Pavel Volya: how a glamorous bastard turned into an exemplary family man. Pavel Volya - who he met, who he was married to. How many times was Pavel Volya married?

The married life of the most hard-working resident of the Comedy Club, Pavel Volya, is open and understandable. He is married to the famous gymnast Lyasan Utyasheva. Pavel sincerely confesses his love to his wife on stage; they do not hide their children and relationships, but do not flaunt them either.

The difficult sporting fate of Laysan Utyasheva

Laysan Utyasheva was born on June 28, 1985 in the Bashkir village of Rakvskoye. Her mother worked as a librarian, and her father was a historian. My mother is Bashkir by nationality, my father has Russian, Tatar and Polish roots.

In 1989, the Utyashev family moved from the village to Volgograd. As a child, Laysan was very flexible, and they wanted to send her to a ballet school. Quite by accident, a trainer drew attention to her. rhythmic gymnastics Nadezhda Kasyanova.

She noted the girl’s natural inclinations and invited her to take up the most beautiful and feminine sport - rhythmic gymnastics. In 1994, Elena Tatyana Sorokina became her coach, and since 1997, Oksana Yaninina and Oksana Skaldina. In 1999, Laysan received the title of Master of Sports.

Laysan's most significant victories came at the beginning of the 2000s. In 2001, she became the overall winner at the World Cup in Berlin, and also received gold in the team championship at the World Championships in Madrid. In the same year she became an international master of sports.

In 2002, she began training with Irina Viner and Vera Shatalina. She took second place in Slovenia, won the unofficial World Championship in France, and became the winner in the all-around in Moscow in three types of competition. It would seem that my career had reached the peak of achievements, but then an injury occurred.

At demonstration performances in Samara, due to a poor-quality mat, Laysan landed unsuccessfully and injured her foot. At that time, a medical examination did not reveal the injury, and Laysan continued to perform and train in the same regime. The leg hurt more and more, but repeated examinations did not reveal any pathologies. Detractors began to say that Atyasheva was feigning injury.

In 2002, at the insistence of Irina Wiener, a comprehensive examination was carried out in Germany. Only there, according to the results of the MRI, an injury was diagnosed: multiple fractures of the scaphoid bone and separation of the bones of the other leg due to the constant transfer of weight to it. In fact, all this time Laysan trained on one leg.

The condition was so neglected that doctors forbade even thinking about sports, and did not give guarantees that the girl would walk. Laysan underwent five operations, a pin was inserted into her, but the fractures did not heal.

Laysan remembers with horror these two years, when she cried at night, ate kefir with a fork so as not to gain weight without the usual loads, but still went to the gym. She studied on her knees, to the whispers and giggles of her rival friends.

In 2004, she appeared on the carpet. She won a number of victories, including becoming the European champion in team competitions. She planned to retire after the Beijing Olympics, but another injury occurred, this time to the knee. After consulting with Irina Viner, she decided to leave the variety.

Laysan went down in the history of world sports as the only gymnast to perform on broken legs. She was the first to perform three complex elements that are named after her.

TV novel

After completing her sports career, she got on television. She was the co-host of the program " the main road"on NTV, hosted morning programs on the same channel. Utyasheva hosted the television program “Fitness with the Stars” on the “Live” channel, “Personal Training” on the “Sport Plus” channel, and “Beauty Academy with Laysan Utyasheva.” On radio “Romantika” she hosts the program “Cafe Romantika”,

Laysan also released autobiographical book“Unbroken,” in which she talked about her life in sports. In 2014, Utyasheva went to work on the TNT channel, and this is directly related to her stories of love and marriage.

Interesting notes:

Laysan met Pavel Volya at a television party. For a long time, the young people were just friends, and Laysan could not imagine that this tender friendship could develop into something else.

The editors of the Comedy Club loved to invite the famous gymnast as a star on the program’s broadcasts. The girl came exclusively with her mother, which became a topic for jokes among the residents.

The wedding of this couple came as a complete surprise to fans of both Volya and Utyasheva. This surprises Laysan: What did you find so strange in our wedding? I didn't marry an alien from Mars.

Handsome guy, unmarried, smart. I didn’t take him away from the family; I myself was free too. What's the big deal?

The couple got married in September 2012, there was neither wedding dress, not a limousine. One of the most expensive wedding hosts in the country limited himself to registering at the registry office with his beloved woman. Soon a son, Robert, was born, followed by a daughter, Sophia. Laysan today takes care of his family and children, combining work on TNT as the host of the “Dancing” show.

Pavel Volya got married! This news has excited a huge part of the Internet community, since everyone knows what the resident Comedy Club The reputation of an inveterate bachelor has been established, who does not even allow the thought of tying himself into marriage with someone.

Rumors that Pavel Volya got married appeared on April 1, and therefore many did not take this event seriously. Everyone considered this information a witty joke. As they say, let's laugh and that's enough...

At the same time, Russian media They began to actively circulate the news that Pavel Volya was getting married. Many were literally dumbfounded when they found out who the showman’s chosen one was. Famous athlete Laysan Utyasheva married a Penza joker? Completeness! Can't be! However, the information was confirmed by the girl’s coach, Irina Winter. It was she who told reporters that Pavel Volya got married... That’s how it turned out to be true.

Personal life of Pavel Volya

The famous showman comes from Penza. His popularity rating today is off the charts. WITH youth Pavel knew how to cheer everyone up, and his abilities were subsequently noticed by the leadership of the regional KVN team, with which he began to develop his talent. By profession, Pavel is a teacher of Russian language and literature. However, instead of school, he chose to work as a radio DJ. And after some time he decided to conquer the capital. However, in the Mother See, his talents initially went unnoticed, and he even had to work as a construction foreman.

Career first, everything else comes later...

And then came 2005, when he made his debut as a comedian. On stage, he began to ridicule creativity and personal life famous athletes, actors, singers. The nickname of the “glamorous bastard” was firmly established behind him, who, with his caustic jokes, won the hearts of the female audience in a matter of minutes.

At the same time, Volya tried not to advertise his amorous affairs to the press. However, it is difficult to hide something from journalists.

Before the rumor appeared that Pavel Volya married Utyasheva, the media wrote that the Comedy Club resident had affairs with singer Elka, actress Maria Kozhevnikova and participant in the Comedy Woman project Nadezhda Sysoeva, who got the image of the stupid blonde Nadenka.

However rising star humor (Pavel Volya) had no time to think about love adventures, because he was completely focused on own career. He shot videos and released solo album called “Respect and respect”. Spent a lot of time on radio and television. As a result, he managed to star in comedy films.

Pavel Volya and Maria Kravtsova

The joker and cynic could not have imagined that someday journalists would write: “Pavel Volya got married. 2013 is a good time for him in his personal life and career.”

At the same time, the comedian was not looking for love; it came to him on its own. One day, an impressive young lady, Maria Kravtsova, whom everyone knew as Malika, came to the shooting of the next episode of Comedy Club. famous TV presenter and model. Pasha immediately drew attention to the girl.

Malika also liked this sharp-tongued young man. After some time, the lovers decided to live together. Relatives and work colleagues were sure that Pavel Volya’s wedding was just around the corner. However, the couple did not formalize their relationship. The “glamorous bastard” was very angry when Maria’s colleague on stage showed her signs of attention; it was even rumored that Volya several times challenged him to a “frank” conversation. However, Malika herself was jealous of the Comedy Club resident, who had another caustic nickname (“Snowball”), of Elizaveta Lotova, who starred with him in the movie “Plato.” The love between Pavel and Masha slowly faded away, although they did not show it outwardly. As a result, three years later, the young people decided to separate, and they did this without any quarrels or insults. Subsequently, Masha married a man who whole year I was looking for the key to her heart and finally found it. But as for the “glamorous scumbag,” he long time I didn’t start a serious relationship with anyone, so when information appeared in the press that Pavel Volya got married, many girls envied Laysan Utyasheva. I wish I could get such a handsome guy!

Personal life of Leysan Utyasheva

It should be noted that the athlete’s relationships on the love front were carefully hidden from the “sharks of the pen.”

And only last fall the name of Laysan Utyasheva began to appear in newspaper headlines, when it became known that the athlete was planning litigation about the division of property with Valery Lomadze, who was her ex-boyfriend. Four years ago, a romance broke out between them, and very soon the lovers wanted to live under the same roof. However, due to certain reasons family life things didn't work out, and the young couple decided to run away. After some time, Valery demanded that Laysan return everything he had given to the girl. He was primarily interested in the BMW X6, the price of which was about 3.5 million rubles. However, it never took place because the parties did not appear at the hearing.

Romance by Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva

As has already been emphasized, their marriage was perceived by everyone as a joke, since no one saw them together. Now many are perplexed: did Pavel Volya get married? Or is this another “duck”? The showman's friends and relatives did not at all believe that the reckless merry fellow could someday become a reliable spouse and loving father.

However " glamorous scumbag" managed to dispel these doubts. It was he who was able to find the right words of consolation for the girl when her mother passed away. He became a devoted friend, a beloved man and a strong support for her. Everyone notes that Pavel Volya has serious intentions regarding Laysan Utyasheva.

The lovers met at a social event, where they were invited as presenters. At first they liked each other, then they became friends, and soon fell in love with each other.

The athlete did not want to advertise her new relationship, since she had been burned several times in the past. And Paul himself was in no hurry to open up on this topic. They did not appear in public together: after the bereavement of Laysan, there was no time for fun. Pavel did everything possible to ensure that his beloved did not feel lonely and deprived.

Pavel Volya is getting married

After some time, Pavel proposed his hand and heart to Laysan, and she agreed. wedding ceremony there were no magnificent celebrations and pomp, everything was very modest. It soon became known that the athlete was in interesting position, and in a couple of months she will have to give birth. At first, the young couple decided that such a significant event in their lives would happen in Spain, but later abandoned this idea. As a result, Laysan gave birth to Pavel’s son in Miami. This happened in May last year.

Laysan Utyasheva is a famous rhythmic gymnast who retired from professional sports in 2006. After this, the girl realized herself as a presenter, writer, actress, and dance show director. He has the title of Honorary Master of Sports.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Laysan Utyasheva began on June 28, 1985 under the zodiac sign Cancer in the family of a historian and librarian. The birthplace of the future famous athlete was the town of Raevsky. Has Bashkir, Polish, Tatar and Russian origin. IN at a young age Laysan professed Islam and then converted to Orthodoxy.

Some time after the birth of their daughter, the family moved to Ufa, and in 1989 the Utyashevs moved to Volgograd.

When Laysan was little, her parents wanted to let their daughter study ballet, but one day, by chance, the girl was noticed by gymnastics coach Nadezhda Kasyanova, who noted the incredible flexibility of Laysan’s joints and invited her to the world of sports.

The girl immediately fell in love with rhythmic gymnastics and at the age of 4 she told her mother that she would become a world champion.

In third grade, Laysan received her first fee. With the money she earned, the girl bought her mother a robe. Zulfiya kept this gift all her life. When the little girl just started school, her mother set a condition: in order to continue doing gymnastics, her daughter had to study well. Laysan did just that. Utyasheva perfectly combined sports with studies.

Already as an adult, the girl admitted that her parents separated when the gymnast was little. The reason was my father's constant drinking. Mom tried to bring dad back, encode and help get rid of addiction, but everything is in vain. And later it turned out that Albert had already created new family, which Laysan and Zulfiya did not know about.


In 1997, Utyasheva moved to the capital. Two years later, she received the title of master of sports, and since 2000, the time has come for Laysan’s main sporting victories. One of the most important achievements in sports is the overall championship at the World Cup in Berlin in 2001.

Since 2002, training began under the strict guidance of the famous. New victories followed: an international tournament in Slovenia, an unofficial championship in France. However, by coincidence, an examination in Germany revealed multiple fractures of the scaphoid bone of one leg and bone divergence in the other. Doctors gave disappointing prognoses, including the impossibility of independent movement.

Laysan Utyasheva (Innsbruck, 2002)

However, thanks to surgeons, the girl coped with her leg injury, and by 2004, Laysan returned to performing in big sports. The European Championship, international competitions - all this was conquered by an athlete with a strong-willed character. However, after consulting with Irina Winner, in 2006 Utyasheva finally decided to leave the sport. Unfortunately, the talented and flexible athlete never became an Olympic champion.

Four of the most difficult elements in rhythmic gymnastics are named after Laysan Utyasheva. The girl went down in the history of gymnastics as an athlete who performed with broken legs.

Further career

The young girl devoted a long period of her life to gymnastics and sports achievements; it is not surprising that she quickly began to gain weight, abandoning the regime. Laysan mentioned in one of her interviews that she spent six months lying on the couch, watching movies and eating. Sweets and delicacies prohibited during the sports regime became for her familiar products.

“Start over” - the story of gymnast Laysan Utyasheva

One of the public events brought the girl to her senses. Laysan was invited along with other gymnasts to a meeting, but she did not go, because she did not want to appear in front of her sports colleagues in the new role of “plumphead”.

The return to slimness began with attempts to lose weight through running and body wraps. cling film. The girl got information from the Internet until she came across an old nutrition diary from her sports career in gymnastics.

Laysan Utyasheva returned to sports form

Since then, Laysan began to adhere to the principles healthy image life; she controlled her weight gain and regained her beautiful appearance. Exercise and attention to her own body and diet help the gymnast stay in shape after the birth of two children and pass on the experience to her husband and participants in her projects. Today Laysan Utyasheva weighs 50 kg with a height of 167 cm.

After finishing her career as a gymnast, Laysan became the host of several television programs - “Personal Trainer” on the “Sport Plus” TV channel, “Fitness with the Stars” on the “Zhivi” TV channel. The girl also wrote autobiographical novel“Unbroken,” in which she told how many years and efforts she devoted to gymnastics. She also created dance show, which premiered in 2009.

In October 2011, the author’s program “Beauty Academy with Laysan Utyasheva” started on television. In 2012, the TV presenter tried herself as an actress, starring in a small role in the TV series “Champions.”

The author's weight adjustment program is in great demand among TV viewers. Laysan Utyasheva’s weight loss exercises are not particularly difficult. In 10-12 minute videos, the gymnast teaches girls how to fight excess weight. The videos gained a lot of fans and followers using a fairly simple technique. Develop a simple and effective program Helped a girl get slim personal experience fight against excess weight.

Interesting appearance The presenter often raises the question of nationality. She herself says that she is half Bashkir, since her mother was Bashkir, and her father had Tatar, Polish and Russian roots.

March 22, 2012 on radio "Romantika" started new transmission Laysan, to which she invited famous musicians, actors and over a cup of tea talked with them about life, dreams and aspirations.

Yolka and Laysan Utyasheva - “I’ll be waiting for you”

Since August 2014, TNT has been airing the “Dancing” program, in which Laysan Utyasheva is the permanent presenter.

A year later, the girl appeared in the singer’s video for the song “I’ll Be Waiting for You,” where she demonstrated the brilliant abilities of a gymnast.

On December 1, 2016, Channel One aired a program from the series “Alone with Everyone” with Laysan Utyasheva, where the young woman told the presenter in detail about her family, projects, life on television and in sports.

Laysan Utyasheva - "Alone with everyone"

On March 14, 2012, a tragedy occurred in Laysan’s life - Laysan’s mother, Zulfiya Utyasheva, died of a heart attack. Mom has always been my best friend and closest person. She was only 47 years old. After the gymnast left the sport, she tried to make up for lost time, spending every free minute with her mother.

Laysan took death especially hard loved one, as life seemed to be just getting better.

On that ill-fated day, he and his mother were sitting in a cafe. Suddenly Zulfiya felt bad. Laysan immediately called an ambulance. The arriving doctors reassured the women, saying that this was an ordinary increase in blood pressure. Having reached home through Moscow traffic jams, Laysan’s mother suddenly became worse; she could not utter a word.

For a long time, the ambulance answered that all the cars were occupied. The frightened girl screamed into the phone that her mother was dying, to which she received a rather cynical answer: “Everyone does, you’re not the only one.” Arriving at the address, the doctors only stated death from acute heart failure.

Laysan recalls that period with pain:

“I still feel guilty that we didn’t get enough rest. But at the same time, my mother never complained about her health. In general, everyone in our family has long-livers. My grandmother is now 80 years old. My great-grandmother lived to be 102 years old. That’s why my mother always said, that he wants to live to be one hundred and forty. But it turned out only to be forty-seven...”, the gymnast said in an interview with “7 Days”.

Only after the birth of her daughter Sophia was the young woman able to let go of the pain of losing a loved one. As Laysan says, she received a blessing from her mother in a dream, and the main people in her life today are her children and her husband.

Personal life

Personal life the girls remained under the gaze of the paparazzi while she “earned” her image as a TV presenter. Photos of the athlete appeared in sports magazines and on the pages of gossip columns. One of the most memorable stories discussed in the press was the acquaintance of Laysan Utyasheva in 2008. They met at a private party in London at a time when the actor was already having an affair with. Despite Orlando’s obvious passion, Russian journalists wrote about a possible romantic relationship between Utyasheva and the Hollywood handsome man.

Having lost her mother, Laysan withdrew into herself, she avoided publicity and spent time where the former gymnast was not disturbed. Vivid changes in Utyasheva’s personal life occurred in September 2012, when the TV presenter married a comedian.

At the same time, the press became aware of a legal property dispute between Laysan and a former young man, 34-year-old businessman Valery Lomadze. According to funds mass media, the main point of contention was the BMW X6.

Laysan and Pavel Volya were friends for a long time, and only after some time the friendship grew into love. The future spouses met at a social event. Then both acted as presenters there, and later continued communication.

Relationship with resident Comedy Club helped a girl overcome grief from sudden death moms. Fans and friends of the lovers did not believe in the wedding of Volya and Utyasheva. In show business circles they completely mistook the news for an April 1st joke. No one could believe that such different people can be together. At the same time, in the world of sports, many close associates already knew about this unexpected romance.

Irina Viner personally dispelled the rumor about the “fake” wedding of Pavel and Laysan. According to friends, the spouses complement each other well. Calm Laysan is able to smooth out her husband’s impulsiveness.

In May 2013, in one of the private clinics in Miami, Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya became the parents of little Robert. On May 6, 2015, the couple had a daughter, Sofia.

In March 2016, news spread across the Internet that Laysan was pregnant again. The reason was a photo on the TV presenter’s Instagram account, supplemented with the hashtags #twoheartsbeatlikeone and #baby. Fans star couple They hastened to make the assumption that a baby would appear in Pavel Volya’s family again, but the information was not confirmed.

Also in 2016, it became known that the family moved to Spain for a while. In Russia, celebrities came only for work.

Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya lived in Spain

Then rumors spread on the Internet that not everything was going smoothly in the family of Laysan and Pavel. We started talking about divorce. Then the athlete herself denied the speculation, saying that she and Pasha were doing well.

A year later, the public again saw a crack in the relationship of the star couple. The conflict arose during the casting of the third season of the TV show “Dancing on TNT.” One of the participants expressed a desire to kiss the beauty, which Volya really did not like, which he announced publicly. However, the breakup that everyone was waiting for (divorce was even predicted by psychics) never came.

Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya launched a family project "Willpower"

Judging by the social network "Instagram" Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya, everything is fine in the family of the athlete and showman. The couple has two children and posts regularly joint photos to the delight of fans. One of the spouses' shared hobbies is their love of travel.

“Willpower” is a family project to popularize a healthy lifestyle with the participation of Laysan Utyasheva and the girl’s husband. The working tandem of the gymnast and comedian turned out to be successful and prolific. The course contains several hundred training videos on various topics. In the project, Laysan is responsible for the work of the body, and Pavel is responsible for the work of the mind.

"Willpower", Laysan Utyasheva

The success of the project is confirmed by its popularity. In an interview with Caravan magazine, the founder of the system admitted that “Willpower” has more than 3 thousand followers in 28 countries.

The project combines two equivalent structural units. The section “The Body” includes exercises and workouts, tips for getting slim, recommendations for nutrition and developing flexibility. The “The Brain” block is filled with information that supports intellectual vigor, optimism, and a mindset for success. The couple willingly communicate with students and reveal the secret “tricks” of their professions that help them in life.

Laysan Utyasheva now

In 2017, singer Elka presented a video for the song “Let the Music In.” Laysan Utyasheva and her husband and others participated in the creation of the video. As planned, celebrities recorded home videos based on their scripts. In the video, the stars were allowed to fool around, misbehave, laugh, and sing from the heart. Especially funny video Utyasheva and Volya succeeded.

Laysan Utyasheva in Yolki's video "Turn on the music"

On October 1, a grandiose theater and dance show “LaysanBolero” took place in Kazan. Then the performance was shown in Minsk. On the eve of this event, the girl attended the program “ Evening Urgant" Utyasheva said that she had long had an idea for a large-scale project. As a result, the athlete shared the idea with 5 close people, among whom was her husband. Pavel provided his beloved with great support and even took on some of the implementation tasks.

Theater and dance show “LaysanBolero” (trailer), 2018

In May 2018, Laysan and Pasha attended the ceremony of presenting the first award in Russia, dedicated to the main trendsetters of modern trends in the digital world.

In the summer, the couple appeared at the Hublot party dedicated to the World Cup, which was successfully held in Russian Federation. In addition to Utyasheva and Volya, other celebrities came to the event.


  • 2000 – tournament in memory of Oksana Kostina, silver
  • 2001 – World Cup in Berlin, gold
  • 2001 - World Championships in Madrid, gold
  • 2002 - International tournament in Slovenia, silver
  • 2004 – European Championship, gold
  • 2004 – International tournaments in Latvia and France, gold

Pavel Volya's wife, gymnast Laysan Utyasheva for a long time hid her marriage to a popular stand-up comedian, so almost no one except her closest friends knew that pleasant changes had taken place in their personal lives, and the news that appeared on April 1 that they got married was taken by many as a joke.

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva - a love story

They met at a social event - both served as presenters. At first, Pavel and Laysan were just friends, and this friendship lasted about three years, and then the friendly relationship turned into a strong mutual feeling, which became a real salvation for Laysan, who had recently experienced a tragedy - the death of her beloved mother.

In the photo - Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva

Pavel surrounded the girl with care and attention and became a real support for her, turning for Laysan from a “glamorous bastard” into a gentle and kind lover. Before meeting Utyasheva, Volya lived in a civil marriage with TV presenter Maria Kravtsova for three years; Laysan also had serious relationship with a wealthy man, ending in an ugly story that she prefers not to remember. Left completely alone, Laysan immersed herself in work - she participated in several projects simultaneously, so as not to feel loneliness, withdraw into herself and not succumb to depression. Pavel helped her cope with heartache and bring joy back into your life. Laysan saw her man in Pasha, next to whom she felt warm and comfortable.

Family of Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva

According to the lovers, they never sought to hide their relationship and appeared openly in in public places, but the paparazzi did not pay any attention to them, apparently because they did not expect that the famous gymnast could have something serious with a Comedy Club resident. Laysan became Pavel Volya's wife in September 2012. They celebrated the wedding modestly, in the circle of close relatives, and Honeymoon replaced by a quiet family holiday - went to museums, walked, spent evenings together. And after some time, the wife told Pavel that she was pregnant, and this became a great joy for both, because they both dreamed of children.

Laysan spent almost her entire pregnancy in Spain. The choice of this country was not accidental - the mild climate, warm sea, and sun were useful to the expectant mother and her unborn baby. During this time, Pavel Volya’s wife managed to visit many most beautiful places of this country. She prepared for childbirth very responsibly - she learned to breathe correctly, did special exercises, and the birth went easily and quickly.

To give birth to Laysan Utyasheva, she went to Miami to the luxurious Memorial Regional Hospital, and Pavel took his son in his arms as soon as he was born, and then he paid a lot of attention to Robert - he got up at night, put him to bed, and played. From the very birth of their son, his parents began to be involved in his development - they showed him pictures, talked to him and rejoiced at his every achievement.

The wife treats Pavel as the head of the family, and not only because he is six years older than her, but because he is calmer, more reasonable, and responsible than she herself. Laysan likes that her husband reads a lot, is interested in history, and she is always interested in being with him. Pavel Volya calls himself happy man and I’m glad that family and children completely changed his life. Now his first priority is not parties and noisy parties, but calm family joys. Laysan tries to surround him with love and care, creates comfort, prepares delicious lunches and dinners, for which he is eternally grateful to her.

Children of Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva

They have been married for five years and are considered one of the most beautiful and harmonious couples domestic show business. Pavel still treats his wife very warmly and tenderly, who in May 2015 gave him a second child - daughter Sofia. The age difference between Pavel Volya's children is two years, and Laysan has to devote a lot of time to raising them, while she manages to stay in great shape and still find time to work.

She calls her husband not only the head of the family, but also the main teacher, and not only because Pavel Teacher Education. To instill a love for beauty in their son and daughter, parents let them listen to good music. Today they are already thinking about the future of their children.

In the photo - Pavel with his son

Pavel Volya’s wife says that if her daughter wants to do gymnastics, like she once did, then she will not interfere with this, but, on the contrary, will help her, because playing sports disciplines and develops willpower. Son Robert already swims and plays football. Spouse Volya will not insist on anything against the wishes of the children. Pavel and Laysan say that they have very good children, similar in character. The family does not interfere with Pasha’s career, Laysan does not lag behind him, and relatives and a nanny help them cope with the children.

This gentle, elegant name, meaning “spring rain” or “generous,” suits the 27-year-old beauty ex-champion so well. Subtle facial features, clear, amazingly beautiful eyes, a figure as if honed by a filigree sculptor, an open and sunny smile - everything about her is captivating. And the grace and skill with which she devoted herself and gives herself to any work, be it gymnastics or television, emphasizes the originality of Laysan Utyasheva.

Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya - it all started with friendship

At 12 years old future wife Pavla Voli - Laysan Utyasheva left Volgograd for the sake of sports, and at 14 she already felt the taste of real victory when she triumphantly performed in Berlin at the World Cup. And everything moved with amazing speed. She was deservedly adored by the audience. She conquered, it would seem, all the world's platforms that were possible.

But things didn’t work out with my loved one, they broke up. Afterwards, the ubiquitous journalists excitedly talked about new career TV presenter, about the men in Laysan’s life. And if she said goodbye to Yagudin as peacefully as with Karchemarskas, then the affair with businessman Valery Lomadze ended very harshly. Laysan Utyasheva was accused of stealing a car, jewelry and a large sum.

Their favorite job and close people helped them survive everything, especially their mother, with whom they practically never left. But in March 2012, the most important person in the girl’s life passed away.

A friend came to the rescue. This is exactly how 28-year-old Laysan and the 34-year-old successful showman positioned their relationship Pavel Volya. They met many times at social events and hosted programs together. It would seem that these two are so spiritually dissimilar that it is completely impossible to imagine them as a couple.

Penza macho, scandalously cynical, known for numerous conflict situations, it turns out, is not such a “snow king” after all. Long term relationship with Marika, model, designer, ended in a breakup. Reluctance to talk about personal things in public and, laughingly, sometimes crossing the line and making fun of others.

Look behind the mask that Pavel pulled once and for all for curious dreamers to reach the most intimate, and a completely different person will be revealed. A hard worker since childhood, like Laysan. Evidence? Please, I graduated from school with a silver medal. He studied at the university and worked every day on the radio, from early morning he inspired the townspeople with his jokes and witticisms to do valiant work. And the conquest of Moscow.

Friendship... Love... And here is Laysan Utyasheva - the wife of Pavel Volya

Presenter, screenwriter, showman, artist and musician. Compare with Laysan: presenter, author of the book “Unbroken,” filming films, performing in ballet...

How many points of contact?! Could they have passed each other by? So they fell in love, as Irina Viner told the world, surprising everyone with an unexpected surprise. Few people even guessed about their feelings. How they managed to hide, as Pavel Volya’s wife Laysan Utyasheva herself admitted, a two-year romantic relationship is difficult to understand. But they, like all lovers, walked around Moscow holding hands, kissed, and visited public places: cinemas and theaters, shops.

Pavel and Laysan took an oath of allegiance to each other, surrounded by the people dearest to them. More recently, confirmation of their love was born - son Robert. And how can one not believe that Volya is “Snowball” and not a “glamorous scumbag”? After all, he was the one who went to doctor’s appointments with his beloved during her pregnancy. And it was he who spent 12 hours next to her in Miami, “giving birth” to the baby. They do not allow anyone else to approach their firstborn, taking care of him themselves. They say that Laysan and Pavel are already thinking about a second child.

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