Corrective work of a practical psychologist osh. Correctional and developmental work of a psychologist in elementary school

Corrective work carried out in special classes. The most famous are:

correction classes


compensatory training

correctional and developmental

The latter replaced all of the above.

The system of correctional and developmental education was proposed in the mid-90s of the 20th century by the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education. The possibility of transferring a child at a certain stage of education from a correctional and developmental class to a regular one is considered fundamentally new in this direction. The system of correctional and developmental classes provides for an integrated approach and variability of education. A school that has these classes must have a team of specialists, consisting of a defectologist, a speech therapist, a psychologist, a social worker and a doctor, who must interact at the level of a psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation. The recruitment of these classes is carried out both on the basis of diagnostics of child development, carried out by specialists in kindergarten, and based on the results of learning at school: based on the results of the first grade and based on the results of training at the end of primary school before moving to secondary school.

Referral to correctional and developmental classes is given by the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

Correctional and developmental classes work according to special programs developed by defectologists. According to the regulations, such classes should have 12 people.

Competent work with children in correctional and developmental classes is a definite plus in the development of differentiated learning. Unfortunately, today there are also old correction classes, the selection of children for which is carried out according to very unclear criteria. Moreover, at the normative level these classes no longer exist, but in real life There are still quite a lot of them. These classes are still created as in primary school, and in the average. The persistence of correction classes despite their ineffectiveness can probably be explained by several reasons. Firstly, not everywhere there are the specialists necessary to create correctional and developmental classes in accordance with regulatory documents. Secondly, not all schools that need such classes receive sufficient funding to pay for these specialists.

Developmental work with children who are not ready for school should be carried out even before the start of systematic schooling. Such work is successfully carried out in special development groups, in which a program that develops the child’s psyche is implemented rather than teaching.

The development group does not set special tasks to teach children to read, count, and write. But the task is considered to be the mental development of the child to the level of readiness for school.

Development groups are fundamentally different from training groups, in which children are trained on individual mental functions.

In order for the development group to bring the expected result, it is necessary to scrupulously adhere to the methodological principles underlying it:

1) development of individual mental processes through the restructuring and development of the child’s motivational sphere;

2) subjective attitude towards the child;

3) developmental work should be built on the basis individual approach, taking into account the child’s “zone of proximal development”;

4) classes must take place in game form and arouse keen interest among group members;

5) relationships with children should be friendly and friendly, a mentoring position and censure for failure are unacceptable;

6) the child must have the right to make mistakes;

7) success should be experienced by the children as joy. This is facilitated by a positive emotional assessment of any student’s achievement on the part of the group leader;

8) in the classroom, much attention should be paid to developing children’s ability to independently evaluate their work. An assessment is not a mark expressed by one point or another (“one”, “two”, “five”), but a verbal detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the quality of the work performed.

Particular attention should be paid to the behavior of the person leading the group. First of all, the psychologist or teacher leading the classes must infect children with his emotionality. He seems to pour his energy into the guys, trying to stir them up and ignite their interest in the proposed tasks. Figuratively, we can say that the leader of the group is an emotional donor for its participants. The emotional background in which classes take place is also very important because it contributes to the assimilation of information coming from an adult. The more diverse the latter’s behavior (facial expressions, gestures, intonation of speech, etc.), the easier and faster the information transmitted by him is assimilated, since the background against which some content is presented constantly evokes an indicative reaction in listeners.

The main task of the development group is the formation of cognitive motivation and, on its basis, the development of children as a whole. As a result, the child becomes motivated to learn.

games that expand a child’s horizons and vocabulary;

logic games;

games with rules;

games that develop phonemic awareness;

games that develop attention and memory;

games that develop the child’s fine and gross motor skills;

games for spatial orientation.

But in addition to all kinds of games, a significant place in the group development program should be given to literature classes, where children are introduced to good children's books. In these same classes, children learn to speak correctly and literary.

As children develop cognitive interest and improve their mental development In general, once they begin to enjoy listening to books, they will be able to cope with phonemic awareness games and logic games, we can start learning to read and count. But the basics of reading and counting should also be taught in a playful way, and not in the form of lessons.

The proposed development groups are best carried out with children aged 5.5 to 7 years before the start of their studies in the first grade of school. The development group, which functions in parallel with studies in the first grade, produces an effect only if the actions of the psychologist and the teacher are coordinated.

Development groups also have a diagnostic function. After a year of classes, they can quite accurately identify children who require training in a special school or correctional and developmental class. These will be mentally retarded children and children with severe forms of mental retardation, for whom targeted developmental work does not give the expected effect.

Based on lecture materials:

Corrective and developmental work with schoolchildren is one of important points work of a primary school psychologist. A few words about the content and organization of psychological correction in elementary school. The psychologist draws up a program of correctional classes for the entire school year. Classes take place once a week. After each lesson, students receive homework if they did not have time to complete it during the lesson. At the beginning of the year, during the first parent-teacher meeting, we inform parents about the upcoming group or individual work of a psychologist with children. Parents write their consent to correctional work in in writing. Typically, students attend these classes with visible pleasure, because... "It's good there, it's fun and we play different games and perform interesting tasks."

There are individual and group corrections. Individual correction implies individual sessions psychologist with children. Indications for individual correction are related to the child’s personal characteristics and the requests of adults: parents or teachers. No matter who the request comes from, at the beginning of the correction the child is diagnosed. Then ways of correction are outlined. In the first grades, correctional work is carried out based on the results of psychodiagnostic screening. Screening is carried out twice a year: at the beginning and at the end school year. Those students who, based on the results of completing tasks, find themselves in the third and fourth groups (risk group and extra-risk group) are children with whom individual psychological correction work is carried out.

The work is carried out according to the schedule and schedules of individual and group work. In the first classes, individual psychological work covered 10 people. In second, third and fourth grades individual work carried out with 20 students.

A group form of correction means the work of a psychologist with a group of children from 9-10 people. In our opinion, group correction is more effective than individual correction. It is especially useful and relevant for that group of children who experience difficulties in communication and contact with peers, who have touchy character, closed, unbalanced, fearful, shy or aggressive, having problems in society.

In group correctional classes, we use various methods and techniques that help the child relax, unwind and relieve stress from lessons. In psychological classes, a technique such as group relaxation against the background of calm instrumental music is used.

Music therapy is a method that uses music as a healing tool. Foreign psychologists have long been using music as part of anti-stress programs. Corrective exercises usually begin with relaxation. Students listening musical works, and then discuss their own experiences, memories and thoughts that arise during listening. At the same time, students’ speech is also developing. After the discussion, the guys draw on a large piece of whatman paper everything that they mentally saw during relaxation. Here, art therapy is used simultaneously with music therapy.

Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy based on fine arts And creative activity student. The child freely expresses his inner feelings and is not at all worried about the artistic merits of his work.

Sometimes before relaxing the children are given tasks:

For example, to see the happiest place on earth, where a child would feel free and confident, would be at the pinnacle of bliss, joy and peace.

Or see, and then depict on whatman paper a gift for your dearest and most beloved person. This gift has no price, it is practically priceless and cannot be bought for any money.

More on the topic Corrective and developmental work of a psychologist in elementary school:

  1. Tasks of a psychologist in elementary school. Forms of work of a psychologist in elementary school.
  2. 38. Principles of correctional and developmental work in public schools.
  3. 27. School as a developing educational and pedagogical system. Scientific, methodological and experimental work in a developing school.

Psychological counseling and psychological correction in the activities of an educational psychologist are inextricably interconnected. This is due to the fact that the psychologist observes the child’s development throughout the entire period of his stay in educational institution and promptly identifies all its shortcomings and difficulties. Corrective work always begins with an individual consultation - with the child’s parents or the child himself (depending on his age). In psychological practice, there is a certain model of consultation:

1. establishing contact – structuring, achieving mutual understanding;

2. collecting information about the client - identifying the essence of his problem;

3. definition of the topic - reaching the desired result, awareness of the result;

4. decision making - developing decisions, discussing different options;

5. Psychologist’s resume – generalization of results, transition from training to action.

In the process of consultation with parents, a plan for the psychologist’s correctional work with the child is developed. Psychological correction is one of the main directions practical activities psychologist. Psychological correction refers to the activities of a psychologist to correct features of mental development that do not correspond to the optimal model. Corrective work is carried out by a psychologist with a group of children or individually with a child with the active assistance of parents, educators, and teachers. In the work of an educational psychologist, correction is a set of psychological and pedagogical influences aimed at correcting or preventing deficiencies and deviations in the development of a child. The main tasks of correcting a child’s mental development are: 1) correction of developmental deviations based on creating optimal conditions for the development of the child’s personal potential; 2) prevention of unwanted negative trends in personal and intellectual development.

Depending on the nature of the correction, two forms are distinguished: symptomatic - aimed at the symptoms of developmental deviations, and etiological correction, aimed at the sources and causes of developmental deviations. The second form of correction has absolute priority over the symptomatic form. The insufficiency of symptomatic correction is due to the fact that the same symptoms of developmental disorders can have completely different natures, causes and psychological structures and require different ways to overcome and prevent negative symptoms. The most effective is the relationship between two forms of correctional work – symptomatic and etiological.

The psychologist carries out correction of development in case of temporary delay, socio-pedagogical neglect and other deviations caused by socio-psychological and pedagogical reasons. A psychologist involved in correction works according to the scheme: what is - what should be - what must be done so that it should be. A psychologist must determine the norm of mental development, taking into account three levels of analysis of this category: neuropsychological, general psychological and developmental psychological. At the neuropsychological level of analysis, the psychologist makes a conclusion about the brain organization of the phenomenon under study (functional organization of the brain, mental functions, local brain lesions). A general psychological analysis of the content of the norm of mental development involves the use of data on the basic patterns and mechanisms of mental functioning. Age-related psychological analysis allows us to specify the data obtained in relation to age and individualize them when applied to a specific person.

Corrective work is determined by the following basic principles:

1) the principle of unity of diagnosis and correction of development: the tasks of correctional work can be correctly set only on the basis of a complete diagnosis and the nearest probabilistic prognosis of development;

2) the principle of normative development: the existence of a certain “age norm” of development, a kind of age standard, requires taking into account the basic laws of mental development and the significance of successive stages of development for the formation of a child’s personality;

3) the principle of correction “from top to bottom”: the main content of correction work is the creation of a zone of proximal development of the individual; the correction should be proactive, anticipatory in nature;

4) the principle of correction “from the bottom up”: training a person’s existing psychological abilities;

5) the principle of systematic development of mental activity: the need to take into account the complex systemic nature of mental development in ontogenesis;

6) activity principle of correction: organization of the client’s active activity, formation of generalized methods of orientation in various fields subject activity and interpersonal interactions.

Among the most typical difficulties, the following can be identified: discrepancy between the level of development of the child and the age norm; unpreparedness for schooling; low level of voluntary regulation; negative trends in personal development; communication problems, behavior problems, emotional disturbances; maladaptation in kindergarten, school; academic failure; family relationship problems. Each age period is accompanied by certain psychological difficulties and problems (Table 10).

Table 10

Psychological difficulties


Psychological difficulties


trust - mistrust

Fear of the dark, of an unfamiliar face; sleep and nutrition problems

Autonomy – dependence

Negativism, shyness, fear of abandonment

Preschool age

Initiative –


Aggression, hyperactivity, speech difficulties, enuresis, fears

Junior school age

Confidence - uncertainty

School maladjustment, social fears, low self-esteem




Communication problems, deviant behavior, feelings of loneliness


Deviant behavior, anxiety, depression

Depending on the nature of the difficulties, the following ways of psychocorrection are proposed:

1. Correction of mental development – ​​development of sensory abilities, thinking, attention, memory, speech; development of cognitive motivation.

2. Correction of the child’s readiness to learn – correction of the child’s internal position; formation of positive motivation and adequate self-esteem; development fine motor skills, spatial orientation, ideas about quantity, size, etc.

3. Correction of behavior – 1) motivational block: clear identification of the goal, acceptance and awareness of it by the child; identifying step-by-step subgoals; ensuring goal achievement and approving success; transferring success to independent behavior; transfer of voluntary regulation to a frustrating situation; 2) operational-regulatory block: joint planning with an adult of the content and sequence of operations to achieve the goal; subject and sign modeling of the path of action; mastery different ways planning; distribution of functions in activities; formation of motivational readiness for activity; formation of actions of self-esteem and control, etc.

4. Correction of personal development – ​​changing the educational attitudes of parents; parent training; pedagogical communication training; games of a psychologist with a child (development of relations of equality and partnership); child’s games with parents (test for joint activities); group games(distribution of roles and regulation of relationships); game behavior correction, art therapy, psycho-gymnastics, etc.

Psychocorrectional work can be both comprehensive and symptomatic, aimed at certain areas of the child’s development, behavior and communication. The main thing is to implement an individual approach, create conditions for the development of certain psychological qualities of a child or adult. The “unplanned nature” of personal growth, the recognition of the infinity and unlimited nature of this process is one of the main features of psychocorrection. The task of a psychologist is to create conditions for more complete personal growth, but in no case push a person to achieve certain, pre-regulated results. Psychocorrectional techniques should be based on the natural driving forces of mental and personal development. Such forces are the child’s activities and the system of his relationships.

In psychocorrection, one should use those types of activities and those systems of relationships that are significant for the participants in the correction, have a bright individual coloring, and in relation to which there are acute, emotionally rich experiences. Of particular importance is psychocorrectional contact with participants in psychocorrection. The specificity of contact is associated with the recognition of subject-subject, dialogue relationships. The specialist becomes an active subject of psychological influence and achieves the fullest possible acceptance of the individual appearance and personality of the patient in all the complex interweaving of strong and weaknesses human soul.

In the process of psychocorrection, the relationship between the objects of correction and the specialist is built on the principle of partnership, when everyone’s right to responsibility, leadership, search, personal growth, and psychological independence is recognized. This position of the psychologist creates best conditions to implement all the levers of psychocorrective action. The main things in psychocorrection are emotional processes and experiences, and emotions are very mobile and dynamic. psychological education. Experiences with a bright emotional coloring create the opportunity for a new vision of old problems, a new look at the life situation, at loved ones, at the system of one’s relationships, at one’s activities. A revolution in consciousness, a restructuring of the elements of consciousness and self-awareness is the result of acute emotional experiences that are achieved in the psychocorrection process.

The psychologist must use accessible, understandable language that is convincing, suggestive, and evokes an emotional response. It is necessary to be extremely sincere in your emotional experiences so that verbal and non-verbal languages ​​correspond to each other. In psychocorrection, all specific real actions, all situations must not only be understandable and accessible to the participants, but also emotionally significant. Creation higher forms humane relations between people is the main specificity of the psychocorrection process.

Forms of organizing correctional work with children and adolescents can be very diverse: individual and group correctional classes, trainings, communication lessons, psychological relaxation sessions, etc. Based on the nature and direction of impact, correction methods are divided into developing, sedative, activating, and mobilizing. According to the number of participants - group and individual. According to the principle of influence - on heterogeneous (directed at others) and autogenic (on oneself). Based on the use of art, methods such as isotherapy, bibliotherapy, music therapy, and dance therapy are distinguished.

Psychological correction of preparing students for testing
Its importance in the process of psychological support for testing lies in relieving anxiety. This is most effectively accomplished during training sessions. Below is a description of a training session for students in grades 11-12 in preparation for testing.

Training session for students in grades 11-12

Target: providing psychological support to students in grades 11–12 in preparation for testing.

- promote the development of psychoregulation skills;
- contribute to the disclosure of the internal potential and resources of the student’s personality;
- study the emotional state, mood and well-being of students.
Progress of the lesson
Introductory speech by the presenter, explanation of the goals and objectives of the group.

Exercise No. 1. Test "Emotional Spheres" Target : the study of a person’s emotional state and behavioral tendencies prevailing in his life.
Materials Instructions : Everyone knows that around each of us there is a certain protective shell. Some call it an energy field, others an aura, but we call it a sphere. Each of us represents this area in our own way. How do you imagine your field? Draw it on a sheet of paper using colored pencils, a pencil and an eraser where necessary. The size of the sphere, its location, and the color scheme used are arbitrary and individual. (For interpretation, see: “School psychologist. – No. 24. – June 23-20, 2004 – P.9-24).

Exercise No. 2 "Imitation" Target : to activate participants, create a mood for work.
Instructions : Please stand in a circle. To begin with, let's calculate the first and second. The first numbers are a clap of hands, two stamps of feet. The second numbers are two claps, one stomp. The movements are repeated in turn: first-second, first-second, first-second, etc. in a circle: imitate the sound of train wheels. Let's start.
Let's speed up the pace. Even faster.
Note : Someone always gets confused and the presenter initiates applause from all participants.

Exercise No. 3 "Two sides of the coin" Target : studying students' attitudes towards testing; students’ awareness of the “-” and “+” sides of testing
Materials Instructions : Perform the first stage individually: divide the sheet into two parts: left “-”, right “+”. On the left side of the sheet, after thinking it through, you need to write down all the bad things associated with testing, and on the right side, all the good things. Take advantage of the situation.
Second stage: group work. Unite into “triples” and, after comparing the answers, leave only matches.
The answers are read out by group representatives. There is a discussion: what are the impressions of the implementation? What new things have you learned? What did you learn?

Exercise No. 4 "Images" Target : emotional support for students before testing; revealing the resources and potential of the student’s personality.
Materials : standard sheet of paper (A4 format), pencil, colored pencils, eraser, tablets.
Instructions :
1) each of you has some emotional attitude for the upcoming testing. Please think about what kind of attitude this is and try to define it with one or more feelings. Write these feelings down on a piece of paper. Try to come up with an image that would most fully and vividly reflect these feelings, an image into which these feelings can be embodied. It can be anything: a creature, an object, living, inanimate, etc.;
2) unite in “twos” and tell each other about this creature: what is its name; where does it live; with whom does it live? with whom does he communicate? does he have friends? what does it eat; how it maintains its existence; what it can do; what does it want; what it does for its owner or owner (the one who drew the picture). Discuss what this creature can do for you and how you can use it;
3) in general circle Share your impressions, emotions, what you accomplished.

Exercise No. 5 "Coachman's Pose" Target : teaching students relaxation techniques in stressful situation.
Instructions : Now it's time to introduce you to some relaxation and concentration techniques.
Try the following position: the center of gravity is on the pelvis or ischium. The lower back is straightened, and the upper part of the body is slightly bent and resembles the bent back of a cat. The head is relaxed and lowered perpendicular to the pelvis, not the femur. Otherwise, the stomach will be compressed. The legs are spread at shoulder level, the hands rest without support on the knees, and the hands hang freely between the thighs, like a coachman who has relaxed, loosened the reins, and his horses are wandering by themselves. If the wrists are relaxed, then this is a sure sign that the body position is chosen correctly.
Participants take the “coachman pose.” The facilitator must ensure that this exercise is performed correctly.

Exercise No. 6 "Full Breath" Target : teaching students relaxation techniques in stressful situations.
Instructions : Breathe through your nose so that the lower part of your lungs fills first. This can be achieved by inflating the abdominal wall (if you draw in your stomach while inhaling, then only the upper part of the lungs will fill). Lips parted.
Then fill the middle of the lungs, expanding the lower rib area and rib cage.
Then fill the upper part of your lungs with air, slightly raising your shoulders and drawing in your stomach. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Then exhale slowly, gradually drawing in your stomach. Exhale through your mouth.

Exercise No. 7 "Motto" Target : awareness of one’s own life attitude in a stressful situation.
Materials : sheets of paper, ballpoint pens, tablets.
Instructions : for 2 minutes, each of you think about your motto, which reflects your life credo and attitude to a stressful situation. Then you will take turns reading your mottos to the other group members and giving explanations for them.

Exercise No. 8 "Locomotive" Target : emotional release of group members.
Instructions : stand up and line up behind each other, hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The person standing in front acts as a locomotive driver. He has his eyes open, and the others have their eyes closed.
The driver drives the train.
On command, movement begins, slowly at first, and then accelerates. The driver acting as a driver must navigate the train so that the trailers and other participants do not open the coupling.
The exercise can be repeated two or three times, changing the driver.

Exercise No. 9 Test "Emotional Spheres"
(see Exercise No. I)
Compare whether your sphere has changed compared to the one you drew at the beginning of our lesson.
(Drawings from group members are collected at the end of the lesson. They can be used to develop specific recommendations for each group member; track changes in emotional state after finishing the group work.)
Closing words from the group leader, summing up the lesson

It is impossible to teach a person to be happy, but it is possible to raise him so that he is happy.

Anton Makarenko

This site is primarily addressed to those who are interested in the harmonious, comprehensive development of their child and those who want to learn more about children, their development, problems and their resolution. As well as teachers, practicing or future educational psychologists, and those who are interested in psychology.

After all, children are the greatest joy for loving parents, which assumes high degree responsibility. We all understand perfectly well that everyone Small child individual. At a certain stage of his life he faces various difficulties. He copes with some of them on his own; to solve others, he can use the experience and tips of adults.

When do the parents themselves realize that they cannot cope with difficult situation situation in which their child and themselves find themselves, the time has come to contact a specialist - a child psychologist.

A child psychologist is, first of all, a person who knows and deeply understands the child, who understands not only general patterns and in age characteristics mental development of children, but also in individual variations of these characteristics and main goal My work as a teacher-psychologist is preserving and strengthening the psychological health of children.

About Me

teacher-psychologist of a municipal government special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities health of the Beloomut boarding school of the VIII type.

Higher education.

Total work experience: 5 years.

Experience pedagogical work: 5 years.

Work experience in this position is 5 years.

I carry out psychological education of the teaching staff as part of the work of pedagogical councils, educational organizations of educators and teachers. I conduct discussions for school students on the following topics: “ Bad habits and overcoming them", "Fundamentals the right choice professions”, “Conflicts and overcoming them”, “Know yourself”, “Combating stress”, etc. This increases the level of student interest in the school’s psychological service. I also speak at class parent meetings with messages on the topics: “Features of primary school (teenage, high school) age”, “How to help a child study well”, “Readiness for learning in secondary school”, etc. I constantly monitor the condition and learning of children through class supervision , conversations with children, teachers and class teachers. For this purpose, lessons are attended and extracurricular activities, monitoring of progress and educational activities is carried out, which contributes to the timely identification and elimination of problems in the training, education and development of students, the quality of interpersonal relationships, the timely development of strategies and tactics psychological assistance both children and teachers. Work is being carried out to adapt children to school, monitor their condition, analyze medical and other documentation, and identify children at risk. They are provided with psychological support in difficult situations, prevents fatigue and nervous breakdowns.

Psychodiagnostics are regularly carried out throughout the year in order to develop a strategy for individual and group correctional or developmental work with children in accordance with their characteristics. Difficulties in learning activities are also diagnosed. For diagnostic purposes individual style activities of the teacher and the development of an individual strategy for the activities of the teacher, visiting and analyzing the lessons of school teachers is carried out.

Throughout the year, I constantly conduct individual and group correctional and developmental classes with students in different grades of the school. Career guidance work is carried out for 9th grade students, it consists of conversations, questionnaires, and excursions to vocational schools. I maintain contact with parents, conduct individual conversations and questionnaires for the purpose of diagnosing, regulating and adjusting educational activities. Every year a psychology week is held among school students.

Based on the results of diagnostics and questionnaires held throughout the year, consultations are held for everyone, both individual and group. Consultative assistance is provided throughout the year class teachers, educators, teachers working with difficult children. Individual consultations on the most different topics are held daily for everyone. I also develop and improve programs for correctional and developmental classes “Communication and social adaptation”, “ Cognitive activity grades 1-4”, etc. The results are analyzed, summarized, practical recommendations are used to improve the educational process at school. I take an active part in the social work of the boarding school.

Books that shaped my inner world

A. Maslow "Motivation and Personality"

V. Frankl "Say Yes to Life!"

Eric Berne "Games People Play"

These books inspire, awaken the desire to live, create, create.

My view of the world

“To those who have not comprehended the science of good, any other science brings only harm” (French philosopher M. Montaigne)

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: “You grow thousands of roses in your garden, but you don’t find what you are looking for... But happiness... Here it is: in one single rose, in a sip of water... You must search with your heart"( A little prince)


My achievements

Certificate of honor from the head of the education department of the Moscow Region, Lukhovitsky district. (2014).

Diploma of MKSKOU Beloomutskaya secondary boarding school of the VIII type (2013, 2014).

My portfolio

“I love what I do. I love doing what I love!” The profession of an educational psychologist for me:

Way of self-expression;

An activity that brings a sense of self-worth and satisfaction from the work performed;

The profession through which I carry out my mission and purpose;

Profession as a form of self-knowledge;

A profession that has allowed me to change my perspective on many events in my own life;

A profession that gives me strength for life and severe tests fate;

A profession that allows me to be close to those I love;

A profession that allowed me to turn my disadvantage, as I thought before, into a dignity and a significant professional quality(empathy, sensitivity and kindness); perfectionism.

What else do I love? Many things: I love to relax in nature, I love when the whole family gets together, I love to bake, cook, read, dance, I love humor, cars, sports, tourism, travel, I love sweets, flowers, I love poetry, science, school, the ringing laughter of children children, psychology, I just love to find small miracles in life and enjoy them from the bottom of my heart. I try not to lose heart, I believe that the best is yet to come!

I try to teach kindness, respect for each other, honesty... I love children, I try to see a PERSONALITY in each one.

We are entrusted with children's souls! We help them find their place in this huge adult world! The child is still just getting started! And therefore my main psychological credo: do no harm!

I agree with the saying: “They only learn from those they love, They love those from whom they experience success!”

Every person sooner or later begins to ask himself questions: “Who should I be?” and “What should I be?” The answers to them are not given simply; they cause a lot of anxiety because they are vitally important. Everything was much simpler for me...

I consider the main achievement in my work to be the recognition and respect of my students, which is not so easy to achieve today.

It turns out that the enthusiast F.I. Yanovich, almost two and a half centuries ago, published the first manual for teachers, where “all disgrace” of students was categorically prohibited, and “dementia, poor memory and natural inability” were not punished at all.

Rousseau wrote that “education is life, and not preparation for it,” and life connects the beautiful and the everyday, not always, perhaps, aesthetic. And my students and I took patronage over a lonely veteran and performed a collective research project, dedicated to the Day Great Victory...

It is very important for every person to experience a feeling of success at least once in their life.
I understand the term "professional combustion" well. I don’t at all encourage you to live only by work! School is not only Eternal youth, it is also eternal development, movement forward. Our profession of psychologist and teacher is enviable. It provides an opportunity to develop creatively and spiritually. Any path is not easy. There are also many difficulties and obstacles at the psychological stage. Science, abilities, and optimism help a psychologist achieve success. Turning the pages of your school novel, I want to note that I always tried to study, and I really liked it and still like it!

“Teaching is what is needed young man from a very young age. You always need to learn. Until the end of their lives, all the major scientists not only taught, but also studied. If you stop studying, you won’t be able to teach” (D. S. Likhachev). It’s strange for me to hear when a person says “I know everything” or “I don’t like to study.”
Professional courses and seminars, lessons from colleagues, master classes by scientists and pedagogical advice- these are the building blocks of my success. I respect, re-read, love and learn from Vygotsky L.S., Dubrovina I.V., Bityanova M.R., Semago M.M. and Semago N.V., Savenkova A., Vachkova I.V., I am a teacher-psychologist, my school romance continues...

“The only happiness in life is a constant striving forward,” said Emile Zola. These words French writer, it seems to me, characterize me as a psychologist of our time.

Tomorrow will be a new school day, and tomorrow at school the eyes of my students will look at me again.

Strengthening mental health and ensuring the harmonious formation of the personality of the younger generation is the most important social task of a civilized society. On modern stage development of society, a real trend of deterioration in the health of children and adolescents has emerged, and the number of children with developmental disabilities has increased. The noted trend is socially conditioned and depends on factors such as the state environment, economic situation in society, heredity and health of parents, living conditions and upbringing in the family, in an educational institution.

In the work practice of the relevant circle of specialists, terms such as “children with disabilities”, “children with special educational needs”, “children at risk”, “children who have suffered from violence”, etc. have appeared and are widely used. Such children need in psychological assistance. Solving problems related to the timely identification of children with various developmental disabilities, assistance in education, counseling on problems of school performance and organization of education, as well as assistance in social adaptation in society - this is exactly what they do educational psychologists in correctional institutions.

Children with such diagnoses as mental retardation, musculoskeletal disorders, hearing and vision impairment, children with severe speech pathology, and children with mental retardation are admitted to special (correctional) schools. A number of tasks arise from this.


Early identification of children with problems in development, education and training;
- comprehensive diagnostic examination;
- determination of the type of developmental disorder;
- psychological, pedagogical and medical-social support for the child;
- developmental and correctional work with children;
- carrying out final diagnostics upon completion of training at an educational institution;
- information and educational work with parents and teachers;
- participation in psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations.

The work of a teacher-psychologist in special (correctional) schools consists of: integrated approach, which is based on the interaction of all teachers and specialists working with children (psychologists, speech therapists, doctors, etc.). The specifics of a psychologist’s work are manifested in the content and process of implementation of each area of ​​activity.

The main areas of activity of a psychologist:

- correctional and developmental activities;
- psychoprophylactic activities;
- consultations with teachers and parents;
- methodological support of the correctional and developmental educational process.

A psychologist with parents is very important. They must understand that the work of the psychologist himself is not enough to obtain the maximum effect in the harmonious development of the child. After all, a favorable family environment and close connection A special institution with a family contributes to the development of a child like nothing else. We must ensure that parents understand that their child needs their support. Therefore, it would be advisable to conduct consultations with parents regarding the development of the child in general (for example: group consultations), and each child individually (individual consultations).

As for conducting classes with children, they require an atmosphere of goodwill and unconditional acceptance, which contributes to the formation of a positive self-concept in the child. A child who is convinced that everything is fine with him is not inclined to downplay his potential and willingly takes part in classes.

The goal of correctional work will ultimately be the social adaptation of children, their employment and further adaptation to life, including in conditions where they are not excluded from the surrounding social environment. To do this, it is necessary, using all the cognitive capabilities of children, to develop vital skills in them so that, as adults, they can independently serve themselves, carry out tasks in everyday life and in special production workshops. simple work, live, if possible, in a family and in a work community.

A psychologist needs to know the features of the manifestation of various defects in development, the degree of their severity, and most importantly, navigate the methods of their compensation and correction. And for this, a psychologist must have certain personal characteristics and skills:

1. Attention, desire to understand the position of others.
2. Friendliness.
3. Ability to become a leader.
4. Politeness, sociability.
5. Cheerfulness.
6. Patience, perseverance.
7. Great sense of responsibility.
8. Ability to do work full of variety.
9. Enthusiasm in work activity.
10. Accuracy and consistency in work.
11. The ability to plan your future.
12. Ability to make oral statements.
13. Good memory.
14. Ability to teach others.
15. Ability to care about strangers.

And, of course, it is necessary that the psychologist has a “baggage” of certain knowledge from various areas of psychology:

Psychology of the patient;
- psychology of therapeutic interaction;
- norm and pathology mental activity;
- pathopsychology;
- psychology of individual differences;
- developmental clinical psychology;
- family clinical psychology;
- psychology of deviant (deviant) behavior;
- psychological counseling, psychocorrection and psychotherapy;
- neurosology;
- psychosomatic medicine.

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