The main secrets of moonshine technology for beginners. Basic theory of moonshine

Homemade alcohol is well known and loved by many. But what is moonshine and how to prepare it correctly? called a high-proof alcoholic product obtained by distilling mash.

Modern mash can be made from sugar, grains, fruits, bread, peas, potatoes, etc. That is, from raw materials containing sugar or starch, which are subjected to saccharification using malt.

The history of moonshine goes back more than one thousand years. Although intoxicating drinks were brewed long before this, but without distillation. Let's go through the chronology:

  • 2 thousand years BC We are talking about Ancient Egypt, the era of the pyramids and pharaohs. In ancient artifacts discovered by archaeologists, primitive moonshine stills can be recognized. Although it is impossible to prove for sure that alcohol was produced with their help. Scientists suggest that this is how aromatic oils were made back then.
  • 700 – 400 BC The times of formation and heyday of ancient Rome and Greece. And many clay vessels with copper pipes. Whether they knew how to distill alcohol back then, or whether antiquity was satisfied with wine, has not yet been precisely proven.
  • IV century AD. The written testimony of the Chinese alchemist Ge Hong speaks of clear wine distilled 9 times. There is also a mention that this technology was known to the ancient Egyptians and ancient peoples.
  • 860 AD An Arab named Ragez distilled the first alcohol using a copper apparatus.

Reference. The word alcohol is of Arabic origin. It means "stupefying."

  • X century. Avicenna invents a coil that allows better cooling of alcohol vapor during distillation.
  • During between the 10th and 15th centuries a monk from Italy, Valentius, drives aquavit (translated as water of life), which is capable of “transforming an old man into a child.”
  • XV century. Another monk, Valentius, five centuries after the invention of the coil, guessed to immerse it in cold water, which significantly accelerated and improved the distillation. He guessed to distill the resulting raw alcohol several times (read:).
  • In the 16th century alcohol is distilled on an industrial scale.
  • Under Ivan the Terrible, since 1550, the first taverns appear. And away we go...
  • Since the 17th century To this day, moonshine stills are actively used in villages and cities.

Interesting fact. The word moonshine appeared in everyday use only in 1917.

Before this, the home-distilled alcoholic product was universally called tavern. In Ukraine, this was the name given to the drinking establishments that sold this drink.

Although tsarist Russia, and subsequently the Soviet government, did not approve of moonshine, since a large share of the treasury is filled from the sale of strong alcohol. A fierce fight against moonshine began after the 1917 revolution and continued with varying success until the mid-90s. Today, for my own needs ( not for sale) It is not forbidden to distill moonshine.

Calorie content

There is an opinion that it is easy to gain weight from moonshine because it is high in calories. According to different sources (and depending on the type) in 100 ml of drink from 220 to 290 kcal. In vodka - 231, cognac - 235, whiskey - 250. For comparison: red wine is 70-85 kcal, - 30-40 kcal.

Although experts call the calories of strong alcohol empty (they contain only traces of proteins, fats and carbohydrates), they contribute to weight gain. This is explained simply: alcohol not only stimulates the appetite, but also dulls control.

Even a person watching their weight easily forgets about it under the influence of alcohol and begins to actively snack, which does not have the best effect on their figure.

Composition and GOST

Not everyone knows that there is a special GOST for moonshine - R 56368-2015. It’s called “Traditional Russian Drinks Made with Natural Raw Materials.” It provides technical conditions for the production of moonshine and other homemade alcoholic beverages.

In the document, the term moonshine is interpreted as product obtained by distillation from grain mash. No other types of moonshine are described, although in fact there are dozens of them.

Distillation is allowed only for moonshine; other drinks must be made from food alcohol, treated water and aromatic alcohols, depending on the product. This could be a tincture of horseradish, cranberry, etc. The presence of honey or sugar is allowed.

GOST sets limit values ​​for the content of harmful substances. So, moonshine may contain (milligrams per 1 dm3 of anhydrous, that is, 100-proof alcohol):

  • furfural – 30;
  • fusel oils – from 500 to 6000;
  • esters – from 50 to 1500;
  • should not be more than 0.05%.

What does it taste like?

Moonshine, according to technical conditions, should have bready tones. But in practice, this folk drink has many flavors, depending on the raw materials from which it is produced.

There may be fruity shades, grape tones, and even potato, pea or beet tones.

The main thing that distinguishes high-quality moonshine is mild pleasant taste and no pungent odor.

With the help of modern equipment and purification of the finished product, this can be achieved.

And, of course, you should not miss such important factors as adherence to technology and the talent of the distiller.

How is moonshine useful and why is it dangerous?

Moonshine not only lifts your spirits and promotes intimate conversations, but also helps maintain health in reasonable doses. He:

  • has a beneficial effect on the vascular system, making blood vessels elastic and removing cholesterol plaques;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • calms nerves and promotes sound sleep;
  • has a disinfectant effect.

Attention. We are talking about 40 milligrams of moonshine per day. For women – about 30 ml.

In addition, it is undesirable to drink moonshine more than 3–4 times a week. Large doses no longer bring benefit, but harm.

In addition, moonshine is a wonderful “solvent” of beneficial plant substances. Healing tinctures are made from it.

And now - about harm.

Our body perceives alcohol as poison and immediately tries to get rid of it. The liver “throws all its strength” into removing evil from the body. As a result, it wears out prematurely and begins to hurt. It’s not for nothing that cirrhosis is called the disease of alcoholics.

Under attack are brain cells, which alcohol destroys in large numbers. Hence the degradation of the personality of a person who drinks heavily and often.

“Overloading” the body with alcohol is fraught with heart attack and stroke. So moderation is the key to a healthy body.

Types of moonshine

All over the world they distill their own moonshine. In Mexico - from cacti, in East Asia - from rice, in Africa - from bananas, etc. We also have many varieties of home distilled drink, but they are all combined into five types:

  1. Sugar. This can include a product made from sugar, glucose, dextrose.
  2. Grain. The most popular among the people are wheat and rye drinks. But there is also barley, corn, pea, millet, and buckwheat. And in recent years, rice has also become popular due to the good yield of the finished product.
  3. Fruit and berry. The most common are apple, plum, apricot, and grape. We like to make aromatic and tasty liqueurs and tinctures based on moonshine using raspberries, cranberries, rowan, and cherries.
  4. Vegetable. Root vegetables are used: sugar beets, potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke.
  5. From leftovers or original. Drinks made from caramel, old jam or juice, and other raw materials are popular.

Moonshine Basics for Beginners

The desire to join the cohort of distillers is explained not so much by the desire to spend less on buying alcohol, but by the desire to create an original and high-quality product.

Carefully. In moonshine brewing, failure to follow basic rules can ruin good intentions and, instead of the expected crystal clear soft product, you end up with a drink that is unsuitable for consumption.

Selecting raw materials

It doesn’t matter what kind of moonshine you want to start your journey as a home distiller with. The main thing is to choose the right raw materials and stick to the recipe. You still have plenty of time to experiment. It’s great if the first experience is successful. This will spur interest and give impetus to further creativity.

For the “first try” it is better to take sugar. Don’t be fooled by the cheapness, choose a high-quality, coarse-crystalline product.

The second ingredient is . Take alcoholic ones - you won't go wrong. They add more alcohol and reduce the harshness of the final product.

Advice. If you want to immediately experiment with mash using wild yeast, you are taking a big risk. To do this, you need to have experience and be able to determine whether fermentation is proceeding correctly. Therefore, try something proven and simple, or, as a last resort, consult with knowledgeable people.

The water should be damp and moderately soft. The best option - bottled or filtered. Distilled or boiled is not suitable at all! This is “dead water”, and yeast needs nutrition in the form of microorganisms and chemical elements.

The proportions are as follows: for 10 liters of water you need 2-2.5 kg of sugar and 250 g of raw (40-50 g of dry) alcoholic yeast.


Sugar is dissolved in warm water. Check its temperature; at 28-30° you can add yeast. They should first be dissolved with warm water, adding a pinch of sugar and wait. When they rise like a cap, pour into the wort and stir. If the yeast has not shown activity within half an hour, it is unsuitable.

Attention. The less time the mash ferments, the less fusel oils are formed in it. To speed up the process (feeding the yeast), add a couple of pieces of crumbled bread to the wort.

The fermentation container is left in a warm place (in the room). It is advisable that it be a glass bottle with a water seal or a medical glove on the neck with a finger pierced with a needle. This way you can control the fermentation, which lasts 5-7 days.

Its completion is indicated by:

  • the release of carbon dioxide ceases (no foam, the water seal does not gurgle, the glove is deflated);
  • a small sediment is visible at the bottom, and the liquid has become clearer;
  • the mash tastes bitter;
  • The smell clearly contains alcohol.


The mash is filtered (filtered through a couple of layers of gauze), poured into the cube to 2/3 of the volume (no more). Connect all parts of the device and place it on the burner.

Carefully. Make sure all connections are tight. “Burst” alcohol can cause a fire and explosion.

Heat the mash, collect the distillation to a strength in a stream of 40° or until the dripping distillate burns.

  • the first 8-12% of the expected output – heads. They are usually poured out, it is poison;
  • body drive until the temperature on the thermometer in the cube reaches 92°C;
  • tails– the last low-alcohol fractions. There is no point in collecting them with the body. They are also rich in fusel oils, and can also make moonshine cloudy.


If the resulting distillate is further purified, it can be consumed without fear. What to clean with?

  1. Charcoal– coconut or birch. Suitable from other breeds, even taken from a fire and crushed. Undesirable - coniferous species, they give a resinous taste. Coal is crushed and poured at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons per three-liter jar. Leave for 2-3 days, stirring occasionally, then filter.
  2. Potassium permangantsovka many “experienced” moonshiners carry out cleaning, although this method is controversial and not harmless. However, after it the moonshine is cleared of the fusel smell and becomes softer in taste.
  3. Baking soda, milk– also suitable home remedies for purifying moonshine.


To make moonshine pleasant to the taste, it can be refined if desired. To do this, after cleaning you can:

  • age the moonshine in an oak barrel;
  • use oak chips for infusion;
  • add nuts: walnuts, pine, almonds. Apricot kernels, almonds, and mint go well with them;
  • infuse with raspberries, cranberries, blackberries, currants, etc.;
  • use herbs, roots, seeds for infusion, such as anise, bison, St. John's wort, thyme, lemon balm and others;
  • There are ready-made concentrates on sale, adding which in the specified proportions, you will get drinks that skillfully imitate cognac, whiskey, Calvados, and other drinks.

Moonshine is a strong alcohol-containing drink that is obtained in. The technology for making moonshine at home is considered quite simple, but to prepare a truly tasty and high-quality product, you must strictly follow the principles of making moonshine and know some of the secrets of moonshine.

Equipment for production

If you want to practice thoroughly and get delicious, high-quality drinks, you need to make sure you have a good still. If it is not possible to independently manufacture a device that can meet all technical requirements, you can purchase a ready-made distiller. When purchasing a distillation apparatus, special attention should be paid to the material from which it is made. It is best if it is food grade stainless steel. It would be good if the distiller had a built-in thermometer that would help control the temperature during the cooking process.

To measure the density of the wine material, you will need a hydrometer, and to measure the strength of the final product, you will need an alcoholometer.

How to properly prepare classic mash

Braga is the initial base for any moonshine. Despite the existence of many different recipes for making mash, most distillers prefer the classic version, which will require:

From this amount of products you will end up with about 5 liters of moonshine.

To prepare a quality product, first of all you need carry out sugar purification procedure from pathogenic microorganisms. To do this you need:

  1. heat 3 liters of water to a temperature of 80 °C;
  2. pour granulated sugar into the water and stirring, bring to a boil;
  3. cook for 10 minutes, remembering to remove the foam;
  4. add citric acid;
  5. cover with a lid, reduce heat as much as possible and simmer for 1 hour.

Important to remember that the water for it should be of good quality, since the taste of the final product depends on this.

Before adding dry yeast to the resulting liquid, it must be activated by pouring it into warm boiled water and letting it stand for about 50 minutes in a warm place.

On the container where the mash will settle, you need to install a water seal or a rubber medical glove with a hole pierced in it. After that, Place the container in a warm place for about 6 days. To enhance fermentation processes, the contents must be shaken daily.

You can start the process only when the mash is completely ready. You can tell that the mash is ready by the following signs:

  • the top layer becomes lighter;
  • the hissing stops;
  • an alcoholic taste appears.

When the brew is ripe, it needs to be clarified and degassed. For this procedure, you will need to pour the mash into a saucepan and heat it to a temperature of 50 °C, which will destroy the remaining active yeast and remove any remaining carbon dioxide from the liquid.

The final stage will be the process. To do this you need:

  1. dissolve 2 tablespoons of white clay in a glass of warm water;
  2. mix the resulting liquid and pour it into the mash;
  3. Shake the mash and let it sit for 24 hours.

After the mash is ready, you can proceed directly to distilling the moonshine.

The process of distilling mash into moonshine

Distillation is the most difficult stage in the production of moonshine. Every moonshiner must be able to competently manage all moonshine brewing processes. For beginning distillers, there are step-by-step instructions for distilling mash, following which you can obtain a high-quality product with excellent taste characteristics.

In theory, such a process may seem very complicated and time-consuming to you, but in practice you will quickly learn to understand all the intricacies of distillation and can easily control the quality of the moonshine produced.

The most effective cleaning methods

Even after high-quality distillation, the resulting product may have a not very pleasant aroma of fusel oils, therefore moonshine must certainly undergo a cleaning procedure. There are several effective ways to clean moonshine, which can almost completely rid the drink of its specific odor.

It is considered the most common. Crushed charcoal can be purchased at a specialty store, and it is very easy to make a filtration column with your own hands. To make a filtration column you will need a one and a half liter bottle with a plastic stopper. The bottom of the bottle is cut off, and 3-4 small holes are made in the cork. At the bottom of a homemade column you need to put several cotton pads, on top of which about 6 tablespoons of crushed coal are poured.

The filter is installed on the neck of the jar, after which the resulting moonshine is passed through it. For better cleaning the filtration procedure must be carried out several times. Of course, coal will absorb some amount of moonshine, but the total loss of displacement will be small and will be approximately 100 ml per 5 liters. With this method of filtration, moonshine does not lose its strength and gets rid of fusel oils and unpleasant odors.

The second cleaning method is also carried out using charcoal, but takes much longer. Crushed coal is poured into a container with moonshine at the rate of 5 liters - 20 tablespoons. After this, the container is closed with a lid, and its contents are shaken well. The product then settles for 5 days with daily shaking. After the expiration date, the moonshine is filtered through a cotton filter. With this cleaning method, the product is especially clean and transparent.

Moonshine can be purified by adding a little low-fat milk to it at the rate of 80 ml per 5 liters of product. The resulting liquid is thoroughly mixed and left for 3-4 days. The contents must be shaken every day. After a few days, a white precipitate will become noticeable, which can be removed by passing the moonshine through a cotton or charcoal filter.

Such cleaning methods will lead to an increase in the quality of the produced drink, which ultimately will avoid excessive intoxication of the body.

Upgrading procedure

is the inclusion in its composition of various additives that can change the taste, color and smell of the drink.

The strength of moonshine can be twice as high than classic vodka, this makes it quite difficult to drink. The introduction of a small amount of sugar will help remove the characteristic pungency and soften the taste of the drink.

Moonshine can be infused with various nuts and berries. Very popular are varieties of moonshine that have a refined cedar or exquisite grape taste and aroma.

Some distillers use artificial colors to give the drink a certain color, but it is still better to use natural ingredients, such as oak bark, which can give the drink a noble cognac color.

Experienced moonshiners advise sticking a small note on each can of finished alcohol, which will indicate the date of manufacture of the product, as well as its ingredients. This will allow you to easily decide on the choice of drink in the future.

It is impossible to know absolutely everything about moonshine and moonshine, since various new items in equipment, recipes and production technology appear almost daily. Each distiller has his own rules for the production of moonshine, following which he manages to achieve the unique taste of his drinks. The tips given in this article will help you avoid common mistakes that novice moonshiners make. Surely your friends will be happy to hear the news that you have decided to start making moonshine, and will be happy to join in tasting the drinks you have made.

Attention, TODAY only!

Home brewing is a multi-step process that requires a thorough and reasonable approach. Distilling mash into moonshine is perhaps the most responsible and painstaking stage, which requires constant attention and at least minimal theoretical knowledge. The correct distillation determines the taste and quality of the drink, and failure to comply with the technology can lead to serious consequences for kitchen renovations and your health.

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Preparatory phase: little things matter

It is worth making sure that all the subtleties are observed before lighting the stove. Otherwise, all errors will be identified experimentally, which is not the best way when working with high temperatures and flammable liquids.

Mash readiness

Before distilling the mash into moonshine, you should make sure that it is ready for distillation. Experienced moonshiners can easily determine this by appearance and taste, but for reliable results, use proven methods:

  • The density of the mash measured by a hydrometer should not exceed 1.002. If the instrument readings are higher, you should add a little water and yeast to the container with the mash and send it to ferment in a warm place.
  • If you don't have a hydrometer, taste the mash. The sweetness of the liquid indicates that not all the sugar has been processed into alcohol and fermentation needs to be continued.

The question of whether it is possible to distill unfermented mash is often heard from beginners in moonshine brewing. Of course you can, but why? What remains in it is not processed sugar, which will be wasted in vain, and due to the fact that the maximum strength has not been reached, the yield of moonshine will also be modest.

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Safety precautions

The times of homemade devices made from cans and pans are gone, and if you plan to prepare homemade alcohol regularly, buying a normal device will more than pay off.

A good device - high-quality moonshine

When choosing a moonshine still, pay attention to the thickness of the metal - it should be at least 1.5 mm on the walls, and 2-3 mm on the bottom. A wide filler neck will make it easier to clean the distillation cube, and a collapsible steamer will allow you to flavor the drink during the second distillation. It is also advisable to choose a device with a thermometer, which will allow you to keep control of the distillation process.

Safety precautions during work have been developed through dozens of burned hands and exploding devices, so study this section thoroughly:

  • Be sure to filter the mash through cheesecloth before distillation. Particles of wort or fertilizing can get into the steam pipes, which can lead to an explosion from excess pressure.
  • Place the receiving jar away from the gas burner, and protect against spillage by placing another container under it. Alcohol is a flammable liquid and does not forgive mistakes.
  • Check the tightness of the device. To do this, put the hose on the outlet, blow into it and hold for a few seconds. Once you release the hose, air will hiss out of the sealed space. Alcohol vapor escaping from leaking joints will not only reduce output, but may also ignite.
  • Keep gloves handy as metal parts become very hot during operation. Hand protection will come in handy when changing the dryer.
  • Do not open the still until it has cooled to avoid being scalded by the steam.

These rules are well known to experienced moonshiners, but it was worth writing them, even if they help just one beginner.

Temperature conditions for mash distillation

photo from the site

The principle of distillation is based on the fact that the mash contains substances with different boiling points. Thanks to the sequential change in heating of the distillation cube, these substances alternately pass into a gaseous state. This allows you to divide the moonshine into fractions that differ in the content of foreign impurities:

  • The evaporation of aldehydes, ethers, methanol and other harmful impurities begins at 65⁰C. When distilling mash into moonshine, this temperature is maintained until the first fraction, the heads, is separated. The volume of this fraction is calculated as 30-60 ml for each kilogram of sugar used for mash.
  • After this, the heating is increased to a level when the temperature of distillation of mash into moonshine is reached in the distillation cube. Ethyl alcohol evaporates at 78⁰, and the result is the second, purest fraction of moonshine - the body. At this stage, the temperature in the cube rises slowly, but should not reach 85⁰C.
  • The separation of the third fraction is the last mark that the temperature of the mash must reach during distillation. Fusel oils begin to evaporate at a temperature of 85⁰C, and at this moment the tails are cut off.

When the mash distillation temperature reaches 98.5⁰C, distillation can be stopped, since the condensed liquid contains no more than 1% ethanol. Although only the most patient reach this stage of distillation.

Distilling mash into moonshine step by step

photo from the website

Moonshiners are of the same opinion regarding the need for double distillation. This makes it possible to obtain an unusually soft, pure product, devoid of foreign impurities that are responsible for the organoleptic qualities of the drink and morning well-being. The most meticulous ones manage to distill moonshine three or even four times. But most agree that double distillation is sufficient.

How to properly remove moonshine from mash: first distillation

The technology for carrying out the first distillation does not have such a clear point of view. On this issue, moonshiners are divided into two camps, and each of them has its own arguments. We will not figure out whose method is more correct, since even many years of debate did not lead to the birth of truth.

Quick distillation of mash

The essence of the technique is to ensure that the yeast and impurities remaining in the mash are not subjected to prolonged heat treatment, which increases the amount of impurities. Distillation is carried out at maximum power, without maintaining separate temperature conditions and selecting fractions:

  1. Place the still on the fire and bring water to the coil.
  2. Heat as quickly as possible until the mash begins to boil.
  3. Continue distillation at maximum speed up to 3-5⁰С in a stream.

Remember that you need to measure the strength in a small amount of distillate at a temperature of 20⁰C. If the temperature is higher, then special tables with correction factors are used. However, the moonshine in the stream should not heat up above 30⁰ with a normally functioning cooler, so you practically won’t have to wait until it cools down.

Proponents of this technique believe that there is no need to separate the heads and tails during the first distillation, since filtration through coal and dropwise selection of fractions during the second distillation provide a fairly high-quality product.

Fractional first distillation of mash

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Carbon filters should not be used when preparing fruit and grain moonshines, since the powerful absorbent reduces the intensity of the aroma of the raw materials. In this case, the heads and tails are cut off during both the first and second distillation.

  • Warm the cube to a temperature of 65⁰C and reduce the heat as soon as the first drops appear.
  • During the first distillation, the volume of heads is 30 ml for each kg of sugar, but experienced moonshiners can easily distinguish them by the sharp smell of acetone.
  • Change the moonshine collection container and increase the heat until you get something between frequent drops and a thin stream.
  • Continue selecting the body until you reach 30⁰ strength in the stream. Some moonshiners practice cutting off tails already at 45⁰, but with double or triple distillation this is unnecessary.
  • Change the container again and increase the heat to maximum. Collect tailings up to 5% ethanol content.

The heads obtained during the first distillation are the very first thing that popular fame has awarded with a stunning reputation. Of course, it knocks you off your feet and intoxication sets in quickly, but the concentration of toxic impurities in it is off the charts, and your health will not fail to remind those who dare to try this hellish drink of this.

photo from the site

The resulting second fraction (body) is raw alcohol. Of course, you can drink it, but the quality will be average. Since you have already started making homemade alcohol, then follow through and prepare a drink that will put any famous brand of vodka to shame.

How to properly distill mash into moonshine: second distillation

The raw spirit has a natural light cloudiness typical of country moonshine, and a moderate amount of extraneous impurities if the heads and tails have already been selected.


Before distilling moonshine from the mash with a still, it is recommended to dilute the raw alcohol to 25-30⁰ strength and filter it from fusel oils using one of the following methods:

  • Add 20 g of refined vegetable oil per liter of liquid, close the lid and shake well. After 12 hours, drain the liquid from under the oil film using a flexible tube. Pass through a gauze or cotton filter.
  • Place a cotton filter in a watering can, and sprinkle birch, stone or coconut activated carbon on top. In the absence of suitable raw materials, feel free to use regular pharmacy activated carbon. Filter the alcohol through a watering can.

You can filter moonshine using sugar or starch-containing raw materials, but fruit distillate, together with fusel oils, will lose some of its flavor and aromatic qualities, so it is better to use triple distillation of mash. If there is time and inspiration, these two cleaning methods are used sequentially.

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Second distillation

Actually, the technology is practically no different from fractional first distillation, with the exception of some subtleties:

  • The slower the cutting of heads, the better the quality of the product. The optimal rate of liquid flow is 1-3 drops per minute.
  • If you didn’t take any heads the first time, now take 50-60 ml for each kilogram of sugar used. When repeating the selection, it will be enough to cut off 30 ml of heads.
  • Change the container and heat the cube to 78⁰C, distill the second fraction at medium speed.
  • When the strength in the stream drops to 45⁰C, change the container again and continue distilling the tails at maximum power.

If the distillation of mash into moonshine is carried out correctly, you will get a drink of 50-60⁰ strength. This level of alcohol does not suit everyone, and you can bring it to the desired strength by diluting it with water. Distilled, bottled or filtered water through a filter jug ​​will do.

Cleaning the finished moonshine

photo from the website

The question is quite ambiguous, and moonshiners have not come to a common denominator in its solution. Undoubtedly, the most effective method of purification is proper distillation with careful, or better yet, reserve, separation of tails and heads. Only low-quality drinks require cleaning in order to remove at least some of the impurities from it. For this purpose the following are used:

  • potassium permanganate;
  • milk;
  • egg white;
  • Rye bread;
  • freezing in metal containers.

But all these methods cannot be called effective, so it’s better to gather your strength and distill the low-quality moonshine again, carefully dividing it into three fractions.

Heads and tails: benefit from waste

photo from the site

You should not drink the first and last fractions, but this does not mean that they will not be used. The alcohol content in them is quite significant, and a business person will find where to use it:

  • The heads are used as technical alcohol. They can serve as a solvent, stain remover, antifreeze liquid for glass washer, etc.
  • Tail fractions are perfect for preparing medicinal infusions, only for external use.
  • Very often, tails are recommended to be added to the next portion of mash, but users of specialized forums say that with repeated re-distillation, the quality of moonshine decreases.

Now you know exactly how to properly distill mash from start to finish. The description of the process may seem voluminous, but after doing it two or three times you will remember all the subtleties by heart, and after a while you will develop your tricks for producing high-quality homemade moonshine!

Almost everyone, even a non-drinker in Russia and the CIS, knows what moonshine is and how it is made (at least approximately). However, as we delve deeper into the intricacies of the process, the amount of real knowledge decreases with each stage, becoming more and more intertwined with myths, superstitions and unsubstantiated statements. In order to put everything in its place and completely dispel stupid stories, we will analyze the process of moonshine brewing from beginning to end.

The production of moonshine is by no means limited directly to distillation alone, but includes a number of successive stages, each of which has its own specifics and many nuances. The entire process of moonshine brewing can be divided into several main stages: selection, preparation and processing of raw materials, fermentation, the actual brewing of moonshine (distillation), purification of the resulting alcohol, “refining”.

Selection of raw materials

In most cases, raw materials for brewing moonshine are selected solely on the basis of availability (which is cheaper and easier to obtain). In addition to purely subjective ones, there are also objective criteria for selecting raw materials, based, for example, on the number of liters of alcohol that can be obtained from a kilogram of these products as a result of their distillation.

In addition, taste is not the least important (moonshine can also be distilled from manure, the question is how pleasant it will be to drink later). The most common products for making moonshine are: sugar, starch, malt (sprouted grains of wheat, barley, rye), potatoes, fruits, berries.


Once the choice of recipe and raw materials has been decided
and it has been prepared accordingly (production of malt milk from cereal grains, storage and ripening of fruits, etc.), the fermentation stage begins.

Fermentation process? a chemically complex reaction to convert sugar in the starting material into ethyl alcohol, water and carbon dioxide, and of all of them, alcohol is the main value for us. Fermentation itself is the oxygen-free breakdown of nutrient molecules performed by yeast.

But the presence of nutrients and yeast alone is not enough for the process to proceed properly; it is also necessary to constantly maintain the air temperature within 18? 24°C. Both lower and higher temperatures lead to a slowdown or stop of the fermentation process, which (cessation) also occurs when the alcohol concentration reaches 10%.

To optimize costs and avoid waste of materials, it is necessary to maintain certain proportions between components (raw materials, yeast, water). In most cases, the best ratio of components will be 1: 0.1: 3, but for each recipe it may differ slightly.


After the mash is ready, the technology involves its distillation, that is
the process of extracting ethyl alcohol by heating. This is done using special devices for distillation, so-called moonshine stills.

There are a huge variety of designs for moonshine stills, from the most primitive to the high-tech, but in general terms they have a similar structure: a heated container for mash, a refrigerator (a tube for cooling alcohol vapor), a container for accumulating the resulting moonshine. It is also possible (and very desirable) to add a thermometer to the design.

The size and shape of the heated mash container are not particularly important, which cannot be said about the refrigerator. The classic and most famous refrigerator design, well known from movies and stories? coil (Graham refrigerator) ? a hollow metal (usually copper) tube twisted into a spiral. However, theory and practice show that the coil is inferior in efficiency to a glass ball refrigerator.

It is not only and not so much the design of the apparatus that matters, as maintaining the required temperature at all stages of the distillation process. This is due to the fact that mash has a complex chemical composition and in addition to water and ethyl alcohol, it contains many different fractions, both lighter (for example, monohydric alcohol methanol, ethers, aldehydes) and heavier (amyl, butyl, propyl alcohols, fusel oils, etc.).

At the initial stage, the mash can be heated as intensely as possible, and after reaching a temperature of 65°C, the lightest fraction, containing methyl alcohol and ethers, will begin to boil (popularly this fraction is called “primary”). Ethyl alcohol begins to release when the temperature reaches approximately 78°C, after which the technology requires that the heating intensity be strictly adjusted so that the temperature is established in the range of 78 - 83°C (less? ethyl alcohol will not boil, more? it will begin to emit heavy fractions).


Even with all the desire, no moonshine secrets and precise adherence to temperature will still completely get rid of harmful impurities that enter the finished product along with water and ethyl alcohol, as a result of which the moonshine looks cloudy. For that To reduce the negative consequences of consumption and improve taste, you can resort to cleaning technologies.

Regardless of the recipe and initial raw materials, potassium permanganate (1 × 2 grams per liter), activated carbon, and re-distillation are almost always used as reliable cleaning agents. In addition, depending on the recipe, you may encounter the content of specific substances, which will require special means to get rid of.


In addition to cleaning, if desired, you can give the drink a certain color and taste, and this can be done by adding a variety of aromatic and coloring substances. For these purposes, you can use both artificial and natural substances, but, of course, the latter are preferable.

One of the main principles used to give moonshine a special taste and color is infusion with various herbs, spices, plant parts (roots, fruits, etc.). For example,
bases of saffron, celery, lemon balm, mint or horseradish give the moonshine a yellow or golden color, and the shade can be adjusted both by the amount of added substances and the infusion time.

A pleasant red color can be obtained by infusing the drink with dry blueberries or adding red food coloring. Chlorophyll gives a great emerald green color. Is sweetening done on the same principle? Honey, syrup or jam is added to the moonshine, everything is thoroughly stirred, settled, and then filtered.

Moonshine brewing at home is the best solution for connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages. Moonshine is considered a classic drink, the quality of which you don’t have to worry about if you know all the intricacies of the manufacturing process and the features of the composition.

Making homemade moonshine is a complex process, and the quality of the finished product always depends on the correctness of each individual stage.

Moonshine brewing at home always takes place in three stages.

Beginning “homemade brewers” ​​must master three main stages, which comprise the entire process of preparing this alcoholic drink:

  1. Making mash. There are a lot of recipes, among which you can find both classic and exotic options. But in any case, the initial result will depend on the quality of fermentation.
  2. Distillation of mash. In this process, it is important to observe the temperature regime and the rate of release of alcohols.
  3. Moonshine cleaning. This stage can be called concluding, but vital. Drinking purified moonshine is the key to reducing the harm caused by alcohol.

Important. Knowledgeable manufacturers have their own tricks and subtleties of preparation. And the main thing for beginners is to accurately learn how to produce the drink in the classic version.

Home brewing technology

Moonshine brewing technology must be followed not only in order to obtain a drink of normal strength, but also so that the moonshine is suitable for consumption. A disgusting smell, cloudy consistency and unpleasant taste are all consequences of mistakes made at all stages of production.

Necessary equipment

To prepare moonshine, you need to have certain equipment:

  1. Container for fermentation.
  2. Alcohol mashine.
  3. Alcohol meter.
  4. Clean dry bottles.

Before preparing moonshine, you need to prepare the necessary equipment.

Raw materials for making moonshine

To make moonshine good, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on it. And if sugar used to be inexpensive, today it has jumped in price. But experienced moonshine makers know how to get out of this situation and how to replace sugar.

Necessary ingredients for making mash:

  1. Sugar or its substitute (sugar beets, grains, potatoes, fruits and berries, starch). The choice of the appropriate ingredient depends on the amount of sugar and tannins it contains.
  2. Yeast. It is best to use homemade yeast. If this is not possible, then pay close attention to the expiration dates of the yeast on sale. If the product does not work at full capacity, then the mash will not work.
  3. Water. Using tap water is not the best option. It is best to use spring water or purchased water.

Basics of making mash

Braga is made from two main components - sugar and yeast. But it will not be possible to obtain good raw materials from them, since this mixture will ferment poorly, and the yield during distillation will be low. To correct this situation, you need to add additional nutrition to the mixture, which can be a mixture of cereals or fruits.

To make mash, it is better to use inverted sugar syrup.

The best results can be achieved by using invert sugar syrup, which is quite easy to prepare. To do this, sugar is diluted in water, brought to 60 degrees on a gas stove and kept for 40 minutes.

Important. Fruits that work well include plum, apricot and apple.

The main points when preparing mash:

  1. Exact proportions. Too much or too little of one of the ingredients can cause the fermentation process to slow down or stop. In this case, the products can be poured out.
  2. Creating favorable conditions. For mash, a dark, quiet room is required, the temperature in which will be in the range of 20-25 degrees Celsius.
  3. Tightness of the vessel. The mash container must be protected from air. Otherwise, the drink will taste more like vinegar and will have to be discarded.
  4. Excerpt. There should be almost no sugar left in the finished mash. More than 80% should ferment to alcohol.

Mash recipe

The moonshine brewing process begins in the brewery.

To do this you need to take the following components:

  • capacity (a 36-liter can will do);
  • clean water – 32 liters.

The prepared mash is infused for 1 to 3 weeks.

The cooking process will be as follows:

  1. The water is heated to 40 degrees (no more).
  2. Dissolve sugar in it at the rate of 1 to 4, that is, 5 kg.
  3. Stir well.
  4. Add 0.5 kg of compressed yeast.
  5. Stir and seal tightly.

Braga is infused for several days. This usually takes from one to 3 weeks. The first couple of days, the mash needs to be stirred to improve the supply of oxygen to the mixture.

Important. If the mash remains sweet after the expiration date, you need to add yeast to resume the fermentation process.

After preparing the mash, it is better to keep it in a cool place for at least 24 hours. This will help make the product lighter in color, as unprocessed yeast will settle out at low temperatures.

Distillation of mash

To get moonshine from mash, you need to distill it in a special moonshine still. This process allows you to isolate ethyl alcohol from the mash. Distillation is an important and responsible stage.

It is extremely difficult to maintain the ideal temperature regime at home, so you need to know all the details:

  1. The mash can be heated quickly. The more actively the temperature rises, the more efficiently the device will work.
  2. Active release of impurities begins when the mash reaches a temperature of 65 degrees.
  3. The first portion of alcohol (pervak) can be poisonous, so it is better to throw it away. Although there is an opinion among people that pervak ​​is the best type of moonshine, this is not so. The first drops of alcohol contain acetaldehyde, methyl alcohol and other harmful substances.
  4. After the first brew is released, the temperature is sharply reduced so that the mash maintains a temperature of 65 degrees. During this time, dangerous alcohol will continue to be released. The amount of unusable products can be calculated using the formula: per 1 kg of sugar – 40 ml of fraction.
  5. As soon as this volume is obtained, you need to increase the heating temperature (to 78-85 degrees) and start collecting good moonshine.
  6. Distillation is stopped when the temperature reaches 98.5 degrees.

Distillation of moonshine is carried out using a moonshine still.

Important. The distillation of moonshine is completed when the paper soaked in it stops burning with a blue flame.

Second distillation of moonshine

To improve the taste of the resulting moonshine, you can distill it again. To do this, you need to dilute it a second time so that the alcohol content is approximately 30%.

Repeated distillation is essentially no different from the first, only the heating temperature should be lower, and the alcohol yield should be slower - 2 drops per minute.

Cleaning the finished moonshine

Despite all the methods by which you improved the quality of moonshine, harmful impurities still remained in it. Getting rid of them is quite simple if you clean the moonshine using one of the suggested methods.

For this purpose, use:

  • Rye bread;
  • milk;
  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • freezing in metal containers;
  • egg white.

However, all these methods cannot give 100% results, so it is best (several times) to carefully separate it into three fractions.

Upgrading of moonshine

You can improve the taste of moonshine using various additives.

Moonshine distilled twice and purified is already a high-quality product. Its strength can be more than 50 degrees, which is not acceptable for every alcohol drinker. You can reduce the strength by simply adding water (filtered, distilled, spring).

But you can improve the taste, aroma, color and taste with various additives. You need to choose the necessary components according to your taste, but don’t be afraid to experiment.

The classic recipes include the following:

  1. Take one liter of ready-made moonshine.
  2. Put 1 tbsp in it. honey
  3. Add 5 whole prunes.
  4. Leave for about 4 weeks.
  5. Strain.

You can also use the following products and methods:

  • nutmeg;
  • vanilla;
  • coriander;
  • cinnamon;
  • saffron;
  • berry juice;
  • citrus peels;
  • dried berries;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • artificial dyes.

For those who don't like the taste of alcohol, you can banish it with sugar syrup. It is added to moonshine and left to infuse for several days.

In villages, moonshine is rarely produced to the highest quality; it is usually limited to just one distillation. There are also craftsmen who add chicken manure to moonshine for strength. Drinking such a product is strictly prohibited!

In villages, moonshine is rarely re-purified, so it remains cloudy.

To distill high-quality moonshine, you need to have an alcohol meter on hand. But not everyone has this device.

Plain paper will help you get out of this situation:

  1. Tear a thin strip from a newspaper or notebook sheet.
  2. Bend it in half.
  3. Moisten the piece of paper under the end of the coil.
  4. Set it on fire.

If the strength of the moonshine is more than 40 degrees, then the paper will burn evenly. If it is less than 40 degrees, the flame will crackle and go out.

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