Urgant was fired from Channel One after a statement from the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. Reasons for the absence of the “Evening Urgant” program on Channel One Is Urgant leaving Channel One


Just recently, every evening from Monday to Friday, half an hour before midnight, Ivan Urgant spent this day with us. WITH good mood, good music and those people who are interesting to him.

In January 2018, the program disappeared from TV screens and viewers became worried and began to put forward different theories about the closure of the program...

Where did the program in “Evening Urgant” go in 2018: why wasn’t it shown?

Program " Evening Urgant"was sent on vacation as planned, and not closed due to the scandal that occurred in one of the last episodes of this season - this was reported by the management of Channel One.

Let us recall that in one of latest broadcasts the presenter allowed himself a painfully familiar three-letter word. Which, of course, was beeped, but everyone, of course, heard and understood.

The audience was divided into two camps. Some people criticize the TV joker: cultured person I shouldn’t allow myself to do this, especially on the air of the First. Others appreciated the joke - after all, the participant in the program was the scandalous singer Sergei Shnurov, known for his love of Russian folk music. And Ivan simply played along with the heroes of the program, adapting to them.

For example, he said to fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev: “What a darling you are! What kind of sandals do you have!” This means that Vanya will now begin to groan languidly in public or completely change her wardrobe.

The leadership of the First left the incident with swear words without attention.

Now a more global question is being resolved: will “Evening Urgant” return to air in the new season? Is there still audience interest in Ivan’s “solo brainchild”? It’s no secret that many people complain: Urgant’s jokes are simply not funny to them. And the program's ratings indicate this very clearly.

Where did the program in “Evening Urgant” go in 2018: when was the first episode?

Hurray, it's done...!

Watch today on Channel One at 23.20 the program about the fate of which Russians were worried.

Today our guests are Valery Meladze, Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov.
Evening Urgant. First channel. 23:20

First release in 2018! Guests are the mentor of the new season of the show "The Voice. Children", singer Valery Meladze, as well as the wonderful married couple– opera performers Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov.

And it’s also waiting for you new release headings "View from below", a musical number from Valery Meladze and many more interesting things!

The program has returned to television screens, the winter holidays are over!

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The broadcasts of the program “Evening Urgant” stopped appearing on television, which caused strong indignation among viewers.

For many years now, every week, at the same time, a program appears on television screens, which is watched by all of Russia and beyond. IN Lately humor lovers do not observe this. Everything refers to the scandal, but perhaps there are other reasons. Many are interested in whether it will ever air again and what to expect next. The channel's management will be able to answer these questions.

Why is there no Evening Urgant program on TV in 2018, the project is stopped

The program “Evening Urgant” has always been associated with cool and funny interviews with stars. Came to the show famous personalities from all over the world, not to mention Russia. Although the Americans have the same project, they and other foreign actors gladly came to the show to see Russian fans. Despite the fact that there are more and more stars, any program becomes obsolete over time. The ratings of the program began to fall rapidly and everything is due to the fact that the audience became uninteresting and unfunny. Many people are no longer amused by Ivan’s humor and ratings suffer because of this. But, as management stated, this was not a reason to close the project.

Why is there no Evening Urgant program on TV in 2018, will the project continue

The management of Channel One stated that they were not going to stop the program’s releases and she went on “vacation” by prior agreement. Everyone needs to rest sooner or later. The management also denied the theory that the program was closed after the last episode with Sergei Shnurov. Ivan decided to remind everyone of the inexhaustible wealth of the Russian language and said a word consisting of three letters. It would seem logical, especially in front of such a guest, but many considered it incomprehensible, especially for such a channel. But not all people reacted this way; many appreciated the joke and found the situation very funny.

The lack of transmission may also be due to the absence of guests. Management complained that people coming to the show didn’t really understand what they needed to do. Instead of boringly telling how great they are, they must earn airtime. It is clear that not everyone is charismatic and confident, but this makes it difficult to work.

The management also agreed with Ivan that they would not look at the ratings. Try to be funny and interesting programs, to maintain a similar format in Russia. So, the program “Evening Urgant” should soon appear on television screens and delight viewers again.

Management Russian First channel made a completely adequate decision in the situation in which Russia found itself due to the inappropriate jokes of presenter Ivan Urgant.

The scandal continues around Russian TV presenter Ivan Urgant. Today it became known that the management of Channel One broke the contract with the showman and suspended the filming of projects in which he was the host.

According to a source in Channel One, the reason was yesterday’s statement by the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, which stated that Urgant’s behavior undermines the relations between the two fraternal states. At a time when negotiations are underway to join Customs Union, the channel does not want to be associated with a person whose jokes could cause the breakdown of international agreements.

On the other hand, Ivan himself does not try to resolve the conflict. On his Twitter account, he published several more jokes about Ukrainians, and during filming next program“Evening Urgant”, the host constantly made jokes about Kazakhs, Bulgarians, Baptists, orphans and people with Alzheimer’s, writes the Reporter.

Let us remind you that it will air on April 13 cooking show“Relish” Ivan Urgant uttered the phrase: “I chopped the greens as a red commissar of the inhabitants of a Ukrainian village.” Guest of the program, director and actor Alexander Adabashyan, in response to these words, joked while clearing the knife of celery: “And I shake off the remains of the residents.” The dialogue was accompanied by laughter from the audience.

Member of the Ukrainian Batkivshchyna party Nikolai Tomenko sent a letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in which he asked to pay attention to the offensive statements of the Russian TV presenter. Nikolai Knyazhetsky, a deputy from the Batkivshchyna faction and the head of the editorial board of the Ukrainian TV channel TVI, said: “We cannot allow ourselves to be humiliated by the people whom we invite to our television and pay them money.”

Ivan Urgant apologized on Monday evening for what he said via his Twitter: “I apologize to all residents of Ukraine who were offended by my inappropriate comment in latest issue program “Smak” (“Taste” - Ukrainian). As a self-punishment, I undertake to cook only borscht, dumplings, and dumplings in this program until 2018 inclusive. And all the children born to me from this moment on, regardless of gender, will be called Bogdan. Yours, Ivan “Podcherevok” Urgant. It’s a shame, Vanya, it’s a shame...”

Sensational news spread around Russian media– one of the most beloved presenters on the domestic television screen, Ivan Urgant, became a citizen of Israel. According to the Russian-language Israeli publication Vesti, he arrived in the country on June 10 and received an Israeli citizen identification card right at Ben Gurion Airport, in a special department for repatriates.


At the same time, his wife and children received new citizenship along with Ivan Urgant. According to the Israeli Vesti, the presenter will return to Russia on June 11. The publication does not specify whether this is a final escape from Russia or simply obtaining an additional passport. At the same time, the showman’s father, as it turned out, knew nothing about his plans. “I can’t clarify this for you, because I don’t know, to be honest,” the radio station “Moscow Speaks” quotes Andrei Urgant.

The presenter himself did not comment on the situation. Fans noticed that he had not shown any activity on the Internet for two days. No new photos appeared on his Instagram page. Subscribers began to wonder where Ivan Urgant had disappeared.

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