Educational project “Spring has come, the birds have arrived. Feathered harbingers of spring

Municipal budget preschool educational institution General developmental kindergarten No. 136 in Murmansk

  • Project type: creative and informational.
  • Project type: medium duration.
  • Project type: informational and creative.
  • Project duration: 3 weeks (March 30 - April 14, 2015).
  • Project participants: children of the preparatory group - 22 people; group teachers; parents.
  • Children's age: 6-7 years (preparatory group) .
  • Form of work: individual, group.


Problem: Children have insufficient understanding of the seasons.

With the development of information and communication technologies and in conditions of increased employment of parents, children are limited in communication with nature and society, and have a weak understanding of the natural world, of the processes occurring at certain times of the year, which significantly distorts the picture of the world around them. In the Arctic, when spring comes later than the calendar spring, it is especially difficult to study the main signs of spring.

This project allows, in conditions educational process Preschool educational institutions to expand, deepen, systematize and creatively apply children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and in people’s lives in the spring, about spring holidays and the history of their occurrence.

In senior preschool age Children love to watch the changes in nature. Planning children's activities during restricted periods, free activities, and activities in educational areas , « Speech development» , « Cognitive development» during the implementation of the project, it helps to study the main signs of spring more deeply and clearly.

Objective of the project:

Create conditions for the development of cognitive and creativity children in the process of developing a project “Nature wakes up in spring...” .

Project objectives:

  • Expand your understanding of seasonal changes in nature (nature awakening from winter sleep, the appearance of buds, the first grass, an increase in daylight hours, the arrival of birds from the south, etc.), about people’s work in the spring.
  • Expand and deepen knowledge about the life of birds and animals in the spring.
  • Develop interest in fiction and educational literature.
  • Develop logical thinking, ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions.
  • Cultivate a love for nature.
  • Continue to teach children to formulate the reasons for all spring changes.
  • To develop in children curiosity, interest and desire for knowledge, the ability to realize their impressions in artistic and creative activities
  • To improve children’s ability to operate with existing knowledge, generalize, and draw conclusions.
  • Introduce spring holidays and signs.
  • Develop monologue, dialogic and coherent speech of children, enrich it with new words and expressions, epithets.
  • Learn poems by Russian poets about spring.

Expected results:

  • Expanding ideas about spring seasonal changes in nature, about people’s work in spring.
  • Expanding and deepening knowledge about the life of birds and animals in the spring.
  • Enriching children's vocabulary.
  • Increasing the level of skills in intonation expressiveness of speech and tempo, the ability to convey various emotions.

Project stages:

Stage 1 – organizational.

Obtaining information about the initial level of knowledge on the topic "Signs of Spring" , identification "gaps" in this area. Setting goals and objectives, determining directions, objects and methods of research, preliminary work with children and their parents, selection of equipment and materials. Methodological support of the project. Selection fiction.

Interviewing children on the topic "Signs of Spring"

Conversation: "Spring Months"

Creating a developmental environment in a group room for the implementation of the project;

Stage 2 – practical.

What was done:

Educational areas Types of children's activities

Game activity D/i "Seasons" , "Pictures from the plot" , "Contrasts" .

Physical development P/i with rules "Migration of Birds" , "Stream" , "Starlings and the Cat" .

Physical exercises "Forest Lawn" , "Tree" .

Cognitive development Activities “The birds have flown and brought spring” , "Conversation about spring" .

Working with the weather calendar is to develop observation skills.

Observe the trees, watch the snow melt, pay attention to more illuminated places.

Monitoring the planting of beans and onions.

Exercise “Who will come to us in the spring” - consolidate knowledge about migratory birds.

Looking at a book "Seasons" .

D/u “Name the migratory birds” .

Social and communicative development Lesson "What do the birds sing about in the spring" , "Primroses" .

Conversation "Why we love spring" , "Insects - benefits and harm" . Proverbs and sayings about spring.

Situational conversation with children: “Caution – icicles/snow from the roof” .

Di "Name the spring months" .

Sl. /And "Call me kindly" , “I know 5 signs of spring” .

Speech development Lesson « Spring is coming» , "Birds" , "Forest" , “G. Novitskaya’s poem “The kidneys are opening” », "Flowers" .

Conversation “Spring has come to us and brought us joy” , "Migratory birds" .

Games "Seasons" , "Riddles about spring" , “Proverbs and sayings about spring” .

Learning F. Tyutchev “Spring is angry for a reason” .

Reading Ya.Akim "April" , G. Skrebitsky "Spring" , "In a forest clearing" , "March April May" , A. Prokofiev "Vesnyanka" , A.Barto "Rope" .

Artistic and aesthetic development Examination of Levitan's paintings "Spring" , "The Rooks Have Arrived" .

Application "Icicles"

Drawing: "Spring flowers" , decorative painting "Curl" , "In the animal world" .

Hearing "Sounds of Wildlife" .

Stage 3 – final.

Conducting a final lesson "Conversation about spring" .

Project results:

  • Children's knowledge about spring seasonal changes in nature and about people's work in spring has expanded.
  • Children's knowledge about the life of birds and animals in the spring has expanded.
  • The children's vocabulary has been replenished with new words.
  • Accumulation of transfer experience different images in the drawing.
  • Improving the ability to select nouns for adjectives, synonyms, antonyms, the ability to compose original stories, retell literary works.



Goal: formation and systematization of children’s knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring.


  1. Deepen your understanding of seasonal changes in nature; continue to teach children to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships (why is the snow melting, because the sun has become warmer, etc.).
  2. Continue to introduce children to folklore works about spring (riddles, chants); develop logical thinking, colloquial speech: enrich and intensify lexicon words; consolidate the ability to design from paper; develop communication skills.
  3. To educate children to be responsive, love and respect for nature.

Integration educational areas: "Cognition" , "Speech development" , "Physical development" , "Artistic and aesthetic development" .

Planned results: ideas about the characteristic signs of spring have been formed (the day lengthens, the sun gets hotter, the snow melts, they return migratory birds) ; are able to answer fully, understand the connection between inanimate natural phenomena.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: - Guys, I’ll tell you riddles now, and you guess them.

1. The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life,

The day comes, when does it happen? (spring)

2. She was white and gray

Has the green young one arrived? (winter spring)

Educator: - Well done, you guessed the riddles correctly.

The music begins to play quietly "Spring drops" .

Educator: - Guys, do you hear the music playing? Listen to the music carefully.

Children listen to the melody of spring drops.

Educator: - Children, what time of year do you think this music is about?

Children: About spring.

Educator: - Why are you Arina? (Tanya, Artyom, etc.) think so?

Children: - Because you can hear drops in music, and drops happen in the spring.

Educator: - So, what time of year is this music about?

Children: - About spring.

Educator: - That's right, even music can put us in a spring mood.

There's a croaking sound behind the door

Educator: - Oh, guys, it seemed to me, or you too, that you heard something. I'll go have a look.

The teacher behind the door takes Karkusha and brings him into the hall

Educator: - Children, look who was croaking at us outside the door, who is it?

Children: - Karkusha.

Educator: - We found out, well done, and Karkusha, the guys, is very worried.

The teacher brings Karkusha to his ear.

She says that she flew into the forest and it’s still frosty and cold there, but it’s been spring in the city for a long time and Karkusha asks you to help her bring spring to the forest, let’s help Karkusha?

Children: - Let's help.

Educator: - Guys, in order to help Karkusha, we need to get to the forest. How can you quickly get to the forest?

Children: - By car, by plane, by helicopter.

Educator: - Okay, but I propose to build an aircraft ourselves and call it something like spring, what will we call our aircraft?

Children: - Spring flight, etc.

Educator: - So we have built our spring rally, take your seats.

Children in groups of 3 stand in hoops

Educator: - We take the karkusha with us. We start the engine. Let's fly guys! And in order to invite spring to the forest, you need to know a lot about it. So we arrived in the forest.

Photo of the forest on the screen

Educator: - Look, guys, what forest did we fly into? In spring or winter?

Children find signs of spring

Children: - In spring, because there are no snowdrifts, snow on the branches, you can see thawed patches and the sun is shining.

Educator: - What other signs of spring do you know?

Children: - Icicles are dripping, the snow has darkened and is melting, etc. d.

Educator: - What good fellows you are, what is the first month of spring?

Children: - March.

Educator: - That's right, and March is popularly called drip, days with ringing drops of sunshine.

Educator: What other spring months do you know? That's right, April and May!

Due to its changeable character, April in Rus' received many popular nicknames: capricious, deceiver, rogue, sly; In April, wherever you look, there is water everywhere, and hence the new names: Aquarius, Snowman, “month of living water.”

Why is April called “the month of living water”?

Also in ancient Rus' This month was called “pollen” because it was in April that the first primrose flowers appeared.

May be. Do you know any first flowers? (children's answers)

Coltsfoot, dandelion, snowdrop.

  1. One of the first flowers of spring unusual name, but there is an explanation for it: if you pick up, but do not tear, the leaves of this flower, you will feel how soft it is below and how hard and cold it is above. So they called him mother and stepmother.
  2. Every spring I meet a wonderful plant in my clearing - goose onion. Each flower has six yellow petals. The flowers are collected in a bouquet on a low stem. And next to the stem, one single long and narrow leaf rises from the ground. This is goose onion. The goose onion has a small bulb in the ground that remains to overwinter. It was for this bulb that the goose onion was called an onion. Well, why was the goose onion called the goose onion? Once upon a time there was a lot of goose onions. And old people say that flocks of birds always descended on these meadows and clearings in the spring. wild geese to rest here after a difficult journey and pluck onion shoots, which they loved very much... That’s where it all came from full name this early spring flower is goose onion. And it’s true that as soon as the first goose onion flowers appear, I immediately notice high, high in the sky, a flock of migratory geese flying in the spring from south to north, to their homeland.
  3. Lungwort. In April it begins to bloom unusually beautiful flower. Bumblebees and bees love this plant for its abundant early spring nectar. This flower was nicknamed for its honey tribute. It cannot be confused with any other flower: on one stem there are pink, purple, and blue flowers showing off.
  4. Dandelion:

And I'm a little yellow flower
With a green stem
I'll open up early in the morning,
I'll close in the evening.

5) Violet:

On the sunny edge
She's standing in the grass
Lilac ears
She raised it quietly.

And here ingenuity will help us
Everyone calls the flower... (violet)

6) Corydalis: This spring flower blooms very early: barely the snow has time to disappear. A small plant with wonderful lilac flowers collected in a thick brush. And each flower has a long outgrowth - a tuft. This fragile flower does not make us happy for long.

Now your eyes should rest.

Exercise for the eyes.

Quickly - blink quickly,
Then give your eyes a rest, (blink 10 times)
To be vigilant, we need to turn our eyes,
Eyes left, eyes right,

Up and down and all over again (turn your eyes left, right, up and down 10 times)

Let your eyes look sharper

Let's crush them just barely (massage the upper and lower eyelids without closing the eyes)

You need to open your eyes

It's a miracle not to miss it (open eyes wide, close at intervals of 30 seconds).

Educator: Let's listen to the fairy tale about the snowdrop, and you will find out why this beautiful flower was called that.

The Tale of the Snowdrop (play out a fairy tale).

One day the old woman Winter with her companion Frost and Wind decided not to let Spring come to earth. But the brave Snowdrop straightened up, straightened its petals and asked for protection from the Sun. The sun noticed the Snowdrop, warmed the earth and opened the way for Spring. The gentle Sun warmed up, melted the darkened snow, and puddles appeared. And in a clearing under a tree a flower grew. Blue – blue and very thin. He was born under the snow, so he was named Snowdrop.

You really know a lot about spring, but now it’s time to call on spring.

Physical education minute:

All the people smile
Spring! Spring! Spring!
She's everywhere she's everywhere
Red! Red! Red!

Through the meadow, forest and clearing,
It's coming! It's coming! It's coming!
The sun is calling to bask,
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

And the stream runs cheerfully,
It's ringing! It's ringing! It's ringing!
The river is wide across the pebbles,
It's murmuring! It's murmuring! It's murmuring!

And the smells are everywhere,
Flowers! Flowers! Flowers!
And everything living immediately hears,
Spring ringing!

Educator: - Listen, guys, how merrily the birds chirp. Perhaps spring heard us. And she came into the forest with the cheerful chirping of birds. Guys, name the bird that flies first in the spring?

Children: - Rook.

Educator: - That's right.

All the migrating birds are blacker,
Cleans the arable land from worms,
All day at a gallop
And the bird's name is rook.

Educator: - What other migratory birds do you know?

Children: - Starlings, swallows, etc. d.

Educator: - Guys, I suggest we play. The game is called "The birds have arrived" .

Listen to the rules: I name the birds, but if I say something wrong, you clap your hands, be careful.

  1. Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, jackdaws and crows, swifts and macaroni.
  2. Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, storks. Crows, flies and rooks.
  3. Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, wolves and swifts.

Educator: - Well done, you were very attentive.

Look, kids, our Karkusha is bored. I suggest you give Karkusha a gift. Let's sit down at the tables. Let's sit nicely, back straight. We will give Karkushi the lark (from paper, prepare in advance).

Educator: - Larks - larks, fly with spring on your wings.

Karkusha, look what kind of lark we made for you. Now you won’t be the only one chattering about spring. Guys, Karkusha was very pleased and says thank you. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. The crew takes their places. Start the engine! Let's fly!

Here we are in kindergarten.

Guys, do you think we helped Karkusha call for spring?

Children: - Yes.

Educator: - How did you help?

Children: - They guessed riddles, called for spring, made larks.

Educator: - You are great! You know a lot about spring. You guys are friendly. This concludes our lesson.

Municipal budgetary preschool general education

institution kindergarten No. 14 “Bell”

Educator : Evteeva Evgenia




PROJECT “BIRDS IN SPRING……………………………………………………….3




Appendix 2. POEMS ABOUT BIRDS……………………………………………………...12

Appendix 3. RIDDLES ABOUT BIRDS…………………………………...15


Appendix 5. FOLK SIGNS, SAYINGS, PROVERBS……………………………………………………………………………….20

Appendix 6. FINGER GAMES……………………………..22

Appendix 7. Conversation “WINTERING AND MIGRATION BIRDS”..23

Appendix 8. OUTDOOR GAMES……………………………..…..26

MBDOU kindergarten No. 14


Project “Birds in Spring”

Project classification

Project type: research, creative, group, short-term.

Project participants: teacher, preparatory group children, parents.


Children need to be given basic knowledge about nature from an early age and maintained an interest in learning about the world around them. To evoke aesthetic experiences, the ability to empathize with living beings, i.e. realize that we do not have the right to destroy what nature has created, we are people, part of nature, by destroying nature, we destroy ourselves!!!

Birds bring a lot of joy with their appearance in spring. Many bird voices attract our ears. But do we know everything about their carefree life......Let's learn more together about birds and their spring worries!!!

Objective of the project:

To form in children a generalized idea of ​​migratory birds and their habitats. Develop an interest in bird life.

Project objectives:

    Expand children's understanding of typical spring phenomena in living and inanimate nature, enrich children’s knowledge about the life of migratory birds in the spring.

    Introduce amazing mysteries and secrets from the life of birds.

    Teach children to take care of birds.

Project development

    Drawing up an activity plan.

    Who will help us? Attracting parents' attention to the project.

Conversation with parents “Let's meet birds in the spring”, “Let's build birdhouses”;

Watching birds at home with children: what birds live in our home?

We draw together with the children: “Who came to us in the spring.”

We select literature and photographic material about birds.

Stories from children personal experience“I like birds”, “My favorite bird”.

Selection of fiction:

S. N. Nikolaeva. "Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood."

V. N. Volchkova, N. V. Stepanova. "Ecology. Class notes."

O. A. Voronkevich. "Welcome to ecology."

V. V. Markevich. "Outdoor Games"

L.B.Fesyukova, O.O.Grigorieva “Seasons” ed. Sphere shopping center.

S.I. Karpova, V.V. Mamaeva “Development of speech and cognitive abilities of preschool children 4-5 years old,” ed. Sphere shopping center

V. Bianchi. "Sinichkin's calendar".

D.N. Mamin - Siberian. "Gray Neck".

V.P. Astafiev. "Kapalukha."

G. Snegirev. "Birds of our forests."

E. Nosov. “Like a crow on the roof getting lost.”

V. A. Alekseev. “Who builds what?”

Yu. Dmitriev. “Who lives in the forest, and what grows in the forest.”

S. Obraztsov. "Nothing special".

V. Stepanov. Animal world Earth. Who lives where. Encyclopedia "Living World".

O. A. Skorolupova. “Spring”, “Insects”, “Migratory Birds”.

S.A.Veretennikova, A.A. Klykov “Four Seasons”

Selection of educational encyclopedic information on birds (Encyclopedia for preschoolers)

A selection of photographs about birds.

    Materials and equipment for work.

Cut-out pictures on the theme “Birds”

Image of various birds;

Project implementation

    Solving problems with children:

Conversation on the topic “The arrival of birds” (Appendix 1).

Conversation on the painting “The Birds Have Arrived.”

Didactic game"Wintering - migratory"

Poems about birds, about spring (Appendix 2).

Riddles about birds (Appendix 3).

Compiling a story according to the scheme (Appendix 4).

Didactic games: “Name the birds”, “Where do the birds live”, “What do the birds have”, “What do the birds eat”.

Reading stories about birds from the book "The Four Seasons" .

Search and analysis of unusual, beautiful phrases: folk signs, sayings, proverbs (Appendix 6).

Reading encyclopedic information on birds (Preschooler's Encyclopedia).

Conversation - reasoning from personal experience “How we met birds”, “How dad and I built a birdhouse!”

Watching cartoons “Gray Neck”, “On the Hill”.

Game "Cut Pictures".

Finger games “Four Herons”, “Birds and the Wind” (Appendix 8).

Independent artistic activity drawing on the theme "The birds have arrived."

Educational conversation on the topic “How birds help us.”

Educational conversation on the topic “Wintering and migratory birds” (Appendix 9).

Outdoor games “Geese-swans”, “Starlings and a cat”, “Guess the bird by movement”, “Occupy the nest” (Appendix 10).

Making a laptop on the topic: “Birds in spring”



Children's interest in the topic of birds, the manifestation of their cognitive activity: together with their parents, they find information on the topic, tell and share their knowledge with other children in kindergarten.

Children bring their own literature from home to read, draw their own drawings about birds.

Children's stories about bird watching.

Initiative construction by children from building material, designer, paper birdhouses according to your idea, manifestation of creativity and detail in the work.

Making a laptop on the theme: “Birds in spring.”

MBDOU kindergarten No. 14 “Bell”



Preparatory group Teacher: Evteeva E. Yu.

1. Definition of the problem

15.02. 2018

2.Selecting a target

3. Definition of project objectives

Project development

1. Drawing up an activity plan,

conversation with parents “Tell your children about birds”

20.02. 2018

2.Attracting the attention of parents to the project.




Together with the children, we select literature and photographic material about birds.


3. Selection of information sources.


4. Selection of materials and equipment for work



Socialization Labor

Project implementation

1. Educational conversation “The arrival of birds” (Appendix 1)



Looking at illustrations about birds with children.


2. Reading encyclopedic information about birds and their lifestyle and structural features. (Encyclopedia of a preschooler)




Getting to know literature brought from home


3. Conversation - reasoning from personal experience “How we met birds”, “How my dad and I built a birdhouse!”



Watching birds at home with your children.


4.Watching a cartoon"Gray Neck", "On the Hill"





5.Game “Cut Pictures”




Together with the children, we select photographic material about birds.

6.Finger game"four herons" (Appendix 7)


Physical training

7. Didactic games"Name the birds"

“Where do birds live”, “What do birds have”, “What do birds eat”






8.Independent artistic activity drawing on the theme “The birds have arrived”

Artistic creativity, Cognition,


9.Educational conversation on the topic "" Wintering and migratory birds (Appendix 10)






10. Outdoor games “Geese - swans”, “Starlings and cat”, “Occupy the nest”.


Physical training



Preparing attributes for the game


15. Conversation - generalization “How birds help us!”





Looking at photographic material about birds with children, Watching birds at home with children: what birds live in our home?



Children's interest in the topic of birds, the manifestation of their cognitive activity: together with their parents, they find information on the topic, tell and share their knowledge with other children in kindergarten.

Children bring their own literature from home to read, draw their own drawings about birds.

Children's stories about bird watching.

MBDOU kindergarten No. 14


Annex 1.



    Expand children's understanding of wintering and migratory birds, their lifestyle and behavior in the spring.

Equipment and materials:

    Cut-out pictures on the theme “Birds in spring” (each picture should have its own color);

    Illustration on the theme “The birds have flown”;

Looking at the illustration “The Birds Have Arrived”

What did the artist depict in the picture?

Yes, spring has come. And birds begin to fly in from warm countries.

Howcalled a bird that sits on a branch?

Name which birds will fly again soon.

Why do you think they don't stay in warm regions forever?

How can this picture be called differently?

Remember and tell us how we all looked after wintering animals together

birds: sparrows, jackdaws, crows, titmice.

    Game “Wintering - Migratory Birds”

An adult shows two movements: “birds are flying”, “birds are sitting”, and children name migratory birds accordingly: swallows, cuckoos, blackbirds, rooks, larks, cranes, wild ducks etc. And wintering: sparrows, pigeons, jays, jackdaws, crows, magpies, goldfinches, tits, woodpeckers, etc.

    An adult's story

Nature has its own calendar: the first rooks have arrived. If the rooks are in no hurry to tidy up their nests, then don’t expect any immediate warmth. When they begin to break tree branches to repair their nests, scream and quarrel, then the warm wind will bring a friendly spring the next day.

And yet, crows are the first to unmistakably determine the arrival of spring. They immediately begin building nests. The outside of the nest is quite rough, but the inside is carefully lined with soft branches and animal hair. And although it is still cold in March and there is snow, the first eggs of the crow pair are already appearing in the nest. If crows bathe in early spring, it will be warm; if they scream, it means a snowstorm. If a crow hides its beak under its wing, it means cold, and if it sits with its beak to the south, it will be warm.

Gradually the rest of the birds arrive. For example, sometimes you can spot an extraordinary concert in a remote forest swamp. The artists are gray cranes. They don't know how to sing, but they love to dance. They spin, crouch, flap their wings, even bow to each other.

Appendix 2.


Sparrow sway wanted

Our little sparrow wanted to swing,

I flew to visit a thin blade of grass,

Sat on the very top - qin-tsvirin,

Rock me, little epic, throw me up!..

A blade of grass sways in the wind.

Oh, how the sun shines brightly in the morning!

Oh, how fun it is when it’s May!..

You sparrow, blade of grass, shake it!

( M. Poznanskaya)

“Spring has come, I’ve found warmth!” -

The kids are screaming at the top of their lungs.


Forget the sadness" -

The sparrows are busy.

Grandfather came

Got on the hump:

“I don’t want to be in the house,

the warm wind blew,

He waved his wing lightly,

It’s scratching my beard.”

Everything has come to life, everything has blossomed,

And a swarm of friendly children

He carries a wreath of white violets.

( S. Rusova)

Spring has risen

And the whole earth

Woke me up from sleep.

Decorated her with a cassock,

Covered with periwinkle.

Lark in a clean field

Meets that land.

In the grove a silver trill

The bird is flooded.

( According to T. G. Shevchenko)

We asked the crane:

- Where is the best land? And the crane answers:

- It doesn't get any better than ours!

( Platon Voronko)

The grass is turning green

The sun is shining

Swallow with spring

It flies towards us in the canopy.

With her the sun is more beautiful

And spring is sweeter...

Chirp out of the way

Greetings to us soon!

I'll give you some grains

And you sing a song,

What from distant countries

I brought with me...



I love the thunderstorm early May,

When the first thunder of spring

As if frolicking and playing,

Rumbling in the blue sky.

Young peals thunder!

The rain is splashing, the dust is flying,

Rain pearls hung,

And the sun gilds the threads.

A swift stream runs down the mountain,

The noise of birds does not stop in the forest.

And the noise of the forest, and the noise of the mountains -

Everything cheerfully echoes the thunder.


Appendix 3.


Smart boy

In a gray army jacket

Jumps, darts,

Collects crumbs.(Sparrow)


In a red embroidered hat,

In a black caftan

Famous in the forest family

A funny song.

What a beauty song?

Knock-knock-knock, yes tra-ta-ta!(Woodpecker)


Apples on the branches in winter!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples flew up,

After all, this is...(bullfinches)


There's a palace on a pole,

There is a singer in the palace,

And his name is...(starling)


Black, agile,

Shouts "crak"

Worms are the enemy.(Rook)


Who's on the tree, on the bitch,

Is counting done “kuk-ku... kuk-ku”?(Cuckoo)

Appendix 4.


Exercise . Tell Pinocchio how you can recognize birds. Pictures will help you with thiski models.
Hint for adults. The task is completed by children in the final part of the lesson."Birds" or after class as individual work. Children tell Pinocchio about sunatural characteristics of birds: the bird has a beak(1); the bird's body is covered with feathers (2); birds have wings (3); birds have two legs(4); birds hatch chicks from eggs(5).

Exercise. Where is whose nest? Draw a line from each bird to its nest. Call it baby the lives of these birds.

Hint for adults. This task is completed by children after conducting a lesson on the topic"Birds".

Appendix 5.


Folk signs

Spring, light up the snow, sparkle the ravines!

Water flowed from the mountains and brought spring!

In March, the chicken will drink from a puddle!

April with water - May with grass!

Ai-ai, the month of May: both warm and cold!

Folk riddles

1. The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life, the day is coming- When does this happen?

2.What grows upside down?

3. It flies - it’s silent, it sits - it’s silent,

and as soon as he dies, he will roar.

4. A vase of hands, a hut built without an axe,

5. Not a beast, not a bird - the nose is like a knitting needle.

6. Cheren, but not a bull, six legs without hooves , flies and howls, but lands- digs the ground.

7. It wasn’t cancer that appeared in the month of May,not a fish, not a beast, not a bird,not a human.

8. The blue fur coat has covered the whole world.-

9. At the dawn of Zaryanskaya the Vertyansk ball is rolling, no one can get around it, no one can go around it.

Folk proverbs

If you're late for the field, you'll have to sip some water next to the cabbage soup.

We'll take the manure, and we'll bring the bread,

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.

Plow, don't doze off.

The crane flies high and sees far.

Don't promise a pie in the sky, give a bird in your hands.

The sparrow is small but brave.

No matter where a sparrow flies, it still spends the night at home.

An old bird is not caught with chaff,

Larks, come, bring red summer!


Onthere is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass.

The tops of the rustling pines rustled and whispered.

Appendix 6.


Finger game "FOUR HERONS"

Four long herons walk with their arms in the air
They go out hunting, hands with beaks
And the rain through the swamp is staccato in the air
Drip, drip, drip. fingers on palm
There are four herons walking with their hands in the air
And they shake off the drops, “shake off” themselves
And the beaks click loudly to open and close the “beaks”
Dac, dac, dac clicks.

Finger game “BIRDS AND WIND”

Little birds

Small birds

They fly through the forest,

(thumbs both hands are clasped, depicting the wings of birds)

(we wave our arms like wings)

Songs are sung.

(the hands imitate the open beaks of birds)

A wild wind blew

(We perform wave-like movements with the wrists)

I wanted to take away the birds.

The birds hid in a hollow

(bring your hands together to form a cocoon)

No one will touch them there.

(“we threaten” index fingers both hands)

Appendix 7.



Target: Form a generalized idea of ​​winteringand migratory birds, teach to distinguish between them according to essentialsign: the ability to satisfy food needs.Deepen understanding of the reasons for the flight of birds (disappearingloss of basic food, freezing of water bodies, land, depressionearly vegetative parts of plants), classify birdsfor wintering (crow, jackdaw, sparrow, tit) and migratory(swallow, rook, duck, swift, starling) based on establishedunderstanding the connection between the nature of food and the possibility of obtaining itvaniya. Enrich your vocabulary by introducing words: feed, reflying, wintering. Cultivate a love for birds, a desirehelp them in winter conditions.


The teacher invites the children to look at tables with picturesthe absence of wintering and migratory birds.


1. Which birds are you familiar with?

What birds have you observed on the site or in forest in winter? (Sparrows, jackdaws, crows, tits, pigeons, soro ki, woodpeckers)

What are the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter?
(Wintering, sedentary.) What birds haven't been seen lately? me? (Swallows, rooks, starlings, ducks, swifts.) Where did these birds go? (Fly away to warmer climes.)

What are the names of the birds that fly away from us for the winter?(Migratory.)

Why do you think migratory birds fly away from
us for the winter? (They are afraid of the cold.)

Remember what birds eat?(The insects hid washed, so the first to fly away are the birds that feed were insects, then those that eat fruits and seeds plants, because The harvest has been harvested in the gardens and fields. Later
all the ducks and geese fly away. They live with us until until the reservoirs freeze.)

Migratory birds are not equipped to stock up on food for the winter and obtain it in winter conditions. In the summer they live with us, build nests, and raise chicks. And with the onset of cold weather, they fly away to hot countries to return to their native lands in the spring.

Why do you think wintering birds(sparrows, pigeons, blue jackdaws, magpies, woodpeckers, crows) Do they live with us all year round? These birdsare not afraid of frost and manage to get food even in the coldestwinter. They look for insects that have hidden in the cracks of the barkTrees, cracks in houses and fences, eat fruits and seeds of deciduous plants, cones with seeds of conifers. And nuthatches and tits are looking for reserves that they made in the fall.

And yet it is very difficult for birds in winter. Particularly difficult to findfood during snowfalls, blizzards and very coldy. In such weathereggs often go hungry and even die from cold and hunger. Birds in wintere time they approach people's homes. And you and I must help our feathered friends survive the winter.

Seeds of various plants are suitable for feeding birds - konopli, sunflower, melon, pumpkin, watermelon, and many weeds. And here are the oatsOnly sparrows and buntings peck. Tits love pieceslard

In winter we helped the birds and fed them.

In the spring you need to meet migratory birds and build birdhouses for them.

And in the summer the birds will help youdyam. They will eat insect pests and continue to protectgardens, parks, squares.

Physical education minute

Didactic game “What kind of bird?”

Target: Teach children to describe birds by their characteristic features and recognize them by description.

The teacher asks the children to guess what kind of bird it is(Can children should learn riddles in advance):

A smart boy in a gray army coat, jumping, snooping,

Collects crumbs.(Sparrow)

In a red embroidered hat,

In a black caftan

Famous in the forest family

A funny song.

What a beauty song?

Knock-knock-knock, yes tra-ta-ta!(Woodpecker)

Apples on the branches in winter!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples flew up,

After all, this is...(bullfinches)

There's a palace on a pole,

There is a singer in the palace,

And his name is...(starling)

Black, agile,

Shouts "crak"

Worms are the enemy.(Rook)

Who's on the tree, on the bitch,

Is counting done “kuk-ku... kuk-ku”?(Cuckoo)

You can use descriptive riddles(appearance of the bird, what it eats, where it lives.. .), compiled by children.

Appendix 8.


"Swan geese"

Participants in the game choose a wolf and a master, all the rest are geese-swans. On one side of the site there is a house where the owner and geese live, on the other there is a wolf under the mountain. The owner lets the geese out into the field to take a walk and browse some green grass. Geese go far from home. After some time, the owner calls the geese:

- Geese-swans, home! Geese answer:

- Gray wolf under the mountain!

- What is he doing there?

- Little gray hazel grouse are nibbled.

- Well, run home!

The geese run home, and the wolf catches them. The game ends when all the geese are caught.

"Starlings and the Cat"

6-8 children are selected - “starlings”, one child is “cat”. Everyone is wearing matching caps. The remaining children, 5-6 people each, join hands and form circles - “birdhouses”. Each contains two “starlings”. The "cat" is off to the side. Under light cheerful music"starlings" fly scattered around the room. When the music ends, the “cat” appears and tries to catch the “starlings”. “Starlings” hide in a “birdhouse”, which can only contain two “starlings”. The “cat” takes the caught “starling” to his house. The game repeats itself.

Mixed age group

Objective of the project: consolidate children’s previously acquired knowledge about migratory birds; promote the development of cognitive activity and curiosity; broaden the horizons and enrich the vocabulary of children, instill a love for nature and cultivate a caring attitude towards it; Strengthen the relationship between parents and children.

Tasks: expand and enrich children's knowledge about migratory birds; teach children to write a descriptive story using pictures; develop monologue and dialogic speech; develop fine motor skills hands; teach to highlight and name them characteristics: plumage, size, voice; develop observation and memory; form good relations to the birds.

Project type: group, family, short-term.

Implementation deadlines: 1 Week.

Project participants: children from 4 to 6 years old, parents of pupils and a teacher.

Relevance of the project: V modern conditions problem environmental education acquires special poignancy and relevance. It is during preschool childhood that the formation of human personality, the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture. Therefore, it is very important to awaken children’s interest in living nature, cultivate a love for it, and teach them to take care of the world around them.


Insufficient knowledge of children about migratory birds.

Loss of moral forms of modern parents.

Expected results:

1. Creation necessary conditions in preschool educational institutions to develop in preschoolers a holistic understanding of migratory birds;

2. To interest children together with their parents in caring for birds, the desire to help them (making birdhouses), competition-exhibition birdhouses "The Best Birdhouse";

3. Joint activities will help strengthen the relationship between parents and children;

4. Development of curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, and communication skills in children;

5. Active participation of parents in the implementation of the project.

Project ideas:

  1. Development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers and parents.
  2. Showing children's interest.
  3. Preparing the parent to cooperate with the teacher and the child.

The project is based on the scientific principles of its construction (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard).

Variability: creating conditions for the child to independently choose methods of work, types creative tasks, materials, equipment, etc.

Reliance on internal motivation: taking into account the child’s experience, creating his emotional involvement in creative process, which provides a natural increase in performance.

Comfort: an atmosphere of goodwill, faith in the child’s strengths, creating success for every situation.

Immersion of every child in the creative process: implementation creative tasks achieved through use in work active methods and forms of training.

Stage 1: Preparatory.

Reading stories and poems about birds. Looking at pictures and illustrations of birds. Involving parents in joint activities. Didactic games.

Stage 2: Basic.

Conversation on the topic “Take care of the birds!” Reading fiction about birds. "Evening of mysteries." Recognizing birds by description, by habits (pecking, flying, building a nest).

Cognitive development.

Birds that arrive in spring. (Rook, starling, swallow, lark.)

To consolidate children's knowledge about migratory birds and their names: rook, starling, lark, swallow. (Children listen to stories and poems about birds, look at pictures and illustrations in a group on the board.)

Artistic and aesthetic development. Construction

Houses for birds (from the designer available in the group).

Learn to make simple buildings and play with them. Develop skills of analysis and comparison, compare by species, habitat, characteristics of housing, nutrition, breeding chicks.

Speech development.

Learning and reading poems about migratory birds, discussing proverbs and sayings, signs about birds. Guessing riddles about birds. Reading works of art about birds

K.D. Ushinsky “Swallow”; N. Sladkov “The rooks have arrived”; V. Zhukovsky “Lark”; A. Pleshcheev “Rural Song”; O. Vysotskaya “Cranes”; A. Maikov “The Swallow has rushed”; N. Sladkov “Swallow”.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing.

Arrival of birds.

Learn to compare and convey in drawing character traits bird structures; show the beauty of migratory birds and their chicks.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling.

Show the beauty of natural objects: migratory birds and their chicks; create decorative compositions from figurines of birds, trees, nests, “Bird Yard”; develop fine motor skills.

Stage 3: Final.

Summing up the implementation of the project “Migratory Birds”.

Exhibition of children's drawings and crafts. Exhibition of birdhouses.


As a result of the work carried out, the children received a lot new information about migratory birds. We learned about their life, the habits and differences of birds. We had great fun sculpting and painting birds. We took part in making birdhouses, which helped strengthen the relationship between parents and children. The group's educational environment was replenished with literature, poems, illustrations, stories, and messages about birds prepared by parents. The main result of the project is that children learn that everyone, both children and adults, should help the birds. Children proudly show their birdhouses, which are located on the site, to all guests. They became more responsive and kind.

Elena Evseenko
Educational project “Spring has come, the birds have arrived.”

Educational project« Spring came,the birds have arrived

Educational institution: MBDOU DS KV No. 5 st. Yasenskaya municipal district Yeisk district.

View project: cognitive-creative.

Target project:

Formation of children's ideas about the peculiarities of life of migratory travelers birds

Development educational interest in native nature

Cultivating a caring and caring attitude towards birds

Development in children of a sustainable interest in Russian folk culture in the process of familiarization with folk customs and traditions.

Tasks project:

Expand and consolidate ideas about appearance and about migratory body parts birds

Expand and consolidate ideas about the life of migratory travelers birds in natural conditions and adaptation to their environment a habitat: what they eat, how they escape from enemies, how they adapt to life in the spring after the flight

Develop logical skills: proof, synthesis, analysis

Establish cause-and-effect relationships, learn to draw conclusions

Cultivate interest in living nature, develop curiosity

To arouse in children a desire to get acquainted with oral folk art

Develop artistic and creative activities

To foster in children a sense of belonging to Russian culture, a society that values ​​its past as an asset.

Expected result:

Exhibition of children's works (modeling, applique, drawing,)

Parents and children working together

Speech creativity of children

Didactic games and aids

Leisure "Day birds»

Relevance: will expand and deepen children’s knowledge about birds, will serve to form careful attitude To birds, the realization that it is necessary to care for birds during the most difficult time of the year for them. IN working together With parents, we must increase the child's environmental consciousness, stimulating his interest in helping feathered friends, thereby stimulating the child's feelings. It is very important that the child can evaluate human behavior in nature and express his opinion on this problem.

Participants project: children of the older group (5-6 years old, parents, teachers.

Duration: short term.

Activity planning.

Di “Name the migratory birds» , "Guess by the description", “Name the migratory chicks birds» , "Oh yeah bird, what the bird, “Call it in one word”, “Call me affectionately, « Birds and their young» "," Divide birds on migratory and wintering", "Write a story about bird, “How many birds?”, “Whose tail is longer?”, "The Fourth Wheel".

Reading stories by D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Gray Neck", G. Snegirev « Birds of our forests» , V. Bianchi "Sinichkin calendar", "Whose nose is better", Learning poems by heart "Migratory birds» , stories about birds -"Starlings" Kuprin A.I., "Lark" Sokolov-Mikitov Ivan Sergeevich, V. Berestov " Birds", A. Yashin "Feed birds in winter".

P/n « Birds, nests, chicks", "Flock", « Bird times, bird two» , "Birds in Nests", « Bird and cat» , "Flight birds» , "Sparrows and the car" "Catch and call"(with a ball, "The Frog and the Heron", "The Fox in the Chicken Coop" "Swan geese", "Hunters and Ducks", "Birds and Butterflies".

Riddles about migratory birds.

Compiling a story based on a painting by A. K. Savrasov "Rooks arrived»

Consultation for parents "Do-it-yourself feeders."

Application "Birdhouse for a starling".

Drawing "Lark"

Modeling" Birds at the feeder"

Exhibition of books on the topic "Migratory birds» with illustrations.

Conversation "What do we know about birds"

Coloring silhouettes birds.

Finger gymnastics "Sparrows and birds", "Chicks in the nest".

Learning sayings "Every bird proud of his pen","Each bird has its own habits."

Conversation: “Why are migratory birds leave us in autumn

Monitoring of migratory birds.

Handmade origami "Swan"

Creating an album for viewing "Migratory birds»

Methodological literature.

I. M. Molchanova. Ecological conversations for older preschoolers.

O. V. Epifanova. Speech development. The world.

O. V. Marinicheva. We teach children to observe and tell: Seasons.

V. N. Volchkova. Ecology. Lesson notes.

Organization of children's activities during a walk. Senior group. T. G. Kobzeva, G. S. Alexandrova, I. A. Kholodova.

Ageeva I. D. 500 riddles-folds for children.

Kravchenko I.V., Dolgova T.L., Walks in kindergarten. Senior and pre-school groups: Toolkit/ Ed. G. M. Kiseleva, l. I. Ponamoreva. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008. – 208 p.

Eliseeva L.N. Reader. Teacher's Guide kindergarten.

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary “Spring has come, the birds have arrived” Purpose of the lesson: To develop artistic perception, vision of the content and means of expressiveness of painting; color combination of spring nature.

“Spring has come - the birds have arrived.” Abstract of GCD in the field of “Cognitive Development” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 144" in the city of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic..

We even got up at night and looked into the garden from the window. Well, when, when will our guests arrive? Well, when will they chirp in a loud flock at the window?

With the onset of spring, nature begins to awaken. The buds swell on the trees and after some time the first leaves and flowers appear. IN.

Summary of the control and accounting (final) lesson “Spring has come, the birds have arrived” Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about spring, signs of spring, migratory birds. Objectives: 1. Summarize children’s knowledge about migratory birds.

Grankina Tatyana Petrovna
Educational institution: MDOU No. 75 "Tulip" Volzhsky Volgograd region
Brief job description: By organizing the project “Magpies - the Arrival of Birds”, I set myself the goal of introducing children to the customs and traditions of celebrating the national calendar holiday “Magpies” through chants, sayings, proverbs, signs, Russian folk games, introduce children to the atmosphere of ancient Russian rituals. Through joint holidays and projects, kindergarten students comprehend traditions national culture, become participants in rituals, games, try on roles folk characters.

Publication date: 2017-06-19 Project “Magpies - birds fly, bring spring” Grankina Tatyana Petrovna By organizing the project “Magpies - the Arrival of Birds,” I set myself the goal of introducing children to the customs and traditions of celebrating the national calendar holiday “Magpies” through chants, sayings, proverbs, omens, Russian folk games, and introducing children to the atmosphere of ancient Russian rituals. Through joint holidays and projects, kindergarten students learn the traditions of national culture, become participants in rituals, games, and try on the roles of folk characters.

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Project “Magpies - birds fly, bring spring”

Project type

By dominant activity in the project: creative and exploratory.

By content: social - pedagogical.

Project participants: children, group teacher, music worker, parents.

By time: medium duration.

By the nature of contacts: within the preschool educational institution.


Currently, the younger generation is being alienated from the national culture, from the national historical experience of generations.

The beautiful folk traditions of our people are often forgotten. But it is so important to preserve folk culture and not lose its charm for future generations. Since our kindergarten No. 75 “Tulip” works according to the program

“Education of a little Volzhanian” under the guidance of the author Elena Sergeevna Evdokimova. One of the three areas of this program is “History and Culture of the Volga Region”

That is why joint holidays and projects are held in kindergarten, where kindergarten students comprehend the traditions of national culture, become participants in rituals, games, and try on the roles of folk characters. This is helped by colorful folk costumes, a specially created Russian environment national life, musical and artistic-creative material.

By organizing the project “Magpies - the Arrival of Birds,” I set myself the goal of introducing children to the customs and traditions of celebrating the national calendar holiday “Magpies” through chants, sayings, proverbs, omens, Russian folk games, and introducing children to the atmosphere of ancient Russian rituals.

Objective of the project: introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture.

Project objectives:

1. Introduce Russian to children calendar holiday, which is celebrated in the spring season, on March 22.

2. To foster in children a sense of belonging to Russian culture, a society that values ​​its past as an asset;

3. Provide assistance to parents in revival and creative development best traditions.

4. Expand children's knowledge about migratory birds.

5. Activate children’s speech with words taken from folk culture.

Project methods and forms:


To implement the project I used different types methods.

Verbal: conversations, stories.

Gaming: didactic and outdoor games.

Visual: posters, layouts, albums, multimedia aids.


Thematic activities, leisure conversations, observations, games, modeling situations, learning poems, riddles, chants, nursery rhymes, advisory work with parents (screen, creating booklets), didactic, outdoor and role-playing games, free-independent activities, individual work using didactic materials.

Project implementation stages

Stage 1 - preparatory:

— discussion of the project,

— clarification of the possibilities and funds necessary for the implementation of the project;

- selection methodological literature, songs, dances, games, nursery rhymes.

Stage 2 – main: Team work music director, educators, children and parents.

— modeling “Rooks”

— modeling of salt dough “Larks”

— application “The birds have arrived”

- conversations with children on the topics: “Red Spring”, “The Arrival of Birds”, etc.

- looking at illustrations about spring and birds.

- learning songs, nursery rhymes, calls about spring, about birds.

- joint drawing of parents and children “Birds fly, bring spring”

— creating booklets for parents.

— parents’ compliance with the Red Book of Birds in the Volgograd Region.

- making a screen on the theme " Spring holidays»

- parents baking bird figurines from dough.

Stage 3 – final:

- entertainment with parents

— presentation of the project to teachers and parents inside the preschool educational institution.

Expected results:

During the implementation of the project, I came to the conclusion that such activities, games, and productive activities unite children and their parents general emotions, contribute to the formation of collective relationships. Introducing a child to folk culture should begin with early childhood. Folklore is a unique means of transmitting folk wisdom and raising children initial stage their development. As a result of introducing children to folklore, I was convinced in practice that folk art is the richest source of cognitive and moral development of children. The success of the child in life and his development as a person largely depends on how friendly our children are, how habits of moral behavior are formed in them.

Possibility of replication:

My work experience can be presented at open classes for teachers of preschool educational institutions, both inside their kindergarten and outside it.

Topic: Bird Festival “Larks”

Target: To bring to the consciousness of children that they are bearers of Russian folk culture, to raise children in Russian folk traditions. To introduce folklore through the game, reflecting the life of the people, their experience, spiritual world and the feelings of our ancestors.

Equipment: Three hoops and two steering wheels for the game “Sparrows and a Car”, soft modules for the game “Building a House”, two cups with millet and candies for the game “Feed the Birds”. Tape recorder with audio cassettes folk music. Birdhouses made by the hands of fathers and grandfathers. Video presentation with slides about spring and birds.

Preliminary work:

1. Learning chants and poems about birds with children.

2. Looking at pictures of birds.

3. Asking riddles.

4. Games “What kind of bird is this”, “Catch the bird”.

5. Working with dads and grandfathers to make feeders and birdhouses.

6. Work with mothers and grandmothers to make figurines depicting birds “Larks” from dough.

Progress of entertainment.

Children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Leading: In Rus' there were several holidays associated with the welcoming of spring. One of them is “Larks” and this holiday is celebrated on March 22. This month, migratory birds began to return from warm regions; it was believed that it was they who brought spring on their wings. Wanting to hurry them up, housewives baked dough figurines of birds with wings and eyes made of currants or bird cherry - “larks”. They were distributed to all family members. It was necessary to go out into the street and, throwing up a bird made of dough, pronounce the chant.

Guys, let's tell you what nicknames we know.

1 child: Larks, flyers, come to us!

Bring us a clear spring, a red spring!

2nd child: Larks, my mothers,

Fly to me, bring me red Spring

3rd child: Larks-larks,

Come and visit us.

Bring us a warm summer,

Take the cold winter away from us.

Us Cold winter got bored

My arms and legs are frozen!

Leading: The calls were told, the birds were called

Look, here they are, the larks - the migratory birds have arrived.

(slide show about birds)

They want to play with us. Let us also depict


♫ Game “What kind of bird is this?”

Leading: And our children learned nursery rhymes about birds.

Child: Two birds flew

They're not big.

How they flew

All the people were watching.

How they sat down -

All the people were amazed.

Child: The birds have arrived

Little birds,

They rode merrily

The grains were pecked.

♫ Dance “Little Birds”.

Children sit on chairs.

Leading: Guys, while you and I were dancing and screaming like birds,

Target - the bear woke up.

Bear: What's that noise in my forest? Who's here to have fun?

(Masha's mother)

Leading: It’s me and the guys who came to call for spring,

Call the sun for a visit.

Bear: Look, what are you thinking, I want to sleep, go home, and I’ll go again

I'll sleep a little, I'll have a good dream

Leading: Bear, bear, stop sleeping, it's time to play with us.

♫ Game “One, two, three, you Mishka catch up with us.”

Leading: And now, Mishenka,

Let's call on spring with us, invite the birds to visit.

Hold hands tightly and stand around Mishka.

We'll go to the meadow and start a round dance.

♫ Round dance “We’ll go to the meadow.”

Bear: Can you sing songs?

Leading: Come out guys, let's sing a song loudly

♫ Song “Sparrows”

Bear: Well done, good song. Have you prepared for the arrival of birds, have you built birdhouses?

Leading: Of course, our guys, together with their fathers and grandfathers, tried their best. Look and listen to how they did it.

♫ Song “We are carpenters”

Bear: Yes, very good birdhouses. Well, the trouble is, there is not a single birdhouse in my forest.

Leading: Don't be upset, Misha, the guys will help you. Children, call your moms and dads. Together friendly family we will build a big house.

♫ Game with families “Building a house” (we build from modules)

Bear: Wonderful houses were built for the birds. I think my birds will like it.

Leading: Misha, our guys still know how to play. Do you want to play with us? The game is called "Sparrows and the Car." We will give you a steering wheel, you will pretend to be a “car”, and the guys will be sparrows.

♫ Game “Sparrows and the car” (children playing with parents)

Bear: Wow, I've played enough, I'm even hungry.

The birds are also hungry, and the yellowthroats are squeaking.

(view video slides)

♫ Game for parents “Feed the birds”

Leading: Wider, wider, round dance! Get ready, people.

Let's dance merrily and celebrate the national holiday!

. .
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