Psychology of small groups. Relationships in the team

Most active exercises are based on small group work. Games for dividing participants into subgroups will help you in an interesting way from one large group participants form subgroups of two, three, four people, etc.


Duration: 10 minutes.

Necessary materials: not required.


If you want to divide the group into 4 subgroups, 4 volunteers are called; if there are 5 subgroups - 5 volunteers, etc. The presenter asks the volunteers: “Who would you take with you on a hike?” Volunteers select one person to join their team. Those who are chosen are asked the following question: “Who would you trust to carry the backpack?” The presenter can come up with the rest of the questions himself, or he can use the following: “Who would you share an apple with?”, “Who would you entrust your secret to?”

If there are several people left who were not selected, you can invite them to determine the team in which they would like to work.

The Myers Family

Duration: 5 minutes

Necessary materials: cards with inscriptions*. You need to come up with as many “families” as there are groups you want to form. Chairs according to the number of groups.


The presenter distributes one card to each participant and pronounces the task to all participants: “At the signal, all participants will need to start exchanging cards very quickly. Need to change card maximum amount once. When another signal sounds, the exchange must be stopped and families sit on chairs. And you have to sit in a certain way - dad sits on a chair, mom sits on his lap, son sits on her lap, daughter sits on her son’s lap.”

Created families are small groups in which you can continue to work.


  • if you need to create a group with more than 4 people, you can add a grandfather, grandmother, dog, cat, etc., explaining to the participants the place where they should sit
  • As a signal, you can use clap, music, or the signal of a children's pipe or accordion.

The exercise can also be used as a warm-up game.


Duration: 10 minutes.

Necessary materials: not required.


The presenter approaches the first participant and asks him to name his favorite city, then to the next, etc., depending on the required number of groups that should be formed. For example, Masha calls the city Amsterdam, Vitya - Moscow, Sasha - Paris, the following participants name the same cities in a given order. Thus, all participants are divided into three groups depending on the names of the cities that they received.


Duration: 10 minutes.

Necessary materials: colored paper.


If you want to divide the group into 3 subgroups, prepare leaves of 3 colors; if at 4 – 4, etc. (for a group of 15 people - 5 leaves of each color, etc.). Participants stand in a circle and close their eyes. The leader attaches pieces of paper to each person’s back. At the command of the leader, they open their eyes. After which, without words or sounds, all participants should be distributed into groups.


Duration: 5 minutes.

Necessary materials: colored paper.


It is necessary to prepare multi-colored leaves (red, yellow, green) according to the number of participants. For the lesson, you need to prepare tokens of two or more colors. Before the start of the lesson, the tokens should be mixed and distributed to each participant. When it is necessary to divide the group, you just need to inform the participants that one color of tokens is the first team, and the second color is the second.

"First second Third…"

Duration: 5 minutes.

Necessary materials: not required.


To divide into groups, participants need to pay for the first, second, third... After which the participants are grouped in accordance with their number.


Duration: 10 - 15 minutes.

Necessary materials: paper.


In order to divide the group into subgroups, it is necessary to prepare sheets with the name of a specific animal or insect in accordance with the number of groups that should be formed.

Example: fly, monkey, cow. Each participant draws out a piece of paper, after which he must depict the image that fell to him, trying to imitate the habits this representative fauna. In this way, participants find representatives of their groups.


Duration: 5 minutes.

Necessary materials: different postcards, according to the number of subgroups.


The presenter cuts the cards into pieces in advance. There should be as many pieces as there are people in small group.

The presenter gives each participant a piece of postcard. When everyone has received their piece, it is proposed to unite in groups, finding “their own”. Groups were formed when small group participants assembled their pieces into postcards.

A comment: The exercise is convenient because you can form subgroups of different sizes from a group by cutting the cards into different quantities pieces.

III. Warm-up games

During the meeting, participants may get tired from an overabundance of information, so it is important to redirect their attention with the help of warm-up games. These games will help to psychologically and physically relax the participants and set them up for further work.

"Granny from Brazil"

Duration: 5 - 10 minutes.

Necessary materials: not required.


All participants stand in a circle (facing the center of the circle). The presenter shows certain movements: jumping, movements of the arms, legs, head, which are accompanied by the phrases “I have a grandmother in Brazil,” “She has this leg,” “She has this arm and her head to one side,” “She jumps and screams.” : “I am the most beautiful grandmother in the world,” etc. Then all participants repeat these movements and words.

"Empty Chair"

Duration: 5 - 10 minutes.

Necessary materials: not required.


Participants are divided into first and second. Participants numbered “one” sit in a circle, participants numbered “two” stand behind their chairs. One chair must remain free. The task of the participant standing behind the chair is to invite someone sitting to his chair with his gaze. A participant who notices that he is being invited must run to an empty chair. The task of the partner behind him is to detain him.


Duration: 5 - 10 minutes.

Necessary materials: not required.


Participants sit in a circle, the leader goes to the center of the circle and invites everyone who has a certain characteristic to change places (white shirt, teeth brushed in the morning, black eyes, etc.). Moreover, if a participant has the mentioned characteristics, he must change his place or become the leader. The presenter names only the sign that he himself is familiar with. this moment possesses. When participants change places, he must take someone else's place. The participant left without a chair becomes the leader. If a participant cannot sit in a circle for a long time, he can say “Hurricane”, and then everyone sitting in the circle must change places.

"Fruit salad"

Duration: 5 - 10 minutes.

Necessary materials: pieces of paper.


The presenter distributes to each participant a piece of paper with the inscription of a certain fruit (banana, pineapple, peach) in accordance with the number of people present. Participants sit in a circle, the leader goes to the center of the circle and invites all the “bananas” to change places. When participants change places, he must take someone else's place. The participant left without a chair becomes the leader. He must say “Swap all the Bananas, or Pineapples, or Peaches.” If a participant cannot sit in a circle for a long time, he can say “Fruit salad”, and then everyone sitting in the circle must change places.

"Molecules or Brownian motion"

Duration: 5 - 10 minutes.

Necessary materials: not required.


All participants gather in a tight group around the leader, close their eyes and begin to move chaotically in different directions, buzzing. After some time, the presenter gives one signal, which means “silence and freeze”, two signals “line up in a circle with eyes closed”, and three signals - “open your eyes and look at the resulting figure.” There is another version of the game. All participants move freely to the music. At any moment, the leader can give a signal: “Gather in groups of 5 people (3, 7, etc.)!” Participants need to quickly organize such groups by standing in a circle and holding hands. And so on several times, changing the number of people in groups (the number of atoms in molecules).


Duration: 5 - 10 minutes.

Necessary materials: not required.


Participants form 2 circles (outer and inner), stand facing each other. The presenter asks, “Have you ever seen how deer say hello? Do you want to know how they do it?” This is a whole ritual: with your right ear you rub against your partner’s right ear, and with your left ear against left ear partner, and at the end of the greeting you need to stomp your feet! After this, the outer circle is shifted by 1 person, and the ceremony is repeated until all participants “greet” each other like deer and take their original position.

"Kabuki Theater"

Duration: 10 - 20 minutes.

Necessary materials: not required.


Participants are divided into 2 teams. The teams agree on who they will portray: a princess, a dragon or a samurai.

The presenter shows the teams characteristic movements for a princess, a dragon and a samurai.

Princess: curtsies flirtatiously. Dragon: with a terrifying look, raising his hands up, he steps forward. Samurai: Makes a saber swinging motion. After the teams have chosen their roles, the presenter reports.

“The princess enchants the samurai. Samurai kills the dragon. The dragon eats the princess."

Then the teams line up in 2 lines opposite each other and, at the command of the leader, show the role they have chosen with a characteristic movement.

The team whose role turns out to be the most advantageous receives one point.

For example: princess and samurai (the princess gets 1 point because she charms him). Samurai and Dragon (1 point goes to the samurai because he kills him). Princess and Princess, Dragon and Dragon, Samurai and Samurai (no one gets a point). The team that scores the most points wins.

"Terrible- beautiful drawing»

Duration: 10 - 20 minutes.

Necessary materials: sheets of paper and markers.


The group is given a sheet of paper and one felt-tip pen. It is suggested to draw a “beautiful picture”. After that, this drawing is passed on to the neighbor on the right, and he makes a “terrible drawing” from the resulting drawing and passes it on to the next one. The next participant makes a “beautiful drawing.” This is how the whole circle goes. The drawing is returned to the owner. If necessary, the group is divided into 2 subgroups to make the exercise go faster.

IV. Games and exercises for summarizing

For a bright and memorable completion of the work, it is important to use short-term games and exercises to summarize. They are aimed at summing up and evaluating emotional state groups.

"Tree and Man"

Duration: 2 minutes.

Necessary materials: pencils and a piece of paper with the diagram “Tree and Man”.


It is advisable to divide the group into several subgroups of 5-7 people each. The moderator in each group gathers participants and invites everyone to choose a pencil a certain color and on the “Tree and Man” diagram, paint over one of the figures with which he symbolizes himself. What follows is a discussion where everyone takes turns expressing why they chose this color and this figure.


Duration: 10 minutes.

Necessary materials: questionnaires for each participant.


At the end of the lesson, participants are given a questionnaire to fill out; it is not necessary to indicate your full name.

A sample meeting evaluation questionnaire can be found in section III.


Duration: 10 - 20 minutes.

Necessary materials: markers and sheets of paper.


A sheet of paper is attached to the wall or flip chart, on which two axes X and Y are drawn, where scales from 0 to 30 C are marked. Each participant is asked to describe what weather he feels and mark the air temperature on the coordinate system with a marker. After each participant has done this, the moderator must connect all the dots on the axes. The result is big picture, which reflects the “weather” in the group. Group discussion follows.


Duration: 10 - 20 minutes.

Necessary materials: not required.


A conversation is held about the results of group work, where everyone can speak about what they liked and didn’t like, etc.

"Paper figures"

Duration: 10 - 20 minutes.

Necessary materials: colored paper, scissors, glue.


It is advisable to divide the group into several subgroups of 5-7 people each. The moderator in each group gathers the participants and invites everyone to choose paper of a certain color and create a figure within 10 minutes. After that, everyone presents their creation, describing their emotional state.


Duration: 20-30 minutes.

Necessary materials:“sea” - drawn on paper, the size of 4 A1 sheets glued together; “islands” cut out of colored paper, cardboard cards according to the number of participants, tape, markers.


The presenter hangs the “sea” in a convenient place visible to all participants and secures the islands on it. Examples of islands: “island of discovery”, “island of questions”, “island of joy and fun”, “island of bad luck”, “island of new acquaintances”, “island of knowledge”, etc. Hands out cards to all participants and invites them to draw some kind of watercraft (ship, boat, raft, circle, etc.) on the card.

The presenter asks the participants to take turns approaching the “sea”, placing their “ship” there and commenting on why this particular place was chosen. The exercise ends when all participants have placed their ships.

Simple and slightly more complex tasks help divide participants into small groups in a new way each time. Some methods make participants laugh involuntarily, creating an additional positive mood for work.


Designed for 2 characters - Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens, wolves and hares, Tom and Jerry, Timon and Pumbaa, fox and bun, heaven and earth, gingerbread and cookies.

Unite by the presence/absence of angles in shapes - triangles, squares, circles and ovals.

Half Cards - Invite the owners of one card to find their match and stand facing each other. The whole group should line up in 2 lines in pairs - facing each other.

Circle in half - the group can be divided in half by drawing an imaginary diameter of the circle from the coach to the participant sitting opposite.


Multi-colored stickers - suitable for dividing into 2-4 groups. Participants stand in a circle and close their eyes. The coach attaches a colored piece of paper to each person’s back. At the coach's command, everyone opens their eyes. After which all participants must silently unite into groups.

Hobby - 2-4 people (how many groups are needed) call a hobby, the rest choose which hobby is closer to them and disperse into small groups.

Calculation according to shape - into triangles, squares, circles, trapezoids, rectangles and ovals. You can also distribute paper cutouts to participants. different shapes and colors. In this case, they can be mixed into groups both by shape and color.


Designed for 3 characters - white, red and black; for three, seven and ace; for queen, king and ace; on the sun, stars and moon; on Nif-Nifa, Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf; for grandfather, grandmother and chicken Ryaba.


Designed for 4 characters - a king, a prince, a king and a prince; on Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan; for hearts, diamonds, crosses and spades; for winter, spring, summer and autumn.


Calculation by colors of the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet


Postcards - cut them into the required number of pieces (equal to the required number of people in the small group), mix and distribute to the participants; Invite participants to find other parts of their card and form a small group.

number of cards = number of participants: number of people in small groups

Game “Animals” - whisper an animal in everyone’s ear, the number of animals according to the number of groups needed; participants silently walk around the room and pretend to be their animal; Having found the same animal, you need to join hands and continue to look for the others together; Everyone walks until they find all the members of their small group.

Division by “first-second” is a simple method, but it can be decorated if the division occurs by foreign language. For example, in Swedish: ett, two, tre, fyra, fem, sex... (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...). You can ask those participants who know some unusual language.

Candies of different colors/types - participants take out a candy from the bag and group together by type of candy or color of the candy wrapper.

Game “Sounds of Mu” - whisper an animal or bird in each ear, the number of animals according to the number of groups needed; participants walk around the room and make sounds of their animal; Having found the same animal, you need to join hands and continue to look for the others together; Everyone walks until they find all the members of their small group.

Leaflets - the coach needs small leaflets according to the number of group participants. On each one he writes a number(s)
by the number of small groups). Then the participants pull out one number at a time and silently look for their group.

Based on the external characteristics of the participants - for example, the color of their clothes. Those who prevail green color, are called “green”. Both “red” and “white” may appear. Those who do not fall into any category can unite, for example, in the “motley” team. The criteria for identifying separate groups can be not only the colors of clothing, but also other external features: hair color, eye color, etc.

Pairs “Animal family” - paired pieces of paper with the name of the animal and its baby (dinosaur and dinosaur, hippopotamus and hippopotamus, etc.) are put into a bag. Participants pull them into random order. “Parent” and “cub” find each other and pair up.

Systematized and described: Kira Kononovich

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    Volume of the coaching manual: 9 pages. Bonuses! Audio file (9:45 min.) and a detailed theory block for the exercise.

Dating games

"Snowball" (20 minutes.)

Target: learn and remember the names of the participants.

Materials: not required.

Each participant says their name and comes up with an adjective starting with the same letter as their name. It is very important to say the epithet that emphasizes the individuality of the participant. It is necessary to ensure that definitions are not repeated and that participants do not suggest epithets to each other.

The exercise should proceed as follows: the participant first says the name and adjective of the participant who introduced himself in front of him, then his own. The next person’s task is to repeat 2 names and 2 adjectives, then name his own... etc. Last participant have to repeat the names and adjectives of all participants in the circle.

Example: First participant: Maxim the wise. Second participant: Maxim the wise, Olga original.

Third participant: Maxim the wise, Olga the original, Natalya the resourceful, etc.

“My name is... I love myself because...” (15 min.)

Target: to restore the names of group participants in memory and create a working atmosphere (preferably on the 2nd day of the seminar).

The exercise is carried out in a circle.

Each person alternately says two phrases: “My name is...” and “I love myself because...”. Don't get distracted by arguments and discussions about our desires. Just say them one by one, impartially and quickly.

Group bonding games

"Line up according to your height!" (15 minutes.)

Target: overcoming barriers in communication between participants and their emancipation.

Materials: not required.

Participants become a tight circle and close their eyes. Their task is to line up with their eyes closed according to their height. After all participants find their place, give the command to open their eyes and see what happened. After the exercise, you can discuss whether it was difficult to complete this task (how the participants felt) or not.

Note: This game has several variations. You can give the task to build by eye color (from the lightest to the darkest - naturally, without closing your eyes), by hair color, by the warmth of your hands, etc.

"Frogs and crocodile" (10 min.)

All participants are frogs, and the driver is a crocodile. When the crocodile wakes up, the frogs must hide by standing on water lilies (sheets of paper laid out on the floor). With each awakening of the crocodile, sheets of paper are rolled up and removed. Those frogs that are outside the water lilies are eaten by the crocodile, i.e. leave the game. The main task is to ensure that all frogs can stay on a minimum number of water lilies.

Warm-up exercises

"Brazilian Grandma" (5 min.)

All participants stand in a circle (facing the center of the circle). The presenter shows certain movements of the head, arms, legs, which are accompanied by the phrases “I have a grandmother,” “She lives in Brazil,” “She has this leg,” “She has this arm and her head on the side,” “She jumps.” and shouts: “I am the most beautiful grandmother in the world.” Then all participants repeat these movements and words.

"Schumacher" (15 min.)

The presenter stands in a circle and points to any person and names the figure. The named one and its right and left neighbors show the desired figure; if someone does not do this quickly, within 3 seconds, then he becomes the driver. Shapes:

Elephant: the man in the middle shows his nose, neighbors show his ears

Tree: in the middle - arms up, on the sides - to the sides

Buffalo: in the middle - head tilted down, hands depicting horns, on the sides - kicking with distant legs

Schumacher: in the middle - holding the steering wheel, on the sides - wheels

Monkeys: in the middle - I don’t see anything, to the left of him - I don’t hear, to the right - I don’t speak.

Exercises for dividing a group into several subgroups

"Chaos Molecules" (2-3 minutes)

The instructor gives instructions: “Imagine that we are all atoms that move in a chaotic order, sometimes unite into molecules, and then scatter in different directions, gather into a whole cell, an organism…. Now the music will play, and we will all begin to move in space like atoms in chaos. And then I will name any number, and such a number of atoms will unite into one molecule, and then several molecules into a cell, cells into an organism.”

Music sounds, all participants move in a chaotic order. The instructor says “2 atoms”, then “2 molecules”, “2 cells”, “2 organisms”. Participants are divided into two groups.

Energizing games for students in grades 1-9 correctional schools VIII species

Description of work: To work with children of any age, correctional and secondary schools I offer energizing games. Energizers are short exercises that restore students' energy. They are a means of successfully overcoming a decline in class activity, restoring interest in the lesson and concentration of participants, and continuing to work productively. Can serve as energizers physical exercise, outdoor games, dancing, updating Creative skills children, improving their mood and overall tone. Thanks to energizing exercises, an atmosphere of safety is created in a class or group for its participants; they enjoy being together.

1. Games to divide the group into teams
Before starting a particular game, it is often necessary to first divide the group into teams. Below are various examples of such divisions (from dividing a group into two teams to dividing into pairs).

For division into any number of teams. The group sits in a circle.
The leader decides how many teams are needed and assigns each team its own name (apples, pears, oranges or tigers, lions, panthers) and in a circle, pointing to the participants, names the members of each team. All the panthers go to one corner, the tigers to the other.
Try to give either proud or funny names teams (for example, the team “Lame-legged Koloboks”).

Divide the teams by shoe color, gender, hair length, eye color.

Divide into teams by the letters with which the names of the participants begin. For example: A, E, P - 1st group, B, D, C - 2nd group, etc.

Take as many pictures or postcards as the teams need and cut them into pieces according to the number of participants. Each participant is given a piece of postcard. When the cards are folded, groups are formed.

Before the start of the lesson, the leader pastes drawings, numbers, etc. under the chairs on which the participants will sit.

2. Games to start the lesson

The easiest way to create a relaxed atmosphere is to play a game that will set a positive tone and energize the teacher and the entire group.
A friendly and fun atmosphere allows participants to relax and promotes understanding and a feeling of safety.
Greeting games are used at the beginning of the lesson to lift the mood and activate the group. They are especially effective in the first classes for liberation and stress relief, when the participants are still new to each other.
It is also important how the lesson is completed. Leave good impression The whole activity also benefits from goodbye games, which give a charge of excellent mood.

Each of the participants must say goodbye in the most elegant and gallant manner to each individual or to the entire group at once.
Everyone stands up and says goodbye to those present.

The facilitator gives each participant five pieces of paper and asks the group to write five different positive qualities on them (for example, the smartest, the most charming and attractive, etc.). Then all the pieces of paper are put into a hat, and each participant takes out five pieces of paper.

Game "COLOR"
This game can be played either at the beginning or at the end of the lesson.
Each participant names the color that currently corresponds to his mood and briefly explains why. For example me yellow color, because I’m in a cheerful, sunny mood right now.”

Game "SONG"
Everyone sings a line from a song that suits their mood at the moment, and the others join in.

3. Dating games

These games are aimed at introducing group members to each other, remembering names, relieving tension in the group caused by the presence of a large number of strangers, as well as to prepare participants for further working together. Exercises for introducing group members to each other are very varied. You can change the proposed games, come up with your own options, combine several games into one, etc.

The newspaper is rolled up. Everyone sits in a circle, cross-legged. One stands in the center, takes a newspaper, his task is to touch the knee of the person whose name is called. And the task of this person is to name someone’s name before it is tarnished, i.e., to “turn the arrows.” To make it more difficult, you can propose to prohibit calling one name to one person several times.

One calls his name, then the other on the left, calls his name and his, then the next one calls the names of the two who have already said and his, and so on in a circle. You can give advice and help.

Each of the participants finds a person who is somewhat similar or close in some way (from the color of shoelaces to the same name of the parents) and declares: “You and I are of the same blood - you and I, because you and I have snub noses,” and so on.

4. Games to activate the group

Game "WO-O-O!!!"
Starting or ending game.
Participants are asked how much energy they currently have. Everyone has to show which one, but everyone repeats. You can show how they want to eat or express their feelings on some occasion.

A very funny toy for emotional release.
Imagine that we are scoring a movie about a hippodrome. Slapping knees - running horses. Hands up sharply and shout “Oop!” - taking the barrier. Claps on the cheeks - running through a puddle. Slaps on the horse's chest close to the commentator's booth. Hands up and a long cry of “Ah-ah!” - screams of fans.
The presenter begins to comment on what is happening, and voice everything.
“Here are the horses standing still! Start! (everyone slaps their knees). The horses are running faster and faster!
First barrier! Screams of joyful fans! First lap, the horses are very close! They are running through a puddle, what a nightmare, it seems that only one horse is left in the puddle!” etc.

Very funny and simple game for emotional relief.
Two players stand opposite each other, very close (10 centimeters between noses), facing each other. Either a blanket or large leaf paper. When the sheet falls, you need to name your opponent's name as quickly as possible.
The funny thing is that both will yell in each other's faces and most often slow down in surprise. It turns out very funny.

Need to shake right hand, counting to 10, then left, counting to 10.
Then with a foot, then with the other, also counting. Then everything is the same until 9, then until 8 and so on until 1. It turns out to be very fun.

5. Games for concentration

Game "ZIP-ZEP-ZAP"(for attention and mood lifting).
Everyone stands in a circle. One shoots: “Zip!”, pointing his finger at someone, he must say: “Zep!”, shooting at the other, the next one must say: “Zap!” and shoot the next one. And continue in the same style. To make things more difficult, another “Zip!” is launched. and there are more players.
Confusion usually ensues.

Game "Bang-bang, YOU'RE KILLED!"(for attentiveness, speed of reaction and emotional relief).
Everyone stands in a circle. The presenter calls the name of one of the group members, upon hearing his name, the person must immediately sit down (the leader can also stand in a circle and simply point to the one who should sit down), and those who stand next to him must fold their hands into a pistol, point at each other and shout “Bang-bang, you’re killed!” Whoever shouts the fastest wins, and the loser leaves the circle. If the one whose name was called does not sit down, then he also leaves the circle. The game continues until there are two winners left.

Game "OH AND AY"
Everyone gets up. Bend forward and place your hands on your knees. It is necessary to pass the word “oh” along the chain from one person to another. As soon as someone says: “Ay,” the transmission of the word goes in the opposite direction. The task is not to slow down.

6. Games to relieve tension

These exercises are useful if the group is too tense or agitated. And also after classes or exercises that require a lot of emotional stress.

Everyone stands in a circle. First, massage the back of the neighbor on the left, lightly tap it, stroke it, then the neighbor on the right. Reminds me of a group massage.

Game "SNOW"
First shake off the virtual snow from the neighbor on the left, then the neighbor on the right.

The group stands in a circle, one participant stands in the middle of the circle.
The essence of the game is that the person standing in the center begins to fall back, relaxing as much as possible, and everyone else protects him from falling, passing him in a circle. The “pendulum” standing in the center should not bend.

7. Relaxation

Instrumental, calm, perhaps “natural” music is turned on.
The facilitator gives instructions to the participants: “Sit comfortably. Relax. If you feel that any part of your body is tense or “tight”, tighten that area as much as possible, hold for 5 seconds and relax.

Close your eyes. Take three breaths in and out at my command. One - inhale. Two - exhale. One - inhale. Two - exhale. One - inhale. Two - exhale.
Imagine a warm sunny morning. You walk along a sunlit plain that stretches to the very horizon. In the distance you see the vague outlines of hills shrouded in haze. You cross the plain and climb the low slopes, where there is a big Island dense pine forest.
You, stepping on soft, thick moss, descend into a shallow ravine covered with fragrant heather, and then turn towards the forest.
You are surrounded by slender and tall pine trunks. Their branches start high at the top. In places they intertwine, casting a thick shadow on the ground. The ground in the forest is dark and soft, covered with a carpet of pine needles and moss.
You lie down in the shade and look up through the tree branches. Your shoulders, back, lower back, your whole body is resting. It is pleasant for you to feel the earth on your back, slightly warmed by the rays of the morning sun. Are you looking at blue sky, along which rare clouds, similar to snow-white swans, slowly float; then close your eyes.
You breathe in cleanly, Fresh air, filled with the aroma of pine needles. The iridescent singing of birds is heard above the tree trunks. A light breeze rustles high in the branches. You lie down and enjoy the tranquility and harmony of the nature around you, feeling like a part of it. You take three breaths in and out at my command. One - inhale. Two - exhale. One - inhale. Two - exhale. One - inhale. Two - exhale. We opened our eyes.

8. Group bonding games

This section provides examples of games that do not carry an information load, but help to unite the group and develop team and interpersonal interaction.
All the games in this section can be divided into two groups: the first are games in which the participants must jointly solve a problem, the second are when the participants must all perform some action together. Therefore, choosing one or another exercise to unite the group at the same time, depending on the circumstances, you can either activate or calm the group.

Game "CLUB"
The group needs to stand in a circle, stretch their arms forward and grab any hand of one person with their left hand, and the hand of another with their right hand. Task: unravel so that you get a circle. The hand grip can be changed, but not released. If the group is completely confused, you can break the hands 1-2 times. Warn not to break your hands!

Game "Climber"
Break into two teams.
“You know that when climbers go to the mountains, they sleep on any ledge. Your task: to fit in and fall asleep on this..."
If you have sturdy chairs, you can use a chair, but if not, use newspaper. Then gradually reduce the size of the newspaper, and the team that stayed on the proposed ledge for 10 seconds won.

Five or six people stand in the center of the room. It is necessary to make a sculpture based on the proposed feelings. Everyone must agree and simultaneously take poses, but so that it is a single sculpture. At intervals of 5-8 seconds, the presenter gives topics: love, joy, hatred, boredom or genre scenes (meeting with a dentist, showdown in the yard), etc.

“Choose (10 min.)

If you want to divide the group into 4 subgroups, 4 volunteers are called; if there are 5 subgroups - 5 volunteers, etc.

The presenter asks the volunteers a question: “Who would you take with you on a hike?”

Volunteers select one person to join their team. Those who are chosen are asked the following question: “Who would you trust to carry the backpack?” The presenter can come up with the rest of the questions himself, or he can use the following: “Who would you share the apple with?”, “Who would you trust your secret with?” If there are several people left who were not selected, you can invite them to determine the team in which they would like to work. “Trick” (10 min.)

Materials: if you want to divide the group into 3 subgroups, prepare leaves of 3 colors; if there are 2 subgroups - 2 colors. (For a group of 15 people, 5 leaves of each color, etc.) Participants stand in a circle and close their eyes. The leader attaches pieces of paper to each person’s back. At the leader’s command, everyone opens their eyes. After which, without words or sounds, all participants should be distributed into groups.

"Molecules" (5 min.)

The presenter gives instructions: “Imagine that we are all atoms that move in a chaotic order, sometimes unite into molecules, and then scatter in different directions, gather into a whole cell, an organism... Now the music will play, and we will begin to move in space, like atoms in chaos. And then I will name any number, and such a number of atoms will unite into one molecule, and then several molecules into a cell, cells into an organism,” Music sounds, all participants move in a chaotic order. The trainer says “2 atoms”, then “2 molecules”, “2 organisms”. Participants are divided into two groups.

"Colors" (5 min.)

multi-colored leaves (red, yellow, green) according to the number of participants. Before class, you need to prepare tokens of two or more colors. Before the start of class, mix the tokens and distribute one to each participant. When it is necessary to divide the group, you just need to inform the participants that one color of tokens is the first team, and the second color is the second. Warm-up exercises

These games are necessary for the presenter to keep the participants in working order. They are held at those moments when the participants are tired of sitting or the group work is carried out in lecture form and requires great concentration and attention. Typically, these exercises include many active movements: jumping, movements of the head, arms, legs, etc. In these exercises, the leader usually demonstrates certain movements or pronounces words. The participants’ task is to repeat everything after the leader.

Goal: to activate, “warm up” group members, to create a certain emotional mood, relieve tension that may arise during the initial stages of the group's work.

"Zoo" (5 min.)

Each member of the group must imagine themselves as some kind of animal, and then walk in an imaginary enclosure, trying to imitate the habits of this animal.

"Empty Chair" (15 min.)

Participants are divided into first and second. Participants numbered “one” sit in a circle, participants numbered “two” stand behind their chairs. One chair must remain free. The task of the participant standing behind the chair is to invite someone sitting to his chair with his gaze. A participant who notices that he is being invited must run to an empty chair. The task of the partner behind him is to detain him.

"Hurricane" (10 min.)

Participants sit in a circle, the leader goes to the center of the circle and invites everyone who has a certain characteristic to change places (white shirt, teeth brushed in the morning, green eyes, etc.). Moreover, if a participant has these characteristics, he must change his place or become the leader. The presenter names only the characteristic that he currently possesses. When participants change places, he must take someone else's place. The participant left without a chair becomes the leader. If a participant cannot sit in a circle for a long time, he can say: “Hurricane,” and then everyone sitting in the circle must change places.

“Molecules” or “Brownian motion” (10 min.)

All participants gather in a tight group near the leader, close their eyes and begin to move chaotically in different directions, buzzing. After some time, the presenter gives one signal. What does it mean - “silence and freeze”, two signals - “line up in a circle with your eyes closed”, and three signals - “open your eyes and look at the resulting figure”. There is another option for playing with music. All participants move freely. At any moment, the leader can give a signal: “Gather in groups of 5 people (3, 7...)!” Participants need to quickly organize such groups by standing in a circle and holding hands. And so on several times, changing the number of people in groups (the number of atoms in a molecule).

“Count by 3” (10-15 min.)

stimulate the efficiency and cohesion of the group.

Participants stand in a circle. The task is to take turns counting out loud. The person who names a number that is a multiple of three or contains the number “3” claps his hands and jumps at the same time. He shouldn't say anything. The group keeps score until one of the participants makes a mistake and is eliminated from the game. The game continues until the remaining number of participants is counted without errors. The group applauds the winners. “Charging” (5-10 min.)

Goal: to increase the performance of the group.

The driver leaves the group. The whole group stands in a circle and chooses a person who will give it movement. He must change these movements, and the group must adapt to him. When the driver enters the room, his task is to find the person who is giving the commands. The “exposed” participant becomes the driver.

Communication games

“I want...” (10 min.)

Goal: practicing reflexive skills.

The exercise is carried out in a circle. Each person takes turns saying a sentence starting with the words “I want.” Don't get distracted by arguments and discussions about your desires. Just say them one by one, impartially and quickly.

For example: “I want to finish my studies,” “I want to live in Sochi,” “I want to get the highest score in English this semester.”

“I like you because...” (20 min.)

Option 1. Participants stand in a circle. The presenter throws the ball

to one of the participants, while saying “I like it about you...” and naming the quality you liked (several qualities).

The participant who receives the ball throws it to another person and names the qualities he likes. The ball must reach all participants. Option 2: Divide the group into pairs. This exercise can be

do in pairs.

“Compliment” (10 min.)

2 circles are lined up - internal and external. The number of participants in both circles must be the same. Participants standing opposite each other compliment each other. Then, at the command of the leader, the participants in the inner circle move, changing partners. The procedure is repeated until each member of the inner circle has met each member of the outer circle.

“You’re doing great anyway, because...” (15 min.)

Participants are divided into pairs. One partner tells the other about a difficult situation in life, something unpleasant, or talks about some of his shortcomings, etc., his interlocutor listens carefully and says the phrase: “You’re doing great anyway, because...”.

“You and I are similar in that...” (20 min.)

Participants line up in 2 circles - outer and inner. The number of participants in both circles must be the same. Participants in the outer circle say to their partners a phrase beginning with the words: “You and I are similar in that...” (for example: you and I are similar in that we live on planet Earth, study in the same class, etc.). Participants in the inner circle answer: “You and I differ in that...” (for example: you and I differ in eye color, long hair etc.). Then, at the command of the leader, the participants in the inner circle move, changing partners. The procedure is repeated until every member of the inner circle meets every member of the outer circle.

"Berlin Wall" (30 min.)

Materials: rope or enough chairs (5-7).

The room is partitioned in the middle with chairs or a rope (the rope is held by the presenters at a level of 0.5 m above the floor). The group is invited to move to the other side of the barrier. If at least one person remains on the other side of the obstacle or the obstacle is touched, all participants return back. The rope, according to the decision of the presenters, can be raised to any height. Depending on the characteristics of the group, it is possible to play the game in one or two stages. That is, the “wall” can become much higher and the group will have to repeat the assault to get back. The second stage is desirable if, in the process of getting to know each other and developing rules, the group showed discord, rivalry, and a tendency to “label”. After completing the game, the host discusses a strategy for solving the problem or the reason for its absence. He also discusses with the participants why they had problems and what other strategies the group could have chosen.

“Labyrinth” (30 min.) Objective:


find a way out, a way out difficult situations, learn to listen to the opinions of others, paper tape or strips of paper for building a field. The size of one square on the field is approximately 20 by 30 cm.

end of field beginning of field

Group task: Conditions:

On the floor, the leaders lay out a field consisting of small squares. Some of these squares are “mined” (empty squares). Crosses mark a non-mined road that participants must find and all participants must move to the opposite side of the field.

participants are given 5 minutes. to discuss the action strategy. After this they should not talk; cannot be shown on the field; One participant cannot walk across the field 2 times in a row; You cannot step through one square. If someone steps on the “mined square”, the presenter serves sound signal(claps, stomps, hoo-hoo, etc.).

Note: if the whole group manages to move to another hundred

ron in 10-15 minutes, then we can conclude that the group is well united and can find the right strategies to get out of difficult situations.

“Building a Bridge” (50 min.)

Materials: A4 sheets, pencil, ruler and scissors.

Divide the groups into two teams. One team, together with the leader, goes out the door, the second remains with the other leader in the room. The first group is given the following task: the participants must portray missionaries, and the remaining group must portray the natives of a tribe that does not know writing, mathematics, or engineering. An epidemic recently began in their tribe, and people are dying in dozens. It is impossible to bring them to the hospital, because the road to it is 105 km; and directly - 5 km, but the path lies through impassable swamps. It is necessary to teach them how to build a bridge, because if they build it themselves, they still will not learn how to repair it. The bridge should consist of 5 meters of sheets of paper glued together, the width of the bridge is half the width of the sheet of paper with a 5 mm indentation to the larger side. In addition, the missionaries must convince the natives of the need to build a bridge. Construction time - 20 minutes. The natives' team is informed following rules: Only the head of the tribe can communicate with missionaries. Women do not have the right to hold scissors in their hands, men do not have the right to hold a ruler. Every 3 minutes (at the leader’s command) they must pray intensely, giving up everything they are doing. When gluing the paper, they should glue one triangle and a flower to each joint.

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