Test for knowledge of New Year's films. New Year's quiz and an interesting New Year with your family! Tests for knowledge of New Year's Russian films

Quiz with answers for younger students

Quiz"Good stronger than evil in reality and in a fairy tale"
Target: Summarize children’s knowledge of famous domestic cartoons.
1. Expand children's horizons in the field of animation.
2.Develop interest in domestic animated films.
3.Form primary ideas about good and evil, standards of good and bad behavior.
Equipment: a multimedia projector, a chest or box with fairy-tale objects (a needle, an invisible cap, a golden egg, a pea, a mirror, an arrow, a slipper).
Hello guys! A book is the best thing that a person has ever created, because it teaches us, educates us and guides us through life. We all love to read fairy tales. With the help of fairy tales, we understand the world, learn to distinguish between good and evil, truth and lies... They always have many exciting adventures, and in the end, good always defeats evil. We can also learn about the victory of good over evil from your favorite cartoons that your mothers and fathers grew up with. And you, too, enjoy watching them. It is very important that many cartoons are based on famous fairy talesThe Snow Queen", "Cinderella", "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio", "Mowgli", "The Adventures of Cipollino" and many others.) They all teach to be kind, honest and fair.
And now we will conduct an interesting quiz and take a trip to fairytale city our favorite cartoons. I hope that you remember the cartoons well and can easily cope with the following tasks.
Presenter:“Complete the name.” A game for warming up, including children in a game situation. I say the first word of the name of the fairy-tale hero, you continue.
Koschei the Deathless
Vasilisa - The Wise
Elena the beautiful
Sister - Alyonushka
Brother - Ivanushka
Tiny - Khavroshechka
Ivan Tsarevich

Finist – Clear Falcon
The Snow Queen.
Exercise 1.Guess the cartoon and the name of the character based on the description.
A sweet, hard-working girl who turns from a scruffy girl into a real princess. (Cinderella from fairy tale of the same name"Cinderella")
A jar of jam helped this hero, according to his own statement, get rid of a high fever (Carlson. “Kid and Carlson”)
This a little boy grew up among wolves. He has many friends: the bear Baloo, the panther Bagheera, the boa constrictor Kaa and others (Mowgli from the cartoon of the same name “Mowgli”).
A fairy-tale girl with unusual hair who loved to educate everyone. (Malvina. “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”).
This " unknown to science the beast came to our country in a box of oranges and first settled in a telephone booth. Then he found many friends and all the problems were solved (Cheburashka, “Crocodile Gena and his friends”).
This boy is very independent, economical, and loves animals very much. He moved from the city to the village and organized his own farm there. His friend was engaged in photo hunting. (Uncle Fedor, “Prostokvashino”).
This hero was going to go to school and then become an artist, but his plans were almost ruined by five gold coins and suspicious friends. (Pinocchio, “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”).
Task 2.“Magic chest”. There are fabulous objects in the chest, you need to guess them based on their descriptions.
With this item, you can make a variety of things, and you can even kill me. (Needle).
This thing can hide you if you put it on your head. (Invisible hat)
Was it because of this object that the grandfather and the woman cried after the little animal’s trick? (Golden egg)
Did she toss and turn all night because she was disturbing her sleep? (Pea)
This object spoke the truth to the queen. He said that there is a more beautiful girl in the world. (Mirror)
Did this object fly straight into the swamp and land near the frog? (Arrow)
Did she lose it at the ball? (Slipper)

Task 3."Association". Guys, the next task is to test your wits. Tell me, have you ever come across the word “association”? In our case, these are words that evoke in a person’s mind the thought of the work in which they appeared. Try to guess the cartoon by association with the words.
Crocodile, friends, birthday, toy. (“Crocodile Gena and his friends”).
Africa, sun, Karakula shark, darkness, whale, doctor. ("Dr. Aibolit").
Field of miracles, jacket, coins, puppet show, log. (“The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”).
Geese, boy, running away from home, travel, flight. (“The wonderful journey of Nils with wild geese»).
Ballerina, soldiers, tin, fireplace, ditch. ("Persistent tin soldier»).
Little girl, toad, mouse, swallow, elf. (“Thumbelina”).
Shard, Laplanlia, queen, mirror, eternity. ("The Snow Queen").
Sea, wind, witchcraft drink, pain, prince (“The Little Mermaid”).
Task 4. The next task is called “How much?”
How many fairy-tale heroes pulled a turnip? (Six)
How many months did you sit by the New Year's fire? (Twelve)
How many animals went to Bremen to become musicians? (Four)
How many eyes does Bastinda have? (One)
How many kids did the wolf steal? (Six)
How old was Uncle Fyodor when he learned to read? (Four)
How many times did the old man ask the goldfish? (Five)
How many gold coins did Karabas-Barabas give to Buratino? (Five)
How many heroes proposed marriage to Thumbelina? (Four)
How many monkeys are the length of a boa constrictor? (Five).
How many years did Sleeping Beauty sleep? (One hundred).
How old is Gena the crocodile? (Fifty).
Conclusion: Guys, you all did a good job, and this shows that you love these cartoons. After all, they instill in us correct ideas about good and evil, teach us good behavior, respectful attitude towards people, responsiveness, decency and honesty. Well done!

Presentation on the topic: Quiz “Good is stronger than evil in reality and in a fairy tale”

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At any holiday, a movie quiz can be an excellent solution to a competition issue. And if you are planning a party in the style of Soviet comedies or a la Hipsters or Old Cinema, then such a thematic competition will be just right. You can voice the questions yourself, or prepare pictures in advance and show them through the projector so that everyone present not only hears, but also sees the tasks.

1.Name the movie idol of all plumbers. (Answer: Afonya)
2. This Englishman introduced himself only as “Last name.” First name last name" (Answer: Bond. James Bond"
3. This hero ran for three years, five months, fourteen days and sixteen hours. (Answer: Forrest Gump)
4. Take a photo of actress Rita Hayward in advance so that they can ask: “What film did this actress involuntarily star in after her death? (The Shawshank Redemption)
5.Name the movie 1609 meters (Answer: The Green Mile)
6.Show the picture chemical element from the periodic table and ask to name the film (Answer: The Fifth Element)
7. By combining these concepts you can name the film: “December. Fish. TO." (Answer: the movie "12")
8.8. In Soviet cinema, he was both the captivating Ryleev, and an ordinary wizard, and the stylish father of a representative of the “golden youth”. (Answer: Yankovsky)
9.What do bratwurst, sausage, radish and Hamburg rooster have in common? “Name the movie” (Answer: the movie “Gentlemen of Fortune”)
10.Translate this sentence and name the film: One hell of a song (Answer: the film “Vann Helsing”)
11.Which film would be more logical to call “Kate and Leo”? (Answer: the movie Titanic, which starred LEONARDO DICAPRIO and KATE Winslet)
12. Solve the antiphrase and name the film “The Morning After Ivan Kupala” (Answer: “The Night Before Christmas”
13.Name Hollywood actor, who has white vestibular-auditory organs (Answer: James Belushi)
14. Give pictures of three tape recorders, two cameras, three cigarette cases and three suede jackets. The question will be “Give the victim’s last name.” (Answer: Shpak from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”)
15. They were the ones who were in the wrong system in the film “ White sun desert." (Answer: grenades)
16.What did Rolan Bykov direct in the film “Scarecrow”? (Answer: military band)
17.What country was Tom Hanks’s character in the movie “The Terminal” from?

Quiz dedicated to the year of cinema "Cartoon Connoisseurs".

(Answer: Krakozhia)
18.Name a film about the period that lasts from evening to morning twilight. (Answer: the film "FROM DAWN TILL DUSK")
19.This film could be called "Gladiator in the Forest." What movie is it about? we're talking about? (Answer: Robin Hood)
20. This event was named the 29th letter of the Russian alphabet. (Answer: Operation "Y"



Equipment: music Center, soundtracks with songs - karaoke; texts of fables, fairy tales; costume details, masks; phonograms of different genres of melodies; 4 sheets of whatman paper, multi-colored markers.

Very interesting program. It can be modified for different situations: for school holidays, holidays in companies and at home.


Leading. Hello, dear guys! Today we will go on an exciting journey - into the world of cinema. First, let's remember who is involved in the creation of the film? (Director, sound engineer, actors, lighting designer, costume designer, make-up artist, choreographer, stuntman, etc.)

Teams (3-4) are being formed. Teams can be formed in advance. Directors (team captains) are selected, and then the entire team - performers of male and female roles (4 people), sound engineer (1 person), dance director (1 person), costume designer, make-up artist, etc. The composition of the team should include: 6 to 10 people.
All teams are film studios. Representatives from film studio teams will participate in the competitions. The whole team thinks through the task, and a representative from the film studio shows or defends the project.
The presenter introduces the jury. It includes both adults and children, guests of the game program.

Competition "Our Film Studio"

Leading. Come up with a name and screensaver for your film studio. The screensaver should be depicted plastically and accompanied by music. You are given 3 minutes to prepare and demonstrate your screensaver.

A “Screen Test” competition is being held. The jury sums up the results.

Warm-up competition

Leading. Actors from film studios, 2-4 people each, must portray:

  • household appliances (vacuum cleaner, toaster, mixer, washing machine, gas stove);
  • animal (kangaroo, giraffe, squirrel, hedgehog, deer, fox).

Everyone chooses a card on which is written what he must depict. 30 seconds are given for preparation.

A competition is being held.

Leading. Actors from film studios must say the phrase: “Smile, we are being watched” with different intonations:

  • scared;
  • choking with laughter;
  • making excuses to a friend;
  • with gloating;
  • with longing in his voice;
  • with reproach.

Film Scoring Competition

Leading. Sound engineers are invited to participate in this competition. Your task is to imitate the sounds from the passage being read.

  • The presenter reads passages for each sound engineer in turn, and then repeats them again, but with sound accompaniment
    participants of the competition.
  • Early morning. Doctor Aibolit is sitting in a rocking chair in the room. The chair creaks pitifully. Grunting affectionately, the pig enters the room. Aibolit gently scratches her belly. The pig squeals with pleasure. The woodpecker taps rhythmically. In a hissing whisper, the Karudo parrot begs for sugar. The doorbell rings. Doctor Aibolit puts on his slippers and, shuffling his feet, goes to open the door.
  • Night. It’s quiet in ancient Kantemirovka. Grasshoppers chirp. The wind howls. The rooster crowed. The dogs immediately started barking. The chickens in the chicken coop clucked in response. The sound of footsteps was heard. The gate creaked. The dogs started barking again.
  • Stop station. The trackman, puffing and smacking his lips, drinks tea. The clock ticks steadily.

    Answers to the game 100 movies. 100 Movies Quiz - Answers

    In the distance you can hear the whistle of an approaching train. Sighing heavily, the lineman stands up, accidentally dropping his chair. He goes out onto the porch. The steps creak. A fast train rushes past.

  • Morning. A car suddenly brakes on the side of the road. Air comes out of a punctured tire with a sharp hiss. Slamming the door, the driver gets out of the car. The noise of a running engine is heard. Suddenly, a child's cry is heard from the car. A truck speeds past. The driver takes the pump and pumps up the tire.
  • Evening. Stormy applause can be heard behind the scenes of the circus. The tigers roared and the trainer screamed. The elephant suddenly steps on the keeper's foot. The sound of an ambulance siren is heard. The clown's inhuman laughter is heard.
  • Forest edge. In the silence you can hear the whistling of a scythe. Suddenly, a raven flies out from under the mower’s feet with a cry. The mower angrily grabs the gun and shoots. Misfire. Shoots again. A cow grazing nearby moos in surprise.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Silent Film Competition

Leading. And now our choreographers and actors must stage a dance-plastic sketch based on the fables:

  • "Dragonfly and Ant";
  • "A Crow and a fox";
  • "Mirror and Monkey";
  • "The Wolf and the Lamb";
  • “Elephant and Moska”, etc.

The teams choose the texts of the fables and background melodies by lot. Preparation time: 5-7 minutes. After showing the opposing team
and the audience guesses the name of the fables.
The jury evaluates the sketches.

Competition "Film Festival"

Leading. Film studio teams will choose cards with genres and stage a film based on the plot of a fairy tale. Preparation time - 10 minutes.

Genres: detective, comedy, musical, action, horror, fantasy.

Suggested fairy tale plots: “The Three Little Pigs”, “Kolobok”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”.

A competition is being held.

Tasks for spectators

Song quiz. Viewers must guess the song from the description and the movie where it was played:

  • A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat. (Song of Little Red Riding Hood.)
  • The song is about keeping your head, which is not of particular value to a little bear. (“There is sawdust in my head” - Winnie the Pooh song.)
  • A song about animals, thanks to which our planet moves around its axis. (“Somewhere in this world” - “Prisoner of the Caucasus.”)
  • A song about the primacy of aviation. (“Planes First” - “Heavenly Slug”)
  • Song about animals long ears working as lawn mowers. (Song about hares - “The Diamond Arm”), etc.

Performing guessed songs - karaoke.

Competition "Poster"

Leading. On a sheet of whatman paper with colored markers, film studio participants must draw a poster for their film in 1-2 minutes. The poster must include the title of the film, the name of the movie star, and the genre of the film.

The jury takes into account brightness, originality, and relevance to the theme of the film..

In the final, the jury sums up the results and awards the winners. You can design figurines - souvenirs similar to the Oscars. You can note not only the teams, but also the best players - actors, sound engineers, etc.

To view the presentation with pictures, design and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
Section 1. You can’t remove phrases from the film Normal heroes always take a detour! “Aibolit 66” By origin, I am from here, and by education, I am from there. “Varvara is beautiful, long braid” Everything is calm, calm, calm in Baghdad... “ Magic lamp Aladdin" · Guys, I have a mielophone! I didn’t tell them anything! · Have you tried local kefir? “Guest from the Future” · What are you doing here? The movie is already over! "Welcome or Unauthorized entry forbidden" - Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red one? - Why, grandfather, have you gone completely crazy? Drive away the groom and the dowry! “Morozko” · Oh, what a bliss it is to know that I am perfection! · What a disgusting manner: to bring sad news on such a happy day! "Mary Poppins, goodbye!" And along the road there are dead people with scythes standing, and silence! “The Elusive Avengers” · Three crusts of bread! · Bring your money, otherwise there will be trouble! “The Adventures of Pinocchio” · What kind of bull is this? He has an udder. This is a cow, Vasechkin. “The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin” / “The Vacation of Petrov and Vasechkin” And yet, where is his button... “The Adventures of Electronics” · Do smart children read what is written on fences? “About Little Red Riding Hood” - Ludwig, you are extraordinary, there is no one like you in any chicken coop in the world! - Yes... But the pigsty is full of them! “Red-haired, honest, in love” He treats mice and rats, Crocodiles, hares, foxes, Bandages the wounds of an African monkey. And anyone will confirm to us: Is this a doctor?

New Year's quiz on movie and book topics

My father has a strange boy, Unusual, wooden, On land and under water, Looking for a golden key, Sticking his long nose everywhere... Who is this?.. If only the evening would quickly approach, And the long-awaited hour has come, So that I can go to a fairytale ball in a gilded carriage! Nobody in the palace they won’t know where I’m from or what my name is, But as soon as midnight comes, I’ll return to my attic. An elderly man with such a beard. He offends Pinocchio, Artemon and Malvina, and in general for all people he is a notorious villain. Do any of you know who this is? The grandmother loved the girl very much and gave her a red cap. The girl forgot her name. Well, tell me her name! On the edge of the forest She sits in a hut. She doesn’t want to live in peace, She fools the princes. A mortar with a broom is dear to her, It’s harmful... It’s a fairy tale, not a joke, That there was such a duck, There was an egg in it, a needle in the egg, Death at its end. And The old man couldn’t live without these things... With blue hair and huge eyes. “Brush your teeth! Wash your hands!” Likes to lead! Who lives in an ancient pond, which is covered with brown mud, and takes care of the treasured key? Not just anyone will receive that key. Dad is a bow and mom too, the children are all like them. The eldest is true friend and the fellow, did quite a few good deeds. For Senor Mandarin Who is dangerous? The horse is zealous, long-maned. Gallops across the field, gallops through the fields. The horse is small in size, but daring. Confident in himself, even if he is incompetent, And by nature he is a big arrogant, Come on, you can guess him, Known to everyone under the name... Quickly remember the fairy tale: The character in it is the boy Kai, The Snow Queen froze his heart, But the gentle girl did not abandon the boy. She walked in the cold, blizzards, forgetting about food and bed. She went to help her friend. What is the name of his friend?

Quiz "Cinema"

1. How long does it take for twenty-four frames of film to pass before us? (In one second)

2. What academic title was unexpectedly awarded to the modest director? kindergarten, is he a “gentleman of fortune”? (Assistant professor)

3. Which English actress played the role of a woman - a symbol of the American character in the film based on the novel by Margaret Mitchell in 1939? (Vivien Leigh played the role of Scarlett O'Hara in the film " gone With the Wind»)

4. Who is the director of the cult Russian film"The Pokrovsky Gate"? (Mikhail Kozakov)

5. Who was the director of the American film " Godfather»? (Francis Ford Coppola)

6. Name the director of the film " star Wars». (George Lucas)

7. How many Oscar nominations did Titanic receive? (At eleven)

8. Name the movie character who most often explained his appearance on the screen with one word: “They shot.” (Said, “White Sun of the Desert”)

9. In what world-famous role was Sean Connery replaced by his young colleague Pierce Brosnan? (James Bond)

10. What was the name of the hero to whom Mikhail Schweitzer, Leonid Gaidai, and Mark Zakharov dedicated films? (Ostap Bender)

11. Which city in Europe hosts the most prestigious film festival? (Cannes, France)

12. Name the black hero Vladimir Vysotsky. (Arap Peter the Great - “How Tsar Peter married an arap”)

13. What film brought the first laurels to Kristina Orbakaite, as well as a nickname? (“Scarecrow”, film director - Rolan Bykov)

14. Which Soviet film was the first to win an Oscar for best foreign film? (“War and Peace”, directed by Sergei Bondarchuk, in 1965)

15. Which wonderful actor played the role of the devil in the film The Witches of Eastwick? (Jack Nicholson)

16. What is the first and last name of the director of the film “Pulp Fiction”. (Quentin Tarantino)

17. What is the first and last name of the film actor who played the main male role in the film “Pretty Woman”. (Richard Gere)

18. Give the first and last name of the actor who played main role in the movie "Terminator". (Arnold Schwarzenegger)

19. Who is the director of the legendary American film "Titanic" starring Leonardo DiCaprio? (James Cameron)

20. What is the name of the novel by the Strugatsky brothers, based on which Andrei Tarkovsky made the film “Stalker”? ("Roadside Picnic")

21. What is the first and last name of the predator trainer who played the main role in the film “Striped Flight”. (Margarita Nazarova)

22. How wonderful French actor played the main role in the film Les Misérables based on the novel by Victor Hugo? (Jean Gabin)

23. Who played the killer maniac in the American film "The Hitcher"? (Rutger Hauer)

24. Who was the director of the film "The Fifth Element"? (Luc Besson)

25. In which film do two Hollywood stars play at the same time - Robert De Niro and Al Pacino? ("Fight")

26. From which country did the first “soap opera” “Slave Isaura” come to our television? (From Brazil)

27. Which composer wrote the music for most of Federico Fellini's films? (Nino Rota)

28. In which film did Sharon Stone play Arnold Schwarzenegger's "decoy" wife? ("Remember all")

29. Who played the role of the old judge in Stanislav Govorukhin’s film “Ten Little Indians”? (Boris Zeldin)

30. Name the leading actors (male and female) in the famous French film “Fanfan-Tulip”. (Gerard Philip and Gina Lollobrigida)

31. From which country did Jean-Claude Van Damme set out to conquer America? (From Belgium)

32. Which actor played the lead role in the movie Beverly Hills Cop? (Eddie Murphy)

33. Who played the main role in the American film "Bodyguard"? (Kevin Costner)

34. What was the name of the first Soviet feature film? ("Start in Life")

35. Name the main male and female roles in the Oscar-winning Gone with the Wind. (Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh)

36. Who played the role of Alexander III in Nikita Mikhalkov’s film “The Barber of Siberia”? (The director himself is Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov)

37. Who played the role of Katherine in the American film adaptation of William Shakespeare's play The Taming of the Shrew? (Elizabeth Taylor)

38. Give your first and last name American actress and the singer who played the main role in the musical films “Funny Girl”, “Funny Girl 2”. (Barbara Streisand)

39. Name the director scandalous film"Caligula" starring Malcolm McDowell. (Tinto Brass)

40. In which film were the songs “Scows Full of Mullet...” and “Dark Night” first heard? ("Two Fighters")

41. Who is the director of the movie "Jaws"? (Steven Spielberg)

42. What was the name of the French film with Marina Vladi based on the story “Olesya” by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin? ("Witch")

43. Give the first and last name of the great Italian actress- Federico Fellini's wife. (Julietta Masina)

44. Which singer played the main role in the American film "The Bodyguard"? (Whitney Houston)

46. Who played the lead female role in the movie "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"? (Marilyn Monroe)

47. Who played the role of a person suffering from autism in the wonderful American film "Rain Man"? (Dustin Hoffman)

48. Who played a member of a garage cooperative who slept through the entire meeting in Eldar Ryazanov’s comedy “Garage”? (The director himself is Eldar Ryazanov)

49. Who played the main role in the film "Evita"? (Madonna)

50. Based on what classic work Is the plot of Roman Kachanov’s acclaimed film “Down House” based on this? (“The Idiot” by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky)

51. Which actress is currently the highest paid in Hollywood? (Julia Roberts)

52. Which Russian television series told about the everyday life of the tax police? (“Maroseyka 12”)

53. Which private is rescued in Steven Spielberg's film? ("Saving Private Ryan")

54. Which American actor played the leading roles in the films "The Patriot", "Braveheart" and "Ransom"? (Mel Gibson)

55. Name the director of the series “Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson”. (Igor Maslennikov)

56. Which French actor played the main roles in the films "Leon" and "Crimson Rivers"? (Jean Reno)

57. Which actress played the main roles in the films “Final Diagnosis”, “Cellular”, “No Mercy”? (Kim Basinger)

58. What is the first and last name of the American actor who played Indiana Jones in the film series? (Harrison Ford)

59. Which actor starred in the Die Hard film series? (Bruce Willis)

60. Who played the world famous boxer named Rocky? (Sylvester Stolone)

61. Name the movie that made Sharon Stone an overnight screen superstar. ("The basic Instinct")

62. Who played the role of the legendary Zorro? (Alain Delon)

63. Name the most famous black woman comedian actress USA. (Whoopi Goldberg)

64. Who plays the main male role in the series " Secret materials»? (David Duchovny)

65. In which film did Federico Fellini have the character Paparazzi? ("Sweet life")

66. What is the first and last name of the actress who played Lila in Luc Besson's film The Fifth Element? (Mila Jovovich - Yugoslavian of Russian origin, ex-wife of Luc Besson)

67. The famous Soviet director Ivan Aleksandrovich Pyryev died on the set of which film? (“The Brothers Karamazov”, in 1968)

68. Which actor played the main roles in the films “Dogma”, “Daredevil”, “Alien Ticket”? (Ben Affleck)

69. Which actor played the main roles in the films "With Wide eyes closed", "Minority Report", "Vanilla Sky"? (Tom Cruise)

70. Which American film brought in the biggest box office receipts on its opening day? (“The Matrix Reloaded”, USA, 2003. In one day in 3,603 cinemas, the film collected forty-two and a half million US dollars)

71. Which film (USA + New Zealand) grossed one billion US dollars faster than all other films after just nine weeks of release? ("The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King")

72. What was the first film in the history of American cinema to gross one billion US dollars? (“Titanic”, USA, 1997. Director - James Cameron)

73. What film did Paramount spend on producing? more money than any other company for any other film? ("Titanic")

74. Who was the director of the film “White Sun of the Desert”? (Vladimir Motyl)

75. Which actor played the main roles in the films “Parisian Mysteries”, “The Count of Monte Cristo”, “Fantômas”?

Cartoon quiz with answers for kids

(Jean Marais)

76. When was the first color film made? (In 1906, George Elbert Smith (1864-1959) patented color film)

77. Who was the first to be captured in moving pictures? (The first moving pictures for the Edison company featured James Corbetta, a world boxing champion)

78. What was the name of the first sound film? (“Don Juan”, USA, 1926)

79. What are the three largest film festivals in the world and what awards are given at them? (In Cannes (France) - "Palme d'Or"; Venice (Italy) - "Golden Lion of St. Mark"; Berlin (Germany) - "Golden Berlin Bear" and "Silver Berlin Bear")

80. Where was the world's first cinema opened? (In Paris on the Boulevard des Capucines, in the basement of the Grand Café, in 1895)

81. What is the Oscar awarded for? (In twenty-three nominations, as well as for the best foreign film of the year. In addition to the cash award, each winner is awarded a gold-plated Oscar statuette. Sometimes the award is also awarded for overall contribution to the art of cinema)

83. When did the first system for recording sound on film appear? (In 1912 in Great Britain)

84. Which real name film actor Van Damme? (Claude Warenburg, born 1960)

85. What was Van Damme's first role? (Role of Ivan from Russia)

86. Which maiden name at French actress Marina Vladi? (Polyakova-Baidarova, born 1938)

87. Participation in which film made Clark Gable a national hero of America? ("Gone with the Wind", Rhett Butler, in 1939)

88. What is the name of the prize that is awarded to the worst film in America? ("Golden Raspberry")

89. We cannot imagine this hero of the film series without a red and green striped sweater. Meanwhile, he was originally supposed to appear on screen in a black leather coat, but the costume designers lost the coat, and the camera assistant had to donate his sweater, knitted for him by his fiancee. What is the name of this movie character? (Freddy Krueger from the film series "Nightmares on Elm Street")

90. In this famous Russian animated series, the main role was to be voiced by Vladimir Vysotsky. For some reason, he could not do this, and the role was given to another wonderful actor. He voiced sixteen episodes, and then they filmed the rest without him. Name this cartoon series. (“Well, just wait,” the role of the Wolf was voiced by Anatoly Dmitrievich Papanov)

91. Name the actor-star of our cinema who was deleted from the list of the Lenin Komsomol Prize with the wording “For unhealthy popularity.” (Alexander Abdulov)

92. Name the baddest girl in Hollywood who started acting in television commercials when she was just eleven months old. (Barbara Streisand)

New Year's quiz for high school with answers

The quiz will be interesting for class teachers, teachers additional education, responsible for educational work At school.
Designed for students in grades 9-11.

Some quiz questions are taken here /prazdniki/novyi-god/viktoriny-na-novyi-god.html

Target: Improve children's knowledge about New Year celebrations.

- expanding knowledge on this topic;
- developing speaking skills in front of an audience
- cultivate a culture of communication.

Teams of 5 people.
Homework prepare a team name and motto.
The quiz consists of 4 rounds, between which there is a musical break.
1st round
The facilitator asks a question, the team that raises its hand first answers. For the correct answer 1 point.

1. In Rus', when the whole family gathered at the New Year's table, the children tied the table legs with a bast rope. What did this New Year's custom symbolize? (This meant that the family would be strong in the coming year and should not be separated)

2. Why didn’t the future poet Pushkin have a New Year’s tree during his childhood? (The Christmas tree in Russia began to be used as a New Year tree only with mid-19th century)

3. Why did Russians celebrate the New Year twice with an interval of four months in 1699-1700? (Because on December 19, 1699, Peter the Great issued a decree on the reform of the calendar in Russia. According to this document, the New Year began to be celebrated on January 1. The first January New Year in Russia was celebrated very widely for almost a day.)

4. Residents of which countries are the first on Earth to celebrate the New Year? (Residents of New Zealand and the state of Fiji. This is explained by the fact that these territories are geographically located closest to the date line)

5. What gymnastic trick does the Earth perform at the time of the next New Year? (turnover)

6. Who were the first people on Earth to celebrate the New Year in space? ( Russian cosmonauts Yuri Romanenko and Georgy Grechko, in orbit of the Salyut-6 station on January 1, 1978)

7. For Americans he is a saint, for the French he is a father. And who is he to the Russians? (In America - Santa Claus, in France - Pere Noel - Father Christmas, and Santa Claus gives us gifts)

8. In what month does our Grandfather Frost celebrate his birthday? (In November, more precisely - November 18. The children themselves came up with the date of birth of Father Frost, because it is on November 18 on his estate - in Veliky Ustyug - that real winter comes into its own, and frosts strike)

9. Name the historical homeland of the Christmas tree, and then the New Year tree? (Germany)

10. What was the name of the village in which amazing events took place on Christmas night, which N.V. told us about? Gogol? (Dikanka)

Musical pause

2nd round
All teams answer the questions of the second round. The answers are written on pieces of paper and handed over to the jury members. For a correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

1. Why in pre-Petrine Rus' the traditional New Year's treat of the festive feast was fresh apples? (Because before the calendar reform of Peter I, the New Year was celebrated on September 1)

2. With the arrival Soviet power The custom of decorating a Christmas tree for Christmas was abolished as religious. What year was it restored? (In 1935)

3. How ancient Russian city Is it considered the birthplace of Santa Claus? (Veliky Ustyug, Vologda region)

4. When Russian Grandfather Frost's granddaughter Snegurochka appeared? (In 1873, Russian playwright A.N. Ostrovsky wrote a play in verse - the poetic “spring fairy tale” “The Snow Maiden”)

5. An unusual one got into the Guinness Book of Records Christmas tree from Peru, as the largest spruce created from edible ingredients. Guess what the main and only ingredient was? (Potatoes. The Christmas tree took almost 100 kg of potatoes)

6. But Santa Claus harnesses not reindeer, but reindeer to his Christmas sleigh! What proves the truth of such a statement? (Presence of antlers. After all, male deer shed their antlers in the fall)

7. In Greece, on New Year's Day, guests place a stone on the owner's threshold, wishing him that this thing will always weigh no less. What is this thing? (Wallet)

8. Why in Hungary in New Year's Eve They don’t serve ducks, chickens, or geese on the table? (So ​​that “happiness does not fly away from home.”)

Musical pause

3rd round
Captains' competition “Believe it or not”

Only team captains take part in this round. A New Year's tradition will be read to you, and you must say whether you believe it or not. If the answer is correct, the team gets 1 point.

1. Do you believe that in Poland, garlic sweets are traditionally served on New Year's Eve (No).

2. Do you believe that in Cuba before the New Year, people fill all the dishes with water, and on New Year’s midnight, when the clock strikes twelve times, they create a real flood, at the same time pouring water out of the windows, wishing themselves that life would be the same in the coming year light and clear, like water? (Yes)

3. Do you believe that in Panama the New Year is celebrated with unimaginable noise: cars honking, people screaming, sirens wailing? (Yes)

4. Do you believe that in Mexico, the day before the New Year, dolls representing last year, and exactly at midnight on New Year’s there are explosions - dolls fly into pieces? (Yes)

6. Do you believe that in Sudan the most desired gift for the New Year is a green, unripe nut (Yes).

Musical pause

4th round
This tour brings to your attention pictures from films and cartoons dedicated to the New Year.

1 question. Name the names of these movie characters.

Answer: Harry Lime and Marvin Merchants

Question 2. Name the street where you lived main character film

Answer: 3rd Builders Street, building 25 apartment 12

3 question. Name the movie by frames

Answer: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

4question. Name the movie by frames

Answer: "Christmas trees"

Question 5. Who did you communicate with? main character cartoon in a hut?

Answer: With pike

Question 6 What are the names of the 3 oldest brothers in this fairy tale?

Answer: December, January, February

Musical pause
Summing up and rewarding participants

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