Brief biography of Eros Ramazzotti. Eros Ramazzotti Collections of the best songs

Eros Ramazzotti was born on October 28, 1963. Having become interested in music early, Eros, at the age of 18, successfully debuted at a competition for young talents in the Italian town of Castrocaro. “Successful” in his case meant instantly signing a contract and releasing his first single, “Ad Un Amigo.” However, it was truly appreciated three years later - in 1984 at the Sanremo Festival. Then he eclipsed all the “young talents”.

Feeling the favor of fortune, Eros decided not to sway for a long time and in next year appeared at the festival with the album "Cuori Agitati". From this moment it starts counting down brilliant career new Italian pop-romance, set to the melodies of nine albums by Eros Ramazzotti.

He is a slender, handsome man and sings well. All the girls would consider it a blessing to find themselves in his arms. But, oddly enough, with such a romantic image personal life Ramazzotti is far removed from the flashy tabloid headlines. Eros has already found the one and only who gave him his daughter Aurora. The name was inspired by one of the tracks on the album "Dove c"e musica".

Ramazzotti's third work, "In Certi Momenti", dating from 1987, was marked by a duet with Patsy Kensit (and this is already a recognition of a professional) and a nine-month international tour, which gained close attention from the international music community. At 24 years old it is time to rethink the accumulated experience. Transitional age Ramazzotti's Eros lasted for two years. From the accumulated material, in 1990, entering a new decade, Eros compiled "In Ogni Senso".

The fruits of two years of thought were not in vain: it was with this work that he made his debut on the American music scene. And not just anywhere, but in the high-rise heart of America, New York, within the walls of the famous Radio City Music Hall. Based on this concert, a home-video "Eros In giro per il Mondo" was released.

1991 was marked by the release of the first “live album” in the work of Eros, or simply put, “live album” with the unassuming but understandable name “Eros In Concert”, recorded mostly in Barcelona. The next creative brainchild was the album "Tutte Storie" in 1993 - perhaps his most complex and most successful work. The album, recorded with the participation of famous musicians and representing an example of commercial pop rock, of course, reached the top of the European charts.

It was precisely this period of Eros Ramazzotti’s creative activity that probably the most famous song “Cose della Vita” belongs to domestic music lovers. "Tutte Storie" was especially popular in South America. It was not in vain that Ramazzotti tried to translate each of his albums into Spanish. Europe also appreciated the work of Eros. Direct proof of this is the honorary offer to perform a solo concert at the European MTV Awards in Berlin in 1993.

In 1995 he created his own management company, Radiorama. The opening of my own business coincided successfully with the signing of a contract for the release of five albums with the recording monster BMG International. And here - global recognition, merging with the mainstream - Eros performs in a series of concerts alongside Rod Stewart, Elton John and Joe Cocker. Cooperation with the latter continued on last album master of world pop rock "Across From Midnight".

With his eighth album "Dove c" e musica "Eros made his debut as an author, composer and producer all rolled into one. The result was the title of "best CD of the year." Ramazzotti just fell short of the honorary title " best performer of the Year", giving way to George Michael and Bryan Adams. But the album set a new Italian sales record, selling 1 million copies in five months and one day in Italy alone. Sales worldwide amounted to 6 million copies, which gives Ramazzotti every right consider himself the most popular Italian artist.

He celebrated his 34th birthday with the release of the album "Eros" - a kind of culmination of 15 years of creativity. The album's 16 songs included remixed and remastered versions of the most impactful compositions of the musician's entire career, including the famous "Cose della vita" duet with Tina Turner and "Musica e" with Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli, as well as 2 new songs.

Eros Luciano Walter Ramazzotti is an Italian musician, lyricist, composer, and producer. He sings songs in several languages. Almost all of his compositions have been translated into Spanish. He has been on stage for more than 30 years and during this time he has sold about one hundred million of his recordings.

  • Official Instagram: @ramazzotti_eros– more than 1.3 million subscribers.
  • Height: 1.85 meters

Eros Ramazzotti was born on October 28, 1963 in the Roman quarter of Cinecittà and became the second child of his parents. Eros's older brother's name is Marco. The father of the family, Rodolfo, worked in construction and painted houses; the mother, Raffaella Ramazzotti Molina, took care of the house and children.


The mother decided to name her second son after the god of love of Greece, because she adored her husband and was glad to have children together.

Brought up in an atmosphere of love and affection, the boy began to show early musical abilities. At the age of 7, Eros learned to play the guitar, then the piano, and dreamed of becoming a world celebrity. The father supported the child’s hobby because he himself loved music and played the piano, recording several of his own songs.

In the block where the Ramazzotti family lived, there was a famous film studio of the same name (Cinecittа) and local children often found themselves filming extras. Eros also repeatedly participated in filming, but this was not what attracted him. Thanks to his father, as a teenager, he began to write songs himself, but was unable to get music education due to lack financial resources in family.

After graduating from high school, future star enrolls in accounting courses, while continuing to study music independently. Moreover, having tried to pass the exams at the music conservatory, he learned that he was not suitable for studying. And Eros only took one course to become an accountant; he was expelled from educational institution for non-attendance and bad grades.

Carier start

In 1981, the 18-year-old musician decided to make a name for himself at the Italian festival “New Voices” (“Voci Nuove”), which took place in Castrocaro Terme, performing his song “Rock'80” (“Rock of the 80s”) "). Representatives of various recording studios were present at the competition in search of new talents.

Ramazzotti didn't win that day, but he didn't lose either. He reached the finals, which made it possible to conclude the first contract with the DDD studio through its representative and jury member - Baron Lando Lanni. The company's office was located in and Eros is moving there to permanent place residence. For lack of money for rented housing, he lives in the studio for several days. His mother and brother go to Milan with him.

In 1982, the DDD company recorded Ramazzotti’s first composition “Ad un amico” (“Dedication to a Friend”), sponsors blindly believed in talent and opportunities young man, saw him as an international performer from the very beginning. But that composition did not bring fame to Eros. The musician did not despair and fate gave him a meeting with the composer Renato Brioschi, who became a friend, assistant and mentor to the young talent.

Real success

  • In 1984, Ramazzotti again became a participant in the vocal competition. He performs at the Sanremo Festival with "Terra promessa" ("Promised Land"), which Brioschi and Alberto Salerno helped him write. The composition turned out to be so successful that it brought the performer an unconditional victory. Eros became a prize-winner of the competition and his song became the box office leader in Italy and Europe.
  • In 1995, Eros Ramazzotti opens his own company, Radiorama S.R.L., where he takes on the role of producer for talented but unknown performers. At the same time, he begins a collaboration with BMG International and performs with celebrities: Rod Stewart, Joe Cocker, Elton John.
  • The musician was twice awarded the ECHO Prize in Germany, in 1997 and 1999 as the best performer.
  • In 1999, Ramazzotti recorded the song “Nel cuore lei” (“She is in the heart”) together with the Italian Andrea Bocelli for his album “Sogno” (“Dream”).
  • In 2000, Eros produced the album (Gianni Morandi) “Come fa bene l’amore” (“How to love well”), which gave him another reason to be proud of himself and his work.


The contribution of Eros Ramazzotti to the world's musical heritage cannot be overestimated; each of his discs becomes a hit. Over the 30-year history of his creative life, the singer presented 14 albums recorded in the studio, 4 collections best singles and 3 albums of live music.

Studio albums

Inspired by luck at the Sanremo Festival in 1985, the musician recorded the 1st album “Cuori agitati” (“Agitated Hearts”), having huge success and occupying tenth place in the singer’s homeland (fifth in Switzerland).

Ramazzotti's second album, recorded in 1986, was called "Nuovi eroi" ("New Heroes"). More than one hundred thousand units were sold in Switzerland, and more than two hundred and fifty thousand in Germany. This stunning success gave rise to new beginnings for Eros, and from that moment the musician’s career always went up.

The popular singer’s next album was called “In certi momenti” (“At a certain time”). It was released in 1987 in the amount of 900 thousand units and immediately rose to the top of the charts in Italy. To date, about 4 million copies of the album have been purchased.

In 1988, Ramazzotti’s first and only mini-album “Musica e” (“Music”) was recorded. including 5 tracks. A little later, an extended version of 8 tracks was released.

In 1990, the album “In ogni senso” (“In any sense”) was released. Its presentation was organized in Venice and the event was attended by more than 200 press representatives from different countries. The album turned out to be one of the most recognized and was subsequently re-recorded in 15 countries. In Germany, its sales exceeded 500 thousand copies, 150 thousand units were purchased in Switzerland, and more than 100 thousand units were purchased in the Netherlands. The highlight of the album was its title, which appears at least once in every song in the collection.

In 1993, Eros presented the album “Tutte storie” (“All Stories”), thanks to which he was able to conclude a contract to work with Bertelsmann Music Group (Bertelsmann Music Group). The album sold 6 million copies.

In 1996, the disc “Dove c’è musica” (“Where the music is”) was released. This is Ramazzotti's 1st album where he is his own producer. He also wrote all the lyrics and music himself. Worldwide sales reached 7 million copies, the disc won the title of best of the year.

In 2000, the world heard Ramazzotti’s album “Stilelibero” (“Freestyle”), although its recording was planned for 2001. But J. Morandi, with the release of his collection “Come fa bene l’amore,” accelerated the process of the birth of Ramazzotti’s album, who did not want to remain in Morandi’s shadow for long.

In 2003, Eros presented his ninth collection of songs, which he called “9”. The author positions the lyrics partly as autobiographical. He dedicates these melodies to his wife Michelle Hunziker, daughter Aurora and mother Rafaella. The collection becomes a sales record holder and is included in the top 100 discs for 95 weeks.

In 2005, Eros Ramazzotti gives himself a gift by recording the album “Calma apparente” (“Visible Calm”) dedicated to another period own life– breaking up with Michelle.

In 2009, the album “Ali e radici” (“Wings and Roots”) was released. co-published with Claudio Guidetti. In 8 weeks, distributors sold 300 thousand copies.

In 2012, Eros presents the album “Noi” (“We”), dedicated to the common values ​​of humanity: love, freedom, friendship. In 2013, the album “Noi Due” (“We are two”) was released, which is a re-recording of the album “Noi” with the addition of 3 new singles.

In 2015, the singer released his 13th album “Perfetto” (“Beautiful”).

Collections of the best songs

  1. After 15 years of fruitful work, in 1997, Ramazzotti recorded the album “Eros”, including best songs musician and 2 new compositions.
  2. In 2007, the album “e2” was recorded - a collection of songs on 2 discs. A total of 35 songs are recorded on the discs.
  3. In 2014, Ramazzotti recorded another double collection, Eros 30, which included the best songs from the performer’s 30-year stay on the big stage.

Concert recordings

In 1991, a 2-disc concert album “Eros in concert” was recorded. It included live songs from performances in Barcelona and from an international tour. Ramazzotti presented the album in Barcelona on December 4. 20 thousand people listened to the singer live; in addition, there was a worldwide live broadcast. Ramazzotti donated all the money from the performance to charity. In 1992, the album was re-released.

In 1998, Eros recorded an album of concert performances “Eros live” (“Eros live”), which includes compositions from world tours.

In 2010, Ramazzotti released another 2-disc album, “21:00 Eros Live World Tour 2009/2010” (Eros World Tour), featuring live music from the artist’s concerts. A documentary film was made about the recording of the album.

Best songs

The song “Una storia importante” (“Important story”) from the album “Cuori agitati” becomes Ramazzotti’s 1st super hit, taking 6th place at the Sanremo Festival in 1985. Listeners liked it so much that sales of its copies in France exceeded a million.

With the composition “Adesso tu” (“And now you”) from the album “Nuovi eroi”, the musician won the Sanremo Festival in 1986.

The song “La luce buona delle stelle” (“The good light of the stars”) became the first joint song Ramazzotti and Patricia Kensit.

The song “Musica e” from the album of the same name is a hymn to music. It is quite long (11 minutes) and is recognized as one of the best in Ramazzotti’s work.

The composition “Cose della vita” (“Things of Life”) from the album “Tutte storie”, recorded with music by Pierre Cassano, became Ramazzotti’s first track for which a video clip was edited by director Spike Lee. With the same song, Eros won a music award at the annual MTV Europe Music Awards in 1993 in Berlin.

In 1997, Eros Ramazzotti and Tina Turner re-recorded this track so successfully that it entered the top 100 hits of the decade in Europe.

For the song “Più bella cosa” (“The most beautiful”) from the album “Dove c’è musica,” director Nigel Dick made a video clip starring Ramazzotti’s girlfriend, model Michelle. Eros dedicated the song “L’aurora” to his first daughter Aurora, whom Michelle gave birth to.

In 2000, Eros Ramazzotti and Cher created star duet, performing "Piu che puoi" ("Everything you can"), included in the album "Stilelibero". This is a lyrical, beautiful and most recognizable composition in the Italian’s albums.

The single “Un’emozione per sempre” (“Feelings forever”) from the album “9” was recorded on May 9 and became a hit leader for 9 weeks. The song participated in Festivalbar in 2003.

The song “La nostra vita” (“Our Life”) from the album “Calma apparente” was performed by Ramazzotti on the show “Rockpolitik” (“Rock Politician”) in 2005. The composition topped the charts for 3 weeks. The single “I Belong to You (Il ritmo della passione)” (“I belong to you (In the rhythm of passion)”) from the same album was recorded in a duet with the American Anastacia and performed in two languages.

Ramazzotti dedicates the song “Una tempesta di stelle” (“Storm of the stars”) from the album “Noi” to the birth of his youngest daughter.

Concerts and tours

The fame and glory of Eros Ramazzotti far beyond the borders of his homeland was confirmed by numerous foreign concerts, which invariably attracted large crowds of fans.

In 1986 he came to Soviet Union to sing at the concert “Flowers and Songs of San Remo in Moscow.” The presenters were A. Pugacheva, Maria Biolkati, O. Shatskov.

In 1987, the singer, having finished recording the album “In certi momenti”, made a 9-month international tour, the concerts of which were attended by more than a million people. Tickets sold out instantly, and the music community closely followed the successes of the new star.

Having seen the stunning debut of the Italian's album "In ogni senso", American producer Clive Davis invited Ramazzotti to New York's Radio City Music Hall. The singer became the first representative of his nation to perform in the famous hall, and there weren’t even enough tickets for the concert.

Ramazzotti conducted the presentation of the album “Tutte storie” on tour throughout Europe. After him, the musician visited 15 more countries Latin America, where he put on beautiful shows every time.

At the beginning of 1998, Ramazzotti went on another world tour, which passed through South Africa, Europe and the USA.

In 2001, Eros made a world tour of Eastern Europe, presenting the album “Stilelibero”. From November 2 to 4, the musician gave concerts in Moscow, in the Kremlin Palace, with a full house.

In 2003, after participating in Festivalbar, the Italian gives concerts on a world tour that continues whole year. Ramazzotti organizes a festival of sound and colors, accompanied by enchanting special effects in Europe, Asia, and America.

Personal life

Eros Ramazzotti and Michelle Hunziker were married for 4 years, the girl managed to give her Italian husband a daughter, Aurora (December 5, 1996).

Since 2014, Eros Ramazzotti's wife is model Marica Pellegrinelli, who is 25 years younger than him. Despite the age difference, the happy wife gave her husband a daughter, Rafaella (August 3, 2011) and a son, Gabrio Tullio (born March 14, 2015).

  1. Ramazzotti is rooting for football club Italy Juventus Football Club.
  2. In 2006, the singer published his autobiography in printed form on 320 pages.
  3. In 2008, the Italian sang his single “Per me per sempre” (“Forever for me”) at the Olympics in China when Valentina Vezzali received the gold medal.
  4. For 30 years creative career the musician has sold more than 100 million of his recordings.
  5. At the age of 9, he starred in Federico Fellini’s film “Amarcord”, in a cameo role, where a boy played snowballs.


Eros was born on October 28, 1963 in Rome in the family of construction worker Rudolfo Ramazzotti and housewife Raffaela Ramazzotti (nee Molina).

WITH early childhood the future singer began to show interest in music. At the age of 7, Eros began playing the guitar. In 1981, Ramazzotti took part in the Italian music competition“New Voices”, where he became a finalist and was noticed by producers. Soon the young artist signed a contract with the DDD label for the release of his first single, “Ad un amiso,” which he presented in 1982.

Between 1985 and 1991, Eros recorded the albums: “Cuori agitati” (1985), “Nuovi eroi” “In certi momenti” (1987), “Musica è” ​​(1988), “In ogni senso” (1990) and “ Eros in concert" (1991), which brought the singer his first fame in his homeland.

In 1993, Ramazzotti released the disc “Tutte storie”, which became incredibly popular and one of the most successful in the singer’s career.

Eros Ramazzotti recorded the albums: “Dove c'è musica” (1996), “Eros” (1997), “Eros live” (1998), “Stilelibero” (2000), “9” (2003), “Calma apparente” ( 2005), “e²” (2007), “Ali e radici” (2009), “21:00 Eros Live World Tour 2009/2010” (2010), “Noi” (2012), “Noi Due” (2013).

In 1998, Ramazzotti married Swiss model and actress Michele Hunziker, who gave birth to his daughter Aurora in 1996. The couple met several years ago at a disco in Milan. However, in 2002, Eros and Michelle separated.

Eros Ramazzotti (Eros Luciano Walter Ramazzotti) was born on October 28, 1963 in the town of Cinecitta, a suburb of Rome (Italy). Eros, which was named after the Greek god of love, has been around since early years began to show interest in music - he began playing the guitar at the age of seven.

From time to time he appeared as an extra in films, dreaming of a career as a pop star. At an early age, thanks to his father, an amateur pianist, he began to write his own songs.

Carier start

In 1981 he took part in the New Voices competition in Castrocaro (Italy) and reached the final with the song Rock 80 which he wrote himself. This allowed him to sign his first contract with the young DDD label. After which Eros moved to Milan (Italy). This is where his musical career began.

In 1982 he released his first single entitled Ad un amico. A year later, Eros won the festival of young talents in San Remo with the song Terra promessa.

Finest hour

Eros' popularity continued to grow, and in 1987, after the release of his third album In certi momenti, his nine-month tour took place. It was marked by the imminent release of his new albums not only in Italian, but also in Spanish.

Album In certi momenti went gold in Germany, where it sold 250,000 copies, and platinum in Switzerland, where it sold more than 50,000 copies. The album sold three million copies in total.

At the very end of the 1980s, there was a lull in Eros's career. At this time, the singer wrote new songs and prepared material for a new album. Fifth album entitled In ogni senso attracted the attention of more than 200 journalists who attended the press conference. Eros was the first Italian singer to have a sold-out performance at the famous Radio City Music Hall in New York (USA) .

Meanwhile, the album In ogni senso continued to sell successfully, going gold and platinum worldwide, including Germany, where it sold over 500,000 units, triple platinum in Switzerland (over 150,000 units), and platinum in the Netherlands (over 100,000 units).

In 1993, one of his most successful albums was released. Tutte story, which immediately went to the top of the European charts. In November of the same year, Ramazzotti performed one of his most popular songs - Cose della vita and won the MTV Europe Music Awards in Berlin.

Album Tutte story entered the Top 5 in many European countries, including Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, Sweden and Norway. Ultimately, Tutte story sold six million copies worldwide, and was instrumental in securing Eros' deal with BMG International.

In the summer of 1995, Eros took part in a series of concerts with Rod Stewart and Joe Cocker, after which he gained worldwide recognition.

For my 27 years musical career Eros Ramazzotti has released 11 studio albums, three live albums, two compilation albums, as well as 35 singles, which have sold over 40 million records worldwide. Many of his albums have won awards.

Personal life

Ramazzotti was married to Swiss model and actress Michele Hunziker from 1998 to 2002. They have one daughter together, who was born on December 5, 1996.


  • 1985 - Cuori Agitati
  • 1987 - I n Certi Momenti
  • 1988 - Musica E
  • 1990 - In Ogni Senso
  • 1991 -Eros In Concert(2CD)
  • 1993 - Tutte Story
  • 1996 - D ove c"e musica
  • 1997 - Eros
  • 1997 - Eros(spanish version)
  • 1998 -Live
  • 1999 - T he Greatest Hits "99
  • 2000 - De Luxe Collection
  • 2000 - Stilelibero
  • 2003 - 9
  • 2003 - World name
  • 2005 - Calma Apparente
  • 2005 - Galma Parente(spanish version)
  • 2007 - E -2 ( 2CD)
  • 2009 - Ali e Radici
  • 2009 - Best Of Eros Ramazzotti(2CD)
  • 2010 - G re attest Hits ( 2CD)
  • 2012 - Eros Best Love Songs(2CD)
  • 2012 - Original Albums Collection(4CD)
  • 2012 -The Original Albums Collection Vol.2(4CD)
  • 2012 - Noi


  • 1999 - Echo Award (Germany's highest music award) as the best international musician
  • 2006 - Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic
  • 2011 - Best International Performer (46th German Golden Camera Awards)

Prepared based on materials from open sources.

And many others. Throughout the musical career of Eros Ramazzotti total circulation His records have sold over 100 million copies.

The future singer was born in the Italian capital on October 28, 1963. His father Rodolfo Ramazzotti was a builder, and his mother Raffaella Molina was a housewife. Eros has an older brother, Marco. The parents, by mutual agreement, gave the boy a name in honor of the ancient Greek god of love.

The family lived in the Cinecittà district, where the famous film studio is located, so Eros, like many children in the neighborhood, often acted as an extra in various films. But the boy dreamed of a career as a musician. At the age of 7, Eros independently learned to play the guitar, and later Rodolfo, who was an amateur pianist, taught his son to play the piano, and as a teenager he began to write his own songs.

After graduating secondary school, the younger Ramazzotti wanted to enter the Rome Conservatory, but the difficult financial situation of the family did not allow this. Then Eros went to study to become an accountant, and studied music on his own. However, the young man never received a diploma, because singing career went uphill.

Start musical biography Ramazzotti's Eros was founded in 1981, after the singer's performance in vocal competition“New Voices” in the city of Castrocaro, where the young man reached the final, losing there to the future stars Zucchero and Fiordaliso. There Eros was noticed by Baron Lando Lanni, who was a representative record company"DDD". The aspiring performer signed his first contract with a recording company and moved to Milan, where he lived for some time right in the studio.


Released in 1982 debut single Eros Ramazzotti "Ad un amico". This song did not make the singer popular, but the following compositions “Terra promessa” and “Una storia importante” topped the Italian charts. On the wave of success, Eros released his debut full-length disc “Cuori agitati”, which reached 10th place in the Italian rankings and entered the top five songs in the Swiss charts. The performer’s new achievement was his victory at the Sanremo festival with the musical composition “Terra promessa,” which was included in the first album.

All the following studio albums of Eros Ramazzotti necessarily topped the Italian charts and were included in the ranking of the best in most European countries. It is also curious that the singer released studio discs, with the exception of the first, in Italian and Spanish, adapting songs for the music market of South America and Spain.

The disc “In ogni senso”, created in 1990, received gold and platinum status. In support of the album, the artist went on tour to the United States, where he drew a full house at his first concert in New York. Eros's former compatriots, US citizens of Italian descent, greeted Ramazzotti with delight. The artist was pleasantly surprised by the number of fans on the other side of the ocean. In the States, the Italian managed to appear on the television show “The Tonight Show” with Jay Leno and “ Good morning, America".

A year later, the double album “Eros in concert” was released, and then the artist pleased fans of “soft” rock with the release of albums with songs in a ballad style. At the same time, Ramazzotti is making a selection of songs for the new concert program. All proceeds from the premiere show, which took place in Barcelona, ​​went to charity, with part of the profits donated to the Italian Cancer Institute.

Eros Ramazzotti’s 7th album “Tutte storie”, published in 1993, made the musician worldwide popular singer. The song “Cose della vita”, which opens this record, burst into the world charts. The video for the song was created with the participation of an American director. In 1997, Ramazzotti re-released this song, re-recording it in a duet with American singer Tina Turner. This version received even greater recognition and entered the TOP 100 European hits of the 10th anniversary.

Duets of Eros Romazotti with others famous musicians continued to be very popular among music lovers. In 1998, the artist gave several joint concerts with and Joe Cocker. Recordings of these performances were published on live albums. Together with the Italian singer, he performed the compositions “Musica è” ​​and “Nel cuore lei”, and with the song “Non siamo soli”, which became a No. 1 hit in Italy in 2007.

In 2009, the next album “Ali e radici” was released with the title single “Parla con me”. The disc hit the top of the charts in Germany, Austria, Holland, France, Sweden and Switzerland. The gift version of the album, in addition to the luxury design of the packaging and the disc itself, also included a multi-page booklet with colorful photos. In 2010, the Italian singer visited Russia with concerts. In 2011, at the 46th German Camera d'Or ceremony, Ramazzotti received the award in the category "Best International Performer".

Also big success expected a duet between Eros and singer Cher. They performed one of the most popular songs from Ramazzotti's repertoire, “Più che puoi” (“Più che puoi”). Eros later sang this song in a duet with Ukrainian singer at the festival " New wave"in 2015. In the same year, Eros Ramazzotti visited Moscow, where he performed on the air of the “Voice-4” competition, and released the album “Perfetto” in his homeland. In addition, the artist recorded his compositions in pairs with such performers as Anastasia, Luciano Pavarotti and many others.

Personal life

In 1998, Eros Ramazzotti married the Swiss actress and fashion model Michelle Hunziker, with whom he had previously lived in a civil marriage for several years and had joint daughter Sophie Aurora, born at the end of 1996. The wedding took place at the Orsini-Odescalchi castle in Braccino. But 4 years after the official wedding, Eros and Michelle broke up.

In 2009, the singer met Italian supermodel Marica Pellegrinelli. After 2 years, their daughter Raffaela was born. In June 2014, Eros and Marika became spouses, officially registering their relationship at a civil ceremony in Milan. A year later, a son, Gabrio Tullio, was born into the family.

Eros Ramazzotti has been interested in football since childhood; as a young man he played for school team. Now the singer considers himself a fan of the Turin club Juventus.

The artist has repeatedly spoken out against the adoption of children by same-sex couples, calling such families unnatural.

Eros Ramazzotti's best friend was the Italian singer-songwriter Pino Daniele, with whom they shared a 20-year friendship. It was Eros who announced Pino's death to the public.

In 2006, Ramazzotti was awarded the Honorary State Order for services to the Italian Republic.

Eros Ramazzotti now

Now Eros Ramazzotti continues to perform around the world. In mid-2017, the Italian visited the capital of Kazakhstan with a solo concert.

In Astana, the pop star went on a tour of the city, during which he sang the hit “Pyu Ke Sing” together with police officer Maksat Sagynbekov. The video hit the Internet and evoked positive responses from the artist’s fans.


  • 1985 – “Cuori agitati”
  • 1986 – “Nuovi eroi”
  • 1987 – “In certi momenti”
  • 1990 – “In ogni senso”
  • 1993 – “Tutte story”
  • 1996 – “Dove c’è musica”
  • 2000 – “Stilelibero”
  • 2003 – “9”
  • 2005 – “Calma apparente”
  • 2009 – “Ali e radici”
  • 2012 – “Noi”
  • 2015 – “Perfetto”
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