What and how to draw. What can you draw when you're bored?

Pencil drawing lessons step by step are activities that will help you master drawing techniques, regardless of your abilities or age. Drawing is really easy!


Don't believe that you can draw beautifully? Of course, only a real artist can really paint a magnificent oil portrait, but even Small child will soon be able to replicate the character of his favorite cartoon on paper if he takes drawing lessons for children on our website.

Just think how happy your baby will be when you tell her that from today we are learning to draw with a pencil! Why pencil? You need to start with something simple. And the easiest way to start is with light pencil drawings. Gradually you will master more and more complex skills. And, as a result, you can move on to working with paints. Drawing for children will become a favorite pastime and will gradually introduce kids to amazing world bright images and favorite characters.

Fundamentals of pencil graphics taught in art school, you and your child will learn much faster if you go through the pencil drawing lessons step by step on our website. We managed to create activities that even kids can handle! With us, learning is simple and fun, step by step you will understand that drawing is very interesting.

Learning to draw with a pencil

The first drawing lessons for children are designed with the help of adults. Help your child grasp the pencil correctly, support his hand while drawing the very first lines. Little artist You should get a better feel for how much pressure you need to apply to get the right thickness of line. Then let him draw simple line segments himself. different directions. Afterwards you can move on to simple shapes such as a circle, rectangle, etc.

Gradually, the child’s drawing skills will be strengthened, he will be able to come up with more complex plots himself, fantasize and embody his fantasies on paper. But you need to start with the baby with the simplest objects or characters that are well known to him. When purchasing everything you need, please note that for the first lessons the young artist will need a thick, soft stylus that leaves a bright mark with virtually no pressure.

Pencil drawing lessons step by step for children

Talent is given to every person by nature, but developing any abilities must begin with early childhood. By helping children learn to formulate images into pictures, you are doing them a great service. Drawing with a pencil step by step is not only interesting, but also very useful for young children. The impact of development has already been proven fine motor skills hands on mental abilities and psycho-emotional sphere at a very early age. Working with a felt-tip pen or pencil, the baby becomes calmer, more balanced, and develops a beautiful aesthetic taste, a sense of harmony develops in relation to the entire surrounding world. This is also true for adults: when we learn to draw with a pencil, our nervous system resting. Isn't this the best cure for endless stress?

Why is it so important for parents to also learn art lessons for children? Help your child! Your baby, most likely, will not be able to cope with the first tasks on his own; he is very small and, most likely, has not yet mastered many skills. It is difficult for him to hold a pencil in his pen; he has not yet learned to calculate the force of pressure on the paper, or to correctly navigate within the boundaries of a paper sheet. The started drawing may not fit on the paper, and the baby will begin to get nervous. It is important not to miss this moment, but to help the child skillfully organize classes, then drawing will become a favorite pastime.

Pencil drawing lessons are staged in such a way that the child sees only objects familiar to him. They systematize the little man’s existing experience and gradually expand his worldview, introducing him to new phenomena of nature and life. Perhaps now the baby will take a new look at the world, and you will help him with this.

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David Revua, an illustrator and concept artist, shared with aspiring artists a list of knowledge that must be acquired in order for their work to turn out realistic. It doesn’t matter what you draw with - pencil, brush, crayons or on a tablet - these laws remain unshakable.

website I have prepared an article for you that clearly and clearly outlines an action plan for a beginning artist who has decided to study on his own.

“It is difficult to choose what to study for those who are planning to take up drawing... I receive a lot of letters on this topic; newcomers usually feel lost, lost in the midst of it all. Therefore, I decided to create a kind of table of contents - a list of what you need to learn and what you need to practice in order to create high-quality work and learn to draw better. Each point is provided with my simple comments answering the questions “what”, “why”, “how”. This will make it easier to find required material using your favorite search engine. This material may also be useful for those who want to improve the quality of their work. I will use these starting points in my exercises and when looking for errors in my work. If you're just starting to draw, here's my advice: be a polymath, learn the basics and focus on individual elements at a time.

1. Perspective

What is this: The art of rendering three-dimensional space on a flat surface.
What is the goal: Don't draw flat, depict depth on two-dimensional paper.
What you need to know about it: Perspective grid like simple shapes(cubes, balls, etc.) behave in perspective and how to maintain proportions.

Work based on two vanishing points (green and red).

2. Proportions

What is this: The ratio of the sizes of all objects in your drawing.
What is the goal: Draw recognizable objects based on stereotypical ideas about proportions.
What you need to know about it: Learn to remember proportions, find a way to easily remember the relationships between parts of an object, create a “dictionary” of proportions.

The orange lines show the basic proportions and relationships in the drawing (left) and sketch (right).

3. Anatomy

What is this: Study of structure.
What is the goal: Draw objects realistically (people, animals, plants, machinery, etc.).
What you need to know about it: Joints, bones, muscles, how they work, how they behave, how the parts are connected, etc.

Exercise for drawing hands (left), drawing a skeleton (center), studying muscles (right).

4. Composition

Various sketches before starting work; search for a composition.

5. Lighting

What is this: Light and shadow rendered in color.
What is the goal: Create the illusion of light, display the right shadows, achieve volume and convey mood.
What you need to know about it: Color meanings, shadow casting, influence of surface materials, reflection of light, characteristics of light (refraction, scattering materials, etc.).

Left: The light shows the difference in the material. Right: Using light to show a second character (cast shadow).

6. Edges

What is this: A way to highlight the silhouettes of objects in your drawing.
What is the goal: Make the work easier to read, separate objects and background, enhance the effect of depth.
What you need to know about it: Edge style (hard/soft/lost) for drawing, line styles (weight, speed, softness) for outlines.

Left and center: edges in the figure, right: thickness of the outlines.

7. Colors

What is this: The art of choosing the right shades (midtones, shadows, highlights).
What is the goal: Add more movement, mood and emotion to your work.
What you need to know about it: Color systems (monochromatic, complementary, etc.), features of the influence of colors on mood, stereotypes.

Top left: 3 color wheels, reflecting the palette for this work; three additional colors.

8. Poses

What is this: The art of capturing active movement on a static sheet.
What is the goal: Add life, energy, movement and show dynamics.
What you need to know about it: Emotional touches, sketches, quick drawings, studying everything that moves, frequent “warm-up” exercises.

Left: penguin poses in the zoo, center: studying movement poses, right: warm-up sketches of the figure.

9. Style

What is this: Aesthetics, sense of style. Often depends on fundamental standards (ethical, historical, social, symbolic), the art of cultural groups, the art market.
What is the goal: To pave the way for the work to reach the audience.
What you need to know about it: Your own taste, culture, creative team as audience and creators at the same time.

Left: classic black and white portrait, middle: highly stylized (and weird) character and art style, right: my comic book style.

10. Idea

What is this: Drawing abstract concepts, ideological associations, inventing and proposing new designs. This is mostly a development process.
What is the goal: Offer new images of objects, characters, and creatures to entertain or inform the audience.
What you need to know about it: How things work, how to create new things, associations of ideas, fun situations, the creative process.

New type of equipment (left), the new kind a dragon (center) and a medieval house that no one had seen before this drawing (right).

11. Communications

What is this: An image can convey a large amount of complex information quickly. The proverb “A picture is worth a thousand words” explains this well.
What is the goal: The artist can communicate (internationally or not) with the audience.
What you need to know about it: Reading images (deciphering sent messages, non-verbal signs), conveying meaning, history, information.

The drawing of the leaf does not convey much information (left), but the complex of details and facial expression can already tell a story (center). A symbol such as the newspaper vulture (right) can make us think more deeply about the problem of unethical journalism.

Conclusion: meaningful illusion

If you can combine all of the above correctly, you will achieve a sense of volume, depth, texture, light, movement and life on a static surface. This will immerse your viewers in your world and you can easily convey your ideas, messages or story to them. And finally, this is how I see the result: the art of creating meaningful illusions. This entire palette of skills will serve your intellectual (memory, control, determination) as well as emotional development (feelings, emotions, subconscious). This is a complex exercise that requires knowledge, observation, imagination but first of all you need PRACTICE, PRACTICE and PRACTICE. Drawing skill is like a muscle (and you certainly won't get stronger by reading a weight lifting book or watching a video), so good luck with your drawing and painting, build your unique experience".

Drawing - a great opportunity relieve yourself of boredom, the monotony of every day, and also develop Creative skills. This applies not only to children, but also to adults. To draw any object or landscape, it is not at all necessary to skillfully use a pencil or brush. The main thing is that the process itself is interesting. It’s enough to stock up on the necessary supplies, use your imagination and start with the most simple strokes, which will develop into a whole picture.

Favorite characters from fairy tales, cartoons and TV series help children relieve boredom. The kids draw with great pleasure. They do this by looking at existing samples or from memory. It all depends on the child's abilities.

The prerogative of boys is all kinds of cars, tanks, steam locomotives, rockets, motorcycles. Girls are more interested in drawings depicting dolls, flowers, and vases. If the child is tired of such drawing, then adults should join the group and offer to draw two identical drawings, and then find 5 differences in them.

What should adults draw when they're bored? Can be depicted pet, if there is one or a fictional animal that you like more than others. It is no less interesting to draw your favorite object on paper or the weather outside the window. Perhaps it will be a smiling face to lighten the mood.

A good solution would be a celebrity figure on paper if the person drawing has good drawing skills. In order not to get bored, it is recommended to depict some bright event from your life. Better yet, draw your dreams. Perhaps someday they will come true.

Drawing by interests

When a person is bored, he usually turns to his favorite activity. Even if drawing is not your hobby, turning it into a favorite activity is not difficult - the main thing is to draw what you love. If you are a lover of flowers, no matter what - indoor or garden, draw flowers.

It could be a flower meadow, a bouquet of peonies, a lilac bush - whatever you see around or imagine in your imagination. This picture will become wonderful decoration rooms.

Those who prefer animals to nature and flowers can draw them. Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds - create a portrait of your pet. This painting will certainly take center stage in your home.

Mastering new techniques

When bored, drawing lovers can start learning new artistic techniques and technician. Have you always dreamed of drawing anime, or maybe you were attracted to items made using the batik technique? The time has come to try your hand at these techniques. Perhaps someone was attracted to miniature painting, painting in the style of folk crafts. When you're bored, you can start sketching your future creations.

Drawing with children

Most often, the question of what to draw when bored is asked by parents. Small children need to be constantly occupied with something: playing, walking, drawing. It is precisely drawing that can become a salvation for young fathers and mothers. If a child is captivated, he will completely forget about boredom and will be happy to create.

What can you draw with children? There are countless options here. You can draw characters from your favorite fairy tales and cartoons with your children and even bring them all together in one picture. You can make a real cartoon comic with your child by drawing several scenes in a row. Children's drawings will decorate the room, and your child will be proud of his ability to draw.

The drawing process involves not only the use of colored pencils or paints with brushes; you can draw with children with multi-colored crayons or paints using their palms and fingers.

Drawing with children is useful both for the children themselves and for parents. This great option for spending time together when both the little ones and the big ones get bored.

Creation of ornaments

Probably each of you remember how at school you painted the margins of your math notebooks with ornaments. For some, this has been the case for a long time, for others, quite recently. In fact, creating ornaments is a whole science that you can do when you are bored.

Initially, this requires a minimum of materials: a checkered sheet of paper and colored pencils or markers. You can create patterns from geometric or floral elements, paint them in the same color scheme or combine several opposing colors.

Where will such an ornament be useful later? Lovers of handicrafts, perhaps there are some among your friends or relatives, will easily transfer such ornaments to embroidery, a product made using the patchwork technique, a bracelet made of beads or leather, or used for tailoring or knitting. Finally, the idea of ​​​​an ornament can later be used to create the interior of your apartment.

Painting by numbers

Painting by numbers is a great idea for those who are bored. Absolutely anyone can draw such pictures; even those who do not have the ability to draw them will succeed. artistic arts. There are paintings by numbers different sizes- there are small ones, there are quite impressive ones, there are whole sets of such paintings - when you need to color each one, and then place them side by side on the wall, getting one image.

Drawing by numbers is suitable for both adults and children. For young artists there are paintings with cartoon characters and animals – this is a kind of large coloring book, which is a pleasure to color.

For adults there are paintings by numbers in the form beautiful scenery– autumn, summer and urban. Painting such a picture, the sunny promenade of the Italian coast or the magnificent autumn landscape with a house by the lake. Separately, such paintings are made for lovers of animals, flowers, street art - each of you will be able to choose an option to your liking.


Sometimes, when you are bored and have nothing to do, you can find something interesting to do - drawing. In the article you will learn what and how you can draw with children and teenagers.

When the weather is bad or cold outside, you have to spend more time at home. Children not only like active games, they also need to train perseverance, among other things. Therefore, parents should keep their beloved children occupied interesting activities. These include drawing. This process captivates not only the child, but also the parents, because the result will be an excellent drawing. How to draw pictures correctly, see below.

What can you draw when children and girls are bored: photo

Not everyone has the talent to paint, but that's not that important. Drawing is useful for both children and adults. Experts in the field of psychology say that the images in the drawings sometimes allow you to throw off the burden of problems accumulated in the soul. So draw as best you can.

For girls 6-8 years old, drawings of medium complexity are suitable. You can show how to draw a cake and a Kolobok in a cap. It’s great if you use a compass and ruler to create a picture. Then the Kolobok will turn out perfect, and the cap and cake will be even.

Invite the child to color the drawing, let the girl show her imagination. Also, use felt-tip pens to draw outlines, and pencils for the main background.

Drawing for children when they are bored

If you have gouache, you can offer your little one to draw flowers. For the simplest images, see the photo below. Your task is to control the process so that the child learns how to properly use brushes of different thicknesses and the drawing turns out neat.

Drawings of girls in gouache

Girls also love to draw beautiful fairies or princesses. Next, see how to create an image.

Master class on the process of drawing a Fairy:

  1. On a piece of paper, immediately distribute the space for components drawing. Place the face of the Tinker Bell fairy in the upper left corner.
  2. Start drawing from the eyes. Next, draw your eyebrows, face contour, and ear.
  3. Carefully draw the boundaries of the hairstyle.
  4. Draw the nose and mouth.
  5. Next, proceed to creating the torso, dress, limbs (arms). Draw your fingers small.
  6. Draw the leg and shoes as in image 9. Start drawing the second leg with shoes.
  7. Now all that remains is to draw the wings, carefully not going beyond the lines, and decorate Tinker Bell.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a Fairy drawing

IMPORTANT: If a girl doesn’t succeed in something, don’t rush her and calmly explain how to draw this or that detail of the picture.

What can you draw when children and boys are bored: photo

It's no secret that boys love technology. Since childhood, children have been drawing cars, ships, tanks, airplanes, helicopters, etc. Children who have developed imagination and visual memory are able to draw a steam locomotive on their own, even if it differs from the original, but you will see how the boy imagines this type of transport.

Drawing of a steam locomotive - step by step instructions:

  1. Start drawing with three rectangles of different sizes. The smallest one is the chimney, the middle one is the driver’s cabin, the largest one is the front part of the locomotive.
  2. Draw the trapezoid on the pipe, the roof, and the bottom of the railway transport.
  3. Decorate the front window. Draw the wheels.
  4. Finish the image by drawing smoke. And without crossing the boundaries of the picture, decorate the train.

Using almost the same principle (drawing rectangles), you and your son can draw a dump truck that is very similar to the real one.

For this:

  1. Draw a square, rectangle. Decorate the car cabin and mark the wheels.
  2. Draw auxiliary lines to design the body. Then finish drawing it.
  3. Use an eraser to erase the auxiliary lines and decorate the car.

Boys also love to draw nature, animals, supermen and other drawings.

What can you draw with a pencil when you are bored, for beginners?

Kit multi-colored pencils able to dispel any boredom. Already with their bright tones of flowers, they make you want to draw beautiful drawing. And diversity simple pictures limitless, starting with the sun and ending with the pony.

You can teach preschoolers to draw on your own:

  • Sun

  • lion cub

Lion cub from the cartoon “The Lion Cub and the Turtle”

  • rowan

Rowan drawing with pencils

  • bunny with carrots

How to draw a bunny with a carrot?

What can you draw with watercolors and paints when you are bored, for beginners?

From an early age I used special paints. Fingers are dipped into paint that does not have components harmful to children, and the baby draws original pictures. Thanks to this, children develop creative abilities. Often children are fascinated by this process and they draw not only on paper, but also on the floor and walls. The main thing for parents is not to get upset when their child gets completely dirty.

At first, the images are blurry and uneven, but this is not a problem. As children develop, their pictures become better and better. Parents should take this into account and set tasks more difficult over time. Next, you need to switch to brushes and draw pictures with more precise shapes.

House - child's drawing with paints

What can you draw with a felt-tip pen when you're bored, for beginners?

To make the drawing bright and saturated, use felt-tip pens. You just need to take into account the peculiarities of drawing with them.

  • It is better to create the drawing itself first with a pencil. If you get an inaccurate line, you can erase it. When the picture is ready, draw and color it with felt-tip pens.
  • Also, it is better to draw with felt-tip pens on thick paper, as they saturate it. If you create a masterpiece on a thin sheet of paper, the design will be imprinted on the adjacent sheet.

Black cat - drawing with felt-tip pens

Lion drawing

What can you draw when you’re bored at home, step by step, cell by cell?

If you draw according to the cells of an ordinary school notebook, you get a drawing of a geometric shape. This process will require some skill:

  • be able to count cells
  • attentiveness
  • be able to paint over it without going beyond the boundaries of a cell
  • have patience

To draw this cute puppy, take a checkered sheet of paper and a black felt-tip pen.


  1. Place four rectangles of three cells each at the bottom. The distance between the first and second should be 3 cells. The second and third - 1 cell. The third and fourth again - 3.
  2. In the second and third row, draw corners of different sizes, as in the image, do not forget to maintain distance.
  3. Fourth, fifth row - design of the puppy’s nose, paws and cheeks (ladder).
  4. Sixth, seventh - finish decorating the lower part of the animal’s face with vertical rectangles. Start drawing the ears.
  5. In the eighth, ninth, tenth row - draw the eyes, ears, outline of the animal’s head.
  6. All that remains is to finish the drawing at the top. How to do this is clearly seen in the picture below.

How to draw a puppy yourself by the cells?

If you understand the essence of drawing by cells, then creating other images will not be difficult for you. For beauty, you can use colored markers or pencils.

Drawing - cake

This is how you can teach your child to draw a pony, step by step. You don't have to be an artist to do this. But the process will give you pleasure, and the baby will acquire new skills.

Now you know how to relieve boredom with drawing. And not only. Sometimes this process helps to establish relationships with the child and avoid conflict situations.

Video: Drawings for children and teenagers, when they are bored in class, at home for sketching

Video: How to draw Pegasus?

Sometimes children get bored. Many adults at this time try to brush off their offspring, justifying their behavior by saying that this is not a problem at all, which should be solved jointly and urgently. And they are absolutely wrong! This serious problem. And adults should come up with something to do for the child. You can, for example, invite your child to take up drawing. But when is it boring?

Joint activities for adults and children

Most of all, children love to portray their favorite cartoon characters or Well, don’t bother them with this. You can even help: make sketches on paper with thin lines, and let the child, if he is very small, trace and color the picture. It is recommended that older children be offered the same cartoon characters. Although the important thing is not even what to draw when a child is bored, but the fact that by taking part in children's activities, an adult already relieves his offspring from a state of loneliness, restlessness and boredom.

Let's draw cartoons!

Today, few people remember what to draw when bored, the most real cartoon! To do this, you just need to make identical sketches of one of the characters. Here it is worth thinking about what you can draw. When a child is bored, the best way to cheer him up is a cartoon character. Although a little man with stick legs and a cucumber body would also be quite suitable. Then the most important stage of creating a cartoon begins - drawing the details. This is where the figures should be made different: in one segment the character’s arms can be lowered, and in another - raised, in one segment the legs stand together, and in another - the right one is set to the side, and so on. After coloring the “frames,” the segments are superimposed on one another so that the drawn objects coincide, with the images facing up. The top piece of paper is wound onto a pencil and the “cartoon show” begins. To do this, move the pencil sharply, unwinding the roll of paper, then return it to its original position. These movements should be repeated several times, the pictures will change dramatically, and the drawn hero will move!

An interesting thing - drawing!

1. Waxography

And for someone it will be a revelation that you can draw a picture with wax when you’re bored. Adults will just need to rub the cardboard with this substance or paraffin in advance, and cover it all with a layer of gouache on top. The child is asked not to paint or pencil the image, but to remove the excess. This way you can get an original engraving in the waxography style.

2. Finger painting

For this entertainment, you should prepare special paints: take a glass of flour, 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of oil (any vegetable oil is best) and water. The ingredients are mixed in a mixer, vegetable dyes are added (food colors are also suitable). To the delight of the kids, they can use these paints on the tiles and the floor, on each other’s faces and on the wallpaper spread on the floor directly with their fingers or palms!

3. Game “What can you draw?”

When bored, parents can offer their child an exciting activity. This game will awaken a child’s imagination and desire to create. Someone is drawing a figure on a piece of paper free form. Assignment: by adding the necessary elements, you need to turn a shapeless object into a recognizable animal, character or object. Several people can take part in the game; it is only important to transfer the figure unchanged using glass or carbon paper onto a sheet of paper for each participant. The results are completely different for everyone! When checking them, rarely does anyone remain indifferent, and boredom evaporates without a trace.

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