Calendar of significant and memorable dates. The calendar of significant and memorable dates in Russia has been declared the Year of Ecology

October is an amazing month. It is known not only for its changeable weather, which actively prepares Russians for the imminent arrival of winter, but also for its festive and significant events. Everything is included in the monthly calendar important dates October 2017, which are diverse in nature, but are of significant importance for each of us.


What is an anniversary date? This is a festive event that has a round date. Quite a lot of significant events are planned in the fall; we will list all the anniversary dates of October 2017.

1 - the date of birth of the most famous Russian actor - Oleg Efremov is celebrated. This year, the outstanding actor of the times would have turned 90 years old.
2 - 100th anniversary is celebrated since the birth of the Russian sculptor - Mikhail Anikushin.
5 - a unique historical date - the 280th anniversary of the birth of Count Alexei Orlov.
The 5th anniversary event is also celebrated by Russian football player Andrei Zyryanov. The athlete celebrates his 40th birthday.
6 - Anniversary events and entrepreneurs celebrate. For example, the famous Russian entrepreneur Vladimir Gusinsky is celebrating his 65th birthday.
6 - at the same autumn moment, a unique and in demand actress, Elisabeth Shue, celebrates the anniversary event (55 years).

7 - a truly Russian anniversary event - our President Vladimir Putin celebrates 65 years.
8 is a holiday of a creative nature - 125 years since the birth of the famous poetess Marina Tsvetaeva.
The Russian singer of popular songs, Jasmine, celebrates her 12th - 40th birthday.
14 - 90th anniversary of the birth of actor and artist - Roger Moore.
15 - creative people celebrate the 120th anniversary of the Russian writer Ilya Ilf.
16th is a wonderful date - the world famous singer celebrates his 55th birthday opera stage- Dmitry Hvorostovsky.
16 - actor of our Russia - Ivan Dykhovnichny - celebrates his 70th birthday.
19 - a popular Brazilian actress in recent times, known throughout the world for the TV series “The Rich Also Cry” - Veronica Castro celebrates her 65th birthday this year.
19th - sports anniversary date - 55 years of the famous boxer - Evander Holyfield.
Russian writer Vasily Belov celebrates his 23rd - 85th birthday.
26 - the popular politician of all America - Hilary Clinton - celebrates her 70th birthday.
28 - actress, best known for the film "Pretty Woman" - Julia Roberts - celebrates a significant date - 50 years.
30 - Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov celebrates his 100th birthday.
31 - 95 years are celebrated since the birth of the popular Russian actor - Anatoly Papanov.

Important dates

Autumn is rich in significant dates in October 2017. Festive events are celebrated en masse. If the holiday is included in cultural values, then he gathers like-minded people at creative evenings. Every Russian keeps dates of a public nature in his heart.

What is popular about the autumn month?

The 1st - 105th anniversary is celebrated for the popular Russian historian, as well as geographer and, of course, the author of numerous research work- Gumilyov L.N.
4 - a unique date for the entire country - exactly 60 years ago the first artificial satellite of planet Earth was launched into the depths of space. In honor of the most important event Every year, the country declares Space Week, which begins on the 4th and ends on October 10.

October is also unique in that this year marks the 60th anniversary of the release of the film “The Cranes Are Flying” to the general public. Director M. Kalatozov was recognized as one of all the best specialists of his profession at the Cannes Film Festival. The outstanding film received a well-deserved award in 1958 - the Palme d'Or.

October Holidays

For every Russian, significant dates for October 2017 carry vital information. This autumn month there are others, no less significant events of the year.

1 - meets creative people international holiday music.
1 - celebrated by the whole world today and a holiday of smiles.
1 - Russia celebrates the day of the elderly.
The 1st - 11th anniversary is celebrated by the Russian ground forces.
2 - date of birth of e-mail, popular and in demand in modern times.
3 - professional holiday of riot police officers and employees.
4 is an international holiday dedicated to animals.

5 - professional holiday of utmost importance- teacher's Day.
5 - criminal investigation officers receive well-deserved congratulations.
6 - date of birth of the emoticon.
8 is a holiday dedicated to rural women.
9 - postal workers and all Russian post offices celebrate a professional festive event.
11 is girls day. World date.
12 - day of the Russian personnel officer.
14 - among Orthodox Christians the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is found.
16th - boss's holiday.
20th - international holiday of the profession - cook.
24 is a professional holiday for special forces employees.
29 is the date of birth of the Komsomol.
31 - Halloween.

October 1, 106 years since the birth of Lev Nikolaevich Gumilyov (1912-1992), Soviet and Russian scientist, historian-ethnologist, doctor of historical and geographical sciences, poet, translator from Persian

Born on October 1, 1912 in Tsarskoe village near St. Petersburg into the family of famous poets Anna An-dreev -ny Ah-ma-to-howl and Niko-bark Ste-pa-no-vi-cha Gu-mile-va. In 1914, their marriage broke up, and Leo was given to his mother-in-law Anna Ivanovna Gu-mile-va. “I remember my childhood very vaguely, but I can’t really say anything about it. All I know is that I was immediately handed over to Grandmother Anna Ivanovna Gumileva, taken to Tver Gu- Ber-nia, where we once had a house in the village, and then we lived in the town of Be-zhetsk, where I ended up secondary school. At that time, I became carried away with the is-re-re-it, and got carried away with great excitement, because I re-read all the books on the -things that were in Be-zhets-ka, and from my childhood memory I remember a lot” - wrote he is later in auto-bio-graphy.

In 1921, when Lev was 9 years old, his father Niko-lai Stepa-no-vich was accused of participating in the White Guard Day for-go-re and shoot-lyan. Later, this fact more than once served as a home for po-li-ti-che-skih ob-vi-ne-ny “sons of the enemy na-ro-da.”

In 1929, after graduating from high school, he moved to Ma-te-ri in Leningrad. He later recalled about his visit: “When I returned back to Lenin-grad, I found a car-ti well, very unlucky for me. In order to get a foothold in Leningrad, I was left at school for another year, which only benefited me, since I could no longer care about physics, chi-mi-ey, ma-te-ma-ti-koy and other things (which I were-we-known), and for-no-small-sya I was-most-importantly-and-tried-to-go-to-drink-on-the-church- We’re German-language-speaking, and we’re studying at the Herze-novsky Institute here.”

It was in the Pe-da-go-gi-che-sky institute named after. He gave A.I. Ger-tsen a do-ku-men-you in 1930. But he was not allowed to join the ek-za-me-us as a nobleman and “the son of an enemy.” In order to get the right to develop what-you-re-da-da, worked black-but-work-in-the-tram-park , la-bo-ran-tom, collection-lek-to-rum in geo-lo-gi-che-skih par-ti-yah in Za-bai-ka-lye, Sa-ya-nah, on Pa-mi -re, in the Crimean caves, sa-ni-ta-rum at the ma-la-riy station in Ta-ji-ki-stan.

In 1934, I went to the is-to-ri-che-sky faculty of the Lenin-grad-skogo university.

But soon the mark of “son-on-the-enemy-na-ro-da” made itself known: Lev Gu-mile-va was repeatedly-arre-sto-you-va- whether he was expelled from the university, but he continued to study on his own, mastered several Turkic Chinese languages.

In No-ril-la-ga he began to work on his first book, “Hun-nu.”

In the fall of 1944, he voluntarily went to the front and fought on the First White-Russian Front. Participated in the assault on Berlin.

In 1946, the ex-graduate student passed the exam and graduated from the university. In the same year he became an as-pi-ran-tom of Leningrad from the Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences THE USSR. Defended a dis-ser-ta-tion of the Can-di-da-ta is-to-ri-che-skih na-uk, accepted as a scientific co-worker in Mu- Zey eth-no-graphy of the peoples of the USSR. On November 7, 1949, he was sentenced to 7 years by the Special Society. In the camps I continued to do academic work. Fully re-a-bi-li-ti-ro-van and released in 1956.

Since 1956, ra-bo-tal bib-lio-te-ka-rem in Er-mi-ta-same. In 1961 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the history of “Ancient Turks”, and in 1974 he defended his doctoral dissertation -ser-ta-tion on geography “Eth-no-genesis and bio-sphere of the Earth.” Before retiring in 1986, he worked at the Research Institute of Geography at the Leningrad State University.

Died in 1992.

In August 2005 in Ka-za-ni “in connection with the days of St. Petersburg and the celebration of you-sya-che- anniversary of the city of Kazan" A monument was erected to Lev Gu-milyov, on whom-you-bi-you words: “To the Russian man, all his life he has protected the ta-tar from slander.” According to personal ini-tsi-a-ti-ve pre-zi-den-ta Ka-zakh-sta-na Nur-sul-ta-na Na-zar-ba-e-va in 1996 in ka - the Zakh capital of Astana, one of the country’s universities, the Eurasian National University, was named after Gu-milev. In 2002, the office-museum of L. N. Gumilev was created within the walls of St. Petersburg University. In St. Petersburg, on the house where L. N. Gu-milev lived (Ko-lo-men-skaya st., 1), established-le-on-me-mo-ri- al-naya board.

  • Yur-kov, A. Why did Gu-milev call the fire on himself? [Text]: [about Lev Gu-mil-ve, a man whose life is so-so-same] / A. Yur-kov // Ro- Dina. - 2015. - No. 9. - P. 77-79.
  • Bo-ro-vi-ko-va, L. Step-noy swing of rya-do-vo-go Gu-mile-va [Text]: [about the fate of Leo Ni-ko-la-e-vi- cha Gu-mile-va (1912-1992), you are a Russian scientist, son of Anna Akh-ma-to-voy and Ni- ko-laya Gu-mile-va] / L. Bo-ro-vi-ko-va // Chu-de-sa and connection. - 2014. - No. 7. - P. 82-85.
  • Ku-li-chen-ko, N. Lev Gu-milev: ge-ni-al-ny scientist, son of ge-ni-al-nyh poets [Text] / N. Ku-li-chen-ko // New bib-lio-te-ka. - 2012. - No. 19. - P. 11-29.
  • Kra-lin, M. Vos-po-mi-na-niya about Leo Ni-ko-la-e-vi-che Gu-mile-ve [Text] / M. Kra-lin // Our modern nickname . - 2002. - No. 12. - P. 269-273.

October 170 years since the birth of Louis Henri Boussenard (Henri-Louis-François-Hilaire) (1847-1910), French writer, author of adventure novels

Born on October 4, 1847 in the small French village of Ecrennes. The father was the manager of the Ekrenn castle, the mother worked in the same castle as a ca-ste-lyan-shay and a maid.

Louis graduated from a local school and was diligent in his studies.

I received a gu-ma-ni-tar-noe ob-ra-zo-va-nie in the pan-si-one Beau-rieu in the city of Pi-ti-vie, after the windows -niya of something, I went to the medical faculty of the Parisian University. WITH youth his love was a hunt, and, returning to the ka-ni-ku-ly in Ecrenne, he loved to walk along the lyam with a gun and a so-ba-koy.

During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871. was drafted into the army as a field doctor. He was an eyewitness to the destruction of the French troops near Vi-sam-burg and Rey-sho-fen. The speech of war remained in his heart for the rest of his life, and the theme of war later became one of his themes in his work.

After the war, he worked as a village doctor. But what I really called him for was Li-te-ra-tu-ra.

Having broken with the media, Bus-se-nar ra-bo-tal re-port-the-rom, chrome-ni-kyo-rum in the Parisian newspapers, with -work-with-every-week-with-no-one “Journal of pu-te-she-stations and attractions on land and at sea.” His first novels “Across All Australia” and “Round the World Journey of a Young Person” were published here pa-ri-zha-ni-na”, glorified by the av-to-ra.

The novel “Ka-pi-tan So-tear-go-lo-va” (1901), dedicated to the English, brought particular fame to Bus-se-na-ru. Boer War (1899-1902) for the independence of two Boer republics, Trans-va-a-la and Oran-zhe-voy against the English ko-lo-ni-for-that-ditch.

From 1902 to 1910, Bus-se-nar wrote a series of articles in the pro-win-tsi-al-newspaper “Ga-tine” “on the surrounding We are under the common name “Letter to the Cross.” And under-pi-sy-val these epi-sto-lys - Fran-s-ua De-vin. De-vin means, “guess-give.” Such a simple re-bus. Why Fran-s-ua? Yes, because according to the word met-ri-ke, the full name of the so-chi-ni-te-la is An-ri-Louis-Fran-s-ua-Iler! That is, for part of the pseudonym, Bus-se-nar chose one of his personal names.”

In agreement with Bus-se-na-ra, all personal bu-ma-gi and ru-ko-pi-si of his pro-iz-ve-de-niy were with -burnt.

In Russia, the production of Bus-se-na-ra was extremely popular and appeared immediately after You're looking for his new books in France. In 1911, a meeting was held in 40 volumes. Also, separate productions were transferred in the Soviet years. In France, the peak of its popularity came during the period between two world wars. mi.

  • Vik-to-ri-na [Text]: [Louis An-ri Bus-se-nar]: [vik-to-ri-na, dedicated to the life and work of Louis An -ri Bus-se-na-ra] // Ko-ster. - 2012. - No. 10. - P. 23.
  • Go-len-ko-va, N.V. Around the world through the pages of books: Li-te-ra-tour-evening, sacred to L.A. Bus-se-na-ru for students in grades 6-7 [Text] / N.V. Go-len-ko-va // Reading, learning, playing e: Journal-collection of scenes for bib-lio-tech and schools. - 2007. - Issue. 6. - pp. 14-16.

October 8 (September 26) 125 years since the birth of Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva (1892-1941), poetess of the “Silver Age”

Born on October 8 (September 26), 1892 in Moscow in an in-tel-li-gent family. Father was a pro-fessor of the Moscow University, os-no-va-te-lem and the first director of the Museum of Fine Arts -arts (now the Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin). The mother of the pro-is-ho-di-la from the northern Polish-German family, was a talented pi-a-nist, thin tse-ni-tel-ni-tsey in-e-ziy, not-me-n-my-power-n-itsy-hus-hu-zhu in the de-le-building of the museum. Ma-ri-na Iva-nov-na then jokingly called the Museum of Fine Arts with her “giant little brother.” Mother vi-de-la Ma-ri-nu pi-a-nist-koy: she had ab-so-fierce hearing and kindness, one-on-one “Wha-you -my three-year-old Ma-ru-xia walks around me and keeps putting words into rhymes, - maybe it will be... ?.

Ma-ri-na Iva-nov-na po-lu-chi-la beautiful pre-machine ob-ra-zo-va-nie: ma-ma taught children music- ke, chi-ta-la books, not only in Russian, but also in German and French, tell-say-va-la about everything you love bi-la, and how she lived.

Tsve-ta-e-va studied at the Moscow private gymnasium of M. G. Bru-ho-nen-ko, at the French pan-si-on in Lo- Zanne (Switzerland), in the German pan-si-one in Germany. Very za-pa-la in du-shu bu-du-schey in etes-se German-kaya li-te-ra-tu-ra: “There are many souls in me. But my main soul is German,” - pi-sa-la-o-na.

In 1906, Tsve-ta-e-va translated into Russian the drama of Ed-mo-na Ro-sta-na “Or-le-nok”. And soon I wrote my own story “Four-faithful.” In 1909, I attended a course of lectures on the Old French Li-te-ra-tu-re at Sorbonne.

In 1910, with his own money, Tsve-ta-e-va published his first collection of poems “Evening Al-bom” - his -th-ro-da “po-e-ti-che-diary”, revealing a child’s-sense of the world, feeling of excitement- sheb-stva of life, per-re-li-you fan-ta-zia and real-no-sti. Books on-lu-chi-la so-sensual from-you Max-si-mi-li-a-na Vo-lo-shi-na, Va-le-ria Bru-so- va, Ni-ko-laya Gu-mile-va.

So a new poet entered the Russian li-te-ra-tu-ru, one after another they come out with cycles of poems: “Poems about Moscow,” “ Bes-son-ni-tsa”, “Sten-ka Ra-zin”, “Poems to Blo-ku”, “Ah-ma-to-howl”, “Don Ju-an”, “Ko-me- Dyant" and others, as well as the plays "Cher-vo-ny va-let" and "Blizzard".

1917 Sympathy of the Etes on the side of the White Guard, to which the cycle “The Camp of the Lion” is dedicated, first published co-van-nyy on Za-pas-deux in 1957.

Since 1922, Tsve-ta-e-va lived with her son Ge-or-gi-e and daughter Ari-ad-na in emigration in Berlin , in Pra-ge, Pa-ri-zhe. This period, especially “Czech”, was especially fruitful for her. About-ho-di-whether creative ve-che-ra, were there books on-pi-sa-ny: “Re-mes-lo”, “Psi-heya” (1923), “ Young man" (1924), "After Russia" (1928), tragedies based on ancient themes: "Ari-ad-na" (1924), “Fed-ra” (1927), essay about the poets “Zhi-voe about zhi-vom” (1933), “My Push-kin” (1937), memoir-essays “ House near Old Pi-men" (1934), "Mother and Music" (1935), "The Tale of So-nech-ka" (1938), "Po-e- ma Mountains", "Po-e-ma Kontsa" (1926), li-ri-che-skaya sa-ti-ra "Rat-catcher" according to mo-ti-you "Bro-dya- sneeze of rats" by Heinrich Heine (1925-1926), anti-fascist cycle "Poems to the Czech Republic" (1938-1939).

In 1939, the family returned to the USSR. That same year, my daughter and husband were arrested. Sergey Efron was shot in 1941, Ari-ad-na after fifteen years re-press-siy re-a-bi-li-ti-ro-va- on in 1955.

Sam-ma Tsve-ta-e-va couldn’t find either housing or work, the poems weren’t sad. Finding myself in the middle of the Great Patriotic War in the eva-ku-a-tion in Ela-bu-ge, I tried unsuccessfully I wanted to get support from a hundred pi-sa-te-ley. On August 31, 1941, life ended with suicide. Po-ho-ro-ni-li at the Pet-ro-Pav-lovsky cemetery in Yela-bu-ge, but the exact place for-ho-ro-ne-niya is not known we know.

  • Schweitzer, V. A. Life and existence of Ma-ri-na Tsve-ta-e-voy [Text]. - Moscow: Young Guard, 2009. - 591 p., l. ill. - (Life of remarkable people. series of bio-graphies. Issue 1380 (1180)).
  • Bi-ke-e-va, V. “I thirst immediately for all roads!.. [Text]: [life and work of the Russian poet M.I. Flower] / V. Bi-ke-e-va // Holiday at school. - 2017. - No. 7 (July). - P. 59-93.
  • Sa-za-no-vich, E. Ma-ri-na Iva-nov-na Tsve-ta-e-va. “One of all - for all - pro-ti-vu of all!..” [Text] / E. Sa-za-no-vich // Youth. - 2016. - No. 8. - P. 81-83.
  • Ste-pa-no-va, M. “They gave me more books than people...” [Text]: [selection of words M . the right point for the or-ga-ni-za-tion of judgments and written works of senior-class-ni-kovs in the lessons of the te-ra -tu-ry.]. Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2016. - No. 4. - P. 62-63.
  • Ob-raz-ko-va, T. A. Tsve-ta-ev-sky ko-ster in the village of Ti-ma-she-vo: competition-course-fe-sti-val [Text]: [in the village -le Ti-ma-she-in the Sa-mar-region every year the “Tsve-ta-ev-sky ko-ster” takes place - a me-ro-pri-i-tie , dedicated to the work of Ma-ri-na Tsve-ta-e-voy] / School library. - 2015. - No. 7. - P. 67-75.
  • Bi-ke-e-va, V. Through every heart [Text]: [li-te-ra-tour-com-po-zi-tion, sacred life and creativity of Ma-ri-na Tsve-ta-e-howl. Uses the do-ku-men-tal film “Ma-ri-na Tsve-ta-e-va” from the series “Geniuses and villains of the ears” epo-hi", slides with fo-to-gra-fi-ya-mi and other video-deo-ma-te-ri-a-ly, for-pi-si pe-sen on sti-hi in etes-sy, re-emergence of modern-men-ni-kov, poems by M.I. Tsve-ta-e-voy] / Bi-ke-e-va // Celebrations nickname at school. - 2015. - No. 2. - P. 3-28.
  • Zo-zu-lya, L. A. “Were we music in the ice...” [Text]: [about the life and work of N. Gu-mile- va and A. Ah-ma-to-voy, M. Tsve-ta-e-voy, M. Vo-lo-shi-na and B. Pa-ster-na-ka] / L. A. Zo-zu -lya // We eat, we study, we play. - 2014. - No. 10. - P. 83-88.
  • Mal-tse-va, O. V. “With a red brush the ripples lit up...” [Text]: [about the life and work of Russian poets -sy M.I. Tsve-ta-e-voy] / O. V. Mal-tse-va // We read, we study, we play. - 2012. - No. 7. - P. 27-31.
  • Ku-tye-va, L.V. “Na-chi-na-et-sya’s crying gi-ta-ry...”: Ma-ri-na Tsve-ta-e-va and mu-zy-ka [ Text] / L. V. Ku-tieva, E. B. Fro-lo-va // Russian word-weight. - 2004. - No. 1. - P. 64-78.
  • Ku-tye-va, L.V. “I’m calling him on his ring...”: Ma-ri-na Tsve-ta-e-va and Sergey Efron [Text] / L. V. Ku-tie-va // Li-te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2003. - No. 9. - P. 12-17.
  • Vos-ko-boi-ni-kov, V. Life of za-me-cha-tel-nyh children: When Ma-ri-na Tsve-ta-e-va was a little-lazy [ Text] / V. Vos-ko-boy-ni-kov // Pu-te-water star. - 2003. - No. 2. - P. 60-63.
  • Ma-ryan-chik, V. A. Tai-na ana-grams [Text]: [sty-li-sti-che-sky analysis of the sti-ho-tre-re-niya of Ma-ri-na Tsve -ta-e-howl “Little do-mash-spirit...”] / V. A. Ma-ryan-chik //Russian language at school. - 2015. - No. 6. - P. 59-63.
  • Ryzh-ko-va, T. The myth of Don-Ju-an and Car-men in the ly-ri-ke Tsve-ta-e-voy [Text]: [analysis of the cycles of poems “Don-Ju” -an" and "Kar-men" by M. Tsve-ta-e-voy at the lesson of li-te-ra-tu-ry in 11th grade] / T. Ryzh-ko-va // Li-te -ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2013. - No. 2. - P. 11-14.
  • Ma-ka-ro-va, B. A. “My name is Ma-ri-na, I am the mortal soul of the sea” [Text]: [scenario li-te-ra- tour-no-go-che-ra, dedicated to the work of M. Tsve-ta-e-howl for 7-11 grades.] / Game library - here you go. - 2012. - No. 3. - P. 50-61.
  • Ryzh-ko-va, T.V. Ga-da-nie about birds [Text]: [li-te-ra-tu-ry lesson in 11th grade on the cycle of sti-ho-tvor-re -niy M. Tsve-ta-e-voy “Le-be-di-ny camp”] / T. V. Ryzh-ko-va // Li-te-ra-tu-ra PS. - 2012. - No. 3. -S. 46-47.
  • Stri-zhe-no-va, A. Ko-sha-whose te-ma Ma-ri-ny Colors [Text]: [cats in pro-iz-ve-de-ni-yah Ma-ri-ny Tsve-ta-e-voy] / A. Stri-zhe-no-va // Friend. A magazine for cat lovers. - 2012. - N 1. -S. 36-38.
  • Or-lo-va, O. A. Two poems - two worlds: A. Ah-ma-to-va and M. Tsve-ta-e-va [Text]: [ two poems about love] / O. A. Or-lo-va // Li-te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2008. - No. 3. - P. 6-9.
  • Bor-shchev-skaya, M. “Pro-ho-zhiy, stay-but-hang!”: ma-te-ri-a-ly to the study of the work of Ma-ri-na Tsve- ta-e-voy [Text] / M. Bor-shchev-skaya // Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2008. - No. 6. - P. 21-32, 27-28.
  • Ba-khor, T. A. “And for some reason the bonfire has cooled down...”: love li-ri-ka M. Tsve-ta-e-voy [Text] / T. A. Ba-khor // Lessons li-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2007. - No. 6. - P. 14-16.
  • Prii-ma, E. Li-ri-che-skaya hero-i-nya Ma-ri-ny Colors [Text] / E. Prii-ma // Li-te-ra-tu -ra. - 2004. - No. 12. - P. 14-15.

October 9, 470 years since the birth of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616), Spanish writer, poet

Born on October 9, 1547, the family dined at the Spanish court. While searching for work, my father kept moving from city to city, and with him he moved -la family. Such a hundred-year-old crossings that you know, you're too lazy to Mi-ge-lya, with the-sto-ya-ya, and not according to -casual life of simple people.

At the age of ten, Mi-gel entered the Jesu College, where he received an average education tion. Study-bu pro-long-lived in Mad-ri-de with the West-no-go is-pan-sk-go pe-da-go-ga and gu-ma-ni-sta Hu-a-na Lo -pe-se de Hoyo-sa. Mi-gel mastered La-tyn perfectly, and already at school he wrote poems on it. But because of poverty, I had to quit studying. The Spanish nobles from poor families had three paths: to serve the church, to serve at the court or in the army. Ser-van-tes chose service at the court. Through the patronage of de Hoyo-sa, Mi-gel was accepted into the service of Pope Pius V. Five years passed in the service, was it possible for him to visit the largest Italian cities: Rome, Milan, Bo-lo-new, Ve-ne- tion, Pa-ler-mo and basic knowledge of the Italian way of life. He not only mastered the Italian language, but also expanded his knowledge acquired at the Madrid school. Having a lot of time for reading, Ser-van-tes is familiar with the Italian li-te-ra-tu-roy and philo-so-fi-ey, read an-tich-nyh authors - Go-mera, Vergil-lia, Ho-ra-tsia, Ovid and others.

In 1570, he joined the Spanish regiment Mi-ge-la de Mon-ka-dy, based in Italy, and served in ma-len-kom ko-rab-le “Mar-ke-za.” There was a war with the Ottoman Empire. On October 7, 1571, a naval battle took place at Le-panto. That day, Ser-van-tes was sick and happy, but demanded permission to take part in the battle: “Before , even if you are sick and in the heat, you fight like a good soldier... and don’t hide under the protection of the pa-lu-by.” Having received three wounds, he was sent to the state hospital, and, having served, did not leave military service. Returning from Italy to Spain, he was captured by the Al-Ghirish pirates, where he stayed for five years, was bought out by money na-ha-mi-tri-ni-ta-ri-ya-mi, was able to return to ro-di-nu.

After retiring, he began writing plays, but they were not successful on stage. But the novel “Ga-la-thea”, published in 1585, was a success among the chi-ta-te-leys.

The novel “The Hit-Ro-Clever Idal Don Quixote of La Mancha” brought him world fame. The book was written like a pa-ro-dia for knightly ro-mans. The main idea of ​​the novel is the depiction of a false idea and reality. The novel consisted of two parts, which were published in ten years and were loved by many people. The novel was re-written several times and was translated into other Western languages.

In the pre-di-word to the next ro-ma-nu “The Wandering of Per-si-les-sa and Si-khiz-mun-dy” Ser-van-tes wrote: “Sorry, glad! Sorry, for-you! Sorry, good friends! I am dying in the hope of a speedy and joyful meeting with you in another world.”

  • Are-fin, S. Writer, who has spent all his life researching the key [Text] / S. Are-fin // Chu-de-sa and keys . - 2009. - No. 10. - P. 12-13.
  • Ma-ka-ro-va, B. A. Knight of a sad image [Text] / B. A. Ma-ka-ro-va // Chi-ta-em, we study, we play. - 2012. - No. 7. - P. 20-26.
  • Mi-gel de Ser-van-tes [Text]: // Children's ro-man-ga-ze-ta. - 2008. - No. 11. - P. 10-11.
  • Shenk-man, V. Don Qui-hot without Tse-re-te-li [Text]: [pa-myat-ni-ki Ser-van-te-su and his li-te-ra-tur-ge- ro-yam] // V. Shenk-man // Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2007. - No. 23. - P. 40-41.
  • Si-ma-kov, V. Don Quixote as an image of Christ [Text]: [analysis of the image of Don Quixote from the right-glorious point of view -nia] / V. Si-ma-kov // Fo-ma. - 2016. - No. 12. - P. 82-83.
  • Heroes for all time [Text]: [some facts from the history of the creation of the famous books “Ro-bin-zone Cru- zo" and "Don Quixote", as well as pa-myat-ni-ka Ru-sa-loch-ke in Ko-pen-ga-gen] // Es-kiz. - 2015. - No. 3. - P. 6-7.
  • Help Don Qui-ho-tu! [Text]: [li-te-ra-tour-naya game based on the book by Ser-van-te-sa “Don Quixote”] // Chi-tai-ka. - 2012. - No. 10. - P. 2-3 [incl.].
  • Ro-gozh-kin, D. Who wants to become Don Qui-hot? [Text]: 465 years since the birth of Mi-ge-la Ser-van-te-sa: [about the book of the ve-li-ko-go of the Spanish pi-sa-te -la Mi-ge-la Ser-van-te-sa “Don Qui-hot”] / D. Ro-gozh-kin // Chi-tai-ka. - 2012. - No. 10. - P. 2-5.
  • So-lo-vey, T. “Call me - I’ll come!”: Studying Ser-van-te-sa’s “Don Qui-ho-ta” in 8th grade / T. So-lo-vey // Lessons li-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2011. - No. 2. - P. 2-15.
  • Va-nu-she-va, N. Passionate “Don Qui-ho-tom” [Text]: [about Ser-van-te-sa’s novel “Don Qui-hot”, there is poetry -your-re-re-tion about this novel] / N. Va-nu-she-va // Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2008. - No. 19. - P.6-10.
  • Mas-lak, N.V. Knight's novel Mi-ge-lya Ser-van-te-sa Sa-a-ved-ra “The hit-ro-smart idal-go Don Qui-hot” La Mancha": 6th grade [Text] / N.V. Mas-lak // Lessons li-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2008. - No. 6. - 1-3, 5-10.
  • Be-la-e-va, N. Chi-ta-em “Don Qui-ho-ta” [Text]: [out-of-class reading lesson for 6th grade, questions to the head of ro-ma-na, vik-to-ri-na according to ro-ma-nu] / N. Be-la-e-va // Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2007. - No. 23. - P. 12-14.

October 15 (3) 120 years since the birth of Ilya Arnoldovich Ilf (real name Fainzilberg Yechiel-Leib Arievich) (1897-1937), Soviet writer

Born on October 15 (3), 1897 in Odessa in the family of a bank employee. The family lived on Staro-por-to-Frankivskaya Street - then the longest street in Odessa. On it there was a “School of Crafts and Crafts”, where the future writer went. The boy really loved to read, and during lessons he hid under the steam of the book Re-d-yar-da Kip-lin-ga, N. S. Les-ko- va, R. L. Steven-so-na, A. P. Che-ho-va. But he graduated from school with a high school diploma, and received a diploma under a master.

Worked in the drafting bureau, at the telephone station, at the aviation plant and at the manual factory -nat. His per-you “pro-from-de-ni-I-mi” would have been sta-ti-sti-che-skie from-what-you. In 1917, he worked as a traveling statistician. His boss is a friend of the famous poet E. G. Bag-rits-ko-go - S. G. Be-re-zov later recalled: “By -Ilya appeared. He went to various parts of the Rumanian front, and then made up such statements that my direct The boss couldn’t contain her surprise: “Why do you have it, writer?”

In the summer of 1919, during the civil war, a mo-bi-li-za-tion began to fight against De-ni-ki-nym, Fain- Zilberg came to the assembly point with a book under his arm. It was Ana-to-la-France’s novel “The Gods Are Waiting.” The writer recalled: “I knew the fear of death, but I was silent, afraid to remain silent and did not ask for help. I remember myself lying in the wheat. The sun was falling behind you, you couldn’t turn your head back so as not to see what you were so afraid of "

After the destruction of the de-ni-kin-tsev, in Odessa there was the creation of a department of ROSTA (Russian telegraph) no-th agency), where Fain-sil-berg began to work as a journalist. Then Ilya, as they now began to call him, re-went to the food-co-mission of Oprod-kom-gub for the position of a writing-man-worker. bot no way. With him were people with unusual fa-mi-li-ya-mi: Ber-la-ga, Ku-kush-kindt, La-pi-dus, Pru-zhan-sky. Later, he used these names to write “Zo-lo-to-go te-len-ka.”

And soon he joined the club “Collective Po-Etov”, among the participants were Yuri Olesha, Vladimir So- syu-ra, Eduard Bag-rits-kiy, Se-myeon Hekht. In the big apartment-ti-re place-no-go avan-tu-ri-sta Mi-ti Shir-mahe-ra chi-ta-li your poems. It was at these kind of tour-events that his first performances took place.

In 1923, Ilf moved to Moscow and got a job at the Gu-dok newspaper. In the edition, he was the right-wing right-hander of the fourth generation. The right-handers from the slave-cow's letters co-created ulcer-vi-tel-evil-bo-day fe-lie-to-ns.

In 1925, I became acquainted with Pi-sa-te-lem Ev-ge-ni-em Pet-ro-v. In 1928, their first joint work was published in the journal “30 Days” - the novel “Two-twenty students” Lev”, which was published as a book in the same year. Even before the first publication of the price-zu-ra from-ryad-but-so-kra-ti-la novel. Roman was delightedly met by the chi-ta-te-la-mi, but coldly received by the cri-ti-ka-mi.

After you went ro-ma-na, Il-fom and Pet-ro-vym were on-pi-sa-ny in the story “The Bright Personality” (1928), 1001 day, or New Shahe-re-za-da" (1929), fe-lye-to-ny for "Pravda" and "Li-te-ra-tur-noy ga-ze-ty".

In 1931, the second joint novel “Zo-lo-toy tele-nok” was published, in which the authors resurrected the main hero is Osta-pa Ben-de-ra, who was killed in “Two-on-twenty chairs”.

In 1935-36, Ilf and Pet-rov co-ver-shi-vi-ed in the USA, the result of which was a book “ One-story America.”

In 1937, Ilya Ilf died from tuberculosis.

Books have appeared on screens more than once in the USSR and abroad. On the most famous Odessa street, De-ri-basovskaya, there is a monument to one of the two-twenty chairs, and everyone who comes can sit on it. There were a hundred memorials in different cities and heroes of books, especially Ostap Bender. The aster-id (7113) Ostapbender is named after him. In 1992, in St. Petersburg, the fe-sti-val of humor and sa-ti-ry “Zolo-toy Ostap”, trans-form-mi -ro-v-shi-sya in 2005 in the festival of cinema-media-no-go cinema and humor “Zolo-toy Ostap”.

  • Mir-city-rod-skaya, T. Ilya Ilf and Ma-ru-sya Ta-ra-sen-ko: Melody for two voices [Text]: [history of life neither the love of the Russian Soviet pi-sa-te-la of Ilya Il-fa and Ma-ru-si Ta-ra-sen-ko] / T. Mir-city -skaya // Ka-ra-van is-to-riy. - 2017. - No. 8. - P. 176-191.
  • Pro-ko-fye-va, E. “And we will always be together...” [Text]: [about life and creativity from the known co- Vet-skogo pi-sa-te-lya and zhur-na-li-sta Ilya Il-fa and his love for the Soviet hu-dozh-ni-tse Maria Ta-ra-sen -ko] / E. Pro-ko-fie-va // Gala Biography. - 2016. - No. 4. - P. 24-38.
  • Grud-ki-na, T.V. Ilya Ilf and Ev-geniy Pet-rov [Text] // Grud-ki-na T.V. 100 great masters of prose / T. V. Grud-ki-na, N. P. Ku-ba-re-va, V. P. Me-shche-rya-kov, M. N. Ser-bul. - Moscow, 2006. - P. 320-324. - (100 great ones).
  • Kol-gi-na, M.V. View of the Ma-la-hi-to-vuyu puddle [Text]: [li-te-ra-tour-quest according to the mo-ti-you books I. Il-fa and E. Pet-ro-va “Two-twenty chairs”] / M. V. Kol-gina // We read, we study, we play. - 2015. - No. 11. - P. 51-55.
  • Shenk-man, V. Ben-de-ri-a-na in stone and bronze: (pa-myat-ni-ki Osta-pu Ben-de-ru and other li-te-ra-tur- nym heroes of Ilya Il-fa and Ev-geniya Pet-ro-va) [Text] / V. Shenk-man // Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2007. - No. 20. - P. 38-39.
  • Bez-no-sov, E. L. Soviet activity in the novels of I. Il-fa and E. Pet-rov [Text] / E. L. Bez -no-sov // Li-te-ra-tu-ra. - 2004. - No. 43. - P. 25-30.
  • Go-len-ko-va, N.V. Between two-twenty chairs. Evening of humor for 8-9 grades [Text] / N.V. Go-len-ko-va // We read, we study, we play. - 2001. - No. 1. - P. 106-114.

October 23 is the 85th anniversary of the birth of Vasily Ivanovich Belov (1932-2012), Soviet, Russian writer, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art)

Born on October 23, 1932, in a peasant family in the village of Ti-mo-ni-ha, Kha-rov-skogo-rai-o-na Vo -lo-year-region. As a young boy, he began to work in a collective farm to help support the mother of the youngest four children. After seven years of studying at a de-Re-Ven-skaya school, he moved to the city of So-kol, Vo-lo-God-region. Studied at the factory-rich-but-for-water-training school, where he received a specialty in mo-to-ri-sta-di-ze -li-sta, electric-mon-the-ra.

In 1952-1955 he served in military service in Leningrad. In the newspaper of the Lenin-grad military district his first poems “On Guard of the Ro” were published -di-ny." After the army, he worked at a factory in the city of Mo-lo-to-ve (now Perm).

In 1956, he returned to his hometown and became a co-author of the Kom-mu-nar newspaper. According to the pi-sa-te-la-earth-la-ka, Aleksandra Yashi-na sent poems to the Li-te-ra-tour institute named after him. A. M. Gor-ko-go, and passed a creative competition course.

In 1958, he was elected first sek-re-ta-rem Mud-zo-vets-ko-rai-ko-ma com-so-mo-la. But, not even a year later, he gave a notice of resignation in connection with his call to study at the institute. He dedicated five years to the development of li-te-ra-tour-no-go-ra-zo-va-niya. At this time - in 1961, would you have published a collection of poems “De-re-ven-ka my forest” and the story “De-re-ven-nya” Take it." In 1963, the book of the story “Sultry Summer” was published. In the same year he was admitted to the Union of Pi-sa-te-lei of the USSR.

After finishing the institute, he returned to Vologda, but did not forget his native village. Zi-mo came, lit the Russian stove, lived for a long time, and wrote books here. The hero of his story, more often than not, was a resident of the northern Siberian village, hard-working, loving, living -in harmony with nature. Russian living speech, way of life, way of life in Vienna.

Notoriety was brought to him by the news “Pri-vychnoe de-lo”, published in 1966. Its main hero, the peasant Ivan Af-ri-ka-no-vich, having gone through the war as a simple soldier, lives in his native north. Noy village. He sums up his life in the words: “Go ahead. And everything is fine, everything is fine. Okay, so he was born, okay, so he gave birth to children. Live, that’s what life is.” The message approved for him the re-pu-ta-tion of one of the ro-do-na-chal-niks and li-de-rows of the “de-re-Ven-skoy pro- PS." The re-pu-ta-tion was simplified for you-ho-house according to the news “Plot-faced stories”.

“Okay. Essays on the national es-te-ti-ke" (1979-1981). The main topic is folk culture, folklore, everyday life and artistic thoughts of the villages of Russia.

The cycle “Recollection of Dr. Spo-ku” cries out city life.

About the life of the northern village in the West-vu-yut ro-ma-ny “Ka-nu-ny (chronic-ka of the end of the 20s)”, “Go -dy per-re-lo-ma”, “The sixth hour”, connected with one plot line.

The creativity of Be-lo-va from the State Pre-mi-e of the USSR, the Order of Labor of the Red Sign me-ni, Or-de-nom Le-ni-na, Li-te-ra-tur-noy pre-mi-ey So-yu-za pi-sa-te-ley Russia named after Lev Tol- hundredth and Or-de-nom of the bla-go-ver-no-go prince Da-ni-i-la of the Moscow III degree, whether All-Russian -te-ra-tur-noy pre-mi-named Ak-sa-ko-va. In 2002, he was awarded the Order of the Pre-extended Sergius of Ra-do-tender III degree.

In 2003, the writer received the Order “For Services to the Fatherland”, IV degree. In 2004, he received the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the region of Li-te-ra- tours and arts. In 2008, Belov was awarded the Order of Po-che-ta “for his great contribution to the development of the domestic literature” -ry and many years of creative activity.” In 1997, the writer was awarded the title of Po- even a citizen of the city of Vo-log-dy.

In the Central Children's Library of Vologda on April 26, 2005, a solemn opening was held -tie Center of Pi-sa-te-lya V.I. Be-lo-va, at which the pi-sa-tel himself was present, guests from the admin-ni- stra-tions about-la-sti and go-ro-da, pi-sa-te-li, hu-dozh-ni-ki, bib-lio-te-ka-ri, chi-ta-te-li, children creative collections. On the opening day, the center's fund consisted of one thousand storage units. In the Center of Be-lo-va, creative meetings are taking place with pi-sa-te-la-mi, or-ga-ni-zo-va- We are dedicated to the life and creativity of pi-sa-te-la ex-courses for pre-schoolers and schoolchildren. He's a-sto-yan-but half-nya-et-sya but-you-mi ma-te-ri-a-la-mi and ex-po-na-ta-mi, ras-shi-rya- there is a chi-ta-tel-audience. In 2007, in the village of Ti-mo-ni-ha, a tu-ri-sti-che-che-march route “To-ro-ga to home” was opened ", the pre-zen-ta-tion of something was at the time of the 75th anniversary of the pi-sa-te-la.

  • Mi-ne-ra-lov, Yu. I. Russia gla-za-mi Va-si-lia Be-lo-va [Text] / Yu. I. Mi-ne-ra-lov // Is-to -Riya Russian li-te-ra-tu-ry 90s of the twentieth century: Educational manual. - Moscow, 2004. - pp. 51-56.
  • Va-li-ko-va, D. Va-si-liy Iva-no-vich Be-lov (born 1932) [Text] / D. Va-li-ko-va // I’m going to lesson li-te -ra-tu-ry. Modern Russian li-te-ra-tu-ra 1970-1990: A book for teachers. - Moscow, 2001. - P. 28-31.
  • Mel-ni-ko-va, A. Khro-ni-ka V.I. Be-lo-va [Text] // I’m going to the lesson of li-te-ra-tu-ry. Modern Russian li-te-ra-tu-ra 1970-1990: A book for teachers. - Moscow, 2001. - P. 219-229.
  • Tru-shin, O. “Ti-haya ro-di-na” Va-si-lia Be-lo-va [Text]: [about the village of Ti-mo-ni-he, small homeland Rus -skogo pi-sa-te-lya Va-si-lia Be-lo-va] / O. Tru-shin // Children's Roman-ga-ze-ta. - 2015. - No. 4. - P. 23-25.
  • Fe-dya-kin, S. Pri-vychnoe de-lo against the backdrop of the eternal [Text] / S. Fe-dya-kin // Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2007. - No. 20. - P. 4-5.
  • [Va-si-liy Iva-no-vich Be-lov] // Li-te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2017. - No. 9. - P. 2-14, 23-30, 31-35 Ko-resh-ko-va, O. “My quiet birth...: Lesson from the book by V.I. . Be-lo-va "Lad". 6-7 grades [Text] / O. Ko-resh-ko-va // Lessons li-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2010. - No. 7. - P. 7-11.
  • Sharalev, A. M. “He felt that trouble had happened”: V. I. Be-lov “Starlings”: ma-te-ri-al to lesson [Text] / A. M. Shu-ralev // Li-te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2008. - No. 1. - P. 39-40. Glu-sha-ko-va, P. S. The inability of words: notes on children's reading Institute: To the 70th anniversary of Va-si-lia Iva-no-vi-cha Be-lo-va [Text] / P. S. Glu-sha-ko-va // Elementary school . - 2002. - No. 10. - P. 100-102.
  • Bon-da-ren-ko, M. A. Creativity of Va-si-lia Be-lo-va at school [Text] / M. A. Bon-da-ren-ko // Li- te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2002. - No. 9. - P. 32-38.
  • Pas-tu-ho-va, L.N. “We are obligated to deal with the pain that the world has endured...”: Chi-ta-tel - conference based on the story of V. I. Be-lo-va “Mal-chi-ki” [Text] / L. N. Pas-tu-ho-va // Ur- ki li-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2002. - No. 6. - P. 6-8.
  • Shi-ro-ko-va, L.V. In search of home. Li-te-ra-tur-naya com-po-zi-tion [Text] / L. V. Shi-ro-ko-va // L. V. Shi-ro-ko-va // Chi-ta- I eat, I study, I play. Scenarios for bib-lio-tech. - 2002. - No. 4. - P. 20-25.
  • Bon-da-ren-ko, M. A. Creativity of Va-si-lia Be-lo-va at school: The story “Pri-vych-noe de-lo” [Text] / M . A. Bon-da-ren-ko // Li-te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2001. - No. 6. - P. 42-46.

Mel-ni-ko-va, A. Khro-ni-ka Va-si-lia Be-lo-va “Ka-nu-ny” [Text] / A. Mel-ni-ko-va // Li-te -ra-tu-ra. - 2000. - No. 34. - P. 2-3.

Bon-da-ren-ko, M. A. Creativity of Va-si-lia Be-lo-va in school VIII grade [Text] / M. A. Bon-da-ren-ko // Li-te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2000. - No. 6. - P. 96-101.

October 31 (18) 115 years since the birth of Evgeniy Andreevich Permyak (real name Vissov) (1902-1962), Soviet prose writer, children's writer

Born on October 31 (18), 1902 in Per-mi, he spent his childhood in Vot-kin-sk with his aunt. “The years spent with my aunt at Vot-Kinsky Za-vo-de,” the re-minal pi-sa-tel, “can be called first-of-exactly no-one from my childhood and from... I looked into the March oven earlier than in primer. With to-po-rum, mo-lo-tom, zu-bi-lom, with in-stru-men-ta-mi, we generally lived on friendly terms before we met the tab- lyceum of intelligence.” In Vot-kin-sk he studied at the church-parish school, pro-gym-na-sia and gym-na-sia. Ev-ge-niy, during his studies, mastered five re-mess-la-mi: carpenter, plumber, shoemaker, blacksmith and to-kar-nym. After school, I worked as a clerk at the Ku-Pin meat-so-point, at the Perm candy factory "Record" " Once upon a time, I was talking about being a public correspondent in the newspapers “Zvez-da” and “Red Pri-ka-mie” (Vot-kinsk). “Ma-ster Neprya-khin” wrote his stories and poems under-pi-sy-val. He was a director in a drama club at a club named after Tom.

In 1923, he received a correspondent bi-year in the name of Vis-so-va-Neprya-hi-na. In 1924, I went to the Perm University for So-ci-al-no-eco-no-mi-che-skoe from-de-le-nie pe-da- go-gi-che-sko-go fa-kul-te-ta. During the student years, for-no-small club work, actively participated in the popular organization -but at that time there was a circle of the Living Te-at-ral-noy Newspaper (LGT).

After graduating from the university, he moved to Moscow and became a dramatist. His plays “Les Shu-mit” (1937) and “Pe-re-kat” (1939) were performed in all theaters of the country. During the Great Patriotic War, he lived in Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg). At that time, Ev-ge-niy Vis-sov, out of love for his native land, changed his last name to Per-myak. The Sverdlovsk writing organization was headed by Pavel Pet-rovich Bazhov. Ev-geniy Per-myak often visited him.

In 1942, the book “Er-ma-ko-you le-be-di” was published. A heroic representation in 4 acts of Ev-ge-niy Per-mya according to the same story by P. Ba-jo-va about Er-ma-ka Ti-mo-fe-e-vi-che, his brave es-u-lah, faithful bride Ale-nush-ka and about the great com go-su-da-re Ivane Va-si-lie-vi-che.” That’s when he appeared and sat down to read the book “Who to Be.” A book with a hundred of 12 plot-but-completed chapters (tet-ra-day), which can be used by a young person I want to find out what “work” is and talk about professions. The book was a great success among Soviet readers, and was translated into many languages people of the USSR, including Ko-mi-per-myats-kiy.

Popular books for children would be no less in- teresting: the collection of fairy tales “De-dush-ki-na ko-pil” -ka" and "The Tale of Gas" (1957), "From the boiler to the boiler" and "The Tale of the Land of Ter-ra-Fer-ro" (1959), "Castle without Keys -cha" (1962); published books on eco-no-mi-che-skie and po-li-ti-che-skie topics: “About these gods "(1960), "Az-bu-ka of our life" (1963). Books show the value of work, the need for association with it from childhood. At the same time, fan-ta-zia and you-think-Per-me-come-closer to real life. Heroes of pro-ve-de-tions do not seek help from magical forces; the main sorceries are work and knowledge.

Per-mya-ka's last book - “Once-a-thief without insults” (1977) - a sacred thought about the pro- living life.

  • Ko-val-chuk, T. Za-ni-ma-tel-naya game [Text]: [life and work of children's play-sa-te-lya E. A. Per- me-ka] / T. Ko-val-chuk // Holiday at school. - 2017. - No. 8 (August). - pp. 117-127.
  • Per-myak, E. How Ma-sha became big: [story] [Text]: [for reading and discussion with children] / E. Per-myak // Before school. - 2016. - No. 2. - P. 8.
  • Bo-ri-so-va, A. S. “... you eat in a stun-pok... you reap a ha-rak-ter...” (oriental wisdom ): moral values ​​in the prose of E. Per-mya-ka [Text]: [scenario of a measure on children's creativity skogo pi-sa-te-lya E. Per-mya-ka] / A. S. Bo-ri-so-va // Books, notes and games for Ka-tyush- ki and An-dryush-ki. - 2015. - No. 7. - P. 36-38.
  • Mi-ro-no-va, N. What kind of people are they? [Text]: the image of a family in the Russian language of the 20th century: we listen, we comprehend, we judge: [about the work of E. Per-mya-ka and I. Di-ka, before -la-ga-yut-sya questions for discussion] / N. Mi-ro-no-va // Pre-school education. - 2013. - No. 5. - P. 67-71.
  • Glu-bo-kov-skikh, M.V. The de-lo is famous for the man! [Text]: to the 110th anniversary of the birth of E. Per-mya-ka / M. V. Glu-bo-kov-skikh // Books, notes and games ki for Ka-tyush-ki and An-dryush-ki. - 2012. - No. 11. - S. - 19-21.
  • Shai-hul-li-na, G.R. Ras-ska-zy pi-shu-shchei ma-shin-ki. Per-mya-kov-skie readings [Text] / G. R. Shai-hul-li-na // Reading, learning, playing. - 2002. - No. 4. - P. 13-17.

Every year is full of its own memorable dates. “Round” numbers—anniversary ones—are of particular importance. The anniversaries in 2017 are not only people, but also cities, works, compositions, films, round dates are dispersed across the months of the year. This or that ten years that have passed since a significant event makes you remember, reread your favorite books, watch movies, enjoy your favorite music again. Anniversaries are both an occasion to remember and an opportunity to learn something new. This is especially true for book anniversaries. Reading popular books past eras, you can better understand the contemporaries of this work, and learn lessons for today's life.

Books anniversaries 2017

  • the youngest anniversary date in 2017 can boast historical novel Anatoly Rybakov about the phenomenon of Soviet totalitarianism - “Children of Arbat”. The first book of the trilogy was published in 1987, and in 2017 the work will be 30 years old;
  • 40 and 45 years since the release of two books by Valentin Pikul: “The Battle of the Iron Chancellors” and “With a Pen and a Sword.”
  • as many as four anniversaries celebrate their sixtieth anniversary in 2017: significant, in many ways autobiographical book Ray Bradbury's "Dandelion Wine" Nikolai Nosov’s collection “Dreamers”, beloved by many generations of children; Mikhail Sholokhov’s poignant story “The Fate of a Man”; and translated into dozens of languages, Ivan Efremov’s novel “The Hadromeda Nebula”;
  • the aksakals on the list of anniversaries in 2017 will be fairy tales: 190 years ago, Gauff’s instructive story “Dwarf Nose” was published; The first collection of the Brothers Grimm, “Children's and Family Fairy Tales”, is 205 years old; 320 years since writing amazing stories Charles Perrault.
  • the same serious anniversary – 195 years – is celebrated by the “Song of prophetic Oleg» A.S. Pushkin;
  • 185 years have already passed since Nikolai Gogol wrote the fascinating “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”;
  • 115 years ago one of the most fascinating and scary stories about the famous detective from Baker Street - “The Hound of the Baskervilles”.

Writers of the year 2017

Grateful readers will remember many geniuses and hard workers in the coming year. Masters of the Pen Day is celebrated in 2017 on March 3 (World Writers Day). Books are a special invention of humanity; they help overcome difficulties, influence entire nations and generations, and create their own tangible reality. Among the anniversaries dating back centuries, we can note:

  • 120th anniversary of Valentin Kataev. The adult generation probably remembers his famous story “Son of the Regiment”;
  • in January, Tolkienists and simply lovers of excellent fantasy will be able to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the birth of their idol - John Tolkien, author of works about hobbits, elves, dark forces and the ring of omnipotence. Also in 2017, the famous work “The Hobbit” will turn 80 years old;
  • Fans of The War of the Worlds will be able to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of H.G. Wells on September 21;
  • 185 years ago, a mathematician who became famous as a writer was born - Lewis Carroll, creator of Alice's adventures;
  • November will mark the 195th anniversary of the birth of the expert human souls Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky;
  • 200 years since the birth of Russian writers K.S. Aksakov and A.K. Tolstoy;
  • At the end of February, fans French literature will be able to celebrate the 215th anniversary of the birth of Victor Hugo;
  • Also in February, connoisseurs of now English classics will celebrate the 305th anniversary of the birth of Charles Dickens;
  • 300 years separate today's readers from the birth of A.P. Sumarokov;
  • exactly 395 years ago the great comedian and reformer of the performing arts, Jean Baptiste Moliere, was born;
  • Jonathan Swift, the author of Gulliver's famous travels, came to this world 350 years ago.

Modern writers of anniversaries

  • Victoria Tokareva, a modern prose writer and screenwriter, will celebrate her 80th birthday cult film"Gentlemen of Fortune";
  • The famous American science fiction writer Roger Zelazny turns 80;
  • The same anniversary would have happened in March for the prose writer and publicist Valentin Rasputin. Author of the multifaceted " village prose"was born in March 37th, and died the day before his birthday - in March 2015;
  • The author of “Monumental Propaganda” Vladimir Voinovich will celebrate his 85th birthday;
  • September 12 marks the 95th anniversary of the birth of the ironic and magnificent Polish science fiction writer Stanislaw Lem;
  • On October 8 of this year, the creator of the image of the legendary Stirlitz, prose writer and publicist Yulian Semenov, could celebrate his 85th birthday.

Children's writers

Being a children's writer is not difficult, but it is very, very difficult. Little readers are not lying; they either wholeheartedly accept their favorite books or resolutely refuse to read them. Talented writers for children delight more than one generation of readers from different countries with their books:

  • Children's poetess Yunna Maritz will celebrate her 80th birthday this summer;
  • the favorite writer of all naughty children, Grigory Oster, will celebrate his 70th birthday;
  • 80 years old to the author of Cheburashka and all the characters in the saga of Uncle Fyodor - Eduard Uspensky;
  • in 2017, two from the Chukovsky family are celebrating an anniversary: ​​135 years since the birth of the Master, Korney Ivanovich, and 110 years since the birth of his daughter, also a poetess, Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya;
  • A contemporary of Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak, would have celebrated his 130th anniversary.
  • It will be 110 years since the birth of Swede Astrid Lindgren, whose daring and witty little girl Pippi has long been loved by many generations of children;
  • 2017 will also mark the 135th anniversary of the birth of Alan Milne, playwright, poet and creator of the funny, cute bear Winnie the Pooh;
  • April 27 is the 115th anniversary of the birth of the wonderful Russian writer Valentina Oseeva. Her stories for children taught many young readers how to live a correct and conscientious life.

Poets happy anniversary in the new year

  • the author of melodic poems and lyrics for songs, Robert Rozhdestvensky, would celebrate his 85th birthday next year;
  • 150 years since the birth of Konstantin Balmont and 130 years of Igor Severyanin. Both were poets Silver Age, both have fans of their poems and modern age Millennium;
  • 125 years have passed since the birth of the soulful and sensitive Marina Tsvetaeva;
  • at the end of 2017 - the anniversary of the famous German poet Heinrich Heine - 220 years;
  • Highly valued by Pushkin, the poet Konstantin Batyushkov was born 230 years ago.

Composers of the year 2017

When talking about the influence of books, we cannot forget about music. Inspiring, calling, telling, sad, romantic music appeals to our heart, bypassing the verbal gates of the mind. In 2017 we will remember the following composers and their works:

  • January: 220 years from the birth of the Austrian Franz Schubert;
  • February: Legendary rocker Kurt Cobain would have turned fifty on the 20th;
  • February 28 - 225 years since the birth of the author of world opera masterpieces - Gioachino Rossini;
  • April – 100 years ago the Soviet composer Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy was born. His song about fellow soldiers became a favorite among many who went through the war;
  • June: 200th anniversary of the birth of organist and composer Charles Gounod;
  • September: 110 years since the birth of Dmitry Shostakovich - pianist, composer and teacher;
  • October: Frenchman Gilbert Becaud, the author of hundreds of popular hits, was born 90 years ago; in October, the 205th anniversary of the birth of the Hungarian virtuoso, composer and conductor Franz Liszt will come;
  • turns 85 in 2017 American composer, whose music everyone has heard. John Williams is the author of musical tracks for such masterpieces as “Harry Potter”, “Superman”, “Star Wars”;
  • another film composer, Eduard Artemyev, will celebrate his eightieth birthday in 2017. Artemyev “voiced” the works of Tarkovsky, Mikhalkov, Konchalovsky;
  • Waltz master Evgeniy Doga will also celebrate his 80th birthday next year.

As you can see, 2017 will be rich in events, memorable dates and anniversaries. highlights the most significant and popular news of the coming year. Here you will read about what to expect in 2017 from

Memorable and significant dates in October 2017

    525 years ago, the expedition of H. Columbus discovered the island of San Salvador (the official date of the discovery of America) (1492);

    145 years ago, Russian electrical engineer A.N. Lodygin filed an application for the invention of an electric incandescent lamp (1872);

    130 years ago, the premiere of P.I.’s opera took place. Tchaikovsky's "The Enchantress" at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg (1887);

    95 years ago, the book and magazine publishing house “Young Guard” was created in Moscow (1922);

    60 years ago, the film “The Cranes Are Flying” (1957) directed by M. Kalatozov was released on the screens of the country. At the Cannes Film Festival in 1958, the film was awarded the Palme d'Or;

    60 years ago in our country the world's first artificial satellite Earth (October 4, 1957);

October 1, 2017 is International Music Day. Established in 1975 by decision of UNESCO. One of the initiators of the establishment International Day The music is composed by Dmitry Shostakovich.

October 1, 2017 - International Day of Older Persons. It was proclaimed at the 45th session of the UN General Assembly on December 14, 1990, celebrated since October 1, 1991.

October 1, 2017 - 105 years since the birth of L.N. Gumilev (1912-1992), Russian historian-ethnologist, geographer, writer;

October 2, 2017 - International Day of Non-Violence. Established by a resolution of the UN General Assembly of June 15, 2007. The date was not chosen by chance: on October 2, 1869, Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement and the founder of the philosophy of non-violence, was born. According to the UN resolution, the International Day serves as an additional occasion to “promote non-violence, including through educational and public awareness activities.”

October 2, 2017 - World Architecture Day (first Monday in October). This holiday was established by the International Union of Architects.

October 3-9, 2017 - International Writing Week. Held annually during the week on which World Post Day falls.

October 4, 2017 - 170 years since the birth of Louis Henri Boussenard (1847-1911), French writer;

October 4, 2017 - Day of the beginning of the space age of mankind (since 1967 by decision of the International Astronautical Federation).

October 7, 2017 - 65 years of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (1952), President of the Russian Federation, statesman;

October 8, 2017 - Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers (second Sunday of October, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 1999 No. 679).

October 12, 2017 - 105 years since the birth of L.N. Koshkin (1912-1992), Soviet engineer-inventor;

October 14, 2017 - 275 years since the birth of Ya.B. Knyazhnin (1742-1791), Russian playwright, poet;

October 14, 2017 - World Egg Day. In 1996, at a conference in Vienna, the International Egg Commission announced that the world egg holiday would be celebrated on the second Friday of October.

October 15, 2017 is World Handwashing Day. Celebrated at the initiative of the UN Children's Fund.

October 19, 2017 - Day of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. All-Russian Lyceum Student Day. This holiday owes its appearance to an educational institution - on October 19, 1811, the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum opened, where Alexander Pushkin and many other people who glorified Russia were educated.

October 21, 2017 - Apple Day (or the weekend closest to this date). In the UK, this event was first organized in 1990, on the initiative of one of the charitable organizations. Although the holiday is called “Apple Day,” it is dedicated not only to apples, but to everything orchards, as well as local island attractions.

October 22, 2017 - White Crane Festival. A holiday of poetry and memory of those who fell on the battlefields in all wars. Appeared on the initiative of the poet Rasul Gamzatov.

October 23, 2017 - International Day school libraries(fourth Monday in October).

October 24, 2017 - 385 years since the birth of Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723), Dutch naturalist;

October 24, 2017 - 135 years since the birth of Imre Kalman (1882-1953), Hungarian composer;

October 25, 2017 - International Women's Day for Peace (since 1980 by decision of the International Democratic Federation of Women).

October 26, 2017 - 175 years since the birth of V.V. Vereshchagin (1842-1904), Russian painter, writer;

October 27, 2017 - 235 years since the birth of Niccolo Paganini (1782-1840), Italian composer, violinist;

October 28, 2017 is International Animation Day. Established on the initiative of the French branch of the International Animated Film Association in 2002 in honor of the 110th anniversary of the public presentation of the first animation technology.

October 31, 2017 - 385 years since the birth of John Vermeer (Vermeer) of Delphi (1632-1675), Dutch artist;

October 31, 2017 - 180 years since the birth of Louis Jacolliot (1837-1890), French writer and traveler;

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