Work program on logorhythmics "funny tongue" for senior and preparatory groups. Musical logorhythmics program for middle and high group dou

Children's speech develops better if the child is highly physically active. On the other hand, the formation of movements occurs with the participation of speech. Speech is one of the main elements in motor-spatial exercises. The rhythm of speech, especially the rhythm of poems, sayings, and proverbs, contributes to the development of coordination, general and fine voluntary motor skills. With the help of poetic rhythmic speech, the correct tempo of speech and breathing rhythm are developed, speech hearing and speech memory are developed.

Currently, there is a shortage of sensory education for children, when it is considered much more important to teach a 3-4 year old child to read and write than to teach aesthetic canons. From a neuropsychological point of view, the tendency for early stimulation of the functions of reading, writing, and counting impoverishes the right hemisphere neuropsychic potential of the child, which is so necessary for his harmonious development and, most importantly, leads to losses that are irreparable in the future.

The peculiarity of the method is that the motor tasks include speech material, the quality of which is designed to be worked on by speech therapy rhythms; music does not just accompany the movement, but is its guiding principle.

The relevance of logorhythmics lies in the fact that most parents are focused on the early development of the child’s intelligence, in particular, on learning to read. The practice of recent years, marked by an explosion in the popularity of early development methods, shows that the development of the brain centers responsible for reading, writing, and counting “distracts” it from other necessary nuances of psychomotor development of the right hemisphere of the brain, and these losses are almost impossible to make up for in the future. And it is logorhythmics that helps the baby develop harmoniously, gradually and in accordance with age.

What is logorhythmics?

This is a system of motor exercises in which various movements are combined with the utterance of special speech material. This is a form of active therapy, overcoming speech and related disorders through the development and correction of non-speech and speech mental functions and ultimately adapting a person to the conditions of the external and internal environment. The musculoskeletal system is strengthened, breathing, motor and sensory functions, a sense of balance, posture, gait, and grace of movement develop.

At the beginning of the school year, children of the 2nd junior group were monitored for their mastery of the basic general education program.

Based on the results, you can see that “Development of free communication with adults and children” is at an average level (57.5%).

In order to study the readiness of parents to cooperate, the ability to take responsibility, and competence in matters of speech development, a survey of parents “Speech development of the child” was conducted. Based on the results, we can conclude: parents strive for interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution; they often take responsibility upon themselves, but there are also parents who believe that kindergarten should be more involved in the development and upbringing of children.

Almost all parents noted their work on improving speech and cited as examples a large number of different methods and techniques. But despite this, there is a desire to learn new ways.

The entire system of work is aimed at solving the goal - preventing and overcoming speech disorders, through the development and correction of the motor sphere, under the influence of words, rhythm and music.

Logorhythmics is a form of active therapy, includes health-saving technologies, and serves as the most emotional link in the work on the formation of correct speech. Based on the connection between music, movement and speech, logarithmic games and exercises allow you to solve a variety of problems:

Development of auditory and visual attention;

Development of phonemic hearing;

Development of spatial organization of movements;

Development of general and fine motor skills, facial expressions;

Development of physiological and phonation breathing;

Formation of the articulatory base of sounds;

Development of a sense of rhythm;

Development of switchability from one field of activity to another

Development of communication skills.

To implement the goals and objectives of logorhythmics, software and methodological support was selected (photo).

When forming the correct speech of younger preschoolers using logorhythmics, the following methods and techniques are used:

Visual methods provide vividness of sensory perception and motor sensations. Each method has a whole complex of various techniques that are united by the commonality of the problem and a unified approach to solving it. In the process of teaching motor actions, methodological techniques are selected taking into account the degree of assimilation of motor material, the general development of children, their physical condition, and age characteristics.

Thus, when teaching movement, various techniques are used:

a) visual - the teacher shows a sample of movement or individual motor elements; imitation of patterns of surrounding life; the use of visual references when negotiating space, visual aids (photos, TV shows, etc.);

b) tactile-muscular - inclusion of various aids in motor activity. For example, when walking, arched gates are placed on the path: in order to step over them, you need to raise your leg high.

c) visual-auditory - sound regulation of movements. The best auditory visual aid is instrumental music or song. To regulate movements, folk jokes, poems in the form of two to four lines, sounds of a tambourine, etc. can be used.

Verbal methods appeal to the consciousness of children, help them comprehend the task at hand and perform motor exercises.

The verbal method uses the following techniques:

1) a brief explanation of new movements based on existing ones life experience children;

2) an explanation accompanying a specific display of movement or clarifying its elements;

3) instructions necessary when reproducing the movement shown by the teacher or when children independently perform exercises;

4) conversation when introducing new exercises and outdoor games, when it is necessary to clarify motor actions, clarify the plot of an outdoor game, etc.;

5) questions to children before they perform movements to understand the sequence of actions, check their ideas about the images of a plot-based outdoor game, game actions, etc.;

6) commands, orders and signals that require different intonation and dynamics from the teacher. Counting rhymes and game openings can be used as commands and signals;

7) figurative plot story, which serves to develop the expressiveness of movements and better transformation into a game image. A plot story of 1.5 - 2 minutes evokes a recreating imagination, promotes visual perception of the entire situation, stimulates emotional reproduction;

8) verbal instruction, with the help of which the traces of previous impressions are revived in new combinations and combinations, it becomes possible, with the help of verbal instructions and explanations, to form new temporary connections, to form new knowledge and skills.

The formation of motor skills in a child depends on the degree of awareness of the content and structure of the exercise.

Practical methods provide an effective test of the correct perception of movement using muscle-motor sensations. Varieties are gaming and competitive methods.

In logorhythmics there are two main directions in working with children:

improvement of general motor skills, coordination of movements, orientation in space; regulation of muscle tone;

development of feeling musical tempo and rhythm, singing abilities; activation of all types of attention and memory.

Direction 2 – development of children’s speech and correction of their speech disorders. This work includes:

development of a moderate rate of speech and its intonation expressiveness;

development of articulatory and facial motor skills;

coordination of speech with movement;

education of correct sound pronunciation and the formation of phonemic hearing.

All types of logorhythmic games and exercises are offered to children in combination with a rhythmic basis:

to the music,

on account,

verbal and poetic accompaniment.

Forms of working with children:




When conducting logorhythmic games and exercises, various types of activities are included:

finger games or finger massage;

poems accompanied by movements

exercises that regulate muscle tone;

speech exercises without musical accompaniment;

pure talk;

speech and musical games;

exercises for developing musical ear;

various types of walking and running to music

rhythmic exercises, singing;

exercises in playing musical instruments;

outdoor games, dramatizations;

facial exercises;

relaxation exercises to music.

Subject development environment

Important conditions for organizing logorhythmic games and exercises are PRS.

Illustrations and reproductions.

Small sculptural forms.

Didactic material.

Game attributes.

Musical instruments.

Audio - video materials.

Living toys (teachers or children dressed in appropriate costumes).

Card files of games and exercises.

Calendar-thematic plan for logorhythmics in the second junior group

thematic plan for the use of logorhythmics for the school year for the 2nd junior group. (see presentation)

Logorhythmic games and exercises in special moments

1. Morning exercises with speech onomatopoeia.

2. Saying nursery rhymes, sayings, sayings during routine processes - washing, dressing for a walk, preparing for GCD.

3. Dynamic pauses between GCDs.

4. Physical education plot forms GCD using speech material.

5. Logorhythmic physical education sessions during the educational process.

6. Invigorating gymnastics with onomatopoeia.

7. Outdoor games with recitation and movements.

8. Logorhythmic leisure.

In November, repeated monitoring of the children’s mastery of the main general education program of the OO “Communication” was carried out with the children. Based on the results, it can be seen that the level of Development of free communication with adults and children and the Development of components of oral speech, practical mastery of speech norms increased by 10%, which shows a positive trend in the level of speech development of children


Under the influence of the regular inclusion of logorhythmic games and exercises in children, a positive restructuring of the speech-motor, cardiovascular, respiratory, motor, sensory and other systems occurs, as well as the development of emotional and volitional qualities of the individual.

Therefore, it is important to include them in various types of activities, which contributes to the development of all components of oral speech in younger preschoolers

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Logorhythmics as a means of correcting speech disorders in preschool children using musical and rhythmic movements

Nowadays, touching on any issue related to childhood problems, we all, without exception, want to see our children healthy, happy, smiling, and able to communicate with people around them. IN modern society One of the pressing problems is the topic of the health of the younger generation, which is associated with an increase in the number of children with various severe speech disorders, as well as delayed intellectual development.

Children with speech pathology are characterized by impaired gross and fine motor skills, and their breathing is often shallow. Some children are hyperactive, others are passive, which is due to weakness of the nervous system. Along with this, the majority of children with speech disorders have attention deficit; memory and performance are reduced. After all, most often children with deviations in speech development end up in a speech therapy group mainly before school, at best after 5 years. As a result, the most significant age for speech development is missed (the sensitive period, which lasts up to 3-4 years. If existing disorders are not corrected in a timely manner, the tangle of problems grows significantly. It follows from this that the prevention of speech disorders is necessary. This is the reason for the choice of my work on the topic “Logorhythmics as a means of preventing and correcting speech disorders in preschoolers.”

The goal of my work was: Overcoming speech disorders in preschool children through the synthesis of music, movement and words.

Since everything around us lives according to the laws of rhythm: the change of seasons, day and night, heart rate and much more is subject to a certain rhythm. Therefore, from the very early childhood It is recommended to develop a sense of rhythm in a form accessible to preschoolers - rhythmic exercises and games.

LOGORITHMICS is a system of exercises, tasks, games based on a combination of music and movement, words and movement, music, words and movement, aimed at solving correctional, educational and health-improving problems.

The inclusion of speech therapy rhythm classes in a set of measures to overcome general speech underdevelopment of various origins in preschool children opens up additional opportunities for their successful development and learning.

I set myself tasks such as:

formation of correct breathing;

development of the ability to navigate in space;

development of clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech;

development and correction of musical-rhythmic movements.

In specialized preschool institutions for children with speech disorders, a number of techniques are used aimed at solving correctional problems. These are psycho-gymnastics, play therapy, music therapy, ethnotherapy, art therapy, etc. Sometimes they offer the same exercises and games, but with an emphasis on different tasks.

The main form of work is an individual approach to each child, taking into account his age, psychophysiological and speech capabilities.

Working with children in speech therapy groups, I have a unique opportunity to see the characteristics of preschool children who have speech disorders or symptoms that need to be considered. I believe that the use of logorhythmics in the system of correctional work and prevention of speech disorders will increase the level of speech development of preschool children. Having familiarized myself with the methodological literature on logorhythmics, I began work.

To solve the problems, I carried out the following tasks.

Task 1: the goal was to identify the presence of developed timbre hearing and auditory attention in children. It was suggested to listen to “lullaby” music on the instrument in different registers: high, medium and low.

Task 2: the purpose of which was to identify in children the presence of a developed melodic ear, vocal range, developed diction, and auditory attention. The children were asked to perform the melodic line of several songs, “The Pea” (music by V. Karaseva, “The Fox Walked Through the Forest” (r. n. P.).

Task 3: was aimed at determining the presence and development of a sense of rhythm in children. The children were asked to repeat the given rhythmic pattern by clapping, and to clap the rhythmic pattern of the “Ladushka” song.

2/4! !! /! !! /! !! ! /! !! /

La - shower - ki la - shower - ki, wherever - ba - bush - ki.

Task 4: the goal was to identify the child’s musical memory based on previously covered musical material. The children were asked what songs they knew that they had learned in class. It was suggested to listen to the recordings of the excerpts “And I’m in the meadow”, “There was a birch tree in the field”, “On the green meadow”, find out and sing the melody of any song.

Task 5: the goal was to determine the children’s motor skills and freedom to perform movements. The children were asked to perform several dance moves to fun and flowing music.

Task 6: the goal was to identify children’s creative skills, the ability to compose a melody and rhythmic pattern for a given text. It was proposed to complete the ending of the song “Rain” with your voice.

! !! ! /! !! /! !! /! !! /

Dozh - dik, dozh - dik, let - more, yes - we dim te - be gu - cabbage soup, yes -

The requirements for conducting logorhythmic classes were determined, and methodological recommendations were developed for educators:

Start each speech development lesson with articulatory gymnastics.

Include logorhythmic games and exercises in physical education minutes as a means of preventing speech disorders in preschoolers.

Introduce a set of exercises to develop breathing and voice in preschoolers.

Comparing the results over a number of years, I came to the conclusion that the level of pronunciation in children’s speech is falling every year. Therefore, logorhythmic exercises should be introduced into the system of preventive measures to overcome speech disorders as early as possible.

In the field of musical perception, I developed a system of classes by type of activity, which consisted of tasks for the development of auditory attention, melodic, pitch, timbre hearing, sense of rhythm, musical memory, musical movement, creative skills in singing, movement, composition. The classes were conducted in the form of games and exercises, that is, activities that were accessible and understandable to children.

When teaching improvisation in different types of musical activities, the most effective techniques were:

direct demonstration by the teacher;



analysis of the product of children's activities;

discussion and evaluation by children.

All types of musical activities (song, rhythmic, dance-plastic, gaming) were used in interconnection and integration

Chant "Mishutka"

"Musical Echo" (a game for developing rhythm)

Games for distinguishing dynamics according to Carl Orff

“METAL SOUNDS” Lesson based on the principles of Carl Orff.

In my work I use the “RHYTHMIC MOSAIC” program. It is accessible and interesting for children of all ages and with different abilities. Rhythmic mosaic helps strengthen physical and mental health, harmonious development of the body. The basis for rhythmic compositions are simple, varied movements that allow one to express different emotional states, images, and plots.

Musical and rhythmic composition “Teddy Bear”

Musical and rhythmic composition “Grandma Yozhka”

Having analyzed the results obtained, I came to the conclusion that the correctional work carried out throughout the year, including logarithmics in music classes, individual work with children led to an improvement in the quality of children’s communication, the formation of skills in joint activities, and the development of emotional and personal activity. The exercises used allowed you to train various groups muscles and thereby improved coordination of movements. The music accompanying the exercises improved the plasticity of the movements, making them soft and expressive. The child learned to distinguish it dynamic shades, determine the tempo, rhythm. Thus, the child undergoes correction and improves his motor skills, which is extremely important for the successful correction of speech disorders.

The exercises I proposed were tested in classes with children with general speech underdevelopment. Their motor “tricks” and tics were eliminated, motor disinhibition decreased, uncertainty and stiffness in movements, and fear of speech disappeared. Positive tactile and emotional contact was established between children, and communication skills developed. No less important was the fact that preschoolers’ emotional stability increased, as well as positive self-esteem, a positive attitude towards their body, and acceptance of themselves as they are.

Based on my many years of observations, I can confidently say that if children are not rushed, do not strive for or expect a quick result, then this very result suddenly appears by itself, surprising not only the parents, but also the teacher himself. Often, for example, children who do not sing, who, one might say, do not open their mouths, one fine day begin to sing immediately and completely clearly. And the children, whose attention it was impossible to attract to yourself, who, it seems, did not even look in your direction, turn out to remember everything a year later and suggest words that others have forgotten. And those who moved in such a way that you couldn’t look at them without tears, and you no longer expected anything from them, again suddenly, at the most unexpected moment, become the most graceful and expressive!

So, patience is the most valuable quality of a teacher.

Have you heard of such a concept as “ logorhythmics"? About how useful it is for preschoolers? No?

Then I'll tell you.

Logorhythmics are special exercise games for children with speech disorders.

The basis of such exercises is RHYTHM. Those. Logorhythmic games are performed by the child synchronously with the poetic text, and it is desirable that they be performed to music.

My son has been seeing a speech therapist for two years now. And in some classes the speech therapist uses this technique. The kids really like it.

What are the benefits of logarithmic games?

They help improve the child’s orientation in space, improve the sense of rhythm, gross and fine motor skills, and develop auditory attention and phonemic hearing. Children also learn to communicate in a group, thereby improving communication skills.

I suggest you watch (and then play with your children) the master class “Logorhythmics and dance etudes” for preschoolers (for children 3-6 years old) by L. N. Bogomazova (Omsk).

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Home > For students > 1st year > Logorhythmics for preschoolers Consultation for teachers?

Logorhythmics for preschoolers

Consultation for educators

In recent years it has become very actual problem speech development in preschool children. There is a constant increase in the number of children with speech disorders. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, not every child can receive help from a speech therapist on time.

The goal of the work is to help children with minor speech impairments, which can be provided in a regular kindergarten.

In our work, we relied on scientific research data and practical developments of medical and pedagogical workers.

Modern science has proven a phylogenetic connection between the development of movements and the formation of pronunciation. The ease that children acquire when performing rhythmic movements also has a positive effect on the motor properties of the speech organs (V. A. Griner). Research by Professor M. M. Koltsova has shown that the level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of development of fine movements of the fingers.

During logorhythmic classes great importance has music. The influence of music on a person’s mental and physical state was known back in antiquity. Scientists Ancient Greece, such as Pythagoras, Aristotle, Plato and others, drew the attention of their contemporaries to the healing capabilities of music, which, in their opinion, established proportional order and harmony in the human body.

Research into the mechanism of the influence of music on humans, conducted by scientists V. M. Bekhterev. I. M. Dogel, I. R. Tarkhanova and others showed that positive emotions evoked by music increase the tone of the cerebral cortex, stimulate breathing, blood circulation, and improve metabolism. The sound of pleasant melodies contributes to the emergence of positive emotional arousal, which in turn enhances attention and tones the central nervous system.

The Swiss teacher, composer and public figure Emile Jacques-Dalcroze proved the possibility of translating musical rhythm into plastic movements of the human body, since the rhythm of music is closely related to motor skills and human muscular reactivity.

In the 30s XX century therapeutic rhythms have also found application in correctional institutions. In the system of rhythmic influence on people with speech pathology, the leading place is occupied by the word, therefore a special direction of correctional work has appeared in practice - speech therapy rhythms (G.

A. Volkova, O. A. Krupenchuk, I. Lopukhina). This is one of the forms of kinesitherapy aimed at overcoming speech disorders through the development, education and correction of the motor sphere in combination with words and music. To correct speech disorders, especially when working with hearing-impaired children, phonetic rhythms are used (T.

M. Vlasova. A. I. Pfafenrodt), which is a system of motor exercises in which various movements are combined with the pronunciation of certain speech material (phrases, words, syllables, sounds), aimed at the formation of phonetically correct speech.

For children with speech impairments, the most important things are to train observation skills with the help of musical rhythms, develop a sense of rhythm and tempo, thinking abilities, imagination, verbal and non-verbal communication skills, develop volitional qualities, endurance, and develop general fine and articulatory motor skills.

One of the main methodological means of our work has become logorhythmics, the objectives of which are to develop a sense of rhythm through movement through the formation of auditory attention and to improve the speech of children through the development of speech rhythm.

Logorhythmics is a system of exercises, tasks, games based on a combination of music, movement, words, aimed at solving correctional, educational and health problems.

The purpose of technology. Overcoming speech disorders in preschool children by means of synthesis of music, movement and words.

Classification characteristics of pedagogical technology:

The philosophical basis is dialectical materialism, scientism:

The leading factor in mental development is bio- and psychogenic technology;

Concepts of acquisition - neurolinguistic and developmental;

The nature of the content and structure - educational technology;

Organizational forms - group training and differentiated approach;

The approach to the child is a person-oriented technology of cooperation;

The direction of modernization of the existing traditional system - based on the activation and intensification of children’s activities:

MethodologicallySky usage base logorhythmiki

in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

1. P.K. Anokhin’s position on the connection of higher mental processes with their sensory basis on early stages human development.

2. The position of psychophysiology on speech processes as a complex system of sensorimotor coordination.

There are five levels of organitions of movements:

level A - rubro-spinal level of the central nervous system. providing unconscious regulation of body muscle tone with the help of proprioception, static endurance and coordination;

level B - thalamo-pallidal, providing correction of the integral movement, its coordination components, expressive movements, pantomime, plasticity;

level C - pyramidal-striatal, ensuring coordination of the motor act with external space with the leading role of visual afferentation, movements of a target nature that have begun, horses:

level D - cortical, providing afferentation based on the semantic side of action with an object, topological qualitative characteristics of the spatial field (top, bottom, between, above, then, before), awareness of the right and left sides of the body:

level E is the highest cortical level of symbolic coordination and psychological organization of movement, which carries out the understanding of someone else’s and one’s own speech, musical and choreographic performance based on figurative thinking.

Pedagogical principles logorhythmic work in a preschool educational institution

1. The principle of the proactive approach, which consists in the early identification of children with functional and organic deviations in development and development

2. The principle of developmental education, which means that education should lead to the development of the child (according to L. S. Vygotsky).

3. The principle of systematicity, which provides for the systematic, continuity and regularity of the correction process.

4. The principle of a multifunctional approach, which involves the simultaneous solution of several correctional tasks in one logarithmic lesson.

5. Etiopathogenetic principle, meaning the differentiated construction of a logorhythmic lesson depending on the speech defect.

6. The principle of gradual complication of the material, providing for a gradual transition from simpler tasks to more complex ones as the formative skills are mastered and consolidated.

7. The principle of clarity, meaning the close relationship of all analytical systems of the body in order to enrich the auditory, visual and motor images of children.

8. The principle of accessibility, taking into account the age and physiological characteristics of children and the nature of speech disorders.

9. The principle of consciousness and activity of children, which consists in the fact that the teacher must use techniques for activating children’s cognitive abilities in their work.

10. The principle of success, which implies that the child receives tasks that he is able to successfully complete.

The content of the work

The basis of the program is weekly logorhythmic classes, joint activities of the teacher and children during the day.

Features of the classes logorhythmics using proprietary technology

Logorhythmic classes are conducted with the first junior group, which makes it possible for early detection and correction of speech disorders.

Classes are varied. The teacher can replace any part of the lesson, include pure speech or articulatory gymnastics exercises that correspond to the children’s speech defect. So, familiar songs can be included in the song repertoire, changes are possible game material, use of familiar poems, etc.

Logorhythmic exercises are not strictly time regulated. When conducting classes, you need to take into account the well-being of children and their emotional state. If necessary, the lesson can be shortened.

Various types of musical and speech activities are closely woven into the structure of logorhythmic classes, subordinate to one goal - the formation of correct sound pronunciation.

Music plays a vital role in the lesson as the integral basis of the entire course. With the help of music, developing dosed emotional training is carried out, which leads to an improvement in the psychological and physiological state of the child’s body.

Particular attention is paid in classes to developing a sense of rhythm with the help of plasticity, sounding gestures, speech games, the use of rhythm patterns, and playing children's musical instruments to melodic and rhythmic declamation.

One of the features of the program is the use of small forms of folklore (rhymes, sayings, chants, jokes) for recreational breaks, which contributes to the upbringing of children in national traditions. The plots of Russian folk tales are used in the construction of many classes.

All classes have plot basis. Cycles of 36 lessons have been developed for each age group in accordance with the psychological characteristics of children. For each age group, the publishing house "TC Sfera" published "Summaries of logorhythmic lessons for children 2-3 (3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7) years old."

Features of organizing classes

The author’s methodology for such classes is based on a complex thematic method combined with visualization and gaming techniques. The planning uses the principle of concentrically building up material in all sections of lexical topics studied annually (seasons, harvests, New Year's celebration, wintering birds, etc.). The basis of classes is very diverse.

Can be used in classes fairy tale plot, imaginary journey, inclusion of characters, elements of folklore, plot-didactic games, etc. Thematic and thematic organization of classes and variety in the presentation of educational material contribute to the spontaneous development of coherent speech, maintaining a positive emotional state of children, interest and attention, which helps to achieve high results in learning.

Children's development is carried out through speech and music activities in the main areas.

1. Development of sensory and motor functions.

2. Formation of the basis of articulatory movements.

3. Development of facial muscles.

4. Development of intellectual functions (thinking, memory, imagination, attention, perception, spatial orientation).

5. Development of the emotional-volitional sphere and gaming activity.

6. Formation of harmonious personality traits (friendship, respect, kindness, self-criticism, etc.).

The sequence of familiarization with sounds may follow the recommendations of G. A. Kashe (1985) or vary depending on the specific case.

Logorhythmic work during the day

The effectiveness of work to improve children's pronunciation is possible only with the joint efforts of all preschool teachers in this direction.

Let's consider the possibilities of incorporating logorhythmics into life activities in kindergarten.

2. Saying nursery rhymes, sayings, sayings during routine processes - washing, dressing for a walk, preparing for classes.

3. Speech games before meals.

6. Physical education theatrical classes using speech material.

10. Logorhythmic leisure.

Many years of work on this technology have shown that logorhythmics promotes the development of speech and cognitive processes in preschool children, which is reflected in the correction of speech defects, increasing the vocabulary of preschoolers, as well as improving attention and memory. The greatest effect is possible with an integrated approach.


Dalcroze J. E. Rhythm. Its educational significance for life and art. Six lectures. Per. N. Gnessina. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 1914.

Nishcheva I. V. System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with ODD. St. Petersburg, 2001."

Franio G. S., Lifits I. V. Methodological manual on rhythm. M., 1995.

See also:


Consultation for educators

In recent years, the problem of speech development in preschool children has become very relevant. There is a constant increase in the number of children with speech disorders. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, not every child can receive help from a speech therapist on time.

The goal of the work is to help children with minor speech impairments, which can be provided in a regular kindergarten.

In our work, we relied on scientific research data and practical developments of medical and pedagogical workers.

Modern science has proven a phylogenetic connection between the development of movements and the formation of pronunciation. The ease that children acquire when performing rhythmic movements also has a positive effect on the motor properties of the speech organs (V. A. Griner). Research by Professor M. M. Koltsova has shown that the level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of development of fine movements of the fingers.

Music is of great importance in logarithmic classes. The influence of music on a person’s mental and physical state was known back in antiquity. Scientists of Ancient Greece, such as Pythagoras, Aristotle, Plato and others, drew the attention of their contemporaries to the healing capabilities of music, which, in their opinion, established proportional order and harmony in the human body.

Research into the mechanism of the effect of music on humans, carried out by scientists V. M. Bekhterev. I. M. Dogel, I. R. Tarkhanova and others showed that positive emotions evoked by music increase the tone of the cerebral cortex, stimulate breathing, blood circulation, and improve metabolism. The sound of pleasant melodies contributes to the emergence of positive emotional arousal, which in turn enhances attention and tones the central nervous system.

The Swiss teacher, composer and public figure Emile Jacques-Dalcroze proved the possibility of translating musical rhythm into plastic movements of the human body, since the rhythm of music is closely related to motor skills and muscular reactivity of a person.

In the 30s XX century therapeutic rhythm has also found application in correctional institutions. In the system of rhythmic influence on people with speech pathology, the leading place is occupied by the word, therefore, a special direction of correctional work has appeared in practice - speech therapy rhythmics (G.

A. Volkova, O. A. Krupenchuk, I. Lopukhina). This is one of the forms of kinesitherapy aimed at overcoming speech disorders through the development, education and correction of the motor sphere in combination with words and music. To correct speech disorders, especially when working with hearing-impaired children, phonetic rhythms are used (T.

M. Vlasova. A.I. Pfafenrodt), which is a system of motor exercises in which various movements are combined with the pronunciation of certain speech material (phrases, words, syllables, sounds), aimed at the formation of phonetically correctly formed speech.

In modern preschool institutions, teachers successfully use the method of the German teacher and musician Carl Orff, which consists in the synthesis of words, music and movement.

For children with speech impairments, the most important training with the help of musical rhythm is observation, development of a sense of rhythm and tempo, thinking abilities, imagination, verbal and nonverbal communication skills, education of volitional qualities, endurance, development of general fine and articulatory skills. mo toriki.

One of the main methodological means of our work was logorhythmics, the tasks of which are to develop a sense of rhythm through movement through the formation of auditory attention and to improve the speech of children through the development of speech rhythm.

Logorhythmics is a system of exercises, tasks, games based on a combination of music, movement, words, aimed at solving correctional, educational and health problems.

The purpose of technology. Overcoming speech disorders in children under school age by means of synthesis of music, movement and words.

Classification characteristics of pedagogical technology:

According to the level of application - private subject;

The philosophical basis is dialectical materialism, scientism:

The leading factor in mental development is bio- and psychogenic technology;

Concepts of acquisition - neurolinguistic and developmental;

Orientations towards personal structures - the formation of the activity-practical sphere;

The nature of the content and structure - educational technology;

Organizational forms - group training and differentiated approach;

The approach to the child is a person-oriented technology of cooperation;

The dominant method is gaming;

The direction of modernization of the existing traditional system - based on the activation and intensification of children’s activities:

Methodological basis for using logorhythmics

in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

1. P.K. Anokhin’s position on the connection between higher mental processes and their sensory basis in the early stages of human development.

2. The position of psychophysiology on speech processes as a complex system of sensorimotor coordination.

3. L. S. Vygotsky’s position on the leading role of teaching and upbringing in the mental development of a child.

4. The theory of level organization of movements by N. A. Bernstein.

There are five levels of movement organization:

level A - rubro-spinal level of the central nervous system. providing unconscious regulation of body muscle tone with the help of proprioception, static endurance and coordination;

level B - thalamo-pallidal, providing correction of integral movement, coordination of its component parts, expressive movements, pantomime, plasticity;

level C - pyramidal-striatal, ensuring coordination of the motor act with the external space with the leading role of visual afferentation, movements of a target nature that have begun, horses:

level D - cortical, providing afferentation based on the semantic side of action with an object, topological qualitative characteristics of the spatial field (top, bottom, between, above, then, before), awareness of the right and left sides of the body:

level E is the highest cortical level of symbolic coordination and psychological organization of movement, which carries out the understanding of someone else’s and one’s own speech, musical and choreographic performance based on imaginative thinking.

Pedagogical principles of logorhythmic work in preschool educational institutions

1. The principle of the proactive approach, which consists in the early identification of children with functional and organic deviations in development and development

necessary remedial training.

2. The principle of developmental education, which means that education should lead to the development of the child (according to L. S. Vygotsky).

3. The principle of systematicity, which provides for systematic, continuity and regularity of the correction process.

4. The principle of a multifunctional approach, which involves the simultaneous solution of several correctional tasks in one logorhythmic lesson.

5. Etiopathogenetic principle, meaning the differentiated construction of logorhythmic training depending on the speech defect.

6. The principle of gradual complication of the material, providing for a gradual transition from simpler tasks to more complex ones as the formative skills are mastered and consolidated.

7. The principle of clarity, meaning the close interrelation of all analytical systems of the body in order to enrich the auditory, visual and motor images of children.

8. The principle of accessibility, taking into account the age and physiological characteristics of children and the nature of speech disorders.

9. The principle of consciousness and activity of children, which consists in the fact that the teacher must use in his work techniques for activating the cognitive abilities of children.

10. The principle of success, which means that the child receives tasks that he is able to successfully complete.

Logorhythmics classes are recommended for working with children of all age groups in kindergarten. They can be conducted by a music director, teacher and/or speech therapist.

The basis of the program is weekly logorhythmic classes, joint activities of the teacher and children during the day.

Logorhythmic classes are conducted with the first junior group, which makes it possible for early detection and correction of speech disorders.

Classes are varied. The teacher can replace any part of the lesson, include pure speech or articulatory gymnastics exercises that correspond to the children’s speech defect. Thus, familiar songs can be included in the song repertoire, game material can be changed, familiar poems can be used, etc.

Logorhythmic exercises are not strictly regulated by time. When conducting classes, you need to take into account the well-being of children and their emotional state. If necessary, the lesson can be shortened.

Various types of musical and speech activities are closely woven into the structure of logorhythmic classes, subordinate to one goal - the formation of correct sound pronunciation.

Music plays a vital role in the lesson as the integral basis of the entire course. With the help of music, developmental dosed emotional training is carried out, which leads to an improvement in the psychological and physiological state of the child’s body.

Particular attention is paid in classes to the development of a sense of rhythm with the help of plastic movements, sounding gestures, speech games, the use of rhythm patterns, and playing children's musical instruments to melody and rhythmic declamation.

One of the features of the program is the use of small forms of folklore (rhymes, sayings, chants, jokes) for recreational breaks, which contributes to the upbringing of children in national traditions. The plots of Russian folk tales are used in the construction of many classes.

All classes have a plot basis. Cycles of 36 lessons have been developed for each age group in accordance with the psychological characteristics of children. For each age group, the publishing house "TC Sfera" published "Summaries of logorhythmic classes for children 2-3 (3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7) years old."

Features of organizing classes

The author’s methodology for such classes is based on a complex thematic method combined with visualization and gaming techniques. The planning uses the principle of concentrically building up material in all sections of lexical topics studied annually (seasons, harvests, New Year's holiday, wintering birds, etc.). The basis of classes is very varied.

In classes, a fairy tale plot, an imaginary journey, the inclusion of characters, elements of folklore, plot-didactic games, etc. can be used. Thematic and thematic organization of classes and variety in the presentation of educational material contribute to the spontaneous development of coherent speech, maintaining a positive emotional state of children, interest and attention, which helps to achieve high results in learning.

Children's development is carried out through speech and musical activities in the main directions.

1. Development of sensory and motor functions.

2. Formation of the basis of articulation movements.

3. Development of facial muscles.

4. Development of intellectual functions (thinking, memory, imagination, attention, perception, orientation in space).

5. Development of the emotional-left sphere and gaming activity.

6. Formation of harmonious personality traits (friendship, respect, kindness, self-criticism, etc.).

The sequence of familiarization with sounds may correspond to the recommendations of G. A. Kashe (1985) or vary depending on the specific case.

Logorhythmic work during the day

The effectiveness of work to improve children's pronunciation is possible only with the joint efforts of all preschool teachers in this direction.

Let's consider the possibilities of including logarithmics in life activities in kindergarten.

1. Morning exercises with chants and onomatopoeia.

2. Reciting nursery rhymes, sayings, sayings during routine processes - washing, dressing for a walk, preparing for classes.

3. Speech games before meals.

4. Logorhythmic pauses in classes.

5. Dynamic pauses between classes.

6. Physical education theatrical activities using speech material.

7. Invigorating gymnastics with onomatopoeia.

8. Outdoor games with singing (on a walk).

9. Games of low mobility (in a group).

10. Logorhythmic leisure.

Many years of work on this technology have shown that logorhythmics promotes the development of speech and cognitive processes in preschool children, which is reflected in the correction of speech defects, increasing the vocabulary of preschoolers, as well as improving attention and memory. The greatest effect is possible with an integrated approach.


  1. Vlasova T. M., Pfafenrodt A. N. Phonetic rhythm. M., 1997.
  2. Dalcroze J. E. Rhythm. Its educational significance for life and art. Six lectures. Per. N. Gnessina. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 1914.
  3. Miklyaeva N.V., Polozova O.A., Rodionova Yu.N. Phonetic and speech therapy rhythms in preschool educational institutions. M., 2004.
  4. Nishcheva I.V. System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with ODD. St. Petersburg, 2001."
  5. Pozhilenko E. A. The magical world of sounds and words. M., 1999.
  6. Sirotyuk A. L. Teaching children taking into account psychophysiology. M.. 2000.
  7. Franio G. S., Lifits I. V. Methodological manual on rhythm. M., 1995.
  8. Kartushina M. Yu. Logorhythmics in kindergarten. M., 1999.

In recent years, the problem of speech development in preschool children has become very relevant. There is a constant increase in the number of children with speech disorders. The reasons for the increase in speech pathology in children are quite diverse: poor environmental conditions, unbalanced nutrition, pedagogical unpreparedness of parents, an increase in the birth rate of children with pathology of the central nervous system, informational neuropsychic overload (replacement of live communication with the child by television, the Internet.).

Observing children with speech pathology, it becomes obvious that in addition to speech disorders, children have a whole range of non-speech disorders. Among them are neurotic manifestations: moodiness, fears, mood swings, impressionability, anxiety, increased irritability, increased fatigue, behavioral difficulties. Pathological movements, synkinesis, and a variety of movements accompanying speech are observed. Difficulties in operating with small objects are detected, as well as changes in the state of facial motor skills, and impaired coordination of speech and movement.

In non-speech mental functions, there is a violation of auditory perception, attention, auditory memory, voluntary attention, a decrease in the speed of mental operations, and underdevelopment of abstract logical thinking.

In the physiological aspect, physiological breathing is disrupted; children are physically poorly developed, weakened, and susceptible to frequent colds. There is lethargy and decreased muscle tone.

Preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment are characterized by insufficient development of basic motor skills, general motor clumsiness, and disturbances in optical-spatial gnosis. Their movements are not rhythmically organized, motor exhaustion is increased, motor memory and attention are reduced.

Speech development is closely related to the child’s motor activity. The relationship between general and speech motor skills studied and confirmed by researchers I.P. Pavlova, A.A. Leontyeva, A.R. Luria. Precise, dynamic execution of exercises for the legs, torso, arms, and head prepares for the improvement of the movements of the articulatory organs: lips, tongue, lower jaw, etc.

One of the universal basic human abilities is the rhythmic ability. According to the famous teacher E. Jacques-Dalcroze, “Space and time are filled with matter, subject to the laws of eternal rhythm.”

Everything in our body is subject to rhythm - whether the heart, lungs or brain activity works. The development of rhythm is closely related to the formation of spatio-temporal relations. Motor rhythm influences the development of speech mechanisms.

For children with speech pathology in kindergarten, the requirements stipulated by the exemplary general education program of preschool education often turn out to be impossible to meet.

In modern speech therapy, the principle of comprehensive correctional impact on children with speech disorders is a priority. At the same time, it is assumed that preschool age is the period most favorable for the development and formation of speech in children. How effectively work is carried out during preschool childhood depends on further training child at school.

Teachers need to look for new, more effective and interesting forms of speech correction for children.

Physical education classes and music classes do not solve the correctional problems of developing the psychomotor skills of children with speech disorders. The most effective means of developing the mental and motor sphere of these children is speech therapy rhythm classes, which are based on the use of the connection between words, music and movement.

The inclusion of speech therapy rhythm classes in a set of measures to overcome general speech underdevelopment of various origins in preschool children opens up additional opportunities for their successful development and learning.

Logorhythmics is a powerful auxiliary tool for the effective collaboration of a speech therapist and a music director in correcting various speech disorders in preschool children. Logorhythmic exercises are aimed at comprehensive development child, improving his speech, mastering motor skills, the ability to navigate the world around him, understanding the meaning of the proposed tasks, the ability to overcome difficulties, and express himself creatively. Logorhythmic classes not only correct children’s speech problems, but also normalize non-speech symptoms at the same time.

Logorhythmics influences the general tone, motor skills, mood, promotes training of the mobility of the nerve centers of the central nervous system and activation of the cerebral cortex (V.A. Gilyarovsky); develops attention, its concentration, volume, stability, distribution and memory, visual, auditory, motor (E.V. Chayanova, E.V. Konorova); rhythm has a beneficial effect on various deviations in the psychophysical sphere of children with speech disorders (V.A. Griner, N.S. Samoilenko, N.A. Vlasova, Yu.A. Florenskaya).

In preschool institutions that do not have specialized groups for children with special needs, children with general speech underdevelopment attend classes at a speech therapy center. Many of them require the creation of special conditions in which the entire range of measures must be taken into account to correct the speech function of children with ODD.

Thus, there was a need to create special conditions for children with disabilities. (Federal State Educational Standard DO p. 3.2.7. “For correctional work with children with disabilities mastering the Program together with other children in Groups of combined orientation, conditions must be created in accordance with the list and plan for the implementation of individually oriented correctional measures that ensure the satisfaction of special educational needs of children with disabilities"), namely in the organization additional education children in a group activity for children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment “Logorhythmics in magic socks.”

The implementation of this program will allow children with general speech underdevelopment to overcome speech disorders, normalize non-speech mental functions, correct the motor sphere, form optical-spatial gnosis, and subsequently socialize at school.

List of abbreviations used:

preschool educational institution-preschool educational institution;

MBDOU TsRR- municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, child development center;

SanPiN-sanitary rules and regulations (San PiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the structure, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations” (as amended on April 4, 2014);

Federal State Educational Standard- federal state educational standard;

GEF DO- federal state educational standard for preschool education (Order No. 1155 of October 17, 2013);

KHMAO- Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug;

ONR- general speech underdevelopment;

OOP- basic educational program;

DOD- additional educational activities

TPMPC- territorial psychological-medical-pedagogical commission;



The additional education program “Logorhythmics in magic socks” was developed for children of senior preschool age in accordance with the educational program of the MBDOU TsRR - kindergarten No. 20 “Fairy Tale”, in accordance with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

The program of the “Magic Socks” circle was compiled on the basis of research by teachers G. A. Volkova, V. A. Griner, M. Yu. Kartushina, A. E. Voronova, who deal with issues of preschool logorhythmics

This program is developed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation, art. 43, 72.
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012. No. 273 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”
  • Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013. No. 26 “On approval of SanPiN”
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013. No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013. No. 1014 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for basic general education programs - educational programs for preschool education.”
  • Charter of MBDOU.

Program type- correctional and developmental. The program is focused primarily on working with children with general speech underdevelopment.

Purpose of the program



The program is built on general didactic and specific principles.
General didactic principles:

Systematic principle Systematicity and gradualism lies in the continuity, regularity, and systematic nature of the correction process.

Only with repeated systematic repetitions do healthy dynamic motor stereotypes form. For effective repetition, it is necessary to combine what has been learned with the new, so that the repetition process is variable in nature: changing the exercise, the conditions of execution, a variety of techniques, differences in the content of classes.

The principle of consciousness and activity relies on the child’s conscious and active attitude to his activities. The child’s independent, active activity depends on the emerging interest in the proposed task, its conscious perception, understanding of the goal and method of implementation. The activity of preschool children in logorhythmic classes is stimulated by the emotionality of the teacher, the imagery of music, various games or game rules and exercises.

The principle of visibility is carried out through an impeccable practical demonstration of the movement by the teacher - direct visual clarity, designed for a specific representation of the movement, the correct motor sensation and the desire to reproduce. This is direct visibility.

The principle of accessibility and individualization provides for taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of children with speech disorders.

One of the conditions for accessibility is continuity and gradual increase in the complexity of motor, speech and musical tasks. A necessary condition for observing the principle of individualization is a preliminary examination of the child and clarification of his potential.

The principle of gradually increasing requirements determines the setting of increasingly difficult new tasks for the student: motor, musical, verbal. The transition to new, more complex exercises should occur gradually, as the developing skills are consolidated.

Specific principles:

Development principle involves the development of: the child’s personality; the most pathological non-speech and speech processes; preserved functional systems and those changes that occur in the body, motor sphere and speech of children.

The principle of comprehensive influence determines the overall effect on the body. Acting as a nonspecific therapy, rhythmic and logorhythmic means increase the overall fitness of the body, improve general neuroreflex regulatory mechanisms, creating new relationships between the functional systems of the body.

Workaround principle correction of deficiencies in speech development - the principle of relying on intact analyzers, on their interaction.

Etiopathogenetic principle explains the differentiated construction of logorhythmic classes depending on the cause and pathogenesis of speech disorder.

The principle of taking into account symptoms determines the physical capabilities of children with general speech underdevelopment: weakness, presence of paresis.

The principle of complexity suggests a connection between speech therapy rhythms and other medical, psychological and pedagogical influences and basic types of musical activities (listening to music, singing, musical rhythmic movements, holidays and entertainment, dance creativity, playing musical instruments, including children's instruments).

General didactic and specific principles are interconnected and determine the unity of education, development and correction of the functional systems of people with speech disorders.

The principles outlined above integrate modern scientific views on the basics of organizing developmental education, and provide solutions to the problems of intellectual and personal development. The organization of the correction process is based on an individual and activity-based approach.

Novelty The program is to create conditions for the correction of speech disorders in children with special needs who study in general education groups of senior preschool age through the organization of club activities. And also in new approaches to structuring the thematic plan and content of the work, expanding the diversity of the base of games used and in the harmonious combination of traditional means of child development with information and computer technologies (multimedia presentations, the use of Internet resources), which allow optimizing the correctional and developmental process, to make interesting for children, thereby increasing its effectiveness.

The practical significance of the program is:

  • in introducing into practice a system of circle work with children of senior preschool age with special needs development disorders aimed at overcoming speech disorders;
  • in developing the content of additional educational activities;
  • in the selection and testing of modern educational technologies, various forms, methods and techniques of additional educational activities, a set of tasks and exercises aimed at correcting the speech of children with special needs of senior preschool age, through the organization of logorhythmic classes.


The program is intended for remedial education of children with normal hearing and intelligence who have general speech underdevelopment.

The main contingent of older preschoolers has a general underdevelopment of speech at various levels.

General underdevelopment of speech in children with normal hearing and primary intact intelligence is a speech anomaly in which the formation of all components of the speech system suffers: sound pronunciation, sound analysis skills, vocabulary, grammatical structure, and coherent speech.

At the second level of speech development Children exhibit the rudiments of common speech. They develop phrasal speech. At this level, the phrase remains phonetically and grammatically distorted. The vocabulary is more varied. In the spontaneous speech of children, various lexical and grammatical categories of words are already noted: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, some prepositions and conjunctions. Children can answer questions based on the picture related to family, familiar phenomena of the world around them, but they do not know many words denoting animals and their cubs, body parts, clothing, furniture, professions, etc.

Sharply expressed agrammatism remains characteristic: confusion of case forms; lack of agreement between verbs and nouns; errors in the use of number and gender of nouns and verbs; violation of the agreement of adjectives and numerals with nouns; difficulties in using prepositional constructions (prepositions are often omitted altogether). Understanding of addressed speech remains incomplete, since many grammatical forms are not sufficiently differentiated by children.

Third level of speech development characterized by the appearance of developed everyday speech without gross lexico-grammatical and phonetic deviations. Against this background, there is inaccurate knowledge and use of many words and insufficiently complete formation of a number of grammatical forms and categories of the language. The active vocabulary is dominated by nouns and verbs, there are not enough words denoting qualities, signs, actions, states of objects, word formation suffers, and the selection of words with the same root is difficult. The grammatical structure is characterized by errors in the use of prepositions: in, on, under, to, from under, because of, between, etc., in the coordination of various parts of speech, and in the construction of sentences.

The sound pronunciation of children does not correspond to the age norm: they do not distinguish similar sounds by ear and pronunciation, they distort the syllable structure and sound content of words.

Children's coherent speech is characterized by a lack of clarity and consistency of presentation; it reflects the external side of phenomena and does not take into account their essential features and cause-and-effect relationships.

The syllabic structure is characterized by a predominance of elision, mainly in the reduction of sounds, and only in isolated cases - omission of syllables. Paraphasias are also observed, more often - rearrangements of sounds, less often of syllables; a small percentage is perseveration and addition of syllables and sounds.

In a conversation, when composing a story, simple common sentences predominate; complex constructions are almost never used. There are difficulties in planning your statements and selecting appropriate linguistic means.

Children with general speech underdevelopment differ from their normally developing peers in the characteristics of mental processes, namely, the formation of sensory and motor functions and optical-spatial concepts is delayed. . They are characterized by instability of attention, insufficient switchability and volume; all types of memory suffer: auditory, visual, motor; decreased verbal memory and memorization productivity; lag in the development of verbal and logical thinking. They are characterized by rapid fatigue, distractibility, and increased exhaustion, which leads to various types of errors.

Many children with general speech underdevelopment have motor impairments in the articulatory apparatus: changes in muscle tone in the speech muscles, difficulties in fine articulatory differentiations, limited ability of voluntary movements.

Speech disorders are closely associated with impaired fine motor skills of the hands: insufficient coordination of fingers, slowness and awkwardness of movements, getting stuck in one position.

These deviations in the development of children suffering from speech anomalies are not spontaneously overcome. They require specially organized work to correct them.

These violations can clearly manifest themselves when children enter school; they will slow down the learning process of children and cause writing and reading disorders.

This program can help ensure a child's smooth transition to school.


Solving the problems made it possible to predict the following result of mastering the program in the form targets:

  • The child has a sufficient vocabulary on lexical topics.
  • The child is able to rhythmically perform movements in accordance with words, expressively conveying a given character or image.
  • The child has developed voice modulation, fluency and intonation expressiveness of speech, correct speech and physiological breathing, and knows how to take breath correctly while singing.
  • The child has sufficient mobility of the articulatory apparatus. Pronounces all sounds of his native language correctly.
  • The child is able to correctly articulate sounds separately and in syllabic series, differentiate vowels and paired consonant sounds in syllabic series, words, and phrases.
  • The child is able to perform health-improving exercises to improve posture, breathing and finger exercises, self-massage of the face and body, psycho-gymnastic exercises to tense and relax the body muscles, to overcome motor automatism.
  • The child can navigate in space, move in a given direction, form formations in columns and ranks, and perform various types of walking and running.
  • The child coordinates movements in small muscle groups of the fingers and hands, and quickly responds to changes in movements.
  • The child respects the culture and traditions of the peoples of Russia, his native land, and the work of people.
  • The child is proactive and independent in various types speech and musical activity.

The implementation of this program involves diagnosing the child’s individual development by a speech therapist teacher in close cooperation with an educational psychologist, music director, physical education instructor and group teachers.

Diagnostics are carried out at the beginning of the school year in order to study, in addition to traditional speech development, the state of children's auditory attention, perception and reproduction of rhythm, ability to navigate in space, general and manual motor skills, and speech motor skills.

A repeat study takes place at the end of the school year to trace the dynamics of changes in the state of children’s non-speech mental functions and speech development in the process of logorhythmic classes.

Diagnosis is carried out in the form of examinations, tests, and monitoring the activity of children.

Diagnosis of non-speech mental functions
(according to N.V. Serebryakova, L.S. Solomakha)


Auditory attention .

1. Differentiation of sounding toys (“Show me which toy sounded: tambourine, rattle, pipe, harmonica”). 1 point for each toy guessed.

2. Determining the direction of the sound source (musical toy) - in front, behind, right, left. 1 point for each direction guessed.

Perception and reproduction of rhythm.

1st element: - - .. -

2nd element: - .. - -

3rd element: - - …

4th element: … - -

1 point for each correct reproduction.

Orientation in space.

1. Show your left eye with your right hand, and your right ear with your left hand.

1 point for correct execution.

2. Show objects that are on the right, left, above, below, in front, behind.

1 point for each correctly indicated direction.

State of general motor skills.

Invite children to perform several familiar dance movements, first as shown by the teacher, then according to verbal instructions. While observing children, determine and rate on a 5-point scale:

  • strength of movements,
  • precision of movements,
  • pace of movements,
  • coordination of movements,
  • switching from one movement to another.

State of fine motor skills.

1. Precision of movements. Children are asked to show shapes with their fingers - a goat, a basket, a cat. 1 point for 1 correctly executed figure.

2. Rate of movement. Children are invited to play the finger game “Orange”. Score from 1 to 3 points.

3. Synchronicity of movements of the right and left hands. Children play the finger game “We salt the cabbage, we salt it.” Score from 1 to 3 points.

4. Switching from one movement to another.

  • “Playing the piano” (fingers 1 - 5, 2 - 4, 5 - 1, 4 - 2, 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5, 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1). 1 point for each exercise performed correctly.
  • Reciprocal test “Fist - palm - rib (right, then left hand). 1 point each.
  • Alternation of movements: right hand - palm, left hand - fist, then vice versa. 1 point each.

The maximum score for four tasks is 21 points.

The results are entered into a summary table « Results of diagnostics of non-speech mental functions.” (Appendix No. 1)

The diagnostic results can be used to solve the following educational problems:

  1. In order to build an individual educational trajectory for each child;
  2. Building a work system in accordance with the current situation of the group’s development;
  3. For the selection of methods, techniques and technologies.



The implementation of the “Logoritmics in Magic Socks” program takes place in two directions



Improving general motor skills, motor coordination,

Regulation of muscle tone;

Developing a moderate tempo and rhythm of speech

Development of perception - auditory attention

Formation of intonation expressiveness;

Fostering imitation, activity, initiative, independence, collectivism,

Development of oral praxis (articulatory and facial motor skills);

Optical-spatial representations

Develop coordination of speech with movement;

Visual orientation towards the interlocutor,

Education of correct sound pronunciation

Feelings of tempo and rhythm of movements, music

Formation of phonemic hearing

Auditory memory

Vocabulary activation

Nurturing strong-willed qualities (courage, perseverance, determination, endurance)

Development of grammatical correctness of speech

To develop creative potential and effectively correct various speech and non-speech disorders in children with special needs, pedagogical technologies, both traditional and innovative, are combined.

Traditional technologies include:

  • Introductory walking and spatial orientation. Children learn to navigate in space and in a group, in the right-left direction of movement, in turns, in marching with their backs, backwards, to the center, etc.

The following types of walking are used in classes:

  • walking along a path marked with two ropes;
  • walking in a “flock”, i.e. together, in a group;
  • walking in a group (to the drum) to the opposite wall of the hall;
  • walking along the rope in a circle one after another: this prepares children to walk in a column one at a time;
  • walking one after another, holding a rope with one hand: children stand one after another, in the left hand of each there is a rope, to the sound of a drum, the teacher (then the child) leads the children in a circle, the movement can be accompanied by pronouncing the sound oooh;
  • walking one after another along a rope sideways with side steps. Children walk in small steps of 3-4 m, noticeably raising their legs, arms hanging freely;
  • walking one after another while simultaneously stepping over 5-6 cubes and slats of a ladder placed on the floor (2-3 circles);
  • walking up an inclined board, dismounting (2 times), etc.

Then different types of walking are combined not only with music, but also with words.

  • Dynamic exercises to regulate muscle tone develop the ability to relax and tense muscle groups. Thanks to these exercises, children have better control of their body, their movements become precise and dexterous. The content of this section includes the assimilation of the concepts “strong” and “weak” as concepts of relatively greater or lesser strength of muscle tension. The concepts “strong” and “weak” correspond in the sound process to the terms “loud” - forte and “quiet” - piano. Preschoolers become familiar with the loud and quiet sounds of a musical instrument, first in a standing position or sitting near it and performing, for example, soft movements with the flags below - for a quiet sound and stronger waves of them above the head - for a loud sound; In addition to flags, you can use a drum, tambourine, hoop, and ribbon. Then the exercises become more difficult.

In the work on developing the ability to regulate muscle tone, one can distinguish general developmental ones (in these movements, tension and relaxation alternate, excessive tension is removed from the muscles when the exercise has already been mastered at the level of motor skill); and corrective exercises (to strengthen muscles, feet and torso, to develop balance function, to form correct posture).

  • Articulation exercises and exercises for the development of facial expressions useful at any age, since clear articulation is the basis of good diction. They help normalize the activity of the peripheral parts of the speech apparatus. Articulation exercises for children with sound pronunciation disorders are a necessity. They prepare the child’s articulatory apparatus to produce sounds (this is the task of the speech therapist). Clear sensations from the organs of the articulatory apparatus are the basis for mastering the skill of writing. Working on articulation allows you to clarify the correct sound pronunciation, develops the mobility of the tongue, jaws, lips, and strengthens the muscles of the pharynx.
  • Breathing exercises corrects speech breathing disorders, helps develop diaphragmatic breathing, as well as the duration, strength and correct distribution of exhalation. Logorhythmic classes use:
  1. exercises to develop diaphragmatic-abdominal breathing,
  2. development of prolonged speech exhalation,
  3. training the coordinated work of the respiratory, vocal and articulatory systems.
  • Phonopedic and health-improving exercises for the throat develop the basic qualities of the voice - strength and height, strengthen the vocal apparatus. During the cold season, these exercises are performed daily as a preventive measure against colds. The classes use phonopedic exercises according to V. Emelyanov, which not only develop the vocal cords, but also develop the singing skills of preschoolers.
  • Exercises to develop attention (switchability, stability, distribution) and memory develop all types of memory: visual, auditory, motor. Children's attention and ability to quickly respond to changes in activity are activated.
  • Pure talk required for every lesson. With their help, sounds are automated, the tongue is trained to perform the correct movements, and clear, rhythmic pronunciation of phonemes and syllables is practiced. Children develop phonemic awareness and auditory attention.
  • Speech games can be presented in various forms: rhythmic declamations without musical accompaniment, games with sound, games with sounding gestures and playing music on children's musical instruments, theatrical sketches, dialogue games, etc. The use of the simplest poetic text (Russian folk songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, counting rhymes , teasers) promotes quick memorization of the game and facilitates the completion of logarithmic tasks.
  • Rhythm games and counting exercises develop a sense of rhythm, tempo, meter (accentuation of the strong beat of the beat), which allows the child to better navigate the rhythmic basis of words and phrases.
  • Singing songs and vocalises, chants develops memory, attention, thinking, emotional responsiveness and ear for music; The child’s vocal apparatus is strengthened and helps to automate vowel sounds. The process of developing singing abilities in children with speech disorders is aimed not only at the formation of their artistic culture, but also at the correction of voice, articulation, and breathing.
  • Finger games and fairy tales and other exercises for the development of fine motor skills. Science has long known that the development of finger mobility is directly related to speech development. Therefore, by developing fine motor skills of the fingers, we contribute to rapid speech development. Finger games and fairy tales, as in music classes, are often carried out accompanied by music - the texts are sung, or the music is played in the background. It is very useful to use the modeling of simple figures, origami, laying out simple mosaic patterns while pronouncing the text of the game.
  • Elementary music playing on children's musical instruments develops fine motor skills, a sense of rhythm, meter, tempo, improves attention, memory, as well as other mental processes that accompany the performance of a musical work. In addition to well-known musical instruments, during the lesson you can, together with children, make and play homemade instruments - “noise makers” from boxes and plastic bottles filled with various cereals, “ringers” from metal tubes, “knockers” from wooden sticks and pieces of bamboo fishing rods, “rustles” "made of crumpled paper and cellophane.
  • Theater sketches. Very often, children with speech disorders have inexpressive facial expressions and gestures. The muscles of the face, arms, and entire body may be flaccid or stiff. Mimic and pantomimic sketches develop facial and articulatory motor skills (mobility of lips and cheeks), plasticity and expressiveness of children's movements, their creative imagination and imagination. This strengthens preschoolers’ sense of self-confidence, the ability to more accurately control their body, expressively convey mood and image in movement, and enriches them with new emotional experiences.
  • Communication games develop in children the ability to see their merits in another person; contribute to deepening awareness of the sphere of communication; teach the ability to collaborate. Such games are often played in a general circle.
  • Exercises for developing creative initiative. These exercises include conducting, free motor improvisations to music, motor dramatizations of songs, motor-musical exercises in which improvisation and creativity come to the fore. Word creation exercises are also included in this group.
  • Outdoor games, round dances, physical exercises train children in coordination of words and movements, develop attention, memory, and speed of reaction to changes in movements. These games foster a sense of collectivism, empathy, responsibility, and teach children to follow the rules of the game.
  • Final exercises.(relaxation exercises to relieve emotional and physical stress). The purpose of these exercises is to calm the students down and redirect their attention to other activities. The final exercises can be carried out in various forms: it can be ordinary marching to music, changing formations, listening to music and then determining the nature of the work, etc.

Innovative technologies:

  • Technology "Game massage" Game massage is used to relieve excessive muscle tone, fatigue, and mental stress.
  • Mmethodology of early musical development Ekaterina and Sergei Zheleznov,
  • "Brain Gym" represents simple and enjoyable movements and exercises, they help students of any age to reveal the capabilities that are inherent in our body. Brain gymnastics exercises make it possible to use those parts of the brain that were not previously involved in learning and solve the problem of failure
  • Montessori technology of working in a circle. Rituals of greeting and farewell.
  • Technology of speech motor rhythms and phonetic rhythms(pronunciation of vowel sounds)
  • Using computer presentations, videos, and other technical means,
  • Using elements of massage and self-massage- (massage mats)
  • Using eye exercises(prevention of fatigue)
  • Modeling for the development of spatial praxis and gnosis(schemes of construction, reconstruction, models, plans)

However, not all of the listed types of work can be included in one lesson; some exercises can be repeated (reinforced) or used in other classes (music, physical education, speech therapy, etc.)

The basic principle of constructing all of the listed types of work is the close connection of movement with music; inclusion of speech material.

The word can be entered in a wide variety of forms: these are the texts of songs, round dances, dramatizations with singing, dramatizations on a given topic, the driver’s command in outdoor games, instructions from the host (director) of the script, etc. The introduction of a word makes it possible to create a whole series exercises guided not by musical rhythm, but by rhythm in poetic form, which allows one to maintain the principle of rhythm in movements.

Speech therapy rhythmics can be represented as a system of gradually more complex rhythmic, logorhythmic and musical-rhythmic exercises and tasks that underlie the independent motor, musical and speech activity of children with speech pathology.


The additional education program “Logrithmics in Magic Socks” is based on age-appropriate forms and methods of working with children of senior preschool age.

This educational process uses a group form of work.

The basis of all forms and methods of teaching in speech therapy rhythm is the method chosen by the teacher to regulate motor and speech load, its combination with rest and other types of activities in the correctional educational process (speech therapy, psychotherapy, educational, etc.).

Motor load is expressed in the number and intensity of tasks, the intensive implementation of which has a positive effect on the physical condition of children with ODD.

Tasks accompanied by speech affect the dynamics of mental functions, manifested in a person’s mental activity, concentration of attention and perception during the explanation and demonstration of tasks, comprehension of a motor and speech task, the accuracy of the response to them, etc. The correct ratio of time spent on the expenditure of mental and physical strength of those involved and the subsequent rest must be observed when conducting logorhythmic exercises.

In the correction process in logorhythmic classes, visual, verbal and practical methods are used.

Visual methods- provide brightness of sensory perception and motor sensations:

  1. visual-visual: the teacher shows a pattern of movement, imitation of patterns of surrounding life, the use of visual cues when overcoming space, the use of visual aids - movies, paintings, etc.;
  2. tactile-muscular: inclusion of various aids in motor activity. For example, a gate-arc for stepping when walking, the help of a teacher clarifying the position of individual parts of the body;
  3. visual and auditory: instrumental music, song, poems, etc.

Verbal methods- help to understand the task at hand:

  1. a brief description and explanation of the new movements;
  2. explanation accompanying the movement display;
  3. instructions required when reproducing the movement;
  4. conversation preceding the introduction of new exercises and outdoor games;
  5. questions to test awareness of actions;
  6. commands, orders and signals (counting rhymes, game starters, etc. can be used as commands);
  7. figurative plot story in order to develop the expressiveness of movements and transformation into a game image;
  8. verbal instruction, with its help, traces of previous impressions are revived in new combinations and combinations, the opportunity arises to form new temporary connections, to form new knowledge and skills.

Practical methods- provide an effective check of the correct perception of movement using one’s own muscle-motor sensations.

The gaming method, which is close to the leading activity of children, is the most emotionally effective.

The competitive method is used to improve already developed motor skills. Fostering collectivism is especially important. Competition can be successfully used as an educational tool that helps improve motor skills and develop moral and volitional personality traits.

The structure of additional educational activities under the “Logoritmics in Magic Socks” program is presented in Appendix No. 2.


This program is based on the idea of ​​comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support for children with general speech underdevelopment, which involves the interaction of a speech therapist with a music director, educational psychologist, physical education instructor, and educators.

In order to increase the effectiveness of the program, the following forms of work with teachers are implemented:

  • performance at pedagogical council“The role of logorhythmics in the correction of speech disorders”;
  • psychological and pedagogical workshops, consultations “Logorhythmic games and exercises in special moments”, “Dialogue games as a means of logorhythmics in theatrical activities”, “Logorhythmics is movement, movement is great”;
  • publication of instructions and booklets “Logorhythmic exercises without musical accompaniment”; “Games with speech accompaniment”, “Games-dialogues”;
  • joint implementation of integrated correctional classes.



To implement the additional education program “Logorhythmics in Magic Socks”, close cooperation with the students’ parents is necessary, which is aimed at involving the family in the correctional process.

Various forms of cooperation are used in work in this area:


The additional education program “Logorhythmics in Magic Socks” provides for interaction with TPMPC.

The enrollment of children in additional educational activities under the “Logoritmics in Magic Socks” program is presented in the algorithm.



The additional education program for older preschoolers with special needs “Logorhythmics in Magic Socks” is designed for one year of study. The maximum teaching load is 32 lessons. The duration of additional educational activities and their number are regulated by SANPiN for children 5-6 years old in the senior group - 1 lesson per week for no more than 25 minutes.

In order to implement the Federal State Educational Standard, the educational load is designed for 9 months. Logorhythmics classes are conducted by a speech therapist together with a music director once a week in the afternoon.

Lessons are based on lexical topics. The content of motor and speech material varies depending on the level of development of motor and speech skills.

Each lesson represents a thematic and gaming integrity. The plot of the classes uses stories, poems and fairy tales, which are selected in accordance with the age of the children and allow them to solve correctional problems in a playful way.

The lesson is held small group children, but in order to improve familiar movements, the teacher distributes students into small groups, asking them to act independently; stimulates creative exploration by offering tasks: change an exercise due to the changed nature of the music, play an outdoor game with changed rules, create variants of games, come up with new ones.

The song and dance repertoire is learned in music classes. The teacher can use tongue-twisters and finger games in other classes. A necessary element is visual material - illustrations, elements of costumes, toys, pictures for flannelograph, etc. In preparing and conducting logorhythmic classes, a close relationship between preschool teachers is necessary: ​​music director, speech therapist, teacher, psychologist. The organizer of the classes can be a music director or a speech therapist.

The approximate thematic planning of additional educational activities of the Logorhythmics in Magic Socks circle specifies the timing, topics, program content of additional educational activities, and forms of work with children. (Appendix No. 3).



Lesson number


Number of gcd

GCD time, min

Time is all



Autumn fair (garden).

“Where did the bread come from?”

Pets, birds.

My city, my country.

Professions and tools.

Week of good deeds.

Early winter.

Birthday of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Peoples of the North. Motherland.

Wintering birds.


Christmas tales.

Winter. Winter fun and entertainment.

Winter. Just like animals spend the winter.

Tales of A.S. Pushkin

Folk art

Week of games and toys.

Book week

Sport. I will grow up healthy!

My planet.

I am a resident of planet Earth.

Spring. Arrival of birds. Agricultural work.

Victory Day



800 min. - 13 h 20 min.


On January 1, 2014, the federal state educational standard for preschool education came into force (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education”), where Special attention is paid to material and technical support, creation of a developing educational environment.

The implementation of the additional education program “Logorhythmics in Magic Socks” requires the organization of a developing subject-spatial environment to solve the assigned problems. Namely, in the diversity of the base of games used and in the harmonious combination of traditional means of child development with information and computer technologies (multimedia presentations, use of Internet resources).

The implementation of the program requires the presence of a spacious room for constant physical activity of children, so the space is created dynamic in accordance with the goals and objectives of each lesson.

Conditions for the program

Environment requirements:

  • Logorhythmic classes are recommended to be carried out in the music room.
  • It is necessary to have a mirror, a piano, a music center, a TV, a DVD player, and a set of audio and video recordings for watching and listening to rhythmic exercises.
  • Visual: masks, costumes of animals, birds; Kids toys; tables with warehouses and lyrics of short songs, illustrations for children's songs.
  • Toys-instruments with sound of indefinite pitch: tambourines, rattles, wooden spoons.
  • Toy instruments that produce sounds of only one pitch: pipes, pipes.
  • Toy instruments with diatonic and chromatic scales: metallophones, bells.
  • Balls (latex, Su-Jok, massage), jump ropes, hoops, ribbons, polyhedral sticks.

Logorhythmics classes can be conducted by teachers with special speech therapy or music education.

Center for Correctional and Developmental Work:

  • Play space for the implementation of the correctional and developmental process;
  • Carpet;
  • Easel;
  • Tables and chairs;
  • Musical instrument (piano, synthesizer)

Technical means:

  • Availability of a laptop;
  • Projector;
  • Music Center;
  • A printer;
  • Scanner.
  • Musical works.

Visual, didactic and demonstration material:

  • Forms with assignments by topic;
  • Pictures-pictograms, pictures with emotions of children, animals;
  • Pictures on lexical topics and literary works;
  • Card files of articulation, breathing, phonopedic and finger exercises;
  • Schemes, plans, models.

Game and sports equipment:

  • Puppets.
  • Animal costumes;
  • Musical instruments;
  • Sports equipment: rope, hoops, soft construction set, mat, individual mats;
  • Benefits for the development of breathing,
  • rhythm sticks,
  • Massage balls "Su-jok"

Software and methodological support of the program

The Logorhythmics program is based on the main provisions of the programs and teaching aids:

in speech therapy:

  • Program and methodological recommendations “Education and training of preschool children with general speech underdevelopment” T.V. Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina;
  • “System of correctional work” by N. V. Nishcheva;
  • Methodical manual “Articulation gymnastics in poems and pictures” by T. A. Kulikovskaya.

according to logorhythmics:

  • Volkova G.A. Speech therapy rhythm - M., Education, 1985
  • Methodical manuals on logorhythmics M.Yu. Kartushina, M.Yu. Gogoleva, E.V. Kuznetsova, E.A. Alyabyeva, N.V. Miklyaeva
  • Voronova A.E. Logorhythmics for children 5-7 years old. Classes and exercises. M. "TS SPHERE", 2006.

on children's health:

  • Methodical manuals “Strelnikovsky breathing exercises for children” by M.N. Shchetinin;
  • “Psycho-gymnastics of M. I. Chistyakova,
  • “The ABC of physical education minutes” by V. I. Kovalko.


To implement the program, qualified teaching staff are required. The level of qualifications of teaching staff must correspond to the qualified characteristics for the corresponding position.

Teacher speech therapist: higher professional education in the field of speech therapy without any work experience requirements.

Musical director: higher or secondary vocational education in the field of training “Education and Pedagogy”, Professional mastery of the technique of performing a musical instrument without presenting requirements for work experience.

Educational psychologist: higher or secondary vocational education in the field of training “Pedagogy and Psychology” without presenting requirements for work experience, or higher or secondary vocational and additional vocational education in the field of study “Pedagogy and Psychology” without presenting requirements for work experience.

Educator: higher and secondary vocational education in the field of training “Education and Pedagogy” without presenting requirements for work experience, or higher vocational education or secondary and additional vocational education in the field of study “Education and Pedagogy” without presenting requirements for work experience.

Physical education instructor: higher or secondary vocational education in the field of physical education and sports, or higher or secondary vocational education and additional professional education in the field of physical education and sports without proof of work experience.


  1. Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. - M.: Omega-L., 2014. - 134 p.
  2. From birth to school. Approximate general educational program for preschool education (pilot version) / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - 3rd ed., rev. and additional - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014. -368 p.
  3. Alyabyeva, E.A. Logorhythmic exercises without musical accompaniment: Methodological manual. - M.: TC Sfera, 2006. - 64 p.
  4. Babushkina, R.L. Kislyakova O.M., Speech therapy rhythm: Methods of working with preschool children suffering from general speech underdevelopment / Ed. G.A. Volkova. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2005. - (Correctional pedagogy)
  5. Volkova, G.A. Speech therapy rhythm: A textbook for students of pedagogical institutes in the specialty 031800 - Speech therapy; 032000 - Correctional pedagogy and special psychology (preschool). - St. Petersburg: "Petersburg -XXI", 1997.
  6. Voronova, A.E. Logorhythmics for children 5-7 years old. Classes and exercises. M. "TS SPHERE", 2006.
  7. Gavrisheva, L.B. Nishcheva N.V., Speech therapy chants. Musical finger gymnastics and outdoor games. SPB.: “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2005.
  8. Gogoleva, M.Yu. Logorhythmics in kindergarten. Senior preparatory group. - M.: Academy of Development. - 2006 - 120 p.
  9. Kartushina, M.Yu. Logorhythmic activities in kindergarten. - M., Sfera, 2005.
  10. Klezovich, O.V. Musical games and exercises for the development and correction of children's speech: A manual for defectologists, music directors and educators - M.,. Aversev, 2004.
  11. Kolodnitsky, G.A. Musical games, rhythmic exercises and dances for children. Educational methodological manual for educators and teachers. M.: Publishing house "Gnom-Press", 1997 - 64 p.
  12. Krupa-Shusharina, S.V. Speech therapy songs for preschool children / Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010, - 99 p.
  13. Kulikovskaya, T.A. Articulatory gymnastics in poems and pictures. A manual for speech therapists, educators and parents. - M.: “Publishing house Gnome and D”, 2005, -
  14. Lopukhina, I.S. Speech therapy - rhythm, speech, movement: A manual for speech therapists and parents. - St. Petersburg: “Delta” - 1997.
  15. Miklyaeva, N.V. Polozova O.A., Radionova Yu.N., Phonetic and speech therapy rhythms in preschool educational institutions: a manual for educators and speech therapists. - 2nd ed. - M.: Iris-press, 2005, - 112 p.
  16. Nishcheva, N.V. System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment. - SPb: CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2003. - 528 p.
  17. Ovchinnikova, T.S. Logorhythmic chants. St. Petersburg: “KARO”, 2009.
  18. System of musical and recreational work in kindergarten: classes, games, exercises/authentic compilation. O.V. Arsenevskaya. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. - 204 p.
  19. Taran, R.T. Logorhythmic classes in the work system of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution. SPB.: “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2011.
  20. Chistyakova, M.I. Psycho-gymnastics. M.: Publisher: Prosveshchenie, Vlados, - 1995.
  21. Shashkina, G. R. Speech therapy rhythms for preschoolers with speech disorders: Textbook for students. higher ped. textbook institutions/ - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2005. - 192 p.
  22. Shchetinin, M.N. Strelnikovskaya breathing exercises for children/M. N. Shchetinin. - M.: Iris-press. - 2007


The additional education program “Logorhythmics in Magic Socks” was developed for children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment.

Purpose of the program- organization of a correctional space in a preschool educational institution, which ensures overcoming speech disorders by developing the child’s motor sphere in combination with words and music through a system of logorhythmic classes.


  • develop coordinated movements of the arms and legs in children while walking and running;
  • to form correct posture, the ability to navigate in space, imitative movements;
  • develop visual and auditory attention; learn to switch attention, including changing movements;
  • learn to distinguish the tempos of melodies, distinguish the sense of rhythm, sing according to the sound of the music;
  • develop physiological breathing, articulatory apparatus, facial expressions;
  • develop voice strength and expressiveness of speech and singing;
  • develop fine motor skills and precision of movements;
  • form correct articulation of sounds;
  • develop creativity and initiative.

The program presents: an educational and thematic plan for additional educational activities and approximate thematic planning additional educational activities of the “Logoritmics in Magic Socks” circle.

Logorhythmics classes are conducted by a speech therapist together with a music director once a week in the afternoon.

Lessons are based on lexical topics.

To implement the additional education program “Logorhythmics in Magic Socks”, close cooperation with the students’ parents is necessary, which is aimed at involving the family in the correctional process. Various forms of cooperation are used in work in this area:

  • gaming seminar-workshop “Speech-rhythm-movement”, with the aim of mastering parents practical exercises and ways to diversify the play activities of preschoolers with ODD using logorhythmic exercises;
  • poster information “From movement to speech”, “Logorhythmic exercises without musical accompaniment” has the purpose of pedagogical education;
  • booklets, instructions “How to play logarithmic games at home”;
  • involving parents in creating attributes for games and exercises;
  • information page on the official website of the preschool educational institution “Tips of a speech therapist”;
  • open final events for parents.


Appendix No. 1

Results of diagnostics of non-speech mental functions (in points)

Last name, first name of the child

Auditory attention

Perception and reproduction of rhythm

Orientation in space

State of general motor skills

State of fine motor skills






Appendix No. 2

Structure of additional educational activities

  1. Introductory part is approximately 10% of the time of the entire lesson. Includes a greeting, an announcement by the teacher of the topic of the upcoming lesson and a rhythmic warm-up. The purpose of rhythmic warm-up is to prepare the child’s body for the upcoming motor and speech load. Warm-up includes various types of motor exercises accompanied by music; walking of a calm nature, energetic walking, marching and running with changes in direction, changes in lanes, as well as changes in types of movements.
  2. Main part makes up 70-80% of the lesson time. Depending on the speech therapy diagnosis of the children and the stage of correctional work, it includes a variety of different types musical, motor and speech exercises.
  3. Final part short in time (about 10-15%). Any logorhythmic session ends, as a rule, with exercises to restore breathing, relaxation, and various types of calm walking and light running. The lesson is summed up. Children, answering the teacher’s questions, once again name the topic of the lesson, consolidate the knowledge gained from it in the form of new words, expressions or information about the world around them. In conclusion, the teacher evaluates the children’s work in class.

Appendix No. 3

Approximate thematic planning of additional educational activities of the “Funny Socks” circle


A week

Topic of the week


Development of speech processes

Development of non-speech functions



Autumn fair (garden).

"Cipolino and his friends"

Formation of correct physiological and speech breathing.

Development of deep breath “Recognize fruit, vegetable”

Strengthening sound articulation [A]

Development of cheek muscles: simulation exercise “Fat-Skinny”

Phonopedic game “Echo”

Strengthen children's skills in simple constructions

Visual gymnastics “Fruit riddle”

Mastering the concepts of “strong - weak”, as concepts of relatively greater or lesser strength of muscle tension.

Strengthening children's ability to determine spatial relationships. Fix adverbs in speech: above, below.

Early autumn (trees, mushrooms, berries, flowers).

"Visiting Lesovichka"

Strengthening the respiratory muscles. Development of a smooth long exhalation, directed air stream “Autumn leaves”

Strengthening the articulation of sound [U].

Game "Echo" AU - quiet, loud.

Practicing the pronunciation of whistling sounds “The wind whistles”

Teach children to determine spatial relationships. Fix adverbs in speech: left, right, near, next to.

Visual gymnastics “For the berries”

Strengthen the ability to walk with coordinated movements of the arms and legs.


“Where did the bread come from?”

"Feast of Loaf"

Formation of the correct tempo of speech “Grinds the mill grain”

Develop the ability to make your tongue wide and keep it in a relaxed state. "Pancake"

Consolidating the pronunciation of the sound [O]

Development of prosody - Staging of the dialogue “Kitsonka-murysonka”

Learn how to properly perform self-massage of the face.

Coordination of speech and movement - exercise “Porridge”

The game "Spooners" - learn to highlight an unexpected accent in music and give a response by hitting the spoons.

Autumn (person, clothes, hats, shoes).

"Autumn Walk"

Developing the correct air stream: the game “Blow the Button.” Practicing the correct articulation of sound [T-D] “Hammers”

Speech therapy chant “Boots”

Speech and movement coordination game “Shoe”

Development of phonemic hearing - finishing of pure phrases. Development of intonation expressiveness in the dialogue “The Shoemaker”

Strengthen the ability to run with coordinated movements of the arms and legs.

Development of orientation in the body diagram: above - below,

in front - behind, right -

Development of neck muscles: simulation exercise “Button” (raising and lowering the head with strong pressure of the chin on the fists).

Continue to teach how to highlight an unexpected accent by striking with your fists “Shoemakers”

Pets, birds.

"A trip to Prostokvashino"

Articulation exercises “The cat is angry”, “The cat is lapping”, “Turkey”

Phonopedic exercise “Cockerel”

Speech therapy chant “Cow”

Work on clear diction.

Exercise - game for the development of speech breathing “Chickens, geese”

Learn to change movements in accordance with musical phrases

Visual gymnastics “Donkey”

A game to develop creativity and develop endurance “Goose”

Exercise to develop spatial relationships “Hen and Chicks” - movements

Late autumn (generalizations). Migratory birds, preparing animals and plants for winter.

“Why does a bear sleep in winter?”

Development of breathing according to the scheme. (nose-nose, nose-mouth, -mouth-nose, mouth-mouth).

Theatricalization of the fairy tale “Three Bears” - reproduction of pitch of sounds, intonation

Learn to smoothly transition from a moderate pace of movement to fast to slow.

“An exercise to develop coordination and gross motor skills: “We’re going skiing into the forest”

Regulation of muscle tone “Trees in the snow”

Animals of cold and hot countries.

“Where did the sparrow have lunch?”

Pure talk with massage “Kangaroo” Exercise for the development of facial expressions and onomatopoeia - speech therapy song “Zoo”

Articulation gymnastics “Monkeys”

Brain gymnastics “Elephant”

Speech therapy chant “Beasts”

Finger gymnastics “Two monkeys”

Exercise to convey the nature of movement with pantomime “Who walks as they go”

Self-massage of the body “Turtle”


My city, my country.

Unity Day.

“1,2,3,4,5 - let’s go for a walk around Khanty-Mansiysk”

Develop tongue mobility, promote stretching of the hyoid ligament - frenulum - “On a horse”

Communication game “Hello friend”

Exercises to develop coordination “We are going skiing into the forest”

Visual gymnastics “Northern Lights”

Brain gymnastics “Lazy Eights”

Dance "Round Dance of Friendship"

Finger gymnastics “We walked around the city”

Professions and tools.

“What crafts smell like”

Articulation exercises “Painters”

“Whose steamer hums longer?” - development of a long exhalation with the pronunciation of the vowel Y.

Speech therapy song “Cook”

Rhythmic game "Hammers"

Game for developing spatial orientation “Needle and thread”

Improving optical-spatial orientations “Regulators” (pre-cross movements)

Week of good deeds.

(11/16 - International Day of Tolerance)

"The Needlewoman and the Sloth"

Develop the ability to raise the lateral edges of the tongue. "Cup"

Formation of a long smooth exhalation “Storm in a glass”, “Blizzard in a well”

Strengthening sound articulation

Phonopedic exercise “Handicraft”

Development of the rhythm and tempo of the movement “Whipping the feather bed”

Development of coordination and switchability of “click-click” movements

Finger self-massage “Spindle”

My family (house, furniture, electrical appliances).

"- Brownie Kuzya and the fixies"

Monitor compliance with the unity and adequacy of speech, facial expressions, pantomimes, gestures - expressive speech means in the game and in the role-playing behavior of children.

Singing from the cartoon “Fixies” - “TV, refrigerator”

Development of facial muscles: imitation exercises - we portray a kind mother, an old grandfather, an angry dad, a sad daughter, etc.;

Visual gymnastics “Our Home”

Finger gymnastics “Family”

Development of visual and auditory memory in didactic games“Who’s there?”, “Who’s hiding?”


Early winter.

"Journey with a Magic Snowflake"

Clarification of the pronunciation of vowel sounds Phonopedic exercise “Whistling snowstorms”

Development of linguistic sense “Say a word”

Development of oral praxis - simulation games “Frozen”

Development of auditory attention "

Visual gymnastics “Snowflakes are falling”

Develop a sense of rhythm “Mostok”

Finger gymnastics “You and I made snowballs”

Strengthening the ability to rearrange according to a visual signal.

Birthday of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Peoples of the North. Motherland.

"It's fun to walk together"

Development of facial expressions “Mood”

Formation of a rhythmic pattern in pronouncing onomatopoeia “Ku-ku”

Imitation games “On skis” to clarify the pronunciation of hissing sounds. Pronouncing pure sayings with the sound [Ш]

Phonopedic exercise “Let’s scare the bear”

Visual gymnastics “Snow-snowball”

Communicative dance-game “Happy Children”

Exercise to develop a sense of rhythm and fine motor skills “Lumberjack”

Development of attention and orientation in space “Homeless Cuckoo”

"Jumping over sleds"

Game for relaxation and muscle tension “Frozen - warmed up”

Tales under New Year. Wintering birds.

"Bird's Pantry"

Speech therapy chant “Crow”, “Sparrow”

Formation of the tempo organization of the statement “Woodpecker” - pronunciation at different tempos.

Breathing exercise "Crow"

Brain gymnastics “Owl”

Phonopedic exercise “Blizzard” Exercise for rhythm development “Sparrows, little sparrows”

Game "Winter Dance"

Finger gymnastics “Sing, sing along”

Exercise for developing auditory attention “Magpie”

Winter, New Year tree. (Holiday week)

"Letter from Santa Claus"

Develop a reaction to intonation and facial expressions that correspond to intonation. Monitor compliance with the unity and adequacy of speech, facial expressions, pantomimes, gestures - expressive speech means in the game and in the role-playing behavior of children.

Speech game with the movement “Snowman”

Development of fine motor skills Su-jok “New Year”

Rhythmic game "Frost"

Game for the development of general motor skills “Wind”


Dance “Lavata” coordination of movements, development of general motor skills.

Relaxation exercise “Magic sleep”



Christmas tales.

Winter. Winter fun and entertainment. (Holiday week)

“Wow, wow, the sleigh is going at full speed!”

Continue the formation of speech exhalation - pronouncing interjections as you exhale.

Onomatopoeia exercise “On a sled”

Phonopedic exercise “On Skates”, practicing the pronunciation of whistling sounds, pure phrasing with the sound [C]

Exercise to develop coordination “Winter”

Formation of the rhythmic pattern “Snowballs”

Dance composition “Guests have come to us”

Round dancing games develop coordination of movements and spatial orientation.

Winter. How animals and birds spend the winter.


Development of speech breathing “Who is knocking”

Pronouncing onomatopoeia while exhaling.

Speech therapy chant “Feeder”

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok"

Exercise for relaxation and tension of articulation muscles “Nuts”

Exercise for the development of gross motor skills “About the Bear”

Finger fairy tale "Mitten"

Sujok "Bear in the Den"

Development of a sense of rhythm and reproduction of rhythmic patterns “The Fox and the Hares”

Motor exercise with speech “Forest inhabitants”

Exercise to regulate muscle tone “Ruffed - relaxed”

A week of science, knowledge and discoveries for preschoolers.


Development of speech breathing “Counting from 1 to 5 and back” while exhaling”

Speech therapy game with massage element “Stretch”

A dramatization of the poem “Liar” by D. Kharms.

Communication game "Gate"

Development of motor skills and coordination “Wrap the cord around a stick”

Improving gross motor skills - different types of walking and running.

“Clap-slap” - fun logorhythmics


Construction (architecture in the city, construction professions).

“I would like to become a builder - let them teach me!”

Phonopedic game “Building a house”

Overcoming the hard vowel attack. Singing vowels with raising and lowering the voice - exercise “Floors, “Ladder”.

Articulation gymnastics “Painters”

Spectator gymnastics “Our Home”

Song "We were born in the city")

Finger game “Sand House”

Rhythmic game "Hammer"

Exercise for the development of gross and fine motor skills “Teremok”

Tales of A.S. Pushkin

"Visiting a fairy tale"

Exercise for developing speech breathing “Storm”

Reading a line from a fairy tale while exhaling.

Work on the tempo and rhythm of speech. Saying a riddle about a goldfish while clapping.

Speech exercise “Cockerel”

Phonopedic exercise “Spikelet”

Development of independence, initiative and creativity in choosing roles for dramatization of familiar fairy tales and excerpts

Development of auditory attention “What is wrong”

Speech and movement coordination exercise “By the Sea”

Development of auditory attention - listening - lullaby from the opera “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” N. Rimsky-Korsakov

Defender of the Fatherland Day. Military professions.

"Three heroes"

Playing a stressed syllable - (ta-TA, TA-ta) “Drummer”

Pronouncing a pure phrase with sounds [T-TH]

Gymnastics for the tongue muscles “Machine gun”, “Tank”.

Game for developing rhythm (on instruments) “Morse code. Radio Operator" (Rhythmic Echo)

Development of neck muscles: simulation exercise “Siren howls” (head turns).

Coordination of movements of arms and legs, work on the amplitude of movements “March of the Soldiers”

The forest is our wealth. Animals of our forests.

"Masha and the Bear invite you to visit"

Development of the articulatory apparatus and facial expressions “Masha the Artist”

Sketch joke “The Fox and the Wolf” - continue to teach how to convey the character’s character using intonation.

Speech therapy song “Wolf Howl”

Formation of a long speech exhalation - counting to five, adding air - counting down"

Development of spatial coordination - strengthen the ability to crawl, climb, climb, climb over.

Visual gymnastics “Once upon a time in the forest”

Coordination of speech with the “Bear” movement

Developing a sense of rhythm “What does Masha want?”

Game body massage “Bunny”


International Women's Day. Women's professions.

Cultivating speech intonation - Game “Learn by intonation.”

Development of speech tempo “On a visit to Fedosya”

Work on the tempo and rhythm of speech. Reading the poem “March” accompanied by a metallophone

Exercise to develop creative independence “Professions of Mothers” - pantomime

Finger game "Mommy"

Development of gross motor skills and coordination of movements “Mom’s Helpers”

Folk art

(folklore, Russian folk toys, dishes).

(07-13.03 - Maslenitsa week 2016)

"Speech gatherings"

Phonopedic exercise “Teapot”

Speech therapy chant “Plate”

Speech game with musical instruments “Kitchen Orchestra”

Working on the tempo and rhythm of speech, coordinating speech with movement - exercise “Helpers”.

Development of intonation expressiveness and prosody - dialogue “You’re an aunt, Arina”

Development of speech breathing when pronouncing tongue twisters.

Exercise to develop creative imagination and general speech skills “Teapot”

Finger gymnastics “Dishes” Development of spatial coordination -

Exercise to develop auditory attention and sense of rhythm in playing spoons “Ecosaise”

Week of games and toys.

"Merry Carousel"

Cultivating the power of exhalation “Start the turntables”

Cultivating whispered speech when reciting nursery rhymes.

Formation of tempo organization of the statement “Speak a tongue twister at different tempos”

Imitation game “Fipe” (high-low)

Singing "Swing"

Visual exercise “Yula”

Improving the ability to distinguish between deceleration and acceleration of musical tempo, while simultaneously performing exercises to build a “circle” - the game “Carousel”

A game for developing a sense of rhythm and motor skills “Musical cubes”

Exercises regulating muscle tone “Rag dolls, wind-up bunny, soldiers”

Early spring. Awakening of nature.

“How we looked for spring”

Speech therapy chant “Snowdrop”

Exercise to develop a directed weak air stream “Launch the boats”

Clarification of the pronunciation of the consonant [L]

Phonopedic exercise “In the forest in spring”

Expressive posing of riddles on a topic

Cultivating intonation expressiveness - pronouncing the sentence “Spring has come” with different intonations.

Communication game “Get ready, kids”

Visual gymnastics “Icicle”

Finger Su-jok “Why are you such a prickly hedgehog”

Musical sketch “Icicle” - regulation of muscle tone.

“Springs-jumps” - fun logorhythmics - differentiation of movements.

Book week. Library.

(02.04 - International Children's Book Day)

"Theater Workshop"

Continue to work on the clarity of diction and intonation of speech in joke scenes and dialogue games.

Development of timbre coloring and pitch. Reading Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Confusion” (children pronounce only onomatopoeia ).

Improving the ability to perform a variety of figurative and playful movements - pantomime “We won’t tell you where we were”

Exercise to develop auditory attention - Visual gymnastics “Theater backstage”

I will grow up healthy!

(07.04 - World Health Day)

"Fun exercise"

Development of smooth speech exhalation - pronouncing interjections from 1 to 5 as you exhale.

Speech therapy song “Glasses for Helen”

“Our babies are healthy” - the formation of the emotional coloring of a speech statement.

Visual gymnastics “Be healthy!”

Finger gymnastics “Here’s a big funny fat man”

Wellness self-massage of the face “Transformations”.

Development of facial muscles and auditory attention “We know how to smile, we know how to be upset”

Exercise for attention and coordination “Stomp-clap”

My planet.

“Get ready, kids - it’s time for us to fly into space!”

Phonopedic exercise “Rocket”

Clarification of the pronunciation of the consonant [P] simulation game “Start the Engine”. Pronouncing phrases with the sound [R]

Speech coordination exercise with the “Flight” movement

Musical and rhythmic composition “Magic Flower” - changes,

Outdoor game "Stars"

Visual gymnastics “Rocket”

I am a resident of planet Earth.

(04/22 - International Earth Day)

"Travel with a Drop"

Speech therapy chant “Walk”

Phonopedic exercise “Globe”

Russian folk chant “Sun” rhythmic organization of utterance, development of intonation expressiveness

A game to improve children's ability to distinguish between slowdown and acceleration of the musical tempo "Drops"

Musical etude “Flower” regulation of muscle tone

“Round dance of friendship” - development of spatial orientation and coordination of speech with movement.

Spring. Arrival of birds. Agricultural work (human labor in spring).

"Spring Cleaning"

Development of speech breathing - pronouncing a couplet on one exhalation.

Exercise to develop diction: singing the song “Drip-Drip”

Pronouncing pure phrases to differentiate sounds [Р-Рь]

Visual gymnastics “Lark”

Development of visual attention “Find the differences”

Rhythmic game - foot massage “Making a house for the birds”

Improving the expressiveness of movements

To the poem “Well, spring, how are you?”

Victory Day.

"On Parade"

Phonopedic exercise “Salute”

Articulation gymnastics “Parade”

Speech game "Drummer" - highlighting musical phrases with the pronouncement of the corresponding syllables [ta-ta-ta, yes-da-da] observing the rhythmic pattern.

Game for developing rhythm (on instruments) “Morse code. Radio operator" (Rhythmic echo) Finger gymnastics "Aty-baty" Exercise for developing coordination "Airplane"

Performing a song without words with changing syllables - developing auditory attention and musical meter

Spring. Seasons (generalization). Seasonal changes.

"Birthday of the Tsokotukha Fly"

Pronouncing pure phrases with all sounds.

Phonopedic exercise “The bells woke you up.”

A re-enactment of an excerpt from the fairy tale “The Fly-Tsokotukha” - nurturing initiative and creative activity.

Motor exercise “Ants” with change of direction.

Finger play with massage “Caterpillar”

Coordination of speech with the movement “Bees and Bears”

Game for developing muscle tone “Moths”


Svetlana Sineva
Logorhythmics in music classes at preschool educational institutions

"Logorhythmics in music classes at preschool educational institutions"

Svetlana Sineva

Methodological development for teachers of all age groups of preschool age.

Form: pedagogical workshop.

Participants: teachers of all age groups of preschool age.

Target: Level up professional competence teachers on the use of logorhythmic exercises in music classes.


To acquaint participants with the methods and techniques used in music classes using logorhythmics.

Show the importance of using logorhythmics for the speech development of preschool children.

Create conditions for the majority of teachers to acquire their own professional style when working with children.

Event plan:

1. Message: “The relevance of using this technique in music classes at preschool educational institutions and in working with parents.”

2. Practical part:

Valeological chant song "Good morning!";

Breathing exercises "Palms";

Articulation gymnastics "Snowmen and Icicles";

Game massage "Cabbage";

Finger game "I want to build a house";

Speech game "Dance of Worms";

Noisy fairy tale "Teremok";

Communicative game "Run, run";

Music therapy "Quiet, Quiet."

The relevance of using this technique.

Logorhythmics is a set of motor exercises in which different movements (torso, head, arms, legs) are accompanied by the pronunciation of special speech material with musical accompaniment.

Why does this particular type of activity attract me when working with children?

Firstly, compared to the children we raised 10 years ago, today's hyperactive children need constant updating of material not only in music, but also in other classes. What they heard in the previous lesson is no longer interesting for them; listening to music with their hands on their knees is very boring, and learning new songs is a completely boring activity. As soon as there is just a couple of seconds of hesitation on the part of the music director, the children “get up on their ears,” and it seems that nothing will calm them down. And this is where our “magic” logorhythmics comes to the rescue. It is not at all necessary to raise your voice at the children and command so that everyone stands in a circle. Just press a button on the music center and... oh, miracle! The children heard a new melody, saw that the music director was preparing to perform some unfamiliar movements, and they immediately became interested in watching it. They became quiet... They looked... They smiled... They began to repeat the movements... They listened to the text... And most importantly, they took an example from others. After all, a “bad” example is contagious, and the comrades standing nearby look at the adult and repeat, which means I need to repeat too...

Just imagine summer period in kindergarten... The kids went out for a walk, each minded their own “important” business, their own game. And suddenly the teacher announces: “Children, we are all going to music class!” And instead of being upset by this unexpected announcement, the children, taken away from the game, literally stick around the music director and begin to ask: “Are we going to run like a centipede today?” “Are we going to play “Hunters and Hares?” “Will the little bear come to dance with us today?” Moreover, this interest does not depend in any way on the age of the children. In the summer, as you know, the groups in the gardens are mixed, and all children are equally interested in “standing on their ears” to music for 15-25 minutes. And every musical lesson turns into a holiday for children. Well, when a musician goes on vacation, the teacher can use this material on a walk or in a group. Moreover, children who have already mastered game exercises can perform them independently.

But this, as you understand, is not the only reason for using these technologies in music classes. Logorhythmics is one of the components in the system of musical and recreational work in the conditions of a modern preschool educational institution, developed taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard. It reveals such types of health-saving technologies as:

valeological chants(songs in a major mode at the beginning of the lesson, setting a positive tone and preparing the voice for singing);

breathing exercises (exercises that form correct speech breathing (short inhalation and long exhalation) and train the strength of inhalation and exhalation);

articulatory gymnastics (exercises that help train the muscles of the speech apparatus);

play massage (performing massage manipulations expands the capillaries of the skin, improves blood circulation, actively affects the body’s metabolic processes, tones the central nervous system, lifts the mood and improves a person’s well-being);

finger games(exercises with fingers and palms that develop the child’s speech, gross and fine motor skills, and have a beneficial effect on all body functions);

speech games (songs accompanied by movements and sounding gestures that effectively influence the development of emotional expressiveness of speech, motor activity, spatial orientation, auditory attention, sense of rhythm, musical memory, creative imagination and imagination, expand vocabulary);

noisy fairy tales (playing noise and musical instruments promotes the development of auditory perception, fine motor skills, and develops cooperation and co-creation skills);

communication games (musical and rhythmic movements with direct contact with a partner develop communication skills, conflict resolution, and establishing contact);

music therapy (listening to correctly selected music and performing psycho-gymnastic exercises increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, headaches and muscle pain, restores calm breathing).

One of the main tasks of logorhythmics is to eliminate speech disorders and solve the problem of speech development in children. You will immediately have a question: “Is it worth working with children who do not have such disorders or it is not yet clear whether they are present, since they are very small?” I answer: “Of course it’s worth it!” After all, in fact, children perceive such activities as a game, and what child does not like to play? So, on the one hand, you don’t have to worry about what to do with your children, and on the other hand, you can benefit their health.

In addition to all of the above, logorhythmics can be used as an interactive form of interaction between kindergarten and parents. After all, not all parents have the time and opportunity to visit the Early Childhood Development Center. In this case, it would be advisable to offer them to conduct logorhythmics classes at home. This can be done using a “Music Kiosk” organized in a parent corner or in a folder. We record a set of exercises on disk in mp3 format and invite parents to copy it to their computer at home. Along with the disc, you must provide a brochure describing the movements on paper. After Mom or Dad copies the disc, he returns it back to the Music Kiosk for other parents to use. Musical material needs to be systematically updated, otherwise children will simply get tired of doing the same exercises.

Practical part

1. Valeological chant song “Good morning!”

The music director invites the teacher participants to repeat the movements after him without music, then with music.

Good morning! (Turn to each other).

Smile soon! (Spread their arms to the sides).

And today all day (Clap their hands.)

It will be more fun.

We will stroke your forehead (Perform movements according to the text).

Nose and cheeks.

We will be beautiful (Gradually raise their hands up,

Like flowers in the garden! performing "flashlights").

Let's rub our palms (perform movements according to the text).

Stronger, stronger!

Now let's clap

Bolder, bolder!

Now we'll rub our ears (Rub your ears).

And we will save our health.

Let's smile again (They turn to each other and smile).

Be healthy everyone! (Spread their arms to the sides).

2. Breathing exercises.

The music director performs the song and explains which words you need to inhale and exhale air through your nose. Then the teachers perform the movements independently. All breathing exercises are repeated 4 times with a break of 3-5 seconds.

"Palms" (arms bent at the elbows, elbows down, palms facing forward).

Palms, palms,

Loud firecrackers.

We clench our palms,

We inhale correctly through our nose.

How we unclench our palms,

Then we exhale freely.

In response to the words of each line, they perform grasping movements with their palms (they clench them into fists, simultaneously sniffing noisily with the movements. Immediately after a short inhalation, the palms unclench, the exhalation goes out on their own. Active inhalation - passive exhalation.

3. Articulation gymnastics.

The music director divides those present into two teams - “Snowmen” and “Icicles”. Then he performs a song and explains to each team what facial movements should be made for certain words. With the next performance of the song, the participants perform the movements on their own.

"Snowmen and Icicles"

Icicles were surprised in winter: (They look with raised eyebrows and wide eyes).

“Oh, what fat people you are!”

But the Snowmen got angry with them: (They frown and look angry.)

“We’re not that fat!”

And Icicles were even more surprised: (Round the mouth with the letter “o”, raise the eyebrows).

“Oh, you’re also angry!”

The snowmen got even more angry: (They stretch out their lips with a tube, bring their eyebrows together.)

"Oooh! We're really angry!"

Here Icicles wrinkled their nose: (They wrinkle their nose and pronounce words with dissatisfaction.)

"We won't talk to you!"

And the Snowmen curled their mouths: The corners of their mouth curl, feigning indignation.

"We won't play with you either!"

The Fatties and Thinties turned away from each other and frowned. But everyone knows that living apart is boring. They turned to each other, approached, hugged and smiled. Kindness and friendship always win!

4. Play massage.

The music director invites the teachers to sit on the chairs like a train and give each other a massage. Then you can turn in the other direction and repeat the massage.


We chop and chop cabbage. (They tap on the back with the ribs of their palms).

We are three carrots, three. (Rub your back with your fists).

We salt the cabbage, salt it. (“Run” with their fingers on the back).

We press and press cabbage. ("They press").

We drink cabbage juice, we drink. (Stroke the back).

5. Finger game.

"I want to build a house."

I want to build a house (Connect the fingers of both hands above your head in the form of a roof).

So that there is a window in it, (Join the fingers of both hands in front of you in the form of a rectangle.)

So that the house has a door, (Connect both palms edge to edge.)

So that the pine tree grows nearby, (They swing both arms over their heads with outstretched


So that there is a fence around (Join the fingers of both hands in front of you, as ifhugging

big ball).

The dog guarded the gate, (The thumb of the right hand is raised up, the little finger

move up and down (“the dog barks”).

So that a bug lives on the grass, (The fingers of the right hand “run” along the left hand).

A fast spider was running, (The fingers of the left hand “run” along the right hand).

There was sun (Join hands with palms forward, fingers spread out.)

It was raining (Shaking fingers of both hands).

So that the tulip blooms in the garden, (Join hands in the form of a cup).

So that there is a flag on the house, (Put the edge of the right hand on the fist of the left handpalms,

swing from side to side).

And behind the house there lived a hedgehog. (Place the straightened fingers of the left hand between the fingers


6. Speech game.

The music director includes a song in the recording and asks you to repeat all the movements after him.

"Dance of the Worms"

Even though we have two hands, (Stretch your arms forward, turning your palms up -down).

Two hands, two hands

We're just like worms

Just like worms.

And we are already ready, (Join your hands in a “lock” above your head,

I'm ready, I'm ready perform side bends).

New dance of worms

Dance of the worms.

Let's wag our tails (Move both palms behind the back below,

Everything wobbles and wiggles, turning the body left and right.

Squirm, squat, + squats).

Squat a little.

We can swing our arms, (Waving their hands back and forth alternately).

Rock it, rock it,

We can wave our legs (They jump, throwing their legs forward one at a time.)

We can wave.

Talk with your fingers, (Shake both hands in front of you).

Chat, chat,

Knock your heels, (They stomp their feet alternately).

Knock a little.

Wiggle your noses, (Turn their head left, right).

Wiggle, shake,

Nod your heads (Nod their head).

We can leave.

7. Fairy tale-noisemaker.

The musical director distributes roles and noise instruments to everyone present and offers to stage a musical fairy tale.


Knock-knock-knock, hammer - (The bear knocks on a wooden block with a hammer).

The bear is building a little house.

He will invite guests to it,

To make it more fun!

The little mouse runs to visit,

The mouse rustles quietly. ("Rustler").

A bear sits in a mansion with a samovar.

(Ringing bell).

The bear opens (Door creaking).

Lets a mouse into the house, ("Rustler").

Pours tea (The sound of water).

Treats you with cookies. (Paper crunch).

The cheerful bunny then galloped up,

He banged on the drum with his paws. (Knock on the drum).

Bear gives the mouse delicious tea.

He hears the door bell ringing. (Ringing bell).

The bear opens (Door creaking).

Lets a hare into the house, (Drum).

Pours tea (The sound of water).

Treats you with cookies. (Crunch).

So Lisa goes to the little house,

The little fox-sister is carrying a rattle. (Ratchet).

Bear gives the bunny some delicious tea.

He hears the door bell ringing. (Ringing bell).

The bear opens (Door creaking).

He lets the fox into the house, (Drum).

Pours tea (The sound of water).

Treats you with cookies. (Crunch).

The Gray Wolf arrived in time to the tower,

The cheerful Wolf rang his tambourine. (Tambourine).

Bear gives the Fox delicious tea.

He hears the door bell ringing. (Ringing bell).

The bear opens (Door creaking).

Lets the wolf into the house, (Drum).

Pours tea (The sound of water).

Treats you with cookies. (Crunch).

The furry bear is happy to see new settlers:

There lives a cheerful orchestra in the little house. (The whole orchestra plays "The Moon Is Shining").

8. Communication game.

The music director invites the teachers to stand in pairs in a circle, explains the description of the movements without music, then the game is played to the music and singing of the music director.

"Let's run, let's run"

Let's run, run quickly in pairs, (They run at a side gallop, clasping their hands"boat").

And they threatened each other: (They shake each other with the finger of their right hand.)

"Don't you dare quarrel!"

They clapped their hands, (Clap their hands once.)

We hugged tightly (They hug).

The pair were changed (Those standing behind the circle run across at a side gallop

to the next partner to the right in a circle).

And they joined hands. (Hold hands).

The game is repeated several times with constant acceleration.

9. Music therapy.

The music director invites everyone to lie down on the carpet and relax to a leisurely “fairytale” song. Movements are performed according to the text.

"Quiet, quiet"

Quiet, quiet, like in a fairy tale,

We are lying on the mat.

Let's all close our eyes,

And let's imagine that we are sleeping.

We dream as if we are at sea

We're sailing on a ship

And in the sunny expanse

The waves splash overboard.

Seagulls circle in the blue sky

Among the white clouds.

Dolphins swim on the waves

We wish you sweet dreams.

But the fairy tale ends.

It's time for us to wake up.

Let's open our eyes,

We rise from the carpet.

We will say "Thank you!"

Let's say "Goodbye!"

Let's turn to each other

And we'll wave goodbye.

Everyone walks in a circle to the music, waving their hands left and right.


Piano, hammers, wooden block, paper, drum, bell, tambourine, rattle, rustle, 2 cups of water, stereo system.


1. “Let’s play, let’s dance” by G. P. Fedorov, St. Petersburg, Aktsident Publishing House, 1997.

2. "Logorhythmics" O. A. Novikovskaya St. Petersburg "Crown print" 2005.

3. “Rhythmic plasticity for preschoolers” by A. I. Burenin St. Petersburg. 1994

4. "Musical games, rhythmic exercises and dancing for children" Educational and methodological manual for educators and teachers. Moscow 1997

5. M. Yu. Kartushina “Logorhythmic classes in kindergarten.”

6. “The system of musical and recreational work in kindergarten” by O. N. Arsenevskaya. Volgograd, Uchitel Publishing House, 2013.



Perhaps the best, most joyful,

what there is in life is beautiful speech

and free movement to the music.

And a child can be taught this.

A.. I.. Burenina.

Modern life poses new problems for music education in kindergarten. They are generated by a new socio-cultural situation: poor physical health, dysfunction within families and a lack of communication with adults, ecological disasters, excessive pollution of the city with noise harmful to the health of children, which has a destructive effect on the psyche of children, and much more. Analyzing the process music education In kindergarten, we noticed that every year the number of children with complex speech disorders is increasing, the elimination of which requires the complex influence of teachers, speech therapists and music directors preschool institutions. Based on this, it was decided to adapt the logarithmics model to the traditional programpreschool education "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva,thereby adding to its content.

Logorhythmics is a system of musical-motor, speech-motor, musical-speech tasks and exercises; it is based on the use of the connection between words, music and movement.

Music, movement and words are combined in different ways in logorhythmics. But whatever the proportion of music and words, music and movement, etc., in exercises intogether, they form and organize the child’s motor sphere, hisactivities have a positive effect on the individual.The important thing is that these processes are normalized in the child.unconsciously, of course.

Music is a powerful tool in solving correctional, educational, and developmental problems. The organization of consistent, systematic work in music classes in kindergarten to solve the problems of musical education in combination with solving correctional problems is in our timerelevant problem.

The introduction of new pedagogical and health-saving technologies into the process of music education in kindergarten is one of the main goals of our work.

A child’s speech develops gradually; by the age of 5, a child must master not only the clear pronunciation of all sounds, but also cope with simple rhythmic structures of speech. Deficiencies in rhythmic development are corrected, so elements of logorhythmics can be introduced into classes starting from middle preschool age. In music classes we use a differentiated approach to the means of logorhythmics. We chose complex musical-rhythmic tasks and exercises, since awareness of the expressive meaning of musical rhythm hasgreat developmental effect.

Timely mastery of correct, clear speech contributes to the formation of self-confidence in the child, the development of thinking, and communication skills.

Musical and rhythmic hearing is formed, pabove all, in musical termsmic movements, therefore in our work we pay great attention to the issue of developing the motor skills of preschoolers using logorhythmics.

The structure of logorhythmics classes for preschoolers contains logo and speech motor games for the development of all types of motor skills in children. Play massage and finger exercises help relieve excess muscle tone and develop fine manual motor skills. Play-gymnastics allows you to feel and develop certain muscle groups necessary for the development of coordination and spatial orientation.

Achieving emotional liberation and openness occurs through emotional warm-up. And emotional-volitional training is aimed primarily at developing empathy and communication skills.

Considering the age-related and psychological-pedagogical characteristics of preschoolers, I came to the conclusion that children with general speech underdevelopment and healthy children have differences in learning ability.

Children with ODD lag behind healthy children in physical indicators. They have a poorly formed movement control system, so speed, accuracy, coordination of movements and technique of their execution suffer. In basic and dance movements, children with general speech underdevelopment suffer from rhythmicity and the ability to maintain a given tempo. These children are low-emotional and insecure, shy and withdrawn, which affects the expressiveness and plasticity of their performing activities.

The accessibility of logorhythmics, an exciting game form, and interesting musical and speech material create a positive emotional mood during a music lesson and stimulate children’s need for communication, developing not only basic musical and rhythmic skills, but also violations of general motor skills and speech underdevelopment of children.

I would like to note that the differentiated use of logorhythmic elements in music classes in kindergarten develops musicality in preschoolers, ensures the formation of the motor sphere as a whole, and also increases the effectiveness of correctional influence on their perception of the rhythmic structure of speech.

Currently, the problem of development, training and education of preschool children is becoming especially significant. According to statistics, only 10% of newborns are born completely healthy. The remaining children have various microorganic lesions or severe pathology. A separate category are developmental anomalies accompanied by speech impairment, which also entails developmental delays. Children with speech underdevelopment should receive timely help and correct defects in sound pronunciation before the start of school. Defects do not correct themselves. But under favorable learning conditions, children are capable of self-correction.

Logorhythmic classes are aimed at correcting general and small movements, developing speech-movement coordination, expanding children’s vocabulary, and helping to improve psychophysical functions, develop emotionality, and communication skills.

The fundamental principle of the classes is the relationship between speech, music and movement. It is music that is the organizing and guiding principle. The perception of speech and music is carried out by a single analyzer system, so the shortcomings of the speech perception system can be compensated with the help of musical perception. The goal of the classes is to overcome speech disorders in children through the development and correction of the motor sphere in combination with words and movement.

During the classes, the basic pedagogical principles are observed - consistency, gradual complication and repetition of the material, the rhythmic structure of the word is worked out, and clear pronunciation of sounds that are age-appropriate, the children's vocabulary is enriched.

Practice has shown that regular inclusion of logorhythmic elements in music lessons promotes the rapid development of speech and musicality, creates a positive emotional mood, and teaches communication with peers.

A necessary condition for the development of motor, auditory and speech skills is repeated repetition of the material being studied in order to create a situation of success in the classroom.

Music, word and movement are the three pillars on which the harmonious mental, intellectual and musical development of a child is based.

tasks :

    increasing memory capacity;

Mastering motor skills, learning poems and songs with movements, finger games takes place without unnecessary didactics, unobtrusively, in a playful way. Communicative games or dancing must be included in classes. Tactile contact carried out in dance further contributes to the development of friendly relationships between children and thereby the normalization of the social climate in the children's group.

The use of logorhythmics in music lessons also helps solve purely musical problems:

    Development of rhythmic hearing;

    Development of timbre hearing;

    Development of auditory attention;

    Development of motor skills of the articulatory apparatus;

    Formation of correct breathing;

    Formation of correct singing skills.

As you know, the leading activity of preschool children is play, so all logorhythmics classes must be organized using game techniques. For example, include surprise moments in classes, which are so necessary to maintain children’s interest. Children can receive “live” bibabo toys and finger theater puppets. During logorhythmics classes, you can use various objects - balls, ribbons, flags, sticks, homemade musical instruments, as well as a variety of sounding toys. Doing exercises with objects requires children to concentrate even more, which has a beneficial effect on the result of the work.

Good results can only be achieved when specialists work together. The music director combines music, speech and movements, and the teacher (speech therapist) continues this work for speech classes and in children's play activities.

Singing - includes exercises and speech therapy chants for training the peripheral parts of the speech apparatus (respiratory, articulatory, vocal) as well as exercises for developing coordination of singing with movement.

Playing noise instruments - promotes the development of rhythmic hearing and fine motor skills. Finger training stimulates the development of certain areas of the brain, which, in turn, affects the development of speech, mental activity, logical thinking, memory, visual and auditory perception of the child, and forms his perseverance and ability to concentrate. And the development of muscle strength in the fingers of the dominant hand and coordination of movements of both hands are necessary for mastering writing skills.

Musical and rhythmic movements - involve exercises and games with objects that promote the development of coordination of movements and spatial orientation.

The main focus of the elements of rhythmoplasty in music classes is the psychological emancipation of the child through the development of his own body as an expressive “musical” instrument.

Rhythmic movements and dancing bring children a lot of joy and delight. The age of the children does not really matter. Toddlers especially love rhythmic movements to music, and they do not yet have the feeling of shyness that older children do.

Dancing and rhythmic movements are a physiological need of a child’s developing body. They mobilize physical strength, develop grace, coordination of movements, musicality, strengthen and develop muscles, improve breathing, actively influence blood circulation, and contribute to the production of many substances necessary for the child’s body.

Rhythmic and smooth movements increase blood flow to the lungs - they are more fully saturated with oxygen. The heart works more rhythmically, actively supplying blood to all organs, delivering oxygen, nutrients and more completely removing harmful metabolic products. The load on the abdominal muscles normalizes the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Movement promotes sleep better than any sleeping pill.

Reaction speed, coordination of movements, conscious mastery of dance and rhythmic movements are also important for the mental development of children. During music classes, a child engages in rhythmoplasty in a group, and this contributes to the development of organization, discipline, responsibility, mutual assistance, attentive attitude towards others, and independence in children.

Music is very important in rhythmoplasty classes. Properly selected music is the success of educational activities. Music regulates movements and gives clear ideas about the relationship between time, space and movement, affects the emotions of children, creating a certain mood in them, and at the same time affects the expressiveness of children's movements.

Round dances – suggest familiarity with the round dance step, contribute to the development of coordination of voice and movements.

Finger games - The tips of the fingers are the second brain. The hand plays an important role in human life throughout his life. When a person touches something with his hand, he immediately recognizes what it is. The work of the fingers is truly infinitely varied and important for every person. You can touch, take, stroke, squeeze with your fingers. It is impossible to list all the verbs that describe everything that can be done with our hands and fingers.

Systematic exercises for training finger movements, along with a stimulating effect on speech development, are a powerful means of increasing brain performance. The formation of a child’s verbal speech begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient accuracy. The development of finger motor skills prepares the ground for the subsequent formation of speech. Since there is a close relationship and interdependence of speech and motor activity, if a child has a speech defect, special attention must be paid to training his fingers.

Thus, the role of stimulus for the development of the central nervous system, all mental processes, and in particular speech, is played by the formation and improvement of fine motor skills of the hand and fingers. Exercises with younger preschoolers must be performed at a slow pace from 3 to 5 times, first with one hand, then with the other, and finally with both hands together. Instructions to the child should be calm, friendly and clear.

In music classes, finger games are most often performed to music - like chants, songs, accompanied by the display of illustrations, finger or shadow theater. A special place is occupied by “finger tales” - familiar to preschoolers - “Rukavichka”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, etc., which are played using a finger theater.

Regular inclusion of musical finger games and fairy tales in the course of the lesson: stimulates the action of the speech zones of the cerebral cortex of children; improves attention and memory; forms associative-figurative thinking; makes it easier for future schoolchildren to master writing skills.

Logorhythmic classes today may be of interest to many, since they are integrated in nature, and this factor is so important within the framework of the implementation of modern federal state educational standards of requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education.

In the pedagogical aspect, rhythm (from the Greekrhytmikos- related to rhythm, uniform) is a system of physicalexercises based on the connection of movements with music.

Rhythm is an integral part of physical and artisticeducation, especially in childhood. It promotes the harmonious physical development of children, the development of musicalgood hearing, musical memory, expressiveness of movements;introduces children to music, dances, songs, teaches through movementsexpress the character and tempo of a piece of music. Get busyIn rhythmic activities, running, jumping, play exercises, elements of rhythmic gymnastics, dance and imitation movements are used.

The sense of rhythm is basically motor, active whenkind, is always accompanied by motor reactions. Essencemotor reactions is that the perception of rhythm causes a variety of kinesthetic sensations. This muscle contractions tongue, head muscles, jaws, toes; tensepain arising in the larynx, head, chest and limbs;rudimentary contractions of the head and respiratory muscles and,finally, simultaneous stimulation of antagonist muscles, causingchanging the phases of tension and relaxation without changingspatial position of the organ.

The most active motor reactions are manifested when perceivingtii accent. Movements can be real or imaginary.

Valid movementare expressed aspartial and complete.Rudimentarymovementarise aftereffect of the innervation of the vocal cords and auxiliary parts of the vocal cordvocal apparatus, as well as muscles of the fingers, lips and other muscles.Fullmovementexpressed externally: foot tapping,shaking head, waving hand.

Both rudimentary and complete movements are unconscioustelny: a person, without noticing, beats the beat with his foot or hand.

Imaginary movements do not appear externally, listenerimagines them mentally.J.-Dalcroze argued that every rhythm is movement and inOur whole body participates in the formation and development of a sense of rhythm.He believed that without bodily sensations there could be no rhythm,perceivedmusical rhythm. Music always expresses emotionnal content, and rhythm is one of the expressivemeans of music. Therefore, musical rhythm is alsoexpression of some emotional content. It has both a motor and emotional nature, since it is based on the perception of the expressiveness of music. Outside the music the feeling is musicala new rhythm can neither awaken nor develop.

Associated with the concept of musical rhythm is the concept of rhythmicfeelings.Musical-rhythmic feeling characterized asthe ability to actively experience (reflect in movement) music andas a result, to subtly sense the emotional expressiveity of the time course of musical movement.

Based on the development of musical and rhythmic sense, it is builtmusical and rhythmic education. Its contents arepurposeful formation of personality by influencingher music and rhythm in order to develop cognitive, volitional andemotional spheres of personality.

Thanks to the variety of topics musical works, musical games, round dances, etc., children’s cognitive abilities develop. Musical and rhythmic exercises are consideredare expressed as volitional manifestations, since the child acts,consciously performing the tasks assigned to him. Games,dancing requires a timely reaction to an external stimulus, timely switching from one movement to another, the abilitybrake it quickly and accurately.

Musical and rhythmic movements make children and adults
ly to experience what is expressed in music. Emotional responsiveness
The truth is different. In early preschool age it is expressed
in involuntary movements: children’s facial expressions change, unpronounced
arms, legs, and torso move freely; older emo
responsiveness is manifested through voluntary
movements during the game. The content of musical and rhythmic
education is a song, a game, labor rhythmic
process, holiday.

Musically-rhythmic movements are a synthetic type of activity, therefore, any program based on movements to music will develop both an ear for music and motor abilities, as well as the mental processes that underlie them.

Since we are talking about the development of children in the process of musical and rhythmic movements and the content of the work is related to the specifics of this type of activity, we will consider its features in more detail.
Firstly, rhythm is a synthetic type of activity, which is based on music, and movements express the musical image and concretize the basic means musical expressiveness.
In addition to the unity of the artistic image, mood and nature of performance, music and movement are also closely interconnected by the fact that these are temporary forms of art, while the movement flowing in space seems to make the passage of time visible and tangible. Music and movement thus have many common parameters, which include:
all time characteristics (beginning and ending of sound, tempo, rhythm;
dynamics (the louder the music, the greater the amplitude of movement;
the form of the work and the compositional structure of the motor composition.
In this regard, I set myself the following tasks for teaching and raising children.

1. Development of musicality:

developing the ability to perceive music, that is, to feel its mood and character, to understand its content;

development of special musical abilities: musical ear,
sense of rhythm;

development of musical horizons and cognitive interest in the art of sounds;

development of musical memory.

2. Development of motor qualities and skills.

development of dexterity, accuracy, coordination of movements;

development of flexibility and plasticity;

training endurance, developing strength;

formation of correct posture and beautiful gait;

development of the ability to navigate in space;

enriching motor experience with various types of movements.
3. Development of creative abilities:
development of creative imagination and fantasy;

development of the ability to improvise: in movement, in visual
activity, in the word.

4. Development and training of mental processes:

development of the emotional sphere and the ability to express emotions in facial expressions and
training the mobility of nervous processes;

development of perception, attention, will, memory, thinking.

5. Development of moral and communicative qualities of the individual:

developing the ability to empathize with other people and animals;
developing the ability to behave in a group while moving, developing a sense of tact and cultural habits in the process of group communication with friends and adults.
The basis for musical and rhythmic compositions are simple, but at the same time varied movements (imitation, dance,
general developmental, etc.), allowing to express different characters
emotional states, plots, images and moods of musical
1. “Teddy Bear” music. V. Krivtsova.

Objectives: development of a sense of rhythm, expressiveness of movements, imagination.
2. “March” of music. G Sviridova.

Objectives: development of coordination of movements of the arms and legs while walking,
development of rhythmic hearing (sense of a strong beat), dexterity and accuracy of movements.

3. “Birds and Crow” music by A. Kravtsovich.

Objectives: development of musicality, expressiveness of movements, ability to improvise, imagination and fantasy.
4. “Autumn Park” music. E.Dogi “Waltz”.

Objectives: development of musicality. Plasticity and expressiveness of hand movements.

5. “Dance of the Moon and the Stars” Composition based on the play “Stars in Your Eyes” by Paul Mauriat.

Objectives: development of musicality, plasticity, softness of movements, imaginative thinking, memory and attention.

Beginning of the form

End of form

6. “Bird Yard”, Song “Ki - ko - ko” performed by Pipo Franco
Objectives: development of a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, imagination,
ability to improvise.

When starting to learn a dance with children suffering from speech disorders, I try to select material in accordance with the age, motor and mental development of the children. Musical accompaniment is of great importance.

Works used for musical and rhythmic movements must have a number of features:

The music should be artistic, bright, and evoke an emotional response in children;

Availability of the content of a musical work. The work should be close and understandable to preschoolers and their life experience.

Motority of sound (physiological influence that encourages action). This property is clearly expressed in dance melodies, modern songs (V. Shainsky, B. Savelyev, etc.);

Volume of musical work (2-3 min.)

Accessibility for motor interpretation according to age capabilities. Determining the availability of movements is associated with the analysis of the following parameters:

1. coordination complexity;

2.range of movements;

3.switchability of movements;

4.load intensity.

I'm starting to learn the dance

1. from listening to a piece of music, clarifying its character and style;

2.learning individual movements included in the dance;

3.learning the entire composition.

In order for children to understand and feel the form of movements, I try to expressively and clearly show them to children. Verbal explanations are just as important. They should be short, descriptive and specific. Demonstration of musical and rhythmic movements is necessary in the entire process of working on it. Children should see the artistic embodiment of a musical and motor image - this awakens the imagination. Sometimes I show movements to the whole group performed by one or two high-achieving children. A child grasps and understands movement and its connection with music more easily when it is performed by a peer. This technique teaches you to see and evaluate good performance. It is also necessary to maintain children’s interest by constantly introducing entertaining elements into the task, awakening the imagination, and stimulating creative imagination.

The method of teaching children with special needs musical and rhythmic movements has a number of features:

1. teaching a child movements with music should be in the nature of a game;

2. when working with children, it is good to use a variety of aids and toys, the actions with which are interesting to children;

3. Each activity with children should contain something new so that the children’s interest does not dry out and their attention does not tire;

4. An attentive attitude towards each child, knowledge of his temperament, spiritual world, and the needs of childhood are necessary;

5.communication with children should take place in an atmosphere of joy, and this is the most important thing, since joy is the most powerful and most beneficial effect on a child. Of all the feelings, joy has the best influence on a child’s life and the development of his abilities. In an atmosphere of joy, the soul of a child most easily opens up to the beautiful.


Modern science has proven a phylogenetic connection between the development of movements and the formation of pronunciation. The ease that children acquire when performing rhythmic movements also has a positive effect on the motor properties of the speech organs (V. A. Griner). Research by Professor M. M. Koltsova has shown that the level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of development of fine movements of the fingers.

Music is of great importance in logarithmic classes. The influence of music on a person’s mental and physical state was known back in antiquity. Scientists of Ancient Greece, such as Pythagoras, Aristotle, Plato and others, drew the attention of their contemporaries to the healing capabilities of music, which, in their opinion, established proportional order and harmony in the human body.

Studies of the mechanism of the influence of music on humans, carried out by scientists V. M. Bekhterev, I. M. Dogel, I. R. Tarkhanova and others, showed that positive emotions caused by music increase the tone of the cerebral cortex, stimulate breathing, blood circulation, improve metabolism. The sound of pleasant melodies contributes to the emergence of positive emotional arousal, which in turn develops attention and tones the central nervous system.

In preschool age, the development of calm and smooth speech is difficult, and the guiding role of music is crucial. The ease with which a child perceives music, and the spontaneity of these perceptions, as well as his ability to quickly instinctively recognize its content, and the simplest means of expressiveness, facilitate the task of correcting speech. In the classroom, music is not just

accompanies movement and speech, but is its guiding principle. The content of music, its shades, its tempo and other means of musical speech can be used to organize the nature and tempo of movement, which is especially necessary for children suffering from tempo speech disorders, which often correlate with the chaotic, restless nature of movements.

The importance of rhythmic and logorhythmic effects on preschool children has been emphasized by many researchers. V.M. Bekhterev identified such goals of rhythmic education as identifying rhythmic reflexes and visually establishing balance in the activity of the child’s nervous system, the ability to adapt the child’s body to respond to certain stimuli, such as auditory ones, and the regulation of incorrect and unnecessary movements.

Professor V.A. Gilyarovsky believed that speech therapy rhythms influence the overall tone, motor skills, and mood; it helps train the mobility of the nervous processes of the central nervous system. According to E.V. Chayanova, E.V. Konorova’s speech therapy rhythms develop attention and memory. And V.A. Griner and German researchers K. Kohler and K. Schwabe pointed out that speech therapy rhythms can be used as music therapy. V.A. Griner, N.S. Samoilenko, N.A. Vlasova, D.S. Ozeretskovsky, Yu.A. Florenskaya wrote about the importance of logorhythmics for correcting children’s speech. They emphasized that speech therapy rhythms influence the physical, intellectual and aesthetic education of the child. The first understanding of logorhythmics is based on the use of the connection between words, music and movement.

The organization of special logorhythmic and musical-motor classes contributes to the development and correction of the motor sphere, sensory abilities of children with speech disorders, helps to eliminate speech disorders and ultimately the social rehabilitation of the child.

G.A. Volkova, through many years of research, has proven that speech therapy rhythm is closely related to the methodology of musical education, since music has an impact on improving the quality of movement execution (expressiveness, rhythm, clarity, coordination, smoothness, unity), that the emotional coloring of movements by music contributes to their freedom and ease. She noticed that movements with musical accompaniment have a positive effect on the development of hearing, attention, memory, and develop time orientation, i.e. the ability to arrange your movements in time, in accordance with the various meter-rhythmic patterns of a musical work. A certain rhythmic pulsation, with which the movements of children are associated, causes a coordinated reaction of the child’s entire body (respiratory, cardiac, muscular activity), as well as an emotionally positive state of mind, which contributes to the overall health of the body. If music has a beneficial effect on the emotional-volitional sphere, then the more effective its influence is when it is the basis of a specialized motor system aimed at regulating the movement, speech and behavior of children.

Speech therapy rhythms are developing and being enriched with ever new knowledge obtained through the study of various functional systems of children with speech pathology, their development in the presence of a particular disorder. Consequently, speech therapy rhythm, recognizing the patterns of development and disorders of human motor systems, their connections with the development and disorders of the speech-auditory and speech-motor systems, contributes to the improvement of all correctional, educational and rehabilitation work with children with speech defects.

The development of movements in combination with words and music represents a holistic educational and correctional process. Logorhythmic education of children is directly related to moral education, the formation of moral feelings and consciousness, with the development of moral and volitional qualities: goodwill and mutual assistance, determination, and creates in children a wealth of aesthetic feelings.

In logorhythmic education, two main links can be distinguished. The first is the development, education and correction of non-speech processes in children with speech pathology, namely: auditory attention, auditory memory, optical-spatial concepts, coordination of movements, feelings of tempo and rhythm in movement, education and re-education of personality and character.

The second is the development of speech and correction of speech disorders: education of the tempo and rhythm of breathing and correction of speech disorders depending on the mechanisms, symptoms of the disorder and methods for eliminating it.

The content of the first link of logorhythmic education includes the development of perception, auditory attention and auditory memory, which begins from distinguishing individual sounds of children's musical instruments, musical toys to the subsequent holistic conscious perception of musical works, to differentiated perception of pitch, rhythm, dynamics of music. To clarify and develop a child’s intonation-auditory experience, it is necessary to determine the general mood of a musical work and its genre. For this purpose, you can perform, for example, pieces by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the children's album “New Doll”, etc. To clarify and develop pitch hearing in children, they are invited to recognize a familiar melody, and then sing their favorite song, first accompanied by a piano, and then without accompaniment.

Among children of primary preschool age, there are few children with a high level of development of the musicality complex, because the leading components of musicality are: musical ear (rhythmic, harmonic, melodic), creative imagination, emotionality, sense of the whole.

As research shows, the perceptive rhythmic ear is practically well developed in all children, but the reproducing ear is rather poorly developed. Creative imagination is developed in 80% of children. It is characterized by freedom, courage in choosing a topic, a desire to create, and there are practically no role models. Kinds creative activity children are very diverse: drawing, writing fairy tales, songs, games, etc. Consequently, a figurative type of perception and a creative type of imagination predominate in children.

Speech therapy rhythm classes provide ample opportunities for the development of optical-spatial concepts and skills, and visual orientation to the speaker. In motor-musical exercises, the organizing factor in the flow of movement over time is music, which also determines the spatial framework for performing the movement. Motor-spatial exercises are the end result of children's creative expression. The main elements in motor-spatial exercises are speech with its natural rhythm, dance movements and gestures. Particular attention is paid to the rhythm of speech, accent, and expression of melody. The simplest motor-spatial scheme is a one-part musical scheme, which is a closed whole: a stanza of a poem, a saying, etc.

Speech therapy rhythms promote the development of coordination of general movements, fine voluntary motor skills and facial expressions. The development of motor coordination involves the child’s mastery of motor skills and motor skills. They are improved by using music, which influences the quality of performance; the expressiveness of movement, rhythm, clarity, smoothness, and unity are improved. The emotional coloring of movements due to the perception of music gives them energy or softness, greater scope or restraint, and the creation of certain images with the help of music and movements contributes to the development of facial expressions and pantomime.

The relationship between music, words and movement as the basis for the musical development of children

Understanding logorhythmics is based on the use of the connection between words, music and movement. Logorhythmics is a system of movements combined with music and words. Speech therapy rhythm classes strengthen the musculoskeletal system in children with speech disorders, develop breathing, and cultivate correct posture. With the help of logorhythmics classes, children with speech pathology acquire theoretical knowledge in the field of metrhythmics, musical culture, musical perception and impressionability.

The educational objectives of these classes are varied. This includes the musical development of children - the development of a sense of rhythm, the ability to sense rhythmic expressiveness in music, movements and speech. And also cultivating the ability to perceive musical images and the ability to move rhythmically and expressively in accordance with this image, that is, cultivating the ability to transform and demonstrate one’s artistic and creative abilities.

Consequently, music is a means of aesthetic, moral, and mental education of a person. It teaches you to perceive, feel and understand the beautiful, notice the good and the bad, and act creatively independently.

Music has long been recognized as an important means of shaping personal qualities man, his spiritual world. Modern scientific research indicates that musical development has an irreplaceable effect on overall development: the emotional sphere is formed, thinking is improved, the child becomes sensitive to beauty in art and in life. Music is a means of activating the mental abilities of children, since its perception requires attention , observation, intelligence. Children listen to the sound, compare similar and different sounds, note the characteristic semantic features of artistic images, and learn to understand the structure of the work. A conversation about the music you listen to teaches you to make the first generalizations and comparisons.

M.Ya. Basov, N.A. Vetlugina, A.V. Keneman and others wrote about the influence of music on children, about its importance in aesthetic, mental, and physical education. The musical impact on preschool children is manifested in the improvement of the child’s personality and functional systems. Speech therapy rhythm helps to destroy the “soil” on which the speech disorder arose and helps normalize speech and general motor function.

Speech therapy rhythmics can be represented as a system of gradually more complex rhythmic, logorhythmic and musical-rhythmic exercises and tasks that underlie the independent motor, musical and speech activity of children with speech pathology.

The means of speech therapy rhythm are: walking and marching in various directions; exercises to develop breathing, voice and articulation; exercises that regulate muscle tone; exercises that activate attention; counting exercises that develop a sense of musical meter; rhythmic exercises; singing; exercises in playing instruments; independent activity with speech disorders; play activity; exercises for developing creative initiative.

The basic principle of constructing all of the listed types of work is the close connection of movement with music and the inclusion of speech material. The word is introduced in a wide variety of forms: these are the texts of songs, round dances, dramatizations with singing, dramatizations on a given topic, and driver’s commands in outdoor games. The introduction of words makes it possible to create a whole series of exercises guided not by musical rhythm, but by rhythm in poetic form, which allows one to maintain the principle of rhythm in movements.

Walking and marching are introductory exercises. From the very beginning of classes, introductory exercises set the stage for a varied tempo of movement and speech, so children’s attention is directed to the leading role of music. Walking is included in every lesson. It is a natural type of movement and at the same time quite complex in coordination. Children with speech disorders often experience poor coordination of movements while walking. Introductory exercises should teach children the ability to walk in a circle alone and in pairs, the ability to maintain equal distances between walkers, and also to build ranks, rulers, columns, etc. These tasks teach you to navigate in space, in turns, in marching backwards, towards the center, etc.

From the very beginning, and this is extremely important, introductory exercises should set the tone for a varied tempo of movement and speech and direct the child’s attention to the leading role of music. In this regard, children's exceptional ability to instinctively perceive the content and form of music should be used.

Breathing development exercises help develop correct diaphragmatic breathing, the duration of exhalation, its strength and gradualness; they can be combined with movements of the arms, torso, and head. For example, holding out a dull sound for a long time while performing certain movements. Then the voiceless sound is replaced by vowel sounds, isolated and in various combinations with consonants. Next, as you exhale, words and phrases are pronounced.

With the pronunciation of vowels and consonants while exhaling, work on the voice begins. It is necessary to cultivate the strength, height, duration of sound and expressiveness of the voice, which is determined by its timbre. Voice development exercises are carried out with and without musical accompaniment. Voice strength is developed by pronouncing vowels louder or softer, with a corresponding increase or decrease in musical accompaniment. The duration of the expressiveness of the voice depends on the duration of exhalation. To develop the expressiveness of the voice, it is useful to carry out melodic recitation: reading a poem with interrogative, exclamatory, incentive and other intonation to the appropriate music.

Breathing, voice and articulatory exercises contribute to the development of clear diction. First, under rhythmic music or the teacher's score, vowels are indicated by silent articulation, then they are pronounced in a whisper and loudly. Then syllables and words with the consonants p, t, k, f, s, sh are pronounced in a whisper and quatrains, proverbs, sayings are pronounced loudly with a change in stress and tempo of speech. Breathing, vocal and articulation exercises are included in outdoor games, drama games, slow walking, clapping, counting, and singing exercises. It is also useful to sing vocalises - melodies without words: u, o, a, and. Then scales are sung, and another type of connected singing is introduced - the sound of the voice with the sound sliding from note to note up or down - this develops its flexibility and height.

Classes to train breathing, voice and articulation include singing and pronouncing interjections that express emotions: joy, pain, anger, fear, etc. Then interjections are included in poems with different sound colors: minor or major, with corresponding music. Singing is a complex process of sound formation, in which coordination of hearing and voice is important. Singing is a method that regulates breathing, develops the lungs and expands the chest, and also helps develop smooth and full-voiced speech. Singing and moving against the background of music have a positive effect on children with various types of speech disorders. The organic element of a song is the word. Music and words develop a sense of organization.

To develop proper sound production and singing breathing, a melody with short and long musical phrases is convenient. Songs must be selected at a slow and medium tempo, with a coherent sound. The lyrics of songs should contain a lot of vowels and voiced consonants, since voiceless consonants interrupt the vocal line, interfere with correct sound production, and make it difficult to learn correct singing diction. To select songs, the following are necessary: ​​age-appropriate, corrective focus, meaningfulness of the song, simplicity and memorability of the melody, logical arrangement of the text in relation to percussive sounds, simplicity of the accompaniment, the ability to dramatize the lyrics of the song. The more diverse the songs are in their content, the richer the child’s stock of musical perceptions will be.

Speech exercises without musical accompaniment were first proposed by V.A. Griner for working with people who stutter. These tasks can be used when conducting morning exercises or physical education minutes, with reciting poetic lines, both with and without movements. It's about about the pronunciation of words in poetic form, both without movements and in accordance with movements. A rhythmic word in combination with movement makes speech easier for a child with speech pathologies. To conduct a lesson, it is necessary to specifically select material, guided by the different correctional focus of logorhythmic classes:

Speech material to normalize the tempo and rhythm of people who stutter; for the development of vocabulary in children with general speech underdevelopment; to automate sound pronunciation in children with dysarthria, etc.;

Poems are selected so that it is possible to correlate the movements of the arms, legs, and torso with the rhythm of speech;

The length of the poetic line should be average, otherwise it is difficult to select the movement;

The predominance of verbal vocabulary in the poem, so that it is easier to accompany the text with movements;

The poem must contain a storyline or characters to exclude mechanical movements; - poems are selected taking into account age, speech and motor abilities.

Counting exercises are used to organize behavior when performing tasks, especially complex formations. Sound rhythm serves as a means of educating and developing in children with speech disorders a sense of rhythm in movement and incorporating it into speech. Rhythm helps to combine words, music and movements in special complex exercises.

The sense of developed rhythm (based on the education of musical rhythm) is of great importance in the ontogenesis of speech. When a child begins to speak, he first of all learns the rhythmic contour of a word, understanding its meaning, but not yet being able to pronounce it correctly. For example, instead of the word hammer - “hammer”, etc. In the logorhythmic effect on children with speech disorders, it is necessary to take into account ontogenetic data in the formation of musical rhythm and the sense of rhythm in general. Children are offered the most accessible combinations of quarters, eighths and half notes, with no more than one pair of eighths in the rhythmic pattern. At the same time, they develop the ability to differentiate simple, varied rhythms and consciously subordinate their movements to such simple rhythms. Then the movements reflecting the rhythm are automated. Automated movement eliminates tension in the motor system, saves effort, develops ease of movement and thereby improves the quality of performance. It is advisable to give children various rhythms in the form of games, dramatization, imitation of the movements of birds, animals, labor processes, in the form of formations, etc. The content and forms of dramatization must be age appropriate, general development and motor abilities of children. In early preschool age, rhythms are formed with light movements, and in older preschool age, children are offered a larger number of rhythmic patterns, which are designed in the images of animals, birds, in different formations, when working with objects. Rhythmic games with children are based on two principles:

Reflecting order and disorder, that is, a rapid transition from unorganized, free movement to organized, pre-arranged;

- “a third wheel”, creating the possibility of various formations and changes during the game.

Speech is always included in rhythmic exercises. Work on speech is carried out comprehensively: on sound, facial expressions, gesture. Speech material can be divided into three groups:

    Movement with word and gesture. Children in different actions, positions, relationships actively express the thought proposed in the text, for example, children, brushing off a wasp, say in unison: “There is a wasp! There's a wasp!

    Oh, I'm afraid! Oh, I'm afraid! With the last words, the children jump up and run away.

2. Naming an action by a group of participants or by one participant in the exercise. Exercises are used in accordance with the speech and motor abilities of children. These exercises are important for the collective rhythm. For example, the game “We went to the meadow” (Words by V. Kuklovskaya, translated from Ukrainian by T. Volgina, music by A. Filipenko).

3. Dialogues: by interaction, in which only one of the participants speaks, and the second acts silently; verbal communication is carried out by both participants or two groups.

Some exercises are carried out in the form of a dialogue expressing an appeal, request or prohibition for one of the participants, the second silently performs or does not perform the action. In other exercises, both sides speak: two participants or groups. An example of the game, “Soroka, Soroka” (Russian folk song arranged by V. Agofonnikov, author M. Medvedev).

In speech therapy rhythms, playing children's instruments is used in classes. Musical toys and children's instruments have a special role, as they involve the child in the field of music and help develop his creative abilities.

In logorhythmic classes, to develop pitch hearing, bells that sound different in pitch are used, and children learn which bell sings higher and which lower. A metallophone placed at an angle can become a “musical ladder”: children learn to distinguish the direction of a scale and the distance between sounds. To develop a rhythmic sense, percussion instruments or any instruments that have a sound of only one specific pitch are used. For example, the game “musical echo”: one child comes up with his own rhythmic pattern, and the other repeats it exactly. To develop timbre hearing, it is useful to compare the sound of not only different instruments, but also those that are similar in timbre and sound character, for example, a bell and a tambourine. To develop dynamic hearing, all instruments are used on which children can arbitrarily increase or decrease the sound depending on the playing situation (games like “cold - hot”).

Playing musical instruments - toys - promotes the development of hand movements, for example, with a hammer on a metallophone; development of breathing while playing clarinets and pipes; development of voice, articulation when performing songs, singing; development of hearing when selecting familiar songs, jokes, rhymes for playing musical instruments; to normalize the prosodic side of speech when improvising rhythmic and melodic chants, when playing in an ensemble, observing the general dynamics, tempo, timely entry into the game and end of the game.

Musical independent activity is also very important for speech therapy rhythm, as it contributes to the development of coordination of hearing, voice and movement, tonal and rhythmic sense; nurturing a love of music and singing; enriching the emotional life of children. Musical independent activity is closely related to musical play. Children, on their own initiative, sing, dance in circles, perform dances, and select melodies on children's musical instruments. In music classes, children learn songs, dances, and dances, and then transfer the acquired knowledge to independent activities.

The musical activity of children is manifested in children's matinees, in performances in puppet theater, in holidays and entertainment, in individual lessons. Children's matinees are a unique

report on the conduct of correctional and speech therapy-educational work. In addition to musical independent activity, logorhythmics uses exercises to develop creative initiative. Such exercises include conducting, free motor improvisations to music, motor stagings of songs, motor-musical exercises in which improvisation and creativity are highlighted.

Since play is the leading type of activity for preschool children, it is used in combination with various rhythmic, logorhythmic, musical-rhythmic complexes.

In logorhythmic classes, it is useful to use games-dramatization of poetic and prose texts on a variety of topics and plots. Through movements, pantomime, facial expressions, and expressive speech, the players convey the content of the game and images.

And finally, exercises are carried out, the purpose of which is to calm the children who are studying and switch their attention to other activities. Physical and mental stress should be kept to a minimum. The final exercises can be carried out in various forms: it can be ordinary marching to music, changing formations, listening to music and then determining the nature of the work, for example, “The Game of Horses” by P. Tchaikovsky or “The Little Waltz” by A. Lyadov; or listening to music and then talking about the images and ideas that it inspired. That is, one should give music that is understandable to the child and, without song lyrics and without a title, gives rise to certain images and ideas in his mind.

The combination of music, movement and words in logorhythmics is different. But whatever the proportion of music and words, music and movement in the exercises, together they form and organize the child’s motor sphere, his activity, and have a positive effect on the personality. Coordinated, purposeful and economical movements give the child a feeling of satisfaction. Rhythm is perceived by many organs of perception - kinetic sensations, tactile, visual, auditory. These strong incentives create additional motivation to correct speech. It is also important that in childhood the normalization of the child’s motor sphere and the correction of speech disorders is carried out unconsciously, unobtrusively and naturally. Performing rhythmic exercises against a background of positive emotional arousal contributes to the development of correct speech, since speech is reproduced from the desire to communicate, to participate in a game, etc.

The system of logorhythmic means varies in classes depending on the speech disorder, the state of the child’s motor sphere, the correctional tasks of each stage of speech therapy work, the goals and objectives of the logorhythmic lesson.

Thus, with the help of logorhythmics, children’s general and speech-motor functions are developed. Methodological techniques vary depending on the speech disorder, but boil down to one thing: the maximum use of musical and motor rhythm in order to improve speech melody, speech rhythm, prosody and pantomimic speech. Logorhythmic work is aimed not only at eliminating speech and motor disorders of the child, but also promotes the musical development of children.

The fundamental principle of the classes is the relationship between speech, music and movement. It is music that is the organizing and guiding principle. The perception of speech and music is carried out by a single analyzer system, so the shortcomings of the speech perception system can be compensated with the help of musical perception. The goal of the classes is to overcome speech disorders in preschool children through the development and correction of the motor sphere in combination with words and movement.

In logorhythmic classes the following are solved:tasks :

    activation of higher mental activity through the development of auditory and visual attention;

    development of auditory and visual perception;

    increasing memory capacity;

    development of motor and articulatory praxis;

    development of motor kinesthesia;

    development of self-spatial orientation and hand-eye coordination;

    formation of motor skills;

    development of musical, pitch, timbre, dynamic hearing;

    development of speech motor skills for the formation of an articulatory base of sounds, tempo and rhythm of speech;

    development of proper breathing and singing range of the voice;

    development of a sense of rhythm and development of auditory attention.

Logorhythmic lessons are based on lexical topics. The plot uses stories and fairy tales of Russian and foreign writers, Russian folk tales, which correspond to the age of children and allows them to solve correctional problems in a playful way. Repeated repetition of the studied material contributes to the development of motor, auditory, speech and singing skills. The content of classes changes as the speech material gradually becomes more complex. The playful structure of classes creates a friendly, emotionally rich atmosphere of joint creativity between children and adults, encourages each child to take an active part in educational process, supports cognitive interest and attention, activates speech. The result of the work is a better assimilation of knowledge and the formation of skills in children. In addition to speech problems, ethical problems are also solved in classes, and much attention is paid to the development of aesthetic taste.

Logorhythmic activities include the following:elements :

    speech therapy (articulation) gymnastics – a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the articulatory apparatus;

    finger exercises for the development of fine motor skills, since speech is formed under the influence of impulses coming from the hands;

    exercises to music for the development of general motor skills, appropriate for the age characteristics of children, for muscle-motor and coordination training;

    vocal-articulation exercises for the development of singing abilities and breathing with and without musical accompaniment;

    phonopedic exercises to strengthen the larynx and instill speech breathing;

    songs and poems, accompanied by hand movements, to develop fluency and expressiveness of speech, speech hearing and speech memory, coordination training;

    musical-rhythmic games with musical instruments that develop a sense of rhythm;

    musical games that promote the development of speech, attention, and the ability to navigate in space;

    exercises to develop facial muscles for the development of the emotional sphere, imagination and associative-figurative thinking;

    communicative games and dances to develop the dynamic side of communication, empathy, emotionality and expressiveness of non-verbal means of communication, positive self-awareness;

    exercises for the development of word creativity, expanding the active vocabulary of children.

The lesson structure may not always include all of the elements listed. The sequence of corrective work on sounds can be varied in accordance with the nature of the disorder in children and the goals of the lesson. The dosage of repetitions of the same exercise is determined taking into account the nature and severity of the speech disorder. Mastering motor skills, learning poems and songs with movements, finger games takes place without unnecessary didactics, unobtrusively, in a playful way. Communicative games or dancing must be included in classes. Tactile contact carried out in dance further contributes to the development of friendly relationships between children and thereby the normalization of the social climate in the children's group.

To achieve positive results, close communication in the work of preschool teachers is desirable. The teacher can use clean talk, finger games, and dynamic pauses in other classes. The song and dance repertoire is learned in music classes. A necessary element is visual material - illustrations, costume elements, toys, pictures for flannelgraph, etc. Multiple uses visual material on lexical topics helps to transform images-conceptions into images-concepts, which is very important for subsequent stages of learning. The main principle of achieving effectiveness in work is an individual approach to each child, taking into account his age, psychophysiological and speech capabilities.

At the preparatory stage I usually use development exercises:

    General speech skills - breathing, voice. These are different chants.

    Exercises to develop a sense of rhythm, tempo and memory (motor, visual and auditory) are various musical and rhythmic exercises and training;

    Exercises that promote the formation of phonemic perception (to distinguish between noise and then musical sounds);

    Outdoor games with a variety of didactic tasks (formation of motor skills, emotional and volitional qualities, as well as expansion of vocabulary and consolidation of certain grammatical structures in children’s speech)

All these types of tasks are combined with exercises for the development of general and fine motor skills, spatial orientation, coordination of movements and regulation of muscle tone.


The principle of integrity, complexity of pedagogical processes. Logorhythmic classes are planned, conducted and analyzed by the music director and group teacher. Issues regarding the inclusion of health-saving technologies in the course of the lesson are resolved jointly with the kindergarten’s medical workers.

The principle of consistency. Each of the corrective directions of logorhythmics is implemented in the process of step-by-step work.

The principle of repetition of skills and abilities. As a result of repeated repetitions, dynamic stereotypes are developed.

The principle of active learning. In logorhythmics classes they use active forms and teaching methods - games, active listening, creative tasks, improvisation, performing health-improving exercises in motion to music.

The principle of effectiveness. Obtaining a positive result in the development and correction of speech, improving the health of each child.


    Classes are held once a week after cognitive and speech therapy;

    Duration – 35 minutes;

    Logorhythmic lessons are based on lexical topics.

    Speech material is not learned;

    All exercises are performed by imitation;

    An atmosphere of joy and goodwill should reign in the lesson.

The main principle of working with logorhythmics is the simultaneous activation of all types of memory: auditory, visual, motor. The integral goal of logorhythmics is to educate children’s musical and aesthetic ideas, to develop their musical abilities and inclinations; as well as ideas about the aesthetic beauty of native speech.

The manual contains several types of story-based play activities that will evoke positive emotions in most children, and will help the teacher direct the children’s energy in the right direction. A creative approach to the lesson encourages children to perform different forms of work in logorhythmics classes (and not only), and thereby allows them to most effectively develop: children’s speech, correct speech defects, develop motor skills, a sense of rhythm, tempo, etc. Combining classes with common plots helps greater organization of children, making associative connections, and arouses their interest in the subject.

The duration of one lesson is 20-30 minutes, and it is difficult to fit into its framework many types of work on logorhythmics. In this regard, a special lesson plan was developed, where emotional and physical stress is evenly distributed, all necessary forms of work are concentrated, convenient dynamics of the lesson are built and a logical frame is implemented.


Logorhythmic exercise includes the following types of exercises:

    Introductory walking and spatial orientation.

    Dynamic exercises to regulate muscle tone develop the ability to relax and tense muscle groups. Thanks to these exercises, children have better control of their body, their movements become precise and dexterous.

    Articulation exercises useful at any age, since clear articulation is the basis of good diction. Articulation exercises for children with sound pronunciation disorders are a necessity. They prepare the child’s articulatory apparatus to produce sounds (this is the task of the speech therapist). Clear sensations from the organs of the articulatory apparatus are the basis for mastering the skill of writing. Working on articulation allows you to clarify the correct sound pronunciation, develops the mobility of the tongue, jaws, lips, and strengthens the muscles of the pharynx.

    Breathing exercises corrects speech breathing disorders, helps develop diaphragmatic breathing, as well as the duration, strength and correct distribution of exhalation. During logorhythmic classes, together with a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution and on the recommendation of a pediatrician, the following are used:

    exercises to develop diaphragmatic-abdominal breathing,

    development of prolonged speech exhalation,

    training the coordinated work of the respiratory, vocal and articulatory systems.

    Phonopedic and health-improving exercises for the throat develop the basic qualities of the voice - strength and height, strengthen the vocal apparatus. During the cold season, these exercises are performed daily as a preventive measure against colds. The classes use phonopedic exercises according to V. Emelyanov, which not only develop the vocal cords, but also develop the singing skills of preschoolers.

    Exercises to develop attention and memory develop all types of memory: visual, auditory, motor. Children's attention and ability to quickly respond to changes in activity are activated.

    Pure talk required for every lesson. With their help, sounds are automated, the tongue is trained to perform the correct movements, and clear, rhythmic pronunciation of phonemes and syllables is practiced. Children develop phonemic awareness and auditory attention.

    Speech games can be presented in various forms: rhythmic declamations without musical accompaniment, games with sound, games with sounding gestures and playing music on children's musical instruments, theatrical sketches, dialogue games, etc. The use of the simplest poetic text (Russian folk songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, counting rhymes , teasers) promotes quick memorization of the game and facilitates the completion of logarithmic tasks.

    Rhythm games develop a sense of rhythm, tempo, meter (accentuation of the strong beat of the beat), which allows the child to better navigate the rhythmic basis of words and phrases.

    Singing songs and vocalizations develops memory, attention, thinking, emotional responsiveness and ear for music; The child’s vocal apparatus is strengthened and helps to automate vowel sounds. The process of developing singing abilities in children with speech disorders is aimed not only at the formation of their artistic culture, but also at the correction of voice, articulation, and breathing.

    Finger games and fairy tales. Science has long known that the development of finger mobility is directly related to speech development. Therefore, by developing fine motor skills of the fingers, we contribute to rapid speech development. Finger games and fairy tales, as in music classes, are often carried out accompanied by music - the texts are sung, or music is played in the background. It is very useful to use the modeling of simple figures, origami, laying out simple mosaic patterns while pronouncing the text of the game.

    Elementary music playing on children's musical instruments develops fine motor skills, a sense of rhythm, meter, tempo, improves attention, memory, as well as other mental processes that accompany the performance of a musical work. In addition to well-known musical instruments, during the lesson you can make and play homemade instruments together with children - “noisemakers” from boxes and plastic bottles filled with various cereals, “ringers” from metal tubes, “knockers” from wooden sticks and pieces of a bamboo fishing rod, “rustlers” "made of crumpled paper and cellophane.

    Theater sketches. Very often, children with speech disorders have inexpressive facial expressions and gestures. The muscles of the face, arms, and entire body may be flaccid or stiff. Mimic and pantomimic sketches develop facial and articulatory motor skills (mobility of lips and cheeks), plasticity and expressiveness of children's movements, their creative imagination and imagination. This strengthens preschoolers’ sense of self-confidence, the ability to more accurately control their body, expressively convey mood and image in movement, and enriches them with new emotional experiences.

    Communication games develop in children the ability to see their merits in another person; contribute to deepening awareness of the sphere of communication; teach the ability to collaborate. Such games are often played in a general circle.

    Outdoor games, round dances, physical exercises train children in coordination of words and movements, develop attention, memory, and speed of reaction to changes in movements. These games foster a sense of collectivism, empathy, responsibility, and teach children to follow the rules of the game.

Lesson structure.

I. Musical and rhythmicmovement, rebuilding, attention games, a set of general developmental exercises (GDE), breathing exercises.

II. Games for the development of phonemic hearing, articulation, fine motor skills, facial expressions.

III. Orchestra, singing, games, dance.

IV. Listening - relaxation./Appendix 1/

Musical and rhythmic movements - one of the forms of correction of violations of syllable structure.

Develop attention, spatial orientation, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm, speech-auditory memory, help develop the correct breathing rhythm

For example: alternating walking on tiptoes, in a half-squat:

Skyscrapers - huts” (theme “City”);

Bushes, shrubs” (theme “Trees”);

Animals, their young” (theme “Pets”).

Breathing exercises: help develop diaphragmatic breathing, increase lung volume, duration and force of exhalation.

For example: Goose (topic “Poultry”)

Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the mouth. While exhaling, pronounce the sound “SH-SH-SH”

Articulation gymnastics: promotes the development of the necessary articulatory patterns and develops the ability to hold and switch articulatory poses.

For example: Wild animals (topic “Wild animals are preparing for winter”)

    Bunny.” Raise only the upper lip, exposing the upper teeth.

    Angry wolf." Bite your lower lip with your upper lip.

    The hedgehog snorts.” Vibration of lips.

    The elk calf sucks milk and smacks.” Suck the upper lip under the lower lip with a sharp release when opening the mouth (smacking). (E. A. Pozhilenko)

Exercises to develop fine motor skills.

Scientists have established a direct relationship between the development of a child’s speech and the coordination of finger movements. By developing fingers, we develop speech!

For example: Long beaks (theme “Birds of Migratory”)

The exercise can be performed with clothespins.

I have never seen longer beaks,

What are the beaks of the stork and the crane.

(O.I. Krupenchuk)

Rhythmic squeezing and unclenching of clothespins in the right and left hands.

Games for the development of phonemic hearing.

Phonemic hearing is a subtle, systematized hearing, the ability to recognize and distinguish the sounds that make up a word. Without developed phonemic hearing, it is impossible to correctly pronounce sounds.

For example: do you recognize the bird? (theme “Wintering birds”)

Clap your hands when you hear the correct name of wintering birds:

Segir snegil bullfinch

Voena Volona Crow

Gruhal kluhai

Mimic exercises: promote the development of facial muscle mobility; develop the ability to express emotional states using non-verbal means of communication.

For example: in Africa (theme “Animals of hot countries”):

Monkeys are crooks.

Angry tiger.

Scared jerboa.

(E. A. Pozhilenko)

Orchestra of noise instruments: includes auditory, visual, kinesthetic analyzers, develops a sense of rhythm, fine motor skills of the hands.

To maintain interest in performing musical works, we use a variety of orchestras of children's instruments:

Orchestra “Rustlers” (leaves made of corrugated paper, “salutiki” made from cut-up strips of cellophane, Kinder surprise boxes)

    Lozhkari” (spoons of different sizes)

    Kalinka-Malinka” (tools made from plastic ice cream cups in the shape of berries)

    Bells” (we use bells and bells for fishing tackle)

    Hoofs” (wooden chocks with grooves in the middle, large walnut shells).

Singing: trains the peripheral parts of the speech apparatus: respiratory, articulatory, voice-forming. We accompany the songs with hand movements to develop fluency and expressiveness of speech, speech hearing and speech memory, and coordination training. To attract inactive and shy children, we introduce masks, costume elements, attributes, toys and stage performances.

For example: The song “Turtle” by Mus. We stage I. Ponomareva with toys - turtles (lexical theme “Animals of hot countries”).

The song “The Fox Was Walking” Music. I. Ponomareva is performed by children with dolls with movable mouths (lexical theme “Wild Animals”).

Dancing: They develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, spatial orientation, and learn to correlate their movements with the tempo and rhythm of the music. Dances are performed by children only when shown by an adult and in accordance with the lexical topic.

For example, the theme “Space”, the dance “Earth in the Porthole”; theme “Wild Animals”, dance “Hedgehog in the Fog”.

Games: develop memory, attention, fluidity, coordination of movements, spatial orientation, empathy, positive self-awareness.

Outdoor games (topic “Body Parts”)

Russian folk game “Dudar”

The driver, the dudar, stands in the center of the circle. (lesson notes from Children walk around him in small steps and sing:

Dudar, dudar, dudarishche,
Old, old, old man.
Well, it's in the deck, well, it's in the raw,
Well, it's rotten!
Dudar, dudar, what hurts?

Driver - head! (back, leg, etc.)

Children walk in a circle holding their heads.

The game is repeated until the dudar says:

Nothing hurts!",then everyone runs away, and he catches up.

Games with elements of art therapy (theme “Winter”)

Game: “Winter Fun” Music. S. A. Korotaeva.

Children move freely to the music, pretending to be one of the winter activities, and when they hear the music stop, they freeze.

Communication games (theme “Pets”)

Game: “Bingo”

Children walk in pairs in a circle and sing:

Our shaggy gray dog ​​sits by the window,
Our shaggy gray dog ​​looks out of the window,
B – I – N – G – O, B – I – N – G – O,
B – I – N – G – Oh, his name is Bingo.

They say:


AND– shake hands, change pairs in a circle

N– shake hands, change pairs in a circle

G– shake hands, change pairs in a circle

OOO!-hug each other .

Games with stops (theme “Family”)

Russian folk game “Like Uncle Tryphon”

The driver stands facing the children, everyone sings:

How Uncle Tryphon had seven children,
There were seven children, there were seven sons,
With such ears, with such noses,
With such eyes, with such hair,
With such teeth, with such hands.
They didn’t drink, they didn’t eat, they did this at the same time!

The driver shows the pose, everyone must repeat and freeze.

The one who repeated it more accurately becomes the driver.

Listening - relaxation: activates and develops auditory attention, develops the ability to control breathing, manage muscle tone; returns children to a calm state. Experience with logorhythmics shows that such a structure of correctional work allows children to achieve sustained attention throughout the entire lesson and increases the effectiveness of mastering practical material. Using precise dosage of auditory stimuli such as tempo, rhythm, dynamics of music and words, logorhythmics provides corrective guidance for the speech and musical development of preschool children.The system for presenting program tasks, methods, and means for introducing children to logorhythmics has been developed taking into account age characteristics and methodological requirements in direct educational activities. The classes include those with a health-improving focus (general developmental exercises, exercises to prevent flat feet, work on singing breathing and the development of the singing voice, simple massage techniques, gymnastics for the eyes). Finger musical and speech games or finger massage are also included. Every logorthmic lesson includes relaxation exercises accompanied by music (helping children relieve tension and nervous stress), simple speeches, speech or musical games, exercises to develop a sense of rhythm or attention.

Dear colleagues, teachers, speech therapists, music directors! I strongly advise you to use logorhythmics in your practice and the results will not take long to arrive!

Innovation focus :

Logorhythmic classes of the program include health-saving technologies (optimal duration of educational activities, frequent changes in children’s activities, breathing exercises, physical activity), which not only has a beneficial effect on the child’s entire body, but also contributes to the most effective increase in the level of sound pronunciation, mastery of word structure, expansion vocabulary, development of auditory attention and sense of rhythm in preschool children. And also the innovative focus lies in the active participation of the music director in preventive and corrective work aimed at developing children’s speech.


    “Let's play, let's dance” by G.P. Fedorov, St. Petersburg, Aktsident Publishing House, 1997.

    Logorhythmics" O.A. Novikovskaya St. Petersburg "Crown print" 2005.

    “Rhythmic plasticity for preschoolers” A.I. Burenin St. Petersburg. 1994

    “Musical games, rhythmic exercises and dances for children” Educational and methodological manual for educators and teachers. Moscow 1997

    M.Yu. Kartushina “Logorhythmic classes in kindergarten.”

As a speech therapist, in my work I often hear from concerned parents: “My child not only speaks poorly, but also doesn’t want to study at home!”, “My baby is completely unable to do exercises with small objects!”, “Problem with speech.” can't be decided anymore more than a year!” and so on.

IN Lately The problem of development, training and education of preschool children becomes especially significant. The city of Krasnogorsk is no exception. The number of children with various speech disorders has increased significantly. Without delving into the causes of the problem, it should be noted that speech disorders, to varying degrees, affect the formation of the personality of children and affect their physical and mental development. Psychologists and linguists believe that in early childhood the rate of speech development is much higher than in later years of life. If by the end of the first year of life a child’s vocabulary is normally 8-10 words, then by the age of three it is up to 1 thousand words.

The successful development of speech in preschool age is crucial, and the child’s adaptation to school depends on it. It is known that children with oral speech disorders when entering school experience certain difficulties in mastering writing and reading. Such children should be given timely help to correct defects in sound pronunciation before the start of school.

Working with children with speech impairments, I used various methods and techniques. Today, in addition to traditional speech therapy classes to correct sound pronunciation, correct violations in the lexico-grammatical design of speech utterances, etc., I use such an effective method of overcoming speech disorders as Speech Therapy RHYTHMICS.

This is a form of active therapy, the goal of which is to overcome speech disorders by developing the child’s motor sphere in combination with words and music.

Why LOGORITHMICS? Everything around us lives according to the laws of rhythm. The change of seasons, day and night, heart rate and much more are subject to a certain rhythm. Any rhythmic movements activate the human brain. Therefore, from early childhood it is recommended to develop a sense of rhythm in a form accessible to preschoolers - rhythmic exercises and games.

Logorhythmic activities are a technique based on the connection between words, music and movement and include finger, speech, musical-motor and communicative games. The relationships between these components can be varied, with one of them predominant.

During the classes, the basic pedagogical principles are observed - consistency, gradual complication and repetition of the material, the rhythmic structure of the word is worked out, and clear pronunciation of sounds that are age-appropriate, the children's vocabulary is enriched.

In the system of logorhythmic work with preschool children, two directions can be distinguished: influence on non-speech and speech processes.

The main objectives of logorhythmic influence are:

Development of auditory attention and phonemic hearing;

Development of musical, sound, timbre, dynamic hearing, sense of rhythm, singing range of the voice;

Development of general and fine motor skills, kinesthetic sensations, facial expressions, pantomime, spatial organization of movements;

Developing the ability to transform, expressiveness and grace of movements, the ability to determine the nature of music, coordinate it with movements;

Fostering switchability from one field of activity to another;

Development of speech motor skills for the formation of an articulatory base of sounds, physiological and phonation breathing;

Formation and consolidation of the skill of correct use of sounds in various forms and types of speech, in all communication situations, nurturing the connection between sound and its musical image, letter designation;

Formation, development and correction of auditory-visual-motor coordination;

Conducting a logorhythmic exercise, like any other, has certain requirements.

Logorhythmics classes are conducted by a speech therapist together with a music director once a week (preferably in the 2nd half of the day).

It is advisable to conduct classes frontally, lasting from 20 to 35 minutes, depending on the age of the children.

Logorhythmics lessons are based on lexical topics.

Each lesson represents a thematic and gaming integrity.

The plot of the classes uses stories and fairy tales of Russian and foreign writers, Russian folk tales, which are selected in accordance with the age of the children and allow them to solve correctional problems in a playful way.

Logorhythmic lesson includes the following elements:

Finger gymnastics, songs and

poems accompanied

movement of the hands. Development of fine motor skills, fluency and

expressiveness of speech, speech hearing and

speech memory.

Musical and musical-rhythmic games with musical instruments. Development of speech, attention, skills

navigate in space.

Development of a sense of rhythm.

Speech therapy (articulation)

gymnastics, vocal-articulation exercises. Strengthening the muscles of the organs of articulation,

development of their mobility.

Development of singing abilities.

Pure sayings for automation and

differentiation of sounds,

phonopedic exercises. Correction of sound pronunciation,

strengthening the larynx and grafting

speech breathing skills.

Exercises to develop facial muscles. Communication games and dances.

Development of the emotional sphere,

associative-figurative thinking,

expressiveness of non-verbal means

communication, positive self-awareness.

Exercises for the development of general motor skills, appropriate for age. Development of musculoskeletal and

coordination sphere.

An exercise to develop word creativity. Expanding the active supply of children.

I do not always include all of the listed elements in the structure of the lesson. The sequence of correctional work varies in accordance with the nature of speech disorders, individual and age characteristics of the children.

Speech therapy exercises are recommended to be performed while sitting: this position ensures straight posture and general relaxation of the body muscles. In articulatory gymnastics I include static and dynamic exercises for the tongue and lips. I determine the dosage of repetitions of the same exercises taking into account the nature and severity of the speech disorder. For children who are unable to master articulation skills, I provide targeted individual assistance.

Music is of great importance in logorhythmic classes, so close communication with the music director is important in this work. Children perform movements to musical accompaniment with a clearly defined rhythm, and on our part we constantly monitor the accuracy of their execution. The amplitude and tempo of the exercises are consistent with the dynamics of the music.

During logorhythmics classes, we also conduct finger games and speech motor exercises together with the music director under musical accompaniment. The main task of these games is the rhythmic performance of the poetic text, coordinated with the movements.

We learn the exercises in stages: first the movements, then the text, then all together. Mastering motor skills, learning poems and songs with movements, finger games should take place without excessive didactics, unobtrusively, in a playful way.

When working on breathing, I pay special attention to the development of long, uniform exhalation in children. Singing develops well the duration of exhalation and the melodic-intonation side of speech. And here I also need the help of a music director. We select emotionally expressive, imaginative songs with accessible lyrics, the phrases of which should be short.

I always include communicative games and dancing in my logorhythmics classes. Learning dance movements also takes place in stages. Most of them are built on gestures and movements expressing friendliness, an open attitude of people towards each other, which gives children positive and joyful emotions. Tactile contact carried out in dance further contributes to the development of friendly relationships between children and thereby the normalization of the social climate in the children's group. Games with the choice of a participant or an invitation allow you to involve inactive children. When selecting games, I always take into account that their rules are accessible and understandable to children. In communicative dances and games, I do not evaluate the quality of the movements, which allows the child to relax and gives meaning to the very process of his participation in the dance-game.

I think the most important thing is the coordinated work of all these components. Only then will speech be beautiful, sonorous and expressive. Therefore, in logorhythmics classes, I practice not only the techniques of breathing, voice, tempo, but also their relationship, their coherence. In classes, the connection of speech with music and movement, in addition to the development of the child’s muscular system and vocal abilities, allows the development of children’s emotions and increases the child’s interest in classes, awakens his thoughts and imagination. Another advantage of logorhythmics classes is that they are group classes. This helps the child learn to work in a children's team, to find mutual language and learn to actively interact with him.

One of the necessary conditions for obtaining good results is the interaction of all teachers and parents. The song and dance repertoire is learned in music classes. Educators, speech pathologists and psychologists can use clean tongues, finger games, and dynamic pauses in their classes. I offer these same exercises and games to parents as recommendations for reinforcement at home.

I envision a consistent complication of the topics and tasks of the lessons, the end result of which is that children complete the exercises in full, at a given pace and in accordance with the music, i.e. formation of the required level of auditory-visual-motor coordination.

I highlight the following areas of work:

Development of a sense of rhythm - exercises, musical - didactic, rhythmic games, speech games with movements aimed at developing a sense of rhythm and phonemic perception;

Formation of correct breathing - exercises aimed at forming, developing and practicing correct physiological and speech breathing

Development of articulatory and facial motor skills - exercises aimed at developing articulatory praxis and facial muscles

Development of general motor skills - dynamic games and exercises aimed at developing and correcting general motor and coordination functions

Development of fine motor skills - finger games and exercises with speech accompaniment or the use of various objects aimed at the development and correction of fine finger motor skills

I believe that speech therapy rhythms are useful for all children who have problems developing speech function, including delayed speech development, impaired sound pronunciation, stuttering, etc. Speech therapy rhythms are very important for children with so-called speech negativism, since classes create a positive emotional mood to speech, motivation to perform speech therapy exercises, etc. As a result of the use of logorhythmics, by the end of the school year, children can see positive dynamics in their speech development. Practice has shown that regular logorhythmics classes help normalize a child’s speech, regardless of the type of speech disorder, form a positive emotional mood, teach communication with peers, and much more.

Therefore, LOGORITHMICS becomes a holiday of beautiful speech for children

Logorhythmic lesson summary

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