The illegitimate son of Muslim Magomayev received the result of a DNA test. Muslim Magomayev: biography and bright years of life Muslim Magomayev personal

The popularity of Muslim Magomayev was phenomenal. A live queue for his solo performances lined up several weeks before the concert, and on the coveted day, the halls and stadiums were literally bursting with the number of spectators, entrance doors were demolished by crowds of fans. He was not just a public favorite, an idol - he was a fetish, an idol, a deity. They literally carried him in their arms - they lifted the car with him sitting in the cabin and carried him. He was worshiped, he was idolized...

About the vicissitudes of fame

Surprisingly, People's Artist of the USSR Muslim Magomayev was not arrogant and did not boast of his glory. On the contrary, he was very skeptical about it. Once Irina Ivanovna Maslennikova, the wife of another idol, Sergei Yakovlevich Lemeshev, whose fans of her husband even splashed acid in her face, told Muslim Magomayev’s wife Tamara Sinyavskaya: “I understand you like no one else. My fate was similar to yours." True, Sinyavskaya managed without poisons, but her husband was persecuted quite a bit.

“Popularity has very unpleasant sides,” said Magomayev, “when, for example, buttons are torn off, clothes are torn off. I remember in Leningrad from the play “ Barber of Seville“My shoes whistled out of the dressing room, and then they told me that they were cut into small pieces and distributed to those who were especially thirsty... It’s hard. Not because popularity as such is hard. Of course, the love of the audience is pleasant.”

About cultures and religions

Magomayev, who combined two cultures - Azerbaijani and Russian, was, in his words, an “extremely international” person.

“I formulated this for myself,” said the artist, “Azerbaijan is my father, Russia is my mother. Yes, I grew up in Baku, but, honestly, I can’t say that I had a preference oriental culture. At home we only spoke Russian, and Azerbaijani was not compulsory to study at school. So if I understand speech in Azerbaijani, I can’t speak it myself.

I lived in international family, and many bloods came together in me. On the paternal side - Azerbaijani and Tatar, on the maternal side - Adyghe, Turkish and Russian. Musical culture I studied European and Russian music, but we didn’t study national music. Although I respect her very much.

Just like any religion. Without giving preference to any one. I am against any radicalism. I have read the Koran, I know the Bible and Gospels well, I have seriously studied other religions, and nowhere have I read a single line about the denial of other religions. I can equally go into a mosque and into Buddhist temple, and Orthodox.

About ancestors

The singer received his name in honor of his grandfather, Abdul-Muslim Magomayev, an outstanding Azerbaijani composer and conductor, one of the founders of the Azerbaijani music industry. classical music. The grandson did not find his famous predecessor, who passed away five years before his birth - in 1937. However, from early childhood he was aware of the responsibility for such a relationship: “Suffice it to say that the Azerbaijani State Philharmonic in Baku, named after Muslim Magomayev, my grandfather and namesake.”

The father of the future Soviet idol is Magomed, younger son Abdul-Muslim Magomayev and his wife Baidigul, were also musically gifted, sang superbly and played the different instruments. However, he did not become a professional musician.

“He realized himself creatively as a theater artist, worked in the theaters of Baku and Maykop,” the singer recalled. - They say he was very talented. I know that he volunteered to go to the front and died with the rank of senior sergeant a few days before the Victory - in the German town of Küstrin. And he was buried on the territory of Poland. As an adult, I found his grave.”

Magomayev and his mother were difficult relationship. Aishet Akhmedovna Magomayeva (stage name Kinzhalova) was a dramatic actress.

“After being informed of her father’s death, she went to the Maykop Drama Theater, where she once met him. But mother never worked for a long time in any theater. Due to her constant movements around the cities of Russia, she early childhood left me in the care of my grandmother Baidigul and uncle Jamal, my father’s older brother. My mother appeared in Baku occasionally, always suddenly and also unexpectedly disappeared. Over time, she formed another family, and I can’t blame her for anything.”

About childhood

“As a child I began to grow wild, and smart people They advised me to take up the barbell so that I wouldn’t turn into “Uncle Styopa.” I signed up for the weightlifting section and began to attend it regularly. Bully in school years I wasn’t, but I wasn’t particularly well-behaved either. I did everything that a boy should - burned film in class, threw away diaries with bad grades... As a child, I was affectionately called Musick, and another boy, my classmate and friend, the Armenian Rudolf, was Rudik. Since we were playing pranks as a couple, it was constantly written on the blackboard in the classroom: “Musik and Rudik again behaved badly, violated school discipline.”

The gifted naughty boy began singing at the age of three, and at the age of five he composed his first melody. Many years later, together with the poet Anatoly Gorokhov, Magomayev wrote the song “The Nightingale Hour” based on it.

Muslim Magomaev. Photo from personal archive

Muslim did not have a transitional period for his voice, the so-called “withdrawal” that occurs in boys during puberty. It’s just that at the age of 14, the boyish treble was replaced by a baritone - the inimitable Magomayev. Which the teenager was so embarrassed at first that, in secret from everyone, he ran away to a secluded place on the shore of the Caspian Sea - and sang there, straining his ligaments to shout above the noise of the surf. “I couldn’t help but sing,” Magomayev recalled.

About marriages

“I got married for the first time very early, at the age of 19, while studying at a music school. On a classmate named Ophelia. The stupidity, of course, is youthful, implicated in the principle: if you fall in love, get married. Of course, the marriage did not last long. My family was initially against this marriage, but I was stubborn. We signed in secret, and I simply presented my family with a fait accompli.

He moved to live with his young wife, but coexistence with her relatives did not work out. They demanded one thing from me - that I go out of my way to make money. But I was only attracted to music, I wanted to sing opera house. In general, this marriage was good only because my daughter Marina was born in it. It’s very valuable to me that Marina and I are very close.”

Marina, daughter of Muslim Magomayev. Photo from personal archive

Allen, grandson of Muslim Magomayev. Photo
from personal archive

Muslim Magometovich considered his second marriage to be an unregistered family union with Lyudmila Borisovna Kareva, the music editor of the All-Union Radio. Due to the fact that in Soviet times it was forbidden for a man and a woman who had not registered a relationship in the registry office to live in the same hotel room, the couple constantly had problems while on tour. They were removed with one stroke of the pen by the then Minister of Internal Affairs Nikolai Shchelokov. Having heard about the current situation at one of the banquets, he wrote a resolution right there with his signature, according to which the marriage between the said citizens should be considered actual and their joint residence in hotels should be allowed. But even despite such high patronage, the union fell apart over time.

About the woman of my life

Tamaru Sinyavskaya Magomaev called “the woman of my life.”

“Tamara assures us that before I paid attention to her, we were introduced at concerts three times,” said the singer. - But I don’t remember anything like that. But I remember her very well as magnificent opera singer, when I watched the broadcast from the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky. And we started communicating in 1972, October 3 - ten days Russian culture in Baku".

Muslim MagomaevAndTamara Sinyavskaya. Photo: East News

Meeting Magomayev turned the well-established life of 29-year-old Tamara upside down. Feeling that she was caught in a whirlpool of love that she was unable to resist, she - a married woman - made a last attempt to preserve her former stable and prosperous existence and three months after they met, she literally ran away from Muslim. She went to Italy for an internship at the La Scala theater.

But the separation only marked the beginning of a romance - first a telephone one. Muslim, spoiled by the adoration of millions of women, called his only beloved several times every day, and they talked for hours.

About the wedding

“We got married on November 23, 1974, having gone through a difficult period - Tamara had to decide to divorce her husband. But even then we delayed for a long time in formalizing the relationship, somehow we were not internally ready, apparently we were all testing each other’s strength.”

Muslim Magomaev and Tamara Sinyavskaya. Photo: East News

Magomaev and Sinyavskaya celebrated their wedding in a restaurant on Profsoyuznaya Street. There were 100 guests in the hall, and three times as many people gathered on the street. And Muslim sang to the assembled people about an hour later. open windows. And then, as Tamara recalled, he was treated for bronchitis for three months.

About a sore throat

Muslim Magomayev, a singer with unique vocal abilities, became addicted to smoking from the age of 19 and smoked almost incessantly, several packs of cigarettes a day. At the same time, he suffered from chronic tracheitis and bronchitis.

“Once I flew to perform at a national concert in Kemerovo, at the stadium,” the singer recalled. - And on the same day I fell ill: the temperature was 39 degrees. Red eyes, chills, it’s uncomfortable even to appear in public. People will see and think: drunk. And I asked the organizers to prepare a soundtrack for me. I used this extremely rarely, only at the Palace of Congresses - it was forced. There it was impossible to do otherwise, the management was afraid of live sound, what if someone said something about Brezhnev.

They prepared this unfortunate phonogram for me, and I trudged to the piano. Well, I hit the keys and am waiting for my “plywood”. But instead of sound I hear the squeak of a mosquito. It didn't turn on. And out of horror I screamed, “Along along St. Petersburg.” And then I sang everything I had to to the end.

Twice I completely lost my voice. Shortly before the anniversary of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, where I was supposed to sing, I was left without a voice. The doctor said: “You can’t even whisper.” Well, I was silent for a day, I looked - it seemed like nothing. I took the Coca-Cola I loved from the refrigerator, poured it into a mug, put some ice in it, got drunk, sat down at the piano and started playing. Two days later everything went fine - the voice “turned on.”

Magomayev left with big stage without any loud statements, “final tours” and “farewell concerts”. He just stopped performing one day, giving a very modest comment about his departure into the shadows: “I sang a lot and for quite a long time. It’s time to give way to the young.”

Muslim Magomaev. Photo: Sergey Ivanov

Name: Muslim Magomayev

Zodiac sign: a lion

Age: 66 years old

Activity: singer, composer

Marital status: married to Tamara Sinyavskaya

Muslim Magomayev - biography

Muslim Magomayev - owner of a beautiful and unusually velvety baritone, People's Artist Soviet Union, a singer who was capable of operatic arias along with pop incendiary and heartfelt compositions.

Childhood, family

The entire biography of the Magomayev family is firmly connected with music and art. Grandfather - Abdul-Muslim Magomayev was a composer and conductor, father - Magomet Magomayev was an artist, and mother - Aishet Magomayeva was a dramatic actress with a unique musical ear And in a beautiful voice.

Muslim was born in Baku during the war, so he did not remember his father at all, who went to the front and died near the city of Berlin, just a short time before the Great Victory. The mother was confused after the death of the boy’s father and left her son to her husband’s brother. The uncle happily took on the task of raising his nephew, although he tried to be a strict teacher. Uncle Jamal instilled in Muslim a love for the Motherland and music.

The man paid great attention to musical education, since he himself played the piano well, although he was not fluent in musical notation. In the biography of Muslim Magomayev, the word “music” was written in capital letters, and the boy successfully passed the exams at the Conservatory music class. The child had absolute pitch, clear, memorable strong voice. Muslim’s mother lived in Vyshny Volochyok and, bored, wanted to take the boy. The nine-year-old boy was glad to be reunited with his mother. In a small Russian town, he gets acquainted with the busy backstage life of His Majesty Theatre.

Muslim doesn't quit music school, discovers his inherited skills in drawing and modeling. He invites his classmates to create their own children's puppet theater and prepares dolls with his own hands. A year later, Muslim’s mother Aishet decided that in his native Baku her son would be able to receive a full-fledged musical education. The boy's return to his homeland was beneficial; music took possession of his entire being. Idols future star steel Caruso, Battistini, Ruffo. Muslim became friends with Polad Bulbul Ogly, son famous singer Azerbaijan.

School and music

At school, Magomaev did “excellent” in everything that was somehow related to music. Formulas and problems did not want to fit in his head. After school, Muslim chose a music school in the city of Baku; experienced teachers immediately appreciated the singer’s originality, and some were ready to study with Magomayev even at odd hours. After graduating from college, Magomayev already sang in the song and dance ensemble of the Baku military district. He was immediately appointed soloist of the ensemble. For the first time he becomes a laureate of the World Festival of Youth and Students, held in Helsinki. Muslim sang the song “Buchenwald Alarm”.

Young man are invited to perform as a soloist at the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater named after Akhundov. Then there was the first concert, after which Magomayev went to Italy for one year for an internship at La Scala in Milan. Muslim Magometovich’s biography included a tour in Paris, during which the famous Olympia concert hall was ready to sign a long-term cooperation agreement, but the leadership of the Soviet Union forbade the young performer to act against the will of the state, and at that time the Ministry of Culture was adamant. Muslim Magomayev was subject to any song genres.

Well-deserved popularity came, awards from his native state to international awards. Not a single gala concert or television program for holidays was complete without performances young performer. At thirty-one, Magomayev was already People's Artist. The Azerbaijan Variety Symphony Orchestra received an artistic director in the person of Muslim Magometovich. The singer combined at his concerts the most different music, but all his songs became real hits.

Biography of personal life

Muslim not only had many fans of his voice, but also popularity among women. The first time he married one of his classmates, Ophelia. The marriage did not last long, as soon as their daughter Marina was born. The girl always knew who her father was, they were friends, although Muslim Magomayev was divorced from his first wife. When the singer met Tamara Sinyavskaya, no one talked about marriage. The actress already had a family, but her feelings turned out to be stronger than their decisions and obligations. The wedding took place in Moscow in a chic restaurant, contrary to the modest wishes of the young people.

Family life was not easy for both spouses. Two celebrities came together, two strong man, a pure, bright relationship bound this couple forever. The great affection of Muslim and Tamara manifested itself in last years life of Magomayev. They were everywhere together: relaxing in Baku, working in the garden at their dacha in the Moscow region. Muslim Magometovich wrote music and arrangements, and painted.

The last years of Muslim Magomayev

The singer decided to leave the stage when he turned sixty. The vocal abilities were still great, but the heart was failing. Muslim Magomayev died from coronary artery disease and vascular atherosclerosis. His ashes were buried in Baku next to the grave of his famous grandfather.

Author bio: Natsh 1430

August 17 marks the 70th anniversary of the birth of the famous opera and pop singer Muslim Magomayev.

Opera and crooner, People's Artist of the USSR Muslim Magomedovich Magomayev was born on August 17, 1942 in Baku (Azerbaijan). His father is Magomed Magomayev, a theater artist, died at the front, his mother is Aishet Magomayeva (stage name - Kinzhalova), a dramatic actress, his grandfather is Muslim Magomayev, a famous Azerbaijani composer, whose name is the Azerbaijan Philharmonic.

Magomayev studied piano and composition at the music school at the conservatory. In 1956 he was admitted to the Baku Music College named after Asaf Zeynalli. In 1968 he graduated from the Azerbaijan Conservatory (now the Baku Music Academy named after Hajibeyov) in the singing class of Shovket Mamedova.

All-Union fame came after his performance at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses at the final concert of the Azerbaijani art festival in 1962. First solo concert Magomayev took place on November 10, 1963 in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall.

In 1963, Magomayev became a soloist of the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater. Akhundov and continued performing on the concert stage. In 1964-1965 he trained at the La Scala theater in Milan, and in the 60s he performed in largest cities Soviet Union in the plays "Tosca" and "The Barber of Seville". In 1966 and 1969 with great success Magomayev's tour took place in famous theater Olympia in Paris.

In 1969, at the International Song Festival in Sopot (Poland), Magomayev received the 1st Prize, and in Cannes (France) at the International Festival of Recordings and Music Publishing (MIDEM) - the Golden Record Award.

In 1973 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

From 1975 to 1989 Magomayev was artistic director Azerbaijan State Variety Theater created by him symphony orchestra, with whom he toured extensively throughout the USSR.

Magomayev's concert repertoire includes more than 600 works (Russian romances, classical, pop and Neapolitan songs). He starred in the films: “Nizami”, “Muslim Magomayev Sings” and “Moscow in Notes”. Magomayev is the author of more than 20 songs and film scores. He was the author and host of a series of television programs about life and creativity American singer Mario Lanza wrote a book about this singer.

In 1997, one of the minor planets was named after him 4980 Magomaev solar system.

In September 2011 in Moscow at the Azerbaijani embassy.

Magomayev was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1971), Friendship of Peoples (1980), (2002), the Order of Azerbaijan "Shohrat" (1997) and "Istiglal" (2002). In 2005, for his outstanding personal contribution to the development of Russian culture, he was awarded National Award named after Peter the Great. He was a Knight of the Order "Heart of Danko", awarded for outstanding achievements in the development of Russian culture.

Magomayev was married twice. From his first marriage, which broke up a year later, a daughter, Marina, was born. The second wife was a singer People's Artist USSR Tamara Sinyavskaya.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The unique voice of Muslim Magomayev - a ringing and clear baritone - is recognized from the first sounds by listeners of the older and middle generation, born and lived in the USSR. Opera and pop star, composer, People's Artist of the USSR delighted with his creativity in the 60s, 70s and 80s. His concerts attracted stadiums of thousands, and his records were released in millions of copies. Muslim Magomayev's repertoire included 600 works, including arias, romances, and pop hits.

The Soviet star's tours in France, East Germany, Finland, Poland and Bulgaria brought millions in profits to the country. He was applauded at the famous Parisian Olympia and invited to stay in the prosperous West, but Magomayev did not give in to temptation and returned to his homeland.

In 1997, the minor planet of the solar system was given the name 4980 Magomaev, paying tribute to the terrestrial star.

Childhood and youth

Muslim Magomayev was born on August 17, 1942 in Baku. Father Magomet Magomayev died at the front before he great Victory 15 days. Before the war, Magomet Muslimovich worked theater artist. Muslim Magomayev’s mother Aishet is a dramatic actress who took the pseudonym Kinzhalova. Turkish, Adyghe and Russian blood flowed in her veins. Muslim considered himself an Azerbaijani and Russia as his mother. The grandfather of the future artist is the Azerbaijani composer Abdul-Muslim Magomayev, the founder of national classical music.

After the war, Muslim Magomayev and his mother went to Vyshny Volochek, where the actress Kinzhalova was thrown creative destiny. The boy studied at a music school for a year and became friends with his classmates, infecting the children with the idea of ​​creating puppet theater. Muslim made the puppets for performances himself. But Aishet sent her son to Baku, where, in her opinion, the musically gifted boy would receive the best education.

In Baku, Muslim Magomayev grew up in the family of his uncle Jamal Muslimovich. Mother from Vyshny Volochok moved to Murmansk, where she worked in a local drama theater. Aishet married a second time and Muslim had a brother, Yuri, and a sister, Tatyana.

IN hometown the guy immersed himself in music. Muslim Magomayev spent hours listening to the “trophy” records of Enrico Caruso, Mattia Battistini and Titta Ruffo.

Next door to his uncle lived the family of the famous Azerbaijani singer Bulbul, and Muslim listened to the star singing in the mornings. Magomayev became friends with Bulbul’s son, Polad.

The boy’s successes at the music school at the Baku Conservatory, where his uncle took him, turned out to be half-hearted: in piano, solfeggio and choir lessons, Muslim was given the highest scores, but in physics, chemistry and mathematics, according to Magomayev, his brain “switched off.”

Cellist and professor Vladimir Anshelevich noticed a capable student and took him under his wing. The mentor showed the young vocalist how to sharpen his voice. Soon, the experience gained helped Muslim Magomayev in his work on the role of Figaro in the opera “The Barber of Seville”.

At the Baku Music College, the singer improved his vocals. His mentors were Alexander Milovanov and accompanist Tamara Kretingen, who devoted free time to the student. Magomayev was awarded the diploma in 1959.


The artist’s creative biography began in his hometown at the House of Culture of Baku Sailors. Magomayev’s family was afraid for his voice and forbade Muslim to perform in full force, but the 15-year-old boy went on stage secretly from his family, receiving the first applause. He managed to avoid teenage voice mutation.

In 1961, Muslim Magomayev made his professional debut in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Baku Military District. A year later, he performed the song “Buchenwald Alarm” and his talent was noted at World Festival youth in Helsinki. In the same year, in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, the vocalist won all-Union fame by performing at the festival of Azerbaijani art.

In 1963, the singer’s first solo concert was held in the concert hall named after him. In Baku, Magomayev becomes a soloist at the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater named after Akhundov. In 1964, the vocalist went on an internship for 2 years at Milan theater"La Scala".

In the mid-60s, Muslim Magomayev with musical performances“The Barber of Seville” and “Tosca” are touring the cities of the Soviet Union. The talented vocalist is invited to perform on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, but Magomaev does not want to limit himself to opera.

In the mid-60s, the singer toured in Paris. Admired by Magomayev’s talent, the director of the famous Olympia, Bruno Cockatrice, offered the singer a contract for a year. He was told world fame, and Muslim Magomayev thought about the proposal. But everything was decided by the USSR Ministry of Culture: the Azerbaijani vocalist is indispensable at government concerts.

In Paris, the artist learned that a criminal case had been opened against him in his homeland. To help the Don Cossack Song and Dance Ensemble, in the late 1960s the singer performed in Rostov-on-Don at a 45,000-seat stadium. Instead of one planned part, Magomayev spent more than two hours on stage. They paid him triple his salary, assuring him that there was no violation of the law and that the rate was approved by the Ministry of Culture. The singer was informed about the criminal prosecution through the OBKhSS during a concert at Olympia. Not wanting to put his family at risk, Muslim Magomayev did not succumb to the persuasion of the emigrants and returned to the USSR.

As a result of the legal proceedings, Muslim Magomayev was banned from performing outside Azerbaijan. The singer took advantage of the appeared free time and graduated from the Baku Conservatory in singing. The disgrace ended after the chairman of the USSR KGB called the Minister of Culture: Magomayev was invited to anniversary concert departments.

In Sopot in 1969, Muslim Magomayev won first prize at the International Festival in Cannes International festival Recording and music publications awarded him the “Golden Disc” for millions of copies of gramophone records. At the age of 31, the singer becomes not only the People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR, but also the People's Artist of the USSR.

Since 1975, Muslim Magomayev has led the established pop-symphony orchestra for 14 years. He toured with musicians until 1989 throughout the USSR and foreign countries. Magomayev managed to popularize modern Western trends, which in those years was not approved by the highest party leadership of the USSR. The singer performed the Beatles hit “Yesterday” for the first time in the Soviet Union.

Songs performed by Muslim Magometovich based on poetry occupy a special place in the star’s work. Compositions “Wedding”, “ Best city of the Earth”, “Ferris Wheel”, “Illuminated by the Sun”, “Nocturne” are so bright and expressive that they were remembered by the listeners “on the fly”.

Magomayev's hit "Beauty Queen" Babajanyan was inspired by a Yerevan beauty contest held in the 60s. Song based on the results of the competition " Best Song 1965" was in the lead.

The verses for the poignant song “Blue Eternity” were written for the singer by a friend, Baku resident Gennady Kozlovsky, who moved to Moscow in 1971, and since 1979, at the suggestion of Magomayev, worked as director of the Azerbaijan Variety Symphony Orchestra.

The fate of some songs performed by Magomayev turned out to be difficult. The hit “The Best City on Earth” with the words and music of Arno Babajanyan was broadcast on the radio for a month, but he saw in the song “the pernicious spirit of the West” and with the words “Twist about Moscow? Ban! gave instructions to take the hit off the air. The song was “rehabilitated” shortly after Khrushchev’s removal from the post of First Secretary of the Central Committee.

In 2013, at the celebration of the 866th anniversary of the capital, Magomayev’s hit became the leitmotif of the celebration.

The song “We can’t live without each other” with lyrics performed by Muslim Magomayev is still a hit these days. The same can be said about the hits of the 70s “Snow is Falling” and “Ray of Golden Sun”. The last composition sounds in the sequel animated film « The Bremen Town Musicians", where it is presented as a Troubadour serenade.

Peak musical career Muslim Magomayev dates back to the 60s and 70s. The singer gathered stadiums in the cities of the USSR, he was received with admiration by concert and opera scenes peace.

In 1998, Muslim Magomayev stopped performing on stage. He stated that each talent has its own time, which cannot be overstepped. Last decade the artist devoted himself to painting, lived in Moscow, communicated with fans through the website.

For decades, the artist was friends with the President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev. After the death of a friend in 2003, Muslim Magomayev became isolated. A sick heart and lungs worried the star more and more often. But according to his wife Tamara Sinyavskaya, Muslim Magometovich smoked three packs of cigarettes a day. The singer quarreled with Polad Bulbul-oglu, who took the post of Minister of Culture of Azerbaijan, and criticized his policy in the cultural sphere of the country. In 2005, Magomayev accepted Russian citizenship, but considered himself an Azerbaijani and was part of the leadership of the all-Russian public organization, which united the Azerbaijani diaspora of the Russian Federation.

In 2007, Magomayev wrote his last song, “Farewell, Baku!” for poetry.

Personal life

Young students of Baku music school they sighed about the handsome, vociferous Muslim Magomayev, but he gave preference to the young Armenian Ophelia. The hasty marriage turned out to be a mistake: the couple separated after a year life together. Even the little daughter Marina could not save the young family.

In 1972, Muslim's romance with the singer began. They met and fell in love in Baku, during the decade of Russian art. Tamara was married woman, but for the flared up feelings, the bonds of marriage turned out to be a weak obstacle. The love of Magomaev and Sinyavskaya withstood the test of separation: after Tamara’s year-long internship in Italy, the couple met and never parted.

In November 1974, Muslim Magomayev married the singer: the couple planned a modest celebration, but family and friends gave them a banquet in a restaurant in the capital.

Personal life couples turned out to be like a “roller coaster”: Magomaev and Sinyavskaya are two bright stars with strong characters, it was not easy for spouses to give in to each other. But love cemented the marriage forever, and after stormy quarrels and short separations, the lovers wrote new page relationships.

The last years of the singer’s life were spent next to the woman he loved. Muslim Magomayev and Tamara Sinyavskaya often vacationed in Baku and barbecued on the shores of the Caspian Sea. In the spring and summer, the couple lived at a dacha near Moscow, where they grew a picturesque garden and built an alpine hill. Muslim Magometovich painted, composed arrangements and music.

Daughter Marina inherited her father’s musical gift: the girl graduated from a music school with a degree in piano, but chose another profession not related to music and vocals. Marina maintained a warm relationship with her father until last days life. She lives in America with her husband Alexander Kozlovsky (the son of Gennady Kozlovsky, who wrote the poems for Magomaev’s song “Blue Eternity”). Marina gave her grandson Allen to her father during his lifetime.


At the age of 60, Magomayev left the stage: his illness worsened. The soloist could not lead his old lifestyle, perform on stage or tour.

On October 25, 2008, Muslim Magometovich Magomayev passed away; he died in the arms of his wife Tamara Sinyavskaya. The cause of death of the great singer was coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.

The farewell ceremony for the great artist took place in Concert hall name in the capital. According to the will, Magomayev’s ashes were taken to his native Baku and buried in the Alley of Honor, where the famous grandfather Abdul-Muslim Magomayev rests.


  • 1995 – “Thank you”
  • 1996 – “Arias from operas, musicals (Neapolitan songs)”
  • 2001 – “Love is my song (Dreamland)”
  • 2002 – “Arias from Operas”
  • 2002 – “Songs of Italy”
  • 2002 – “Concert in the Tchaikovsky Hall, 1963”
  • 2003 – “With love for a woman”
  • 2003 – “Rhapsody of Love”
  • 2004 – “Muslim Magomaev. Improvisations"
  • 2005 – “Muslim Magomaev. Concerts, concerts, concerts"
  • 2006 – “Muslim Magomaev. Arias of P. I. Tchaikovsky and "

First common-law wife the famous singer appeared in print with pretentious revelations that disturbed the peace of this couple.

They love each other very much. Today - just like when he was desired by all the women of the Union pop star, and she is an aspiring soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. They were envied, legends were told about them. But both friends and ill-wishers alike listened to their beautiful voices tightly woven into a rope. Remember this - about the black-eyed Cossack woman who “shod my horse.”

There are artistic couples who do nothing but get together and get divorced. Good way remind you of yourself, forgotten. Sinyavskaya and Magomayev have been together since 1974. Talk about family life do not like. Not that it was a secret, but simply for superstitious reasons.
But recently their quiet happiness was disturbed. The peace of the family was disturbed by Magomayev’s former common-law wife Lyudmila Kareva, who now lives in the USA. In his scandalous interview to one thick magazine, the ex-wife who once bet Magomayev and her friend on a bottle of cognac and a set lunch. And she won. Four days after they met, Magomayev was her slave. And then for another 15 years I was so madly in love with her that I could not forgive small betrayals. But he failed to love another with all his soul...

The publication was loudly discussed on the radio, in the theater and even in the Bolshoi clinic. Some sympathized, some gloated, some demanded that the “banquet” be continued. Tamara Ilyinichna did not want to comment on this situation - it is above idle talk and gossip. If she answered any of my questions, she immediately regretted it: such a topic is not worth discussing!

And when I asked: but weren’t you even offended by the fact that, according to Lyudmila, she got the most beautiful Muslim, and others, they say, should use what was left, Sinyavskaya simply said that Muslim has always been a wonderful man in everything . And with him she felt calm in any situation.

It so happened that until recently the Magomaev family was even friends with the “American wife”. Coming from abroad, Lyudmila stayed in their house. And, according to Sinyavskaya, they simply did not expect such a knife in the back.

Magomayev, in a fit of rage, called the States and tried to figure it out. And then I realized: in such a situation it is better to keep cool and pretend that nothing happened.

Although some of Lyudmila’s claims clearly hurt his feelings. For example, the note said that in America he already had a fairly old son... When the boy was born, friends came to Lyudmila as if on an attraction - to see if he looked like Magomayev...

Meanwhile, the boy appeared much later after Muslim and Lyudmila stopped communicating. It’s just that Magomayev, having once arrived on tour in America, met his “son” and, out of the kindness of his heart, allowed him to call himself dad. According to Sinyavskaya, Muslim Magometovich would never give up his child, but this is not the case...
In a word, Lyudmila’s frank story, clearly designed to attract attention to her person, frayed Magomayeva and Sinyavskaya’s nerves. However, Tamara Ilyinichna is no stranger to this: she has experienced many “revolutions” in Bolshoi Theater. In those days, she tried to maintain neutrality and paid for it... Sinyavskaya was simply thrown out of the theater. Quiet and intelligent. With decorum and curtsies.

I had an affair with Bolshoi. What happens to young people? The love has passed, the connection has broken. The theater stopped loving me, but I didn’t. In Tsvetaeva I came across the wonderful word “need”. So the Big One doesn’t need this in me...

Tamara Ilyinichna, at the Bolshoi it is customary to gossip about primas. Mostly unflattering. Obraztsova, Sinyavskaya, Vishnevskaya. Everyone knows that the relationship between you is not the best. You didn’t find Obraztsova common language because of the results of some competition. There was a case - your colleague insulted you right on stage, in front of the audience...

Prima clearly doesn’t want to talk about such sensitive topics. She is trying to diplomatically avoid answering without deciphering the echoes of long-standing grievances and scandals.

Everything that happens to us in life, we, singers, bring to the stage. Why take negative energy with you? All this is reflected in the voice, glass and metal appear in it. That's why I even negative characters didn't work out very well. Marina Mnishek, for example. I love Russian women singing - they are always honest in love. As for grievances - there was one thing famous singer before the curtain closed, he deliberately offended me. I had to answer - with dignity, without insulting him. He left the stage before everyone else, on weak legs.

Famous people love to talk about religion. I know that you, even as a deputy in Soviet times, were constantly in church. Do you and your husband have religious differences? You are Orthodox, he is Muslim...

I think ten years ago it would never have occurred to you to ask such a question! I personally don’t care at all what faith my loved one is. The main thing is that you are not orthodox and do not force you to wear a burqa. Although... if you love it, you can do this too.

When they met, Magomayev was more popular. Women of all ages went crazy for him. And it’s difficult to name an artist who would be as popular today as Magomayev was in the seventies. Both had families. Sinyavskaya’s is especially good. They said that they don’t leave husbands like hers. She took a risk. Everyone. She risked going to a man whose dressing room was crowded with the most beautiful women countries. And she didn't lose. When their relationship was just beginning, Sinyavskaya was sent to study in Italy. Magomayev, through his brother who lived in Switzerland, sent her flowers.

You once said that Magomayev has a masculine style. And what is it?

It’s very simple: this is when a woman remains calm about her reputation, being next to the most beautiful, most popular and noticeable man. When she knows: he will not betray, will not humiliate and will not run away shamefully. Nowadays there are few of them. There are practically none. The main thing for a Man is not to fuss...

Many people think that with popular man life is difficult: groupies, affairs, infidelity.

This is not about my husband! Throughout our entire life with him, he never once gave me a reason to be jealous. And I perceive the love of fans as a necessary attribute in the life of an idol. They still love him. They bring flowers to the door. This is fine. It would be strange if this love and these flowers did not exist...

It's no secret that party bosses beautiful actresses easily turned into their mistresses. I can’t believe that you haven’t received such offers.

Thank God, this cup has passed from me. Of course, every woman is a provocateur by nature. But... I only provoke from the stage. But in life - no. In life, not everyone would dare to approach me. You see that there is something in me that is not entirely accessible. When I’m not a singer, but just Tamara, Magomayev alone is enough for me.

There were often rumors that Magomayev was jealous of Sinyavskaya, did not allow her to sing, and had a complex about her success. Sometimes he even beats her out of envy of her fame...

Muslim always had his own pedestal, which no one encroached on. My pedestal didn’t bother me much. All sorts of stories were written about us. What shocked me most was this... that Muslim and I were killed in a car accident. The rumor grew so quickly that it reached the very top. They called the theater from Kosygin’s reception to find out when the funeral was. Well, they divorced us throughout our entire life together. We have long been accustomed to this and were not even surprised.

Finally, I would still like to figure out who is more important in the Sinyavskaya-Magomayev family. This is the first thing. And secondly, it turns out that you, Tamara Ilyinichna, have an ideal husband. This doesn't happen.

I'll start with the last one. If we really have lived together for so long, then there is something in it. Muslim is not only a handsome man, but also an excellent host. He can do any work in the house himself. As for leadership, he is, of course, the head, but the head always has a neck...

Anna Amelkina

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