Why Magomayev and Sinyavskaya. Sinyavskaya Tamara Ilyinichna: children from her first marriage

- Tamara Ilyinichna, four years ago you voluntarily left the Bolshoi Theater. Have you ever regretted it?

Do you regret it? No. Even today I could sing the same Olga from Eugene Onegin. And sing in a rather young voice. If you put on some make-up and a wig, why not... And who would be happy about that? It’s better to let them say that I left the theater too early than to hear: “How? She's still singing! Moreover, my native Bolshoi Theater is closed for renovations, and the new stage, alas, is foreign to me.

- But you have also become a rare guest in concert halls. Why?

I can only allow myself to sing at my level and not one step lower. But I can’t sing like before, if only because of my nerves. When performing in a concert hall, I begin to feel nervous, as if I were stepping onto the stage of La Scala. Why do I need this? I don’t appear on television for the same reason - suddenly they show it from such an angle that you gasp... I try to protect myself and my name. Every day I “hello” my voice: I sing my favorite arias and romances. Many years ago I was invited to teach at different universities, but then I did not consider it possible to “sit on two chairs” - either sing or teach. And now I teach a vocal class at GITIS, and so far I really like it.

- How did you manage, working at the Bolshoi Theater for almost 40 years, not to quarrel with anyone, not to find yourself in the center of scandals and intrigues?

Yes, I have never intrigued in my life! I came to the Bolshoi when I was 20 years old, a naive, trusting girl, in love with the stage and very friendly to everyone. Because of my young age, none of the soloists perceived me as a rival.

I only ate ice cream in the summer.

- At what age did you start singing?

I have been singing since I was three years old. It’s funny to say: at first, in the entrance of my house (earlier in old Moscow houses there were entrances with excellent acoustics), the voice sounded very beautiful there, as if in a temple. To be honest, even now, when entering an unfamiliar entrance, I quietly try my voice. And then, so that my “audience” - the children - could hear me, I gave “concerts” in my yard. Even as a child, I dreamed of becoming a doctor. There was a clinic on the second floor of our house. I liked going there because it smelled of ether, cleanliness and white coats. At home, I compiled a medical file, wrote “medical histories” of my friends, which were signed by “Doctor Sinyavskaya.” Probably, if I had not become a singer, I would have made a good doctor. But after school, instead of medical school, she entered the music school at the Moscow Conservatory.

Best of the day

We had a teacher at our school who gave students the opportunity to work part-time in the Maly Theater choir. And I started singing in the theater with pleasure. Yes, in which one! Moreover, my mother and I lived very modestly, and we paid 5 rubles for the performance (for example, that’s how much a kilogram of stellate sturgeon cost in the Eliseevsky grocery store).

- Singers constantly have to take care of their voice...

Because of the fear of catching a cold, at one time I had to give up sports - skiing and skating, which I was fond of. By the way, when the skating rink was recently opened on Red Square, my heart sank with nostalgia for my youth, for my childhood. I really wanted to go for a ride.

But she really protected her voice: she allowed herself to eat ice cream only in the summer, when the theater season closed and all the artists went on vacation. Now I can talk on the street, and eat ice cream, nuts and seeds, which are also contraindicated for singers, and, pah-pah, nothing happens to my voice. And before, probably, the psychological attitude was triggered - God forbid I catch a cold on the eve of the performance.

Muslim is a very generous man

Tamara Ilyinichna interrupts our conversation to, like an ambulance, give another injection to the poodle Charlik and make coffee for her beloved husband. And he also treats me to excellent coffee, brewed in Turkish style, and pours himself a glass of water. Sinyavskaya doesn’t want to lose her shape so that at any moment she can put on a costume, for example, Lyubasha’s and go on stage in the play “The Tsar’s Bride.”

In this sense, Galina Pavlovna Vishnevskaya has always been an example for me, who kept the same weight all her life and wore stage costumes of the same size.

- In a telephone conversation, you told me the three best ages for a woman - 29 years old, 38 and 45. What was interesting in your life when you turned 29 years old?

An affair with Muslim began. I then interned in Italy. Muslim called me every day and let me listen to new recordings. We talked a lot and for a long time. You can imagine how much these calls cost him. But talking about money was and is a taboo topic. He has always been a very generous man.

- At the age of 38, what events happened?

This is a wonderful age for any woman - a feeling of fullness of life. And for me it also coincided with my professional blossoming. By the way, the legendary Lyubov Orlova liked to repeat that she was 38 years old and not a day older. I sometimes quote her jokingly, although I understand that 38 years is too bold a statement, but if I go to get a “haircut” (that’s what Sinyavskaya calls a circular facelift. - Author), do light makeup, I’m still very good. Joke.

The secret of youth is good sleep

- Do you have your own secret on how to look good?

Dream. When a woman gets enough sleep, she has fewer wrinkles on her face, a healthy glow and glowing eyes. True, our poodle Charlik hasn’t let us sleep for three years now. He is already old, he is tormented by insomnia, he does not sleep at night and looks into the darkness with his blinded eyes. And I am very afraid that he might fall out of bed, since he is used to sleeping with us. Naturally, I don't get enough sleep. He is like a child to me. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out with my children, although it seems to me that I would have been an amazing mother, but the Lord decreed otherwise... True, as I was told, if I had a child, I would not be able to serve my favorite profession so selflessly .

- You have a long-standing and strong star alliance with Magomayev. What keeps him going?

Maybe the most important thing is love?.. And there are many common interests. Especially when it comes to music and singing. As soon as Muslim sees someone’s performance on TV that evokes emotions, he immediately comes to me: “Did you hear “this”?!” And the evening of “questions and answers”, delight or indignation begins. Muslim is a very emotional person. But I must say that our tastes and assessments almost always coincide. Besides, I never felt like a star, especially next to Muslim. In general, in my opinion, the word “star” today sounds offensive. Having received all-Union fame at the age of nineteen, Muslim carried it throughout his life and does not need its constant confirmation.

Sinyavskaya Tamara Ilyinichna children from her first marriage, a secret of her personal life that caused a real shock among fans of the opera singer. Tamara Sinyavskaya today is increasingly known as the wife of Muslim Magomayev, and only then as a high-class artist. But in vain. She is a very talented singer who was very famous in Soviet times.

Her mezzo-soprano was admired by Brezhnev himself. She worked at the Bolshoi Theater all her life, and her repertoire includes more than 30 roles in the most iconic works. Sinyavskaya is an Honored and People's Artist of the RSFSR and Russia, trained in Milan, at the La Scala theater, and the planet is named in her honor. Tamara Ilyinichna finished her opera career in 2005 and since then she has been the head of the vocal department at GITIS.

Personal life

During her 72 years of life, Sinyavskaya never talked much about her family and personal life in interviews; she always believed that she should be interesting to people due to her creativity, and not because of dirty gossip. That is why there has never been gossip around her, but there is little information either. It is known that the singer is Russian and a native Muscovite by nationality. Her father died in the war, Tamara Ilyinichna inherited her singing talent from her mother, as she herself said. However, her mother was not a professional pop singer, but only sang in a church choir.

Few people know, but before her marriage to Muslim Magomayev, Sinyavskaya was married. The name of the singer’s first husband is not listed anywhere, but it is known that he was a ballet dancer. There were no children in the marriage. It did not last long, as the woman met Magomayev, who, by the way, was also married at that time.

In 1974, Tamara Sinyavskaya and Muslim Magomayev got married and lived happily for 34 years together until the artist died in 2008. God also did not give their family children, but this did not stop them from living in perfect harmony for so many years and always saying only good things about each other. And when asked how they managed to be together for so long and love each other no matter what, Sinyavskaya answered that they were united by a common cause, one passion for two - music. Of course, according to the artist, they quarreled and even broke up, but they still got together because they couldn’t imagine life without each other.

So after Magomayev’s death, Sinyavskaya withdrew into herself and did not appear in public for three whole years. The departure of her beloved husband was very difficult for her. But now, she says that she has pulled herself together and is full of strength to live and do what she loves. Today it is a teaching activity and a foundation for the cultural and musical heritage of Muslim Magomayev. Tamara Ilyinichna is called to the stage, but she refuses, arguing that she does not want to fall even a little lower than the level that she reached before.

So Sinyavskaya has no children from her first marriage. She experienced the unforgettable joy of having a first husband, but her children did not make her exciting life happy.

On the other hand, the singer really does not like to talk about her family; in the USSR, her fame thundered throughout the world. Maybe she has a son or daughter somewhere, whom she chose to hide from the public. This is what many famous parents do to help their children become independent individuals. After all, the shadow of a mother’s glory can easily make a child arrogant and proud.

Sinyavskaya Tamara Ilyinichna

Singer (mezzo-soprano).
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (07/24/1973).
People's Artist of the RSFSR (05/25/1976).
People's Artist of the USSR (04/30/1982).
People's Artist of Azerbaijan (2002).

She began to study singing in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Moscow City Palace of Pioneers under the direction of V. Loktev.
In 1964 she graduated from the Music School at the Moscow Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, in 1970 she graduated from GITIS in the singing class of D. B. Belyavskaya.
In 1964-2003 - soloist of the Bolshoi Theater.
In 1973-1974 she trained at the La Scala theater (Milan).

In 1972, she took part in the performance of the Moscow State Academic Chamber Musical Theater under the direction of B. A. Pokrovsky “Not Only Love” by R. K. Shchedrin (part of Varvara Vasilievna). Participant of the Varna Summer music festival (Bulgaria).
She has performed in performances at opera houses in France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, the USA, Australia and other countries of the world. She toured with concerts in Japan and South Korea. Some parts from Sinyavskaya’s extensive repertoire were performed abroad for the first time: Lel in “The Snow Maiden” by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (Paris, concert performance); Azucena (“Il Trovatore”) and Ulrika (“Un ballo in maschera”) in the operas of G. Verdi, as well as Carmen in Turkey. In Germany and France she sang the works of R. Wagner with great success, and at the Vienna State Opera she took part in the production of the opera “War and Peace” by S. S. Prokofiev (as Akhrosimova).

She conducts extensive concert activities and has performed solo concerts in major concert halls in Russia and abroad, including the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, and the Concertgebouw (Amsterdam). The singer's concert repertoire includes the most complex works by S. S. Prokofiev, P. I. Tchaikovsky, the “Spanish Cycle” by M. de Falla and other composers, opera arias, romances, works of old masters accompanied by an organ. She performed interestingly in the genre of vocal duet (with her husband Muslim Magomayev). She collaborated fruitfully with E. F. Svetlanov and performed with many outstanding conductors, including Riccardo Chailly and Valery Gergiev.

Teaches at the Faculty of Musical Theater at RATI - GITIS.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 11th convocation (1984-1989).
One of the minor planets of the Solar System, known to astronomers under the code 1974 VS, is named after Sinyavskaya - 4981 Sinyavskaya.
Honored Worker of Musical Art (International Union of Musicians, 2016) - for special personal merits in the study, preservation, development and popularization of Russian artistic culture and art.

Wife of People's Artist of the USSR Muslim Magomayev (1942-2008).

theatrical works

Page (Rigoletto by G. Verdi)
Dunyasha, Lyubasha (“The Tsar’s Bride” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Olga (Eugene Onegin by P. Tchaikovsky)
Flora (La Traviata by G. Verdi)
Natasha, Countess (“October” by V. Muradeli)
Gypsy Matresha, Mavra Kuzminichna, Sonya, Helen Bezukhova (“War and Peace” by S. Prokofiev)
Ratmir (Ruslan and Lyudmila by M. Glinka)
Oberon (A Midsummer Night's Dream by B. Britten)
Konchakovna (“Prince Igor” by A. Borodin)
Polina (The Queen of Spades by P. Tchaikovsky)
Alkonost (“The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Kat (“Cio-Cio-san” by G. Puccini)
Fyodor (Boris Godunov by M. Mussorgsky)
Vanya (Ivan Susanin by M. Glinka)
The Commissioner's Wife (The Unknown Soldier by K. Molchanov)
Commissioner (“Optimistic Tragedy” by A. Kholminov)
Frosya (Semyon Kotko by S. Prokofiev)
Nadezhda (“The Pskov Woman” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Lyubava (Sadko by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Marina Mnishek (Boris Godunov by M. Mussorgsky)
Mademoiselle Blanche (“The Gambler” by S. Prokofiev) - the first performer in Russia
Zhenya Komelkova (“The Dawns Here Are Quiet” by K. Molchanov)
Princess (“Rusalka” by A. Dargomyzhsky)
Laura (“The Stone Guest” by A. Dargomyzhsky)
Carmen (Carmen by J. Bizet)
Ulrika (Un ballo in maschera by G. Verdi)
Marfa (Khovanshchina by M. Mussorgsky)
Azucena (Il Trovatore by G. Verdi)
Claudia (“The Tale of a Real Man” by S. Prokofiev)
Morena (Mlada by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Lyubasha (“The Tsar’s Bride” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)

prizes and awards

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (February 15, 2006).
Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1971).
Order of the Badge of Honor (1980).
Order of Honor (March 22, 2001).
Order of Glory (Azerbaijan, July 5, 2003).
Order of Lomonosov, 1st degree (ABOP, 2004).
Order of Honor of Peter the Great (2005).
Order of Friendship (Azerbaijan, July 6, 2013).
1st prize at the IX International Festival of Youth and Students in Sofia (1968).
Grand Prix and special prize for the best performance of a romance at the XII International Vocal Competition in Verviers (Belgium, 1969)
1st prize at the IV International Tchaikovsky Competition. (1970).
Moscow Komsomol Prize (1970).
Lenin Komsomol Prize (1980).
Irina Arkhipova Foundation Prize (2004).
Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation 2013 in the field of culture (2013) - for the creation of the Muslim Magomayev Cultural and Musical Heritage Foundation.
Order of Honor (Azerbaijan, 2018) - for many years of fruitful activity in strengthening Russian-Azerbaijani cultural ties.

“The real Pushkin Olga”, the woman whose name is given to a planet in the solar system, the velvet of the opera stage. Tamara Sinyavskaya is an opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR and winner of international awards. Her dramatic mezzo-soprano delighted and captivated listeners. Tamara was invited to perform on world stages, but she always remained faithful to the Bolshoi Theater. Today we will tell you a little more about the biography of Tamara Sinyavskaya, children, first husband.


Tamara Sinyavskaya was born in 1943 in Moscow. Tamara’s role model has always been her mother, a talented person endowed with a strong and beautiful voice. She did not become a singer, but she helped her daughter realize this. From the age of three, the girl repeated her mother’s songs, and a little later she organized concerts for children in the yard. Tamara's greatest pleasure was singing in grand old Moscow houses, which had amazing acoustics.

Surrounded by majestic architecture, the girl performed songs and felt a divine excitement that never left her after being on stage. Admired by the girl’s talent, the residents advised Tamara’s mother to take her to vocal lessons. She listened to them. The girl was accepted into the House of Pioneers, where she sang and danced. However, dancing was of little interest to the girl, and at the age of 10 she joined a choir group. She spent 8 years in the choir, where she learned the musical and stage experience necessary to enter a music school.

By the way, in childhood, just like singing, Tamara was fascinated by medicine. There was a clinic in her house, and the girl often observed the work of the staff.

She was attracted by the whiteness of the employees’ uniforms, the cleanliness of the premises and the smell of medicine. At home, the woman set up a hospital center, in which a medical card was opened for each family member. She wrote down prescriptions for the sick in cards. Tamara believes that if it weren’t for her passion for music, she could have become a good doctor.

The girl also really liked winter sports. And as soon as the ice froze, she was the first to go out skating. Having then chosen a career as a singer, she gave up sports, ice cream and talking outside in cold weather.

As mentioned earlier, Tamara loved performing in public, but she could not choose between theater and music school. The desire to sing became stronger when she saw the films “The House Where I Live” and “Kuban Cossacks” in the cinema.

She constantly sang songs from films, and every day she became convinced of the need for music education. But it was Vladimir Loktev who motivated her to enter the music school.

He insisted on the need to realize Tamara’s talent. He advised me to go to the music school at the P.I. Conservatory. Tchaikovsky. When the girl entered there, she never once regretted her choice. The school had talented teachers who helped the girl realize her potential. Already at the beginning of her studies, in the evenings, Tamara sang at the Maly Theater. There she met talented and famous singers of the USSR.

Creative achievements

In 1964, Tamara Sinyavskaya completed her studies. After passing the exams with excellent marks, the teachers recommended the girl to undergo an internship at the Bolshoi Theater. And although Tamara did not have a conservatory education, the jury chose the girl among other trainees. The girl became the youngest participant in the theater. At first, the group was indignant about the girl’s young age. But the girl was so talented, hardworking and friendly that within a year she joined the main team.

Young Sinyavskaya still felt untapped potential. She entered GITIS, where she first heard that she needed to work more on her voice. The vocal teacher worked with her a lot, and every day her voice became more confident and unique.

Having worked in the theater for several years, the girl was still shy in front of her talented partners. Boris Pokrovsky helped her overcome her fear. He offered Tamara the role of a page in the opera Rigoletto. And although Tamara sang it somewhat slowly, working together with professionals broke the girl’s barrier of fear. A tour in Milan helped her completely overcome her uncertainty. She was the only one invited to the role of Olga in the production of Eugene Onegin. It is believed that its performance became the ideal element that united the works of Pushkin and Tchaikovsky. Sergei Lemeshev recognized Tamara as the best performer of the role of Olga. Subsequently, the singer was named the best Russian vocalist of the Italian school.

Equally famous was her performance in the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by Mikhail Glinka. The best role, however, is considered to be Lyubasha in the opera “The Tsar’s Bride by Rimsky-Korsakov.

In the 60s she toured the world with the Bolshoi Theater. Tamara was in Canada, and in France, and in Japan, and in Bulgaria. She also received a gold medal at a competition in Belgium and at the International Pyotr Tchaikovsky Competition. Sinyavskaya received an invitation to perform on world stages, but did not leave the Bolshoi Theater. It was Russian opera that seemed to the girl a real driving force. The woman trained for two years at the La Scala theater in Milan.

The singer’s predominantly creative biography also included work as a deputy of the USSR Supreme Council.

In 2003, Tamara left the theater. Like many artists, she considered it best to leave at the peak of fame. He believes that it is better to leave six months earlier than five minutes worse. And that there is nothing sadder than hearing surprised reviews that a person still sings. She could not afford to sink even a little lower than what she had achieved. But she wouldn’t be able to sing like before, if only because of the unrest on stage. She was always afraid that she would be remembered in a bad light. For the same reason, she did not appear on television. Her last role was her beloved Lyubasha from “The Tsar’s Bride”

But even now Tamara conducts voice warm-ups every day. After finishing her opera career, she began teaching vocals at GITIS. Since Tamara Sinyavskaya and her first and second husband had no children in her biography, she gives all her love to her students. Since 2005, she has been the head of the vocal department and head of the Muslim Magomayev Foundation

Personal life

According to information from the biography of Tamara Sinyavskaya, her first husband was Sergei. The couple had no children. Sergei was a ballet dancer.

Tamara met Muslim Magomayev in 1972 in Baku. They met at the Philharmonic. At one of the concerts, Robert Rozhdestvensky introduced Muslim to Tamara. When Tamara had an internship in Milan in 1973-1974, Muslim called her every day, and the lovers talked for many hours. Then the girl was one of the first to hear the song “You are my melody.”

And although Tamara had a husband, she divorced him. A year later, Muslim and Sinyavskaya got married, they lived together for 34 years. Tamara even considers her best age to be 29 years old, when they began their affair. Muslim and Tamara were in love with music. The couple lived through her eras, admiring her and creating her. There were no children in the biography of Tamara Sinyavskaya. The singer gave all her love to her first and second husband. She had a hard time with the death of Muslim Magomayev in 2008. There has been no news about her for the past three years.

Does she continue to teach vocals at GITIS?

Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya(born July 6, 1943, Moscow, USSR) - Soviet and Russian opera singer (dramatic mezzo-soprano), teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1982). Winner of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1980). Widow of People's Artist of the USSR Muslim Magomayev.


She began to study singing in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Moscow City Palace of Pioneers under the direction of V. Loktev.

In 1964 she graduated from the Music School at the Moscow Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, in 1970 she graduated from GITIS in the singing class of D. B. Belyavskaya.

From 1964 to 2003 - soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. She first appeared on stage as the Page in the opera “Rigoletto” by D. Verdi.

In 1973-1974 Trained at La Scala Theater (Milan).

Since 2005 - head of the vocal department at GITIS, professor.

Member of the USSR Supreme Council of the 11th convocation since 1984.

Personal life

The widow of People's Artist of the USSR Muslim Magomayev, whom she met on October 2, 1972 in Baku, got married on November 23, 1974 in Moscow.


In 1972, she took part in the performance of the Moscow State Academic Chamber Musical Theater under the direction of B. A. Pokrovsky “Not Only Love” by R. K. Shchedrin (part of Varvara Vasilievna). He performs a lot abroad. Participant of the Varna Summer music festival (Bulgaria).

She has performed in performances at opera houses in France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, the USA, Australia and other countries of the world. She toured with concerts in Japan and South Korea. Some parts from Sinyavskaya’s extensive repertoire were performed abroad for the first time: Lel in “The Snow Maiden” by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (Paris, concert performance); Azucena (“Il Trovatore”) and Ulrika (“Un ballo in maschera”) in the operas of G. Verdi, as well as Carmen in Turkey. In Germany and France she sang the works of R. Wagner with great success, and at the Vienna State Opera she took part in the production of the opera “War and Peace” by S. S. Prokofiev (as Akhrosimova).

She conducts an extensive concert activity and has performed solo concerts in major concert halls in Russia and abroad, including the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, and the Concertgebouw (Amsterdam). The singer's concert repertoire includes the most complex works by S. S. Prokofiev, P. I. Tchaikovsky, the “Spanish Cycle” by M. de Falla and other composers, opera arias, romances, works of old masters accompanied by an organ. She performed interestingly in the genre of vocal duet (with her husband Muslim Magomayev). She collaborated fruitfully with E. F. Svetlanov and performed with many outstanding conductors, including Riccardo Chailly and Valery Gergiev.


  • In the name of Sinyavskaya - 4981 Sinyavskaya- named one of the minor planets of the Solar System, known to astronomers under the code 1974 VS.


Her repertoire at the Bolshoi Theater included the following roles:

  • Page (Rigoletto by G. Verdi)
  • Dunyasha, Lyubasha (“The Tsar’s Bride” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
  • Olga (Eugene Onegin by P. Tchaikovsky)
  • Flora (La Traviata by G. Verdi)
  • Natasha, Countess (“October” by V. Muradeli)
  • Gypsy Matresha, Mavra Kuzminichna, Sonya, Helen Bezukhova (“War and Peace” by S. Prokofiev)
  • Ratmir (Ruslan and Lyudmila by M. Glinka)
  • Oberon (A Midsummer Night's Dream by B. Britten)
  • Konchakovna (“Prince Igor” by A. Borodin)
  • Polina (The Queen of Spades by P. Tchaikovsky)
  • Alkonost (“The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
  • Kat (“Cio-Cio-san” by G. Puccini)
  • Fyodor (Boris Godunov by M. Mussorgsky)
  • Vanya (Ivan Susanin by M. Glinka)
  • The Commissioner's Wife (The Unknown Soldier by K. Molchanov)
  • Commissioner (“Optimistic Tragedy” by A. Kholminov)
  • Frosya (Semyon Kotko by S. Prokofiev)
  • Nadezhda (“The Pskov Woman” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
  • Lyubava (Sadko by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
  • Marina Mnishek (Boris Godunov by M. Mussorgsky)
  • Mademoiselle Blanche (“The Gambler” by S. Prokofiev) - the first performer in Russia
  • Zhenya Komelkova (“The Dawns Here Are Quiet” by K. Molchanov)
  • Princess (“Rusalka” by A. Dargomyzhsky)
  • Laura (“The Stone Guest” by A. Dargomyzhsky)
  • Carmen (Carmen by J. Bizet)
  • Ulrika (Un ballo in maschera by G. Verdi)
  • Marfa (Khovanshchina by M. Mussorgsky)
  • Azucena (Il Trovatore by G. Verdi)
  • Claudia (“The Tale of a Real Man” by S. Prokofiev)
  • Morena (Mlada by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
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