Historical romance novels in fb2 format. Historical romance novels

I absolutely refuse to sympathize with People who want to analyze everything. I am against unnatural passion, breaking down everything in the world into its component parts. If one person is busy with something, and another, let’s say, is not busy with anything, the first is drawn to instruct the second on the path of virtue; There is no need to guess - it’s simple: Everyone knows that those who work while sitting earn more than those who work while standing. The path of an impulsive personality is thorny; What more useful is a reserve of phlegmaticity. Who has the opportunity to get a good job? Only the one who knows how not to worry. Who becomes a millionaire without a mask? Only the one whose soul is made of putty. We are also told in the form of songs and fables that the fact of childbirth in itself is soul-saving, lofty and beautiful; And if this is true without any embellishment, then an ordinary housefly is millions of times more beautiful than you and me. Some people worked all their lives for money, And others inherited it from their uncle, But they all count the ones and zeros With such a miserable look, as if they had cramps and colic. I have never mastered the techniques of lying - neither strategic nor tactical, and that is why I will never reach the heights of social and political. I think: if women can’t live without it, then so be it, let them lose five pounds, but just don’t let them lose so much weight that we risk cutting ourselves on them if we want to hug them. Even if you are a brilliant person and pave your path with good intentions, you will not achieve even a minimum of comfort if you are not confident in your infallibility. People who have a sense of humor sometimes demonstrate enviable determination, But, alas, they just can’t make up their mind believe in your own infallibility. How easy it is to be an altruist in emergency circumstances in which we never find ourselves, and how difficult it is to do everyday, small good. For example, how pleasant it is to show heroism by giving up your place in a lifeboat to a young pretty mother with a baby - and how unpleasant it is to give up your place some kind of fuss in a subway car! The more shameless and incompetent a politician is, the louder, dumber and more vulgar he is, the more absurdly he bickers with his rivals, the more unanimously he is elected. I fall into a state of frantic anger, When neighbors have guests. I don’t know why the Creator created us - this is the most mysterious of his plans, - But certainly not so that we listen to how our neighbors receive guests. So, I will allow myself to say in conclusion of this sad story: For happiness you need either a clear conscience or a pure absence of conscience. Ogden Nash http://chernyj.ru/ogden-nesh-stihi-Nash-1.html

I can’t open the paid book by Nika Yorsh “Cinderella over 30”

Ode to educational standard All my paths go, perhaps, very far from school desks. But, like everyone else in the country, I am concerned about our educational standard. Citizens, I want to ask - how long? Well, come on, explain to me - why do we teach children all this enchanting crap at school? Open your school certificate: we are driving nonsense and boredom to children! Where is the science that will help you survive? Where are the items that will save you in everyday life? I'll be a year old and soon the euro exchange rate at the kiosk will be higher. But the Pythagorean theorem has not been so useful to me yet! I remember I was making a shelf on the balcony and started working on my head. Calculated using the formula. What's the point? It turned out that the balcony itself was crooked. Everything I crammed fell by the wayside. Only after graduating from school did I suddenly understand: how inapplicable they are - knowledge of the natural sciences! You take quadratic trinomials and hand in your graduation papers, and your knowledge of the Universe is, as before, pristine. How to invite a girl to dance? How to tell a cop that he is wrong? How to correctly dispatch Dagestanis who demand a fine for parking? How to send money with a wire guide? How to check if a taxi driver is a maniac? How to thank a doctor in a hospital? What to carry - an envelope or cognac? Is it necessary to throw out canned food if the deadline is February, and it is now? How to determine that a car service is stupidly scamming us out of money? If the former father-in-law sibling takes away the dacha through the court - how much money do judges need these days? And through whom are they carried there? These are the items we need! Here sample list disciplines! And without them, today a schoolchild is a loser, not a successful citizen. So, sorry, no laughing matter, this is a real problem. Physics, language, Tolstoy and Chekhov - very good, but not there. In general, it’s time to radically reform everything that the school offers! We need: chewing gum, cola, a calculator, the Bible, physical education, plus we need snowboarding lessons (in our time we can’t live without it), and patriotic pride: pride in the fatherland and the flag. Here, taking a fresh look at the topic, I will voice a basic secret: there is no need to teach history - it is harmful for patriotism. There are such black pages and such chthonic shit, it’s not like being proud of your homeland - you want to be born on the moon. Anyone who masters history is a patriot, sorry, not at all. This is me, and not about Russia - this is a global principle. We are nothing compared to the general background, we were just unlucky with PR. We'll drive a couple of tanks into the Czech Republic - and we'll be the world's evil for life. I don’t argue, well, of course, we had a lot of unpleasant things. But the Germans were not used to make soap. And they hardly used gas. And in Hiroshima, even nearby, even beyond the outskirts into a ravine, they didn’t throw a nuclear charge: I want to, but - ugh, it’s impossible. To prepare a patriot, we must force every class to study the history of something that is happening somewhere not here. And, of course, the main share of all patriotic ideas is achievements in football. And a little more hockey. Why aren’t children in our schools taught such a subject as a hockey and football lesson with the main dates of victories? This is an all-encompassing force, which is much better than the leaders, carrying citizens onto the boulevards shouting “Russia is ahead!!!” And of course there are many more problems (this has been the case since ancient times) with the fact that there is not enough God in schools - mostly Pascal and Pythagoras. And it is very difficult to demand correction of school defects from those who descended from monkeys and do not know what sin is. Let them cram until the graduating class who Christ is and who Allah is. Home school uniform there will be a cassock, and the bell will sound the bell. Finally, so that knowledge from schools is more firmly entrenched in children’s brains, I would introduce rods in Russian schools. But first he introduced them in the State Duma.

Leonid Kaganov But others opens Who says we'll die? – Leave these Judgments to yourself – There is falsehood in them: We have lived for many centuries in this world, and we will have to live for many more centuries. We did not come from the void, And through the years we are not destined to go into the void one day. We are all not only part of the Earth, We are part of Nature, We are part of the Universe, part of the world - Specifically, everyone! We were already breathing billions of years ago, I don’t know what, I don’t know how, But it happened. The Universe arose, We didn’t interfere with it, We were doing who, what could Within other limits. And billions of years will pass - In the crown of the Sun The tired Earth will burn in its greatness, We will not burn! We will return to another life again, We will return to ourselves in a different guise! I tell you: man does not disappear! I tell you: man is invested in immortality! But we still don’t know the evidence, And we can’t confirm immortality yet. But in some years We will throw off the weights of oblivion from our memory And we will boldly remember: Why did we end up here - In the sublunary world? Why was immortality given to us and what to do with it? Everything that we will do in an hour, in a week and even a year, all this is not far from us. own world lives. The books that I will publish After some time, they are already scattered around the cities In a world that does not exist. Invisible worlds have entangled us With countless floors, In one - we are going to Mars, In another - we have already flown. Awards, praise and more The ranks are waiting for us, lining up in a row, And with them - our slaps in the neighboring worlds are burning. We think: life in hundreds of years. God knows: where? And this is nearby - the invisible light of those years is scattered everywhere. Try to pierce the moon with your finger! It won’t work - the hand is short, It’s even more difficult to touch a country abandoned for centuries. But that’s how it works: every moment From the streets, offices and apartments We move with the whole world To the real neighboring world. Wandering through space together with the Earth With ideas fresh and old, We are new time - layer by layer - We rent from the world. And we are not in a hurry to live on borrowed time, We do not speed up the years, We know with distant memory that we have come to life forever. That our borders are not in the milky, That our era is not an hour, We have in reserve We have infinity, and Eternity is in store for us. And as on an excursion - only forward, Encrypting and theorem days, the Universe leads us by the hand Along the corridor of time. Turn on the light in the past and future! And you will see with new vision how a city that does not yet exist is already appearing in time. In the future tense, where for now only the clouds of our hopes and our dreams float almost without color and outline. And in the past, where in pulp, blue life smiled at the warmth and light, turning on the lights, you will meet a fence that no longer exists. Don’t worry, you haven’t gone crazy now, having seen this - in space everything is preserved, and until time the degree remains calm. But everything comes to life before its time, suddenly, when eccentrics in a good mood turn on the sound in the past and the future, turn on the light in the future and the past. And life, as if circles on water, knits links for thousands of years, and there are no dead people anywhere, there are only those who have fallen asleep for a moment. Peace is only temporary silt .People are eternal! On each page, look at their faces - in the past and in the future - the same faces. There are no other people in nature, and the same ones walk in circles of past and future squares, polishing stones with an elastic step. Turn on the light in the past and future, and you will see doubts instead of what is in the future - where you are not yet, a place has already been prepared for you. https://www.stihi.ru/avtor/literlik&;book=1#1

Don't be born beautiful, but be born happy, says the Russian proverb. Who would have imagined that the orphan Nastya would find happiness with the famous St. Petersburg womanizer, circus performer, power acrobat and equestrian Charles Thulier, make him believe in a miracle, in love, and at the same time save the Russian shrine from scoundrels. A photo from Pixabay website under CC0 license.

Continuation of the story of Sigurd, who won the title of Great, and Signy, his wife. Black clouds are gathering over the country and over their own heads. How many streams of blood, fire, lies and unexpected murderous truth, how much grief, violence, destruction will fall on their heads, will they be able to withstand or will they give up and die in the fire of deception, envy, epidemics and wars? Who will come out alive, who will stay with them and not betray them? And where will the fate of those who survive the trials lead?

The fame of the most handsome, the richest and the most cynical of the aristocrats of England followed on the heels of Jered Marcus Benton, Duke of Bradford. He could have desired any woman, but for some reason he chose the young and inexperienced Caroline Richmond, who came from the colonies of the New World in the hope of revealing terrible secret my father. However, the immaculate Caroline is proud and does not intend to reveal her true feelings for the Duke...

It was not for nothing that Alasdair Kinster bore the nickname Lucifer - the cunning with which this incorrigible rake and bachelor managed to avoid the bonds of Hymen seemed truly diabolical. However, everything comes to an end, so Alasdair, tired of his family’s persistent attempts to marry him, decided to run away to the province... where he immediately met the most beautiful girl he had ever seen - Phyllida Tallent. But how to seduce it living miracle? Phyllida is smart and independent, knows the value of a man’s sweet words and is not at all going to fall into the arms of the capital’s “lion”. And the more desperately Alasdair tries to lure her into the net, the more he falls in love...

Can a girl descended from a line of famous courtesans hope for a respectable marriage? No, and young Leah Kin Cade, the illegitimate daughter of one of the English princes, knows this very well. The only thing she can count on is a long-term relationship with a noble and wealthy patron. The ideal candidate for this role would be Leah's childhood friend Jack Easton, Marquess of Lendale. But this noble young man does not even want to think about making his beloved girl his kept woman. And then Leah decides to seduce Jack, inflating his pent-up passion and not even suspecting with what fire she is playing...

From the snowy spurs of the Scottish mountains to the splendor and luxury of the Stuart royal court. From the quiet comfort of British estates to the sophisticated intrigues of the Sultan's Constantinople. What bizarre twists of fate and what dangerous adventures await the beautiful green-eyed Scot Catriona Leslie around the next corner? And to which of the men who are ready to do anything to possess her will she give her heart? A courageous noble mountaineer - or an elegant court aristocrat? An intelligent, sophisticated Turkish pasha - or a charming but vicious king? Previously, the book was published in Russian translation under the title “Wild and Beautiful Love.”

The novel takes place in Arabia late XVI century - the era of the reign of Sultan Akbar, known for his cosmopolitanism and big amount wives The novel tells how difficult it is eastern woman lives in a world of men, even such a brave, beautiful and proud one as the daughter of the Great Mogul, the Pearl of India. How difficult it is for her to defend her love and freedom of choice where everything belongs to a man, and a woman’s destiny is only to endure and obey.

Someone is sure: “Like, I know love!” This is not true, love does not know the one whom love itself does not know. She is known only to those who are ready to sacrifice their lives and their destiny for her without reservations or conditions. Some say that there is no happiness in love. They're all lying! Love is simply unknown to them. He who has experienced love will remain silent. Love cannot be described in words. Ratibor and Oda won’t tell you about their love themselves. There are many stories about love. This is what the sagas told us.

I absolutely refuse to sympathize with People who want to analyze everything. I am against unnatural passion, breaking down everything in the world into its component parts. If one person is busy with something, and another, let’s say, is not busy with anything, the first is drawn to instruct the second on the path of virtue; There is no need to guess - it’s simple: Everyone knows that those who work while sitting earn more than those who work while standing. The path of an impulsive personality is thorny; What more useful is a reserve of phlegmaticity. Who has the opportunity to get a good job? Only the one who knows how not to worry. Who becomes a millionaire without a mask? Only the one whose soul is made of putty. We are also told in the form of songs and fables that the fact of childbirth in itself is soul-saving, lofty and beautiful; And if this is true without any embellishment, then an ordinary housefly is millions of times more beautiful than you and me. Some people worked all their lives for money, And others inherited it from their uncle, But they all count the ones and zeros With such a miserable look, as if they had cramps and colic. I have never mastered the techniques of lying - neither strategic nor tactical, and that is why I will never reach the heights of social and political. I think: if women can’t live without it, then so be it, let them lose five pounds, but just don’t let them lose so much weight that we risk cutting ourselves on them if we want to hug them. Even if you are a brilliant person and pave your path with good intentions, you will not achieve even a minimum of comfort if you are not confident in your infallibility. People who have a sense of humor sometimes demonstrate enviable determination, But, alas, they just can’t make up their mind believe in your own infallibility. How easy it is to be an altruist in emergency circumstances in which we never find ourselves, and how difficult it is to do everyday, small good. For example, how pleasant it is to show heroism by giving up your place in a lifeboat to a young pretty mother with a baby - and how unpleasant it is to give up your place some kind of fuss in a subway car! The more shameless and incompetent a politician is, the louder, dumber and more vulgar he is, the more absurdly he bickers with his rivals, the more unanimously he is elected. I fall into a state of frantic anger, When neighbors have guests. I don’t know why the Creator created us - this is the most mysterious of his plans, - But certainly not so that we listen to how our neighbors receive guests. So, I will allow myself to say in conclusion of this sad story: For happiness you need either a clear conscience or a pure absence of conscience. Ogden Nash http://chernyj.ru/ogden-nesh-stihi-Nash-1.html

I can’t open the paid book by Nika Yorsh “Cinderella over 30”

Ode to educational standard All my paths go, perhaps, very far from school desks. But, like everyone else in the country, I am concerned about our educational standard. Citizens, I want to ask - how long? Well, come on, explain to me - why do we teach children all this enchanting bullshit at school? Open your school certificate: we are driving nonsense and boredom to children! Where is the science that will help you survive? Where are the items that will save you in everyday life? I'll be a year old and soon the euro exchange rate at the kiosk will be higher. But the Pythagorean theorem has not been so useful to me yet! I remember I was making a shelf on the balcony and started working on my head. Calculated using the formula. What's the point? It turned out that the balcony itself was crooked. Everything I crammed fell by the wayside. Only after graduating from school did I suddenly understand: how inapplicable they are - knowledge of the natural sciences! You take quadratic trinomials and hand in diploma papers, and your knowledge of the Universe is, as before, pristine. How to invite a girl to dance? How to tell a cop that he is wrong? How to correctly dispatch Dagestanis who demand a fine for parking? How to send money with a wire guide? How to check if a taxi driver is a maniac? How to thank a doctor in a hospital? What to carry - an envelope or cognac? Do I need to throw out canned food if the deadline is February, and it is now? How to determine that a car service is stupidly scamming us out of money? If a brother's former father-in-law takes away his dacha through the courts, how much money do judges need these days? And through whom are they carried there? These are the items we need! Here is a sample list of disciplines! And without them, today a schoolchild is a loser, not a successful citizen. So, sorry, no laughing matter, this is a real problem. Physics, language, Tolstoy and Chekhov - very good, but not there. In general, it’s time to radically reform everything that the school offers! We need: chewing gum, cola, a calculator, the Bible, physical education, plus we need snowboarding lessons (in our time we can’t live without it), and patriotic pride: pride in the fatherland and the flag. Here, taking a fresh look at the topic, I will voice a basic secret: there is no need to teach history - it is harmful for patriotism. There are such black pages and such chthonic shit, it’s not like being proud of your homeland - you want to be born on the moon. Anyone who masters history is a patriot, sorry, not at all. This is me, and not about Russia - this is a global principle. We are nothing compared to the general background, we were just unlucky with PR. We'll drive a couple of tanks into the Czech Republic - and we'll be the world's evil for life. I don’t argue, well, of course, we had a lot of unpleasant things. But the Germans were not used to make soap. And they hardly used gas. And in Hiroshima, even nearby, even beyond the outskirts into a ravine, they didn’t throw a nuclear charge: I want to, but - ugh, it’s impossible. To prepare a patriot, we must force every class to study the history of something that is happening somewhere not here. And, of course, the main share of all patriotic ideas is achievements in football. And a little more hockey. Why aren’t children in our schools taught such a subject as a hockey and football lesson with the main dates of victories? This is an all-encompassing force, which is much better than the leaders, carrying citizens onto the boulevards shouting “Russia is ahead!!!” And of course there are many more problems (this has been the case since ancient times) with the fact that there is not enough God in schools - mostly Pascal and Pythagoras. And it is very difficult to demand correction of school defects from those who descended from monkeys and do not know what sin is. Let them cram until the graduating class who Christ is and who Allah is. The main school uniform will be a cassock, and the bell will ring. Finally, so that knowledge from schools is more firmly entrenched in children’s brains, I would introduce rods in Russian schools. But first he introduced them in the State Duma.

Leonid Kaganov But others opens Who says we'll die? – Leave these Judgments to yourself – There is falsehood in them: We have lived for many centuries in this world, and we will have to live for many more centuries. We did not come from the void, And through the years we are not destined to go into the void one day. We are all not only part of the Earth, We are part of Nature, We are part of the Universe, part of the world - Specifically, everyone! We were already breathing billions of years ago, I don’t know what, I don’t know how, But it happened. The Universe arose, We didn’t interfere with it, We were doing who, what could Within other limits. And billions of years will pass - In the crown of the Sun The tired Earth will burn in its greatness, We will not burn! We will return to another life again, We will return to ourselves in a different guise! I tell you: man does not disappear! I tell you: man is invested in immortality! But we still don’t know the evidence, And we can’t confirm immortality yet. But in some years We will throw off the weights of oblivion from our memory And we will boldly remember: Why did we end up here - In the sublunary world? Why was immortality given to us and what to do with it? Everything that we will do in an hour, in a week and even in a year, all this is not far from us, lives in its own world. The books that I will publish after some time are already flying around the cities in a world that does not exist. Invisible worlds have entangled us with countless many floors, In one - we are going to Mars, In the other - we have already flown. Awards, praise and other ranks are waiting for us, lined up, And with them - our slaps in the face are burning in neighboring worlds. We think: life in hundreds of years This is God knows him: where? And this is nearby - the invisible light of those years is scattered everywhere. Try to pierce the Moon with your finger! It won’t work - the hand is short, It’s even more difficult to touch a country abandoned for centuries. But that’s how it works: every moment From the streets, offices and apartments We move with the whole world To the real neighboring world. Wandering through space together with the Earth With ideas fresh and old, We are new time - layer by layer - We rent from the world. And we are not in a hurry to live on borrowed time, We do not speed up the years, We know with distant memory that we have come to life forever. That our borders are not in the milky, That our era is not an hour, We have in reserve We have infinity, and Eternity is in store for us. And as on an excursion - only forward, Encrypting and theorem days, the Universe leads us by the hand Along the corridor of time. Turn on the light in the past and future! And you will see with new vision how a city that does not yet exist is already appearing in time. In the future tense, where for now only the clouds of our hopes and our dreams float almost without color and outline. And in the past, where in blue life smiled at the warmth and light, turning on the lights, you will meet a fence that no longer exists. Don’t worry, you haven’t gone crazy now, having seen this - everything is preserved in space, and the degree remains calm until time. But everything comes to life before the deadline, suddenly, when eccentrics in a good mood turn on the sound in the past and the future, turn on the light in the future and the past .And life, as if in circles on water, knits links for thousands of years, and there are no dead people anywhere, there are only those who fell asleep for a moment. Peace is only temporary silt. People are eternal! On each page, look at their faces - in the past and in the future - the same faces. There are no other people in nature, and the same ones walk in circles of past and future squares, polishing stones with an elastic step. Turn on the light in the past and future, and you will see doubts instead of what is in the future - where you are not yet, a place has already been prepared for you. https://www.stihi.ru/avtor/literlik&;book=1#1

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