How to find out your guardian angel date of birth. Abilities of heavenly patrons

Hello, dear readers! Each person has his own Guardian Angel who helps him in difficult times. How to recognize your Guardian Angel, how to pray to him, what to ask for is important for every person to know.

Why are we given a Guardian Angel?

You have probably felt an invisible assistant next to you more than once, but you just didn’t know who he was. Orthodox people have always believed in the existence of a patron saint who is always nearby, they prayed to him, and thanked him for his help.

Does everyone have a guardian angel?

Every person has a guardian angel, regardless of faith, behavior, or character. Even criminals and atheists are not without invisible defenders, only they have very weak ones.

You can call your patron by name, talk to him, consult with him, you can even call your assistant in order to more significantly feel his protection. Most often they are represented as winged creatures. They really need wings to shelter a person from adversity and misfortune.

After communication, do not forget to thank your patron so that he gains greater strength, believe in him, talk to him more often.

Who is he, our Guardian Angel?

This is a good essence, a spirit, gifted with feelings and reason, but does not have a body like people.

He can incarnate for a short period of time at any physical fitness, act through other people, even animals.

Often dogs or cats woke up their owners, forcing them to leave the house before some disaster.

Remember the times when you were on the verge of death, but unexpectedly received a miraculous salvation.

An invisible guard took care of this. Or life collapsed, everything was so bad, and then a lot was resolved in your favor. This is also his concern.

Modern people They began to believe less in their patrons, thinking that their own intuition or other feelings were helping them. Think as much as you want about your greatness, but don’t forget who gave it to you.

How to recognize your defender?

The Guardian Angel accompanies us from the very minute of birth, so we can recognize him by his date of birth. How to do it?

1. Calculate your number

Add up all the numbers of your birthday, then get a single digit number. For example, if you were born on December 24, 1987, then add the numbers: 2,4,1,2, 1,9,8,7= 34.

Then add these numbers and you get 7. The number “7” is odd, that is, your patron is female. Even numbers indicate male patrons.

2. Decoding the number

1 – Holy angel. This is the fastest defender, rushing to help even before he is asked for help.

2 – Light Angel (Angel of Light) most often appears in a dream. Angels of light leave moles on their subjects, often on the face.

3 – Air Angel accompanies people who are ready to take risks and all sorts of adventures. You can feel it by the fluttering of its wings when it gets close.

4 – Wise Angel sends tips to his wards and right decisions, which has a positive effect on a person’s intelligence and career.

5 – Metal Angel helps a person live long life. He gets nourishment from tears, so he always rushes to help when the ward sheds tears, simply cries.

6 – Rainbow angel. His contact with a person is established through creative energy. It helps to detect and then reveal the personality artistic ability, a unique view of the world.

7 – Energy Angel is the most touchy, so he needs constant gratitude. The patron does not tolerate rude words, as well as a disdainful attitude towards his merits.

8 – Merciful angel. This is the personification of the souls of deceased ancestors. He cares with great attention, but feels the need for constant remembrance of him.

9 – Warm angel helps the client find harmony with the world and understand the essence of things. Angels of Warmth most often incarnate in animals.

Now you know the characteristics of your Guardian Angel, try to establish strong connection, don't ignore his character.

3. Guardian angel age

In addition to character, defenders have age. How to find out age?

Add 4 more to your birth number (this is a sacred number). For those born on the 30th, this is 30+4=34 years, that is, your guardian angel is a woman aged 34 years.

Knowing your age makes it possible to communicate and maintain connections even more effectively.

Is it possible to see your guardian angel?

To contact the client and convey information, our defenders use signs. After all, only with the help of special signs can our guard communicate with his charges.

How to choose a time

But people can establish a connection with their patron themselves and contact him at any time. How to do it:

  • Select time when no one will disturb you and your angel. You can find time in the morning at dawn or before bed.
  • Create a comfortable and cozy environment. You can light a night light or a candle, turn on quiet music.
  • Place pillows under your back, sit comfortably, straighten your back. The main thing is to relax your body, don’t slouch, don’t bend over.
  • Close your eyes and breathe deeply, imagine that roots are unraveling from your feet down, and you are in an egg-shaped shell from which a golden glow emanates. Gold is the most favorite color for angels.
  • Mentally invite your protector to be with you in this beautiful, comfortable setting. If an angel descends to you, you will feel a pleasant warmth or a light breeze. Ask him to cover you with his wings, feel his touch.

How to talk to an angel

  • Remember this feeling to repeat this again and again. Ask for the angel's name.
  • Calling him by name, thank you from the bottom of your heart for always being there for you. If you need help, ask for it, tell us about your plans, about the goal you are going towards. Always remember: he will help you fulfill only good intentions.
  • Only don't stay around for too long, better do the same next time.
  • Stretch from the heart, open your eyes. You will immediately notice that life has become easier, because you have such a good helper nearby.

Now you know how to meet an angel.

Don't lose touch with him, thank him often. Gratitude gives him the energy to help even more, to protect him from any evil. If you ask for something, do not expect instant fulfillment of your desire. The patron himself knows when to fulfill it so that it is better for you.

How to see the signs by the hour

The patron can give signs by the hour. Why by the hour? Because time is the most magical phenomenon. A person has no power over it; it cannot be stopped, changed, or reversed.

What are they? These are repeating numbers. Have you noticed such a strange coincidence when the clock showed such numbers as 11:11 or 22:22?

Perhaps your gaze always stops at the same number, be it on a watch or a car license plate. What do they mean:

0 - alone, zero means little, but in conjunction with other numbers it acquires significant meaning. For a person, this is a harbinger of the end of the black streak.
1 – you have stopped developing, you are focused only on yourself.
2 – perhaps you have a dual nature, it’s time to figure it out. Also, 2 indicates a strong belief in one’s abilities or high self-esteem.
3 – a call to enjoy life, to be able to appreciate what you have.
4 – stop hanging in the clouds, it’s time to get back on your feet.
5 – means frivolity, the desire to always travel. We need to stop so as not to get into trouble.
6 – will help avoid quarrels. This is advice: devote more time to your family and friends.
7 – it’s time to think about your own spiritual development.
8 – it’s time to make a smooth transition from plans to deliberate actions.
9 – it’s time to become less selfish, to think about whether you are following your own path.

What do repeating numbers on a clock mean?

From 00:00 to 10:10

00:00 – wait for your wish to come true.
01:01 – receive good news from a friend, in some sources – from a man.
01:10 – unfortunately, the business you started is empty trouble, there will be no result.
01:11 – the success of any endeavor is guaranteed, go for it!
02:02 - you will be invited to visit or to a cafe, according to another version - there will be a meeting with your loved one.
02:20 – an unexpected meeting awaits you.
02:22 – they will tell you a secret, keep it.
03:03 – look around, your love is somewhere very close.
03:30 – your love is unrequited.
03:33 – finally the black stripe will be replaced by a white one.
04:04 – some situation seems hopeless to you, the Angels advise you to look at it from a different angle, the solution will come by itself. According to another version - stranger will give you advice.
04:40 – the day does not bode well, be careful.
04:44 – difficulties will arise at work, the bosses will be unhappy, but everything will fall into place in three days.
05:05 – be careful, your enemies are up to no good against you.
05:50 – today water and fire are dangerous.
05:55 – meeting with wise man, listen to him.
06:06 – expect an important meeting, perhaps a new acquaintance will lead to a wedding.
07:07 – help will come from unexpected places, a stranger will help you out. Another version says that you need to be wary of people in military uniform.
08:08 – career will take off.
09:09 – be careful with money, losses are possible.
10:01 – expect to meet someone important to you.
10:10 - a favorable moment for change has arrived in life, do not miss it.

From 11:11 to 23:32

11:11 – quarrels with close friends, dependence on something or someone are possible.
12:12 – a favorable period of life, victories on the love front are possible.
12:21 – a friend will save you from the blues.
13:13 – be careful with rivals and enemies, they are planning revenge.
13:31 – your dream will soon come true.
14:14 – love is already knocking on your door.
14:41 – a quarrel with your spouse threatens, there is a prospect of becoming a participant in an unpleasant situation.
15:15 – listen to the advice of someone you consider wiser than yourself.
15:51 - a stormy but short romance is already on its way to you, perhaps in the future this person will become a friend.
16:16 – traveling with friends wouldn’t hurt you, but be careful on the road.
17:17 – be careful with street hooligans, loss of jewelry is possible.
18:18 – caution on the road is paramount, accidents are possible.
19:19 - the wind of change has already overtaken you, success will accompany you in all your endeavors.
20:02 – dismissal from work is possible, be careful with your bosses, also show tolerance towards your family, otherwise quarrels are possible.
20:20 – quarrel with loved ones, separation from best friend.
21:12 – in the near future there will be a birth of a child or the start of a new project.
21:21 – on the horizon whirlwind romance.
22:22 – The angels say that the relationship has exhausted itself, let it go and move on.
23:23 – you will find money. According to another version, a dangerous connection warns you, be more selective.
23:32 – health problems are possible.

Prayer to the protector

A daily prayer addressed to an angel is one of the important prayers.

Help from a protector will become even more significant if you say prayer words daily. The prayer should begin and end with thanksgiving to the defender for listening, protecting, helping.

Then you can ask for success in all righteous deeds of the coming day, ask for cheerfulness and health for yourself and your loved ones. If you want to pray at night, then do it. You can pray out loud or mentally at any time, but sincerely, with an open soul.

Birthday prayer

Be sure to pray to the Angel on your birthday, thank him for accompanying you and protecting you throughout your life. The Icon of the Guardian Angel, in front of which you will pray, should be in the home of every Christian.

“Oh, holy angel, interceding before our Creator for my soul, my body and my life! Do not leave me and do not depart from me for all my sins. I ask you, do not let the evil demon take possession of my soul and my body. Strengthen my soul and direct it to the true path. I ask you, angel of God and guardian of my soul, forgive me all the sins with which I have offended you throughout my unrighteous life. Forgive all my sins that I committed on the past day, and protect me on the new day. Save my soul from various temptations, so that I do not anger our Creator. I ask you, pray for me before our Creator, so that His mercy and peace of mind may come to me. Amen".

Incredible facts

Finding out who your guardian angel is is very simple. Using your date of birth, you can find out the age and gender of your patron, his character and name, and also establish a connection with the divine essence. This information will be useful to anyone.

So, let's start with the character of your Guardian Angel.

Any person knows who the Guardian Angel is. But he doesn’t understand that you need to know his character, name and other features. But what does this knowledge give? The features of his character will help you quickly navigate when you want to establish a connection with him in order to receive help and learn to see and read his clues.

How can you find out what kind of character your Guardian Angel is? To do this, you only need the second number of your birth date. For example, if you were born on the 18th, then the number corresponding to the Angel is 8, but if you were born on the third day of the month, then this number is 3. Below is information about the meaning of all 10 possible options.

Guardian angel

0 – your Guardian Angel has a fiery character.

He is very strong, almost omnipotent, he can be reborn. He can help you in absolutely any situation, from the smallest problems to the most serious ones. dangerous situations. You are very lucky to have such a defender.

1 – your holy Guardian Angel.

Among everyone, he is considered the most active, who will come to the rescue even when he is not called. However, not everything is so wonderful. These Angels look after people with a very weak energy field, who need strong defense from evil.

2 – your Guardian Angel is bright.

These are angels with large white wings, which are larger than those of other heavenly protectors. They are next to their charges at any time. Your angel kissed you at birth. Kisses are freckles and moles, especially they are considered angel kisses when their meaning is positive according to ancient superstitions.

The bright angel keeps contact with his ward through dreams, angel numerology and even using the reflection in the mirror. You need to be more attentive, and then you will be able to notice unusual things in your environment that indicate the presence of a guardian angel.

3 – your Guardian Angel of the air.

It manifests itself with the help of various unusual sounds, rustling, rustling, etc. Do not be afraid of them, as your angel is thus demonstrating his presence and support. Often this angel becomes frivolous and can go about his business, leaving the ward unattended. However, a person can always call him, turn to him through prayer. The air angel will definitely hear and rush to the rescue.

4 – your wise Guardian Angel.

His help lies in the fact that he sends his ward the right thoughts and conclusions from what is happening. Such people move very quickly career ladder, because they know perfectly well what needs to be done for this.

The wards of this angel are smart and prudent, they know how to think through any situation and its possible consequences. It is better to listen to the advice of such people, as they know what needs to be done.

5 – your Guardian Angel is metal.

Of course, he doesn't look like an iron statue. Such an angel patronizes decisive and courageous people who have strong character. He likes it when his players show willpower. This angel helps both spiritually and physically, and if you get along with him close connection, then he will save you from any trouble.

Help from a guardian angel

6 – your rainbow Guardian Angel.

Such angels take as their wards people with creative abilities. People creative professions more often than others, they are subject to sudden changes in mood, from inspiration to complete despondency. The rainbow angel saves from melancholy, disperses depression, and often it is he who inspires his ward to new creativity.

7 – your Guardian Angel is energetic.

This angel is very active and wants to constantly be in contact with his ward. However, he is very touchy and changeable. In order not to lose him, do not forget to always thank the angel for everything good that happens to you. In the same way you can establish contact with him.

8 – your Guardian Angel is a deceased close friend or relative.

After death, this person decided to become your patron. This angel knows the character of his ward well, he is always ready to help, he is merciful. In order to establish a connection with him, a person needs to honor the memory of a friend or relative who decided to take him under his wing, he needs to be thanked and prayed for.

9 – your Guardian Angel is warm.

Such an angel always treats his charges very kindly, he knows how to inspire optimism in people. Such a person is in harmony and happiness thanks to the protection of his warm angel.

Holy guardian angel

Now we find out the gender and age of our angel.

Angels, like people, have an age that never changes. Here's how to recognize it. You need to add the date and month of your birth. For example, if you were born on October 5, then the calculations will be: 0+5+1+0=6. In this example, the angel is only 6 years old, however, no one knows how many centuries in a row he has been 6 years old. But your angel looks exactly his age.

In order to find out what gender your angel is, you need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth. For example, 05.10.1986 = 0+5+1+0+1+9+8+6= 30. Now the number must be reduced to a single digit: 3+0=3. The resulting odd number indicates that the angel is female. If the single-digit number turns out to be even, then in this case the angel is male.

Thus, in our example it turned out that the angel is a six-year-old girl.

Now let's talk about effective ways, with which you can find out the name of your angel.

When you find out the name of your guardian angel, it will be much easier for you to establish a connection with him. When a person is in constant contact with his mentor, he is always under his protection. It is almost impossible to damage such a person or harm him in any way. Among other things, he is lucky in the most difficult and dead-end situations.

Now we will talk about techniques with which you can get to know your angel. Looking ahead a little, we note that the name of your angel can be very unusual. There is no need to take it for nonsense, because disbelief can offend the divine essence.

In this case, it is better to concentrate and say the name several times; you will probably be able to find in it secret meaning. Sometimes angels do not want to write in the letters we are familiar with, using unfamiliar signs and symbols. They add up to exactly what you are looking for, but you will have to decipher your angel's message.

Guardian Angel by name

So how do you find out his name?

The first way is writing. But for this you must be able to enter a trance. You need to put a piece of paper and a pen in front of you, evoke a special state of consciousness, mentally call your angel and ask his name. If everything works out correctly, your guardian will write his name with your hand.

It will also help to know the name of meditation. The angel does not necessarily have to answer your question during it. You may dream of the answer, and not even immediately, but after a few days. If you do not get an answer to your question, then you were probably not concentrated enough, and your angel was offended due to the large number of extraneous thoughts during such an important meeting.

Another way is dreams. It will be a plus if a person has learned to lucid dream. You will be able to call your guardian while traveling through the hidden corners of your subconscious and ask what his name is. If you can't see lucid dreams, then before going to bed, mentally ask the angel a question. Most likely, the answer will come in a dream.

Guardian angels of man

Is it possible to see your angel?

The angel is often depicted as young man with a naked cross, a sword and white wings. Such images began to appear only in the 16th century. Before this period, in Byzantine iconography, which has existed since the 11th century, they are not there at all. It is believed that the angel's face is hidden from people.

A person can see him only after death, when an angel comes to the dying person with the goal of guiding his soul into afterworld. Hence the conclusion that no one saw the angels. However, you can try to see the face of your guardian in a dream. Again, if you know what lucid dreams are, then you can call your angel, ask his name and establish a connection with him.

We know from the lives of the saints that very rarely angels show their faces to people. In the vast majority of cases, they help their charges while remaining in the shadows.

How many angels does each person have?

A lot of people are concerned about this issue. Many people believe that there can only be one guardian angel, but this is not always the case. An ordinary, average person can “have at his disposal” from one to nine patrons. St. Nicholas had the largest number of angels - 27.

The more angels a person has, the happier and luckier he is. He solves everything easily life difficulties and quickly achieves its goals. People who are abandoned by angels are called losers. However, angels can return to any person. To do this, you need to do good without expecting gratitude, and live according to your conscience. You can also read a prayer to your angel to attract his attention.

How nice it is to believe that we have invisible patrons and protectors who guide us. the right way. In Orthodoxy, every person has a Guardian Angel based on their date of birth. Each of us can independently find out who he is. Your protector has personality traits, age and even gender, he or she has own name. In this article we will dwell in detail on how you can get him into contact and ask him to answer your questions.

How to find out your name, age and gender Orthodox guardian angel by your date of birth.

Any person knows that in Orthodoxy great attention is paid to the Guardian Angels, which absolutely all of us have. Hardly anyone thought that he has a name, age, and is endowed with character traits. An Angel next to you can have an invisible effect, what it will be depends only on you, he often gives hints. If you do everything correctly, then you can not be afraid of anything, but only listen to your invisible friend.

You're probably wondering how to recognize your Guardian Angel by date of birth. There is nothing complicated, take a piece of blank paper and write on it the date on which you were born. Pay attention to the second number of your birth, i.e. if your birthday is on the fifteenth, then you should be interested in the number five, and if it is on the third, then the number three. Thus, you will find out what character traits your Guardian Angel has by date of birth.

Interpretation of the result obtained

  • “Zero” - your assistant is quite peculiar; he can also be called hot-tempered. Its features resemble a Phoenix bird. Will come to the rescue at any time, be it minor problems or serious troubles. You can rely on him.
  • “One” is another way to call such an Angel a saint. You can turn to him at any time, even if you feel bad. Mentally talk about your problems, ask for advice or help. The result will not keep you waiting, very soon you will understand it. Such an Angel may be next to a person who has weak energy.
  • “Two” - your Guardian Angel can be called a bright and kind creature. It does not leave you for a single moment; it is constantly nearby, both in good moments and in bad ones. There is no need to beg him for help, he himself knows how to help. Your Guardian Angel has large white wings with which he covers and protects you from harm. At birth you were kissed by him. Pay attention to your body, are there any moles or freckles? If yes, then these are his kisses.
  • “Troika” - your assistant is quite unusual, it is extremely difficult to understand, but nevertheless possible. Have you noticed that when you are at home, you hear strange sounds? This is your Angel acting, thus reminding you of your presence. He is not constantly near you, he is busy with other things. He is used to being asked for help and support; he himself does not consider it necessary to interfere in matters. It is often called “airy”.
  • “Four” - the wise Guardian Angel is next to you. He is always there for you, at any moment. Tries to guide you on the right path, takes you away from trouble and failure. A person who has this Angel is purposeful and persistent, knows exactly what he wants from life. Doesn't happen with work colleagues conflict situations, management gives responsible tasks. Those around you respect you, often ask for advice or support, and you are popular with the opposite sex. All this happens thanks to your protector.
  • "Five" - ​​Your Angel is called "metallic", but this does not mean that metal is associated with it. It is given to those people who confidently walk through life. On initial stage In life they make a lot of mistakes, get into trouble, but move on. They achieve success only through perseverance and determination. Prefer to spend free time alone with ourselves. This is what the Guardian Angel teaches. It helps in difficult situations, gives invisible hints, and protects from the attacks of others.
  • "Six" - rainbow angels. They go to people whose activities are related to creativity. Such people are frivolous and sometimes commit rash actions. Their mood often changes and they may become depressed. Such an assistant tries to diversify human life and make it interesting. People can achieve success, become famous and independent.
  • “Seven” is an active Guardian Angel who is constantly next to a person. Directs him on the right path, protects him from failures. Although it is very easy to offend him if you behave incorrectly. Tell your assistant “thank you” every time, then he will try even harder.
  • “Eight” - next to you is the soul of a deceased person whom you knew during life. This Angel knows what character traits you are endowed with, he can come to the rescue and provide support at any moment, he is always nearby. Don’t forget to mentally talk to him, talk about your life and ask for help, say “thank you” for his support.
  • “Nine” is kind and patient, sympathetic and optimistic. Creates a good atmosphere next to you, protects you from troubles, covers you with its wings. As a result, a person lives in harmony with himself and with others. He creates strong family Where mutual respect and trust reign, controversial situations practically do not arise. There are devoted friends and loved ones next to you. This is all the work of your advocate.

Are there icons of the Guardian Angel?

There are versions that supposedly there are icons of Guardian Angels named after people. Actually this is not true. There are saints in whose honor a person receives a middle name at baptism. Do not be confused, the patron saint and the Guardian Angel by date of birth are not the same thing.

There are prayers in which people turn to angels, and there are those with which you can ask for help from the saints. There are special actions that give positive results. After you open your eyes in the morning, first turn to your Guardian Angel, then ask the saints for help. But remember one thing, there are no Angels named after people. Saints, yes, can have the same name as you if you received it at baptism.

There are times when a person does not know a special prayer, but at the same time continues to believe in a Higher Power. Try to explain the problem in your own words and ask the saints for help. You can turn to someone specific, but nevertheless, others will rush to help. For example, if a representative of the fair sex cannot get pregnant for a long time, then she should turn to Matronushka. You can give many examples when saints really helped people cope with life's difficulties.

Guardian Angel in Orthodoxy - find out age and gender

Calculate the name and gender of your Guardian Angel by date of birth.

The Guardian Angels of a person have their own age based on their date of birth, but it is on the same level with them. Our years go by, but they don’t count theirs. If you want to find out what gender your Guardian Angel is by date of birth, you can calculate this quite quickly; the calculation will not take much time.

Determining age

Take a piece of blank paper and write down the date and month of your birth on it. For example, if a person was born on September 5th, then you should do this:

Your angel is quite young, he is only fourteen years old, but this does not mean that he is inexperienced and cannot help. It can exist at this age for many centuries, although its appearance does not change over the years.

Determining gender

Now we will find out which Guardian Angel is by date of birth according to gender. To do this, write full date your birth. For example, you were born on the fifth of September two thousand and one. These numbers need to be added together.

You got an even number, which means that you are protected by a female Angel. Remember, even numbers are associated with feminine, so in our case it turned out: Guardian Angel is fourteen years old, according to her gender she is a girl. That's all, now you yourself know how to determine your Guardian Angel by date of birth.

How to find out the name of your angel - effective ways

Now you know how to calculate your Guardian Angel by date of birth, there is very little left. You're probably wondering what his name might be. Knowing the name, you can communicate with him more often, ask for help, but do not forget to say words of gratitude. If a person communicates correctly with the Guardian Angel, he, in turn, protects in every possible way and covers with his wings. You won’t be able to influence him in any case, but it’s better not to refuse help. Angels can handle the most difficult situations.

Next we will present a number of methods through which you can find your Guardian Angel by date of birth. The names of the defenders are very unusual, so there is no need to be surprised by this. You need to take this seriously, not consider it a laugh or a fable, because in this way the Higher Powers may get angry and stop helping. After the name becomes known, say it out loud several times and try to think about these words.

Method 1 - Mechanical writing

Let's get started! The first way to find out the name of the Guardian Angel is the “mechanical writing” method. Not everyone can use it, but only those who know how to meditate and enter a state of trance. Take a blank piece of paper and a pencil, plunge into a state of trance, in your thoughts call your Angel to you and ask what his name is. If everything is done correctly, the creature itself will write its name to you.

Method 2 - Meditation

The next way is meditation. Perform the ritual and wait for the result. This doesn't mean he has to show up and tell you everything. Some time will pass, he will appear in a dream and explain everything. If this does not happen, it means the ritual was performed incorrectly or you did not complete it.

Method 3 - Dreaming

In a dream we can also find out the name of our protector. Good sign, if a person knows how to correctly interpret dreams and see the clues that are given. You can mentally ask your Guardian Angel to appear in a dream and answer your questions. But you need to be extremely careful.

You can see what your Guardian Angel looks like in a dream.

The face of an angel - can you see it?

We often look at icons where angels are depicted. In most cases, this is a young man who has white wings, a sword and a cross. Such images appeared in the sixteenth century, and maybe earlier.

The Holy Guardian Angel is not visible, no matter how much one would like it. You will definitely meet him, but only when you leave this world. He can appear before death, call you with him and tell you about the afterlife.

But this has not been proven? Maybe his face doesn’t exist at all, or has someone seen it? You don't need to take this to heart. Try to talk to him in a dream, if, of course, he makes contact. If you concentrate your thoughts correctly, he will definitely appear and start talking to you.

How many angels does a person have according to Orthodoxy?

Some people wonder whether a person may have one or more Guardian Angels. Many people believe that he should be alone, and this is the main mistake. Much depends on how you relate to the Higher powers and how you develop spiritually. One representative of the human race has a large number of angels. If you remember, twenty-seven defenders helped him.

Remember, your luck depends on how many Angels protect you. In this case, the person achieves great success, moves up the career ladder, enjoys respect among others. But not everyone is lucky? This means that your Guardian Angel left you because you didn’t know how to treat him correctly, didn’t say “thank you,” and took everything for granted. It can be returned if you begin to perform a special ceremony and read a prayer.

Some resort to magical actions to attract large quantity defenders. You have to be careful because there are evil angels. You should not carry out this procedure yourself; it is better to consult a specialist.


In conclusion, I would like to say that every person has a Guardian Angel, but not everyone can communicate with him correctly. To do this, carefully read the presented material, then draw the appropriate conclusions. Don't forget to say “thank you” to your assistant for their help and support.

Every person has a guardian angel. Our invisible helpers provide support and protect from all sorts of troubles. But, alas, not everyone feels the help of their heavenly patron. If you feel like you are unlucky, nothing is working out for you. personal life, and problems often arise with finances, then you probably just lost touch with your guardian angel.

So who is he, our guardian angel? How to recognize him? According to most psychics, a guardian angel is our intuition, our inner voice. Also, heavenly protectors can manifest themselves through tips, signs and warnings. In order to establish a connection with your angel and begin to understand him better, you need to know more about him. Numerological calculations are used for this.

You can find out the age of your guardian angel by adding the number 4 to your birth number. For example, if you were born on the 15th, then your guardian angel is 19 years old (15+4=19). The age of the angel does not change.

The gender and character of the angel is determined by adding all the numbers in the date of birth. For example, you were born on June 26, 1978. We add up all the numbers and bring the resulting number by adding to a single digit: 2+6+0+6+1+9+7+8=39=3+9=12=1+2=3. The number 3 is the symbol of the guardian angel for the birth date given in the example. If the number is even, your protector is male; if it is odd, then your protector is female.

Once you have calculated your angel number, you can move on to its meaning.

1 - Your angel is holy. He is one of the most reliable and kind heavenly protectors. This angel, without any requests or prayers, will come to the rescue and avert trouble. As a rule, such angels are given to those who have a very weak energy field. Their help can come in any way. These are the most active defenders.

2 - Angel of light. These heavenly patrons in ancient drawings were always depicted with large white wings. Often these angels kiss their “wards” at birth. This kiss manifests itself in the form of freckles or unusual moles on the face. Angels of light communicate with people through dreams and through mirrors. So if this is your angel, you should take your dreams more seriously. Besides, you are very lucky: this angel is always nearby.

3 - Angel of air. These angels are almost invisible, but they can be recognized by unusual sounds and rustling noises. Owners of such an angel often get into trouble and difficult situations, so it is very important for them to keep in touch with their protector.

4 - Angel of wisdom. This heavenly creature endows the ward with prudence, flexible intellect and does everything possible to ensure that he thinks through his every decision. The Angel of Wisdom bestows luck and success in your studies and career. He has some power over the thoughts of the one he cares for, and constantly tells him how to do the right thing.

5 - Angel of metal. These are very strong and brave defenders. Most often they come to a person at the moment when he is crying. Tears feed the energy of an angel, this makes him stronger and can move mountains for the sake of the one he helps. As a rule, metal angels are found among strong and confident people. This angel also bestows long life.

6 - Rainbow Angel. These heavenly beings endow their charges with talents and original thinking. They are able to lift their spirits even in moments of sadness and melancholy. You can find contact with such an angel through creativity.

7 - Angel of energy. They are very changeable. To gain their support, you constantly need to thank them and even praise them, then they will be more supportive. Most often, such angels advise correct solution and warn of danger in dreams. But you need to be careful with them: angels of energy are very touchy, they can be hurt by any rude word.

8 - The embodiment of loved ones who have passed away. These are the most merciful angels. They will always come to the rescue, but you must always remember them.

9 - Angels of warmth. To communicate with those under their care, these creatures can take the form of animals or deceased loved ones. They give a person inner harmony and give a good mood.

Our angels, whatever they are, always try to come to the rescue. In order to recognize the signs of heavenly helpers, you need to listen to your intuition more often, give meaning to dreams and give thanks for all the good and incredible things that happen in life. If you found this information useful, click on and

22.11.2013 12:23

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IN modern life Each of us has parents and friends who help us in difficult situations or can give helpful advice. But in the invisible world we have another friend who has no interests of his own except the desire to help us - this is our Guardian Angel.

Who is Guardian Angel

The word angel means messenger. God introduces the Guardian to us during baptism, for protection and assistance in good deeds. We cannot see or hear him, because he belongs to the spiritual realm, but the Angel hears us, our thoughts and understands feelings. When we commit bad deeds, the Guardian weeps bitterly and worries about us. If we do good deeds and deeds, the Angel rejoices and helps us.

  • When a person uses foul language and violates the commandments of the Bible, the invisible connection with the patron is severed. A person may get into trouble and not receive help from above. To resume contact with the Angel, you need to come to church and ask God for forgiveness for your sins.
  • The Holy Scripture says that when people live in marriage, the Angels of each family member communicate with each other, contribute to the reconciliation of the spouses, helping to preserve family ties.
  • The soul of a person and the Patron Saint meet at the moment of death - the angel performs the responsible mission of a guide to another world.

How to recognize your Guardian Angel

By Christian rules The Guardian Angel is determined by your name, date of birth or date of Baptism. There are several ways to determine your patron saint:

  • Let's say your name is Helen and you were born on May 17th, find Saint Helena, whose memory is celebrated two weeks before or after May 17th. In this example, the saint is “Elena Equal to the Apostles”, the memorial date is June 3.
  • Priests also advise choosing an angel according to the call of your heart - in a calm atmosphere, read the lives of all the saints whose name you bear. Whichever saint your soul responds to, choose that saint as your Angel.
  • The Father will help you choose a patron saint at Baptism. From the moment of the Holy Sacrament, a saint is chosen whose memorable date celebrated within 14 days after Epiphany.

How to recognize your Guardian Angel and see that he is helping you

  • When any difficulties occur in your destiny, your consciousness is completely occupied with finding a solution to this situation. And suddenly you begin to hear your troubles everywhere - from TV, from newspapers or in random conversations of passers-by. For example, a woman who cannot conceive a child begins to see signs everywhere - in her favorite movie, a girl also suffers from infertility or accidentally sees a television advertisement for vitamins for conception. The necessary information begins to fall on her, this symbolizes that the Guardian Angel is close and tells you ways to solve the problem that has arisen.
  • If you notice that certain difficulties in your life are constantly recurring, this means that the Guardian Angel is dissatisfied with your decision to get out of this situation. He will constantly send you the same difficulties until you cope with them.
  • The angel communicates with us during the period of night rest. If you dream good dream, after which you experience cheerfulness and harmony in your soul, it means that the Guardian Angel protects you and gives you a feeling of confidence and security. When you see a dream that carries fateful signs, you will definitely remember it and try to decipher it. Let's say if you dream that you are getting married, this means that a situation dangerous to your life will soon happen, so the Guardian is warning you.
  • Usually people understand that someone is protecting them when they find themselves alive in a deadly situation. This could be a rescue from a car accident, a return from a long coma, or when you walked under a roof, and a second later an icicle fell on this place.
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