and jewelry, including a bracelet made of non-local material. years ago, according to some anthropologists.

Neanderthals [The History of Failed Humanity] Vishnyatsky Leonid Borisovich

Homeland of homo sapiens

Homeland of homo sapiens

With all the diversity of views on the problem of the origin of homo sapiens (Fig. 11.1), all proposed options for its solution can be reduced to two main opposing theories, which were briefly discussed in Chapter 3. According to one of them, monocentric, the place of origin of people of modern anatomical type there was some rather limited territorial region, from where they subsequently settled throughout the planet, gradually displacing, destroying or assimilating the hominid populations that preceded them in different places. Most often, East Africa is considered as such a region, and the corresponding theory of the emergence and spread of homo sapiens is called the “African exodus” theory. The opposite position is taken by researchers who defend the so-called “multiregional” - polycentric - theory, according to which the evolutionary formation of homo sapiens occurred everywhere, that is, in Africa, Asia, and Europe, on a local basis, but with more or less widespread exchange genes between populations of these regions. Although the dispute between monocentrists and polycentrists, which has a long history, is still not over, the initiative is now clearly in the hands of supporters of the theory of the African origin of homo sapiens, and their opponents have to give up one position after another.

Rice. 11.1. Possible origin scenarios Homo sapiens: A- the candelabra hypothesis, which assumes independent evolution in Europe, Asia and Africa from local hominids; b- multiregional hypothesis, which differs from the first by recognizing the exchange of genes between populations of different regions; V- the hypothesis of complete replacement, according to which our species originally appeared in Africa, from where it subsequently spread throughout the planet, displacing the forms of hominids that preceded it in other regions and without mixing with them; G- assimilation hypothesis, which differs from the complete replacement hypothesis by recognizing partial hybridization between sapiens and the indigenous populations of Europe and Asia

First, fossil anthropological materials clearly indicate that people of a modern or very similar physical type appeared in East Africa already at the end of the Middle Pleistocene, that is, much earlier than anywhere else. The oldest currently known anthropological find attributed to homo sapiens is the skull of Omo 1 (Fig. 11.2), discovered in 1967 near the northern coast of Lake. Turkana (Ethiopia). Its age, judging by the available absolute dating and a number of other data, ranges from 190 to 200 thousand years ago. The well-preserved frontal and, especially, occipital bones of this skull are anatomically quite modern, as are the remains of the bones of the facial skeleton. A fairly developed chin protuberance is recorded. According to the conclusion of many anthropologists who studied this find, the skull of Omo 1, as well as the known parts of the postcranial skeleton of the same individual, do not bear signs that go beyond the usual range of variability for homo sapiens.

Rice. 11.2. Omo 1 skull is the oldest of all anthropological finds attributed to homo sapiens

In general, three skulls found not so long ago at the Kherto site in Middle Awash, also in Ethiopia, are very close in structure to the finds from Omo. One of them has reached us almost entirely (except for the lower jaw), the other two are also quite well preserved. The age of these skulls ranges from 154 to 160 thousand years. In general, despite the presence of a number of primitive features, the morphology of the skulls from Kherto allows us to consider their owners as ancient representatives of the modern human form. The remains of people of a modern or very similar anatomical type comparable in age were discovered at a number of other East African sites, for example in the Mumba Grotto (Tanzania) and the Dire Dawa Cave (Ethiopia). Thus, a number of well-studied and fairly reliably dated anthropological finds from East Africa indicate that people who did not differ or differed little anatomically from the current inhabitants of the Earth lived in this region 150-200 thousand years ago.

Rice. 11.3. Some links in the evolutionary line believed to have led to the appearance of the species Homo sapiens: 1 - Bodo, 2 - Broken Hill, 3 - Latoli, 4 - Omo 1, 5 - Border

Secondly, of all the continents, only Africa is known to have a large number of remains of hominids of a transitional nature, which make it possible, at least in general terms, to trace the process of transformation of local homo erectus into people of a modern anatomical type. It is believed that the immediate predecessors and ancestors of the first homo sapiens in Africa could be hominids represented by skulls such as Singa (Sudan), Florisbad (South Africa), Ileret (Kenya) and a number of other finds. They date back to the second half of the Middle Pleistocene. Skulls from Broken Hill (Zambia), Ndutu (Tanzania), Bodo (Ethiopia) and a number of other samples are considered as somewhat earlier links in this line of evolution (Fig. 11.3). All African hominids, anatomically and chronologically intermediate between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens, are sometimes classified along with their European and Asian contemporaries as Homo heidelbergensis, and sometimes included in special species, the earlier of which is called Homo rhodesiensis ( Homo rhodesiensis), and the later Homo Helmei ( Homo helmei).

Thirdly, genetic data, according to most experts in this field, also point to Africa as the most likely initial center for the formation of the species Homo sapiens. It is no coincidence that the greatest genetic diversity among modern human populations is observed there, and as we move away from Africa, this diversity decreases more and more. This is how it should be if the theory of the “African exodus” is correct: after all, the populations of homo sapiens, which were the first to leave their ancestral home and settled somewhere in the vicinity of it, “captured” only part of the species gene pool on the way, those groups that then branched off from them and moved even further - only part of part and so on.

Finally, fourthly, the skeleton of the first European homo sapiens is characterized by a number of features that are typical of inhabitants of the tropics and hot subtropics, but not of high latitudes. This has already been discussed in Chapter 4 (see Fig. 4.3–4.5). This picture agrees well with the theory of the African origin of people of modern anatomical type.

From the book Neanderthals [The History of Failed Humanity] author Vishnyatsky Leonid Borisovich

Neanderthal + homo sapiens = ? So, as we already know, genetic and paleoanthropological data indicate that the widespread spread of people of modern anatomical type outside Africa began about 60-65 thousand years ago. They were first colonized

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MAN IS REASONABLE(Homo sapiens) is a modern type of man.

The course of evolution from Homo erectus to Homo sapiens, i.e. to the modern human stage is as difficult to document satisfactorily as the original branching stage of the hominid lineage. However, in this case, the matter is complicated by the presence of several contenders for such an intermediate position.

According to a number of anthropologists, the step that led directly to Homo sapiens was the Neanderthal (Homo neanderthalensis or Homo sapiens neanderthalensis). Neanderthals appeared no later than 150 thousand years ago, and different types flourished until the period of c. 40–35 thousand years ago, marked by the undoubted presence of well-formed H. sapiens (Homo sapiens sapiens). This era corresponded to the onset of the Wurm glaciation in Europe, i.e. ice age, closest to modern times. Other scientists do not connect the origin of modern humans with Neanderthals, pointing out, in particular, that the morphological structure of the latter’s face and skull was too primitive to have time to evolve to the forms of Homo sapiens.

Neanderthaloids are usually imagined as stocky, hairy, beast-like people with bent legs, with a protruding head on a short neck, giving the impression that they had not yet fully achieved upright walking. Paintings and reconstructions in clay usually emphasize their hairiness and unjustified primitiveness. This image of the Neanderthal is a big distortion. First, we don't know whether Neanderthals were hairy or not. Secondly, they were all completely upright. As for evidence of an inclined position of the body, it was probably obtained from the study of individuals suffering from arthritis.

One of the most surprising features of the entire Neanderthal series of finds is that the least modern of them were the most recent in appearance. This is the so-called the classic Neanderthal type, the skull of which is characterized by a low forehead, a heavy brow, a receding chin, a protruding mouth area, and a long, low cranium. However, their brain volume was larger than that of modern humans. They certainly had a culture: there is evidence of funerary cults and possibly animal cults, since animal bones are found along with the fossil remains of classical Neanderthals.

At one time it was believed that Neanderthals of the classical type lived only in the southern and Western Europe, and their origin is associated with the advance of the glacier, which placed them in conditions of genetic isolation and climatic selection. However, apparently similar forms were later found in some regions of Africa and the Middle East and possibly in Indonesia. Such a widespread distribution of the classical Neanderthal makes it necessary to abandon this theory.

Does not currently exist material evidence any gradual morphological transformation of the classical type of Neanderthal into the modern type of man, with the exception of the finds made in the Skhul cave in Israel. The skulls discovered in this cave differ significantly from each other, some of them have features that place them in an intermediate position between the two. human types. According to some experts, this is evidence of the evolutionary change from Neanderthal to modern humans, while others believe that this phenomenon- result mixed marriages between representatives of two types of people, thereby suggesting that Homo sapiens evolved independently. This explanation is supported by evidence that as early as 200–300 thousand years ago, i.e. before the appearance of the classical Neanderthal, there was a type of person most likely related to early Homo sapiens, and not to the “progressive” Neanderthal. It's about about well-known finds - fragments of a skull found in Swansky (England), and a more complete skull from Steinheim (Germany).

The controversy regarding the “Neanderthal stage” in human evolution is partly due to the fact that two circumstances are not always taken into account. First, it is possible for the more primitive types of any evolving organism to exist in a relatively unchanged form at the same time that other branches of the same species undergo various evolutionary modifications. Secondly, migrations associated with shifts in climatic zones are possible. Such shifts were repeated in the Pleistocene as glaciers advanced and retreated, and humans could follow shifts in the climate zone. Thus, when considering long periods of time, it must be taken into account that the populations occupying a given area at a particular time are not necessarily the descendants of populations that lived there for a longer period. early period. It is possible that early Homo sapiens could migrate from the regions where they appeared, and then return to their original places after many thousands of years, having undergone evolutionary changes. When fully formed Homo sapiens appeared in Europe 35–40 thousand years ago, more warm period the last glaciation, he undoubtedly displaced the classical Neanderthal, who occupied the same region for 100 thousand years. Now it is impossible to accurately determine whether the Neanderthal population moved north, following the retreat of its usual climatic zone, or mixed with Homo sapiens invading its territory.

Homosapiens- a species that includes four subspecies - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Anatoly DEREVYANKO

Photo by ITAR-TASS

Until recently, it was believed that modern humans originated in Africa about 200 thousand years ago.

“Modern biological type” means us in this case. That is, we, modern people, homo sapiens (more precisely, Homosapienssapiens) we are direct descendants of certain creatures that appeared exactly there and exactly then. Previously, they were called Cro-Magnons, but today this designation is considered obsolete.

About 80 thousand years ago, this “modern man” began his victorious march across the planet. Victorious in literally: it is believed that on that campaign he ousted others from life human forms– for example, the famous Neanderthals.

But recently evidence has emerged that this is not entirely true...

The following circumstances led to this conclusion.

Several years ago, an expedition of Russian archaeologists and specialists from other sciences, working under the leadership of the director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Anatoly Derevyanko, discovered the remains of ancient man.

Culturally, he fully corresponded to the level of contemporary sapiens: the tools of labor were at the same technological level, and the love of jewelry indicated a fairly high stage of social development for those times. But biologically...

It turned out that the DNA structure of the found remains differs from the genetic code of living people. But this was not what caused the main sensation. It turned out that this - by all, we repeat, technological and cultural characteristics - intelligent person turned out to be ... an “alien.” According to genetic data, he moved away from our common ancestral line no less than 800 thousand years ago! Yes, even Neanderthals are closer to us!

“We are apparently talking about a new species of human that was previously unknown to world science,” said Svante Pääbo, legendary in professional circles, director of the department of evolutionary genetics at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Well, he knows better: he was the one who carried out the DNA analysis of the unexpected find.

So what happens? While we humans were climbing the evolutionary ladder, a certain competitive “humanity” was climbing up in parallel with us?

Yes, says Academician Derevyanko. Moreover: in his opinion, such centers where different groups people strived for the title of Homo sapiens in parallel and independently of each other, there may be at least... four!

He told ITAR-TASS about the main provisions of the new concept, already sometimes called the “new revolution in anthropology”.

Before moving on to the essence of the matter, let's start with the “pre-revolutionary situation”. Before current events, what was the picture of human evolution?

We can confidently say that humanity originated in Africa. The first traces of creatures that learned to make tools have been discovered today in the area of ​​the East African Rift, stretching in the meridional direction from the Dead Sea basin through the Red Sea and further across the territory of Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania.

The spread of the first people to Eurasia and their settlement of vast territories in Asia and Europe occurred in the mode of gradual development of the most favorable conditions for living ecological niches and then advance to adjacent areas. Scientists attribute the beginning of the process of human penetration into Eurasia to a wide chronological range from 2 to 1 million years ago.

The largest population of ancient Homo that emerged from Africa was associated with the species Homo ergaster-erectus and the so-called Oldowan industry. In this context, industry means a certain technology, a culture of stone processing. Oldowan or Oldowan - the most primitive of them, when a stone, most often a pebble, which is why this culture is also called pebble, was split in half to get a sharp edge without additional processing.

About 450–350 thousand years ago, the second global migration flow began to move to the east of Eurasia from the Middle East. It is associated with the spread of the Late Acheulian industry, in which people made macroliths - stone axes and flakes.

During its advancement, the new human population in many territories met the population of the first migration wave, and therefore there is a mixture of two industries - pebble and late Acheulean.

But here’s what’s interesting: judging by the nature of the finds, the second wave reached only India and Mongolia. She didn't go any further. In any case, the overall difference between the industry of East and Southeast Asia and the industry of the rest of Eurasia is noticeable. This means, in turn, that since the first appearance of the oldest human populations in East and Southeast Asia 1.8–1.3 million years ago, there has been a continuous and independent development of both the physical type of man and his culture. And this alone contradicts the theory of the monocentric origin of modern man.

- But you just said that man was born in Africa?..

It is very important to emphasize, and it was not by chance that I did this: we are talking about a person of a modern anatomical type. According to the monocentric hypothesis, it formed 200–150 thousand years ago in Africa, and 80–60 thousand years ago it began to spread to Eurasia and Australia.

However, this hypothesis leaves many problems unresolved.

For example, the researchers are primarily faced with the question: why, if a person of the modern physical type arose at least 150 thousand years ago, then the Upper Paleolithic culture, which is associated with Homo sapiens, appeared only 50–40 thousand years ago?

Or: if the Upper Paleolithic culture spread to other continents with modern man, then why did its products appear almost simultaneously in regions of Eurasia that were very distant from each other? And besides, significantly differing from each other in basic technical and typological characteristics?

And further. According to archaeological data, a person of a modern physical type settled in Australia 50, and maybe 60 thousand years ago, while in the territories adjacent to East Africa on the African continent itself he appeared... later! In South Africa, judging by anthropological finds, about 40 thousand years ago, in Central and Western Africa, apparently, about 30 thousand years ago, and only in Northern Africa, about 50 thousand years ago. How can we explain the fact that modern man first penetrated into Australia, and only then settled across the African continent?

And how, from the point of view of monocentrism, can we explain the fact that Homo sapiens was able to cover a gigantic distance (more than 10 thousand km) in 5–10 thousand years without leaving any traces along the path of its movement? Indeed, in South, Southeast and East Asia 80–30 thousand years ago, in the event of the replacement of the autochthonous population by newcomers, a complete change of industry should have occurred, but this is not at all visible in East Asia. Moreover, between the regions with the Upper Paleolithic industry there were territories where the Middle Paleolithic culture continued to exist.

Did you swim on something, as some suggest? But in Southern and Eastern Africa, at the sites of the final middle and early stages of the Upper Paleolithic, no means of swimming were found. Moreover, in these industries there are no tools for processing wood, and without them it is impossible to build boats and other similar means, on which you could go to Australia.

What about genetic data? They show that all modern people are descendants of one “father” who lived precisely in Africa and just about 80 thousand years ago...

Well, in fact, monocentrists, based on a study of DNA variability in modern people, suggest that it was in the period 80 - 60 thousand years ago that a demographic explosion occurred in Africa, and as a result of a sharp increase in population and a lack of food resources, a migration wave spilled into Eurasia .

But with all due respect to the data of genetic research, it is impossible to believe in the infallibility of these conclusions without having any convincing archaeological and anthropological evidence to support them. And yet there are none!

Look here. It must be borne in mind that with the average life expectancy at that time being about 25 years, offspring in most cases were left without parents at an immature age. With high postnatal and child mortality, as well as mortality among adolescents due to the early loss of parents, there is no reason to talk about a demographic explosion.

But even if we agree that 80 - 60 thousand years ago in East Africa there was a rapid population growth, which determined the need to search for new food resources and, accordingly, the settlement of new territories, the question arises: why migration flows were initially directed far to the east , all the way to Australia?

In short, the extensive archaeological material from the studied Paleolithic sites of South, Southeast and East Asia in the range of 60–30 thousand years ago does not allow us to trace the wave of migration of anatomically modern people from Africa. In these territories there is not only no change in culture, which should have happened if the autochthonous population was replaced by newcomers, but also clearly expressed innovations indicating acculturation. Such authoritative researchers as F.J. Habgood and N.R. Franklin draws a clear conclusion: the indigenous people of Australia never had the full African “package” of innovations, since they were not from Africa.

Or let's take China. Extensive archaeological material from hundreds of studied Paleolithic monuments in East and Southeast Asia indicates the continuity of industrial development in this territory over the last million years. Perhaps, as a result of paleoecological disasters (cold snap, etc.), the range of ancient human populations in the Chinese-Malayan zone narrowed, but archanthropes never left it. Here, both man himself and his culture developed evolutionarily, without any significant outside influences. There is no similarity with African industries in the chronological interval of 70–30 thousand years ago in Southeast and East Asia. According to the extensive archaeological material available, no migration of people from the west to the territory of China can be traced in the chronological interval of 120–30 thousand years ago.

But over the past 50 years, numerous finds have been discovered in China that make it possible to trace the continuity not only between the ancient anthropological type and modern Chinese populations, but also between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens. In addition, they have a mosaic of morphological characteristics. This indicates a gradual transition from one species to another and indicates that human evolution in China is characterized by continuity and hybridization or interspecific crossing.

In other words, the evolutionary development of Asian Homo erectus took place in East and Southeast Asia for more than 1 million years. This does not exclude the arrival of small populations from neighboring regions and the possibility of gene exchange, especially in areas bordering neighboring populations. But taking into account the closeness of the Paleolithic industries of East and Southeast Asia and their difference from the industries of the adjacent western regions, it can be argued that at the end of the Middle - beginning of the Upper Pleistocene, a person of the modern physical type Homo sapiens orientalensis was formed on the basis of the autochthonous erectoid form of Homo in East and Southeast Asia, along with Africa.

That is, it turns out that the path to sapiens was traversed by different descendants of erectus, independent of each other? From one cutting did different shoots develop, which then intertwined again into one trunk? How can this be?

To understand this process, let's look at the history of the Neanderthals. Moreover, over 150 years of research, hundreds of different sites, settlements, and burials of this species have been studied.

Neanderthals settled mainly in Europe. Their morphological type was adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of northern latitudes. In addition, their Paleolithic locations have also been discovered in the Middle East, Western and Central Asia, and southern Siberia.

They were short, stocky people with great physical strength. Their brain volume was 1400 cubic centimeters and was not inferior to the average brain volume of modern people. Many archaeologists paid attention to the great efficiency of the Neanderthal industry at the final stage of the Middle Paleolithic and the presence in them of many elements of behavior characteristic of a person of a modern anatomical type. There is much evidence of the deliberate burial of their relatives by Neanderthals. They used tools similar to those that developed in parallel in Africa and the East. They also exhibited many other elements of modern human behavior. It is no coincidence that this species – or subspecies – is also considered “intelligent” today: Homo sapiens neanderthalensis.

But it originated between 250 and 300 thousand years ago! That is, it also developed in parallel, not under the influence of “African” man, who can be designated as Homo sapiens africaniensis . And we are left with only one solution: to consider the transition from the Middle to Upper Paleolithic in Western and Central Europe as an autochthonous phenomenon.

- Yes, but there are no Neanderthals today! Just as there is no Chinese Homosapiensorientalensis

Yes, according to many researchers, Neanderthals were subsequently replaced in Europe by humans of a modern anatomical type who came out of Africa. But others believe that perhaps the fate of Neanderthals was not so sad. One of the leading anthropologists, Erik Trinkaus, having compared Neanderthals and modern humans using 75 traits, came to the conclusion that about a quarter of the traits are characteristic of both Neanderthals and modern humans, the same amount are characteristic of Neanderthals only, and approximately half are characteristic of modern humans.

In addition, genetic research suggests that up to 4 percent of the genome of modern non-Africans is derived from Neanderthals. The famous researcher Richard Greene and his co-authors, including geneticists, anthropologists and archaeologists, made a very important remark: “... Neanderthals are equally closely related to the Chinese, Papuans and French.” He notes that the results of studying the Neanderthal genome may not be compatible with the hypothesis of the origin of modern humans from a small African population, which then displaced all other forms of Homo and spread across the planet.

At the current level of research, there is no doubt that in the border areas inhabited by Neanderthals and modern humans, or in the territories of their cross settlement, processes not only of cultural diffusion, but also hybridization and assimilation took place. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis undoubtedly contributed to the morphology and genome of modern humans.

Now is the time to remember your sensational discovery in the Denisovskaya Cave in Altai, where another species or subspecies of ancient man was discovered. And also - the tools are quite sapiens, but in terms of genetics - they are not of African origin, and there are more differences with Homo sapiens than with Neanderthals. Although he is not a Neanderthal either...

As a result of field research in Altai over the last quarter of a century, over 70 cultural horizons belonging to the Early, Middle and Upper Paleolithic have been identified at nine cave sites and more than 10 open sites. The chronological range of 100–30 thousand years ago includes about 60 cultural horizons, to varying degrees saturated with archaeological and paleontological material.

Based on extensive materials obtained as a result of field and laboratory studies, we can rightfully assert that the development of human culture in this territory occurred as a result of the evolutionary development of the Middle Paleolithic industry without any noticeable influences associated with the infiltration of populations with a different culture.

- So no one came and made innovations?

Judge for yourself. In Denisova Cave, 14 cultural-containing layers have been identified, in some of them several habitat horizons have been traced. The most ancient finds, apparently dating back to the Late Acheulean time - the Early Middle Paleolithic, were recorded in the 22nd layer - 282 ± 56 thousand years ago. Next is the gap. The following culture-containing horizons from the 20th to the 12th belong to the Middle Paleolithic, and the 11th and 9th layers are Upper Paleolithic. Please note: there is no gap here.

In all Middle Paleolithic horizons, the continuous evolution of the stone industry can be traced. Especially important have materials from cultural horizons 18–12, which belong to the chronological interval of 90–50 thousand years ago. But what is especially important: these are things, in general, of the same level that a person of our biological type had. A clear confirmation of the “modern” behavior of the population of the Altai Mountains 50–40 thousand years ago is the bone industry (needles, awls, bases for composite tools) and non-utilitarian items made of bone, stone, shells (beads, pendants, etc.). An unexpected find was a fragment of a stone bracelet, the design of which used several techniques: grinding, polishing, sawing and drilling.

About 45 thousand years ago, a Mousterian-type industry appeared in Altai. This is the culture of the Neanderthals. That is, some group of them got here and settled for a while. Apparently, this small population was forced out of Central Asia (for example, Uzbekistan, Teshik-Tash cave) by a person of a modern physical type.

It did not exist for long in Altai. Its fate is unknown: either it was assimilated by the autochthonous population, or it died out.

As a result, we see: all the archaeological material accumulated as a result of almost 30 years of field research of multilayer cave sites and open sites in Altai convincingly testifies to the autochthonous, independent formation here 50-45 thousand years ago of the Upper Paleolithic industry - one of the brightest and expressive in Eurasia. This means that the formation of the Upper Paleolithic culture, characteristic of modern humans, occurs in Altai as a result of the evolutionary development of the autochthonous Middle Paleolithic industry.

At the same time, genetically they are not “our” people, right? A study conducted by the famous Svante Pääbo showed that we are even less related to them than to Neanderthals...

We didn't expect this ourselves! After all, judging by the stone and bone industry, the presence of a large number of non-utilitarian items, methods and techniques of life support, the presence of items obtained through exchange over many hundreds of kilometers, people living in Altai had modern human behavior. And we, archaeologists, were sure that genetically this population belonged to people of a modern anatomical type.

However, the results of deciphering human nuclear DNA, made from the phalanx of a finger from Denisova Cave at the same Institute of Population Genetics, turned out to be unexpected for everyone. The Denisovan genome deviated from the reference human genome 804 thousand years ago! And they separated from the Neanderthals 640 thousand years ago.

- But there were no Neanderthals then?

Yes, and this means that the common ancestral population of Denisovans and Neanderthals left Africa more than 800 thousand years ago. And it settled, apparently, in the Middle East. And about 600 thousand years ago, another part of the population migrated from the Middle East. At the same time, the ancestors of modern man remained in Africa and developed there in their own way.
But on the other hand, Denisovans left 4–6 percent of their genetic material in the genomes of modern Melanesians. Like Neanderthals - in Europeans. So, although they did not survive to our time in their guise, they cannot be attributed to a dead-end branch in human evolution. They are in us!

Thus, in general, human evolution can be represented as follows.

At the heart of the entire chain leading to the emergence of a modern anatomical type of man in Africa and Eurasia is the ancestral basis of Homo erectus sensu lato. Apparently, the entire evolution of the sapiens line of human development is connected with this polytypic species.

The second migration wave of erectoid forms came to Central Asia, Southern Siberia and Altai about 300 thousand years ago, probably from the Middle East. From this chronological point, we trace in Denisova Cave and other locations in caves and open-air sites in Altai the continuous convergent development of stone industries, and, consequently, of the physical type of man himself.

The industry here was in no way primitive or archaic compared to the rest of Eurasia and Africa. It was focused on the environmental conditions of this particular region. In the Chinese-Malay zone, there was an evolutionary development of both industry and the anatomical type of man himself based on erectoid forms. This allows us to distinguish the modern type of man, formed in this territory, into the subspecies Homo sapiens orientalensis.

In the same way, Homo sapiens altaiensis and its material and spiritual culture developed convergently in Southern Siberia.

In turn, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis developed autochthonously in Europe. Here, however, the case is less pure, since modern people came here from Africa. There is some debate about the form of the relationship between these two subspecies, but genetics in any case shows that part of the Neanderthal genome is present in modern humans.

Thus, there is only one conclusion left to draw: Homo sapiens is a species that includes four subspecies. These are Homo sapiens africaniensis (Africa), Homo sapiens orientalensis (Southeast and East Asia), Homo sapiens Neanderthalensis (Europe) and Homo sapiens altaiensis (North and Central Asia). All archaeological, anthropological and genetic studies, from our point of view, indicate exactly this!

Alexander Tsyganov (ITAR-TASS, Moscow)


The question of how old the human race is: seven thousand, two hundred thousand, two million or a billion is still open. There are several versions. Let's look at the main ones.

Young “homo sapiens” (200-340 thousand years old)

If we talk about the species homo sapiens, that is, “reasonable man,” he is relatively young. Official science gives it about 200 thousand years. This conclusion was made based on a study of mitochondrial DNA and famous skulls from Ethiopia. The latter were found in 1997 during excavations near the Ethiopian village of Herto. These were the remains of a man and a child, whose age was at least 160 thousand years. Today, these are the most ancient representatives of Homo sapiens known to us. Scientists have dubbed them homo sapiens idaltu, or "oldest intelligent man."

Around the same time, maybe a little earlier (200 thousand years ago), the ancestor of all modern people, “mitrogondrial Eve,” lived in the same place in Africa. Every living person has its mitochondria (a set of genes transmitted only through the female line). However, this does not mean that she was the first woman on earth. It’s just that in the course of evolution, it was her descendants who were most fortunate. By the way, “Adam,” whose Y chromosome is present in every man today, is comparatively younger than “Eve.” It is believed that he lived about 140 thousand years ago.

However, all this data is inaccurate and inconclusive. Science is based only on what it has, and more ancient representatives of homo sapiens have not yet been found. But Adam's age has recently been revised, which could add another 140 thousand years to the age of humanity. A recent study of the genes of one African-American man, Albert Perry, and 11 other villagers in Cameroon showed that they had a more “ancient” Y chromosome, which was once passed on to his descendants by a man who lived approximately 340 thousand years ago.

"Homo" – 2.5 million years

“Homo sapiens” is a young species, but the genus “Homo” itself, from which it comes, is much older. Not to mention their predecessors - Australopithecus, who were the first to stand on both legs and begin to use fire. But if the latter still had too many common features with monkeys, then the most ancient representatives of the genus “Homo” - homo habilis (handy man) were already similar to people.

Its representative, or rather its skull, was found in 1960 in the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania along with the bones of a saber-toothed tiger. Perhaps he fell victim to a predator. It was later established that the remains belonged to a teenager who lived about 2.5 million years ago. Its brain was more massive than that of typical australopithecines, its pelvis allowed it to move calmly on two legs, and its legs themselves were only suitable for walking upright.

Subsequently, the sensational find was supplemented by no less sensational discovery– homo habilis himself made tools for labor and hunting, carefully selecting materials for them, going to great distances from sites for them. This was found out due to the fact that all his weapons were made of quartz, which was not found near the places of residence of the first person. It was homo habilis who created the first - Olduvai archaeological culture, with which the Paleolithic or Stone Age began.

Scientific creationism (from 7500 years ago)

As you know, the theory of evolution is not considered fully proven. Its main competitor was and remains creationism, according to which both all life on Earth and the world as a whole were created By a higher mind, Creator or God. There is also scientific creationism, whose followers point to scientific confirmation of what is said in the Book of Genesis. They reject the long chain of evolution, arguing that there were no transitional links, all living forms on earth were created complete. And they lived for a long time together: people, dinosaurs, mammals. Until the flood, traces of which, according to them, we still find today - this is the great canyon in America, dinosaur bones and other fossils.

Creationists do not have a consensus on the age of humanity and the world, although they all rely on the first three chapters of the first Book of Genesis on this issue. So-called “young earth creationism” takes them literally, insisting that the entire world was created by God in 6 days, about 7,500 years ago. Followers of “Old Earth Creationism” believe that God’s activity cannot be measured by human standards. One “day” of creation may not mean a day, millions or even billions of years. Thus, it is almost impossible to determine the real age of the earth and humanity in particular. Relatively speaking, this is the period from 4.6 billion years (when, according to the scientific version, planet earth was born) to 7500 years ago.

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