Lesson notes on OO Artistic and Aesthetic Development. Visual activities

Lesson on artistic creativity (non-traditional drawing) in the middle group on the topic: “Polar Bear”

Description: Abstract of OD on “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” for middle-aged children using non-traditional techniques. The material will be useful to educators and additional education teachers working with middle-aged children.

Preliminary work: viewing paintings about the inhabitants and animals of the North, reading works of art about the North; viewing the northern lights.

Target: introduce children to a new way of conveying images - drawing with semolina; learn to fill out the entire image.

Tasks: expand children's ideas about the animals of the north, about the polar bear (what it eats, where it lives, characteristic features), introduce children to a new phenomenon - the northern lights, continue to introduce unconventional drawing techniques, teach children to draw with semolina, continue to develop the skill of working in unconventional techniques , develop fine motor skills of the hands, imagination, imaginative thinking, creative abilities, develop cognitive activity and aesthetic sensitivity, cultivate interest in unconventional methods of drawing, the ability to finish a job, independence in completing work
Materials: semolina, glue, brush, brush stand, napkin, sheet with a finished design.


1. Riddle about a polar bear.

Guys, guess the riddle:

"Sitting on a block of ice,

I catch fish for breakfast.

I am known as snow-white

And I live in the North"

That's right, it's a polar bear.

Let's look at this picture.
2. Examination of the painting “Family of Polar Bears”

Who do you see in this picture?

What are the cubs doing? What are they?

What is the bear doing? What is she like?

Guys, what do you know about the polar bear? (children's answers)

What else do you see in the picture? (Northern lights)

What are the northern lights? The Northern Lights occur on clear, frosty nights. The sky, illuminated by the light of the moon and stars, turns into different colors. And it becomes very light, like during the day.

Look at the picture, guys, and tell me, please, is this a beautiful phenomenon? (Yes)

What colors are there in the northern lights? (Reddish, light green, purple)

What do you guys think, do we have northern lights? (No)

That's right, we don't have the northern lights.

3. The teacher's story.

“The polar bear lives at the North Pole, in the Arctic. It's always winter there, there's always snow. He is the largest predator on our planet. The bear swims and dives well. Moves quickly on ice. Polar bears hunt seals and walrus cubs. Polar bears also eat fish, birds and their eggs, moss, and berries.”

4. Dynamic pause.

"Polar bear goes fishing

Walks slowly, waddles.

The old fisherman senses

That the rich man is waiting for a catch"

5. Setting a task for children.

Today I suggest you draw a polar bear, but we will paint not with paints, but with glue and semolina.

You have workpieces on your tables and everything you need for work.

First you need to paint the bear with glue, then cover all the applied glue with semolina, and shake off the excess.

6. Independent - practical work for children.

7. Summing up. Exhibition design.

Guys, you’ve got very beautiful bears, let’s place them on ice floes, and we’ll have a real North Pole, where polar bears live and roam.

Guys, you know there are northern lights at the North Pole. The Northern Lights are such a wonderful phenomenon when the sky shines with all colors at once. Waves of red and green light, alternating, sweep across it from one end to the other.

Let us see how this happens. (video demonstration)

Now let's get back to our work, look how wonderful it turned out!

Summary of a lesson in visual arts in the middle group “How a bear greeted spring. Drawing a bear"

Target: to consolidate children’s ability to draw using the poking technique with a hard, semi-dry brush, to draw along the contour and inside the contour.


Strengthen the ability to draw with gouache using the poking method.

Apply the design over the entire surface.

Convey in the drawing the features of the bear’s appearance.


Develop imagination and perception of the world around you,

Cognitive abilities;

Promote the development of curiosity.


Foster a caring attitude towards living nature;

To consolidate knowledge about the appearance and life of a bear in the spring.

Cultivate accuracy while working.

Equipment and material: a sheet of paper with an outline of a bear, brown gouache, black, yellow, green, white gouache, hard brushes No. 6 and No. 3, cotton swabs, stands for brushes, napkins for each child. An example of a bear drawn using the “poke method” on a board.

Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk tales "Masha and the Bear", "Three Bears", E. Charushin "The Bear" and other stories about animals. Examination of illustrations by E. Charushin. Looking at photo illustrations with animals in spring, talking about the life of animals in spring, talking about spring changes in nature, observing while walking.

Printed board game "Who has what kind of home?" Applique, modeling of animals.

Progress of the lesson.

Introductory part.

What time of year is it? (spring)

Guys, let's think about what happens in nature in early spring (children's answers).

(on the projector the teacher shows all the listed signs of spring, accompanied by a story).

All living things wake up, the stream rings, and the first flowers appear in thawed patches - snowdrops, birds fly in from warm countries. Spring has come. (The ice on the river began to break, a warm wind blew, the sky became clear and spring-like, the snow melted, and the earth appeared).

Are animals happy about spring? (Yes) What happens to those animals that were in hibernation? (They wake up.) That's right guys.

Now I will tell you how the bear met spring.

An image of a bear sleeping in a den appears on the projector.

The bear slept in his den without worries and without anxiety.

Slept all winter until spring and probably dreamed

Suddenly, the clubfoot woke up, heard drips - what a disaster!

He groped in the darkness with his paw and jumped up - there was water all around.

The bear hurried outside: it was flooding - no time for sleep!

He got out and saw: puddles, snow was melting, spring had come.

When it gets warm and the first leaves appear, the bear will wake up. But he will be sad alone, he has no friends yet. How can we help the bear? (Draw friends for him - bears.)

Main part

The teacher invites the children to look at the image of a bear. He asks what kind of fur the bear cub has. (fluffy, shaggy).

Would you like to draw a bear cub with the same beautiful fur? (children's answers)

By what method can we draw it? (“Poke method”).

Yes, children, we will draw a bear cub in an unusual way, using a hard brush and gouache.

(children sit down).


Remind and show children how to hold a brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush.

Where do you think you should start drawing a bear cub? (Children's answers)

Well done! First, we use the “poke method” to trace the outline of the teddy bear. Drawing the body always starts with the downward direction. What part of the bear's body is on top? (Head)

Right! What shape does the bear's head have? (Round)

Fine. Which body part should be drawn next? (Torso/body of a bear cub)

It’s great, what kind of figure does the bear cub’s body look like? (Oval)

What parts still need to be drawn for our teddy bear? (front and hind legs, they are oval, ears are semicircular).

When the outline is ready, fill the space inside using the “poke method”.

The teacher accompanies the instructions with a demonstration and invites the children.

What is our little bear missing? (Children's answers)

But first we'll play with our fingers.

Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - (Hand on the elbow. Hold the brush


fingers above its metal part.

It's difficult? No, it's nothing! - Movements of the hand along the text.

Right – left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform pokes without paint

Spun like a top. on the sheet.)

After a poke comes a poke!

Let's draw these fluffy bear cubs!

But first we will play the finger game “two bears were sitting.”

Independent work of children.

When the drawing dries, using a cotton swab and black we will add the eyes, nose, mouth and claws to the bear. And so that our bears don’t get bored, we will complement our drawings with signs of spring. If desired, we will finish drawing the spring sun, clouds and the first grass. To do this, use thin brushes.

Physical education minute "The bear cubs lived in the thicket."

The cubs lived in the thicket

They turned their heads

This is how they turned their heads.

The cubs were looking for honey,

Together they rocked the tree,

Like this, like this, they rocked the tree together.

The cubs drank water

We followed each other,

This is how, this is how everyone followed each other.

The cubs danced

They raised their paws up,

Like this, like this, they raised their paws up.

Final part.

The teacher attaches drawn bears to the magnetic board.

Well done, what wonderful bear cubs we have made. Now our bear will wake up from hibernation and find many new friends.

Children, tell us about your bear cubs? Which one turned out to be the funniest, which one was the fluffiest, which one was the hairiest? How did we draw today? (“Poke method”

Baizhumanova Daria Nesipovna

Teacher of the mini-center "Balapan" group "Rainbow"

Akmola region PA of Stepnogorsk

State Institution "Secondary School of Karabulak Village"


Teach children to poke with a hard semi-dry brush along the contour and inside the contour.


Teach children to draw animals using the poking method. Strengthen the ability to paint with a brush in different ways.

Educational: develop the ability to draw with gouache using a poke; apply a pattern over the entire surface; convey in the drawing the features of the bear’s appearance.

Educational: develop curiosity, imagination, cognitive abilities and perception of the surrounding world, the ability to independently choose the color scheme for the image.

Educational: Cultivate a caring attitude towards living nature and accuracy during work.

Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations of animals. Reading the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".

Material: a landscape sheet with a drawn outline of a bear; brushes (hard, gouache, glass of water, brush stand, napkins). Two samples: on one there is an outline of a bear, on the other there is a bear drawn using the poking method.

Progress of direct educational activities:

Circle of Joy

1. In the morning we get up with the children in a circle and say:

Hello right hand - stretch forward,

Hello left hand - stretch forward,

Hello friend - let's join hands with our neighbor,

Hello friend - let's take it with the other hand,

Hello, hello friendly circle (we shake our hands).

We stand hand in hand, together we are a big ribbon,

We can be small (squat)

We can be big (we get up), but no one will be alone.

I give the children a riddle:

“In the summer he walks through the forest, in the winter he rests in a den.” (Bear)

Educator- Right! What does the bear look like? He is fluffy, he has four legs, a small tail, and he himself is big. I’m now reading the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”

Tell me, what did Mishka do with Masha, good or bad?

Children: It’s bad, he didn’t let Masha home.

Educator: Yes, Misha didn’t let Masha home, and what did Masha do?

Children: She outwitted him.

Educator: Yes, she outwitted him, and thus got home to her grandparents.

Educator: Now we need to take a closer look at the bear. What shape is the bear's body?

Children: Body – oval

Educator: What about the head?

Children: Round.

Educator: Who knows how to draw a fluffy bear? What method or technique will we use?

Children: Poking

Educator: Right. Poking. Let me show you how to draw.

(Show) Poke first along the contour of the bear - head, torso, tail, paws, and then inside.

Educator: That's how fluffy the bear turned out to be. What else did I forget to finish drawing for the bear?

Children: Eyes and nose.

Educator: That's right, eyes and nose. But I won’t draw them, but glue them. Look how wonderful the bear turned out!

Remember how to draw a bear? We must try not to go beyond the contour line.

(Independent work of children, individual assistance)

Now sit down at the tables and start drawing.

Phys. minute “At the bear in the forest”

As the children complete their work, I conduct an analysis, noting the most successful works and noting the mistakes the children made.

Summary of GCD for drawing using the “poke” technique with a dry glue brush in the middle group “Teddy Bear”

Purpose: To consolidate the drawing technique - “poke” (dry glue brush);

Development of fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements;

Strengthen the ability to paint along the contour using the “poke” method;

consolidate knowledge of color (brown, instill interest in drawing in different ways.


Cultivate an interest in wild animals.


Encourage children to use their knowledge and ideas about the features of a bear’s appearance.

To develop the ability to depict a bear, accurately conveying the features of appearance and proportions.


To develop in children the ability to convey a simple, simple image with one character (a bear).

Strengthen the ability to draw an outline with a simple pencil, use a dry, hard brush when drawing the fur of a bear.

Material for the lesson:

Teddy bear toy;
- simple pencils;

The brush is hard and watercolor.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about wild animals

Examination of the series of paintings “Wild Animals”

Strengthen knowledge of color (brown, instill interest in drawing in different ways.


Sample of a finished drawing of a bear, Toy - a bear cub. Bristle brushes, thin soft brushes, gouache (brown, black, red, napkins, jars of water.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, name me the toys that you know. (Children's answers)

Now let's check if you have listed all the toys? (Show demo material)

Guys, I'll tell you a riddle. You have to guess which toy I made a riddle about. (Mystery)

That's right, it's a bear.

The teacher invites the children to look at the image of a bear. He asks what kind of fur the bear cub has. (fluffy, shaggy).

Physical education lesson "The bear cubs lived in the thicket."

The cubs lived in the thicket

They turned their heads

This is how they turned their heads.

The cubs were looking for honey,

Together they rocked the tree,

Like this, like this, they rocked the tree together.

The cubs drank water

We followed each other,

This is how, this is how everyone followed each other.

The cubs danced

They raised their paws up,

Like this, like this, they raised their paws up.

Would you like to draw a bear cub with the same beautiful fur? (children's answers)

By what method can we draw it? (“Poke method”).

Yes, children, we will draw a bear cub in a way already familiar to you, using a hard brush and gouache, the outline of the bear cub using a simple pencil.

(children sit down).


Remind and show children how to hold a brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush.

Where do you think you should start drawing a bear cub? (Children's answers)

Well done! First, we use the “poke method” to trace the outline of the teddy bear. Drawing the body always starts with the downward direction. What part of the bear's body is on top? (Head)

Right! What shape does the bear's head have? (Round)

Fine. Which body part should be drawn next? (Torso/body of a bear cub)

It’s great, what kind of figure does the bear cub’s body look like? (Oval)

What parts still need to be drawn for our teddy bear? (front and hind legs, they are oval, ears are semicircular).

When the outline is ready, fill the space inside using the “poke method”.

The teacher accompanies the instructions with a demonstration and invites the children.

What is our little bear missing? (Children's answers)

But first we'll play with our fingers.

Do the warm-up exercise with a brush, with your hand resting on your elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - (Hand on the elbow. Hold the brush with three fingers at the base of the sheet metal.

It's difficult? No, it's nothing! - Movements of the hand along the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform pokes without paint

Spun like a top. on the sheet.)

After a poke comes a poke!

Let's draw these fluffy bear cubs!

Independent work of children.

When the drawing dries, with a thin brush, in black, we will add the eyes, nose, mouth and claws to the bear.

4. Independent activity of children.

And now you will each draw your own bear. What kind of bears will you have - happy or sad? If anyone needs help, I will come and help.

5. Summing up.

Analysis: (I take the toy) Bear, look how many drawings you have now with your image. The kids tried so hard to help you. Now you can give them to anyone you want!

Teddy Bear: (Looks at the children's drawings) - Thank you, guys, I like this funny little bear, and this one is funny, and I really like them all and I can send them to my brothers! Hooray! Goodbye!

Educator: Guys, you are all great! Let's hang our drawings at our exhibition.

Lesson summary for visual arts in the middle group
"Drawing a Bear" (unconventional method: "Poking Drawing")

Goal: To improve visual skills and abilities, to develop artistic and creative abilities.
Continue to improve the ability to convey in drawing images of characters from literary works (illustrations by Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin).
Learn to convey the position of objects in space on a sheet of paper, as well as the movement of figures.
Continue to introduce children to non-traditional means of drawing, using a sponge and gouache (dry method).
Continue to develop the ability to work carefully, using materials sparingly.

Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk tales “Masha and the Bear”, “Three Bears”, E. Charushin “Bear” and other stories about animals. Examination of illustrations by E. Charushin. Designing geometric shapes of animals, completing the drawing of body parts for a fox and a hare. Looking at photo illustrations with animals in the spring, a conversation about the life of animals in the spring, a board and printed game “Who has what kind of home?”, a didactic game “Who eats what?”. Applique, modeling of animals.

Materials: Sound recording of a bear growling, a teddy bear toy. Fiction riddle about a bear, didactic game “In a forest clearing”, a set of animal toys, illustration of a bear by Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin, gouache, brushes, foam sponge, napkins, 1/2 landscape sheet of green background.

Progress of the lesson
Introductory part
The teacher invites the children to gather in a forest clearing.
- What time of year is it outside? (spring)
The teacher plays the sound recording “Growling of a Bear.”
- Guys, listen, who is growling? (If the children find it difficult to answer, ask a riddle about a bear):
- He lives in a deep forest,
He's big and clumsy
Loves berries and honey
And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)
The teacher organizes the didactic game "Bear". Children pass the teddy bear to each other in a circle and describe the bear's fur using tactile sensations (thick, shaggy, shaggy, brown, brown, long, warm, thick, etc.).
Main part
The teacher invites the children to look at the illustrations of Evgeny Charushin. Asks:
- Are you familiar with this illustration? Listens to children's answers. (This illustration of a bear was drawn by the artist Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin).
Draws attention to the fur of the bear cub, as the artist depicted it.
- Would you like to draw a bear cub with the same beautiful fur? (children's answers)
- What do you think we need for drawing? Listens to the children's answers (album sheet, simple pencil, gouache, thin brush).
The teacher draws the children’s attention to drawing materials:
- How should we draw fur for the bear cub? (with a hard brush, sponge, woolen threads, etc.)
- What's on your table? (a stick with foam at the end).
- Touch the foam rubber, what does it feel like? (hard, porous with large bubbles, dry)
The teacher suggests drawing a bear cub in an unusual way, using unconventional drawing means, using a sponge and gouache (dry method “poke method”).
- Where do you think we should start drawing a bear cub? (Children's answers)
- Well done! First, we will draw a bear cub with a simple pencil, using smooth lines to outline the figure. Drawing the body always starts with the downward direction. What part of the bear's body is on top? (Head)
- Right! What shape does the bear's head have? (Round)
The teacher invites, if desired, one of the children to draw a bear’s head on the easel.
- Fine. Which body part should be drawn next? (Torso/body of a bear cub)
- Wonderful, what shape does the bear cub’s body resemble? (Oval)
The teacher invites one of the children to depict the body of a bear cub on an easel.
- What parts still need to be completed for our little bear? (front and hind legs, they are oval, ears are semicircular).
The teacher invites the children to complete the missing parts of the bear’s body on the easel.
- And to make our bear cub fluffy and shaggy, we will draw with a sponge. If you dip a dry sponge into the paint of the color we need (brown), and then lightly press the painted side onto the line drawn with a pencil and immediately tear it off the surface, you will get an imprint that will give the line volume and fluffiness. Don't forget to remove excess paint onto a piece of paper. The next print should be placed side by side, leaving no free space for previous and subsequent prints. When the outline is ready, fill the space inside with prints.

The teacher accompanies the instructions with a demonstration and invites the children.

What is our little bear missing? (Children's answers)
- Right. When the drawing dries, with a thin brush we will paint the eyes of the bear cub. nose, mouth and claws.
I invite you to relax in a forest clearing and do some exercises.

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The cubs lived in the thicket
They turned their heads
This is how they turned their heads.
The cubs were looking for honey,
Together they rocked the tree,
Like this, like this, they rocked the tree together.
The cubs drank water
We followed each other,
This is how, this is how everyone followed each other.
The cubs danced
They raised their paws up,
Like this, like this, they raised their paws up.

Well done, what wonderful bear cubs we have made. Would you like to give your parents a small fluffy bear each? (Yes).
- Let's draw these bear cubs!
Independent work of children.

Final part
The teacher has different trees and an impromptu forest attached to a magnetic board.
-Where do you think bears live? (children's answers)
-Bears love to walk in the forest. Our cubs also like the forest.
Children place their bear cubs in an impromptu forest clearing, they communicate with each other, talk about their bear cub.
- How did the bear cub get his beautiful, fluffy fur?
- What means of expression did we use? (foam rubber, gouache, color).

From birth to school. Basic general education program for preschool education / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. – 3rd ed., rev. and additional – M: Mosaika-Sintez, 2014 - 368 p.
Komarova T. S. Visual activities in kindergarten (4-5 years old). Middle group / T. S. Komarova. – M: Mosaika-Sintez, 2015 – 112 p.

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