How old is Alina Gros now? Alina Grosu: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Since childhood, Alina loved to sing and dance. Therefore, it is not surprising that the girl recorded her first song at the age of 3. In the winter of 1998, Alina won the “Mini Miss Ukraine” competition in the “Little Young Lady Talent” category, at the same time the girl was noticed by the popular singer Irina Bilyk, who began to support Alina and gave her several songs.

Alina is the only Ukrainian singer who has been working on the professional stage since the age of 4. At the age of seven, she and her parents moved from Chernivtsi to Kyiv and began working professionally in show business. To date, the singer already has seven solo albums. And the third album, “The Sea Is Worried,” went gold.

Alina Grosu is the winner of all-Ukrainian and international competitions, a participant in major projects, but she failed to win the Ukrainian selection for Junior Eurovision. Alina’s mother even planned to challenge the selection results in court, considering them falsified. By the way, it is the parents’ money and their desire to make their daughter a star that many consider to be the reason for the rapid development of the girl’s career.

Alina participated in all “Hit of the Year” competitions on a level with adult artists. It was from this competition that the four-year-old singer began her professional career. She was named “Person of the Year 2001” in the “Child of the Year” nomination. She also participated in the third season of the dance show “I Dance for You.”

In 2009, the singer’s parents received a letter inviting them to a conversation with the Deputy Minister of Family, Youth and Sports of Ukraine. They were accused of improperly raising their daughter and were even threatened with deprivation of parental rights. Officials were outraged that the underage actress was dancing with half-naked men. We are talking about Alina’s video “Everybody Dance!”, filmed in the style of sadomasochism.

Growing up and changes in her inner world affected Alina Grosu’s repertoire, and already in the fall of 2009 the singer presented her new composition “Wet Eyelashes.” In the first week alone, the song's online preview was streamed more than 20,000 times. The video was directed by Alan Badoev, who called the music video the most touching and beautiful story about pure school love. And now the singer, together with her team, is actively working on new material for the future album.

The singer's maturation is marked by her interest in her personal life. In one of the programs, Alina once complained that security was assigned to her after some pedophile began writing letters to her: “I was recently at a disco and I wanted to kiss someone, all that... but for I have security guards walking everywhere.” At the same time, her mother does not pay attention to such complaints, believing that the main thing is career and safety.

With the money she earned from her performances, Alina bought a Lexus. However, for now, according to the law, she is prohibited from driving, so she mainly rides in the forest.

Alina Grosu is a Ukrainian actress and singer who works in the style of dance music. The artist has been known since childhood as a talented performer. Today she is an accomplished star, who has several studio albums to her credit. Alina does not plan to stop there, but continues to experiment with musical forms and sound.

Childhood and youth

Alina Mikhailovna Grosu was born in the Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi in June 1995 in the family of an engineer and a nurse. Later, Father Mihail Grosu opened his own business and was elected to the local city council.

In addition to the girl, the eldest son Roman, Alina’s half-brother on his mother’s side, was growing up in the family. On her father's side, the artist inherited Moldovan roots. In 2017, the parents gave their daughter a younger brother, who was named Mikhail in honor of her father.

The creative biography of Alina Grosu began in early childhood. At the age of 3, the girl took part in the “Mini Miss Ukraine” competition. It was then that Alina achieved her first victory - she sang and took the lead in the “Little Young Lady Talent” category.

While studying in Moscow, Alina began her film career. She made her debut on television with a cameo role in the series “Moscow. Three stations." A year later she received one of the supporting roles in the Ukrainian project “Bird in a Cage”.

Grosu became a member of the New Wave in 2015, after which she received many angry comments on social networks and the media. Compatriots condemned the performer for her duet with and collaboration with his production center.

In mid-October 2015, Grosu issued a statement in which she spoke about the persecution and threats. Nevertheless, the performer continued to collaborate with Russian filmmakers.

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Alina Grosu in a swimsuit

After a series of melodramas, which were filmed in her homeland, the artist appears in the detective story “Lawyer-9”. In 2016, she starred in the comedy film “I Love My Husband,” a modern interpretation of the operetta “Die Fledermaus.” A year later, Grosu appeared in the joint project “Specialists”, where she played in one of the episodes.

After a long break, in 2018, Grosu presented a new album, called “Bass”. This is the sixth work in the artist’s discography. At the same time, the presentation of the single “Lie” took place. The girl decided to change her stage name to the pseudonym GROSU.

The first single after that was the song “Rain”, and then hits from the next studio work “Loved” and VOVA appeared. In the video clip “Wildly Loved Vova,” Grosu reincarnated as a Catholic nun.

Personal life

At the beginning of 2015, the world discussed the plastic surgery that Grosu allegedly performed. The girl denied that she had undergone changes in her appearance, citing a busy schedule and weight loss. Indeed, with a height of 169 cm, the actress’s weight reached 53 kg, which could not but affect Alina’s appearance.

The situation was commented on by the famous plastic surgeon Dmitry Slosser, who confirmed that Grosu resorted to the services of his colleagues. He said that the singer had a brow lift, plastic surgery of her lips and nose, and reduced the size of her cheeks by removing her molars. Before plastic surgery, the girl’s face looked plumper and her nose a little larger.

Interesting men began to appear around the celebrity. In 2016, Alina appeared on a date with the actor who played the leading role in the film “Stairway to Heaven”. Later it turned out that the artist played the main role in the singer’s video for the song “Dog@”.

Alina Grosu was born in 1995 in the city of Chernivtsi (Ukraine). She grew up in a simple family, but later her parents managed to improve their financial situation. Her father worked as a foreman at a factory, then decided to change his occupation and started doing business, and later became a deputy of the city council in his hometown. Alina’s mother worked as a nurse, then became involved in political activities and even ran for the Verkhovna Rada from the Radical Party.

Grossu did well at school, but from an early age she was interested in music and singing. Noticing their daughter’s talent, the parents tried in every possible way to develop it. Alina studied vocals and took part in competitions. Mother and father spared neither time nor money for their beloved daughter. Already at the age of 3, she took part in the “Mini Miss Ukraine” competition and won in the “Young Young Lady Talent” category. Later there were other victories. Due to her active creative life, Alina often missed classes at school and it was decided to transfer her to home schooling.

In 2007, Grosu entered the Utesov Academy of Variety Circus Arts, Faculty of Musical Arts. In 2010, Alina moved to Moscow and entered VGIK. She studied at Igor Yasulovich’s course and received the specialty “Theater and Film Actress”.

Creative path, career

Alina performed on stage from a very early age and in 2001 was recognized as "Person of the Year", winning in the "Child of the Year" nomination. She demonstrated extraordinary hard work and sometimes participated in concerts along with adult and popular performers.

Fateful on Alina’s path was her meeting with the popular Ukrainian singer Irina Bilyk. Grosu considers her his creative godmother. Irina liked the little girl so much that she wrote several songs for her at once:

  • "Rushnichok";
  • "Freedom";
  • "Little Love"

Alina Grosu has successfully recorded several studio albums. The third collection was “The Sea Is Worried”. It brought her extraordinary popularity and went gold. A record number of studio discs were sold.

Grosu and her work have always been accompanied by scandals. One of them broke out in 2009. At that time, the girl was only 13 years old and she released a video for the song “Everybody Dance.” The video turned out to be very provocative. A group of dancers appeared in it wearing underwear and leather collars. The young singer’s parents were even called for a conversation with the Deputy Minister for Family, Youth and Sports of Ukraine.

Alina Grosu was born in Ukraine, but studied in Russia and another scandal was associated with this. When the girl was a student at one of the Moscow higher educational institutions, her mother began to build a political career. For this reason, the girl had to quit her studies. The celebrity herself also expressed her disagreement with Russian policies. But in 2015, unexpectedly for everyone, she performed his song on “New Wave” in a duet with Grigory Leps. This caused a wave of criticism against her.

Alina Grosu is not only a successful singer, but also an actress. She tried herself in different roles and took part in the filming of films:

  • "Bird in a Cage" (2013);
  • "Crime in Focus" (2014);
  • “I Love My Husband” (2016);
  • "Specialists" (2017).

All these roles were episodic. But Alina is confident that she will still be able to prove herself in this direction. She dreams of being invited to one of the main roles in an interesting film.

In 2017, Grosu presented a new video “Alcohol”. In it, she appeared before the audience in the unexpected image of a man. In the same year, another video of hers, “Last Night,” was released.

Personal life

Despite her interesting appearance and popularity, Alina is still not married and is not in a serious relationship. She didn't even have high-profile novels. Grosu prefers not to advertise personal things and journalists and her fans learn about some events in the life of the star only some time later.

Alina actively maintains a page on social networks and in one of her posts she shared with subscribers that on the day she turned 18, she learned about the betrayal of her beloved man. The singer also said in an interview that she met with Argentina national team defender and former Spartak player Marcos Rojo. The girl wanted a serious relationship. At the time of the meeting, she knew very little about him. For Alina at that time he was just a “nice foreigner.” Later she learned that he was married and at the height of their romance, his daughter was born. This hurt the girl painfully.

Failures in her personal life did not break Alina, and recently rumors have begun to appear more and more often that they are connected with actor Mikael Aramyan not only by friendship.

Alina is a versatile and creative person. In addition to her professional activities, she plays sports, dances, travels a lot, and loves to communicate with friends. She never learned to cope with criticism addressed to her. The singer is still upset when journalists write that she was able to build a career only thanks to her father’s money, or articles come out about the fact that she has had a lot of plastic surgery. The star denies all surgical interventions, but experts in the field of plastic surgery have a different opinion on this matter.

In the winter of 1998, Alina won the “Mini Miss Ukraine” competition in the “Little Young Lady Talent” category (Ukrainian: Little Pannochka Talent), which was held by the Galakton company; At the same time, the popular singer Irina Bilyk noticed the girl, began to support Alina and gave her several songs that made Alina Grosu famous in Ukraine.

At the age of six, Alina Grosu moved from Chernivtsi to Kyiv and began working professionally in show business.

The singer has four solo albums. The third album, “The Sea Is Worried,” went gold.

Alina Grosu is a participant in such major projects as “Person of the Year”, “Song of the Year”, “Junior Eurovision” and World Music Awards; pop singer, performing both independently and in collaboration with other popular musicians.

In 2010, Alina Grosu graduated from the 11th grade of Pechersk gymnasium No. 75 in Kyiv as an external student.

In August 2010, Alina left for Moscow, where she entered the All-Russian State University of Cinematography.

In the “Let Them Talk” program on ORT, Alina Grosu said that a security guard was assigned to her after she was proposed to by a man older than her, whom she mistook for a pedophile.


  • Father - Mikhail Mikhailovich Grosu (August 4, 1967, Chernivtsi) - worked at a vocational school as a foreman, engineer, then a tax inspector, later became a businessman and deputy of the Chernivtsi City Council, has a legal education.;
  • Mother - Anna Andreevna Grosu, a nurse by training;
    • Maternal half-brother Roman Kalandzhiy (b. 1985), when Alina was 6 years old, studied at the Chernivtsi Polytechnic College, has a legal education, is a realtor, and is engaged in the furniture business..


  • 2000 - Together with me (Together with me)
  • 2002 - Bdzhilka (Bee)
  • 2004 - The sea is agitated
  • 2006 - I am Kokhana Donechka (I am my beloved daughter)
  • 2008 - I want to be naughty
  • 2008 - On the 19th floor
  • 2010 - Chalk on the asphalt

Grosu Alina Mikhailovna (b. 1995) is a Ukrainian actress and pop singer who has been performing professionally on stage since the age of 4.

Birth and family

Alina was born in the Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi on June 8, 1995.
The time after the collapse of the Soviet Union was difficult for all former republics. In Ukraine, the formation of a new state was also taking place, and the life of the Grosu family could not be called cloudless at the time of the birth of their daughter. Mom, Grosu Anna Andreevna, has a medical education. She received the profession of a nurse, but practically did not have time to work on it, since her daughter was born and Anna was raising her.

Dad, Mikhail Mikhailovich, despite having a legal education, had to change many professions in order to support his family: a master at a vocational school, a tax inspector, an engineer. In the end, he got tired of hanging around enterprises and working for someone, Mikhail opened his own business, and his business turned out to be quite successful. He helped his hometown a lot, for which the residents elected Mikhail Mikhailovich as a deputy of the Chernivtsi City Council.
Alina has an older brother, Roman, who is his mother’s half-brother.

Childhood and first musical steps

The melodic Chernivtsi region is famous for such pop stars as Sofia Rotaru and Ani Lorak. Everyone sings there, so little Alina was surrounded by music from an early age. As soon as the girl learned to speak, her parents had already found a good vocal teacher for her, and classes began.

From an early age, Alina grew up to be a very developed child. Her curiosity knew no bounds; she could ask so many questions per minute that adults simply did not have time to answer them.

However, Alina Grosu's childhood was completely different from that of ordinary little children. Before she had time to learn to speak and walk, she was destined to begin her creative path in life.

At the age of three, the baby became a participant in the “Mini Miss Ukraine” beauty contest, which was organized by the company “Galakton”. Alina’s first victory came precisely on this project. In a competition where she had to show her talents, Grosu sang and charmed the jury with her performance. Alina received the “Little Young Lady Talent” prize.

A neighbor in Chernivtsi, seeing what an active child Alina was growing up and learning about her participation in the competition, told her parents: “Yes, you need to prepare your child for admission to Moscow State University!” That’s when mom and dad began to give their daughter a full schedule: math and English classes, singing and playing the piano, and dancing. At the age of four, Alina already knew the entire multiplication table.

Dad’s business developed well, and my parents had the financial opportunity to shoot videos. They began recording the performances of their little singer and soon took part in the next competition. It was the Bingo music festival. Since Alina was the youngest participant, she was chosen as the mascot of the event and was awarded a prize - a certificate for free recording of a song in the Nova studio in Kyiv.

Creative path

In Kyiv, a pretty girl with a wonderful voice was noticed by the Ukrainian pop star and composer Irina Bilyk. She gave Alina a recently written song “Rushnichok”.

Thus began a close and fruitful collaboration between an adult famous singer and a little aspiring star. Bilyk wrote several more songs for Alina: “Freedom”, “Bee”, “Little Love”.

The girl with pretty curls became popular in Ukraine along with famous singers, began working professionally in show business, and the family had to move from Chernivtsi to Kyiv.

To date, Alina Grosu has released several solo albums:

  • “Along with Me” (2000);
  • "Bee" (2002);
  • “The Sea is Troubled” (2004);
  • “I want to be naughty” (2008);
  • “Chalk on the asphalt” (2010).

The sweet curly girl turned into a beautiful girl, and the repertoire also changed. The touching and romantic composition “Wet Eyelashes” became a real lyrical hit. The video for this song was shot by famous video maker Alan Badoev; he called the composition the purest story about school love. This hit was written by the talented author and composer Yulia Gai. Grosu continued to successfully collaborate with her further. The result of this collaboration was the songs “Chalk on the Asphalt” and “Forgive Me, My Love,” for which romantic videos were also filmed.

She toured almost all of Ukraine with concerts, very often Alina was invited to perform at events dedicated to City Day in such megacities as Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Lvov, Odessa, Kyiv.

In 2015, the New Wave music festival took place in Sochi. Alina did not take part in the competition program, but at the closing ceremony she sang in a duet with the popular Russian performer Grigory Leps. For this performance she was criticized by Ukrainian fans. Later, unknown people began calling the young singer and threatening her with death for collaborating with Russian show business.

Of course, Alina is bitter to realize that such persecution began against her in her native country. How can art be so connected with politics? And besides, who doesn’t dream of singing a duet with Leps himself? How could she refuse such cooperation? “I am a singer and I find my calling in creativity. But it turns out that she has become a hostage to the political situation.”

Despite such threats, Grosu signed a contract with the production center of Grigory Leps. The songs “Jealous”, “Rozhdestvenskaya”, “Dogs@”, released in the first year, instantly won the hearts of listeners. Alina calls Grigory Leps her idol, follows his example in everything, and gets great pleasure from working and communicating with him. She is impressed by how the singer manages to combine stage, business and a big happy family.

During her creative career, Alina managed to receive many awards:

  • She won first prize at the Ukrainian music festival “Song Vernissage”.
  • She was a diploma winner of the Russian competition “Morning Star”.
  • In 2001, in the Ukrainian competition “Person of the Year”, Grosu became the winner in the “Child of the Year” category.
  • She has repeatedly become a laureate of the Ukrainian festival “Song of the Year”.

Alina Grosu’s record has not yet been broken by anyone; she remains the only Ukrainian singer who has been working on the professional stage since she was four years old.


In 2008, in Kyiv, Alina graduated from Pechersk Gymnasium No. 75 as an external student and entered the Utesov Academy of Variety Circus Arts. Naturally, she chose the department of pop singing at the Faculty of Musical Arts. Many teachers were skeptical of her and directly asked why she entered so early, because at that age they were still in school. But Alina was not embarrassed by such questions. If she felt that she was capable of more, then why stop there? In 2010, the girl graduated from the Academy with honors.

In the summer of 2010, Grosu went to Moscow, where she became a student at the All-Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK). At the acting department, Alina chose the specialty “Film and Theater Actress”. She studied at the course of Igor Yasulovich.

At VGIK, Alina did not feel too comfortable at first; her classmates were older and more experienced. Despite the fact that she performed on stage from early childhood, when she began to be trusted with roles in student productions, the girl developed a complex. It happened that I cried at night and complained to my parents. But my mother said in response: “I decided, so do it. You can!"

And she was really able to prove to both her parents and herself that it was not in vain that she left for a distant foreign city and entered a theater university. I gradually established contact with my classmates and played a lot in student theater productions. Alina visited Kazan with performances and a student troupe, and then abroad - in Georgia, Vietnam, Germany.

Her dream came true. Many girls at an early age dream of becoming a singer, but Alina did not need to dream about it, she conquered the stage at the age of four. But she really wanted to be an actress, or at least a clothing designer.

Alina graduated from VGIK with almost “excellent” grades; she was one “A” short of a diploma with honors. She could study for another year and get a degree in directing, but for now she doesn’t need it, she has too many creative plans.

other hobbies

Now Grosu is not only a singer, but also a lyricist. She owns poems for such compositions as “Adult”, “Yours forever”, “Throw it away”, “Brakes”. Many of the texts have a deep meaning; I can’t even believe that they were written by such a young author. She began writing poetry at the age of seven, and now Alina has accumulated enough works to publish a collection. In general, she really dreams of writing a book. I already started it three times, but after a few chapters I gave it up due to lack of time.

Grosu took part in the Ukrainian popular projects “Dancing with the Stars” and “One on One”, where she certainly became the audience’s favorite.

Alina loves to cook and experiment in the kitchen. True, she rarely eats the result of her creativity; she mainly cooks for her parents, brothers, and friends. Because her culinary delights include Ukrainian borscht and cakes, and the singer needs to keep in shape. Her daily diet mainly consists of light soups, baked chicken breast and lettuce. Lately Alina has become interested in Asian cuisine.

Even if she has moments when she eats up her bad mood with something tasty, then the next day she can easily sit on kefir alone. In general, Alina hasn’t eaten sweets at all for five years now, but she copes with it easily; she’s never particularly liked sweets. But the most delicious fried potatoes have to be sacrificed for the sake of the figure.

Sports occupy a significant place in Alina’s life. She trains in the gym every day, alternating cardio and strength training. And sometimes he goes for a run to get some fresh air and people-watching.

She names reading books among her favorite hobbies. He loves to retire and rustle through the pages of a good novel.

To the question: “What else is needed for happiness?”, the singer answers: “Nothing, I have everything. Family, friends, work." All that remains is to get married and have children, but Alina Grosu still has all this ahead of her, because she is so young.

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