The message about Aksakov is brief. Aksakov's works

Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov

S.T. Aksakov - worldwide famous writer, standing on a par with the generally recognized Russian classics. Public figure, literary and theater critic, memoirist. And also a great family man, the father of a large and respected family, a nature lover, an avid hunter and fisherman.

Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov was born in Ufa, in the family of the prosecutor of the zemstvo court, Timofey Stepanovich Aksakov, and the daughter of the assistant to the Orenburg governor, Maria Nikolaevna Zubova. The family had five children.

Thanks to his mother, he discovered the world of literature. Seryozha grew up in the atmosphere Great love and care and was very inquisitive and gifted child: loved to act out plays from The Arabian Nights, recite poetry, and took up reading early. Seryozha inherited his love for nature from his father.

He received a good education for his time: in 1801 he was assigned to the Kazan gymnasium, and in 1804 he became a student at the newly opened Kazan University. IN student years Seryozha began to write and became interested in theater. Together with his friend Alexander Panaev, he published handwritten magazines “Arcadian Shepherds” and “Journal of Our Knowledge”.

One of the hobbies of student Aksakov was collecting butterflies, which, although not for long, completely dominated him and left a deep impression in his memory. Sergei Aksakov and his friend Alexander Panaev collected a whole collection in the vicinity of Kazan, which later, in the summer of 1806, was replenished with new specimens caught by student Sergei Aksakov on vacation in his native estate Aksakovo in the Simbirsk province.

In 1808, Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov moved to St. Petersburg, where he received the position of translator in the commission for drafting laws. There he became close to the poet G.R. Derzhavin, writer, admiral and statesman A.S. Shishkov and other literary and theatrical figures, showing great interest in the art of recitation.

In 1812, Aksakov returned to his native estate in the village of Aksakovo (Znamenskoye), visiting St. Petersburg and Moscow from time to time.

In 1816, Aksakov married the daughter of Suvorov’s general, Olga Semenovna Zaplatina, and the young family settled in the village of Aksakovo (Znamenskoye) in the Buguruslan district of the Orenburg province.

In 1821, Sergei Timofeevich, together with his wife and children, went to the Nadezhdino estate in the Belebeevsky district of the Orenburg province. He devoted himself entirely to his favorite pastimes: rifle hunting, fishing, correspondence with Moscow friends and reading books and magazines.

He and his wife had four sons: Konstantin, Gregory, Ivan, Mikhail and seven daughters: Vera, Olga, Nadezhda, Anna, Lyubov, Maria, Sophia.

The family was friendly. Its existence rested on the coordination of the inclinations of all its members, on the harmony of moods and views. The family read aloud a lot, organized children's costume parties and performed plays.

In 1826, the family of Sergei Timofeevich settled in Moscow. A strong passion for theater contributed to his friendship with many theater workers and his development as a theater critic. In 1827, Aksakov received the position of censor of the Moscow Censorship Committee. In 1833, he became an inspector at the land surveying school, and then director of the Konstantinovsky Land Survey Institute.

But Aksakov left his service in 1839, devoting himself entirely to literary activity and communicating with friends.

The doors of the Aksakovs' house were always open for guests. Among the regular guests here were writers N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, historian M.P. Pogodin, actor M.S. Shchepkin. The house in Moscow and the Abramtsevo estate near Moscow, acquired in 1843, became a unique cultural center, where writers and actors, journalists and critics, historians and philosophers met.

His first notable experience in prose was his essay “Buran,” published in 1834. Main direction literary creativity S.T. Aksakov from this moment on - realism.

In the fifties, the health of S.T. Aksakov’s condition deteriorated sharply, but despite his impending blindness, he continued to work. His autobiographical books, “Family Chronicle” (1856) and “Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson” (1858), written on the basis of childhood memories and family legends, became especially popular. Fairy tale " The Scarlet Flower", written for granddaughter Olenka, was published in 1858. Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov died on May 12, 1859 in Moscow.

Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov became known throughout the world as a master of the biographical genre. In his books, he wrote about the traditions of his family, his impressions of nature, what he knew and remembered well. He had an extraordinary gift for storytelling, observation, accuracy and simplicity of language, which brought him well-deserved recognition. Name S.T. Aksakov took its rightful place in the history of Russian literature.

Chief librarian for local history work of the Ulyanovsk State Budgetary Institution regional library for children and youth named after S.T. Aksakova" Klopkova Olga Vasilievna

* * *


    Kichina, T.E. With the name Aksakov: [about “choral support” in promoting the name of S. T. Aksakov in the territory Ulyanovsk region] / T. E. Kichina // Simbirsk. - 2014. - No. 7. - P. 58-61: photo. ()

  • Klopkova, O.V. Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov: [life and work of S.T. Aksakova; Aksakov places of Russia]; Quiz “S.T. Aksakov and Simbirsk region"] / O.V. Klopkova // Writers-anniversaries: teaching aid/aut.-state O.Yu. Feoktistova, S.I. Savinkov. - M.: LLC “Young Local Historian”, 2016. - (Local History Exhibition, 2016). - Supplement to the magazine “Young Local Historian”. - pp. 13-20. ( )

    Aksakov path...: collection of materials based on the results of the interregional scientific and practical conference “IV Aksakov Readings”, dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of S.T. Aksakova / compiled by E. A. Moshkova; Ulyanovsk Regional Library for Children and Youth named after S.T. Aksakova. - Ulyanovsk, 2016. - 158 p. ()

    Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov: biobibliogr. decree. / comp. T. V. Revyakina; Ulyan. region b-ka for children and youth. - Ulyanovsk, 2007. - 32 p. : ill. - (Writers of our region). ( )

    Aksakovs and Simbirsk region: annotated list of recommendations / compiled by I. V. Bobyleva; Ulyanovsk Regional Library for Children and Youth named after S. T. Aksakov. - Ulyanovsk, 2016. - 12 p. ( )

    Collecting butterflies : guidelines based on work on S. T. Aksakov’s essay “Butterflies” / compiled by O. V. Klopkova; Ulyanovsk Regional Library for Children and Youth named after S. T. Aksakov. - 2012. - 64 p. ( )

  • Presentation “What a scarlet flower you are!” To the 155th anniversary of the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” by S.T. Aksakova.
Virtual trip to Aksakovsky places.

There are many in Russia memorable places, associated with the name of the writer Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov, he is revered by all of Russia, and he is also dear to the Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk region.

The date of birth of the famous Russian writer Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov is considered to be October 1, 1791. His childhood years were spent on his father's estate Novo-Aksakovo and the city of Ufa.

The atmosphere in the house in which the boy grew up was characterized by calmness, goodwill, respect of all family members for each other and the desire for education. The only thing that darkened their cloudless life was the boy’s severe illness. Due to repeated attacks, he was unable to attend regularly. educational establishments and therefore was forced to study at home.

He began attending the gymnasium in 1799. When the gymnasium acquired the status of a university, Sergei continued his studies there until 1807. As a young man, he was a member of a group of literature lovers. This was facilitated by his curiosity and great desire for reading. Later, he became interested in the theater and tried his hand at writing poems, which were published in local literary magazines.

After moving from Moscow to St. Petersburg in connection with his graduation from Kazan University, he was appointed to the position of translator, but did not give up his literary activity.

The year 1811 in the writer’s life was again marked by his move to St. Petersburg. During Patriotic War he lived in one of the villages of the Orenburg region. Staying there for 15 years, he was engaged in translations.

From his marriage to O.S. Zaplatina, registered in 1816, he had 10 children. The family was exemplary. They spent time together in nature, and during the hunting season the writer happily took a gun with him. Having received a decent inheritance from a relative, he started economic activity. Later, leaving the farm, he returned to Moscow. However, the position of censor held there had a dramatic outcome. He was forced to resign. Aksakov was persecuted, for example, because he treated the keepers of order in a humiliating manner in his works.

A large number of translations representing the rich heritage of S. T. Aksakov for this period are a combination of deep knowledge of the Russian word, traditions, and subtle observation of the surrounding world: the tragedy of Sophocles “Philoctetes”, the comedy of Moliere “The School for Husbands”, the novel by W. Scott “ Peveril Peak" and others. In 1847, he summarized his real observations of the life of the living world in “Notes of a Gun Hunter,” and in 1855 in “Stories and Memoirs of a Hunter about Various Hunts.”

This erudite, talented, enthusiastic person did not leave without a trace. His name was immortalized by naming the streets of many cities, a sanatorium, and a crater on Mercury after him.

Every creative stage literary activity of Aksakov S.T. is a time rich in impressions, which in autobiographical prose or descriptions of nature, everyday life are presented on the pages of works.

The life of a famous figure, a great writer, was cut short in 1859 in Moscow.

Option 2

S.T. Aksakov is an outstanding Russian prose writer, publicist, philosopher, and memoirist. He was born in the Urals, in Ufa in noble family belonging to an ancient family. The Aksakovs' estate was called Novo-Aksakovo, and the boy's father was at public service as a prosecutor. Mother is a housewife. The family has long cultivated good education and upbringing of children. Therefore, Sergei was immediately immersed in an atmosphere of intelligence and intellectual work.

In adolescence S.T. Aksakov studied at the local men's gymnasium in Ufinia, and then entered Kazan University, where he studied for a relatively short time. It is here that he discovers brilliant knowledge in the humanities and is seriously interested in literature, art, theater, and poetry. During the same period, his first lyrical experiments appeared. During these same years, he also made his theatrical debut on the university stage.

But Aksakov did not graduate full course university. He was forced to move to St. Petersburg, where he entered the service of the Law Drafting Commission as a translator. Foreign languages he knew well. But this type of activity did not appeal to him either. He continued to be drawn to the world of literature. In this area, Aksakov gradually acquired numerous acquaintances: he began visiting literary salons, circles, and interest groups.

With the onset of 1816, Aksakov decided to get married. His chosen one was O. Zaplatina, with whom he settled in family estate Novo-Aksakovo. Over the years happy marriage Based solely on love and mutual respect, the Aksakovs had ten children. Parents paid a lot of attention to their upbringing and training - however, just as they once paid a lot of attention to Aksakov himself in childhood. Family values stood almost in the first place for him.

Ten years after the wedding, the Aksakovs moved to Moscow. Here Sergei Timofeevich worked as a censor, then served as an inspector at the Konstantinovsky Land Survey School. There he soon became director.

Devoting more and more free time to literature, Aksakov wrote the essay “Buran” in 1834. It was this work that gave the “impetus” to other more problematic and personal works of the author. They started talking about Aksakov as an autobiographical writer later. Also, his works are imbued with natural history premises and are written in an interesting, understandable language. Aksakov also closely collaborated with thick critical magazines, actively publishing his articles on the works of A.S. in them. Pushkin. N.V. Gogol and other famous contemporaries.

Later, the Aksakov house on the Abramtsevo estate near Moscow became the center of Russian cultural, literary and philosophical thought. Famous people gathered there and discussed pressing state problems.

Aksakov’s essay “Notes on Fishing” was a great success, as well as “Notes of a Gun Hunter,” where the writer talentedly poeticized Russian nature and pointed out its uniqueness.

At the end of his life, Aksakov’s health deteriorated. He began to go blind. It became difficult for him to write and generally lead an active social life. Autobiography is inherent in to a greater extent his later works, such as "Family Chronicle" and "Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson", composed on the basis of childhood memories and family traditions of the author himself.

How memoirist Aksakov showed himself in the most last years life - in 1858 - 1859. These are the famous “Literary and Theatrical Memoirs” and “Meetings with the Martinists”.

Biography 3

Sergei Aksakov is a wonderful writer with a conservative attitude towards innovations in the old school of Russian language and literature, which is why many considered this writer a narrow-minded conservative, however, despite this, the author wrote quite worthy works, which were later included in the classics of fiction Russian literature.

The future author of works was born in the city of Ufa in 1791, in the family of a strictly conservative, his father, who adhered to very strict morals, placing in his family the same strict prohibitions on almost absolutely everything, which later, of course, influenced the worldview of young Sergei . His father often forbade him from seemingly simple things, such as toys, which his father did not allow him to touch. He also often became a listener to his father's instructions and sermons.

As a young man, he entered Kazan University, after which he decided to go to the service, where he joined a circle related to literature, in which he met future writers, he was lucky, since everyone in the circle held rather conservative views about Russian literature, and despised all sorts of innovations . There, Sergei is instilled with a love of literature, and it is there that he decides to connect his life with literature, after which he decides to start writing his own literary masterpieces. Together with the club, they publish a magazine in which he publishes his works. His works do not go unnoticed, and very soon he becomes the person everyone is talking about, since his writing style appealed to so many people, which is why he began to publish his works in more eminent publications than the club magazine.

A little later he marries and goes to his estate in the village. There his firstborn is born, and then his second son. In his family, he adheres to the same rules that his father adhered to when raising him.

In 1826, he and his family moved to Moscow, where he received a position as a censor, and then, after working hard for some time, he received the position of director at one of the city's institutes in 1835. There he continues to live and work and, in the end, leaves the world due to old age.

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Aksakov Sergei Timofeevich (1791-1859), writer.

Born on October 1, 1791 in Ufa. He spent his childhood in a patriarchal landowner environment, which had a profound influence on the formation of Aksakov’s calm, benevolent worldview.

After studying at Kazan University, he entered the service in St. Petersburg, where he became close to the “Conversation of Lovers of the Russian Word” circle. It included A. S. Shishkov, I. A. Krylov, G. R. Derzhavin and other conservative writers who defended the purity of Russian literary language against new wave N. M. Karamzina.

V. G. Belinsky argued that along with the “conversation” in public life, “the stubborn Russian antiquity seemed to have risen again, which with such convulsive and even more fruitless tension defended itself against the reform of Peter the Great.” The society published the magazine “Reading in the Conversation of Lovers of the Russian Word,” where Aksakov began publishing his translations and short stories. On June 2, 1816, the writer married O. S. Zaplatina and left for his Trans-Volga estate - the village of Novo-Aksakovo, Orenburg province. The first-born, Konstantin Aksakov, was born there. The father became so attached to the child that he replaced his nanny.

The main content of family life was the desire to live up to the high Christian ideal and the preaching of this ideal in society. Aksakov’s second son, Ivan, wrote about his mother: “The inexorability of duty, chastity... disgust from everything dirty... severe disdain for any comfort... truthfulness... at the same time, ardor and liveliness of the soul, love of poetry, desire for everything sublime - these are the distinctive properties of this wonderful woman."

In August 1826, the Aksakovs moved to Moscow, where Sergei Timofeevich soon received the position of censor, and then became an inspector (from 1935 director) of the Konstantinovsky Land Survey Institute. In the summer, the family went to suburban estates, and in 1843 they settled in Abramtsevo, near Moscow. Life on the family estate gave Aksakov a taste for hunting and instilled in the writer a subtle sense of native nature, reflected in “Notes on Fishing” (1847) and “Notes of a Gun Hunter of the Orenburg Province” (1852). These “hunting books” brought Sergei Timofeevich the fame of a recognized master.

The subsequent stories “Family Chronicle” (1856) and “Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson” (1858; as an appendix to this work the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” is included) are dedicated to the life three generations provincial nobles at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. Far from the salon-political struggle of the 40-50s. XIX century, Aksakov spoke about the relationship between men and masters with calm equanimity, conveying the age-old confidence of landowners in the immutability and fairness of the serf system.

The literary community did not find any denunciation of serfdom in Aksakov’s works. Truthfully showing even the most dark sides estate lordship, the author, however, did not lead the reader to the conclusion about the need to break the ancient life order. This is exactly what the democratic critic N.A. Dobrolyubov blamed Aksakov for, noting in the article “ Country life landowner in the old years,” that the writer is always distinguished by “more subjective observation than searching attention in relation to the outside world.”

Despite such criticism, Sergei Timofeevich’s house became a center of attraction for many cultural and artistic figures. Outstanding scientists and writers gathered in Abramtsevo on Saturdays: N. F. Pavlov, N. I. Nadezhdin, M. P. Pogodin, S. P. Shevyrev, M. A. Dmitriev. The Aksakovs’ friends were N.V. Gogol and actor M.S. Shchepkin. Children were usually in the company of their parents and elders, living their lives. Complete mutual understanding, trust and a special atmosphere of spiritual closeness allowed the Aksakovs to raise sons who fully shared the views of their parents.

The Aksakov or Oksakov family, as they were called in the old days, was ancient and went back to the noble Varangian who moved to Rus' in the 11th century with his retinue. Among the Aksakovs there were boyars, governors, and generals, but the most famous was the name of Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov, a Russian writer.
Seryozha Aksakov was a very gifted boy. At the age of four he already read well, and at the age of five he recited poems by Sumarokov and Kheraskov by heart, retold in his own way and even acted out the tales of “The Arabian Nights.”
Aksakov was interested in literature and theater both during his student years at Kazan University and during the first years of his service in St. Petersburg. Later, having already moved to Moscow, being a censor of the Moscow Censorship Committee and an employee of the Moskovsky Vestnik magazine, he became a famous theater critic and was the first to appreciate the talent of M.S. Shchepkin and P.S. Mochalov.
Sergei Timofeevich realized his literary calling very late and wrote his first books when he was already well over fifty. At this time, S.T. Aksakov was the father of a large and friendly family, the hospitable owner of the house, where all the literary, theatrical and musical Moscow gathered. Friends (and among them were N.V. Gogol, M.N. Zagoskin, I.S. Turgenev, young L.N. Tolstoy) admired Aksakov Sr.’s stories about Russian antiquity, about family legends, about the beauty of the land that he , a passionate hunter and fisherman, knew better than anyone.
To the author's fiction “the soul was not lying down”, and therefore in his books S.T. Aksakov simply talked about what he knew and loved best. “Notes on Fishing” (1847) and “Notes of a Gun Hunter of the Orenburg Province” (1852) captivated readers and critics with the accuracy and subtlety of observations of the life of nature and the poetry of language.
Anyone who wants to know what Russia was like in the old years should read S.T. Aksakov’s books “Family Chronicle” (1856) and “Childhood years of Bagrov the grandson, serving as a continuation of “Family Chronicle”” (1858).
The writer, without inventing anything, slowly and simply tells the story of his family. About how freely people once lived in the Ufa steppes, how bright and transparent the rivers were, how fresh and green the forests were, and how the nightingales sang all night in the spring, not letting them sleep... People, the ancient Russian district nobility, lived in harmony with the whole of God’s world. , who knew a lot about work, and fun, and everything.
In the appendix to “Childhood Years...” there was a fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” - perhaps the kindest and wisest of all fairy tales written in Russian.
Fate left Aksakov very little time for creativity. My health was failing, my eyes were weakening (I had to dictate). But the inner vision became more and more bright, the language became more and more flexible and expressive.
S.T. Aksakov died without completing everything he had in mind. But what he managed was enough. He was loved by his contemporaries and his descendants love him. Everyone who reads his books finds peace of mind and joy. And the more time passes, the stronger the anxiety for the fate of the Earth and people, the more dear Aksakov’s word is to us and the more important his advice is:

From a message to M.A. Dmitriev, 1850

Margarita Pereslegina


COLLECTED WORKS: In 3 volumes - M.: Khudozh. lit., 1986.
Everyone knows S.T. Aksakov - “the singer of native nature” and a storyteller. But few people know his most interesting “Literary and Theatrical Memoirs,” which sound unexpectedly modern now that the Russian theater is 250 years old. Don’t miss also “The Story of My Acquaintance with Gogol,” which contains not only memories of Sergei Timofeevich’s great friend, but also correspondence with him. Therefore, read all three volumes from cover to cover.

THE SCARLET FLOWER: The Tale of the Housekeeper Pelageya // Fairy tales of Russian writers. - M.: Reading Circle, 2001. - P. 64-89.

THE SCARLET FLOWER: The Tale of the Housekeeper Pelageya / Preface. A. Sharova; Rice. L. Ionova. - M.: Det. lit., 1985. - 32 p.: ill.
“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a rich merchant, an eminent man.
...and that merchant had three daughters, all three were beautiful, and the youngest was the best..."
The merchant gathered trade affairs overseas and promised each of the daughters any gift she wanted. And the smallest, most beloved, - “a scarlet flower, which could not be more beautiful in this world...”

CHILDHOOD YEARS OF BAGROV-GRANDSON; THE SCARLET FLOWER. - M.: AST: Olympus, 1998. - 553 p. - (School of classics: Book for students and teachers).

CHILDHOOD YEARS OF BAGROV-GRANDSON: Tale / Artist. A. Itkin. - M.: Det. lit., 2001. - 349 pp.: ill. - (School library).
Aksakov’s memory preserved all the events of his childhood: from the first years of infancy to early adolescence. The love and affection of a mother, “hunting trips” with her father, all the sounds, smells and colors of the steppe region live in the book, as if two centuries have not passed since then...

STORIES ABOUT NATIVE NATURE / Intro. Art. N. Pakhomova; Rice. G. Nikolsky. - M.: Det. lit., 1988. - 142 p.: ill.
S.T. Aksakov’s early essay “Buran”, chapters from the story “Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson”, chapters from “Notes on Fishing” and “Notes of a Gun Hunter of the Orenburg Province” are very good for a first acquaintance with the writer’s prose.

FAMILY CHRONICLE; CHILDREN'S YEARS OF BAGROV-GRANDSON / Intro. Art. A. Khomyakova; Artist I. Falaleev. - M.: Novator, 1996. - 387 p.
“Family Chronicle” tells about two generations of the Aksakov family, called here the Bagrovs, with their children and household members, peasants and servants. At the end of the 18th century family traditions, the way of life of the Russian estate was still majestic and unshakable. The author conveyed priceless details of antiquity with care and love.

Margarita Pereslegina


Abramtsevo: State. history-art. or T. museum-reserve. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1981. - 217 pp.: ill.

Aksakov Sergei Timofeevich // Theater: Encyclopedia. - M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2002. - pp. 12-13.

Arzumanova O. Abramtsevo during the Aksakovs // Museum-Reserve “Abramtsevo”: Essay-guide. - M.: Illustrate. art, 1984. - pp. 15-72.

Bogdanov V. Formation of man // Aksakov S. Childhood years of Bagrov-grandson; Garin-Mikhailovsky N. Childhood Themes; Stanyukovich K. Stories; Mamin-Sibiryak D. Stories. - M.: Det. lit., 1994. - pp. 3-13. - (B-ka world lit. for children).

Voitolovskaya E. S. T. Aksakov in the circle of classical writers: Doc. essays. - M.: Det. lit., 1982. - 220 pp.: ill.

A brief chronicle of the life and work of S.T. Aksakov; Materials for the biography of S.T. Aksakov; Criticism about the work of S.T. Aksakov // Aksakov S. Childhood years of Bagrov-grandson; The Scarlet Flower. - M.: AST: Olympus, 1998. - P. 356-482.

Mann Yu. Aksakov Sergey Timofeevich // Russian writers: Biogr. Dictionary: In 2 volumes - M.: Education, 1990. - T. 1. - P. 22-24.

Mann Y. The Aksakov Family: Ist.-lit. feature article. - M.: Det. lit., 1992. - 384 p.

Mashinsky S. S. T. Aksakov: Life and creativity. - Ed. 2nd. - M.: Artist. lit., 1973. - 575 pp.: ill.

Nizovsky A. Abramtsevo // Estates of Russia. - M.: Veche, 2005. - P. 3-9.

Pakhomov N. Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov // Russian writers in Moscow. - M.: Moscow. worker, 1987. - pp. 147-165.

Sokolov-Mikitov I. Honestly// Sokolov-Mikitov I. Collection. Op.: In 4 vols. - L.: Khudozh. lit., 1987. - T. 4. - P. 214-219.

Starodub K. Aksakov Sergey Timofeevich // Starodub K. Literary Moscow: Historical and local history. encyclopedia for schoolchildren. - M.: Education, 1997. - P. 17-19.

Sharov A. Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov // Sharov A. Wizards come to people. - M.: Det. lit., 1985. - pp. 21-49.




Scarlet Flower: Based on the fairy tale of the same name by S.T. Aksakov. Scene N. Ryazantseva. Dir. I. Povolotskaya. Comp. E. Denisov. USSR, 1977. Cast: L. Durov, A. Demidova, A. Abdulov and others.
A fairy tale about a merchant's daughter and a mysterious flower: Based on the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” by S.T. Aksakov. Dir. V.Grammatikov. Comp. A. Muravlev. USSR-Germany-Denmark, 1991. Cast: E. Temnikova, R. Shegurov, L. Ovchinnikova, I. Yasulovich and others.


Scarlet flower: Po fairy tale of the same name S.T. Aksakova. Scene G.Grebner. Dir. L. Atamanov. Comp. N. Budashkin. USSR, 1952. The roles were voiced by: S. Lukyanov, A. Konsovsky and others.

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