100 grams every day. Quotes from the movie welcome, or no trespassing allowed

Welcome, or no unauthorized entry


I'm waiting in horror parent's day. We don't have enough locals, so more bacilli carriers from the city will come. And why does he need this Parent's Day?
- Comrade Mitrofanov will come.

And this is not Inochkin’s first violation! On the day of his arrival, he fenced with sticks.
And after him, everyone began to fence, even the girls.
At night, under the covers, he lit a flashlight and read a book. And everyone began to read books.

Do you really think that it’s so easy for me to tear Inochkin away from my heart?

Keep your ticket. Is anyone at home?
- Grandmother.
- Good health?
- Yeah.
- Nothing. Maybe he'll survive.

When I was little, I also had a grandmother.
But in my entire life I could not grieve her to death.

Smells like a wolf! Or a badger!
-Have you smelled a badger?
- A hundred times.

What are you doing here, huh?

That's how it is... Yes, brother, you're a fool, it's obvious...
- I can’t hide anything from you. That's why you're a general.

Let's remember, guys, who do we call the most worthy?
- Who has good discipline?
- That's right, still.
- Who eats everything to the end. Who sleeps in a quiet hour? Who tears up grass for rabbits?

Is performing tricks a talent?
- Talent.
- Okay, sign me up, I’ll show you the flying lady.
- Come on, come on, that's right. Just no cards.

Pioneers, you are torturing a bird. Not good.

Very tested suits.

Where should I put it?
- Just wait.

They play on the go. Virtuosos!

What are you reading?
- Chekhov.
- For what?
- Funny.
- You laugh a lot. You'd better read the magazine "Counselor".

Mitrofanova. Such an uncle’s niece, and you’re setting up Babylons on your head. I speak clearly?

Liars, malingerers, crossbows. Go away!

Today is a flip, tomorrow gambling...Distraction from creative work!

Here the audience applauds and applauds. We finished applauding.

Kostya, keep in mind: if your head gets through, everything will get through...
- Yes, I know!

Where should I put it?

It is enough to live by the law given by Adam and Eve.
Let's drive the nag of history - left, left, left.

There is no need for this amateur activity.
- This is Mayakovsky!
- I know. Mayakovsky, which class are they in? And then, the topic is not the same. Adam, Eve...
- So what?
- No need.

Do it once. Do two. Three.
Well, how?
- Expressive.

We are cheerful, cheerful...
- Stop, stop, stop, stop! “Cheerful” should be said more cheerfully. How about “fun”?
- More fun.
- Well done, I understand.

Don't you dare hit the animal! She needs affection.

Guys, wake her up, wake her up - we're about to burn!

The total weight of the squad is 865 kg. That way, by the end of the shift they will have passed over a ton!

Again about Inochkin. Sit down! You better look at what's going on in your squad.
Everyone has gained weight - and the 3rd squad is marking time. What we came with is what we left with.
And in other units - every day - 100 grams! Every day - 100 grams. Or even 150!

And Inochkin is in the camp!
- What?
- And Inochkin is watching a movie.

You better eat, eat. The main thing is to lean on the soup. All the power is in the liquid.

Just think, the second day without the first.
- The second day without the first, the first day without the second.
- And two days without a third! I couldn't do that.

Day by day we live more and more joyfully and wonderfully!
- Listen, Earth, we’ll sing you a song about astronauts.

Space maps are loaded into the tablets.
And the navigator clarifies last time route.
Come on, guys, let's sing before the start.
We still have 14 minutes left.
- I believe friends, caravans of missiles
They will rush us forward from star to star.
On the dusty paths of distant planets
Our traces will remain.

Comrade Mitrofanov, Gagarin sang this song in space.

Greetings, fellow masks! Congratulations on Parents' Day!

Where is Mitrofanova?
- Everything will be now.
- You can't live without surprises.

Open up, queen of the fields!

They're already jumping. Jump, jump. Jump. Children.

What are you doing here, huh? The movie is already over.

“And this is not Inochkin’s first violation!” On the day of his arrival, he fenced with sticks. And after him, everyone began to fence, even the girls.
At night, under the covers, he lit a flashlight and read a book. And everyone began to read books.

- And there might be whooping cough!

“I’m looking forward to parent’s day with horror.” We don't have enough locals, so more bacilli carriers from the city will come. And why does he need this Parent's Day?
- Comrade Mitrofanov will come.

— I swim very well. Two twelve on the back! If I were a woman, I would be the Union swimming champion.

- What kind of buildings they built for you! What lawns were destroyed! Water supply, gas, steam heating!

- Children, remember: you are the owners of the camp. You! What is required of you, my friends?

— When I was little, I also had a grandmother. But in all these years I have not been able to sadden her to death. And he did it!

- Do you want compote?
- No!
- All!

- Smells like a wolf. Or a badger.
-Have you smelled a badger?
- A hundred times!

-What are you doing here? A?
- You, let's get out of here!
- Okay, okay...
- Shoo, go for a walk!
- It’s itchy, huh!

- Tomorrow we have to take a record height. In terms of discipline, in terms of organization.

- Is magic tricks a talent?
- Yes.
“Okay, sign me up too: I’ll show you the “flying lady.”
- That's right, well done... Only without cards!

- Pioneers... and you’re torturing a bird!

- You, Mitrofanova, are such an uncle’s niece, and you’re setting up Babylons on your head! I speak clearly?

— I freed the instrumental quartet from sleep - let them practice...
They play on the go... Virtuosos!

- We pump DDT so that
the microbe was destroyed.

- Why should we, poorer than others, wrap our children in tissue paper?!

“Here we throw rings, here we throw balls, here we catch pins with a loop on a fishing rod!”

- Where should I put it?
— …
- Where should I put it?!
- Just wait!..

- Do it once. Do two. Three. Scatter. Well, how?
- Expressive.

- Here the audience is applauding, applauding... They’ve stopped applauding!

- What is your blood group?
- Third.
- And we need a thirty-third group. This is very rare blood!

- What are you reading?
- Chekhov.
- For what?
- Funny.
- You laugh a lot. I would rather read the magazine “Counselor”.

- We are cheerful, cheerful...
- Stop, stop! “Cheerful” should be said more cheerfully. How about “fun”?
- More fun!
- Well done, I understand.

- You better eat, eat. The main thing is to lean on the soup. All the power is in the liquid!
- Just think: the second day without the first!
- Second day without the first, first day without the second...
- And two days without a third! I couldn't do that.

— I told him, “Where should I put it?!” And he said, “Wait!” No, I’ll finish the shift, and then I’ll put the question bluntly - either I or he.
- Just wait!

- Well, how can you explain to a person that, for example, you need to love children?

-Where is the “queen of the fields”? Where is Mitrofanova?

“Other squads are gaining weight every day, but yours are marking time.”

- Weight gain - minus 100 grams! This is what these babylons on their heads bring!

- Kostya, keep in mind: if your head gets through, everything will get through...
- Yes, I know!

- “The pioneer is an example of fun.”

- I can not.
- Why?
- I can’t, that’s all!
- He has g-a-ands.

- Grandma will arrive, but Kostya is not there... it will begin - “Where is my grandson? Where is my grandson?”

— This song, Comrade Mitrofanov, Gagarin sang in space.

- Yes, interesting...

“They got caught with nettles, they’re taking the cutlets out somewhere... Maybe they’re preparing an escape?” Or even worse...

- Guys, who will give the cake?

- Inochkin, you were a blood enemy for me, and now you have become a blood brother. But I still won’t return you to camp! You swam in the wrong place!

- Will they kill Fanfan?
- They will kill, they will kill!

- Greetings, fellow masks! Happy Parents' Day!

- Every day - a hundred grams, every day - a hundred grams. Or even a hundred and fifty. That way, by the end of the shift they will have passed over a ton!

- Sharafutdinov?
- Minus three grams!

- And Inochkin is in the camp! And Inochkin is watching a movie!

- Be more rude to me, be rude!

- Mechanic! Let's!!!

- Who is there? Boys? Very good! And the girls? Great! What are you doing here?
“We’re playing cards... like a fool.”
- ...Today is a game, tomorrow is gambling... A distraction from creative work! I speak clearly?

- Oh, dear... oh, poor thing... and he’s trembling like that... And he looks like it! Well, he looks like Kostya! The spitting image of Inochkin!

- Who will be the “queen of the fields”?
- We know who, Mitrofanova. She has an uncle...

- Who is there? Counselors? Very good! And the manager of the farm? Great! What are you doing here?
- Let's have dinner...
- What?!
- Let's have a snack!
- Eh-eh... Found the place and time! So that tomorrow you won’t see it! And then we'll talk...

- They’re already jumping. Jump, jump. Children...

- Comrades! I wanted the best! So that children gain weight... So that there is discipline... How can this be, comrades...

*Quote from the movie “Welcome or No Trespassing”

Vecherka inspected children's health camps.

With nostalgia for childhood and the pioneer summer, VP journalists, together with the city interdepartmental commission, recently visited three country health camps located in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region: “Green City”, “Fregat” and “Zerkalny”.

Let us note right away: the choice of camps was not random. “Green City” is a camp that was formerly departmental and is now private (it changed its form of ownership back in 1992, becoming joint stock company). "Fregat" is one of the camps with difficult fate, formerly departmental, then for a number of years not working at all, in 2012 transferred to the state budgetary institution“Youth Health and Recreation Center” of the Education Committee. After repair work The camp opened last year, so this is its second season. Well, there is no need to explain what the “Zerkalny” camp, which is called the northern “Artek”, is. This camp opened back in 1969 precisely as a camp for Komsomol and pioneer activists (it was and is a division of the Palace of Youth Creativity).

A The general trend in country children's camps is this: they become more comfortable. Multiple bedrooms for fifteen people, with a toilet in the yard and a separate building in which you can take a shower, are becoming a thing of the past. The buildings are being reconstructed, and now rooms for 4 - 8 people with amenities on the floor are in order (and there are also more modern buildings with a block system, when two rooms have a sanitary block).

Counselors from other Russian cities also come to “Green City”

"Green City"(24 hectares of territory, accepts 450 people per shift) can be proud of its permanent staff: both teachers and counselors, and children. In the summer, counselors come here even from other cities, including Siberia. They come because it’s interesting to work here. Among the staff there are those who once vacationed in the “Green City” as a child. Operates in the camp and international program with the involvement of volunteers from other countries.

The camp even has a leadership council made up of children. Problems are actively discussed, adjustments are made, and ideas are proposed, all within a calendar year. The camp has its own VKontakte page, where everyone can perform.

— Modern children are more liberated, they know more about their rights, they love debates. Moreover, the debate topics are suggested by themselves. The topics of smoking, family relationships, and health are very relevant. And at the same time, they are as open and kind as their peers were in the pioneer era,” emphasized Natalya Fedorova, deputy general director on pedagogical activities.

There is also a lively corner in the camp: kids can ride a pony, and older ones can ride a horse. And reindeer also live here.

The Green City plans include the construction of new two-story cottages for two squads, a swimming pool, and a stadium with locker rooms.

Children swim in two outdoor pools. But soon there will be a four-lane indoor pool. The food, as the children said, is delicious, and even with the right to choose the first course. Meals are five times a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, evening dessert). And boys and girls from sports and creative teams, children of working citizens, children from preferential categories.

Fregat looks confidently into the future

Camp "Frigate"(territory 10.8 hectares, 200 children per shift rest), as we have already reported, it has only been operating for the second year after reconstruction. And there are many similar camps in the Leningrad region, restored with government funds after being abandoned. Recently, two more camps were added to the list of such camps. Including the camp, located in a wonderful place - on the shores of Lake Lembolovskoye. There are plans to open a camp there for teenagers from vocational schools. As noted by Zhanna Vorobyova, the chairman of the education committee, who participated in the visiting interdepartmental commission, it is the camps located in good places, where there are places for swimming.

There are no special differences between private and city-owned camps. Normal living conditions, good nutrition, varied leisure time.

The Frigate camp, of course, has everything you need. The canteen, club, medical building, water tower, and residential buildings were renovated. By the way, they are made of stone, two-story, with rooms for 4 people. So the conditions are quite comfortable. It is clear that both clubs and sports sections work here. Our immediate plans include opening another gym with mirrors for dance and choreography classes.

Among the know-how of the camp, we note the possibilities of aerial photography, as well as the system of incentive bonuses for solving intellectual riddles, which the children really like. For bonuses you can get pleasant surprises.

In the Fregat camp, as in the Green City, children from creative and sports groups, children of working citizens, boys and girls from preferential categories rest.

“Mirror” is turning into a city of happy childhood

The last camp on our way - "Mirror"(today its territory is 23 hectares, 370 children per shift rest there). This, of course, is a fairy-tale camp, and it has always been a special honor to be included in it. And as before, children involved in artistic and creative activities, young athletes, school and kindergarten activists are sent here. public organizations. Only a small part of the tours are sold for cash.

The permanent (since 1986) director of the camp, Alexander Nikolaev, gives us a tour. Everything amazes the imagination: the territory, where probably every square centimeter is well-groomed, and the indoor swimming pool (it has its own beach, and a cabin boys club with sailboats), and gym Olympic class, in which training is recorded, which is then viewed, and, accordingly, the coach can easily point out mistakes made by the students. Even the art (drawing) room here is not the same as everywhere else. Huge - in two parts, including the artist's studio. What a school this is! (The camp operates year-round, and children can be sent here for quite a long period of time.) A masterpiece of architecture, well-equipped classrooms and laboratories, a cinema and concert hall with 500 seats, a training hall ballroom dancing. The residential buildings are spacious, with a block system of rooms.

The camp is actively developing. Totally agree last years 11 new buildings for year-round use were built here, and another 16 were reconstructed. The immediate plans include the reconstruction of treatment facilities, which will make it possible to receive not 380 people at once, but 600.

Now another 65 hectares of territory have been officially transferred to the camp. So they will build and build here. Until 2018, it is planned to admit 700 people per shift, and by 2025 - already 2,025 children. That is, there will be a whole children's city. Let's list just some of the objects that will be put into operation: eight residential buildings, two sports palaces - summer and winter sports, an analogue of Fort Bayard (on an island in the lake), an environmental center, a cable car training road, a space center with a wind tunnel, children's television, a medical center with a hydropathic clinic, an equestrian school. And, there is no doubt, all this will happen. The development of the camp is supervised not only by the city, but also by the federal authorities.

The first shift went well, but there are some shortcomings

At the end of the trip, a meeting of the visiting interdepartmental commission was held, which included representatives of the education committee, sanitary doctors, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and other organizations responsible for the recreation of our children.

Summary: the first shift went well. There were no outbreaks of disease in the camps. However, during the inspections, violations were discovered, but they were minor and did not lead to a deterioration in recreational conditions. Unfortunately, even camps considered exemplary are not immune from violations. There is only one reason for the violations - human factor. In most cases, they relate to non-compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime.

The downside of this season is: sad story with country camp LLC "Sports Development Center DOL "Liga" in Smolyachkovo (our newspaper already talked about this in the issue of June 16 in the material). Let us briefly recall: the camp with good territory and sports grounds was not accepted for operation due to numerous violations. The shortcomings were never corrected. And yet, in violation of the law, 500 boys and girls were sent there privately in early June. (The camp was not included in the state order, did not participate in the health and recreation programs of the Education Committee and district administrations, and was not included in the list of camps accepting children of working citizens.) As soon as the relevant services learned about the unauthorized entry, the children were taken away the very next day taken out. The case has been transferred to the prosecutor's office. The activities of the camp were suspended for 90 days by court order, and a criminal case was opened against the director.

So parents need to be vigilant when purchasing vouchers. Information about camps that have received permission to accept children can be obtained from the one mentioned at the beginning of the article. Health and Recreation Center "Molodezhny"(http://www.coo-molod.ru). There you can also find out which camps still have vouchers for the 3rd and 4th shifts.

Didn't open DOL "Golden Horn" in Komarov. It was also not included in the state order, but in this case no one was hurt, since there were no children arriving. There was no children’s camp as such, since there was a recreation center for adults on the territory, which the owners of the base planned to repurpose as Kid `s camp. We didn’t have time to repurpose it.

During the first shift (according to preliminary data), 45,384 St. Petersburg boys and girls rested in the camps (which is a thousand more than in 2014). Of these, 16,935 children are in city camps (which is 800 more than last year). And in total, 130 thousand children from St. Petersburg will rest in the camps over the summer.

Parents who did not have time to buy their child a ticket to the camp can still do so. There are still vouchers for the 3rd and 4th shifts.

Menu of the camp “Green City”

Breakfast: butter, ham, cheese omelette, yogurt, cocoa, tea.

Dinner: tomato salad, choice of soup (potato with beef and peas, cabbage soup with chicken, milk soup), beef stewed with prunes, buckwheat porridge, compote.

Afternoon snack: bun with poppy seeds and kefir.

Dinner: cheese, fresh cabbage salad, chopped chicken cutlets, boiled potatoes, fruit juice.

Evening dessert: banana.


During the 1st shift, 363 camps accepted children from St. Petersburg various forms properties located on the territory of St. Petersburg, the Leningrad region, as well as in Crimea and a number of other regions. During all shifts, 10,369 children will rest in Crimean camps (last year’s figure was 1,700 children).

As for children with disabilities, they were provided with 3,186 vouchers for the 1st shift. These children rested in three health institutions located in the south, and in two located in the Leningrad region.

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