Summary of a comprehensive visual lesson in the second junior group on the topic: Spring. Summary of a comprehensive lesson in the first junior group on environmental education and visual arts on the topic “spring has come”

MADOU kindergarten"Guselki"


integrated OOD for isoactivity in the first younger group

On the topic: “Spring has come.”


Nevolina V.A.



Program content:


Development creativity children.

Assimilation artistic knowledge and skills of students in non-traditional sports visual arts.



1. Clarify knowledge about the signs of spring and natural phenomena

2. Learn to convey the image of a drop using an unconventional technique (finger painting).


1. Develop the child’s activity in learning about the natural world.

2. Activate speech, enrich vocabulary.


1. Cultivate interest in spring phenomena, to changes in nature.

2. Develop the ability to work in small groups, help each other in joint activities.

Working on a dictionary:

Dripping, melting, shining, blue, yellow.

Preliminary work.

Reading fiction, observing seasonal changes in nature, looking at photographs, illustrations, paintings.

Material: Doll “Spring”, postal envelope with didactic game“Red spring has come”, a large icicle in a basin, sheets with painted icicles, finger gouache, an audio recording “drop sound”, wet wipes.

Methods and techniques: conversation, demonstration, accompanied by explanation, surprise moment to attract children's attention, physical education break, alternating types of children's activities, encouragement.

Types of children's activities in OD:



Cognitive and research



  1. Introductory part.

Educator: Come on guys. Look, today we have guests, let's say hello to them.

Greeting game "Hello, guests."

Hello palms, clap, clap, clap.

Hello legs top, top, top.

Hello cheeks splash, splash, splash

Chubby cheeks plop, plop, plop.

Hello sponges smack, smack, smack

Hello teeth click, click, click.

Hello my nose bi, bi, bi.

Hello, guests. Hello!

They bring in a letter.

Educator: Guys, look, we received the parcel. I wonder who sent it to us? Do you want to know?(listen to the letter)

Hello guys and adults! Addresses you"Spring". My season has come, but “Winter” does not want to give up its place to me. I'm very sad because... I really miss you. Help me please. The items I am sending you will help you.

Educator: Do you want spring to come to us?Why? Let's think together about what changes in nature occur in the spring.

Children: In spring, the sun shines brightly, the days become longer and the nights become shorter. The spring heat melted the snow and thawed the soil. Melt water ran down in small streams and stormy torrents.

Educator: You're right. Look, there is some kind of figure in the envelope.

Children: Circle.

Educator: What color is it? (yellow).

Educator: What does it look like? (the sun).It's just kind of sad. What should you do to cheer him up? (add rays).Lay out the rays on the magnetic board.


P/game “Sunshine and Rain”

Educator: The sun is shining brightly and all the kids are walking!

(The teacher holds the sun - the children are walking)

The sun hid behind a cloud, it began to rain, everyone run to me under my umbrella.

(The teacher opens the umbrella, the children hide).

Educator: Look, guys, there’s something else in the package... What is it?

Children: Icicle!

Educator: Touch the icicle, what is it like? /cold, wet, slippery, smooth, sharp, icy.../

Educator: "The sun is shining brightly

I'm icicle hot

The drops were dripping loudly

And the icicle cried:

Water is already flowing from me,

I'll melt forever! »

Educator: What's happening to her?

Det:. It melts and drips.

Educator: Why is she melting?

Children: Because she's hot.

Educator: That’s right, the icicle is hot, it melts because it’s warm in the group, so spring comes in nature.

Educator: Guys, let's draw with you spring drops. We will draw with our fingers, we will need to draw from each icicle vertical line, consisting of dots-drops.

Look, carefully dip one finger into the paint of blue color and apply it to the paper. Please note - droplets fall from above, so let's start drawing from top to bottom in at a slow pace saying: “drip-drip-drip” we draw dotted lines (the teacher draws drops on the easel).

Educator: Now, guys, come to the tables. Prepared your fingers for warming up.

Finger gymnastics.

Fingers do exercises to get less tired.

And now the guys will draw drops with their fingers.

There is a plate in front of you, dip your finger in the paint and draw some drops. Well done. How good are you doing? At Agata's, at Ilya's. Well done everyone. For those who have already drawn, take wet wipes and gently wipe your hands. Well done you kids, you worked hard.

Final part. (Exhibition of drawings).

Educator: Look at your drawings guys. What a beauty, well done! What new did we learn today? At what time of year does the drops occur? What happens to the icicles?

Children: In spring, the icicles melt and it becomes warm.

Educator: What are these sounds, listen?(The audio recording “Spring. Drops” sounds).

Do you hear? What do you hear?

Children: The birds are singing, the rain is falling.

Educator: That's right, and Spring is rushing to visit us. And here she is!

Spring: Hello guys!

I came to visit you,

I brought it warm.

Look out the window

How warm, how light.

Educator: Let us give our drawings as a souvenir to Spring, may it still come to us.

Spring: Thank you very much for the gifts, for the wonderful drops. I also want to give you small gifts. Look how many little suns there are! Let it be even brighter and warmer in your group. Well, it’s time for me to go, goodbye kids! .

Open lesson in the 2nd junior group on drawing on the theme "Sun".


    Generate interest and positive attitude to the game, the desire to participate in the general action, to help fairy-tale characters;

    Encourage children to actively communicate and develop speech;

    Consolidate knowledge about the sun (what is it for? what is it like?);

    Learn to draw the sun, learn to paint inside the outline.

    To encourage in children the desire to finish what they start.


    scenery of the sun, clouds, mountains;

    forest animals: Bunny;

    thick cardboard, size A4;

    yellow gouache;


    hand wipe;

    contours with the image of the sun.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational part.

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs, the teacher is in front of them.

Educator: Children, look, today we have a lot of guests, let’s greet them: “Hello!” (children greet guests).

Educator: Guys, can you hear someone is knocking on our door! Who came to us?

Children: Bunny!

Bunny: Hello guys.

Children: Hello.

Bunny: I came to you for help. For several days now there has been no sun in our fairy tale, and without the sun we are cold, lonely and sad. Guys, help us find the sun.

Educator: Well, guys, let's help our fairy tale bunny find the sun?

Children: We'll help.

Educator: Then we need to go with you to a fairy tale. Behind the forest there is a big mountain, on the big mountain among the clouds the sun lives . Then let's go!

Physical education minute

Behind the sun, behind the sun (Walk in place, raising your knees high).
Meadow path
Let's all go merry
Sometimes in the spring.
The ringing birds are chirping, (Walking, hands up.)
Moths flutter (Walking with arms swinging up and down).
Dandelions are turning yellow (Walking with body rotation right, right hand to the side, left behind your back, and repeat vice versa.)
The cornflowers are turning blue.

Children with a bunny approach a large mountain with many clouds at the top.

Children and bunny(together):

Bucket sunshine!
Look out the window!
Your children are crying
They're jumping over the pebbles! The springs are in place.
Sunny, dress up!
Red, show yourself! Jumping in place.

The children and the bunny call for the sun, but it does not appear.

Educator: Guys, the sun doesn’t appear, apparently he’s not feeling well. Let's draw him while the sun is sick. Maybe then it will disperse the clouds and begin to give everyone its warmth.

The children go to the tables, the hare remains near the mountain.

Educator: And we will paint the sun with paints. To make the sun look like a real one, let's remember what it is like. What does it look like?

Children: On a ball, on a button, on a ball.

Educator: What color is the sun?

Children: Yellow, red.

Educator: That's right, guys.

2. Practical part.

Educator: Look, guys, how I draw the sun (takes gouache, draws the sun on a sheet of paper in a circular motion). First I paint the circle, and then I’ll draw the rays. Now draw a sun.

The children finish their work, at this time the sun appears from behind the clouds. The bunny jumps for joy.

Educator: Guys, the sun, having dispersed the clouds, floated into the sky. We managed to help the bunny.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the sun that has appeared. The children are happy. The bunny thanks the children for their help.

Bunny: Well, thank you guys for the sunshine!

3. Final part.

Educator: Today you and I had a very interesting activity. Let's remember what we did in class?

Children: We went with the Bunny to the sun, called the sun, drew the sun. (Several answers from children).

Educator: Our lesson is over, you can rest.

Summary comprehensively - fine arts in the 2nd junior group on the topic: “ Magic transformations miracle tree."

Description of material: This activity will be interesting to educators and parents of children 3-4 years old.
Author: Bobina Irina Sergeevna, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 161 of the general developmental type “Rucheyok”, city of Barnaul, Altai Territory.
Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the season - spring.
Tasks: enrich children's understanding of temporary changes in nature, improve their skills in using a brush, gouache, cultivate accuracy when working with glue, develop initiative, creativity, and develop interest in collective creativity.
Material: equipment for multimedia, slides, recording of the song “Spring is Coming Red,” gouache of green and white, brushes, jars of water, colored paper blanks for the birdhouse and the sun, glue, napkins for applique and for painting with paints, oilcloths. In the group, at a distance from each other, there are tables with sets for different types visual activities. On one table - everything for appliqué, on the other - everything for painting with gouache.
Preliminary work: learning poems at home with parents for class, learning riddles about migratory birds, educational and creative project “Magic Transformations” Educator: Guys, let's play an interesting game today... Our guys have prepared riddles for you. And we will try to guess them.
1 child:
Snow and ice melt in the sun
Birds fly from the south,
And the bear has no time to sleep -
So (spring) has come to us
Slide show:

2 child
Nice days are not rare
Branches bask in the sun,
And, like little dots,
The branches are swollen (buds)
Slide show:

3rd child:
Let's make a house for the birds,
With a small round window,
Here is a starling sitting on a hazel tree,
We are building him (a birdhouse)
Slide show:

Questions for children:
- What time of year did we guess riddles about?
- What other signs of spring do you know?
- What happens to trees in spring?
- Yes guys, you are right! All nature wakes up with the arrival of spring. The leaves are blooming on the trees, the first grass and the first flowers are appearing. Migratory birds returning from the south.
-What birds returned to us?
- Yes, guys, the rook and starling were the first to arrive.
-Who remembers the riddles about the rook and the starling? (children remember previously learned riddles about migratory birds)
Surprise moment:
The appearance of a child wearing a starling cap. The starling asks a riddle:
We are birds, we have wings, a tail and a nose
We bring you spring - red on our wings!! (starlings)
The children guess the riddle, and the teacher offers to play a game with a birdhouse: “We built a birdhouse.”
Children approach the teacher. Held finger game 2 times.
We built a birdhouse for a cheerful starling,
We hung a birdhouse right next to the porch,
The whole family of four lives in the house:
Mother, father and squirrels are little black feathers.
Children perform movements with their hands and fingers in accordance with the text.
-Well done boys! Skvorushka really liked our game (the teacher invites Skvorushka to stay).
-Now look, what kind of picture is this?
The teacher opens the picture located on the board. It depicts a tree drawn in unconventional technology drawing - with the palms of children. The children drew a tree in the fall. In winter, we supplemented the picture with snow made from napkins, birds and feeders using the appliqué technique.

Questions for children:
-What time of year is it in our picture?
- What are we drawing here?
- What did we put on the picture?
-Why did we make feeders for our birds?
- Yes, guys, in this picture it’s winter now. But what should we do? After all, it’s already spring outside now... (children suggest adding birdhouses, grass to the picture, and painting green leaves on the branches)
-Guys, now you can help our tree get into spring. Choose who will do what. Some guys will go to the tables where there is everything they need for appliqué; those who want to draw, go to other tables. (help children choose activities)
Independent activity children. The children paint leaves on the trees with their fingers, paint the grass with brushes and “whiten the trunk”, collect the sun, birdhouses from paper blanks and paste them onto the picture. The teacher helps the children in the process of work. Finished painting posted on the board. The children comment on what happened.

-What a great fellow you are, guys!! Our tree has become so cheerful, like spring!! Let's dance and sing our favorite song about spring?!
Song recording starts: “Spring is coming and singing a song.” Children sing a song and walk in a circle holding hands.

Topic: “The sun is shining”

Objectives: 1. To teach children to convey the image of the sun in a drawing, to combine a round shape with straight lines.

2. Practice the ability to squeeze excess paint onto the edge of the bowl, and be able to supplement the drawing with images that correspond to the theme.

3. Foster independence and creativity, evoke aesthetic feelings for nature.

Materials: album sheets, yellow, white, red gouache, napkins, sketches with images of the sun in different colors and execution techniques.

Progress of the lesson: painting about spring, Katya doll.

1. Organizing time. The teacher invites the children to class.

2. Conversation.

Q. Guys, the doll Katya came to us from a walk. What were you doing Katya? (Walked). Where did you walk? (On the street). Katya was walking on the street. Is it good outside? (It’s nice outside. Spring has come. The sun is shining, the snow is melting, streams are running. It’s become warm).

3. Looking at the picture.

V. Katya brought us a picture about spring. Look at her. What is drawn here? (The sun is shining, streams are flowing, birds have flown in).

V. Well done, (reading a poem and showing in the picture)

The sun laughs tenderly,

Shines brighter, hotter,

And it pours loudly from the hillock

Talkative stream.

Q. Guys, let's take a close look at the sun. What is it like? (Round, yellow).

4. Game “Sunshine and Rain”.

B. It’s good in spring. The sun is shining. But sometimes it rains, and everyone runs to hide from it. Now, when I say, “It’s raining,” you will sit down near your chairs, and when I say, “The sun is out,” we will stand up and reach for the sun.

5. Showing sketches of the sun.

Q. While we were playing, the Katya doll drew us a picture of the sun, look.

V. And I drew this sun.

B. See how you can draw the sun. (Show options)

6. Demonstration of drawing techniques.

Q. How do we start drawing?

B. Place the sheet vertically. Let's start drawing the round base of the sun in the middle. Now let's draw the rays.

V. This is how the sun turned out.

7. Rules for working with brushes and gouache.

Q. Guys, now we will learn to draw the sun. Let's take the brushes in our hands and draw a circle in the air and paint it, now the rays. Fine. Let's start working.

8. Independent work children.

9. Exhibition of drawings.

(The teacher encourages interesting additions and helps the children)

Q. Let's enjoy all the drawings. Who has the most cheerful, rosy sunshine?

10. Song “Vesnyanka”

V. Now let’s get into a round dance and sing a song about the sun “Vesnyan-ka” (Ukrainian folk song)

The sun has become clear

Bake, bake.

The earth is like gold

Fill, fill.

The pigeons have become louder

Coo, coo.

The cranes are back

To us again, to us again.

Oh, you, clear sunshine,

Shine it, shine it!

Bread, mother earth,

Ugly, ugly.

11. Summary of the lesson.

Q. What did we draw, guys, in class? (Sun) .

Q. When the sun shines, what do you and I do? (We rejoice).

Q. Let's say goodbye to the Katya doll. She really liked it with us, and she was happy with your drawings. Well done!

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