Program of individual work with low-achieving children. Organization of work with low-achieving and unsuccessful students in the classroom

Working with low-achieving children

Successful organization academic work and the activation of schoolchildren’s learning are unthinkable without a sensitive attitude towards them and skillful individual approach. This truth is considered a truism. Teachers learn about it while still a student, when they listen to lectures on psychology, pedagogy and methodology. But in practice, many of us make serious shortcomings in this regard, which negatively affect academic performance and the quality of education. There is too much desire for a direct influence on the student in order to quickly achieve positive results, and there is not always enough skill and patience to look for ways to gradually improve academic performance, to awaken interest and create motivation for learning.

Features of underachieving students

  • low level of knowledge, as a consequence of this low level of intellectual development
  • lack of cognitive interest
  • basic organizational skills have not been developed
  • students require an individual approach from a psychological and pedagogical (in terms of learning) point of view
  • there is no reliance on parents as allies of the subject teacher
  • children mainly from asocial families
  • lack of adequate self-esteem on the part of students
  • frequent absences from classes without a good reason, which leads to a lack of system in knowledge and, as a consequence of this, a low level of intelligence

1. Low level of mental development.


  • Pedagogical neglect.
  • Frequent illnesses.
  • Missing classes.
  • Organic disorders of the central nervous system and brain.


  • Does not know how to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Take into account all the signs of an object or phenomenon.
  • See the general.

2. Lack of training skills.

The child does not know how to study:

  • work with text;
  • highlight the main, essential;
  • cannot organize his time and distribute efforts, etc.

3. Attention deficit with hyperactivity.

Characterized by:

  • distractibility;
  • mobility;
  • restlessness, etc.

4. Lack of cognitive interest.

Due to:

  • no one worked with the child, did not develop his cognitive abilities;
  • he is not interested in anything, he does not attend clubs and sections, does not read books, but prefers to spend empty time.

5. Unformedness of an arbitrary sphere.

It manifests itself in the fact that the student does what he likes and is not able to make volitional efforts to complete educational tasks.

6. Conflict relationships

  • with peers;
  • teachers;
  • refusal of effort in educational activities.

7. Low cognitive interest

Punitive measures do not work (failures, punishments, etc.)


  • in support
  • showing that he is proficient in other activities

Useful to include entertaining tasks and puzzles, interesting stories, to ensure the “effect of novelty” when solving educational problems.

8. Low level of development of verbal and logical thinking

It is necessary to place great emphasis on clarity in the solution and presentation of educational material, ensuring the implementation of the principle of accessibility of educational material.

9. Low performance

  • In fatigue
  • Exhaustibility
  • Slow pace of work

What to teach?

It is necessary to find out the reason for the lag, determine the actual level of his knowledge, and then “return him” to the level of education where he will meet the requirements of the program and the State Educational Standards.

How to teach?

Think over and implement an individual training plan.

From the above brief overview the following conclusions can be drawn:

To prevent academic failure, it is necessary to promptly identify gaps in the knowledge, skills and abilities of students and organize the timely elimination of these gaps.

It is necessary to establish the correctness and reasonableness of the methods of educational work used by students, and, if necessary, adjust these methods. It is necessary to systematically train students in general educational skills.

It is necessary to organize the educational process, the life of students at school and in the classroom, in such a way as to evoke and develop in students internal motivation for learning activities, a persistent cognitive interest in learning.

Main areas of work with low-achieving children:

  • Improving movements and sensorimotor development:
  • Correction of certain aspects of mental activity:
  • Development of basic mental operations.
  • Development of different types of thinking.
  • Correction of disturbances in the development of the emotional and personal sphere.
  • Speech development, mastery of speech technique.
  • Expanding your understanding of the world around you and enriching your vocabulary.
  • Correction of individual knowledge gaps.

Forms and types of assistance:

Forms of assistance:



Types of assistance:




Working methods:





Partial search,


Method of independent work.

Forms of work:





Our school hosts big job to find out the reasons for school failure (monitoring, diagnostics), which makes it possible to identify groups of unsuccessful students.Corrective and developmental classes are conducted by the school psychological service and the Vera Center for Medical and Social Services.

We must remember that a student who does not want to study is the suffering party. Constant conflict with parents, with teachers, disdainful attitude from classmates - this is not a teenager can handle. The problem of trust within educational process is very relevant. Taking into account the fact that learning motivation is a fundamental component of the educational process, I believe that its level largely depends on the level of trust in the teacher. Trust between teacher and student - necessary condition quality education. Most often, a child needs not just pedagogical help and support, but also understanding, kind and affectionate words, which he so lacks both at school and at home. Therefore, you need to start work by establishing contact and trust: stop reading notations; give up scandals and punishments. Benevolent support for any, even the weakest, success, endurance and calmness - this is the correct line of behavior in such cases. Once trust has been achieved, you can begin to understand the reasons for the reluctance to learn. The main reason may be the presence of defects or lack of formation of educational activities. Another reason is the mistakes made in upbringing, which lead to one thing: the inability to do what is necessary, contrary to what one wants. The joint activities of teachers, students and parents can play a big role in developing this skill. The main conclusion from all that has been said is that increasing academic performance and the quality of knowledge, overcoming the educational gap of schoolchildren requires solving two problems: on the one hand, it is necessary to improve the methods of conducting training sessions, taking into account the individual characteristics of the class and individual students.

On the other hand, skillfully apply a system of educational means of influence on students in order to prevent them from developing a negative attitude towards learning, to develop a need for knowledge and a desire to overcome the difficulties encountered.

The results of the work show positive dynamics. Thus, organized work with low-performing students is most often effective.

Working with low-performing children in primary school

One of the main problems that school teachers have to solve is working with low-performing students. Low-achieving students are considered to be those who have weak mental abilities and weak learning skills, a low level of memory, or those who lack effective motives for learning. It is no secret that the number of such students in schools is approximately 10-15%. To prevent this category of students from becoming underachieving, systematic work with low-performing students from all services of the educational institution is necessary.

Underachievement is understood as a discrepancy between students’ preparation and the requirements of the content of education, which is recorded after a significant period of the learning process - a chain of lessons devoted to the study of one topic or section of a course, academic quarter, half-year, year.

A lag is a failure to fulfill requirements (or one of them), which occurs at one of the intermediate stages within that segment of the educational process that serves as a time ramp for determining academic performance. The word “backlog” also denotes the process of accumulating non-fulfillment of requirements.

Failure and lag are interconnected. In underachievement as a product, individual lags are synthesized; it is the result of the lag process. Various backlogs, if they are not overcome, grow, intertwine with each other, and ultimately form underachievement. The challenge is to prevent individual backlogs from intertwining and eliminate them. This is a warning of failure.

The failure of schoolchildren is always a consequence of some reason. It doesn't happen on its own. Modern science (psychology, physiology, medicine) shows that people are born with great potential for mental development, but these opportunities are far from being fully exhausted. Psychologists believe that a person uses 10% of his natural data, the other 40%. In both cases, it is obvious that a person has more inclinations than he realizes. Exceptions include sick children. At school, we often meet children who cause a lot of trouble and require a lot of effort from the team, but the results are insignificant.

While all children have potential, we have underperforming and difficult children in schools. Why? First of all, you should keep in mind that last years Children (6-8 years old) enter school whose development after birth is burdened by difficulties and concomitant diseases. These reasons include birth trauma, oxygen deprivation of the brain, and diseases of the nervous system. Overcoming these diseases leads in the first months and years of life to a delay in mental development due to which the child entering school will have insufficiently formed mental functions, for example, instability of attention, a limited range of ideas, memory lags, and others.

When working with students, the following reasons for failure can be identified:

Internal to the student

* Disadvantages of biological development:

Defects of the sensory organs;

Somatic debilitation;

Features of higher nervous activity;

Psychological deviations.

* Disadvantages of mental development:

Poor development of intelligence;

Poor development of will;

Poor development of the emotional sphere of the individual;

Lack of cognitive interests.

*Disadvantages of personality education

Disadvantages in development moral qualities personalities;

Disadvantages in the individual’s relationship with the teacher, team, family;

Disadvantages in labor education;

External to the student

*Disadvantages of an individual’s educational experience:

Gaps in knowledge;

Special skills;

Gaps in academic skills;

* Disadvantages of school influence:

Disadvantages of the learning process, teaching aids;

Disadvantages of the process of educational influences on the part of teachers, teams, and students.

*Disadvantages of influence outside the school environment:

Disadvantages of family influence;

Disadvantages of peer influence;

Disadvantages of the influence of the cultural and industrial environment.

Knowing the reasons for academic failure, a program has been drawn up to prevent student failure primary school.

The first and important link in the work is to determine the category to which the underperforming student belongs in order to reveal the causes of failure.

Deep and general lag

Partial but persistent academic failure

Episodic failure


  • Low level of previous student training
  • Poor living conditions
  • Protracted illness
  • Lack of parental care
  • Laziness, indiscipline of the student
  • Weaker mental development
  • Shortcomings in previous classes.
  • Insufficient interest of students in the subjects studied
  • Weak will to overcome difficulties
  • Disadvantages of Teaching
  • Fragility of knowledge
  • Weak current control
  • Inattention in class
  • Irregular homework

Algorithm for preventing academic failure

Type of work


For what?



Lesson work

When identifying the stage of development at which the student is

To prevent mental retardation for modern learning of the subject.

Creating a microclimate in the classroom. Algorithmization of actions. Preventing knowledge gaps due to omissions. Maintaining interest. Formation of motivation for learning.

Control card. Include in work (frontal survey). Work in groups. Preparation of consultations. Knowledge correction lessons. Supporting notes. Memos on subjects. Cards. Work in pairs

Extracurricular activities

If you encounter any difficulties:

1. In learning new material;
2.When a knowledge gap is identified.


1. Warnings for academic failure;
2. Elimination of identified knowledge gaps;
3.Formation of motivation and interest in learning.

Individual-personal approach to working with low-achieving students.

Individual and group consultations; Providing assistance with implementation homework(cards, instructions, help from strong students; participation in subject clubs, creative assignments.

Individual sessions

If you fall behind in your studies, miss classes, or fail to complete your homework;

Formation of the student’s personality; formation of motivation. Interest in studying. Providing professional and pedagogical assistance to parents; establishment uniform requirements to students' knowledge.

Individual-personal approach; Creation cultural environment. Helping parents correct their child’s academic performance. Formation and consistency of internal and external motives.

Involvement of KTD circles for self-government; Carrying out cool hours; creation of subject- spatial environment school that meets educational objectives. Pedagogical education of parents.

Program for teacher activities with low-performing students and their parents.

  1. Conduct diagnostics at the beginning of the year to identify the student’s level of learning.
  2. Use in lessons different kinds survey (oral, written, individual, etc.) for objectivity of the result.
  3. Regularly and systematically survey, giving grades in a timely manner, avoiding the accumulation of grades at the end of the quarter, when the student no longer has the opportunity to correct them (the number of respondents in a lesson should be at least 5-7 students).
  4. Comment on the student’s assessment (it is necessary to note shortcomings so that the student can eliminate them in the future
  5. The teacher must eliminate the gaps in knowledge identified during the tests, and then re-test the knowledge of knowledge.
  6. The subject teacher must determine the time during which a poorly performing student must master the topic and, in case of difficulty, provide advice.
  7. The subject teacher is obliged to notify the class teacher or directly the student’s parents about low performance if there is an accumulation of unsatisfactory grades (3 or more “2”)
  8. The teacher should not reduce a student's grade for bad behavior in class; in this case, he should use other methods of influence.
  9. If steps 1.-.9 are completed and there is no positive result, the teacher reports to the school administration about the student’s low performance and the work done in the following form:

F.I. student

Reasons for failure (the teacher indicates independently identified reasons)

Types of survey used

Forms for closing gaps.

Information to the class teacher (date)

Information for parents (date)

Result of work

Class teacher activity program.

  1. The class teacher is obliged to identify the reasons for the student’s underachievement through individual conversations, if necessary, turning to a psychologist or social teacher (methods of work: surveys of students, parents, interviews), taking into account that possible reasons include:
  • skipping classes (for good or bad reasons)
  • insufficient home preparation
  • low abilities
  • reluctance to learn
  • insufficient work in class
  • bias in class grading
  • a lot of homework
  • high level complexity of the material
  • other reasons
  1. If poor academic performance is a consequence of missing lessons, the class teacher must find out the reasons for the absence (respectful, disrespectful)
  2. Valid reasons are considered:

a) illness confirmed by a doctor’s certificate or a note from parents for a period of no more than 3 days.

b) Events confirmed by certificates, calls, or orders from the institution conducting the event.

c) Exemption from a student’s lesson in the event feeling unwell with a warning from the subject teacher or class teacher.

d) By family circumstances(on application addressed to the director of the educational institution)

  1. The following are considered unjustified reasons:

a) Missing a lesson or lessons without appropriate documents confirming a valid reason for the student’s absence.

  1. The class teacher must immediately inform parents about missed lessons through an entry in the diary (if the case is isolated), through a conversation with parents (if absences are repeated), through a small teacher council (if absenteeism is systematic)
  2. In case of detection of dishonest homework or insufficient work in the lesson, the class teacher is obliged to carry out preventive work with the student’s parents, turning to a social teacher or psychologist for help in case of parents evading their responsibilities.
  3. If steps 1-6 are completed and there is no positive result, the class teacher informs the school administration about this student with a request to hold a small teachers’ meeting.

Student activity program

1. The student is obliged to complete homework and submit written assignments to the teacher for checking in a timely manner.

2. The student is required to work during the lesson and complete all types of exercises and assignments during the lesson.

3 A student who misses classes (for good or no good reason) is required to independently study educational material, but in case of difficulty, the student can contact the teacher for advice.

Parent activity program.

1. Parents are required to come to school at the request of the teacher or class teacher.

2. Parents are required to monitor the student’s homework and his attendance at the educational institution.

3. Parents are obliged to help their child master missed educational material by independent studies or consultations with a subject teacher in the event of a child’s absence from classes due to illness or other valid reasons.

4. Parents have the right to attend lessons in which the student shows low results.

5. Parents have the right to seek help from the class teacher, psychologist, social teacher, and the administration of the educational institution

6. If parents evade their responsibilities, materials on the student and his parents are filed with the commission on minors’ affairs and protection of children’s rights in order to take administrative punitive measures against the parents.

1. To instill in students a personal awareness of the importance and necessity of moving forward along the path of expanding their knowledge, which is an important link in increasing the effectiveness of learning.

2. To diversify the students’ MO, SO, FE, directing them towards individualization and differentiation of the educational process, at activating the student’s mental activity, taking into account the correlation of each student to one of the 6 pedagogical systems, one of 5 levels of knowledge. Use at work modern technologies training with the emphasis on humane and personal technologies.

3. Current control should be comprehensive, promptly highlighting gaps and gaps in the student’s knowledge and based on self-testing and mutual checking of the level of knowledge.

4. The effectiveness of learning, the nature of the student’s attitude towards learning activities depend on his activity life position. When raising it, it is necessary to take into account the obligatory interrelation of all structural links of the educational process that have an impact on the student’s personality (see diagram); take into account the importance of creating a “success situation” in the process for the student to understand his strengths. A student who does not succeed in school becomes a failure. Therefore, the life of a student at school: lessons, extracurricular activities should be so interesting that every child wants to take part in them, so that the student’s work is independent and creative.

Tell me and I'll forget

Show me and I will remember

Get me involved and I'll get carried away!

Forms and methods of working with low achievers.

Over the course of many years of my teaching career, I was interested in the problem of student failure, since in every class I had children who

required special attention during the learning process. The set of students I am currently working with are children from disadvantaged and single-parent families, with poor health and a weak level of preparedness for school.

Children have not developed speech skills, writing skills, learning skills, and on top of that they add a new environment, a new teacher, etc. Children are lost due to the anxiety that washes over them, cannot correctly construct an answer, make many mistakes, forget letters , numbers. To overcome these learning difficulties, I use exercises to develop mental processes (memory, attention, speech). (See. application No. 1).

Hiking and excursions, which I conduct in the first weeks of school, play a big role in the development of speech. Outside the school setting, when the teacher does not give grades and is not a source of anxiety and fear, children try themselves in communication: they talk about their pets, their favorite games, television programs- about everything at once and at the same time do not suspect that they are already independently speaking out on various topics. The subject of the conversation is known and understood to children, therefore communication with each other usually takes place freely, without coercion or tension. It became obvious that it is necessary to develop speech in children through a subject that is well known and close to them.

To rehabilitate lagging children, for their more successful self-affirmation, it is necessary to use the technique of suggestion (borrowed from the experience of Ukrainian teachers), directing it to the statement that this class contains children with undiscovered talents, etc. To validate this statement, it is necessary to conduct “testing” and , to the great surprise of the guys, announce based on its results that all of them, without exception, have good learning abilities, good memory, which only needs daily training with the help of special exercises and memorizing poems.

Using a variety of didactic games (Cm. application No. 2), associated with active movement - clapping, running, walking, throwing a ball, etc., arouses genuine interest in them and fosters a positive emotional attitude towards the lesson. Taking into account the didactic requirements for the lesson, the game must be educational in nature, have a didactic purpose and be related to the lesson material. I try to select games with such techniques and exercises that, if possible, all students in the class, including very weak ones, participate in them. With the help of games, children, without noticing it themselves, acquire the ability to count, solve problems, and gain new knowledge.

To develop intelligence, you can use various kinds of puzzles, charades, and rebuses. (Cm. application No. 3). Among intellectually developing games, riddle games are especially popular among children. Both the process of solving riddles and the result of this unique intellectual competition are of interest. Riddles broaden children's horizons, introduce them to the world around them, natural phenomena, through interdisciplinary connections, develop and enrich speech, and contribute to the development of logical and heuristic thinking. The riddle, according to K.D. Ushinsky, “delights the child’s mind useful exercises" The process of guessing is a kind of gymnastics that mobilizes and trains the student’s mental strength. I include different types of riddles in my work in Russian lessons. Guessing them is a creative process. The form of riddles can be different: frontal, group, individual). The types of exercises that involve solving riddles can also be different. From the answers you can create crosswords, lotto, or play a game in the form of a quiz or lottery.

I include in my lessons various games to transform words. They help me develop my students’ spelling vigilance, allow me to prevent some mistakes, repeat and reinforce the rules of grammar, and develop speech. (Cm. application No. 4).

When working with underachieving children, the technique requires a verbal setting or emphatic emphasis on the material being communicated.

The teacher, depending on the health of the children and their mental state at the moment, needs to use a gentle mode of the educational process.

Children have a very difficult time reading, so in reading lessons, when learning letters and sounds, I use syllable tables (See. application No. 5).

The formation of speech activity in underachieving children is very slow; traditional methods will not help here. Therefore, the problem of developing children’s speech must be solved in all lessons, including mathematics lessons. It is also necessary to adhere to firm principles: children should speak as much as possible, and since they are not graded for this, they will not have any fear of failing.

Nothing inspires a child more, nothing strengthens his self-confidence more than good luck, and, conversely, nothing is more able to drown out his sense of self-esteem, the consciousness of his worth, than frequent failures. One of the components of a happy childhood is the feeling of experienced success achieved in overcoming difficulties, including educational ones.

I agree with the opinion of methodologist I.S. Shokhor-Trotsky, who at the turn of the twentieth century wrote that in order to “...enrich the intellect of students, it is necessary that the student experience living emotions of interest and pleasure both about moving work forward and overcoming its difficulties.”

Success creates a high emotional mood, has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, and tones the entire body.

All this work must go alongside the main work - teaching.

If a child’s reading technique is at a very low level, this leads to a lag in all subjects and inhibits the development of perception, understanding, reconstruction and reproduction of the text being read. It is difficult for a child to navigate the text, to highlight the main thing, and if the text is voluminous, then it is difficult for the child to determine storyline. Therefore, I use the following technique - it is necessary to teach how to highlight the main thing, and then the secondary:

What, who are they talking about?

One child asks questions, the other answers them. Over the course of a week, children acquire the skill of highlighting the main points in a text. The number of questions should be no more than seven or eight.

The problem of developing children's mathematical abilities is one of the least developed methodological problems of teaching mathematics in primary school today. (Cm. application No. 6)

Pedagogy knows an old truth: the younger the child’s age, the greater the influence on him. environment, the conditions of his life, pedagogical influences addressed to him. The emotional responsiveness of younger schoolchildren, their trusting submission to the authority of an adult, the speed and ease of formation of stereotypes of behavior and activity, special susceptibility to educational influences and the relative stability formed in the process of these phenomena contain extremely favorable prerequisites for the successful implementation of correctional work in primary school.

By using didactic games and assignments in mathematics lessons, as well as following the recommendations and tips offered in the program, I achieve increased interest in the educational process not only of low-performing students, but also of the class as a whole.

In my work I use the experience of S.N. . Lysenkova. She offers a technique that is a real means to get rid of the biggest school grief: from underachievers. She suggests, in addition to past and present material, giving the most difficult material in small portions, which will be covered in fifty, one hundred or one hundred and fifty lessons. The best students intuitively grasp complex future topics, experiencing intellectual pleasure, while the weak ones, slowly, through repeated repetitions, comprehend material that is difficult for them and ultimately master it on time, keeping up with the class.

Lysenkova suggests using commented training. She says that if you teach children to think out loud, always out loud, so that every action is accompanied by a word, then this word can be directed, and through it the thought. I also use commented writing in my lessons.

Commented control saves lesson time and also develops speech. The student leads the solution of an example, a problem, analysis of a sentence - this is a survey. At the same time, the child feels: the whole class obeys his will. He is a teacher, everyone’s work depends on him, which means he tries to speak loudly and clearly. Hence good diction and expressive speech.

Working according to the method of S. N. Lysenkova, it is possible to prevent and correct poor performance in the classroom.

To increase the effectiveness of learning, to prevent educational lag and failure, it is necessary to purposefully develop cognitive interest. Of great importance in the formation of cognitive interest among students is the selection of imaginative, bright, entertaining educational material and its addition to the general type of educational examples and tasks. This method creates an uplifting atmosphere in the classroom that encourages a positive attitude towards learning activities. For example, instead of standard phrase: “We are starting a new topic” - the teacher can ask students to solve a crossword puzzle keyword, which is the name of the topic of the lesson. I try to enrich and diversify the educational content of the lesson. An example would be conducting a game in a mathematics lesson - travel, a KVN lesson.

Formation problem situations adds interest and entertainment to the learning session. Interesting practical activities, excursions, observations, as well as the active participation of children in extracurricular and extracurricular activities significantly contribute to the desire to learn.

I work to eliminate gaps in students’ knowledge in lessons and additional classes.

A good result in the lessons is given by:

  • group work.
  • lessons from a young teacher when part of the lesson is taught by the students themselves.

In additional classes, I give students the right to ask their friends, compose dictation texts themselves, dictate them, check each other’s independent work, and explain assignments.

I conduct individual conversations with students. I support close connection with the school psychologist.

An integrated approach to solving problems of academic failure is collaboration teacher, psychologist, speech therapist, social worker, and of course parents. Working with parents is of great importance in solving academic problems. Therefore, when holding parent-teacher meetings, I try to focus on each of my students and give parents practical advice on overcoming the difficulties their children experience.

To solve the problem associated with academic failure, I propose ten rules for working with underachieving students:

  1. Believe in the ability of any student, try to convey this faith to him.
  2. Remember that the student needs a period of “getting used to” the material.
  3. Don't rush him, learn to wait.
  4. Each lesson is a continuation of the previous one, each one brings something new to the topic being studied.
  5. Instill in the weak the belief that they will remember and understand everything, and often offer them the same type of tasks.
  6. One was decided with the teacher, the other was decided together with the teacher, the third was decided by each individual.
  7. Don’t take working with underachievers in a simplistic way. We must constantly strive to develop memory, logic, thinking, emotions, and interest in learning.
  8. Don't chase after an abundance of new information. Know how to select the main thing from what you have studied, present it, repeat it, consolidate it.
  9. Generalization is the main component of any technique.
  10. Learn to manage the class, combine frontal work in the lesson with individual work.

Remember that after some time the group of low achievers will, in turn, split into capable, average and low achievers.

  1. Bibliographic list.
  2. Akhutina T. Children with learning difficulties // Primary school: plus or minus. – 2000, No. 12. - With. 20.
  3. Vygotsky L. S. Pedagogical psychology. – M., 1996.
  4. Eropkina A. “More attention to low-performing students.” // Elementary School. 1985 No. 9. - With. 22.
  5. Zinchenko S. N. “Why it can be difficult for children to learn.” – K., 1990. – p. 107.
  6. Korostel I. “Working with low-achieving students” // Head of Teacher - 2000, No. 3. – 101.
  7. Kumarina G. “Compensatory training” // Primary school. – 1995, No. 3. – p.72.
  8. Nemov R.S. Psychology part 3. – M.: Education, Vlados, 1995.

Podlasy I. P. Pedagogy of primary school. – M.: Vlados, 2000. System of work with low-achieving students Identification of low-achieving students Studying the causes of failure Direction of work with low-achieving students Taking into account individual personality characteristics Taking into account social conditions Accounting age characteristics Accounting for health status Accounting for the formation of general and special conditions Taking into account the formation of general and special conditions Formation and development of students’ learning skills Individual work Differentiated work Additional classes Involvement in sections, electives Work with parents Obtaining a standard of education

The main signs of student failure can be considered: 5 Insufficient family education. Gaps in factual knowledge. Insufficient level of development and education personal qualities, which does not allow the student to demonstrate independence, determination, perseverance, organization and other qualities necessary for successful learning.

The difficulties of a teenager, manifested in the form of educational retardation and emotional instability, can have a variety of reasons: 7 Poor health. Lack of formation of methods of educational activities. If the psychological and pedagogical skills of successful educational activities have not been developed, then the student learns the educational material mechanically, without preliminary logical processing. Disadvantages of the cognitive sphere (thinking, memory, attention). Complete mastery of the school curriculum presupposes mandatory abstract logical thinking, ability to systematize, generalize, classify, compare. The inability to remember also affects the child’s educational activities and ultimately affects his attitude towards learning and school; Insufficient development of the motivational sphere, which is primarily a priority for family education.

Features of underachieving students: low level of knowledge, as a consequence of this, low level of intellectual development, lack of cognitive interest, elementary organizational skills have not been formed, students require an individual approach from a psychological and pedagogical (in terms of learning) point of view

Features of underachieving students: no reliance on parents as allies of the subject teacher; children, mainly from asocial families; lack of adequate self-esteem on the part of students; frequent absences from classes without a good reason, which leads to a lack of system in knowledge and, as a consequence, a low level of intelligence

A student’s lag in mastering a specific academic subject can be detected by the following signs: 1. Low level of mental development. 2. Lack of training skills. 3. Attention deficit with hyperactivity. 4. Lack of cognitive interest. 5. Unformedness of an arbitrary sphere. 6. Conflict relationships 7. Low cognitive interest 8. Low level of development of verbal and logical thinking 9. Low performance

Parents Teacher Parents need the child to have knowledge, but at the same time there is no control and help for the children on their part; the teacher, according to the parents, acts as a monster, an overseer; teachers sometimes scold parents even in the presence of a child, while not always giving specific advice; parents, in turn, accuse teachers of incompetence in the presence of children; teachers themselves do not always see a way out of the current conflict situation

The tasks of the teachers' council are to systematize theoretical knowledge on the topic. Conduct psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of low-performing students. To identify the main causes and preventive measures for school failure. Determine the ways, forms and means of solving the problem of academic failure various stages educational activities. Convert a rigid triangle into a movable quadrilateral

Teacher activity 1. At the beginning school year carry out diagnostics of students in order to identify the level of learning. 2. Use various types of questioning in lessons. 3. Be sure to comment on each student’s grade. 4. A teacher should not quiz a student or assign written work to the student on the first day of class following an illness or excused absence from school. 5. To eliminate gaps in the student’s knowledge on a missed topic, the teacher must determine the time during which the student must master the specified topic and, in case of difficulty, advise him.

6. The teacher must record unsatisfactory grades received by the student in a diary for the purpose of timely monitoring by parents. 7. The teacher is obliged to notify the class teacher or directly the student’s parents about the decrease in the student’s performance. 8. The teacher should not reduce a student’s grade for bad behavior in class; in this case, he should use other methods of influencing the student (persuasion, conversation with a psychologist and social pedagogue) 9. The subject teacher is obliged to issue quarter grades a week before the end of the quarter.

Ways to achieve high performance: correct disclosure of the causes of failure and identification of ways to eliminate it; high quality lessons; use of advanced methods in teaching; real help and close contact of all family members with the teaching staff; clearly established control over educational process.

How to help a low-achieving student: More is needed to consolidate long time and a larger volume of tasks to be solved. The teacher, for himself and for the student, must formulate the minimum knowledge and skills that the student must acquire. How to increase your performance: Diversify your activities. Ventilate the office. Conduct physical exercises. We must always remember to observe the principle of necessity and sufficiency.

Cards for individual work Tasks with multiple choice Deformed tasks Cards - simulators Creative tasks Search in various ways problem solving. Making crosswords. Writing mathematical fairy tales and games. Drawing up tasks according to this condition.

The teacher must: Know mental development child Strive to understand and accept each child Create a calm environment and a favorable psychological climate in the lesson Show - reasonable demands - inexhaustible patience - fair rigor - faith in the student’s capabilities Be able to take the student’s position Say NO to a mocking tone! Be able to conduct a casual dialogue Strive to be externally entertaining Use means of non-verbal communication (reference signals, drawings, tables, diagrams, plans) Learn to work with dictionaries and other reference material

The teacher must: In teaching, apply - advanced learning - various shapes group work - mutual questioning, self-control - notes - blocks of different topics, use them on different stages learning When formulating the goals of a lesson, include as a priority the correctional and developmental aspect Rationally distribute educational material (difficult things first!) Use frequent changes in types of activities in the lesson Repeatedly recite and reinforce the lesson material Strive for algorithmization of activities

Rules developed by psychologists: Do not put a weak person in a situation of an unexpected question and do not demand a quick answer to it, give the student enough time to think and prepare. It is advisable that the answer be not oral, but in writing. You cannot give large, varied, complex material for assimilation in a limited period of time; you need to try to break it down into separate pieces of information and give them gradually, as you master it. Such students should not be forced to answer questions about new material they have just learned; it is better to postpone the survey until the next lesson, giving the students the opportunity to study at home.

Through the correct tactics of surveys and encouragement (not only with assessments, but also with comments such as “excellent”, “well done”, “smart girl”, etc.), it is necessary to build confidence in such students in their abilities, in their knowledge, and in the ability to learn. This confidence will help the student in extreme stressful situations of passing exams, writing tests, etc. You should be more careful in assessing the student’s failures, because he himself is very sensitive to them. While the student is preparing an answer, he must be given time to check and correct what he has written. You should distract the student to a minimum extent, try not to divert his attention, and create a calm, non-nervous environment.

Differentiated approach When consolidating. When checking homework. When working independently. Create a situation of success in the lesson: help a strong student realize his capabilities in more time-consuming and complex activities; the weak - to perform a feasible amount of work.

Collaborative learning Enables struggling students to feel like part of the team and encourages a desire to learn. Project-based learning The project method is considered as a way of updating and stimulating cognitive activity students.

Stages of mastering the material being studied Organizational and pedagogical orientation 1. Studying new material. Individualization of the educational process. 2. Diagnostic testing. Check basic level. 3. Lessons of correction and development. Correction: repetition (at a qualitatively new level) > consolidation > repeated diagnostic work. Development: repeated level > advanced level. Differentiation of the educational process. 4. Final control. Compulsory level > advanced level > advanced level. Checking learning results. consolidation > repeat diagnostic work. Development: repeated level > advanced level. Differentiation of the educational process. 4. Final control. Compulsory level > advanced level > advanced level. Checking learning results.">

Work with parents Goal: Creating conditions for the development of the personal potential of students in the conditions of interaction between school, family, and external society Objectives: create a team of like-minded people, make students, teachers, parents participants in the educational and educational process, organize a diverse, exciting, socially significant joint activities students and parents organize comprehensive education for parents Expected results: establishing dialogue and mutually beneficial cooperation between the school and parents developing in students love and duty towards their parents and loved ones solving the problem of students’ employment in free time from lessons

45 You can often hear from parents: “If you don’t do your homework, you won’t go to your friends,” “If you graduate with C grades, you won’t go to the seaside”... We are so accustomed to the primitive behavioral pattern “stimulus-response” that we cannot imagine another a way to motivate children, stimulate their work, creativity, and achievements. And, as a result, we get a person who is not interested in anything other than rewards for his efforts or feels the need for constant control from the outside.

Each of us can give examples from our own personal life, pedagogical practice, or simply from history, when, for example, Edison was expelled from school due to complete mediocrity; the famous chemist Libich, at the age of 14, due to inability, left school, and at the age of 21 became a professor.

53 Creation of correction notebooks. Exchange of information between teacher and parents about the results practical tasks, at a certain stage of training. Joint completion of arbitrary tasks in the subjects of the parent and student. Creating a Folder - Piggy Bank, where tasks for the development of logical thinking are accumulated (tasks for ingenuity, crosswords, puzzles, flip-flops, tricky questions)

Advice for parents of low-performing students: Strengthen the child’s self-confidence in every possible way; Give your child only one task for a certain period of time so that he can complete it; Maintain a clear daily routine at home; Practice forms of behavior in various situations; Show interest in your child's school activities; Be consistent in your demands, rewards and punishments; Do not make excessive demands on your child and do not introduce him into the role of a “loser.”

Build positive motivation to study; Never criticize teachers in front of children; Help your child if necessary; Never complete a task for a student; Try to instill in your child the habit of using additional literature, get him interested; Praise and rejoice with your child when he gets good grades; Encourage your child for his successes; Keep in touch with subject teachers if you yourself cannot help your child.

Advice for the class teacher on working with low-achieving children: At the beginning of the school year, inform subject teachers about the presence of low-achieving children in the class (at a small teachers' meeting or in an individual conversation). Maintain contact with the psychological service, subject teachers, being interested in the level of learning of students, the pace of their development, style of communication with classmates and teachers. Involve parents of low-performing children in social activities of the class. Inform parents in a timely manner about negative manifestations in academic discipline on the part of the student (missing lessons without a good reason)

Bring to the attention of the administration (deputy director for educational work, social teacher) cases of violation of norms and rules of behavior for the purpose of modern prevention. Create conditions for students to occupy a worthy place in the class team through active inclusion in extracurricular activities. Monitor their health status. Strive to establish trusting relationship. Use encouragement rather than punishment more often to maintain self-confidence.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that with the correct disclosure of the causes of underachievement and determination of ways to eliminate it, high quality lessons, real help and close contact of all family members with the teaching staff, the use of advanced methods in teaching, clearly established control over the educational process - These are the most realistic ways to achieve high performance and solid knowledge of students of different intellectual levels.

System of working with low-performing students

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Aldysheva Galiya Besenalievna

Be yourself both a person and a child in order to teach the child.
V.F. Odoevsky.

Today, the state is faced with the task of restructuring the system of secondary schools to a twelve-year education system, which will be fundamentally different from the current system of education in schools.

The country's teachers face difficult tasks: (Slide 3) through training and education, the socialization of an educated individual with high culture, critically thinking about everything objective reality, possessing basic competencies (information, communication, social, etc.) and possessing the skills to solve real problems.

In today's complex and rapidly changing world, characterized by the globalization of the socio-political and economic spheres of society, high demands are placed on the education system, which must ensure a high level of preparedness of school graduates for the conditions real life. Fast pace of development public life, science and technology, market relations set high professional requirements for each person: the ability to learn throughout life, be communicative, tolerant, they require making decisions about quick and qualitative changes in the field of education younger generation At school.

Thus, we must form a personality independent of other people’s opinions and views with our own vision of the surrounding reality. Students must have such a set of qualities as critical understanding of everything that happens around them, motivation, responsibility, they must understand digital technologies and freely express their thoughts in many languages, and must also be a highly moral, spiritually enriched, aesthetically developed person.

In connection with the above requirements of the state for the upbringing and training of students with the set of listed qualities of a student of the new time, the question arises of whether we are ready to prepare such students and whether everything is in order in our school today.

Current problem Schools of our time are characterized by an ever-decreasing academic performance and level of education of students. (Slide 4) The decline in academic performance is proven by the results of the UNT, which we observe every year, the results of international studies TIMSS-2007 and PISA-2009, which showed that our schoolchildren do not have the skills to apply the acquired knowledge in real life. life situations.

IN Lately Psychologists and teachers, together with doctors, note a steady increase in the number of children with general behavior and learning problems. Experts note that negative changes in the environmental and socio-economic situation in the country worsen the somatic and neuropsychic health of schoolchildren, and in conditions of intensified learning and overload school programs The number of underachievers increases significantly.

Features of underachieving students (Slide 6)

    low level of knowledge, as a consequence of this low level of intellectual development

    lack of cognitive interest

    basic organizational skills have not been developed

    students require an individual approach from a psychological and pedagogical (in terms of learning) point of view

    there is no reliance on parents as allies of the subject teacher

    children mainly from asocial families

    lack of adequate self-esteem on the part of students

    frequent absences from classes without a good reason, which leads to a lack of system in knowledge and, as a consequence of this, a low level of intelligence.

The subject of our study(Slide 7) is a poorly performing student, as a student with weak mental abilities and weak motivation to learn.

The formulation of the problem is expressed in the search for ways to promote the activation of cognitive activity and motivation to learn among students with poor academic performance, since the increase in the number of unsuccessful and poorly performing students is one of the main problems modern school.

The goal of the work is to find ways to optimally solve the problem of increasing underachievement among students in our schools to develop an increase in the level of learning and quality of education for individual students and school students as a whole, and to develop a clear motivational attitude for students.

To achieve the goal, we put forward the following tasks: (Slide 8)

    Identification of possible reasons for low academic performance and quality of students’ learning;

    Show how diagnostics can be carried out to identify a student’s level of learning;

    Show how you can create a comprehensive system of working with low-achieving students;

    Demonstrate a set of measures aimed at increasing student achievement and the quality of students’ learning;

    Draw up and present a program of teacher activities with low-performing students and their parents.

So, as we mentioned, the increase in the number of unsuccessful and poorly performing students is one of the main problems of a modern school.

A student may lag behind in learning for various reasons that are dependent and beyond his control: (Slide 9)

    absences due to illness;

    poor general physical development,

    presence of chronic diseases;

    mental retardation (MDD).

The class teacher must first of all know about the reasons for poor performance (Slide 10). School specialists (doctor, psychologist, speech therapist, social teacher), the student himself, his parents and classmates should help him identify these reasons.

Diagnosis of an underachieving student. (slide 11)

At the beginning of the year, the teacher can conduct diagnostics to identify the student’s level of learning in the form of a questionnaire describing the characteristics of an underachieving student. (add. 1)

The class teacher can draw up a “Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student” (Appendix 2).

Subject teachers use it when organizing work with underachieving and low-performing students. Helping these categories of students is the task of every teacher. It is advisable for the teacher to draw up an “Individual Student Card” (Appendix 3), which is used by subject teachers. It describes optimal system

measures to help low-achieving students.

Subject teachers draw up an individual work plan to fill gaps in the knowledge of a lagging student. The “Individual Student Card” allows you to track the effectiveness of work with low-performing and unsuccessful students.

If the program material is not mastered by low-performing children, the subject teacher reports to the school administration about the student’s low performance and the work done in the following form:

Student's full name

Reasons for failure (the teacher indicates independently identified reasons)

Types of survey used

Forms for closing gaps

Deadlines for delivery of materials

Information to the class teacher (date)

Information for parents (date)

Result of work

Evaluation of a teacher’s work with low-performing students is carried out through attendance at lessons and interviews conducted by the deputy director for teaching and learning.

Let us dwell on the reasons for student failure in more detail.

There are 3 main reasons for academic failure: (Slide 12)

1. Physiological;

2. Psychological;

3. Social Physiological reasons –

frequent illnesses, general poor health, infectious diseases, diseases of the nervous system, impaired motor function. Psychological reasons –

features of the development of attention, memory, thinking, slowness of understanding, insufficient level of speech development, unformed cognitive interests, narrow-mindedness. Social reasons –

unfavorable living conditions, unworthy behavior of parents, lack of a home regime, child neglect, financial situation of the family.

Underachievement occurs as a result of pronounced functional tension, deterioration of health, disruption of socio-psychological adaptation, decreased educational success (increased level of dissatisfaction with grades in basic subjects).

At the same time, the basis for academic failure is not one of these reasons, but several, and quite often they act in combination. This causes the student to have a number of problems: in communication, in behavior, in learning.

1. Disadvantages of cognitive activity

Lack of formation of methods of educational activities;

Disadvantages in the development of mental processes, mainly the child’s mental sphere;

Inadequate use by the child of his individual typological characteristics.

2. Disadvantages in the development of the child’s motivational sphere.

I . Disadvantages of cognitive activity (Slide 14)

To overcome poor academic performance in intellectually passive schoolchildren, it is necessary to develop intellectual skills in the form of training a number of mental operations: abstraction, generalization, analysis, classification, comparison. In this case, it is necessary to determine which specific operation is suffering and bring it to a level of awareness.

Inadequate use by a child of his individual typological characteristics

Here we look at the strength of the nervous system, which is responsible for the endurance and performance of the child. The higher the strength of the nervous system, the higher the level of performance.

Therefore, the underachieving child will be the student who has weak nervous system strength and gets tired from prolonged hard work. As a rule, these children make mistakes more often and learn the material slowly. Such children do not feel comfortable, and therefore cannot cope with the task in a situation where the teacher requires an immediate answer.; in a situation that requires the distribution of attention or its switching from one type of activity to another (example: survey + writing in a notebook); in a situation where it is necessary to assimilate material of varied content.

It is necessary to form an individual approach to such students when dosing homework, determining options for classwork and tests, and taking into account the degree of their preparedness. And:

Give the student a small amount of time to think about the question;

Do not force people to answer new material they have just learned in class;

Through the correct tactics of surveys and incentives, build self-confidence in your knowledge and the ability to learn;

A student's failures should be assessed carefully;

It is advisable that the answers of such students be written rather than oral.

II . Disadvantages in the development of the child’s motivational sphere.

1. The teacher’s efforts should be aimed at creating sustainable motivation to achieve success, on the one hand, and developing educational interests, on the other.

2. The formation of a stable motivation to achieve success is possible with an increase in the student’s self-esteem (thereby, self-esteem plays a positive role in establishing the child’s personality as a schoolchild in activities feasible for him).

3. Overcoming the student’s self-doubt, i.e. It is recommended to set tasks for the student that will be feasible, feasible and consistent with his capabilities.

4. Try to identify those areas of activity in which the student can show initiative and earn recognition at school.

6. It is useful to encourage, distinguish and record the slightest successes of the child in educational activities (thereby preventing new failures from becoming established).

7. A detailed justification for the assessment, as well as highlighting the criteria by which the assessment is carried out so that they are clear to the student himself.

8. Formation of educational interests (additional developmental material, reference to direct life experience, extensive use of one’s own observations, use in the lesson visual material).


Let's see how you can help a low-performing student: (slide 15)

Consolidation requires a longer time and a larger volume of tasks to be solved.

The teacher, for himself and for the student, must formulate the minimum knowledge and skills that the student must acquire.

How to improve performance:

    Diversify activities.

    Ventilate the office.

    Conduct physical exercises.

    We must always remember to observe the principle of necessity and sufficiency.

Types of work with low-performing students (slide 16)

    Cards for individual work.

    Multiple choice tasks.

    Deformed assignments.

    Punch cards.

    Cards - simulators.

    Creative tasks.

    “information cards”,

    “cards with samples of task completion”,

    “note cards.”

The teacher should: (slide 17)

Know the mental development of a child:

    Perception (channels – kinesthetic, auditory, visual)

    Attention (voluntary, involuntary, post-voluntary)

    Memory (verbal, nonverbal)

Strive to understand and accept every child

Create a calm environment and a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.


    Reasonable demands

    Inexhaustible Patience

    Fair severity

    Believe in the student's capabilities

    Be able to take the position of a student

    NO mocking tone!

    Be able to conduct a casual dialogue

    Strive for external fun

    Use means of non-verbal communication (reference signals, drawings, tables, diagrams, plan)

    Learn to work with dictionaries and other reference material

Use in teaching

    Anticipatory learning

    Various forms of group work

    Mutual questioning, self-control

    Note blocks on various topics, their use at different stages of learning

    When formulating the goals of the lesson, include as a priority the correctional and developmental aspect (work on the development of supra-subject methods of activity, the development of mental processes).

    Rationally distribute educational material (difficult things first!)

    Use frequent changes of activities in the lesson

    Repeatedly speak and reinforce lesson material

    Strive for algorithmization of activities

These were algorithmic excerpts. Paths of action have been outlined. And now a little more detailed and specific.

When working with weak students, the teacher should rely on following rules developed by psychologists: (Slide 18)

    Do not put the weak person in a situation of an unexpected question and do not demand a quick answer to it, give the student enough time to think and prepare.

    It is advisable that the answer be not oral, but in writing.

    You cannot give large, varied, complex material for assimilation in a limited period of time; you need to try to break it down into separate pieces of information and give them gradually, as you master it.

    Such students should not be forced to answer questions about new material they have just learned; it is better to postpone the survey until the next lesson, giving the students the opportunity to study at home.

    Through the correct tactics of surveys and encouragement (not only with grades, but also with comments like “excellent”, “well done”, “smart girl”, etc.), it is necessary to build confidence in such students in their abilities, in their knowledge, and in the ability to learn. This confidence will help the student in extreme stressful situations of taking exams, writing tests, etc.

    You should be more careful when assessing a student’s failures, because he himself is very sensitive to them.

    While the student is preparing an answer, he must be given time to check and correct what he has written.

    You should distract the student to a minimum extent, try not to divert his attention, and create a calm, non-nervous environment.

Students love what they understand, what they are successful at, and what they can do. Any student is pleased to receive good grades, even those who break discipline. It is important that, with the help of his comrades and teachers, he achieves his first successes, and that they are noticed and noted, so that he sees that the teacher is happy with his successes, or upset by his failures. How to achieve this?

You can't do without it here differentiated approach in teaching. (slide 19)

A differentiated approach can be implemented at any of the stages of the lesson:

    When fastening.

    When checking homework.

    When working independently.

The solution to these and other problems can be provided by a properly organized lesson system of work by the teacher, based on personality-oriented pedagogy and the use of basic technology such as collaborative learning. main idea Collaborative learning – learning together, not just doing together.

To diversify everyday teaching, teachers can use a variety of lesson forms and genres. For example:




    detective lesson

    fairy tale lesson


    painting lesson

A modern teacher in his practice needs to use technologies that meet the needs of society. One such technology is project-based learning. The project method is considered as a way to update and stimulate students' cognitive activity. What is so necessary in working with underachieving and low-performing students.

When working on a project, students not only systematize and generalize the knowledge gained in class, but also develop attention. Project and research activities allow schoolchildren to put into practice the knowledge acquired in the classroom.

Critical Thinking Technology is for today basic technology, since it most optimally develops students’ logical thinking and helps the child using critical thinking, solve all pressing problems not only in school, but also in life, which allows him to more confidently become a socially adapted member of society.

Thus, we saw that poorly performing students in school are a pressing and urgent problem that requires urgent intervention and the search for an effective solution, since reforms are underway in our country to improve the level of education in all educational institutions, twelve-year education is being introduced in schools. Great expectations are placed on the teacher so that children have an incentive and a clear motivational attitude to comprehend knowledge at school.

Trying to understand the problem of low-achieving children, we often shift the burden of responsibility and the cause of this problem onto parents who do not properly monitor the student, we try to shift the burden of responsibility to the course of study at the elementary level, when they had weak basic reading, writing, mathematical skills, the child’s speech has not been developed, and psychologists in our schools cannot conduct Good work with a struggling student, trying to awaken his desire to learn.

Problem solving should begin with a clear systemic organization working with underachieving students. A well-designed plan for working with such students will allow consolidating the work of subject teachers with class teacher and a school psychologist, will allow you to establish a close connection with parents, whose influence and control is an important link in the child’s desire to learn.

(Slide 20) Identification of the causes of failure, monitoring and diagnosing the performance of low-performing children, a variety of lesson types, forms and methods pedagogical activity, the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the classroom and a friendly attitude towards the child on the part of the teacher, when the child is not an object of the learning process, but a partner and an important subject of learning, all this together should instill in students a desire and interest in comprehending knowledge, forming in them a clear understanding of what , why they need knowledge and how it will be useful in life.

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