Competitions in nominations. Comic nominations for corporate events for colleagues of different professions

Comic nominations for a corporate event First of all, you can note important people of the company and come up with interesting titles for the director and his deputies, chief accountant, heads of departments: “I will command the parade.” We are talking about the head of the company. You can award a leader with a certificate for intelligence, for business qualities, for skillful leadership, etc. “A penny saves a ruble” Of course, the chief accountant will win based on characteristics. Who, if not he, is responsible for efficient use funds. “First Violin” The Deputy Director for Finance (Head of the Financial Department) can win this nomination. The performance of the orchestra depends on it. You can come up with nominations based on characteristic features and characteristics of employee behavior, and for the names of awarded positions, use lines from songs, set expressions, catchphrases: “Keeping up with the times” The winner is the one who is never late for anything, always in the right place and at the right time. “And the scent is like that of a dog, and the eye is like that of an eagle.” The most attentive and noticing everything employee of the company will receive a prize in this nomination. “Musketeer” will always support and help, guided by the famous motto. “I’m writing to you, what more?” The prize is awarded to the person who most actively uses any available means of communication ( Email, ICQ, SMS, etc.) and prefers to resolve all issues through correspondence. “Uma Chamber” You can always seek advice on any issue, even the most difficult one. “They only dream of peace” There’s more than enough energy, you can’t sit still. Moreover, he prefers not to sit still alone; he gathers a group of colleagues into the company. “Keeper of Traditions” Knows the history of the company, its traditions and its legends better than anyone else, he will win in this category. “Hidden Reserves” The title will go to one of the promising newcomers. Character traits and personal properties of people can be emphasized simply: “Mr/Miss...”: “Mr (or Miss) Antistress” “Mr (or Miss) Charm” or “Mr (or Miss) Smile” “Mr (or Miss) Responsiveness "Mr. Cheerful", "Miss Laughing" "Mr (or Miss) Curiosity (or maybe Curiosity?)" These and similar nominations speak for themselves. Not entirely humorous, but quite suitable for an announcement at a corporate party; by the way, they allow you to see how a person is perceived by the team. You can come up with categories for awards based on the special abilities and skills of employees: “Master of the tea ceremony” On the one hand, the winner in the nomination could be a colleague who takes frequent tea breaks. The result is a reward with a hint. On the other hand, you may have a person working for you who knows and follows tea drinking traditions. Then the title is recognition of unusual knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice. “In Chocolate” The title can be given to a person who always succeeds in everything. Which has almost everything you could dream of. And if something doesn’t exist yet, no one doubts it will happen. “Golden Hands” Those who have everything “on fire” in their hands, everything “fixes” itself. Nominations can be created based on professional affiliation: “Fighter of the invisible front” About a good system administrator who provides uninterrupted operation computers. “Swiss Precision” Nomination suitable for accountants. “Time is money”, “Money in the morning – chairs in the evening” Such titles are suitable for bank employees who issue loans. "Miss Light hand", "Specialist in the colors of life", "But we have our own alphabet" These and other nominations are for doctors (in this case, nurses, pediatricians and ophthalmologists, respectively).

Posted on 12/26/2017

Soon, namely on December 13, a branch of our company in another city will be 10 years old!
And the director decided to give moral encouragement to the branch’s employees.

To do this, he gave me a task - to come up with nominations for awarding certificates of honor to all employees who have been working for many years, or more, compared to others.

The system administrator will come up with the diplomas themselves with branding, and I will only have to come up with the text.
To be honest, I didn’t know where to start - I’d never done anything like this before.
And I’ve never seen the people about whom I’ll have to come up with a text, maybe I’ve only talked to some of them on the phone.

What complicated the matter was that it was necessary to invent comic nominations.

Well, how do I know if a person will be offended by my attempts to come up with something funny or have fun from the heart?!

To cope with this task, I demanded from the cashier (he is also a type of personnel officer) characteristics for each employee who will be at the corporate party. There were 10 people in total - not that many. It’s already easier - you have to rack your brains less!

So, on the 20th day of my thoughts, this was born to me:

1. Branch manager.
In the “Dear Mother” nomination, the Last Name First Name Patronymic, the leadership of the “city” patrimony is awarded.
It is known that the boss is always right - it is human nature to make mistakes. Our First Name Patronymic is a real boss: always right!
A real woman should
1).Plant a garden;
2).Build a house;
3).Raise children.
Name Patronymic name real woman! And the result is before everyone’s eyes!

2. Sales representative(branch manager's daughter)
In the “Apple from the Apple Tree” nomination, Last Name First Name is awarded
Folk wisdom- everything good in a child comes from his parents. Everything bad comes from father and mother.
First name Patronymic - one hundred percent daughter of her mother: creative person, bright woman, irreplaceable worker!

Comic nominations. Certificates of honor for awards at a corporate event or graduation party

Senior operator
In the “Lifesaver” category, the Last Name is awarded.
Nothing is more contagious for operators than the laughter of a Senior Operator!
And if God wanted us to think only with our heads, he would make us koloboks. The name is not a bun: she thinks with her heart in order to increase sales to the maximum!

In the nomination “A Thing for the World”, First Name Last Name is awarded.
The name is a true lady. She creates conditions under which a man (especially a male buyer) has only one thing left to do - be a gentleman... and buy whatever she asks!

5. Accountant-cashier (aka HR officer)
In the category “War by war - lunch on schedule” is awarded to Last Name First Name
Name leads healthy image life: find breakfast yourself, take half of his lunch from a friend, and take dinner from an enemy.
Nothing kills the desire to work more than a salary. And the Name gives out this salary... But twice a month it is excusable to “kill the desire to work”!

6. Driver
In the category “The cat that walks by itself” is awarded to Last Name First Name
A real driver should not count how many passers-by he hits on the road.

The driver's job is to drive the car, not to be amused by statistics!
The name loves work very much. Quite often you can hear from Name important words(he says them into the phone): Don’t darken my bright holiday: don’t call me at work!

7. Operator
In the category “Dreaming” is awarded Last Name First Name
Dreams are plans in the mind, and plans are dreams on paper.
This nomination is a big hint for the male gender. For the beauty and slimness of the Name is a constant temptation for all men who are in close proximity to a promising employee.
You cannot give everything to everyone, because everyone is many, but everything is not enough.

8. Storekeeper-picker
In the nomination “A Mystery Shrouded in Darkness...” is awarded to Last Name First Name
The most mysterious employee in the team - no one knows what she is so drawn to work, and why such zeal for labor process.
If you don't know, shut up! You know - keep quiet! – Presumable motto Name by this issue. And only on this issue - in other matters she is a very sociable young girl, which all her colleagues can confirm.

9. Storekeeper-picker
In the category “Prove yourself - secure it”, Last Name First Name is awarded
Name is engaged in expressing herself every day - she works hard and thoroughly.
Not all is gold that lies poorly, but all is gold who works well!
There are such seconds when minutes decide everything and it lasts for hours.
This is how the working day of Name goes - and it lasts for hours...

10. Cleaning lady
In the nomination “Cleanliness is the key to health, order is first of all” awarded to Last Name First Name
Name is the only employee who knows and actively uses the cherished formula: cleanliness is pure mass for pure volume.
No other employee can boast of such knowledge, which is an honor and arouses respect for this smart and economical woman!

It seems that everything turned out to be not boring, but not entirely fun either - this is moral encouragement, but it should be at least a little serious.
To make people feel valued and respected

16 ways to reward staff: from Oscars to CEO parking

Nomination "Pride of the Company"
For high performance in work, energy and many years of dedicated work in the Company

Nomination "Gold Fund of the Company"
(for those employees who were at the origins of the company)
For high professionalism and personal contribution to the formation and development of the Company

Nomination "For Impeccable Work"
For conscientious work in the Company and high level professionalism

Nomination "Valuable Employee"
For high-quality performance of their duties, talent and dedication to the Company

Nomination "High Start"
For high performance, perseverance in achieving goals and achieving professional heights

Nomination "Company's Hope"
For dedication, increasing your professional and educational level in the Company

Nomination “Stability is a sign of mastery”
For caring and responsible performance of one’s duties, hard work and dedication to the Company

Nomination "For Vigilance"
(for security guards, security and control service teams)
For impeccable service in maintaining safety and tranquility on the territory of the enterprise and protecting the Company’s material assets

Nomination “For the best financial situation”
(for example, the labor department team and wages, accounting, financial department, etc.)
For many years of conscientious work and stable financial performance

Nomination “For an excellent environmental situation” (comic)
(for example, for cleaners)
For many years of impeccable work, for the purity of “morals”, relationships and the cleanliness of retail (or office) areas

To the fastest employee (comic)
For energy, perseverance, cheerful disposition and high performance

To an employee with many children (comic)
For discovering a way to improve the demographic situation

To an employee who exceeds the plan (comic)
For consistency, perseverance and accuracy in fulfilling the five-year plan in 3 years

For loaders, forwarders (comic)
For multi-ton, dedicated work and work on carrying / transporting heavy loads to the most appropriate places

A corporate party doesn't have to be boring. If the host of the holiday cannot provide employees with fun and laughter, it is better not to start this holiday at all.

The competitions have already been prepared, the team members have sorted out their costumes.


But the party manager must also take care of incentives for the winners.

We'll have to make nominations for rewarding employees that are cool for New Year and any other holiday.

Comic nominations for corporate events for employees

Options for comic certificates for corporate events are selected depending on:


    company activities;

    theme of the event ( new Year party, employee anniversary, early implementation of the plan).

There are many reasons for a corporate event. To nominate an award, you need to improvise a small stage or pedestal and decorate the walls balloons, ribbons and posters.

Be sure to prepare musical accompaniment. It is best to find out in advance from each nominee his favorite melody and use it during the award ceremony.

You can order comic diplomas and certificates from any printing company. Such an award will be better than a box of chocolates or a bottle of champagne, since the nominee will keep it forever and will remind him of a fun and noisy corporate party for a long time.

What nominations can be made for awarding employees?

    "Best Paparazzi of the Year"- each participant will need to take a funny photo on their phone within 5 minutes.

    For victory in intellectual competition you can assign a title “He surpassed Burda himself”. And the loser of this competition will receive a nickname "Natural blond".

    Nomination « Best mom of the year" can be given to an employee who often leaves work early to pick up her child from kindergarten or take him to music.

    Suitable for the most capricious colleague "License to indulge in whims".

    Name "A real man" Any representative of the stronger sex of the company can apply.

They are an integral part of the working life of any team. They are timed to official holidays and celebrations dedicated to significant dates companies. During such events, bonuses are given to members of the work team. employees can be selected depending on the personal qualities of the workers and in accordance with the theme of the holiday. They can be in the form of titles (any noun, adjective, participle, verb; name famous hero, film character, work) or complex nominations (personal or business profile team member).

Title options

The awarding of various titles is the most common form of any award. An honorary title can be chosen in connection with the type of activity or character traits of the employee. Choosing a nomination in accordance with the employee’s profession is the most simple option. Adding the prefix "Mr" or "Miss" to any noun or adjective is also one of the most common forms of title. For example, nominations for awarding office employees could be as follows:

  • "Mr. Brain." This is the title most often awarded to the head of the company. It simply cannot be any other way, because in any organization the director is the most intelligent, talented and valuable employee! And it is not discussed! Well, if the manager is a woman, then it is better to use the nomination: “Miss Heart of the Company.”
  • "Mr. Magic Wand", "Miss Shadow", "Mr. Pulse", "Miss Echo". Such titles can be awarded to the deputy chief executive, depending on the tactics of his work.
  • “Mr. Comp” - this title can be worn by an employee who maintains computer equipment or a system administrator. If there are several such employees, then you can additionally use the prefixes: “super” or “mega,” thus indicating the level of professionalism of the employee.
  • "Miss Office Mood." This title is suitable for an office manager, since the boss’s mood very often depends on it. It is he who meets him in the morning, prepares coffee, brings documents and invites visitors. And not only the mood of the manager, but also the psychological climate of the office depends on the level of his professionalism.

  • "Mr. Bullet." This title can be awarded to a courier, hinting at the speed with which he must work. In addition, the information it carries can “kill” morally, but this happens extremely rarely. Or very often, it all depends on the company.
  • "Miss Clean" or "Mr. Order". All cleaners are required to wear such titles. If you add adjectives such as “ideal”, “impeccable”, etc., the title will become more resonant.
  • "Mr. Stop." This title is awarded to the security guard who controls access to the office.

Difficult nominations

For more detailed characteristics people working in one company can be defined in complex ways that reflect the degree of their intellectual or business investment in the work of the company. For example, nominations for awards could be as follows:

  • "Reliable Piggy Bank". This title must be awarded to a team member who has a minimum amount of financial losses during his work.
  • "Charming Magnet." This is how they characterize an employee who knows how to find mutual language with clients.
  • "Best Innovation" In any team there is an employee who has achieved certain success through self-education. This usually applies to computer enthusiasts.
  • "People's Conscience". This nomination can be awarded to a collector who, using legal methods and personal charm, restores justice.
  • "Honored Triumph" This honorary title must be given to a crisis manager who managed to prevent the bankruptcy of a company.

Fun nominations for rewarding employees

Rewards for employees of a company or office can take the form of honoring famous cartoon characters. This type of cinema, domestic and foreign, is so large that it will easily allow you to find the appropriate image for each employee of the company. Funny nominations for rewarding employees - a wonderful opportunity to create a festive and relaxed atmosphere at any corporate event.

  • "Turtle Tortilla" Such a title can be awarded to an employee who has been working in the company for a very long time and is its honorary member. The certificate certifying this nomination must be issued in the theme of this cartoon and depicted on it famous character(this recommendation also applies to other heroes).
  • "Wise Owl". This title should be given to the smartest employee. Typically these are deputy directors.

  • “Ilya Muromets”, “Alyosha Popovich” and “Dobrynya Nikitich”. Such titles must be awarded to security guards of a company or office.
  • "Harry Potter". In every team there is a person who can get anything. And this is the head of the economic department.

Preparing for the ceremony

To organize such an important event, it is necessary to carry out high-quality preparation. It includes several stages:

  1. Organizational. It creates a team that will plan the event. It includes young and creative team members. At this stage, it is necessary to select those responsible for various elements of the event: script, room design, development of certificates and letters of thanks, purchasing memorable prizes, etc.
  2. Preparatory. During this period, there is active preparation for the holiday, during which necessary calculations by spending financial resources, a script is written, rehearsals are held and accessories are purchased.
  3. Productive. At the appointed time, the planned celebration is held, during which the responsible persons realize their creative plans.
  4. Analytical. After the event creative group you need to get together and discuss the effectiveness of your work. Such a meeting will help identify strengths and weak sides of the celebration and take them into account in the future.

Forms of conducting

Depending on the theme of the event, the ceremony honoring employees can be held in various forms:

  • Official. The most common form, requiring minimal preparation. It is enough to gather all employees in the assembly hall and present certificates and awards. The main thing is that the ceremony is conducted by an administrative worker, preferably the director of the company himself.
  • Creative. This form is better suited when there are creative nominations to reward employees, such as honoring cartoon characters. Here it would be appropriate to use colorful illustrations and posters for famous masterpieces cinematic art and bright costumes of the presenters.


The room where the celebration will take place, in which nominations for employee awards are given, must be colorfully decorated: place banners with the theme of the event, install multimedia equipment on which to show a video or presentation about the company. If possible, arrange for the nominees to celebrate their titles.

When holding events dedicated to significant dates for the company, nominations for rewarding employees must include special ones for retirees, who for a long time worked in the company. This will serve as positive motivation for current team members.


In any organization to create a favorable psychological climate necessary individual approach to every employee. An event that includes nominations for rewarding employees will help. After all, every person wants his work to be noticed and appreciated.

Today we are giving out comic nominations to people whose art is to successfully sell. These are sales managers, salespeople, traveling salesmen, consultants, and merchandisers. There are a lot of people selling goods and services. They have their own holidays and corporate events. It is appropriate to select the winners of comic nominations at these events. Managers and sellers will be able to choose the most suitable nominations for their colleagues. Let's start!

"Sell - and no nails..."
“This is my slogan and... period.” In the comic category “Sell - and no nails” we have a great winner. His name is (name is called). With a sweet smile, he will sell nails, screws, nuts, and other goods and even give (completely free of charge) a little of his good mood.

"My light, mirror..."
“My light, mirror, tell me,
Tell me the whole truth:
Do I trade faster than everyone else?
More dexterous and cunning than everyone else?
What question? Of course, the leader in the comic category “My Light, Mirror” is a born salesman. When he needs to sell, he gets real excited!

"Queen of the Counter"
She sells the product with such dignity! Her smile alone is worth it! The buyer may not really need the product, but how can he pass by such a beauty? You definitely need to buy something - and you will receive high-quality products and a portion of positive emotions.

“You, friend, should not chase after cheapness”
It may not be worth it for the cheapness, but for the goods on sale it’s quite worth it. Who is the best organizer of events? Of course, the main one in the above-mentioned comic category.

“This operation is known as rotation.”
Dear merchandisers! This comic nomination is for you. Choose the most worthy! He has golden hands. He doesn’t give up and never gives up, he can lend a helping hand and give you a hand, you won’t see him empty-handed, and he will never sit with his hands folded.

“And Vaska listens and sells”
Maybe not Vaska, but Petya Gromykhailov or Ashot Melikov, but, most importantly, he sells! Conscientiously lays out the goods, sorts, weighs, labels. In general, a worthy representative of the trading fraternity!

“Selling a refrigerator to Eskimos”
They need it most! They have minus 50ºС, and the product cannot withstand such extreme temperatures. And it’s much warmer in the refrigerator! So the Eskimos are wondering: “Atlant” or “Bosch”, “Samsung” or “Nord”. And the winner of the comic nomination “Selling a refrigerator to Eskimos” will best tell you which refrigerator to choose.

"The first fish is mine, and the second is mine"
We declare the best seller in the fish department the winner in the comic category “The first fish is mine, and the second is mine.” Fish is a good product, excellent fish is a royal product. That’s why we have a special relationship with fishmongers!

"Jester the Pea" or "Tsar Pea"
And who is the best seller of peas, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal, and rice? A fool! The main one in this nomination can make a joke and sell the product profitably. Yes, he has no price!

“Like cheese in butter...»
“Look at me, Glafira, inadvertently, by chance,
Grab a piece of cheese, because without cheese, what is tea?”
The best in the comic category “Like cheese in butter…” is a cheese seller. Dutch, Swiss, Adyghe - he teaches geography through cheeses. And he implements them better than anyone else!

Do you want some meat? Steak, brisket, carb, shoulder, sirloin? This is for the winning seller of the comic nomination “Greedy Beef”. How she trades! It's nice to see. And he will give a compliment to the buyer, and sell the product profitably. A real winner!

"Two pieces of sausage"
Why only two? The leader in the joke category “Two Pieces of Sausage” will sell as many pieces as needed. And he will do it with soul!

Awards, presentation of medals, diplomas, nominations are always found at entertainment events and holidays with a bang!

Who doesn't like being celebrated among the many guests, while at the same time laughing at the rest of those present.
Nominations can be assigned at the beginning festive evening or throughout the entire holiday, as well as intrigue those present until the very end of the event and hold a nomination at the very end.
You can nominate for anything:
External differences:
- “The reddest hairdresser” - can be awarded to someone with a pronounced red hair color
- "Mini skirt" - is given to the girl in the most short skirt, and if there are several such heroines, you can measure the length and finally determine the shortest skirt
By character traits:
- Give “Modest” to someone who spent almost the entire holiday sitting in the corner and did not participate in any competition.
For professional qualities:
- “The most thrifty” - awarded, for example, to the chief accountant
- “The Most” - let’s say you can give it to the Boss
Although there is only one copy of these people in the team, so to speak, the status (the only one) will come in handy.
Because you are a woman:
Presentation of comic nominations for women's holidays:
- "Miss Beauty Long Braid" is awarded to a girl with long hair
- “Miss Golden Hands” to a girl who does needlework.
Because you are a man:
Comic nominations for men's holidays, such as February 23:
- “Super muscles” is a man who visits the gym most often, but if there are several such people, organize an arm wrestling or push-up competition for a while,
- “The Most Stylish” is a comic nomination awarded to someone who often surprises with their appearance those around you.
In these cases, nominations are assigned to all representatives, that is, all girls are celebrated at the women's holiday, all men at the men's holiday, and it is advisable to find the most best qualities applicants.
Comic nominations for teachers , of course, in this case, all teachers are awarded; under no circumstances should you leave anyone unattended.
For belonging to a particular profession:
- "Super Doc" - chief physician

Nominations can be presented as part of the competition:

Comic nominations and their assignment remain the highlight of any holiday, be it:

For prom

Assigning humorous nominations to one person, for example:

Anniversary nominations
- "Assigning humorous anniversary nominations to guests"

New Year nominations

Anniversary nominations
- "Comic nominations of guests for men's anniversaries"

When rewarding applicants, you can note comic certificates or medals, made by yourself or using our options made with humor and care. Medals are printed on a color printer, cut out and glued according to the sample

Or ready-made certificates, for example in

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