The other side of the “Housing Issue”: hackwork and deception in the famous TV show. Biography of Natalya Maltseva The first presenter of the housing issue on NTV list

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Biography, life story of Natalia Maltseva

Natalia Maltseva, Russia

Everything on TV is not like people's. And their renovation is going like clockwork, and the result is not a room, but a sight for sore eyes. This means that it is there that they should know the recipe for remodeling housing with minimal losses, both moral and material.
At the same time, not forgetting about fashion. Our expert was the chief television foreman of NTV, Natalya Maltseva, who at the same time shared her experience in solving her own housing problem.

Toilets are not reserved

- For Elina Bystritskaya, it seems that this is your first time taking on a new building. What didn't you like about them so far?

For the first time, completely honestly. New houses are a specific thing; the owners usually themselves have a concept of how everything should be. We made an exception only for Elina Avraamovna.

- What other benefits are there for famous repairmen? Say, they can spy on what they are doing in their living space?

We do not make exceptions for anyone. Sometimes stars are more difficult to communicate with, yes. But not all. For example, our entire group received great pleasure from the project with Svetlana Svetlichnaya.

- I don’t remember giving anyone a bath or toilet. Have you really never had a chance?

Yes, there was no such project. We can’t rent in small bathrooms, and large ones are rare. We don’t choose heroes based on the size of the bathroom. Actually, no one asked us to do something like that.

- Often do program participants remake something for themselves after the renovation?

Basically keeping what we've done. Some even treat the new interior like a museum - they just wipe off the dust. Others creatively comprehend new things and add something. We had one wonderful couple - people of age, but very essentially young, we made them a furry refrigerator: we lined the front panel with fur. And then they took it and decorated it with the same fur washing machine. In general, they turned out to have a very interesting cuisine, so pop art.


Your repair didn't go well

- Tell me as a specialist: how often should you undertake repairs?

Surely among your friends there are people who love to travel, they are always drawn somewhere. And there is another category - those who have difficulty moving from their place. The same goes for repairs.

Generally speaking, once every five to seven years, it seems to me that the situation needs to be changed. Maybe not dramatically. Refresh.

- Where is the right place to start repairs?

If there is such an opportunity, do it not in parts, but throughout the entire apartment at once. It is better to go to friends and relatives during this time. To check communications in all rooms at once, raise floors if necessary, tear down walls and reinstall them. Clean out the box. This is, of course, a big renovation.

- What can you save on, and what is definitely not worth it?

Common sense I should tell you that you shouldn’t skimp on electrics, for example. It’s better to save on finishing, you can always get it. And if the wiring is poorly done, then all the finishing will fall off. Some fundamental things need to be done well: pipes, windows, floors. It's not cheap, but in the long run it's more profitable than having to redo it later.

- At what point would you advise thinking about what and where will be placed in the apartment?

An ideal option when renovation begins with a project.

- You yourself during a recent renovation in new apartment did everything work out as planned?

I had in mind what room I would have where. Another thing is that the project changed during the process. It cost both money and nerves.

- Did they break the walls?

First I broke it, and then I installed those that were not planned at the beginning. What can I say... It happens. Of course, when a project is well thought out, everything goes easier and simpler.

- Yes, it’s rare for anyone to succeed.

It seems to me that we are spontaneous people by nature. You know how the West differs from Russia: they take a long time to prepare, but they do it quickly. And we prepare little, but then we spend a long time doing it.

In the darkness of the bedchamber

- Did your husband take an active part in the arrangement of the apartment?

I helped as best I could. He is, of course, a busy man. But at some critical moments, when I realized that I was losing control of the situation, I took the initiative. He resolved many issues himself. I came up with and drew how to make a bathroom. And we all did. I like how it turned out: both functionally and decoratively, very calm, without extreme.

- What’s extreme in your apartment?

The biggest extreme for me is quite dark walls in the bedroom and a gray living room.

- Unusual.

Maybe. But in fact, many of my guests like it. Although they themselves would not do this. Many people simply don’t know that they would be more comfortable sleeping in a bedroom that wasn’t bright.

- Did you invite a designer for your apartment?

Since I know a lot of designers, naturally they suggested something to me. But there was no designer who would lead my renovation.

Partly. For example, I like this rule: there is no need for bright light, the beginning of the house should be calm, insinuating.

Repair for the price of brushes

- Some time ago, everyone vied with each other to break down walls and organize studio apartments. Is it worth doing this now?

For a young bachelor or girl - why not. But I wouldn’t recommend it for a family. One wants to sleep, the other wants to watch TV. Although it seems to me that now people have already experienced a situation when they wanted a minimum of walls, a maximum of space.

I personally have never had a desire to create large, open spaces. It may be small, but a separate room. Firstly, there are more possibilities for decoration. And secondly, there are more opportunities for privacy. And this is very important to me.

- What is fashionable in the interior these days?

Be original and creative. Have interesting items, ethnic pieces, designer furniture.

- Not everyone has enough money for designer furniture. What can they do to stand out?

You know, even those of my friends who can afford expensive repairs and furnishings often treat the situation wisely and understand what can be done beautifully and inexpensively. Often there is no point in spending a lot of money on an expensive Italian kitchen, on expensive decoration, when the same thing can be done for less money.

- What is the easiest way to freshen up your home and not go broke?

Repaint! Simple and effective method. Maybe walls, maybe furniture. You take a brush, study the technology and do it. Spent a little money, more effort. But everything has changed completely. Among my friends there are those who, having moved into the apartment they bought, repainted the walls using old wallpaper. It turned out great, you can live like this for a couple of years and save up money for a more thorough arrangement.

Complex walls are in fashion

- What colors are held in high esteem? For the same walls.

Decorators prefer complex colors. Shades of gray are very popular, gray mixed with green, gray mixed with blue. Or blue-green. Human eye It is designed in such a way that it is more interesting for him to perceive complex combinations. And it looks deeper in the interior. But there are still many methods of finishing and decorative plaster that give texture. Complex walls are in fashion.

- What about the wallpaper?

IN Great love. Such interesting collections and textures have appeared that wallpaper has become a worthy competitor to other decorations.

- What about walls with exposed brickwork?

This may not be new. But sometimes it turns out very beautifully when old brick is cleared. We recently rented a house in Berlin from a wealthy but very practical couple. In the dining room they left a piece of brick wall near the table and painted the rest of the walls. And they like it so much, like a painting, they say, that you never get tired of looking at.

- IN own apartment Did you use this technique?

I have brick columns, in this house they are load-bearing - the house is old.

- An old house? Many people prefer to buy new buildings.

I wanted exactly an old house, and I'll explain why. Firstly, then quality building materials it was different. The brick that I still have has a completely different texture compared to the current one. Secondly, you know, these houses breathe - they have air ducts everywhere. And many windows for a small number of meters. And in a new building you can buy a large living space - 90, 100 meters. But there will be only three windows, since the apartments go deeper.

The hallway is more important than the kitchen

- If we talk about furniture, say, about the kitchen, what kind color scheme do you recommend?

Calm. The colors are bright and stark and get boring after a while. Unless people dream of an orange kitchen. Besides, if we say that we do renovations every five to seven years, then we can change the kitchen not so often. In an orange kitchen, if you are tired of it, you can change the facades. But they are the most expensive.

- Maybe the bedroom or nursery should be bright?

Don't think. The reasons are the same. In the bedroom, it seems to me, one thing must be observed important rule. When you wake up, you should see something beautiful.

-What are you looking at?

I try to have fresh flowers in the bedroom. I buy, I order, they give me a lot.

- They say that a woman should have impeccable shoes and hairstyle. What should be perfect in a home?

It seems to me that in an apartment this is what is least important - the hallway. This is the first impression of the house, not only of guests, but also of your own. The hallway should be very cozy, comfortable, and properly designed. Even if she's small.

Then - a bedroom, a good bed, quality mattress and pillows. And third - the kitchen. We spend a lot of time there.

- Do you have time to get around in the kitchen?

I try to find time to be at home, sometimes to cook something. I like to do something quickly in a wok. Not exactly Chinese, but since I cook in a wok, I have the right to consider the dishes Chinese.

- Does your son appreciate effort? After all, children usually like unhealthy chips.

Misha is still small, and a separate meal is always prepared for him, healthy and intended for his age. Although he sits at the table with us, on his chair.

-Have you already sent him to educational courses for children?

He is only two years and three months old, and I am still just exploring the market and the area around the house. We'll soon be leaving for an hour or two child Center for sports, music lessons.

- Does dad find time to be with his son?

On weekends, we always go somewhere with the whole family; we like to just take a walk in the park.


- When a woman realizes that she is expecting a child, she either grabs her head or jumps with happiness. What were you doing?

I was delighted! I didn’t prepare specifically for pregnancy. But there was a great desire to become a mother, and there was some kind of internal readiness.

- Were you drawn to anything special among foods?

At first I wanted fish. And raw. In general, it is not recommended to press the fish at this time. But I couldn’t help myself - I went to the sushi bar as if I were going to work.

- At work, you were probably quickly “seen through” with such strange predilections?

Until the fifth month they suspected nothing. But then suddenly everything was revealed. On the set of the March 8 program, I wore a blouse that, it seemed to me, hid everything perfectly. But it was after this shooting that everyone began to congratulate me. And not only colleagues, but also TV viewers.

- When did you stop working?

As they say, I couldn’t stop in time. She worked until the end. You know, pregnant women experience a slight panic: it seems like you won’t have time to do anything, and you grab onto everything. Now I understand: I spent 80 percent of my energy on unnecessary fuss.


- Which hospital did you see?

At the Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology on Oparina. I didn't have any particular problems. I took vitamins and some immune medications.

- Where did you give birth?

In a private clinic in the north of Moscow.

- Did you take dad with you?

No. You know, I don’t really understand this practice. Besides, I don’t like it when people interfere with me in difficult moments. That’s why I felt comfortable because even the doctor and midwife came to see me in the box only when necessary.

- Did you use anesthesia?

No, they only gave me maintenance drips. I prefer to be patient.

- How long did you have to endure?

From about 11 am. And at 11 pm Misha already appeared. True, they didn’t give it to me right away, but then we never parted. I immediately chose a maternity hospital where mother and child are in the same room.


- When did you go to work?

I started going to filming when Misha was two months old. I continued to feed. We had to send milk with our drivers. They helped me a lot, although they joked that they worked as “cheerful milkmen.”

- Did the fear for the baby go away after giving birth?

No, the fear doesn't go away. This is a manic state, you know. To be honest, I still have nightmares.

- How do you deal with fears?

They are stuck somewhere in my subcortex, you can’t just pull them out. I try to distract myself from bad thoughts. Work helps a lot. I always try to stay busy and plan my day strictly. So that there is no time left for bad thoughts.

How TV stars give birth

Previously, on television it was strict with pregnant women: as soon as the belly hatches, get off the air! The first presenter in Russia who was not removed from the camera because of her belly was Tina Kandelaki. Viewers saw her belly until the 9th month - then still in the “Vremechko” program. Tina gave birth to a daughter - and a week later (!) she was on air again. Less than a year later she gave birth again. Already a boy. And, mind you, her figure remained perfect.

A colleague on NTV, host of “The Domino Principle” Elena Hanga, gave birth to a daughter in New York under epidural anesthesia (this is when, after an injection, the lower half of the body, from the stomach to the legs, does not feel anything). In America, this method is widely used - it is quite safe for both mother and child. So during contractions Elena felt great. And she even managed to talk on the phone. And of course they called because of work...

What were you afraid of during pregnancy? How did you deal with phobias? Did you manage to defeat them?

We are waiting for your stories on Monday, February 14, from 12 to 14 o'clock by phone 257-53-58. Write to us by e-mail

Everything on TV is not like people's. And their renovation is going like clockwork, and the result is not a room, but a sight for sore eyes. This means that it is there that they should know the recipe for remodeling housing with minimal losses, both moral and material.
At the same time, not forgetting about fashion. Our expert was the chief television foreman of NTV, Natalya Maltseva, who at the same time shared her experience in solving her own housing problem.

Toilets are not reserved

- For Elina Bystritskaya, it seems that this is your first time taking on a new building. What didn't you like about them so far?

For the first time, completely honestly. New houses are a specific thing; the owners usually themselves have a concept of how everything should be. We made an exception only for Elina Avraamovna.

- What other benefits are there for famous repairmen? Say, they can spy on what they are doing in their living space?

We do not make exceptions for anyone. Sometimes stars are more difficult to communicate with, yes. But not all. For example, our entire group received great pleasure from the project with Svetlana Svetlichnaya.

- I don’t remember giving anyone a bath or toilet. Have you really never had a chance?

Yes, there was no such project. We can’t rent in small bathrooms, and large ones are rare. We don’t choose heroes based on the size of the bathroom. Actually, no one asked us to do something like that.

- Often do program participants remake something for themselves after the renovation?

Basically keeping what we've done. Some even treat the new interior like a museum - they just wipe off the dust. Others creatively comprehend new things and add something. We had one wonderful couple - people of age, but very essentially young, we made them a furry refrigerator: we lined the front panel with fur. And then they took and decorated the washing machine with the same fur. In general, they turned out to have a very interesting cuisine, so pop art.

Your repair didn't go well

- Tell me as a specialist: how often should you undertake repairs?

Surely among your friends there are people who love to travel, they are always drawn somewhere. And there is another category - those who have difficulty moving from their place. The same goes for repairs.

Generally speaking, once every five to seven years, it seems to me that the situation needs to be changed. Maybe not dramatically. Refresh.

- Where is the right place to start repairs?

If there is such an opportunity, do it not in parts, but throughout the entire apartment at once. It is better to go to friends and relatives during this time. To check communications in all rooms at once, raise floors if necessary, tear down walls and reinstall them. Clean out the box. This is, of course, a big renovation.

- What can you save on, and what is definitely not worth it?

Common sense should tell you that you shouldn’t skimp on electrics, for example. It’s better to save on finishing, you can always get it. And if the wiring is poorly done, then all the finishing will fall off. Some fundamental things need to be done well: pipes, windows, floors. It's not cheap, but in the long run it's more profitable than having to redo it later.

- At what point would you advise thinking about what and where will be placed in the apartment?

An ideal option when renovation begins with a project.

- During the recent renovation of your new apartment, did everything work out as planned?

I had in mind what room I would have where. Another thing is that the project changed during the process. It cost both money and nerves.

- Did they break the walls?

First I broke it, and then I installed those that were not planned at the beginning. What can I say... It happens. Of course, when a project is well thought out, everything goes easier and simpler.

- Yes, it’s rare for anyone to succeed.

It seems to me that we are spontaneous people by nature. You know how the West differs from Russia: they take a long time to prepare, but they do it quickly. And we prepare little, but then we spend a long time doing it.

In the darkness of the bedchamber

- Did your husband take an active part in the arrangement of the apartment?

I helped as best I could. He is, of course, a busy man. But at some critical moments, when I realized that I was losing control of the situation, I took the initiative. He resolved many issues himself. I came up with and drew how to make a bathroom. And we all did. I like how it turned out: both functionally and decoratively, very calm, without extreme.

- What’s extreme in your apartment?

The biggest extreme for me is quite dark walls in the bedroom and a gray living room.

- Unusual.

Maybe. But in fact, many of my guests like it. Although they themselves would not do this. Many people simply don’t know that they would be more comfortable sleeping in a bedroom that wasn’t bright.

- Did you invite a designer for your apartment?

Since I know a lot of designers, naturally they suggested something to me. But there was no designer who would lead my renovation.

Partly. For example, I like this rule: there is no need for bright light in the hallway, the beginning of the house should be calm and insinuating.

Repair for the price of brushes

- Some time ago, everyone vied with each other to break down walls and organize studio apartments. Is it worth doing this now?

For a young bachelor or girl - why not. But I wouldn’t recommend it for a family. One wants to sleep, the other wants to watch TV. Although it seems to me that now people have already experienced a situation when they wanted a minimum of walls, a maximum of space.

I personally have never had a desire to create large, open spaces. It may be small, but a separate room. Firstly, there are more possibilities for decoration. And secondly, there are more opportunities for privacy. And this is very important to me.

- What is fashionable in the interior these days?

Be original and creative. Have interesting items, ethnic pieces, designer furniture.

- Not everyone has enough money for designer furniture. What can they do to stand out?

You know, even those of my friends who can afford expensive repairs and furnishings often treat the situation wisely and understand what can be done beautifully and inexpensively. Often there is no point in spending a lot of money on an expensive Italian kitchen, on expensive decoration, when the same thing can be done for less money.

- What is the easiest way to freshen up your home and not go broke?

Repaint! A simple and effective way. Maybe walls, maybe furniture. You take a brush, study the technology and do it. Spent a little money, more effort. But everything has completely changed. Among my friends there are those who, having moved into the apartment they bought, repainted the walls using old wallpaper. It turned out great, you can live like this for a couple of years and save up money for a more thorough arrangement.

Complex walls are in fashion

- What colors are held in high esteem? For the same walls.

Decorators prefer complex colors. Shades of gray are very popular, gray mixed with green, gray mixed with blue. Or blue-green. The human eye is designed in such a way that it is more interesting for it to perceive complex combinations. And it looks deeper in the interior. But there are still many methods of finishing and decorative plaster that give texture. Complex walls are in fashion.

- What about the wallpaper?

In great love. Such interesting collections and textures have appeared that wallpaper has become a worthy competitor to other decorations.

- What about walls with exposed brickwork?

This may not be new. But sometimes it turns out very beautifully when old brick is cleared. We recently rented a house in Berlin from a wealthy but very practical couple. In the dining room they left a piece of brick wall near the table and painted the rest of the walls. And they like it so much, like a painting, they say, that you never get tired of looking at.

- Did you use this technique in your own apartment?

I have brick columns, in this house they are load-bearing - the house is old.

- An old house? Many people prefer to buy new buildings.

I wanted an old house, and I’ll explain why. Firstly, then the quality of building materials was different. The brick that I still have has a completely different texture compared to the current one. Secondly, you know, these houses breathe - they have air ducts everywhere. And many windows for a small number of meters. And in a new building you can buy a large living space - 90, 100 meters. But there will be only three windows, since the apartments go deeper.

The hallway is more important than the kitchen

- If we talk about furniture, say, about the kitchen, what color scheme do you recommend?

Calm. The colors are bright and stark and get boring after a while. Unless people dream of an orange kitchen. Besides, if we say that we do renovations every five to seven years, then we can change the kitchen not so often. In an orange kitchen, if you are tired of it, you can change the facades. But they are the most expensive.

- Maybe the bedroom or nursery should be bright?

Don't think. The reasons are the same. In the bedroom, it seems to me, one important rule must be followed. When you wake up, you should see something beautiful.

-What are you looking at?

I try to have fresh flowers in the bedroom. I buy, I order, they give me a lot.

- They say that a woman should have impeccable shoes and hairstyle. What should be perfect in a home?

It seems to me that in an apartment this is what is least important - the hallway. This is the first impression of the house, not only of guests, but also of your own. The hallway should be very cozy, comfortable, and properly designed. Even if she's small.

Then - a bedroom, a good bed, quality mattress and pillows. And third - the kitchen. We spend a lot of time there.

- Do you have time to get around in the kitchen?

I try to find time to be at home, sometimes to cook something. I like to do something quickly in a wok. Not exactly Chinese, but since I cook in a wok, I have the right to consider the dishes Chinese.

- Does your son appreciate effort? After all, children usually like unhealthy chips.

Misha is still small, and a separate meal is always prepared for him, healthy and intended for his age. Although he sits at the table with us, on his chair.

-Have you already sent him to educational courses for children?

He is only two years and three months old, and I am still just exploring the market and the area around the house. Soon we will go to the children's center for sports and music classes for an hour or two.

- Does dad find time to be with his son?

On weekends, we always go somewhere with the whole family; we like to just take a walk in the park.

We bet that you would like the crew from the TV show “Housing Problem” to do excellent repairs for free? Most likely, you kindly envied those lucky ones whose little dreams of comfort were realized by the guys from this program.

But don’t rush to be happy for them, because even in such a show there will always be pitfalls. Everything looks smooth on the screen, without a hitch. However, is the repair from these guys as good as the presenter paints it? Housing issue»?


In 2013, the Housing Issue team undertook to renovate the kitchen of Muscovite Ksenia Avteneva. The project was called “Kitchen with large strokes.” The heroes of the issue were given 2 weeks to remove all the furniture and find temporary housing.

I had to wait quite a long time - as much as 1.5 months. However, Ksenia and her husband hoped for the best, because the estimate was almost 1.5 million rubles.

At first, Ksenia liked the cuisine. However, when she started cooking here, difficulties arose. The terribly inconveniently installed taps and the concrete floor, which absorbed oil and dirt, left many questions.

Brand new terrace

In 2010, representatives of a program about repairs decided to remodel the terrace at Natalya Filippova’s dacha. The issue bore the poetic title “White Steamer.” The renovation lasted 2 long months for the owner.

When Natalya came to see the result, she gasped: the terrace was done wonderfully, but the workers completely destroyed the wooden floor and ruined the brand new sauna, in which they constantly washed.

High-quality German windows

Sometimes presenters of programs show that they install expensive and high-quality furniture, thereby advertising to sponsors. Olesya Ivashkina was lucky - she had a “high-quality” German window"in the bedroom, which in fact turned out to be a cheap Chinese knockoff.

The repairs lasted 25 days, during which time the owner did not receive a single call. In general, the room began to look better, but for some reason the workers demolished half of the attic above the bedroom. Amazing design solutions.

Miracle carpet

Ekaterina Gorokhova asked Housing Issue to make her a new nursery. The show's management had plans to renovate the living room. The girl agreed and the renovation began.

The hostess was not particularly pleased with the amazing design solutions. Particularly perplexing were the cabinet with a pattern of spermatozoa and the carpet tightly glued to the floor. As it turned out later, it was very difficult to clean, which did not add enthusiasm.

Gothic bedroom

Evgeny Kachalov is a lover of gothic music and the group “Aria”. He asked to turn his grandmother’s bedroom into a brutal medieval lair. It didn't turn out quite what he wanted. The guy tried to call the designer, but nothing worked out for him. “There’s no smell of Gothic here. Some kind of office, not a bedroom,”- said the young man.

A couple more unpleasant moments.

Sometimes the budget for a project changes on the fly, and designers are forced to either break the contract or redo the entire job to accommodate new requirements.

Repairs last on average 3–4 weeks, during which the characters in the episode cannot live at home.

Can't find it from time to time necessary materials, so designers change everything on the go and repairs are delayed.

And finally: do the owners spy on how they are doing repairs? No, according to the terms of the program, the intrigue must be maintained until the very end.

Free is not always bad. However, as you already understand, incidents happen. At a minimum, you cannot choose the design, but must agree to the designers’ idea. You're never sure you'll like it.

There was a scandal in the program “Housing Question” on NTV

The hosts of the popular program “Housing Question” are accustomed to the fact that apartment owners rejoice and praise the work of repairmen, as well as designers. However, this time they came across a man with his own vision of the future bedroom.

Evgeny Kachalov and his wife, who love the group "Aria" and travel, asked to turn former room grandmothers in a gothic bedroom. When it turned out that the designer had not fully taken into account the wishes of the couple, the man lost his temper.

Dissatisfied with the renovation, a participant in the “Housing Issue” attacked the presenter

“I really didn’t want to say these words, but the designer either doesn’t know what ergonomics is, or he plugged his ears with something complicated,” he said, barely glancing at the renovation in the bedroom. The presenter, somewhat confused, offered to look into his claims. Then Evgeny Kachalov began to express “in detail” what exactly did not suit him.

Firstly, a participant in the program complained about books located too close to the floor. He noted that when standing up, he could touch one of them with his foot and tear it. The presenter’s weak attempt to counter that it would be more convenient to take books while lying down went unnoticed. After this, the man noted the wrong choice of place for the plant - near the mirror. According to Kachalov, it obscures the reflection in the mirror, especially in the case of short stature.

At the same time, the participant rated the wallpaper as “more or less” similar to the desired one.

“This is not a bedroom. This is an office. Everything is square, nothing round. A lot of chrome, which we didn’t ask for. Well, an office. This is not a bedroom, gentlemen, sorry. This is not what we wanted at all,” concluded Kachalov, having taken a good look around.

The man also liked the firm mattress. My wife also had complaints about the poor design dissatisfied participant transfers. She complained that the plywood-lined dressing room had no door. The TV presenter tried to assure the owners of the bedroom that it turned out brutal, as they asked, but she failed.

At the end of the conversation, having received gifts, the couple softened a little and expressed their design comments more calmly. After which Evgeniy Kachalov noticed what to call repairs complete disappointment it’s impossible, but the feeling “Ah, palaces! Ah, Nevsky!” also no.

Video. A participant in the “Housing Issue” yelled at the presenter because of the design:


It is worth noting that the majority of commentators on the video supported those dissatisfied with the renovation in the “Housing Question” program. “At least one person was not afraid to call shit shit,” Yuri wrote.

“Designer s... but! Rip off his hands... To make a basement out of a bedroom is awesome. It really looks like either a basement or a garage, in short, a mediocrity, not a designer,” Mr. Deen agreed. Other commentators noted that the bedroom turned out to be uncomfortable, and the presenter was arguing with the owners in vain.

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