A small script for congratulations on February 23rd. Scenarios for Defender of the Fatherland Day ★ (February 23)

This scenario is suitable for a celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, when family and friends gather. Children can also attend the celebration.

The room can be decorated with balloons of green (“protective”) color or white, blue and red (in the colors of the flag); paper airplanes and stars.

The favorite dishes of all the men present are prepared for the treat. You can come up with an original menu (let the children draw it up on a piece of paper), in which the dishes will be named in a military way, for example, naval pasta, “Soldier’s Dream” cutlets, “General’s Visit” salad, “Brave Captain” seafood, etc. d. The highlight of the dinner will be a cake in the shape of a five-pointed star.

Presenter raises the first toast: Today is a big holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! On this day, it is customary to congratulate all military personnel, everyone who served in the army, and everyone who has yet to do so. But even those men who have never put on and are not going to put on military uniform, today are also full-fledged heroes of the occasion!

Our dear men, you fight every day for the well-being of your families. Therefore, each of us can say about our beloved half, as well as about our dad and grandfather: my dear protector!

Women give gifts to men, children also prepare gifts for fathers and grandfathers in advance.

Presenter: Tonight will not be quite ordinary... As usual holiday events? First there is a formal part, and then a banquet, buffet, and so on. But we decided to deviate from tradition and invented our own type of holiday - a banquet-concert! What does it mean? This means we will be both treated and entertained at the same time!

Our dear defenders, of course, have already relaxed and are anticipating pleasure... But a surprise awaits them! The main participants in the impromptu concert will be themselves! Yes, yes, men, because the heroes of the evening are you! But the first number in our program is still from women... We have prepared a song about you!

Song “Dedicated to men” (to the tune of “March of High-Rise Installers” from the film “Height”).

You are not stokers, you are not carpenters,

Not oligarchs, not singers,

You are very valuable workers, yes,

Husbands and the best fathers!

Behind you the house is stronger than a fortress,

And it’s like we’re behind a wall,

Forgive us for attempts at jealousy, yes,

We are yours with heart and soul!

We really have nothing to worry about,

When men are nearby!

Today you are the heroes of the evening, yes,

Poems and songs in your honor!

Do not refuse us a favor

And invite me to dance

Otherwise, without you, without your tenderness, yes,

We will cry and suffer!

Women invite men to dance.

Then a toast is raised: Once upon a time, man and woman were one being, with two pairs of arms, legs and two heads. These creatures lived on earth, got on well, until one day they greatly angered the gods with something. And they decided to divide them as punishment. They separated and calmed down. Time has passed... The gods look at the earth: the halves are together again! The gods got angry and separated them a second time - they sent them jealousy and scandals. More time has passed. The gods looked at the earth and were amazed: not only were the halves together again, but small creatures were also running around them!.. So let’s drink to the halves never being separated, despite the machinations of envious people!

Presenter: Men, our dear men... Today we only talk about them. They are our support, the stronger sex, and these are not just words. What qualities should you have? a real man? I think you know this very well! Firstly, he must be fearless... There is a proposal to test our defenders for fearlessness!

Game “Pass the checkpoint”

The game is simple: each man must crawl under the table to the opposite side. The one who, in the general opinion, does it the most skillfully or most originally (taking into account age) receives a small prize.

Presenter: Our men cannot be denied courage and dexterity! Let's discuss further. Secondly, a real man, of course, is not devoid of creative abilities! After all, they help him find a non-standard way out of difficult situation... We should check whether the heroes of the occasion have a creative streak! Just the next number concert program The ensemble's performance has been announced. This will be the song and dance ensemble of the Soviet Army!

"Soviet Army Ensemble"

All men participate.

Their task: to sing a military song (which everyone knows, for example, “Katyusha” or “Darkie,” etc.). You can do it with karaoke, you can do it without it. Men are asked to voluntarily divide into those who will sing and those who will be the “back-up dancers,” or they are appointed.

After the song, the presenter thanks the participants and proposes a toast to them - talented and resourceful.

Presenter: Our defenders performed simply beautifully! But, friends, that's not all. We haven’t even named half of the qualities inherent in real men. And the next point, it seems to me, is this: a real man should always tell the truth and only the truth! He simply needs this quality in order to confuse all opponents and adversaries... And only today we had the opportunity to test men with a lie detector. Who knows, maybe they are hiding something serious from us?

Lie detector test

The presenter asks questions to each of the men in turn, to which they must answer quickly and without hesitation (the presenter warns: only the truth!), but instead of “yes” they should say “That’s right”, and instead of “no” - “No way!” .

1. Would you like to fly into space?

2. Do you often give girls flowers?

3. Is your dream Claudia Schiffer?

4. How long have you been doing plumbing repairs in your home?

5. You have serious feelings to your wife?

6. Are you annoyed by your boss?

7. Do you doubt your sense of humor?

8. Do you know what your wife is thinking about?

9. Are you satisfied with your appearance?

10. Did you have a funny nickname as a child?

11. Are you afraid of anger?

12. Are you afraid of looking funny?

13. Is it easy to negotiate with you?

14. Can you dance tango?

15. Did women confess their love to you first?

16. Do you know how to drive a diesel locomotive?

17. Do you like your spouse's hairstyle?

18. Is a holiday in the country healthier than a holiday in the Caribbean?

19. Do you fly in your dreams?

20. Are you attracted to mulatto women?

After the survey, the presenter asks the women whether their husbands were truthful enough and what they lied about. A toast is raised.

The presenter says that throughout the holiday there is also a competition for the most careful “eater”, because a real man should be able to eat well and beautifully.

Presenter: Let's continue our conversation about men... Why do we actually need men? Maybe we could do without them? I counted and counted and counted at least twenty-three points why we need men! Just in honor of February 23rd!

Twenty three reasons

(joke poem)

Why do we have men?

I know twenty-three reasons:

To paint and saw,

Entertain and have fun,

Bring finances to the family

Sing romances under the windows,

Paying compliments

Cook dinner a couple of times,

Throw out the trash once,

Raise sons and daughters,

Plant onions in the dacha

Eating tirelessly

Plaster, build, glue,

Dispel all doubts

To caress and hug,

Accept the apology!

What else is a man for?

Take your car for repairs,

Buy a beaver fur coat,

Nail the shelf tightly...

Well, the main reason

What are men for?

Love us without memory!

The presenter asks each of the women to add her own reason to this unique list.

After this, a toast sounds: let's drink to the skillful hands and inquisitive minds of our dear men!

Presenter: How else do real men differ from fake ones? Well, of course, there weren’t and aren’t any fake ones here!.. A real man must have a sense of humor! It allows you to look at some of life's troubles with a smile... And I invite men to show us their sparkling humor by taking part in the war jokes competition!

Jokes competition

Men can tell not only jokes, but also stories, funny incidents army years. The winner of the competition is awarded a prize - a humorous book or magazine.

Presenter: Our men are the most cheerful and witty, no one doubted it! But a real man, in addition to this, must also be clean. For example, he never scatters socks and beer bottles, but neatly puts it all under the sofa... And if suddenly tomorrow he has to rush into battle, he will easily do what any soldier should be able to do! This is exactly what we will check now, especially since everyone has been sitting a little too late.

Competition "Footcloths"

In this competition, men compete in their ability to wrap “foot wraps,” which requires toilet paper (one roll for each participant). The game is on to cheerful music. The fastest, but at the same time careful, wins.

Game "Minefield"

The task is as follows: while the song is playing, women must move around the hall, under no circumstances touching the floor, for which men carry them in their arms.

Presenter: And now you won’t believe it - we’re going to play spin the bottle! But no, it won’t be at all the “bottle” you thought about. And we'll play literally this word. We already have enough empty bottles, let's collect them. You'll get a real military orchestra! Now we will see who will play better - female Music band or male!

A bottle playing competition is held between women and men. You can not only play, but also sing.

Presenter: We can list many more traits that true men are endowed with, but let’s not forget about the most important thing. Of course, a real man is a knight of his beautiful lady! He will give everything for her, including his life. Have our gentlemen lost their knightly qualities? Are they still capable of showing tender feelings?

Game "Anonymous Confession"

The task is this: men must write declarations of love for their significant other (or for daughters, mothers) on pieces of paper in one or two sentences, without indicating names. The presenter collects them in a cap or hat and mixes them. Then he takes out one at a time and reads it out. The one to whom the confession is addressed must guess that the words were written specifically to her.

For confessions, men are given kisses.

Presenter: Well, friends, on this romantic note, the planned part of the program of our banquet-and-concert is coming to an end. We still have an awards ceremony ahead of us, and then - complete improvisation!

It seems to me that we need to thank our incomparable defenders for their patience, because they got a lot from us today. And also because we simply have them... Maybe they have a desire to say a response?

The men offer a return toast to the ladies.

Presenter: And now - the award ceremony for the defenders, so to speak, at the end of the evening!


For the award ceremony, the presenter has prepared paper medals, which are awarded to the men. On the medals are written the titles awarded to men: “the bravest defender”, “the wittiest defender”, “the most charming defender”, “the most romantic defender”, “the most brilliant defender”, “the most patient defender”, “the youngest defender” ( to kid).

You can also add funny titles, for example, “the most mustachioed defender,” “the most..bald defender,” “the most glamorous defender,” etc. Women decide who gets which medal. It’s okay if someone gets more than one.

The evening continues with dancing.

Games for dancing

"Tenderness". Dancing couples must hold their foreheads together balloon IR. You can't drop it. Those who drop get “penalty” glasses.

“One head is good...” . This is a variation of the game described above, when dancing couples are given a cap (one for two) and must be put on and held on their heads.

"Epaulettes" . Paper “epaulets” are placed on men’s shoulders (you can use napkins). The task is the same: do not drop them during the dance.

"General." A “general” is selected from among the guests by lot (this can be a woman). During the evening, others should salute when addressing him (her). The one who forgot fulfills any wish that the guests come up with for him.

"First second". The “General” commands all guests to pay “first or second” (in no particular order). Then he announces that the first numbers must invite the second ones to romantic dance, and it doesn’t matter what gender they are.

Scenario of the game program for February 23"Beauty Contest" is ideal for a party dedicated to February 23rd. The script is a mixture of good entertainer and interesting competitions. If you add a small banquet program to it, a few concert numbers and fiery dance, it will be a great holiday for everyone. (Thanks to the author of the idea)

Introductory part of the script "Beauty Contest"

To carry out the program you will need: 5 self-knitting ties, 4 1000 ruble bills, 3 chairs, 2 boxes of matches, 2 potatoes, 2 ropes, 2 clothespins.
Four chocolates are needed as gifts, a bottle of champagne.

Leading: Good evening, Dear guests! We are going to have an unforgettable evening today, because without delay, I am going to organize a beauty contest among the men present. I hope we have some brave souls! I warn you right away that, unlike the banal and familiar beauty contests between charming ladies, the stronger half of our tonight will not need to flaunt in swimsuits, showing off toned torsos and athletic figures - under no circumstances. After all, true masculine qualities lie not only in the charms of the exterior, but, on the contrary, all the value is in the internal content! I hear not all the ladies agree with me!? Of course it's good appearance welcome: an elegantly dressed man is very pleasant to look at. But what is this elegance worth if the descendant of Adam does not know how to keep his word, is rude and even vulgar? Is his strength in his brutal appearance when he doesn’t know how to make money? The main attractiveness of a man lies in reliability and constancy, if only the secret of attractiveness can be put into a universal formula!

Leading: However, we’ll leave the debate about attractiveness for later. And let us remember one simple folk truth that people are greeted by their clothes. Remember how it was with Pushkin, who himself was not one of the last dandies: “Like a London dandy dressed...Onegin goes to a masquerade”! Let's discuss what should be worn by a person who claims to be a “dandy” and a socialite?

(there will be many options here, among which the presenter should grab the answer “tie”).

Leading: Undoubtedly! You can’t do without a tie, because this is perhaps one of the most elegant accessories! Please, get up on stage! Your name? Very nice! I ask you to wait a little - and I will certainly get you companions for the future competition! So, every real man - according to popular female opinion - should be able to count money. So we’ll check how many men there are among our honest company who, without going into their own pocket, can accurately name the amount of cash in it?

(among the respondents there will definitely be someone who will say “not at all!” or “zero!”, and we invite this person to go on stage).

Leading: Bravo! A frugal man is not one who does not buy anything, but one who keeps his money in a bank account! Please introduce yourself! Very nice! Join the waiting group, and we will proceed with the further selection of players. And I need the guests to now name something that from time immemorial has been valued more than money and other material values!

(someone of the guests will definitely say “it’s time!”).

Leading: Absolutely right! Hoary time that only a clock can calculate. So let's synchronize our watches! Who has how much? Oh, I see there are those whose clocks are a little slow! However, yours, young man, are in a hurry. Apparently you are in a hurry to live and feel? Or are you in a hurry to become the third contestant? Come on stage, please! And meet: these are your rivals! Look, you can’t take your eyes off - like Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets! Tell me, dear guests, who else is in world history culture and literature were three?

(the last player who gave the final answer wins and goes up on stage).

Leading: And now, my friends, choose your own fifth comrade, with whom you will soon have to measure your strength. We greet you! Introduce yourself! So, we meet the participants of the beauty contest!

The competitive and gaming part of the program on February 23:

1 competition.

Leading: As they say, we are starting KVN, that is! Well, there is no better decoration for real men than an elegant collar, correctly placed on the neck... uh, tie! Therefore, gentlemen, you will receive one tie each. Your task is to race to tie a tie, naturally, around your neck with any knot you wish. When the player is ready, he must quickly raise his hand up, marking the end of the process! So, let's start! (you need to keep a close eye on whoever ends up last in this race is eliminated, having receivedconsolation prize - chocolate). What can you do? You just needed a few moments! But, as the French say, this is “ce la vie”! Dear friend, you will have to return to the hall to this thunderous applause!

2 competition.

Leading: When the tie is tied, it's time to talk about money. As I already mentioned, a true man must be able to earn money. But why work if you don’t know how to spend money?! And even let them down the drain! Now we’ll check who’s worth what: here’s a bill for each of you. You need to quickly fold it figuratively and put the money on the table. The wind, of course, will be your own lungs. Attention, your task is to blow on the money figurine so that it flies as far as possible! Let's blow! So, who did it best? Here comes the loser, because your bill landed too close to you. Well, don't worry: you're just the most frugal of them all. Get a consolation prize. And there are three players left again! You are simply beautiful!

3 competition.

Leading: So let's continue! Please bring us three chairs! On these chairs, gentlemen, I suggest you lay out your future catch. What I mean? Do you remember we talked about what is more valuable than money? And the time was called. And we measure it by the hour. And here is another proverb about time: “Seven do not wait for one”! what is this for? Besides, in the next competition you go down to the hall and collect seven wristwatch. You quickly return to the stage and place your catch on a chair. Ready? Let's start! (someone will definitely be the last). Oh no no no! Well, what can you do - you turned out to be a little slower! Or a little happier?! After all, happy people don’t watch the clock! And here is the consolation prize!

4 competition.

Leading: Don't worry, generous donors of their watches - albeit temporarily - everything will be returned to you! And the most interesting thing is ahead of us - this is the last competition, which will give us the opportunity to name the winner! And the competition will reveal the most charming and attractive among the candidates! Do not worry! There is no need to paint your lips or curl your eyelashes! But let's remember what measures to attract people of the opposite sex does Mother Nature provide? Right! This is a mating dance! So the most charming one will be revealed through dance movements. Some accessories you'll need are a simple string with a potato on one end and a clothespin on the other end. The task is simple: having attached a rope to your belt using a clothespin, you need to swing the potato with your hips and bring the box of matches to the finish line. The box needs to be pushed by the swaying root crop. Something like this! (demonstrate!).

Attention! Only the hips are used, whose oscillatory movements should become the main source of thrusts! So, bring the main gun into a calm position! Gentlemen, there is no need to compare whose is shorter and whose is longer - believe me, in this dance size does not matter! One, two, let's start! (of course, the winner is determined). Hooray! Here he is - our handsome man! sex symbolN-ska andN-sky district! I am very sorry that I have to part with you! But you fought to the end, but turned out to be a little calmer. But we know that the quieter you drive, the further you will go! Here's your consolation prize, and the winner is a bottle of champagne! Now your name will be included in the tablets, but you will definitely confirm my words that all this, and even all the poems in the world, all the craziest and most amazing achievements, you, like all other men, do for the sake of the women you love!

The holiday continues, it is worth including in its program, for example this

5. Musical entertainment"RAP at a corporate party."

Leading: Which of the guests can tell me how long we have been resting? (guests offer possible answers) Great, let's find out how we relax? I need a girl and a young man to come out to me. There are no people willing, then I choose myself. Here you are. What is your name - reward with applause. How did you drink - fine, great. We will rap with you.

(Addresses the girl) Your words:

"And the sun rises-oo-dit and sets-oo-dit,
And we have a good rest
Purlim-pumpo E!"
Let's rehearse!
(To a man): And what’s your name - wonderful,

How do you feel - great!
Your party:
"And I labor, and I grunt, and tirli-tirli-don
A labor, a grunt, a tirli-tirli-don
Have a good rest E!"
Let's rehearse!
Dear ladies and gentlemen, it is fulfilled

for the first time a combined choir of rappers:
my words:
"We were going somewhere
we were traveling on a tram,
We rap religiously - we don’t need anything else!”

Then the rappers rap in turns. This competition is for the presenterit is better to carry out without "wallet tips" -

know everything by heart - then there will be an effect!

Men are invited to the premises where the celebration will take place.

One of the men (in command).
Rota, be equal. Attention! Dear women, built for the solemn reception of congratulations!

Presenter (reads poetry).
Once a year, at the end of winter,
All men are objects of admiration
And the reason for the big mess.
Strength of spirit and glimpses of genius
They become immediately visible
Once a year, on the threshold of spring.
Once a year, at the end of winter,
All men call us
Manifestations of unearthly feelings -
And softened hearts melt,
And frivolous dreams disturb
Once a year, on the threshold of spring.
Once a year, at the end of winter,
All men - both military and civilian -
From Rostov to Kolyma
Gifts, flowers and applause await.
You are on the crest of a wave today -
Like heroes of a great country.

Private ____________ two steps forward!

You _____________, a wonderful man.
Frank, honest, wise.
Kind and sociable,
Brave and decisive.
May not always be intelligent,
But he is competent in his field,
And condescendingly forgives
When they don't understand him.

_______________ walks into the fire without looking,
For a fair purpose.
With his energy he turns on everything and everyone,
And you instantly forget about your problems.
Where our _______________ is, you can hear laughter,
In his company you just relax.

Private _______________ two steps forward!
Our _______________ boss is super.
There is a masculine quality in him.
Okay, I found a reason
Tell him about this.
Being a deputy is not easy
He pulls a cart, of which there are not many.
Milk would be harmful to him,
But it is not harmful, thank God!..

At ease!

Please take your fighting places at the festive table!
Dear men! Congratulations on the Day of Defenders of the Motherland!
We congratulate you on the soldiers' holiday,
But we always want to see you only in civilian clothes!
And if you are in uniform, then only in sportswear -
For running, football and active life!

And now the female ensemble will perform a song for you:
Performed to the tune of the song “My friend has been married for a long time, but I keep dreaming about a prince.”
The wine is foaming in the glasses,
And we dream of congratulating you!
Our men are like in the movies,
And we sincerely wish:
So that your income grows,

To have pilaf waiting in the kitchen,
There was a catch waiting for us while fishing!
To go on vacation to the Bahamas!
So that ladies love you,
And at the same time, so that you
The youthful ardor in my soul did not fade!

We wish you bright dreams
And amazing dates!
And understanding without words,
And fulfillment of desires!
So that your income grows,
There was an account in a Swiss bank!
To have pilaf waiting in the kitchen,
There was a catch waiting for us while fishing!
To go on vacation to the Bahamas!
So that ladies love you,
And at the same time, so that you
The youthful ardor in my soul did not fade!

Every husband and every rank is here!
All the handsome guys here are supermen!
Let's drink to the men!
May happiness await you without betrayal!

So that your income grows,
There was an account in a Swiss bank!
To have pilaf waiting in the kitchen,
There was a catch waiting for us while fishing!
To go on vacation to the Bahamas!
So that ladies love you,
And at the same time, so that you
The youthful ardor in my soul did not fade!

Dear men! We are grateful to have you!
We wish you to always be Men with a capital M!
We wish you to achieve general's shoulder straps,
Know everything, be able to do everything and work great!
Keep an eye on the alignment of your army,
Stop going AWOL from your wives!
Let no blood be shed
And your glorious regiment never surrenders!
We wish you to always remain in service!
May you be as lucky in love as you are in battle!

Two men are called.

Competition "Portrait of a Lady".
Now we will find out who your muse is, dear knights. (There are 2 easels in front of the men. Ovals are painted on them female face. The men are blindfolded and led to easels, given a felt-tip pen in their hands). Now you will draw portraits of your beloved women according to the prompt. We draw the holiday eyes of our beloved, now the eyebrows, nose, mouth, small delicate ears into which at night you whisper words of love. All that remains is to draw the curls of your beloved woman. Ready. Add your own painting. You can remove the blindfold. Applause to the artists! For such work, you need to give kisses to these lovely ladies you portrayed.

Competition "Who can dress a girl faster."
Men have no equal in the speed of undressing women. But what about dressing? Who will dress your loved one faster?
(Attributes for dressing: hair clips, clips, bracelet or watch, hats, glasses, shoes, belt).

"Who is who?"
The names are written on the cards in advance. various types men. You can come up with your own names based on the characteristics of the invited men, or use the ones below:
A man in the prime of his life;
A real colonel;
Ideal husband;
Magician and wizard;
Honor and dignity of the nation;
Prominent groom.
The inscriptions must not be offensive. For a humorous touch, it is recommended to supplement each card with appropriate pictures or clippings from magazines. The host puts the cards in a hat and invites the male guests to pull out one card at a time without looking. This is where the entire honest company learns about the “hidden” essence of the men present.

The presenter makes a toast:
Do you know the difference between a diplomat and a girl?
If a diplomat says “yes,” it means “maybe”;
If a diplomat says “maybe,” it means “no”;
If a diplomat says “no”, then he is not a diplomat!
If a girl says "no", it means "maybe";
If a girl says "maybe" it means "yes";
If a girl says yes, then she's not a girl!
If a man says no, he means no;
If a man says yes, it means yes;
If a man says “maybe,” then he’s not a man!
So let's drink to real men who know what they want!

Best toast
The presenter informs the participants that, without a doubt, a real man should be able to drink properly. However, the goal of the competition is not to drink more than others, but to do it most gracefully.
After this, each participant receives a glass of strong drink. The competitors take turns making toasts and drinking the contents of the glass.

The best compliment
Since a real man must be gallant and be able to find an approach to a woman’s heart, in this competition participants compete in complimenting the fair sex.
The one whose compliment the women like more than others gets a bonus point.

We continue our festive event:

The female ensemble performs a song based on the "Pilots' Song":
Tonight, tonight, tonight
Without you, men, let's face it, there is nothing to do!
We'll gather around the table
Let's pour the glasses full
And for the men we love, we’ll sing a song.
It's time for us to admit

Always lean on
We want your right shoulder!

There will be a lot of luck

You guys are brave, brave, brave!
So slim, beautiful, curly!
We'll drink once, we'll drink two
For your glorious deeds,
But so that you don’t have a headache tomorrow!
It's time for us to admit
That we love you dearly, we love you, we love you dearly!
Always lean on
We want your right shoulder!
Let fate be cruel to us at times, let it be!
Never allow despondency in your heart!
There will be a lot of luck
Everything will change, you know that!

Then they drink and have a snack.
On February 23
We want a merry muse
Sing the praises of a smile for.
You are so smart and noble
You are charming to look at
You will create anything.
And everyone is famous for something.

Today we are present at the ceremony of presenting the “Man 2010” awards, awarded by the Ladies Academy. The ceremony is dedicated to February 23, a holiday as a favorite men's day.
For a whole year, members of the ladies' academy discussed the merits of the nominees, washed their bones, put them on shelves, saw right through them and endowed them with all sorts of epithets. And here is the result of this painstaking work today we present to your attention.
So! First nomination "Fighter of the Invisible Front". The prize in this category is awarded for modesty and purity of thoughts."
This nomination represents all the nominees from our male department. After long debates and elegant squabbles, _______________ (mug) won in this nomination.

In the second nomination, everyone was afraid to be nominated. This nomination is called “Mr. Charming Simulator”, for hiding from the eyes of persistent ladies and disappearing from sight! and wins it after long debates and elegant squabbles _______________!!! (shoe shine)

In the third nomination, oddly enough, there are three nominees: DE, AB and SY. After a long debate and a graceful squabble for the desire to always be first and on time, _______________ won the Mr. Punctuality nomination!!! (business card holder)

We wish you to always live “on the rise”,
And in personal life, and at work!
And always remain real knights!

Knowledge is power
All team players participate in this competition. The facilitator asks the teams questions one by one. In this case, the women's team is asked men's questions, and the men's team is asked women's questions.

Questions for women:
What is a carburetor a part of? (Motor)
Is the hood of your car located at the front or rear? (Front)
What is a shootout? (Penalty in hockey)
In which direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards yourself or away from you? (Push)
Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (In hockey)
Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)
Which company's products have a tick-shaped emblem? (Nike)

Questions for men:
Why do women drip nail polish onto torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow does not appear on torn tights)
When threading a needle, what should be stationary: the needle or the thread? (Needle)
What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)
Why might a woman need acetone? (Remove old nail polish)
What is the name of the small bag that holds the items needed to do makeup? (Beauty bag)
Do you put yeast in shortbread dough? (No)
Do I need to wash off the dye from my hair after coloring it? (Yes)

The team that scored large quantity points, receives a prize - a cake or a bottle of champagne).

The presenter invites everyone to play the game. He slowly, so that no one hears, tells each player his animal, then everyone joins a circle and the leader begins to tell a fictitious story about how he went, for example, to the circus or the zoo. He must name the animals. If he names one of the animals that was wished for someone, this person must quickly sit down on a chair (squat), and other players try to prevent him from doing this.
So, the presenter “distributed the roles” and tells the story:
“I once went to the circus. It was fun there, strongmen lifted weights, clowns amused the audience, riders performed all sorts of tricks while sitting on... horses. Then a trainer performed with his... tigers. But the main act of the program was... a hippopotamus!”
The point of the draw is that all the players are given a hippopotamus, and the whole company, as one, plops down on a chair (squatting).
Copy of the monument
From all those present, a pair “A” and “B” is selected. Player "B" is led out of the door by the game host's assistant and blindfolded. At this time, player “A” comes up with an unusual body position (for example: standing, sitting on a chair, lying down). When it is ready, it freezes in this position. Player "B" is brought in. His task is to determine by touch the position in which player “A” is located and copy it, i.e. to occupy, in his opinion, exactly the same position. When he is ready, his eyes are opened. Everyone compares the results.
Open an account
Usually two couples are called (each pair has a man and a woman). The presenter announces: “Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing only one bill in each. Receive initial contributions! (Gives the couple candy wrappers.) Pockets, lapels and all the secluded places of your partner can serve as banks for your deposits. Try to process your deposits as quickly as possible and open as many banks as possible. Get ready, let’s start!” The facilitator helps the pairs complete the task, and after 1 minute sums up the results. After this, the women are asked to switch places and “withdraw all the money from other people’s accounts” as quickly as possible.

Now let's see how you can solve riddles. But they are not simple, and only real heroes who have intelligence, ingenuity and a sense of humor can guess them.
1) Not winged, but feathered, as it flies, it whistles, but sits, so silent. (Arrow).
2) I fell into a quinoa and now I can’t find it. (Bullet).
3) You can’t see it with your eyes, you can’t take it with your hands, and without it you won’t go on the attack. (Hooray!).
4) Breathes fire, bursts with flame. (A gun).
5) Everything rides on it: both joy and sorrow. (Mail).
6) Black seed They sow with their hands and collect with their mouths. (Letters).
7) 2 heads, 6 legs, 2 arms, 1 tail. (Rider).
Cool Inexpensive capital has nourished all souls. (Shchi cabbage soup).
9) He was born in the forest, grew up in the forest, came to the house, gathered everyone around him. (Table).
10) Country set for seven minors. (Benches).
11) The main weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (Whistling).
12) Containers for miracles. (Sieve).
13) There is no warrior in the field. (One).
14) Royal head distinction. (Crown).
15) Bogatyr figure. (Three).
16) Minimum measurements per cut. (Seven).
178) Not alone in the field. (Warrior).
1Cool Robber figure. (Fourty).
19) "Unclean" dozen. (13).
20) Witchplane. (Pomelo).
21) Serpent according to the priest. (Gorynych).

The most resourceful
Cards with objects, five pieces for each participant, are prepared in advance:
1. glass of water
2. anything starting with "k"
3. lace
4. something red
5. watch

1. handkerchief
2. something brown
3. a person whose name contains the letter “b”
4. comb
5. mirror

1. ring
2. something yellow
3. box
4. glasses
5. keychain
Each participant draws a card and must find these five items, and they can find them, ask for them, steal them, but under no circumstances take them away.
The participant who finds all five items the fastest wins. Based on the results of all stages audience voting the best one is selected and awarded......
Our holiday continues:

The song is performed based on a song from the film "The Three Musketeers". (It is better to arrange it in the form of a scene: women “on horseback”, with sabers, in hats).
It's February again, and the number is red,
Which means Defender's Day is as planned!
And we were carried onto the stage again,
I can't afford to hire a band yet!
It's time, it's time, let's rejoice
In my lifetime
Because there are men
Have a free day!

We whisper to fate more than once:
- Mercy side!

Men need money -
C'est la vie!
And women need them even more!
But most importantly, we wish you love!
And may good luck accompany you!
It's time, it's time, let's rejoice
In my lifetime
Because there are men
Have a free day!
Bye-bye-bye our defenders are like this,
We whisper to fate more than once:
- Mercy side!

Ending and prizes to give out:
We congratulate all men
Happy such a wonderful day to men!
Rich pictures of life!
Happy, difficult, long roads!
Not battlefields - arable fields,
Not the whistle of bullets - but the whistle of birds!
Let yesterday not return,
Let the earth be without borders!

Defender of the Fatherland Day. Scenarios

Officially, the holiday is called “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland,” but all men are honored on this day. Women's hearts They are so overflowing with pride for their men, and for some reason I just want to exclaim: “There are still many heroes on the Russian land!”

And indeed, our men are wonderful: strong, smart, beautiful. Therefore, you need to congratulate them beautifully and unusually.

We bring to your attention two scenarios: one for younger men and an informal setting, and the second for established “heroes” in a more formal manner. The choice is, of course, yours, but both of these scenarios can be complementary and you can use competitions and games at your discretion.

This scenario is designed for a smaller number of participants; it is best used to honor men in a closer company, perhaps it will be a small company or even a department; it is also suitable for a celebration with family and close friends.

It will be great if congratulations are also expressed in poetic form. We will give just a few of them.

He best friend, he is a husband, father,

He is a son, a hero and a brother,

Conqueror and sage,

Lover and soldier

Scientist or Don Quixote,

Driver or banker

He is the conqueror of all heights,

The world is subject to him!

We praise him on this day

And there's a reason for that

May he be blessed

Whose title is MAN!

Exhausted by a difficult life,

Beaten by fate itself,

But, devoted to the Fatherland,

You took this fight!

We have the strength to admire

We don’t get tired of yours,

Happy February Men's Day!

Today we are more humble than ever

And we recite odes in your honor.

After all, you are pride and support for women.

Thank you, men, for existing!

In addition, it is advisable to congratulate each man by name and give each one a gift. After congratulations, everyone sits down at the table. Remember that men love to eat well, so you shouldn’t limit your table to light snacks, sweets and fruits. To prevent toasts from being too frequent and, as a result, the holiday ends too quickly, you can offer everyone present several table games, for example:

"Knight of the 21st Century"

Everyone knows that a real knight must be able to give compliments. Men sitting at the table are invited to choose the “lady of the heart” by drawing lots, and then pronounce the most unusual compliment in her honor. This game can become a practical joke if you write not only the names of women, but also men, on pieces of paper. But in this case, the organizers must be sure that the men who are destined for the honor of complimenting the “lady of the heart” have sufficient relaxedness and a sense of humor. And one last thing. It is better to “encrypt” the names of the men playing “ladies of the heart.” For example: Peter - Polly, Dmitry - Dulcinea, Mikhail - Milady, etc.

"Who am I really?"

For some fun at the table, invite your men to take a humorous “Who Am I Really” Test? To do this, men are asked to take a card out of a hat or box. Various “titles” are written on the cards. It’s even more interesting if the cards have not only inscriptions, but also pictures or photographs cut out from magazines that correspond to the meaning of the inscription.

1) a real colonel,

3) hero of our time,

4) sexual giant,

5) exclusive macho,

8) plush Hercules,

9) ideal husband,

15) magician and wizard,

16) Carlson, who lives on the roof.

All inscriptions must be correct enough so as not to accidentally offend anyone.

After holding several table games, you can move on to the more active part of the holiday, for which the host invites the men to compete for the title of “The Very Best”.

Competition 1. “The Strongest”

All participants in the competition are asked to crush an empty plastic bottle. The bottle must have a screwed cap. You might think that this is a very simple task, but it is almost impossible to complete.

Competition 2. “The most accurate”

Hats or cardboard boxes are placed in front of the competition participants at a distance of about two meters. Competitors are given five playing cards. They must try to throw them each into their own hat. This is also quite difficult to do. Naturally, the most accurate one wins.

Competition 3. “The most resourceful”

Each participant is given the task of “finding” five objects. The names of the items are written on cards, which the contestants take turns drawing from a hat. The resourcefulness of the players lies in the following: they can find the item they need, beg, steal, but in no case take it away.

Examples of inscriptions on cards:

2) anything starting with the letter “k”,

4) something red,

1) handkerchief,

2) something brown,

3) a person whose name contains the letter “b”,

The participant who “found” everything needed before others wins.

Based on the results of three competitions, “The Best” is determined. If there is no clear winner, then the winners in each competition are declared “the very best”, each is given a “real man’s set”, consisting of a bottle of champagne, a shoe brush and a pack of cigarettes. If men are non-smokers, then instead of cigarettes you can give them a chocolate bar.

After the singles competition, the presenter offers to take part in the team relay. To do this, two teams of four people are recruited. If there are more people willing, you can recruit a third team. All competitions are judged by women. The speed of completing tasks, artistry and cohesion of the male team are assessed.

Competition 1. “Bound by the same chain”

Teams are given ropes five meters long each. At the leader’s command, the first team member takes the end of the rope and begins to “string” the players onto it so that the rope is threaded through the sleeves of the participants. After three players are “tied”, the first participant “strings” himself on the rope, then the two extreme players in the chain must tie the ends of the rope. The team that managed to do this faster than the rest wins.

Competition 2. “Woman of my dreams”

In this competition, men will “sculpt” women. To do this, they receive material for modeling: twenty balloons, a spool of thread, tape, scissors and a set of colored markers for each team. At the command of the leader, the men begin to “sculpt”. They have to inflate the balloons, tie and glue them in such a way that it turns out female figure. But that is not all. Then they must “draw” the features of the “woman of their dreams.” In this competition, division of labor is encouraged. At the end of the competition, women evaluate the work of each team and choose a winner.

Competition 3. “Our heroic strength”

The most difficult competition of the entire relay. Opposite each team, at a distance of about three meters, there are tables on which there are props: a “check” of vodka (a 250-gram bottle), a fifty-gram shot glass or glass and a plate with four pickles. The task of each team is to drink all the vodka as quickly as possible. However, this must be done in a special way. The first team members begin the game.

The competition scheme is as follows: the first one runs up to the table and pours vodka into a shot glass, after which he returns and stands at the back of the team, then the second participant runs to the table and drinks the poured shot glass and also returns, standing at the back of the chain. Then the third participant runs to the table, “snacks” a cucumber and also returns. The fourth one starts new circle: he pours, the first one drinks it down, the second one has a snack. Then: the third one pours it, the fourth one drinks it, the first one has a snack. Last circle: the second one pours, the third one drinks, the fourth one has a snack.

It may seem that the scheme is very complicated. However, if each participant remembers that each time he returns, he must stand at the end of the chain and perform only one action, then everything will go fine.

It is clear that the winner is the team that was able to collectively drink all the vodka faster than others.

It is better to conduct all competitions and relay races to cheerful music. It is necessary to reward not only the winners, but also the losers. Remember, the main thing is good mood everyone present. The best way to end the evening is with dancing.

February 23
Defender of the Fatherland Day. Scenarios Scenarios for February 23 for adults, for students, for corporate events, for home

Source: www.alegri.ru

Scenarios and skits for February 23

Scenarios and skits for Defender of the Fatherland Day for our dear men. To help a professional toastmaster for holding a corporate event in a cafe, restaurant, holiday programs for young people, as well as for children of school and preschool age.

Scenarios and skits for February 23 for adults


*Leave your name, e-mail and phone number in the application. Make payment using Visa&Mastercard. After payment we will send you a sketch to email. Please carefully indicate your e-mail! Otherwise we will not be able to send you the material!

Scenario for February 23rd for adults

February 23. Script for adults, for home

Scenario “My Dear Protector”

This scenario is suitable for a celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, when family and friends gather. Children can also attend the celebration.

The room can be decorated with balloons of green (“protective”) color or white, blue and red (in the colors of the flag); paper airplanes and stars.

The favorite dishes of all the men present are prepared for the treat. You can come up with an original menu (let the children draw it up on a piece of paper), in which the dishes will be named in a military way, for example, naval pasta, “Soldier’s Dream” cutlets, “General’s Visit” salad, “Brave Captain” seafood, etc. d. The highlight of the dinner will be a cake in the shape of a five-pointed star.

Presenter raises the first toast: Today is a big holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! On this day, it is customary to congratulate all military personnel, everyone who served in the army, and everyone who has yet to do so. But even those men who have never put on and do not intend to put on military uniforms are also full-fledged heroes of the occasion today!

Our dear men, you fight every day for the well-being of your families. Therefore, each of us can say about our beloved half, as well as about our dad and grandfather: my dear protector!

Women give gifts to men, children also prepare gifts for fathers and grandfathers in advance.

Presenter: Tonight will not be quite ordinary. How do holiday events usually take place? First there is a formal part, and then a banquet, buffet, and so on. But we decided to deviate from tradition and invented our own type of holiday - a banquet-concert! What does it mean? This means we will be both treated and entertained at the same time!

Our dear defenders, of course, are already relaxed and anticipating pleasure. But a surprise awaits them! The main participants in the impromptu concert will be themselves! Yes, yes, men, because the heroes of the evening are you! But the first issue in our program is still from women. We have prepared a song about you!

You are not stokers, you are not carpenters,

Not oligarchs, not singers,

You are very valuable workers, yes,

Husbands and the best fathers!

Behind you the house is stronger than a fortress,

And it’s like we’re behind a wall,

Forgive us for attempts at jealousy, yes,

We are yours with heart and soul!

We really have nothing to worry about,

When men are nearby!

Today you are the heroes of the evening, yes,

Poems and songs in your honor!

Do not refuse us a favor

And invite me to dance

Otherwise, without you, without your tenderness, yes,

We will cry and suffer!

Women invite men to dance.

Then a toast is raised: Once upon a time, man and woman were one being, with two pairs of arms, legs and two heads. These creatures lived on earth, got on well, until one day they greatly angered the gods with something. And they decided to divide them as punishment. They separated and calmed down. Time has passed. The gods look at the earth: the halves are together again! The gods got angry and separated them a second time - they sent them jealousy and scandals. More time has passed. The gods looked at the earth and were amazed: not only were the halves together again, but small creatures were also running around next to them. So let's drink to the fact that the halves will never be separated, despite the machinations of envious people!

Presenter: Men, our dear men. Today we are talking only about them. They are our support, the stronger sex, and these are not just words. What qualities should a real man have? I think you know this very well! First, he must be fearless. There is a proposal to test our defenders for fearlessness!

The game is simple: each man must crawl under the table to the opposite side. The one who, in the general opinion, does it the most skillfully or most originally (taking into account age) receives a small prize.

Presenter: Our men cannot be denied courage and dexterity! Let's discuss further. Secondly, a real man, of course, is not devoid of creative abilities! After all, they help him find a non-standard way out of a difficult situation. We should check whether the heroes of the occasion have a creative streak! The very next number of the concert program is the performance of the ensemble. This will be the song and dance ensemble of the Soviet Army!

All men participate.

Their task: to sing a military song (which everyone knows, for example, “Katyusha” or “Darkie,” etc.). You can do it with karaoke, you can do it without it. Men are asked to voluntarily divide into those who will sing and those who will be the “back-up dancers,” or they are appointed.

After the song, the presenter thanks the participants and proposes a toast to them - talented and resourceful.

Presenter: Our defenders performed simply beautifully! But, friends, that's not all. We haven’t even named half of the qualities inherent in real men. And the next point, it seems to me, is this: a real man should always tell the truth and only the truth! He simply needs this quality to confuse all opponents and opponents. And only today we had the opportunity to test men with a lie detector. Who knows, maybe they are hiding something serious from us?

The presenter asks questions to each of the men in turn, which they must answer quickly and without hesitation (the presenter warns: only the truth!), but instead of “yes” they should say “That’s right”, and instead of “no” - “No way!” .

1. Would you like to fly into space?

2. Do you often give girls flowers?

3. Is your dream Claudia Schiffer?

4. How long have you been doing plumbing repairs in your home?

5. Do you have serious feelings for your wife?

6. Are you annoyed by your boss?

7. Do you doubt your sense of humor?

8. Do you know what your wife is thinking about?

9. Are you satisfied with your appearance?

10. Did you have a funny nickname as a child?

11. Are you afraid of anger?

12. Are you afraid of looking funny?

13. Is it easy to negotiate with you?

14. Can you dance tango?

15. Did women confess their love to you first?

16. Do you know how to drive a diesel locomotive?

17. Do you like your spouse's hairstyle?

18. Is a holiday in the country healthier than a holiday in the Caribbean?

19. Do you fly in your dreams?

20. Are you attracted to mulatto women?

After the survey, the presenter asks the women whether their husbands were truthful enough and what they lied about. A toast is raised.

The presenter says that throughout the holiday there is also a competition for the most careful “eater”, because a real man should be able to eat well and beautifully.

Presenter: Let's continue our conversation about men. What exactly do we need men for? Maybe we could do without them? I counted and counted and counted at least twenty-three points why we need men! Just in honor of February 23rd!

Defenders of the Fatherland Day

February 23 – scenario for adults

From the holidays of warriors,

Happy Brothers Day,

Peace is saved on the human planet.

The cold winds make a loud noise,

And the lights shine in the warm windows.

Soldier in ranks. He is always where you need him

Be it steppes, mountains or sands.

Soldier on the march. Oath to the Motherland

It lives unshakably in his soul,

How eternal light the only banner

Leading forward, always forward.

Soldier in action. Let the service not be sugar.

Above other feelings - duty to the Fatherland,

He will help and come to the rescue.

The soldier is studying. Everything must be comprehended,

To defend the country when thunder strikes,

And for him the cherished reward is

To be the first in combat.

Serve, soldier! You are the son of your native land;

And, keeping loyalty to the military oath,

Keep it like this - true, indestructible

Peace to the earth, to mother and to me.

Let's raise the first toast to those who protect us.

(Stories from men. They can be warned about this in advance).

So, the recruits try on military uniform for the first time, including an overcoat. It was autumn. The instructions were given: to adjust everything according to height. After some time, the command to form was given. The commander walks around the reinforcements and examines how everyone coped with the order. And suddenly the commander sees a small soldier standing at the end of the line, his appearance resembles a scarecrow. He simply “drowned” in his overcoat. The commander blushes, then turns pale and shouts:

The soldier is silent from fear, and the commander repeats even more menacingly:

“I’m asking what your mother’s name is.”

The soldier came to his senses from such a roar and babbled:

Since then, he has had a nickname for two years of service - Agrippina.

Sometimes it seems to me that our lives come up with all the jokes. And someone remembers them and tells others. Let's listen to a song, but not about an officer like the one in my story.

Musical pause. Song by O. Gazmanov “Officers”.

Soul - to God, Heart - to the lady, Life - to the sovereign, Honor - to no one. What words! This song is for you. (Recording of the song “Waltz of the Cadets”).

As it has always been.

White dance - ladies invite gentlemen.

Music by Dog for the film “My Affectionate and Gentle Beast.”

It is advisable that these are a husband and wife or two employees who know each other.

Scenario for February 23 for adults
February 23 – holiday scenario for adults

Shirobokova Elena

Traditionally celebrated in Russia, the holiday 23 February It has long been perceived by most of its residents as the day of the entire male population of the country. However, we must not forget that this is not just a holiday of men and boys, it is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Therefore, organizing such a matinee in kindergarten, it is important to make sure that it is not only fun and interesting, but also contains elements of patriotic education.

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Holiday scenario(based on the Russian folk tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful")

Holiday goals:

Promote the harmonization of parent-child relationships;

Introduce children to the tradition of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day;

Improve coordination of movements, develop dexterity and accuracy in children;

Foster patriotic feelings.

Equipment: cardboard chest, oak wood from whatman paper, lump paper, letter, balloons,

Preliminary work: thematic conversations about the army, about soldiers with the participation of fathers and grandfathers who served in the army; viewing presentations on military topics; learning poems; reading a Russian folk tale, 2 teams: boys with dads and girls with dads.

(To the music from the song "Our Army" performed by the group "Fidgets" Children enter the hall in different formations)

1st child: Hello, holiday!

Hello, holiday!

Celebration of boys and dads!

Congratulations to all military personnel

Our fun kindergarten!

2nd child: Glory to the beloved army!

Glory to the dear army!

Our soldier is brave, strong,

Protects our peace.

3rd boy: Let the sun shine brightly,

And let the guns not thunder,

Peace, people, native country

A soldier will always protect!

(Children perform a song to the soundtrack “We will serve in the army” music Yu. Chichikova, lyrics. V. Malkova)

Leading: We are glad to see you this February day is visiting us. And we hope that you will not be bored at our holiday. February- the harsh month of winter, in which we celebrate the holiday of all men, defenders of the Fatherland; a holiday of courage, daring, knightly nobility. We try to cultivate all these qualities in our boys.

Knock on the door (hand over the letter)

Leading: What is it?

Children: Letter.

Leading: What is written here? (open the envelope and read)

Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!

Vasilisa the Beautiful is in trouble. The evil Koschey the Immortal kidnapped her and hid her in his kingdom. Guys, help, please. (Well-wishers)

Leading: How can we save Vasilisa the Beautiful?

Children's answers: go to the kingdom, wall up Koshchei, find Koshchei’s death.

Leading: Right. Having passed various obstacles, we will find ourselves in a fairy tale and find the death of Koshchei the Immortal. Together with the dads, we go on a search.

1 obstacle. Task for dads. "Contest of wits"

1. Village set for seven minors. (shop)

2. The main weapon of the nightingale is the robber. (whistling)

3. Not a warrior in the field. (one)

4. Royal head distinction. (crown)

5. Robber's figure. (fourty)

6. Bogatyr figure. (three)

7. Serpent according to the priest. (Gorynych)

8. The Unclean Dozen. (thirteen)

9. Containers for miracles. (sieve)

Each team answers in turn and receives a token for the correct answer.

2nd obstacle. "Russian Silushka"

Popes (child sits on back) do push-ups from the floor for 30 seconds. Each team counts the number of push-ups performed by the players of the other team.

3 obstacle. "Air battle" (fight in pairs). Dads tie to the left leg

balloon. Right foot Dads have to crush and burst the balloon. The team whose balls remain intact wins.

4 obstacle: "Minefield". A basket is placed in front of each team at a distance of 2 m. Each participant has a small ball in his hand. At the signal, the first participant throws the ball into the basket and runs to the end of the column. The team with the most hits in the basket wins.

Leading: Overcoming various obstacles we reached fairy world. Both fathers and children have proven that they are the strongest, bravest, most dexterous, and most resilient.

And now under cheerful music Let's go to save Vasilisa the Beautiful. (march to any music).

Leading: Tell me which tree is in front of us.

Children: Oak.

Leading: What's hanging on this oak tree?

Children's answers: Chest, crystal casket.

Leading: What could be in this chest?

Children's answers.

Leading: Right. In this chest there is a duck, in the duck there is an egg, in the egg there is a needle, and at the end of the needle is the death of Koshchei the Immortal.

How can we get the chest? How high he hangs!

Children's answers: can climb an oak tree, can throw stones.

Leading: We will make a lot of paper into a ball and throw it up so that the chest falls.

(they throw wads of paper, the chest falls, an egg rolls out of the chest, the presenter takes a needle out of the egg)

Leading: At the end of this needle is the death of Koshchei. And now let’s break this needle so that all the evil spells are broken. (music sounds)

Enter Vasilisa the Beautiful

You. Prec.: Hello, guys and adults! Thank you very much for freeing me and the entire fairy-tale camp from the evil spell of Koshchei the Immortal. Low bow to you. Please accept some treats from me.

Leading: Our holiday is over.

We wish you forever:

So that you don’t feel timid in life.

May it be with you forever

Health, happiness, courage.

Children give their dads handmade gifts.

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