Notes on drawing in the preparatory group. Topic: “Rowan branch”

State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 70 of a combined type, Primorsky district of St. Petersburg


with elements of mnemonics

Subject:"Rowan branch in a vase"

for children of the preparatory group

Prepared by:


View: Productive activity (drawing)

Integration of educational areas:

ü Educational area"Cognition"

Expand and clarify children's understanding of the rowan tree

ü Educational field "Communication"

Develop all components oral speech and free communication with adults and children

ü Educational area "Reading fiction"

Continue exploring illustrations by famous artists.

Improve performance skills when memorizing poems using a mnemonic table

ü Educational field "Artistic creativity"

Continue to learn how to draw from life, conveying the shape of the vase, the design of the branches, and beautifully placing the image on a sheet of paper

Strengthen the ability to outline the shape of a vase with a pencil, and in subsequent work continue to teach children to draw with watercolors

Continue learning to draw with a pencil using different pressure

Improve technique finger painting, develop fine motor skills hands

Reinforce the technique of “infusing” one color into another.

Technologies used:

Gaming technologies


Music influence technology

Preliminary work:

Observe the rowan tree while walking, draw children's attention to the shape of the leaves, their color, and the fruits of the rowan tree.


Illustrations of images of rowan, rowan branches, vase, landscape sheet of A-4 format, watercolor paints, brushes, napkins, wax crayons.

GCD move:

The teacher shows the children illustrations depicting rowan:

Rowan, Rowanushka, Rowan - this is how people affectionately call this tree. Like a thin-bodied young girl, a rowan tree stands in autumn attire. She threw a shawl made of multi-colored carved leaves over her shoulders and put on scarlet beads made of berries. Rowan is not only a decoration autumn landscape, wintering birds cannot do without it.

But not only birds feed on rowan berries; it is a favorite delicacy of pine martens and bears; its branches and bark are readily eaten by moose and hares. In early autumn, rowan berries are bitter and sour, but as soon as the first frost hits, they become pleasant to the taste, and there is no better treat for birds than rowan berries.

Rowan wood is used to make musical instruments, it is suitable for both carpentry and furniture making.

The bark dyes the fabric red-brown, the branches black, and the leaves give brown paint.

Look what beautiful rowan branches I brought. Where can we put them?

That's right, in a vase.

Look how beautiful they look in it. And now I’ll read you a poem about rowan:

A vase of fresh rowan berries was placed on the table.

He noticed her immediately as soon as he entered the room.

I won’t eat rowan better paint I'll get it

In the drops there are beads of amazingly beautiful dew.

Did you like the poem? I suggest learning the poem using a mnemonic table. (The teacher and the children sort out the mnemonic table and memorize the poem)

Physical education lesson “Rowanka”:

- There is a mountain ash tree on the hill,

Keeps your back straight and level.

(Stretching - arms up)

It’s not easy for her to live in the world -

The wind turns, the wind turns.

(Rotation of the body to the right and left)

But the mountain ash only bends,

He is not sad - he laughs.

(Tilts to the sides)

The free wind blows menacingly

For a young mountain ash.

(Children wave their hands, imitating the wind)

Educator: Guys, let us together, as the poem says, take paints and draw rowan branches in a vase from life, like real artists.

The teacher explains the sequence of work:

First we make a sketch with a simple pencil, pay attention to the arrangement of the leaves - the leaves of the mountain ash are complex: there are several of them on one cutting - they are all paired, and one at the end does not have a pair. Then we color watercolor paints vase, branches, leaves. Look how autumn has painted the leaves with the most different colors, the colors seem to flow into one another. And we will draw the berries with our fingers. After the work has dried, we will make the background with wax crayon.

(children begin to work - the teacher monitors how the children draw, reminds them to use paints carefully and correctly, and promptly wipe their fingers with a damp cloth).

Well done guys, you did a great job. Let's look at what rowan branches you got. (Children's work is placed for viewing).

It seems that autumn itself has visited us and left us with its colorful trace as a souvenir.

Drawing classes in kindergarten occupy a special place in the calendar and thematic plan of the preparatory group. By the age of 6–7 years, children already have a sufficient range of drawing techniques and have skills in working with different materials and types of images. One of the topics for practicing these skills is the image of mushrooms and berries, as well as related objects. Let’s look at the methodological nuances of creating a lesson that will make it fun for children and make the teacher’s work easier.


The result of achieving the goals and objectives depends on how thoroughly the teacher prepares for the lesson - this is no secret. And taking into account all the subtleties of the preparatory process plays an important role in this process.


In the preparatory group, children are already familiar with the main types of drawing materials. That is, they can use

  • pencils;
  • gouache;
  • watercolor;
  • wax crayons;
  • markers.

This is interesting. Many methodologists categorically deny the possibility of using felt-tip pens in drawing classes in kindergarten, since children cannot use them to convey shades and elementary shadows in an image.

The basis

As a basis for drawing you can use:

  • paper of different weights (colored or printer paper);
  • cardboard (thick and thin).

The only condition is that the drawing format should not be larger than A4 if we are talking about individual work. For group assignments, you can use sheets of A3 and even A1 format.

This is interesting. Images on whatman paper are allowed if the teacher takes an active part in the creation overall composition work.

Techniques and techniques in the preparatory group

It is assumed that in the preparatory group children already speak a number of unconventional techniques performing a drawing (for example, blotography, when an outline is applied to random spots of paint, or palm painting, when various images are created based on the outline of the palms). However classical techniques still remain a priority. Among them

  • coloring picture templates;
  • completing the composition on a ready-made background (for example, a forest background is complemented by a drawing of a hedgehog, squirrel, mushrooms, berries, etc.);
  • sketching (this technique is being actively mastered in senior group and is practiced in the preparatory room);
  • tracing and coloring stencils (in the group the figures depicted are becoming more complex, animals appear with traced contours of fur, small objects in the composition, etc.);
  • drawing from life (natural materials are used as nature - branches, stumps, acorns, chestnuts, etc.).

To depict mushrooms and berries, it will be important to use additional drawing, sketching and drawing from life.

Drawing techniques are determined by the fact that children already have clear ideas about the point-boundaries of the image, determined by the idea of ​​the drawing. Available for children 6–7 years old

  • any form of painting (small, large details, as well as elementary shadows);
  • drawing thin and wide lines in any direction;
  • vertical position of the brush when drawing thin lines and inclined position of the brush for wide lines (when using paints);
  • dipping, when a brush dipped in paint is applied to the paper with all its bristles to make a print;
  • mixing a watercolor palette to obtain different shades;
  • techniques for painting in different positions pencil in relation to the sheet.

In a lesson on mushrooms and berries, you can combine all these techniques, depending on what materials will be used.

Photo gallery of drawings made using non-traditional techniques

Using semolina, painted in different colors using watercolor or gouache, allows you to quickly fill the image with color. Drawing cotton swabs- this is one of the types of blotography, when an object takes shape from a spot of paint. To create this drawing, the technique of fingerprinting paint was used

How to personalize work?

Implementation individual approach- one of the main goals educational process in kindergarten. This is easier to do in drawing classes than in others, since the final product is a priori unique. And yet, the teacher can already achieve the goal at the stage of setting the task. To do this, an adult can give the following drawing options:

  • present the composition in different time days (day, night, morning) or different times of the year, which implies the use of different colors;
  • depict a picture from life in different approximations (for example, from close range if the baby has vision problems);
  • add one element to a given composition at your discretion and prove the validity of this detail.

This is interesting. To individualize the design, you can invite kids to add elements of other types. visual arts, for example, an application from natural materials, fabric or voluminous plasticine parts.

Composition options

Drawing, as already mentioned, can be done individually and collectively. In the latter case, it is better if these are elements (for example, pine, squirrel, mushrooms, etc.) made on separate sheets and then placed against a common background. Alternatively, children can color individual blocks of the overall composition. As for the thematic variety of using images of mushrooms and berries as a task, this is traditionally an “autumn-winter” thematic block when kids study natural phenomena, animal life associated with seasonal changes. You can suggest the following ideas for wording the topic:

  • “Supplies for a hedgehog”;
  • "Rowan Branch";
  • "Mushroom Glade";
  • "Amanita";
  • “Bullfinches on a rowan branch”;
  • “Who hid there under the tree?”;
  • “Gifts for a squirrel”, etc.


The involvement of children in work depends on how much the teacher manages to interest them in the topic. To do this, you can use a whole arsenal of techniques, combining them depending on the topic and time frame of this stage of the lesson.


Musical accompaniment of classes allows not only to create a favorable atmosphere in children's team, but also present the necessary information in an unobtrusive form, for example, about what edible mushrooms look like. Moreover, you can select videos so that kids not only listen and sing along, but also perform certain rhythmic movements. In this case, motivation can be combined with physical education.

Video: Example of a video clip for children “Mushrooms and Berries”


Rhymed lines easily and accurately fit into children's memory, which is why in preschool education Learning poems by heart is almost the main method of consolidating acquired knowledge. For a drawing lesson, poems can be selected separately by type of mushrooms and berries, or in general about the gifts of autumn, for example.

  • They walked along the path - they found Borovik. The boletus hid its head in the moss. We could pass it, it’s good that we walked quietly.
  • Golden foxes - Curious sisters. They wear red berets, they bring autumn to the forest in summer.
  • I walk through the forest, I look at the berries: There is a raspberry on the bush, There is a rowan on the tree, There is a strawberry in the grass, There is a blueberry under the mountain, Klyukovka is on a hummock... - The box is empty!
  • - Autumn! Tell me quickly, have you saved anything for the animals? - I will give the bear and wood grouse a lot of berries. And cloudberries, and raspberries, and ruddy rowan. - And for the forest squirrel I have a different surprise: I will give the red-haired baby Acorns, mushrooms and pine cones.


It's fast and very productive way set the children up for work, since solving riddles does not require much time, and the kids listen with pleasure and try to give an answer as quickly as possible.

  • This fungus is the son of a birch tree. Whoever finds it, everyone puts it in a basket (Boletus).
  • The mushroom is red - dangerous to health (Amanita).
  • Yellow-red foxes - sisters call us (Little Chanterelles).
  • Near the stumps and on the lawn We always walk in a flock. Very friendly guys, They call us... (honey mushrooms).

Fairy tales

One of the win-win options for getting kids to work can be called fairy tales. As motivation for a drawing lesson on the topic of berries and mushrooms, you can offer not just listening to ready-made stories, but inventing your own (from 2-4 sentences) on a given topic. For example,

  • Once upon a time there was Friendly family Have fun again. One day a misfortune happened: the little brother got sick, so much so that he turned green all over...
  • A daughter was born to the mushroom king Boletus, and he threw a feast on this occasion. He invited distinguished guests: Borovik and Borovikha, Gruzdya and Volnushka and other mushroom inhabitants...
  • Chanterelles grew up in a clearing, bright and orange, and the evil witch Toadstool White lived nearby...

Conversation and visibility

It’s hard to imagine drawing without pictures. Children need to see different variants interpretation of the image that they have to reproduce. That is, if we are talking about berries, the images should be made with different angles, always with enlargement (for example, individual rowan berries, and not just bunches). And, of course, looking at the pictures should take place during a conversation on the topic.

  • How often do you go to the forest?
  • What grows in the forest?
  • Why are mushrooms and wild berries needed?
  • What can you do with mushrooms or berries at home? etc.

Scheme for drawing up lesson notes

A detailed plan for working with children in a specific period of time is the part methodological work which determines the professionalism of the teacher. And you should start preparing your lesson by formulating your goals:

  • teach children to depict mushrooms and berries on paper using different techniques;
  • consolidate children’s knowledge about the structure of forest flora, shapes and colors of plants;
  • train the skill of depicting several objects on one line;
  • expand children’s understanding of natural phenomena;
  • develop creative abilities;
  • cultivate respect for the environment;
  • vaccinate positive attitude to creativity and communication with each other.

The tasks may be the following:

  • consolidate knowledge about edible/poisonous mushrooms/berries;
  • develop memory, cognitive sphere;
  • automate the ability to distinguish mushrooms/berries from pictures or riddles/songs/poems;
  • cultivate patience in work.

It is very important to observe the timing of each stage of work.

  • Introductory part - 5 minutes (repetition of what we did last time, motivational techniques).
  • The main stage of the work is 20 minutes (formulating the task, performing the work with the obligatory inclusion of physical education and finger gymnastics in the timing).
  • Final stage - 5 minutes (drawing up a group composition or designing individual works at one stand, words of encouragement from the teacher and reflection from the child, for example, in the form of questions - Did you like the lesson? How? or What didn’t you like? Did you manage to draw everything you planned? How would you rate your picture? Which picture do you think is the most beautiful? Why? etc.).

Sample lesson notes

Vasilyeva Svetlana “V” autumn forest a lot of mushrooms". Open lesson on drawing in the senior group (teaching the “dipping” method)” (fragment)

<…Давайте нарисуем на травке грибочки для белочки. Садимся за столы: А я сейчас покажу вам, как нарисовать белые грибы.
Educator: Here is an autumn forest (showing a drawing).
Here I have a picture of grass (I show it in the picture).
I'll take a brush and dip it in white paint and immediately paint a lot of mushroom stems.
The legs turned out to be straight (I show and talk through image techniques by applying the entire bristles of the brush to the paper).
And now I’ll rinse the brush well, (I show how) I’ll dip it in brown paint and paint it on the legs of the hat.
The legs stand, and the caps lie on them (showing a horizontal stroke).
Educator: Guys, let's get to work. And the squirrel will help us.
Children: Draw (the teacher helps).
Squirrel: praises the mushrooms in the drawings, thanks the guys for their help.
The squirrel calls several children to help them find strong porcini mushrooms.
Squirrel, together with the children, places the drawings on the stand (discussing the drawings).
Guys, how did we help the squirrel?
What did you draw?
Where did you go?
What did you like most?>

Stages of working on a drawing

"Basket with mushrooms for a hedgehog"

To complete this drawing, you can use both watercolor and gouache. First the children do pencil sketch mushrooms, and then draw (without a pencil outline) the basket.


  1. “We draw with a pencil the ovals of the caps and legs of the mushrooms.”
  2. “We paint them in yellow-beige-brown colors.”
  3. “We use beige paint to make an oval into which we write the mushrooms.”
  4. “We finish drawing the basket, color it yellow.”
  5. “We let the background dry for 1-2 minutes and apply a pattern of cells with brown paint.”
  6. “On the handle of the basket we also do brown imitation of weaving."

This is interesting. If there is no beige paint in the palette, then you can make it by mixing white with yellow, adding a little brown.

"Bunch of Rowan"


  1. “Dip the brush into brown paint and paint a twig.”
  2. “We apply thin short strokes like branches with green color.”
  3. “We draw berries on each branch, making dots with orange or red paint.”
  4. “Dip the brush again into green paint, we draw the branches for the leaves, making them thin but long.”
  5. “Now we apply the leaves by applying the bristles of the brush in one direction to the long green branches.”


This drawing can be an illustration for a poem or fairy tale you have listened to, and since it is done with felt-tip pens, it takes a little less time to create. That is why such pictures can be supplemented with accompanying elements (in this case, butterflies, clouds, etc.).


  1. “We start by drawing the contours of the tree.”
  2. “We show the branches and draw marks on the birch trunk.”
  3. “Drawing the caps and legs of fly agaric mushrooms.”
  4. “We color them, not forgetting to leave white spots.” You can use not only felt-tip pens for coloring, but also pencils.
  5. “We draw butterflies. We draw an oval outline for the body, add wings in the form of the number 3, add a circle-head, and don’t forget about the antennae.”
  6. "Coloring butterflies."
  7. “We close the wavy lines into a shape similar to a circle - these are clouds.”
  8. “Coloring the clouds, finishing the sun.”

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested this work, please download the full version.

Lesson type: a lesson combined with the use of ICT (a lesson in acquiring new knowledge, forming and consolidating methods of activity).

Target: continue to develop the ability to work with watercolors.


  • expand and clarify children’s knowledge about rowan;
  • develop the ability to convey the proportions of what is depicted and the relative size of its parts;
  • strengthening the ability to correctly position an image on a sheet of paper;
  • correction of the ability to examine objects by shape, size, color;
  • upbringing personal qualities: independence, accuracy, attentiveness.

Equipment for students: pencil, eraser, brushes, sippy cup, watercolor paints, sheet of paper, empty frame.

Teacher Equipment: slide presentation on the topic of the lesson, rowan branch, sheet for pedagogical drawing, music - P. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, A. Vivaldi “The Seasons”, vocabulary word - composition.

Lesson plan:

I. Preparatory part

1. Organizational moment.

2. Introductory conversation, viewing slides.

II. Main part.

1. Analysis of nature.

3. Practical work students working on drawing and guiding the process of visual activity.

III. Final part.

2. Summing up the lesson.

IV. Reflection.

During the classes

I. Preparatory part

1. Organizational moment.

2. Introductory conversation, viewing slides.

Today we will take a closer look at the amazing, unusual beautiful tree and draw a branch of this tree. Here it is. (Show slide 2).

Do you know its name? (Children's answers). This is a rowan.

  • Can you explain why and why rowan is considered a beauty?
  • What do you think is beautiful about this tree?

This is how Svetlana Shishkina described it in her poem “Rowan” (slide 2).

I see a slender rowan tree in the yard,
Emerald on the branches in the morning at dawn.
Lots of red berries
Ripe and beautiful
Hanging in clusters
Their outfit is beautiful.
Gather a string of berries - for the soul,
Rowan beads are very good!
And in winter the rowan trees burn with fire,
Red as rubies, they shine on the branches...
Rowan branches shine with gold,
The sun plays merrily with their leaves.

Rowan is friends with everyone, tries to feed everyone, and if anyone gets sick, he will heal them. And although rowan fruits taste bitter, they are still good.

Now let's admire the paintings of artists (slides 4, 5, 6), in which the beauty of the mountain ash was glorified. Each picture is interesting and charming in its own way.

II. Main part.

1. Analysis of nature.

Today you will draw a rowan branch from life. (The rowan branch is fixed on the board).

Look at the thread carefully.

  • How many parts does it consist of?
  • Is the branch straight or crooked?
  • How are the leaves arranged?
  • What's at the end of the branch? (Brush with rowan berries). The cluster of berries consists of a branching of twigs and berries.
  • Let's consider color. What is it like on the branch? (Brown). What color are the leaves? (Yellow, orange, with red and green tints). What color are the berries? (Red, bright orange).

2. Determining the sequence of drawing.

In order for the drawing to turn out beautiful and successful, it is necessary to correctly compose the image of the rowan branch.

Composition This is the construction of an image, conveying its content and character.

Guys, read this word on the board again, remember how to write it.

What does the word mean? composition ?

Let's look at the stages of your work:

1 – correctly position the sheet of paper (a “long” object – the sheet is horizontal, a “tall” object – the sheet is vertical) (slide 7);

2 – select the size of the picture and mark it on a sheet of paper (do composition drawing) (slide 8);

3 – clarify the main parts of the object and small details (branch and its thickness, leaves and veins on them, berries) (slide 9);

4 – complete the color scheme of the berries (slide 10);

5 – show the color of the branches (slide 11);

6 – convey the color of the leaves (slide 12).

And this is what you should get in the end (slide 13).

Before you start practical work, I suggest you do some physical exercise.

3. Practical work of students on drawing and management of the process of visual activity.

So, I remind you of the step-by-step construction of the image of a rowan branch on a landscape sheet. We draw from life, so we often look at the branch and compare it with what you drew. During work, we monitor posture and order in the workplace.

To create an emotional mood during work, music by P. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” and A. Vivaldi “The Seasons” is played.

Fizminutka(after pencil drawing).

III. Final part.

1. Exhibition, analysis and evaluation of students’ work.

2. Summing up the lesson.

What did you draw today? What was the dictionary word? What does it mean?

IV. Reflection.

Are you satisfied with your job? What's your mood now? What would you like to wish for yourself? To your classmates?

Drawing: Bunches of mountain ash Purpose: - selection of image methods and visual material depending on the transmitted image. Objectives: -teach children to pass characteristics rowan branches: shape, structure of branches and leaves, berries, their color and shape; consolidate the ability to beautifully place a branch on a sheet of paper; introduce a new technique drawing - poking; continue to develop your finger painting skills; bring up aesthetic taste and accuracy in performing work.

Previous work: observation of autumn phenomena in nature; looking at bushes and trees painted in autumn, looking at bunches of rowan berries. Materials for work: gouache, brushes, sheets of paper, pokes, napkins, cups of water, glue stick, picture with a sprig of rowan. Vocabulary work: Bunches of rowan, nomadic birds.

The lesson begins with a poem: Into the autumn forest, for a walk, I invite you to go. More interesting adventures Guys, we can’t find it. Stand behind each other. Hold hands tightly. Along the paths, along the paths. Let’s go for a walk in the forest. Maybe we will collect leaves in the autumn forest?

Didactic game“Good-bad” Didactic game “Good-bad” Autumn Good Bad - beautiful colorful leaves; -leaf fall; -harvesting; -collection of gifts of nature; - some birds stay for the winter and delight us with their singing and chirping - it rains often; -gets cold; - animals are preparing for winter; -trees become bare; -Birds fly south

Sequence of drawing: Sequence of drawing: 1.Draw a twig; 2.Draw the leaves symmetrically to each other; 3.Draw a bunch on which the berries are held; 4.Draw the berries, omitting forefinger in gouache and then on a sheet of paper; 5.Draw the “eyes” of the berry with a poke; 6. Let's draw reverse side poking the veins of the leaves; 7.Glue the bullfinch near the berries.

GCD in mathematics in the senior group drawing “My favorite fairy-tale hero”
Dronova Natalya
Goal: Creating conditions for the development of artistic and aesthetic abilities through drawing a favorite fairy-tale character.
-create a positive attitude, a desire to interact with each other;
- create conditions for children to express their own opinions;
- create conditions for the manifestation of imagination;
- create conditions for children’s speech activity;
GCD move
Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.
Greetings. We gathered again today.
Everyone is ready for class.
We'll have fun playing and helping each other.
Educator: - Guys, do you like fairy tales? What fairy tales do you know? (Fedorino's grief, bun, 3 bears, Masha and the bear, aibolit, Zayushkina's hut, crocodile Gena and Cheburashka)
- I suggest you play, let’s see how well you remember the heroes of these fairy tales?!
The game is called: “You give me, I tell you.” I will throw you a ball and name the animal, the hero, and you will answer in which fairy tale this hero appears. For example: cow - fairy tale “Kroshechka - Khavroshechka.”
Goat-…; Bear-..; Wolf-…; etc.
- Okay guys, I have a simple saying, it’s just about fairy-tale heroes. I suggest I tell it to you
He - he - he - my phone is ringing
Yr - yr - yr - loves water Moidodyr
Silt - silt - silt - the crocodile swallowed the sun in the sky
It - it - it - Good Doctor Aibolit.
- Guys, tell me what types there are fairy-tale heroes the nature?
Children's responses (positive and negative)
Which heroes are most often negative in a fairy tale? Which ones are positive? Children's answers.
- Guys, please tell me, where do fairy tales and fairy-tale heroes live?
Children's answers. (in the book)
- I discovered this morning in the group new book on her desk without opening it, seeing her attractive appearance, I decided that I would read it to you.
Do you want me to read it to you? Let’s open it... oh look, the book is empty, where are the pages? Where are the pictures, so there’s a note.
The note says: The Fairy is writing to you. - Hello, dear children.
IN good fairy tale I live,
I serve there as a cheerful fairy,
I tell fairy tales to the kids,
I bring you a book with pictures. The evil wizard found out about this,
He took the magic book for himself,
The funny colors from that book were erased
Ah, the wizard turned out to be cunning...
So the pages were left blank.
- Guys, what should we do? the pages are all empty, there are no pictures, there are no fairy-tale characters either. Children’s answers (draw)
Do you offer to draw? Okay, let's draw, and who will we draw? children's answers.
But before we start drawing, let's stretch our fingers.
Gymnastics "Kittens"
Our cat has ten kittens
Now all the kittens are in pairs
Two fat, two dexterous, two long, two cunning,
Two little ones
And the most beautiful ones.
- Fine. Let's now remember, repeat what heroes you will draw, everyone will draw the one he likes best, of course we will have on the sheet not only his hero, but also the situation, the fairy tale in which he is located, we will draw a whole illustration, do the children agree?
Children's answers. Let's also sort it out and remind each other what parts of the theme does the animal hero have? children's answers (in front of the children's eyes is a sample of an animal's drawing, its drawing sequence, and we also show a sample of a person's drawing. Talking through everything step by step.
Reflection. As a result, after the drawings have dried, we place our illustrations in an empty book with the children, each time the book can be replenished.

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