Characteristics of Molchalin in “Woe from Wit” (with quotes). Molchalin in A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” (School essays)

The work “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboyedov belongs to the comedy genre, the events took place at the beginning of the 19th century, in it the author showed images of Moscow nobles. The main theme of the work can be identified as confrontation this century and the past, a difficult change from old ideals to new ones. On the side of the last century there was a significant number of people in comedy, one of them was a young nobleman who did not yet have any ranks of Molchalin. His task was to serve influential people.

Molchalin himself was a poor nobleman, born in Tver. In the comedy, he lived in Famusov’s house, who in turn took Molchalin as his secretary. Molchalin falls in love with Famusov's daughter and secretly meets with her. Famusov is an opponent of such relationships, because he believes that his daughter needs an influential husband with ranks. Although Molchalin does not meet these requirements, he has another quality that was appreciated by the inhabitants of Famusov’s house. He tried his best to serve in every possible way, and this attracted attention. That is why he managed to get the position of secretary, where important business qualities, not honor.

In the work "Woe from Wit" the image of the protagonist can be called the standard behavior of a young nobleman surrounded by him. We see how he tries to serve, and if necessary, even humiliate himself in front of the influential guests of Famusov’s house, all this goes with the expectation that they can be useful in life and further service. Molchalin even took it for granted to praise the fur of Khlestova’s dog. To describe the hero, a quote is suitable that says that while “we are small in rank,” “we must depend on others.” He believes that while you are young, you don’t have to have your own opinion.

Famus society was famous for its boasting trait; at every opportunity it was common to praise new successes, and Molchalin was the same. He was a frequent guest of Princess Tatyana Yuryevna. Although in character and behavior Molchalin was the same as everyone else in society, although he agreed with everyone and supported ideas, this did not stop him from resorting to meanness. For example, his love for Sophia was only a fiction and he did it for his own benefit. In fact, he opens up sincerely when communicating with the maid Lisa, whom he liked. And here another character is revealed to the reader, you see that there is duplicity in him, which means such a person is dangerous.

There is not a drop of respect or warmth in his soul and heart for Sophia. He takes a great risk when he begins to secretly see Famusov’s daughter, because he was constantly in a state of fear that they would be noticed. This expresses cowardice. For Molchalin, an important role was played by the fact that he was worried about the opinions of others, and he was also afraid of what others would think of him. This meanness and deceit of his destroys him, because he begins to harm those with whom he has been surrounded for a long time. He remembered the words of his father, which said to please everyone without exception, which Molchalin followed. Based on this, we can draw a conclusion about the hero’s attitude to the description of the ideal last century, despite the fact that he is still young.

The author showed Molchalin as a worthy continuation and example of conservative nobles. Such a society is characterized by the fact that for them rank and money come first; these two categories allow them to evaluate others. As already mentioned, Molchalin was cunning and two-faced, these are the two main qualities that describe the hero.

Griboedov touched upon a problem in his comedy that is still relevant today. After all, many cases are known when there were the same people who did not see anything in their way and were ready to go through everything for the sake of their goals. This topic will be relevant as long as there are people among us with the same values ​​as Molchalin and his society.

Essay on the topic Molchalin

The comedy "Woe from Wit", written by Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov in the period from 1822 to 1824, tells the story of secular society and life of those times. One of central characters works is Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin, a man from common people seeking career growth.

Molchalin seems to be a decent young man, distinguished by his kindness and modesty. But in fact, all these qualities are just a mask that the hero uses to achieve his goals. His dream is a career, high rank and wealth. Respect among high society is the limit of his happiness. There are many in various ways to achieve these goals. But Molchalin chooses the fastest and most negative one. He takes steps towards his dream with the help of flattery, hypocrisy and duplicity. He does it so subtly and imperceptibly that many may envy.

The hero worked as a secretary for Famusov, a rich and respected man. He did all the work conscientiously, spoke kindly and carefully, which is why Famusov liked him. He treated his master's daughter, Sophia, even better and even dared to play a lover young man. Naturally, he does not experience any high feelings towards the girl. On the contrary, he despises her and establishes relationships solely for his own benefit. Once, having offended a girl, he throws himself at her feet. The reason for this was far from repentance, but the fear of losing the trust of his master Famusov. Another person who was lucky enough to hear lies from Molchalin was Khlestova. He kindly played cards with her and complimented her dog. In fact, people are very pleased with such behavior towards them. Molchalin showed hypocrisy and helpfulness towards everyone living in the house: from servants to management. This was the hero's plan, which he strictly adhered to.

Thus, Molchalin in Griboedov’s comedy is negative character. The reader cannot see any positive traits of the hero, but sees only hypocrisy and the desire to achieve a dubious goal through dirty means. With the help of this character, the author reveals serious problem, which still exists today. People who do not strive for anything high, but for fame and money, are ready to go over their heads and put on a mask of sincerity. Usually, having achieved their goals, such people live unhappy and lonely.

Option 3

In his comedy "Woe from Wit" Griboyedov talks about the nobles of Moscow in the 19th century, it was then that society split into conservatives and those who were impressed by the ideas of the Decembrists. The main idea of ​​the work is the contrast between the present century and the past century, the replacement of outdated ideals of the nobles with completely new ones.

There are a huge number of supporters of old ideals in comedy. Admirers of the old principles are weighty and significant people in society, such as the landowner Famusov, Colonel Skalozub, and the younger generation, who are simply forced to serve the “old men,” also serve the old nobles. Molchalin is one of these young people who is forced to serve the old nobles with their orders.

Molchalin himself is a poor nobleman, born in Tver, he lives in the house of Famusov, who gave him the rank of assistant and hired him as a secretary. Molchalin is also the lover of Famusov’s daughter, but Famusov himself does not know about this. The father does not want to have a son-in-law like Molchalin, because in Moscow it is customary to have rich relatives. Famusov appreciates in people the desire to serve him, and this is how Molchalin, with the help of his helpfulness, receives such positions.

In this play, the image of Molchalin very accurately corresponds to the nature of the command of a young, fragile nobleman in an influential society. Molchalin tries to curry favor with distinguished guests in Famusov’s house as much as possible, because they can be useful for his further career growth. The young nobleman has sunk to the point where he begins to praise the fur of Khlestova’s dog. He believes that lower-ranking nobles should thus earn respect from their elders.

He, like all the characters in this comedy, considers it his duty to brag and be proud of his successes in career advancement. Molchalin is excellent at establishing connections with the people he needs, who can help him in his career. Molchalin brings enormous damage to the society in which he is located. He also deceives Famusov’s daughter, because he is courting her only for the sake of service to her father. He is the kind of person who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal, and is capable of causing enormous damage to the society in which he is located.

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  • A.S. Griboyedov finished his legendary comedy in 1824. But, despite all efforts, it was not possible to publish it. The censor did not let it through, since the nature of the play is accusatory. It spread in the lists, had big success among the young intelligentsia. Only in 1833 the play was published in an abridged version.

    The author presented the reader with a galaxy of vivid images of the Moscow nobility of the 19th century. Most of them are still relevant today. The person who “is blissful in the world” is especially tenacious. This character personifies veneration for rank, careerism, and hypocrisy.

    General characteristics of the hero

    Molchalin is a young man of unknown origin. He comes from Tver, his parents became impoverished. Thanks to his efficiency and cunning, he ends up in the capital. Famusov gives him the rank of collegiate assessor and makes him his secretary. This position at that time gave hereditary nobility, regardless of material well-being. But the employer himself calls him “rootless,” although he settles him in his house.

    Alexey Stepanovich, like most heroes classical literature, wears telling surname. He is truly silent. The quality is inconsistent. Sophia, in love, considers it a virtue. They say the priest is angry, but Alexey does not argue, does not object, the hot-tempered master calms down. Chatsky considers this stupidity, lack of will, and self-respect. For Molchalin, this is just a cunning maneuver, opportunism. He doesn't mind.

    The hero is young, the same age as Chatsky. But they are similar only in age.

    Chatsky and Molchalin

    These two social type are antagonists. People like Molchalin are ready to do anything to achieve high ranks and position in society. They don’t disdain anything. Lies, hypocrisy, ingratiation, sycophancy, humiliation, pretense - everything is used.

    “Moderation and accuracy” are the only talents of Alexei Stepanovich. But he is clearly being modest, forgetting that adaptability, cunning, and business acumen are also a kind of talent.

    Molchalin does not recognize his right to his own opinion. While he is in a small rank, it is necessary to depend on others. Therefore, he actively mimics and adapts.

    Chatsky is a different person. He openly expresses his opinion in any environment. He sees no point in an empty service. He is ready to serve the cause, but not the persons. It's sickening to serve him. Famusov calls him a proud man and a fool. It is strange for a successful official to hear such speeches.

    Molchalin, for the sake of profit, is ready to pretend in everything. Even in love.

    Relation to Sophia

    Pretending to be in love, Alexey becomes the friend of the owner's daughter's heart. She, in turn, endowed him with the features of French heroes romance novels. She created the perfect image for herself.

    Alexey Stepanych visits the young lady’s room at night. But he behaves indecisively, modestly, and does not allow liberties. As it turned out later, not because he was deeply in love and well-mannered, but out of indifference. But he shows ardor and discourtesy towards Lisa. Shyness with the young lady and vulgar behavior with the maid. This contrast speaks volumes.

    He looks after Sophia only to curry favor: “to please the daughter of such a man.” He himself doesn’t really understand why. There is no love, he doesn’t count on a wedding. Molchalin is a coward, insanely afraid of Famusov’s anger, of what he finds out about the affair.

    Molchalin and guests

    Ball at the Famusovs' house - key scene works. The family is officially in mourning after the death of their uncle. Therefore, only “our own” people are convened. It is necessary to give points to maintain connections.

    Molchalin is equally amiable with all representatives of the “past century”. He finds an approach to everyone. Sophia saw kindness in this ability to adapt. They say Alexey Stepanovich found friendship with everyone in the house. Chatsky also notices this: “Here he’ll pet a pug in time, there he’ll rub a card just right.” And, indeed, it comes to the point of absurdity. Molchalin strokes and praises Lady Khlestova’s Pomeranian. And then he plays cards with the old people all evening, adjusting, playing along. Knowing their cool character.

    The young man does everything on time. He seems to anticipate a social storm. As soon as a scandal brews in the house, he disappears into his room a minute before the owner appears.

    “He will reach known degrees...”

    All this will certainly help the hero in achieving his goals. He will not be embarrassed by mistakes or falls. There is no shame or timidity in him. From childhood, Alexey was instilled with the law of the need to please even the master’s janitor and his dog. And sycophancy, the ability to “bend too far” is highly valued in the capital.

    A character in the comedy “Woe from Wit” (1824) by A. S. Griboyedov (1795 1829). Type of careerist, pleaser, conformist: (Act. 4, Rev. 12): “My father bequeathed to me: first of all, to please all people without exception,” etc. A common noun for flatterers, sycophants,... ... Dictionary winged words and expressions

    The central character of the comedy "Woe from Wit" (1824). The significance of this image was realized over the course of historical time. N.V. Gogol was the first to notice something important in the appearance of the modest secretary Famusov: “this face, silent, low, is aptly captured... ... Literary heroes

    Wed. ...My father bequeathed to me, Firstly, to please all people without exception: the Master, where I happen to live, the Chief, with whom I will serve, his servant, who cleans dresses; To the doorman, to the janitor to avoid harm, to the janitor’s dog, so that it is affectionate... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Molchalin. Wed. ...My father bequeathed to me, First of all, to please all people without exception: the Master, where I happen to live, the Chief, with whom I will serve, his servant, who cleans the dresses; To the doorman, to the janitor to avoid evil, to the janitor’s dog, so that... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    M. 1. Literary character. 2. Used as a symbol of a person who hides his own opinion and wants to please all superiors or influential persons with his silence. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Molchalin- Silently Alin, and... Russian spelling dictionary

    Molchalin- (2 m) (lit. character; also about a careerist and a sycophant) ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    Molchalin- a character in A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy Woe from Wit (1824) a hypocritical, obsequious careerist who declared Ch. Its virtues are moderation and accuracy. His name became popular. meaning, and for the first time this happened in the text itself. (formula... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic Dictionary

    - ... Wikipedia


    • Woe from Wit, Alexander Griboyedov. The play takes place in Russia in the twenties years XIX century. To the house of the old Moscow master Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, a government manager, a convinced serf owner and a fierce... audiobook
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    “Silent people are blissful in the world.” Catchphrase still lives today. In changed conditions modern world It’s not difficult to recognize and meet the “Molchalins.”

    The image and characterization of Molchalin in the comedy “Woe from Wit” will help to understand which features have not undergone changes, who is hiding under the mask of a two-faced modesty.

    Molchalin and Famusov

    Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin is the secretary of Famusov, the owner of the house in which the events of the comedy unfold. Famusov sheltered a poor nobleman from Tver, gave him the rank of assessor, and officially placed him in the service of the “Archives”. Molchalin is not young, an adult man (“ you and I are not guys...") I am happy with this situation. He is listed in the archive service, receives promotions, but does not leave Famusov’s house. The owner saw the features in Alexey business man. All the other servants in the house are relatives. The ability to please becomes the basis of Molchalin’s character. Simple by origin, probably from a family of burghers, having received the rank, Alexei acquired the right to hereditary nobility. During his 3 years of service, he managed to receive 3 awards. Such career- an indicator of a man’s patience and desire to rise by any means as high and quickly as possible.

    Positive character traits

    Griboedov presents real characters, so they have positive and negative qualities. Molchalin is no exception.

    Modesty. Not many people can boast of the ability to communicate with people. of different ages and level of education. At Famusov's ball, Molchalin endures the whims and humiliations of grumpy old women, the stupidity of drunken revelers, and the affectation of young ladies.

    Shyness and tact. Alexey, being next to the owner’s daughter, does not show arrogant or harsh actions. He tactfully tolerates Sofia’s attitude and skillfully hides his true feelings.

    The ability to remain silent is an unattainable quality for many. They get tired of their chatter. Here the situation is different:

    “He will reach the known degrees, /After all, nowadays they love the dumb...”

    Good manners and politeness. Molchalin behaves correctly in different situations. He easily apologizes, constructs phrases so that there is no desire to reproach or scold him.

    Ability to make friends.

    “Look, he gained the friendship of everyone in the house.”

    Peacefully resolves any problems and disputes, for others he is able to forget about himself.

    Calm. Molchalin is difficult to piss off. He does not express nervousness or anxiety even in the most difficult situations: morning meeting with the owner, falling from a horse.

    Negative personality traits

    Among representatives of high society, Alexey Stepanovich is shy and timid, but this is only a mask, a mask. Behind her are hidden features that do not make a man beautiful:

    Helpfulness. Molchalin strives to please everyone around him, hoping to make a pleasant impression and benefit. His father bequeathed to him to please all people, but his son went further. He grovels not only before people, but also before the animals of his owners. The purpose of this behavior is to achieve advancement at work and in personal relationships.

    Duplicity. A man’s behavior changes depending on the situation and environment. With whom he communicates based on status, he behaves this way. He is polite with Countess Khlestova, and cheeky with the maid.

    Not the ability to love. Molchalin builds his relationships for profit. He loves “by position.” This feeling has become very well known in modern era when they start affairs for deception and profit. The secretary skillfully plays the role of a lover, conquers an intelligent and educated girl. Sophia is ready to go against the rumors and opinions of her father for his sake, but the response is deceptive.

    Lack of own opinion. Molchalin never spoke out. He chose the tactic of silence, which others like. Gradually I lost the opportunity to have my own opinions.

    The image of Molchalin easily survived the centuries. For many, the value of money, office and position in society is higher than honesty, patriotism and human dignity. The more clearly the stratification of society by wealth becomes visible, the more “Molchalins” appear, ready to sell their souls for money.

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