How to understand that a Cancer man is in love with you if he hides his feelings? How to understand the attitude of a Cancer man towards you: that he is in love and hides his feelings, that he has serious feelings. Is a Cancer man faithful in love?

It so happened that you caught yourself involuntary but strong sympathy for that young man who loves to quote films of the last century, treat you to tea, but at the same time spontaneously disappears from sight. Something inside tells him that this sympathy is mutual, but his behavior is so strange that it is certainly impossible to understand him right away. And if you find out that the man you like is Cancer, how can you understand that he is in love?

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Characteristic signs of Cancer men

Men of this sign are very specific; understanding them is difficult and tiring.

  1. Cancer is a dynamic Water sign and is therefore prone to change. From his appearance it is difficult to understand the next emotional state, which may be radically different from what it was five minutes ago.
  2. Cancers have a very interesting attitude towards the female sex: they seem to consider women their equals and encourage independence and self-sufficiency in every possible way, but at the same time, in reality, they continue to look after the ladies.
  3. In the family they strive to take the leading role, in relationships they lead, although they can play at transferring the initiative.
  4. On the one hand, they consider themselves dominant by definition, and on the other, they want the woman to meet him halfway. This makes it difficult to understand that a Cancer man is in love with you.

Cancer men are always gallant and well-mannered. It's funny that such politeness and courtesy may at times not correspond to their appearance: in their wardrobe live neat, but extremely comfortable things with a long history, which Cancer undoubtedly remembers.

This cannot be called hysterical or theatrical, but Cancer men still like to exaggerate. Understanding and assessing the seriousness of their complaints with a strong emotional overtone can sometimes be very difficult. This is especially true for some negative events and words.

Also, Cancer men can be somewhat hypochondriacal, and a banal ailment with a runny nose turns into the torment of a lonely and misunderstood sufferer.

If the man you like is Cancer, how can you tell that he is in love with a woman? This is quite difficult, given the changeability of mood, as well as wait-and-see tactics and “encryption”.

The behavior of a Cancer man in love is not immediately noticeable, because first he himself registers the fact that he is in love, and only then, after deliberation and subtle checks, he moves towards rapprochement.

  1. The object of love can only be that girl who, in the opinion of a Cancer man, can be not just a partner, but also an ally and a friend.
  2. Since Cancers are almost always aimed at deepening relationships and their duration, manifestations of love are preceded by “random” conversations on seemingly abstract topics. This is how the Cancer man “scans” compatibility in life positions and intellectual level, which he needs to develop a relationship with the one with whom he is in love.

They write about how a Cancer man behaves if he likes a girl on modern forums - like about men who don’t take the first step for a long time: it seems like he looks you in the eye when talking, and helps you with work, but it’s already been three months on a date doesn't call. Here the contradictory position of Cancers regarding the function of women emerges. They really want the object of their love to understand everything and meet them halfway, but at the same time they want to remain strong, courageous and decisive.

Therefore, half-hints begin and gradually increasing signs of attention towards the woman with whom he is in love.

Zodiac sign compatibility chart

Features of behavior

  1. Of course, all Cancers cannot be treated with the same brush, but there is a certain stereotyping in their behavior if they are in love.
  2. They also listen to the person they are in love with. And they hear. They do not revel in their own stories, but listen and analyze what the object of their love says. They really try to delve into it and go deeper, and sometimes they offer some ideas about solving a problem or some issue. Without asking. They know when to offer help, especially when they are in love. He will remember what you said the day before yesterday about the conflict at work, and will inquire about how it was resolved, without confusing the characters and details. Later, such participation smoothly turns into care, and Cancer may rush to solve your problems for you, which you shouldn’t let him get carried away with.
  3. If a Cancer man is in love, behavior and signs may be banal and manifest themselves in the form of careless tactile contacts. A man of this sign invades personal space without any hint of permission from the girl he is in love with.

Again, he senses when it is possible, and he does it quite prudently: during a conversation, when handing over objects, in line, at the exit. That is, when it seems natural. If he does not feel rejected, he will move forward with rapprochement.

Perhaps he is hiding his feelings?

Yes, perhaps, especially when you are really in love. And especially at the very beginning. There is such a tendency. How to understand that a Cancer man is in love, but hides his feelings? What remains is the language of gestures and, which “with giblets” betray everyone that they are in love.

  1. The following can indicate a Cancer who is hiding feelings:
  2. When speaking, his facial expressions change depending on what he hears. They do not always control this, because the main thought process is aimed at perception. Of course, there are also masters of self-control.
  3. A Cancer man who is in love reaches out to look into your eyes and observe your behavior, your face, and some details of your wardrobe. Look at it carefully.
  4. He will not pass by if he sees that the draft from the open window is causing you obvious discomfort. Even if a man diligently hides his feelings, he will close the window. Your comfort is important to him. Can easily justify his behavior with banal sympathy.

Any sign of attention from romantic Cancers should not be interpreted as a manifestation of love. This may be a manifestation of banal politeness and good manners: they give up their seat in transport and open the doors to every woman, and not just their beloved, because this is required by etiquette.

Useful video

Different zodiac signs. For useful information about the love preferences of a Cancer man, watch this video:


  1. How to understand that a man is in love? Cancer himself will let you know that he is determined to start a relationship, despite the wait-and-see and “probing” tactics.
  2. If a Cancer man delves into your monologues, subtly senses your own mood swings and accidentally takes your hand when handing over a stack of documents, you can assume that he is in love with you.
  3. Be prepared for the fact that the Cancer man will not immediately make it clear that he is in love. This man needs time to make sure that the candidate is what he needs.

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Text: Sascha Gluwein

You may not believe in astrology, but this will make men born under different constellations unlikely to be alike. the site presents a series of articles where it talks about what to expect from each zodiac sign.

It’s unlikely that anyone can boast that a Cancer man is an open book for him; as a rule, he diligently hides his secrets even from his best friends, let alone casual acquaintances. He is not known for his calmness, but at the same time, he quite often hangs a sign on the door that says “I’ve gone into myself, I won’t be back soon.” Cancers, as a rule, are idealists and sentimental dreamers. This zodiac sign is ruled by the Moon, depending on its phase. Cancers either plunge into the abyss of despair or rise to unimaginable heights of euphoria. They have the gift of making other people move in one direction or another.

At the first meeting, it may seem that Cancer is relaxed, maybe even a little loose and not averse to flirting. But this is the very case when the first impression is deceptive. Next time he may be gloomy and unapproachable, then capricious and stubborn - guessing Cancer’s mood is like trying to get rich by playing in a casino. There are chances, but they are not very great. Cancer is an incredibly complex creature with changeable moods, which clearly sees even tiny specks in someone else's eye, without noticing in its own a log of such a size that it would be enough to build a country cottage. It's never easy or boring with him.

The Cancer man wants to believe that he stands for gender equality and feminism, but in fact, deep down, he is pleased to feel like a defender of the “weaker” sex. Usually he is polite and gallant, sophisticated and in some way (not his clothes) reminiscent of a gentleman of the old school. Cancer prefers beautiful women, but his demands do not end there. The impression of female charm should not fade when the beauty opens her mouth. Smart, beautiful women (Komsomol members, athletes) are drawn to Cancers like a magnet. However, it is very difficult, almost impossible, to meet “crayfish” expectations.

This man needs an ideal. Cancer will prefer to silently retreat into his shell if, from his point of view, something has gone “wrong” and is unlikely to risk discussing the reasons for his sudden disappointment with the one who attracted him most recently.

Cancers love to eat well and know their way around a drink, but don't expect them to know how to choose the right clothes. Cancer prefers comfortable things, he has a lot of things that he treats like his best friends: “I went to the Moscow Virtuosi concert in these shoes” or “This sweater remembers me in my student years.” Don’t even try to quietly throw away anything from his wardrobe - otherwise you will face a big scandal.

Cancers love to talk, never mince words, and sometimes have the gift of persuasion. If during a discussion someone adheres to a different, non-cancerous, point of view, this man will not remain silent until he convinces his opponent. At the same time, Cancer knows how to listen. One cannot deny his ability to help others solve their problems. His sharp analytical mind is able to cope with even the most complex tasks.

He does not like to take risks - he even prefers to earn money exclusively through conservative methods.

Cancer is very sensitive, timid and sentimental, has difficulty parting with old friends, work and cities - to the best of his ability and ability, he resists possible moves and changes in general.

Cancers are able to maintain friendships throughout their lives; they love alumni reunions and find something to talk about with classmates they haven’t seen for several years.

If there is an opportunity not to change anything, Cancer will definitely take advantage of it. This approach applies to all areas of his life - from home to work. This man is incredibly dependent on the past, he is connected with it by thousands of the smallest details and details that no one except him remembers.

He, like no other zodiac sign, needs constant regular confirmation that you love him. You shouldn't have a light affair with Cancer - he takes love too seriously to become a worthy candidate for one-night stand. Cancer demands from his beloved approximately the same thing that he himself is ready to give her: physical and spiritual intimacy, fidelity. He believes in true love, capable of overcoming any obstacles - this is his personal, albeit somewhat unusual, recipe for maintaining peace of mind.

Cancers rarely cheat - they prefer the comfort and warmth of their home to dubious pleasures on the side. They are prone to long-term relationships, but if a breakup does occur, they will not be sad for too long, but will find a new object for their feelings. But if you once won his heart, have no doubt - he will remember you all his life.

Cancer and sex

The only thing he really needs is approval and encouragement for his actions. If a woman tells Cancer what a wonderful lover he is, he will do everything not to disappoint her. If a woman is smart enough to make him believe that he is introducing her to the secrets of sex, he will open up the road to orgasm step by step for her. Cancer is unusually vulnerable - you should not comment on its actions, interrupting them with the remark that you already know this, have practiced it before. Not only will he be offended, but he will immediately hide back into his shell.

He is condescending and assertive at the same time. In order to get pleasure, it is enough to simply let Cancer “manage” the process. At the very beginning of a love affair with Cancer, avoid in every possible way any manifestations of vulgarity, rudeness and prosaic life. This man tends to idealize his partner and any “fallout” from the role he has invented may even seem exciting, but it is unlikely to force Cancer to prolong sexual (as well as any other) communication. Over time, his tremulous nature can come to terms with those things that would have shocked him before. In order for Cancer’s sexual interest not to cool down, it needs to be constantly “warmed up” by demonstrating one’s own feelings. As soon as he feels that emotions have disappeared from intimacy, he will immediately give your relationship a reverse.

Cancer is not one of those who sometimes forget about foreplay, rushing to move directly to the process of intercourse. It is very important to him that not only he himself, but also the woman next to him was happy. Cancers are not the kind of men who consider sexual neglect of what their partner experiences as proof of their masculinity. On the contrary, from a Cancer's point of view, there is nothing more important than a simultaneous orgasm, which is further proof of how strong love is.

Cancer's fantasy is not limited to the bedroom - maybe he won't dare to have extreme sex, but at home he will use all the more or less suitable furnishings. Unlike Gemini, Cancer has not only heard about the clitoris, but also has a clear idea of ​​where it is and masterfully masters the art of delivering pleasure with his fingers and tongue.

Another technique that Cancers often practice is love “Spanish style,” when the penis is placed between the partner’s breasts and moves along such a trajectory that the tip of her tongue is able to reach its head. The chest-tongue combination is extremely exciting for this man.

Cancer has an excellent memory - he always remembers what exactly and in what sequence he must do so that his beloved sees the sky in diamonds. It seems that he himself gets an orgasm solely because he was able to give it to someone else. Often, Cancers embody their teenage fantasies in adult sexual life.

He is excited by exquisite lingerie; if Cancer has homosexual inclinations, then he will be happy to try it on, turning sex into a one-man show.

The Cancer man is a charming and charismatic romantic who is capable of stealing your heart forever, while keeping his own under three locks, carefully considering and selecting suitable candidates for the role of life partner. If you do not intend to play second roles in your life, then we will teach you how to get out of the role of just another fan and help you win the heart of a Cancer man.

Cancers are very susceptible to the influence of the environment, this can be either the influence of the moon or public opinion, on which they are very dependent. Despite the emotionality of representatives of this sign, Cancers are quite secretive, so the main dialogue takes place in their heads. One frank conversation is very little to reveal their intricate inner world with countless complex labyrinths, and, believe me, it is very interesting, and in some places, surprising:

  • As mentioned above, Cancers are very dependent on the points of view of others. Often, representatives of this sign do not tend to be the life of the party and entertain the crowd. This is not a sign of their isolation or complexes, they are simply afraid of looking stupid. Once again, I would like to emphasize that this has nothing to do with their insecurity, they are simply characterized by thoughtfulness in their actions.
  • Based on the previous characteristics, it is easy to conclude that Cancers are very fond of praise and admiration for themselves. This is the highest manner of pleasure for representatives of this sign.

Note to women: the Cancer man’s love language is words of approval! Your praise is the most effective indicator of how you feel. Cancer shows its love in a similar form, so if you are lucky enough to hear a compliment in your direction - and it is worth saying that Cancers are quite stingy with words of approval - then you can regard this gesture as a sign of interest or sympathy.

  • Cancers are characterized by frequent mood swings. Often, the reason for this is the lunar phases. Although without additional factors beyond his control, Cancer is a real master of “twisting” himself and inflating the problem to a cosmic scale. The Cancer man is a perfectionist of the highest order, so it is very important for him that everything goes exactly as he imagined in his head. Overall, don't be surprised if your date is ruined by an overly cheesy cheesecake or overly hot coffee.
  • Cancers are quite capricious. They are ready to compromise, but sometimes their tenacity and principles border on stupidity. Representatives of this sign will gladly climb on your neck if you allow it. For example, your Cancer companion may ask you to come a little later than usual, because... wants to see old friends, you will probably meet your chosen one halfway, because the request at first glance is quite harmless. As a rule, Cancer very quickly acquires new habits, so late gatherings risk turning into a problem.
  • Cancer can be described as a harsh and unceremonious man. In fact, representatives of this sign are very kind and peace-loving people, but their inappropriate straightforwardness may seem harsh.
  • Cancer men are true friends. They will always come to the rescue. Representatives of this constellation are prone to showing empathy and sacrifice.

Love characteristics of a Cancer man

If you believe the characteristics of the horoscope and numerous reviews, a Cancer man in love can be very romantic with the object of his affection, no matter how interesting it may sound. They are able to attract their soulmate with their courageous, independent and strong character. Combined with their timidity, such a cocktail can be very attractive. But this is not all that a Cancer man can surprise you with; most of his qualities are manifested in relationships:

  • Cancers are open by nature, so they are not shy about showing their tender feelings. You can expect anything from a Cancer in love: huge bouquets, trips to restaurants, huge soft toys and other traditional attributes of romance.

  • Be prepared to become the standard of a real woman in every sense of the word. The Cancer man is very picky about little things and often focuses too much attention on it. If you intend to commit yourself to a relationship with a Cancer man, then know that your carelessness in shaving your legs above the knee can play a cruel joke on you. Cancer, like an insidious Cupid, sees and notices absolutely everything.
  • Cancer men lead a rather dissolute lifestyle before their marriage. They do not tend to burden themselves with responsibility unless a respectful situation or great feeling requires it. You can't know for sure how a Cancer man views you. It is very difficult to determine this from his behavior, and he himself will never admit it to you.
  • A Cancer man in love and family life will be glad to have an easy-going and feminine companion. Representatives of this sign respect women for their wisdom and ability to compromise. Cancers are often principled, but when their stubborn nature collides with the flexible feminine nature, they will easily give up their primacy to their other half.
  • Cancer men are very charming, so they are always surrounded by the attention of the fair sex. Representatives of this sign treat the temptation of a young lady as a sport, so try to keep your distance for a certain time to make sure of the seriousness of his intentions, because a truly in love Cancer will never back down from conquering true love.

Cancer man in love and marriage

Cancer men are diligent family men: loving and attentive fathers, as well as sensitive and loving husbands. They love their family very much and feel special value in them. Despite the fact that they come to marriage too late and spend most of their lives enjoying the delights of single life, Cancers feel fulfilled when they are in family life:

  • Representatives of this sign greatly value family ties, so be prepared to receive their entire family, up to the fourth generation, on all holidays and just any day of the week.
  • By marrying a Cancer man, you sign a conditional agreement that you are forbidden to quarrel and contradict all his relatives, but you undertake to constantly accept them with a wide and joyful smile, no matter how bad you feel.
  • Cancer will angrily cut off all reproaches regarding too close family ties. A representative of this sign is very respectful of his family connections, so you should not hope that you will be his undisputed favorite in his pastime.

  • If you try and make some efforts, it is quite possible that you will be able to book yourself the top shelf in his heart, but remember that you have a whole carriage of neighbors, because Cancers simply have a huge heart.
  • Cancers make wonderful fathers. They will never leave their child to fend for himself and will give him a quality education and standard of living. Often it is children who support the family of a Cancer man, because when love leaves, children are a strong foundation that can hold the family together.
  • For the most part, Cancers are monogamous, so they have very strong couples, the love for which they are able to carry throughout their lives.

Cancer man in sex

Cancer men are very attentive to the shortcomings of their beloved, any little thing can relieve them of desire and passion, so if you are planning an evening of anal sex, then be prepared for the fact that the Cancer man may consider you too slutty, and your position - vulgar and unsexy . But don’t rush to jump to conclusions, because he definitely has something to surprise you with in bed:

  • The romantic atmosphere is very exciting for the Cancer man. It will be very easy to excite your chosen one and set him in a romantic mood if you worry about his condition in advance. Run a fragrant bath with lavender, light candles and give him a massage. Such a surprise will be pleasant for any man, but Cancer will appreciate it most of all.
  • Your concern is very important to Cancer. Give him words of encouragement and show him your love in every way possible. The Cancer man will appreciate your desire to show him that you care.

  • Cancer is a very sensitive and gentle lover. He will happily make love to you even after a long stressful day. His caresses are similar to the most frank scenes of romantic melodramas. Cancer is the best lover relative to all other zodiac signs.
  • Your moans, whispers, rapid breathing and other signs of your pleasure are exactly what the Cancer man loves most about sex. They are able to share or prolong the pleasure of their partner, and external signs of arousal are the highest praise for a Cancer man.
  • Cancers are very sensitive and insightful. They will easily feel your constraint if you are embarrassed to express your desires. Cancers value frankness, so your silence can greatly hurt a representative of this sign.

Compatibility in love for a Cancer man

Cancer is a collection of contradictions and conflicts in one shell. Representatives of this sign easily combine masculinity and sensuality, promiscuity and loyalty, integrity and the ability to compromise. They freely maneuver masks throughout their lives, so the woman should be no less bright and interesting.

Aries Woman

The strong-willed and stubborn Aries woman may turn out to be a difficult mystery for the Cancer man, but the main question is how much the representative of the fire element is ready to change her attitude towards the family model:

  • The Aries woman is used to placing all her responsibilities on her fragile shoulders. It is unlikely that Cancer’s pride will allow itself to silently observe this inappropriate fuss.
  • Cancer and Aries are capable of being true friends and loving life partners, but their relationship will depend on whether the representative of the fire constellation will have the wisdom and intelligence to fulfill her feminine role in this life without hurting Cancer’s pride.
  • The Aries woman is used to striving for the best, which cannot be said about the Cancer man. They feel quite comfortable in the provincial town where they grew up. Compared to Aries, Cancers are completely devoid of ambition, so their union may not be harmonious.

Compatibility of a Cancer man with an Aries woman 49%

Taurus Woman

A Taurus woman and a Cancer man complement each other perfectly, which helps their relationship become diverse and interesting. But what attracts such different representatives of the zodiac:

  • The Taurus woman is a very strong, stubborn and strong-willed person, but she will gladly cede the reins of power to a worthy candidate, which, of course, includes the Cancer man.
  • The Taurus woman is a woman of few words, and the value of her compliment is very high. The Cancer man strives to develop next to such a woman, so as not to disappoint such a wise and intelligent woman.
  • The representative of this sign has everything that Cancer looks for in a woman - she is a wonderful housewife, a loving mother and a compromising wife. This is an amazing pair in the composition of water and flame.

Compatibility of a Cancer man with a Taurus woman 91%

Gemini Woman

Gemini women, like Cancers, are multifaceted natures. They will understand each other like no one else, because it is their similarity in contradictory characters that serves as an excellent foundation for rapprochement and further mutual understanding:

  • Gemini women are very sensitive, which makes them similar to Cancers. Beautiful representatives of this sign are prone to drama and excessive hysteria, which the calm Cancer does not really like.
  • This is a wonderful tandem, which is based on an interesting formula of interaction. What Cancer has in excess, Gemini has in short supply and vice versa. They interact perfectly, balancing and complementing each other.
  • Both signs are quite vulnerable and need constant praise and confirmation of mutual love.

Compatibility of a Cancer man with a Gemini woman 65%

Cancer Woman

Both representatives of the same element and sign have every chance of building a harmonious and loving couple, but there is a big risk that the union will be too insipid:

  • As mentioned above, Cancers are silent by nature. Most of the conflicts of these couples will arise due to misunderstanding and inability to discuss their problems and analyze their actions.
  • Cancer men are full of ambitions, but only wise and patient women who sincerely want the best for them can guide them. Unfortunately, representatives of the constellation Cancer are not one of these.
  • These are eternal coquettes, childish and playful seductresses, moreover, prone to flirting on the side, which the Cancer man categorically does not accept.

Compatibility of a Cancer man with a Cancer woman 54%

Leo Woman

Lionesses are excellent companions for confident men, but their whims and adventurous attempts to attract attention can seriously anger Cancer and cause numerous scandals:

  • Lionesses are very susceptible to any manifestations of attention to their person. Of course, Cancers satisfy this need, but each time these dependent, self-loving predators begin to demand more.
  • There are practically no taboos for Lionesses, so they can afford to go beyond the line where most people see rigid boundaries. This can serve as a conflict, because sometimes their desires become completely unreasonable and stupid.
  • The Cancer man appreciates the radiance in the Lioness, which comes from the warm heart of the fire sign. Cancer, like no one else, is ready to endure all the whims of Lionesses, and they, in turn, inspire and love their man.

Compatibility of a Cancer man with a Leo woman 65%

Virgo Woman

Virgos are simply born for the Cancer man. This is the same soulmate, the existence of which is the subject of numerous legends and disputes, but the appearance of this couple already proves the opposite:

  • Virgos are very feminine and subtle in nature, who are able to guide the contradictory Cancer with their wise gaze.
  • The Cancer man greatly appreciates in Virgos their feminine character traits and traditional views on family life. Representatives of this sign will become good life partners for a strong man and wonderful mothers for their joint offspring.
  • Virgos will make diligent wives and reliable friends - this is what the Cancer man can appreciate most of all. Such couples can boast of mutual fidelity to each other.

Compatibility of a Cancer man with a Virgo woman 91%

Libra Woman

Libra women are very beautiful representatives of the fair sex. Their direct curiosity and easy-going attitude towards life can conquer Cancer from the first minutes of their acquaintance. This is a very interesting combination of two contradictory natures, which make no less contradictory couples:

  • At the beginning of their acquaintance, Libra appears to Cancers as romantic, gentle and fragile women, but some time later, their pink world is broken against the rocks of pragmatism, which is inherent in Libra from birth.
  • Their strategic thinking and practical way of life are often regarded by Cancers as attempts to find something much better than a man of the water element can offer.
  • At the everyday level, their idea of ​​each other changes very much and they should find the strength within themselves to accept each other and maintain their relationship. It’s definitely worth a try, because the price of the reward is a happy family life.

Compatibility of a Cancer man with a Libra woman 75%

Scorpio Woman

A Scorpio woman can be compared to a sports racing car, which should be shown the way and immediately get off the road. These are very purposeful women who are able to share their energy and principle of life with representatives of this sign:

  • The unbridled energy of Scorpio is capable of striking anyone who encroaches on the freedom of this sign. Women of this sign are much stronger than any of their partners, so they need a special approach so that the family union does not turn into a battlefield where victory is predetermined by the stars.
  • It’s unlikely that Newton realized that his third law would be perfect for describing the Scorpio relationship model: “the force of action is directly proportional to the force of reaction,” but the secret of the strength of relationships between representatives of these signs is that Cancer does not limit freedom and does not condemn Scorpio ambitions.
  • This is the key to a strong relationship between Cancer and Scorpio, because a man reveals his inner potential, and a woman reveals tenderness and timidity. By complementing each other, they improve independently, which serves as a strong foundation for their family life.

Compatibility of a Cancer man with a Scorpio woman 84%

Sagittarius Woman

The Sagittarius woman is charming in her constant reflection and genuine curiosity about the whole world. They are very purposeful and their internal questions serve as a powerful incentive for them, but is the Cancer man able to appreciate these abilities?

  • The Sagittarius woman is capable of loving her chosen one very deeply, but still not as much as she loves herself. This is a very proud and powerful sign that came into this world to be in proud spiritual loneliness.
  • They do not feel satisfaction when discussing pressing matters, as is typical for the Cancer man.
  • It is much more interesting to fly in cloudy dreams. They are happy to exchange family life for something very ephemeral, like the search for Pandora's box or the Golden Fleece. They are too different, so their life views need to be rethought, otherwise their future together is doomed to failure.

Compatibility of a Cancer man with a Sagittarius woman 46%

Capricorn Woman

With whom Cancer is not on the same path, it is with the Capricorn woman. Their life principles are very different for family life, although they are able to maintain strong friendships:

  • The Capricorn woman becomes independent too early and despises all her emotionally immature fans who claim her heart.
  • The representative of this sign is a straightforward young lady who, without ceremony, will say everything straight out. Capricorns are quite cold and stingy with the words of love that the Cancer man needs.
  • Sooner or later, such a union can lead to an inferiority complex in a Cancer man and nervousness in a Capricorn woman.

Compatibility of a Cancer man with a Capricorn woman 34%

Aquarius Woman

The Aquarius woman is initially not similar to the ideal of the Cancer man. It is customary to say about such women: “not of this world.” They really do seem like they are from another planet, but will the practical Cancer man appreciate such an original and unique nature?

  • The Aquarius woman is able to stir up interest in almost any man in her person, but their talent for seduction does not transfer to the everyday level of relationships.
  • The woman of this sign is tired of family routine. Household responsibilities and raising children are something that is common to all females, but not Aquarius.
  • They come to realize the importance of family life late, so their companion must have nerves of iron to wait for this conclusion, which may come, but it is possible that it will bypass the representatives of this sign.

Compatibility of a Cancer man with an Aquarius woman 56%

Pisces Woman

Pisces women are very sensitive, subtle and vulnerable natures. They are created for family life and will never neglect their obligations to their household. But everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance; their union is fraught with many intricate corridors:

  • Pisces is the most peaceful sign of the entire horoscope. These are very balanced women who are accustomed to putting their comfort on the line for the sake of loved ones.
  • They place themselves on the sacrificial altar because they consider this the best manifestation of love, but such sacrifice often harms relationships.
  • As mentioned above, Cancers have a tendency towards a consumerist attitude, therefore, most likely, they will not miss the chance to take advantage of the kind Pisces to serve their interests. After all, in the end, they asked several times before choosing a place on their neck.

Compatibility of a Cancer man with a Pisces woman 42%

After reading the article, you were probably able to come to the main conclusion - the Cancer man is a very interesting and reliable companion who can envelop you in warmth and care, but to fully reveal his potential, he needs the right half who can wisely guide and show the way, give freedom and outline boundaries of what is permitted.

Video: “What kind of wife does a Cancer man dream of? Love horoscope of a Cancer man"

The fourth sign of the zodiac is ruled by the mysterious Moon. Behind the mask of coldness and indifference that the Cancer man wears, there is a vulnerable and sensitive nature. It is difficult to catch him in the net, and even more difficult to marry him. But the game is worth the candle, since the Cancer man is the most diligent family man in the entire zodiac. So be sure to check your loved one's date of birth.

General characteristics of a Cancer man

Cancer men are highly dependent on outside influence. This could be either their parents, who have a great influence on them to the point of gray hair, or (commonly) the influence of the Moon. Representatives of this zodiac sign are extremely emotional, but prefer to hide love, jealousy and hatred behind a mask of friendly indifference. Their inner world is so complex that you shouldn’t even try to understand it - you just need to accept the Cancer man as he is, with all his zodiac pros and cons. From the outside it seems that the Cancer man is hesitating, but he is just trying to understand his feelings.

Cancers depend on other people's opinions not because they are unsure of themselves - they simply do not want to look stupid. So a woman needs to understand that a man in love may decide to break up with her if for some reason she does not receive the approval of those around him. Cancers often change their mood; they can spark a problem on a universal scale. This sign is stingy with praise, although it loves to receive numerous compliments in its favor. Cancers are perfectionists, capricious, sometimes unceremonious and harsh individuals.

What does a Cancer man like?

This zodiac sign is incredibly romantic. During the candy-bouquet period, he is capable of bold actions that completely contradict his horoscope. Cancer in a relationship is not shy about openly expressing his feelings, so his beloved is guaranteed traditional romantic gifts in the form of huge plush toys and bouquets of red roses, restaurants and walks under the Moon. The best gift for him will be the sincere affection of a woman, which will help her win a man for many years.

The Cancer man is picky, so his woman will have to prepare for every appearance as if she were going to a royal ball. Only one who can look as fresh as a rose even in the morning after a night of love can conquer a man. Before marriage, Cancers do not deny themselves sexual preferences and relationships, so you need to be careful not to fall into the “one night stand” category. For a successful union, Cancer will choose only a true lady - an easygoing and feminine companion, wise and able to make compromises.

Behind the mask of coldness and indifference that the Cancer man wears, there is a vulnerable and sensitive nature.

Cancer man in love

Cancer is a perfectionist, so a woman will have to work hard to attract attention and make a man fall in love. He likes gentle and delicate women, well-groomed and tastefully dressed. A harsh and arrogant lady is unlikely to interest him, just like a village simpleton or a vamp. A woman needs to be kind and friendly so that a lonely Cancer is not afraid to approach her and get to know her. As soon as this happens, she needs to give the initiative into male hands so that communication with the Cancer man goes according to the scenario he himself proposed.

A woman needs to demonstrate that she respects family values. If she subtly hints that she dreams of starting a family and having a child, the Cancer man will quickly come to the conclusion that he has met his ideal. She needs to find a common language with Cancer’s relatives, especially her parents, since even a loving Cancer is unlikely to go against their will. In sex you need to be gentle and romantic, no bold experiments - this sign is unlikely to appreciate them. A romantic dinner by candlelight, a bath for two, a massage - this is the scenario for an ideal night of love for Cancer.

Cancer men in family life: how to live together

The Cancer man is a monogamous and diligent family man. Representatives of this sign make attentive fathers and loving husbands who truly value family values. Despite the fact that Cancer decides to marry late and fully enjoys the joys of single life, it is in marriage that he feels like an accomplished person. His beloved woman must have similar values ​​and outlook on life, otherwise she simply will not understand and will not withstand the enthusiasm with which the Cancer man “builds a family nest.”

A Cancer woman needs to be prepared for the fact that her husband’s relatives will constantly visit their house. You shouldn’t contradict them, as Cancer will be hostile to any, even reasonable, arguments. Even if the beloved manages to occupy the “top shelf” in Cancer’s heart, it will be full of neighbors from his parents to “the seventh water on jelly.” The Cancer man is afraid of losing his family, so he will not exchange it for any woman who is ideal in all respects. Cancer also loves his wife and children, and it is the children who keep him in the family when love leaves.

Cancer men in friendship

This sign does not like to be the center of attention. If you come to some company and notice how one person communicates with a maximum of two or three people and stays away from the main company, there is a high probability that he is under the zodiac sign Cancer. Slow, unemotional and quiet - in short about the Cancer man. For Cancers, family and friends come first, and only then friends. And you can count Cancer’s friends on your fingers, but to justify this sign, let’s say that they are all real, ready to help at any moment.

Compatibility with Cancer men

The Cancer man has good compatibility in sex and love with Scorpio and Pisces. The thing is that the zodiac signs within one element, in our case the element Water, are similar in many ways, so they can easily find a common language with each other. Both the passionate, domineering Scorpio and the dreamy, gentle Pisces can live with a Cancer man. In the first case, passion will boil; in the second, the relationship will be full of tenderness. A romance between a Cancer man and a Scorpio woman will be especially ideal - it will be easy for her to win a man and keep him.

Favorable compatibility of a Cancer man with women of the Earth element. The horoscope says that Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus will be able to easily fall in love with themselves and keep a man next to them for many years. This will be a union full of harmony: Cancer will make the relationship emotional, and the “earthly” woman will streamline his life and make it rational. Their family life will have everything that such partners value: fidelity, stability, mutual assistance. The behavior of the beloved woman will be clear to Cancer, and she will understand the psychology of the man. A union with a Virgo and Capricorn woman would be especially ideal.

Cancer men have unfavorable compatibility with women of the air and fire elements. Water and Fire will conflict; when they collide, they will fight and weaken each other. Water has little in common with the signs of the element Air: women Gemini, Libra and Aquarius seem superficial and frivolous to the Cancer man, while Cancer himself is a complex personality for them. The characteristics of the zodiac sign say that they should not even try to understand a man, and it is better for him to pay attention to more suitable women.

Cancer men - cheating

If Cancer cheated, this is serious. It is difficult for representatives of this sign to decide on a relationship with a woman on the side, especially if the man is new to these matters and is married. But if Cancer was not stopped by the fear of being discovered, it means he has serious plans for his mistress. She was able to give him what he lacks in his relationship with his wife, so from the moment this love affair begins, the Cancer man is torn between his mistress, with whom he truly feels good, and the woman with whom he is bound by obligations.

In such a situation, you should not bring the Cancer man to light, scandalize, threaten and blackmail. All these techniques will not work, but will only make the situation worse. A woman just needs to let the situation take its course, and analyze the relationship with the man herself and understand what exactly he is missing and why he decided to cheat. If she manages to find the reason and eradicate it, then with a high degree of probability she will be able to attract a man. Cancer will return to the family, because he no longer needs to take risks on the side to get what he wants.

It is difficult to catch a Cancer in a net, and even more difficult to get married. But the game is worth the candle, since the Cancer man is the most diligent family man in the entire zodiac.

Cancer men at work

A Cancer man most often follows in the footsteps of his parents and chooses the profession that his father or mother had. But this does not always happen, because if his parents disappeared at work all the time, he will give preference to another profession. For a Cancer man, home and family come first, and only then career and social growth. This sign always chooses a bird in the hand rather than a pie in the sky - Cancer is unlikely to agree to a high position now or in the future, which requires round-the-clock work without proper rest.

More often than not, a Cancer man chooses a profession based on helping other people. This sign is full of compassion, so there are many Cancers in medicine, in the social sphere, and among volunteers. Some of the representatives of the sign go into esotericism, since Cancers have highly developed intuition. They are not focused on their career, and are quite ready to be content with a modest position in which they will be comfortable. This is the case when a man can refuse a high position if it requires constant presence in the office.

In finance, the Cancer man is pragmatic and reasonable. He is not a stingy person, but he will not waste money either. Representatives of this sign prefer to live within their means. They don’t need so much to be happy, and given that their home and family come first, they would prefer to lead a more modest lifestyle and work less than to splurge and then sit in the office around the clock.

Famous Cancer men

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Ernest Hemingway, Marc Chagall, Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Zinedine Zidane, Giorgio Armani, Ivan Okhlobystin.

Vika Di

Cancer belongs to the element of Water, which governs emotions and passions. The Cancer man is fully endowed with them, but his psychology is so extraordinary and contradictory that sometimes it seems that different, sometimes opposite, natures coexist in him.

What traits are characteristic of a Cancer man?

Rational and romantic, reserved and cheerful, strong and vulnerable - and all this has the most direct relation to the Cancer man

However, this description does not testify to duplicity, but to the versatility of nature, which is revealed only to a few close friends and family circle. In general, his father’s house serves as a kind of fortress for him, where he finds protection from life’s troubles, and by nature he is a homebody.

He carefully protects his inner world from gross intrusion and prefers to appear pragmatic, but if he feels sincere attention and warmth, then the sensitive strings of his soul will definitely respond.

Cancer - rational and romantic, reserved and cheerful, strong and vulnerable

A Cancer man can behave openly among his family, without hesitating to show emotions, but at work, especially if he is a boss, he is a completely different person - cold and rational. Before making an important decision he will thoughtfully analyze a difficult situation and calculate how it will develop further, in which he is helped by the Cancer man’s practicality and analytical mindset.

The character of the Cancer man is also not without shortcomings: being under the influence of the Moon, he quickly moves from complacency to irritability, which is replaced by despondency, and all this negatively affects the mood of those around him. Another feature that can be considered a disadvantage is attitude to finance. The Cancer man is a zealous owner, his family will always be well provided for, but he always tries to downplay the high level of his well-being.

Another character flaw of the Cancer man is that he immediately withdraws into himself, if he feels offended or negative, and it is almost impossible to find out the reason for this, he simply will not explain his reaction.

Excessive vulnerability and sensitivity often drives him into depression, and then he prefers loneliness

And all this combined with a wonderful sense of humor, generosity and kind heart.

To be happy, a Cancer man needs to feel cared for , sincerity and kind attitude on the part of close and narrow circle of friends, the choice of which he is very careful.

The Cancer man has a great sense of humor and a kind heart.

What kind of women does a Cancer guy like and what signs is he compatible with?

The Cancer man cannot imagine family life without home comfort, a strong rear and financial stability. He needs a strong, strong-willed woman who will not only help him survive life’s troubles, but will also become his protection. However, a loving Cancer man too ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of maintaining relationships.

In relationships with women, the Cancer man is very picky, especially since representatives of this sign understand female nature like no one else. As for appearance, the ideal girl in their perception should have a number of advantages.

What type of girl does a Cancer man like? She should be well-groomed, neatly but not provocatively dressed and at the same time look sexy. As for character, the Cancer man I need a strong girl, self-confident, sociable and at the same time possessing spiritual subtlety to satisfy his need for understanding and accept him as he is.

A girl for a Cancer man should be well-groomed and neatly dressed

So, who is suitable for a Cancer man and what is his compatibility in love and marriage with other zodiac signs?

Partners by zodiac signCancer Man

Compatibility 43%

Aries has too domineering a character for the relationship to reach marriage, at most - romantic relationships and passionate dates.

Taurus Compatibility 76%

This couple will make good friends, but a successful union is also possible if they make every effort for this. True, Cancer will have to be responsible for everything that concerns the family: financial support, children, etc.

Twins Compatibility 40%

The signs are completely opposite in relation to life, and they will not have a successful union either in love or in marriage.

Cancer Compatibility 33%

Their relationship will not stand the test of time, since they are too similar, require the same things from their partner - attention, care, support and cannot receive them fully.

a lion Compatibility 28%

They are not suitable for each other either in temperament or in life aspirations, and although they are interested in communicating, the marriage will not be strong.

Scales Compatibility 19%

Although they are interested in each other, too different characters and temperaments will not become the basis for true intimacy and a harmonious marriage.

Capricorn Compatibility 23%

Despite the strong physical attraction, they are too different in interests and needs to form a successful union.

Scorpion Compatibility 74%

In this union, Cancer will have to give more than receive, since the partner needs constant support. But they are very attracted to each other, so there is a chance for a strong union.

Aquarius Compatibility 40%

The unpredictability of Aquarius and the vulnerability of Cancer will not allow them to create a harmonious union.

Fish Compatibility 86%

Both are signs of Water, they understand, complement and support each other well, and are not capable of long-term conflicts.

Virgo Compatibility 82%

They complement each other well in many respects, they care about and understand their partner. A harmonious union is quite real.


Compatibility 51%

They attract each other by their opposites, but have little in common, since they have different goals and desires in love and life, so there is no basis for a strong union.

What is a Cancer Man like in bed?

The Cancer man is an excellent lover, sensual and emotional, who cares about satisfying not only his desires, but also the needs of his partner

However, she will have to come to terms with the fact that he does not love an experienced seductress in bed, but rather an obedient student who will follow his explanations and instructions in everything.

Cancer prefers a sweet, shy girl in bed rather than a bitchy girl

How to win a Cancer man and what tactics to choose

To please a Cancer man and make him fall in love with you, a woman will need a lot of tact and tactical abilities. By flirting with him, she will attract his attention, and flirting with another man, if this is the beginning of a relationship, will further strengthen this attention. However, do not overdo it: Cancer man well versed in female psychology and can unravel your maneuver. In addition, this sign is characterized by excessive jealousy; in love, it is the owner.

He will find a grateful response from the woman’s interest in him as a person, her ability to be an attentive listener. But if a woman wants to attract a Cancer man for a serious relationship, then she will have to overcome many obstacles. Cancer men are very attached to their family and are in no hurry to get married. Moreover, in their opinion, it is the girl who should court them, and not vice versa.

However, it is worth fighting, because Cancer men are considered very good husbands and fathers

You need to show your best qualities: charm, femininity, sense of humor and, last but not least, their economic abilities, since Cancer greatly values ​​home comfort. And, of course, tell him all the time about your love and his exclusivity.

Cancer men are very attached to their family and are in no hurry to get married

And one more point worth paying attention to: the Cancer man values ​​his family very much, parents and relatives, so do not try to immediately “fight” him away from his family - this process can take a long time, even after marriage.

Signs of a Cancer guy falling in love and how they are expressed

How to understand that a Cancer guy is in love? Without any regret, he can leave a girl who does not suit him, because he is sure that others will turn up immediately. But if he falls in love, then the behavior of a lover cannot be confused with anything: he does not just confess his love, he shows his love, attention and sometimes excessive care in every way. The way a Cancer man cares for his chosen one, other girls can only envy. However he doesn't like throwing money around, so even if he truly loves, he will not shower his chosen one with gifts, but she will still feel loved.

A Cancer man takes care of his chosen one very beautifully

How to deal with a Cancer man without pushing him away

Those who are accustomed to judging a person’s character by appearance may be surprised by how vulnerable and sensitive Cancer men are, outwardly so self-confident. The girl needs to behave in such a way that he is not offended by a tactless remark or the desire to get into his soul.

The Cancer man reacts very painfully to criticism, so any critical remark should be expressed as tactfully and gently as possible

If a Cancer man is offended, he will simply withdraw into himself, but if this happens regularly, he may wonder if his chosen one is right for him? More often show him signs of attention, even small ones, it can not only surprise, but also touch him.

If a Cancer man is offended, you should show him signs of attention

A Cancer man wants to see next to him not an “iron lady,” but a gentle, affectionate woman, as romantic as he himself is deep down. It is very important for her to try even at the stage of courtship find a common language with his parents, because they occupy a special place in his soul, and he is very devoted to them.

How to keep a Cancer man

Due to his contradictory nature, the Cancer man is prone to sudden mood swings, but do not try to find out the reason for them - he simply ignores such questions, and his partner will have to guess about them herself.

To keep a Cancer man, maximum delicacy will be required and sensitivity. But a woman should also behave in such a way that he feels that there is some kind of mystery in her, so that she is not an open book for him.

Cancer man does not accept hysterical girls

If the relationship is already quite strong and, apparently, is moving towards marriage, and he suddenly begins to disappear and does not call, do not be shy, it is better to call yourself, but not ask about why he changed his attitude, but tell him about his emotions.

But it’s also not worth beating on pity, he loves women who are persistent and balanced, not prone to violent showdowns and scandals

How to get a Cancer man back? You can just wait until the dark streak passes in his changeable mood. If a woman feels guilty, then it is better to boldly admit it to her. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to prevent a breakdown in relations by arranging a showdown; the Cancer man cannot stand this.

What will marriage be like with a Cancer man?

If a Cancer man managed to find his soul mate, then the marriage with him will be successful, unless, of course, the wife takes into account all the “pitfalls” of his character: sensitivity, touchiness, emotional instability. Married Cancer - a wonderful family man and caring father, which will provide the family with the financial stability they value so much.

He is a homebody and loves to eat delicious food, albeit without any frills, so his wife definitely needs to master this area of ​​housekeeping well. He generally prefers that she take care of her family and home rather than her career. To him Psychological comfort is also important- mutual understanding, respect, sincerity and sincere affection, but he absolutely cannot stand scandals.

The Cancer man is very committed to family values, among which parents, and especially his mother, occupy an important place

Therefore, it is simply necessary to immediately establish a good relationship with her and never speak negatively about her.

A Cancer man will be a good father

However, the Cancer man has one unpleasant trait, which paradoxically coexists with the fact that he himself is very jealous and will not forgive betrayal. Himself he can easily change, but does not consider this something special - physical intimacy is of interest to him, and he only loves his wife and invariably returns to her. It's hard to come to terms with this, but that's the way he works.

What to give a Cancer man so as not to disappoint him

A gift for a Cancer man must take into account his interests, as well as status and type of activity, at the same time he must be practical. It's best to give him something he liked on previous occasions, even if it's just men's perfume. He will probably be touched by handmade things - something made with his own hands, for example, a scarf or sweater knitted with his own hands.

An expensive perfume would be a good gift for a Cancer man.

Considering the romantic streak of his nature, you can present a certificate for something unusual as a gift, or you can simply limit yourself to a good feast at a family celebration. The main thing is that he fully feels the love and care that he so needs.

10 February 2018, 20:26
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