Real heroes take a detour. Lyrics - normal heroes always take a detour

Rating: R- fanfictions in which there are erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Humor- humorous fan fiction."> Humor, Action- fan fiction, full of action, battles, chases. Emphasis on actions, not on dialogues and relationships."> Action, Everyday- description of ordinary everyday life or everyday situations."> Everyday life, POV- the narration is told from the first person."> POV, Banter- comical situations on the verge of mockery, sometimes black humor."> Banter Warnings: OOC- Out Of Character, “Out of character” is a situation where a character in a fic behaves completely differently than one would expect based on his description in the canon."> OOC, Violence- description of actions of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence, Obscene language- the presence of obscene language (swearing) in the fanfic."> Obscene language, Mary Sue (Marty Stu)- an original character, according to general opinion, who is the embodiment of either the author himself or what the author would like to be. Mary Sues are usually easy to spot because they are all stunningly beautiful and indescribably smart. Sometimes perfect image Mary Sue is also invested in some canon character."> Mary Sue (Marty Stu) Size: Maxi- big fanfic. The size is often larger than the average novel. From approximately 70 typewritten pages."> Maxi, 177 pages, 10 parts Status: completed
Reader Awards:


Award the fanfic "Normal heroes always go to waste"


What does it mean to "be a hero"? No, it's a bullshit question. How about: what is the life of a hero when he is no longer a hero? Or is he not quite a hero? Or is he not a “hero” at all?
What to do if you're not a fucking hero, and it doesn't bother you at all?

What is “talent” and what is “persistence”?
And what exactly can you do if you are pushed against the wall?

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Author's Notes:

All books are taken into account, but not without surprises, because the author does not agree with many things in the canon. No legacies or bottomless safes, he’s already amazingly cool and actively flaunts it. Events take place many years after the war.

Swearing speech! I warned!

And also, several mini-comics are planned about the life of our Potter both before and after the events of the fanfic.

It's a pity that not all Israeli soldiers were watching Soviet movies, otherwise they would know that @normal heroes always take a detour@.

A group of military personnel on foot reached a base near Palestinian Gaza. It’s still hot, and you’re in full combat gear, and even your cell phones are dead, and you really want to go to Insta and look at photos of chicks. In short, we need to hurry.

I don’t know which argali came up with the idea of ​​taking a shortcut, but it seems the flock accepted the proposal with enthusiasm.

Well, they went, scorched by the sun, along the security fence. And the fence is smart, but not enough. They didn’t teach him how to define “friend or foe.” The bastard reacts not to nationality, but to the movement. Signaled. The buzz, or rather hipus (search), began. Of course, breaking the border. Entrances and exits to nearby settlements were closed, and a local group was alerted rapid response, the officers, giving up playing shesh-besh and shouting “kibenimat,” jumped out of their offices.

They called in Bedouin trackers, who, by the way, will be no more stupid than electronic systems. They looked at the marks left by the characteristic army boots, clicked their tongues, and twirled their fingers at their temples.

All's well, as they say, that ends well. Glory to the Creator that the fake heroes were not shot by the Hamas or, even worse, by ours, however, the latter told them what they thought of them, without mincing words.

In connection with this event I remembered a story. I will try, as usual, bekitser, so as not to steal the reader’s precious time.

If I'm not mistaken, it was in the year 2002 in Samaria. Late in the evening, tired from being on duty, I took a shower. I moved the lever all the way to the right to make it colder, although no matter what, the water in the boiler warmed up to the temperature level of the Israeli summer sea within a day. Before I could wash off the sweat, the siren sounded. And the only clothes at hand are a machine gun and a short towel. Covering his loins, he ran out of the shower. And then, as luck would have it, girls, not even girls, brats about thirteen years old. We froze. They haven’t even seen muscular, half-naked, tanned men in movies; the settlement is ultra-religious. War is war, but decency must be observed, so I jumped into my caravan and changed clothes.

People hid in their houses, closed the doors, and moved away from the windows. For some reason, the rapid reaction squad does not respond, but we must look, first of all, for the location of the breakthrough. Luckily, they called my Bedouin friend Salam (the hero of the story “Bedouin”), who has, figuratively speaking, a night vision device in his eye. We found a gap. The rods are not bent towards the settlement, but vice versa.

The ranger took a closer look at the ground and said: “All clear! These are yours: a boy and a girl.” We followed the barely noticeable tracks, walking quietly, so as not only not to frighten them, but also not to frighten them.

Soon we saw a young man tenderly hugging a girl. Maybe they even kissed, but I’m not sure, it seems that my distorted memory is coming up with the plot of “One Thousand and Second Nights.”

Seeing armed people, they jumped up, but after examining them, they calmed down.
I didn’t give a lecture on the international situation; the kids were already in a cage and broke free. “It’s a young business, I really understand and even approve, but why break fences?” - I asked politely.

“It’s much shorter this way. And they wouldn’t let us out of the settlement,” answered the dissatisfied young man. After being silent for a while, he asked: “Don’t say that I was with her. She has a very strict father. Please!"

"Fine!" - I agreed, for some reason remembering “The Straw Hat”, although it would seem that there was some connection. “Just promise that you won’t damage the fence again.”

The guy in love happily nodded his head.

And a few days later, when the third star rose in the sky, the alarm went off again. Anything could have happened, it was an alarming time, but this time I knew the reason, so I was in no hurry.

Normal heroes always go around
From a song of robbers, written by composer Boris Tchaikovsky to poems by Vadim Nikolaevich Korostylev (1923-1997) for the film “Aibolit-66” (1967, director Rolan Bykov). This song of robbers is sung by Barmaley and his accomplices.
Allegorically: about someone’s strange, unreasonable, indirect ways of achieving a goal (jokingly ironic).
V. N. Korostylev is also the author of the famous “Song about good mood"(music by Anatoly Lepin) for the film directed by Eldar Ryazanov " Carnival Night"(1956):
And a smile, without a doubt.
Suddenly touches your eyes,
And good mood
Will not leave you again.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

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    Razg. Joking. iron. About whose l. cowardly act. /i> Spread under the influence of the song from the film “Aibolit 66”. Elistratov 1994, 87 ...

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Moves curves digs
Underground smart mole.
Normal heroes
They always take a detour!
Normal heroes
They always take a detour!

To go around, of course,
Not very easy.
Not very nice
And very far!
Not very nice
And very far!

But that's what they do
Only the sages.
They approach with a detour
Only the brave ones!

Fools, building a hero,
They rush forward
Normal heroes
It's always the other way around.
Normal heroes
It's always the other way around.

And we are off the wrong path
We won't turn back
And it will be necessary again
Let's go the wrong way!
And it will be necessary again
Let's go the wrong way!

Translation of the song lyrics Barmaleya's song - Normal heroes always take a detour

Moves curves digs
Smart underground mole.
Normal heroes
Always go around!
Normal heroes
Always go around!

Bypassing to go, okay,
Not very easy.
Not very nice
And very far away!
Not very nice
And very far away!

But do
Only sages.
Bypass looms
Only the Braves!

Fools, character building,
Rush forward
Normal heroes
Always vice versa.
Normal heroes
Always vice versa.

And we with the path curve
Back will not deviate
And I will again
Come on curve!
And I will again
Come on curve!

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