What kind of holiday is International Museum Day? International Museum Day Promotion Night of Museums: free admission in May.

International Museum Day was born in 1977. Since then, it has been customary to celebrate it on May 18th. Moreover, it was Russian museum workers who proposed officially introducing such a date. Of course, until 1977. largest museums the world also celebrated their professional holiday, choosing different days for it every year, dedicated to significant events. At that time these cultural events were called the Museum Crusade. The history of this holiday- Museum Day is as unique as the museums themselves and what they exhibit.

Now, under the auspices of ICOM (International Council of Museums), this date is celebrated by more than 150 countries. Note that it is important for advanced museum professionals that people not only go to “cultural sanctuaries” on this day, but also pay attention to the problems that museums around the world have to face. Thus, 1992 was included under the theme “Museum and Environment”.

And since 1997, ICOM has gone further, proposing to produce colorful posters on which special slogans and brands are recorded that reflect the theme of the current festive event. This step gives museum workers the opportunity to promote the stated problem more widely and reach a variety of segments of the population who may not have previously taken such issues seriously.

For example, in 1997, the fight against illegal movement became such a unifying theme cultural values. It was this misfortune that was called “general” by museum workers, since it threatens the loss of unique creations not only to the Hermitage or the Escorial individually: museum workers are sure that illegal manipulations with masterpieces rob and lead to cultural collapse of the nation as a whole.

Therefore, in an effort to provide nationwide coverage of the life and problems of museums, since the early 2000s, on May 18, an interesting event has been held, known to most under the name “Night at the Museum.” This is the definition of this event: Wikipedia : "Night of Museums- an international event, the main goal of which is to show the resource, opportunities, potential modern museums, to attract young people to museums."

Museum Night gives the public the opportunity to visit local museums for free, and most importantly, helps cultural workers attract a completely new audience - teenagers and young adults. Due to what? It’s just that “Night at the Museum” is always original events, flash mobs, performances and master classes, devoid of the usual (boring for many) forms of communication. After all, during such a “night” you can not only examine the exhibitions, but also literally touch them with your own hands or try to create a kind of rarity yourself. In addition, with the help of flash mobs and interactive games museum guests will recognize so many new information- in an unobtrusive manner! - that no lecture or excursion can compare with them.

A popular holiday tradition is "Night of Museums"

Naturally, the “nights” dedicated to Museum Day are also subject to a single theme. For example, in 2009 it sounded like “Museums and tourism”. In 2010 - “Museums for Social Harmony”, in next year- “Museums and Memory”. In the anniversary year 2012, when International Museum Day turned 35, the topic was the broadly defined problem “Museums in a changing world. New challenges, new inspiration." In 2013, museum workers were solving this multi-component question: “Museums (Memory + Creativity) = Social Change.”

What will ICOM offer us in 2014? In our opinion, very interesting topic, designated as follows: “Museum collections are united.” Will this be a simple move of exhibitions from one neighboring city to another, or will museum workers find points of contact between our everyday life and the “sublime existence” of artifacts - an interesting question. Most likely, cultural workers, as always, will find extraordinary answers to it. And not only this year, but also in all the following days and “nights”, because museums are truly inexhaustible sources of unique information, objects of art and unclouded memory of generations.

Every year on May 18 museum workers all over the world celebrate their professional holiday, writes Calend.ru.

And, of course, those of us who are looking forward to the next trip to local history museum your city or meetings with rare exhibits of the Hermitage or Louvre are also involved in today's holiday. International Museum Day appeared on the calendar in 1977, when at the next meeting of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) a proposal was adopted Russian organization on the establishment of this cultural holiday.

Since 1978, International Museum Day has been celebrated in more than 150 countries. According to ICOM, museums are institutions in the service of society and its development.

In Ulan-Ude, on May 18, from seven in the evening, the “Night of Museums” event will be held. Note that the Museum of Nature of Buryatia, whose building is now closed due to emergency conditions, will join the action in Art Museum named after Sampilov.

Until 16:00 all museums will be open for free!

The grb blog congratulates all museum employees, collectors, lovers of art, history, local history, etc. Happy holiday!

According to Jacques Perot, ex-president of ICOM, “museums must take a place at the heart of society and be open to the public.

The development of our institutions depends to a large extent on the assistance of the public, and we must offer them the opportunity to support our goals and participate in our work. It is therefore necessary for museums and society to work together in a spirit of creativity and innovation."

It is generally accepted that through museums society expresses its attitude towards historical and cultural heritage, and it is difficult to disagree with this. By collecting and storing monuments of material and spiritual culture, museums carry out extensive scientific, educational and educational work.

Every year the holiday has its own specific theme dedicated to issues of museum activities, for example, such as the illegal export of museum valuables, the role of museums in improving the culture of society and many others. In 2009, the theme of International Museum Day was defined as “Museums and Tourism”. In 2010, the theme of the Day was “Museums for Social Harmony,” and in 2011, “Museums and Memory.” In 2012, when International Museum Day celebrated its 35th anniversary, the theme of the Day was “Museums in a changing world. New challenges, new inspiration." 2013 was designated by the theme - “Museums (Memory + Creativity) = Social Change”, the slogan of 2014 was the words - “Museum collections unite”, in 2015 - “Museums and sustainable development of society”, in 2016 - “Museums and cultural landscapes". The theme of Museum Day 2017 was “Museums and controversial history: talking about the complex in museums.” On the holiday itself, many museums in different countries world open their doors to everyone completely free of charge, preparing new exhibitions, thematic lectures, excursions, and scientific readings.

In Buryatia, "Night of Museums" is dedicated to the year of ecology.

“Museums are an important means of cultural exchange, the enrichment of cultures and the promotion of mutual understanding, cooperation and peace among people.”

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Thanks to the creation of museums, humanity has the opportunity to preserve exclusive world values. Unlike private collections, which actually became the progenitors of modern museums, government agencies display their exhibits for public viewing.

In addition to storing and collecting things that have cultural or historical value, museums engage in educational work and also conduct extensive research activities.

The international community could not ignore the importance of issues related to the work and development of the museum. Therefore, in May, not only museum workers, but the entire cultural world celebrates International Museum Day.

May 18 International Museum Day: the history of the origin of the holiday

Despite quite rich history international, public and private museums, questions about their importance for cultural development societies began to rise only in the twentieth century.

The post-war years are associated with the restoration of not only the housing and manufacturing sectors.

A lot of effort had to be made to resume the work of many museums.

After all, many exhibits were taken out, spoiled, damaged and even lost without a trace.

It was at this time in 1946 that the international organization Council of Museums appeared, whose members were representatives of more than a hundred countries. Every year the organization expands, accepting new members.

Of course, among the first members of the Union of Museums were representatives of the USSR. At that time, quite a lot of unique museums existed and were restoring their activities in the country.

Since then, the organization has regularly held general conferences to discuss global museum issues.

During the 11th General Conference, the delegation from the USSR proposed organizing World holiday. The initiative was supported unanimously.

And already in 1978, a year after the establishment of the solemn date, the holiday of museums began to be celebrated in 150 countries.

The purpose of the holiday is not just to celebrate the tireless work of museum workers, which is important, but to focus the attention of society and management organizations on the problems of preserving museum valuables.

The question is regularly raised about how to enable more ordinary citizens have access to familiarize themselves with the exhibits.

Museum workers try to attract the attention of as many members of the public as possible to their problems.

To maintain interest in their activities, museums have to introduce new technologies.

In the century rapid development, information innovations have not spared museums either.

Quite interesting are the interactive exhibits that attract visitors with their uniqueness.

The advent of the World Wide Web has made access to museum exhibitions less problematic.

Now you can get acquainted with the exhibitions of world-famous museums without leaving your home, thanks to the organization of virtual exhibitions.

When do people congratulate you on Museum Day? This wonderful holiday is celebrated annually on May 18th. Moreover, it must be thematic. The selection and approval of festive themes is carried out by the same Council of Museums, which established the celebration in 1977.

Traditions and events for International Museum Day on May 18

Anyone interested cultural life, is known to celebrate Museum Day.

It is not news to many that on this day all museums in the world open their doors to interested visitors. Moreover, visits on a holiday are absolutely free.

Therefore, many people look forward to this day to attend exclusive exhibitions.

Such a step on the part of museums really makes Museum Day festive for many ordinary people. Since it is completely dedicated to holding various cultural events.

But it is worth considering that the popularity of Museum Day is growing every year and more and more people want to see exhibitions for free.

Therefore, to get into the museum, you will have to stand in line.

Some museums allow photography and video shooting on this day, which is usually prohibited.

Visitors have an exclusive opportunity to capture famous exhibits and take memorable photographs.

For museum workers, preparations for the holiday begin well in advance.

Thematic exhibitions are being prepared for Museum Day.

From venerable masters and young talents there is an opportunity to show your works by exhibiting them in museum halls.

Museums also try to carry out educational work, for which purpose special programs are organized for the holiday aimed at attracting schoolchildren and students.

The events held help to attract young people to the study of cultural and historical heritage.

Most large-scale events are held in large and regional cities, where famous museums are concentrated.

However, museum workers of small institutions, which are located in small towns and forgotten villages, try to hold a specialized holiday at the same level.

They also cook interesting events to attract visitors.

Museum Night promotion: free admission in May

The young international event Night of Museums, which takes place annually from Saturday to Sunday in May, is also gaining popularity.

The initiative to carry out such an unusual action belongs to the French.

Quite quickly, many museums around the world joined the action.

On this day, museum doors are open at night.

Inviting visitors, museum workers prepare special programs, which becomes the key point of the action.

Concerts, art projects, and video presentations attract a large number of interested visitors. In addition, master classes can be held, which makes it possible not only to get acquainted with the exhibits, but also to learn certain skills for free.

For the first time, an event dedicated to a night visit to the museum was held in Russia in Krasnoyarsk museum center. The event took place in 2002.

Every year everyone joins the action more museums. And not only public, but also commercial and private galleries.

Most museums hold the promotion absolutely free, but to visit iconic exhibitions or unique shows you will have to purchase a ticket.

Each museum has its own unique story and be proud of exclusive exhibits that are found in a single copy.

Regardless of popularity, any museum has a certain value.

When visiting unfamiliar cities and countries, any person tries first of all to get acquainted with the exhibits of famous museums.

Of course, it is impossible to ignore the worldwide famous museums, such as the Louvre in Paris or the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.

But there are many collections that are not world famous, but are of interest to visitors. In addition to historical or artistic exhibits, museums display some rather unusual things.

An interesting museum located in Massachusetts. It features unsuccessful artwork.

A person's attitude towards art is quite ambiguous. But for some masterpieces, the best place is in such an unusual museum.

The Museum of the Human Body introduces its visitors in detail to the structure of the body.

The main exhibit is made in the form of a 35-meter figure, on which you can see any part of the body; in addition, the exhibition is accompanied by realistic sounds and smells.

IN South Korea you can visit unusual museum, which contains various teddy bears.

The exhibits include both miniature toys and giant bears.

The Museum of Lies is located in Germany. The entire collection of exhibits is not genuine.

No, these are not fakes, these are objects that are not found in life, but are well known to visitors from fairy tales or fables.

Here you can see Van Gogh's ear, cut off by the mad artist.

And such exhibits as a flying carpet or walking boots are probably impossible to find in any other museum in the world.

At the Museum of Unfortunate Love, located in Croatia, you can get acquainted with various symbols unrequited feelings.

The exhibits here are: broken hearts, love correspondence.

There are many unusual and exclusive museums in the world. Therefore, anyone can choose interesting exhibitions for themselves.

And you don't have to wait until Museum Day to visit a museum.

But if, due to the daily bustle and worries, there is no opportunity to join cultural events, take this opportunity to dedicate Museum Day to expanding your own horizons.

Themes for International Museum Day

The theme of the holiday changes every year. Usually the topics are related to the problems of museums or the development of certain areas.

The holiday in 2009 was dedicated to museums and tourism. In 2010, the issue of the role of museums in social harmony was understood.

The theme of the 2011 holiday was historical memory. In the anniversary year of 2012, issues of the place of museums in the modern world were considered.

The theme of 2013 touched upon social change societies influenced by museums. For 2014, the theme was developed in the direction of combining museum collections.

In 2015, the problems of symbiosis between museums and social development were highlighted. The slogan of the 2016 holiday is “Museums and cultural landscapes.”

Video about Museum Day

Museum Day - who keeps history? Check out famous museums Russia.

International Museum Day

The Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery, Louvre, Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Prado in Madrid, Archaeological Museum in Cairo are known throughout the world. But in almost every locality Every country also has its own local history museum, which houses rare items related to its history and stages of development. International Museum Day is a professional holiday for all galleries in the world, and for all museum workers who carry out enormous educational, popularization and pedagogical work.

International Museum Day has been celebrated around the world since the 11th Conference of the International Council of Museums, held in Leningrad and Moscow, at the proposal of the Russian delegation, decided to establish an annual professional Museum Day. Note that this proposal belongs to I.A. Antonova, director of the Museum. A.S. Pushkin.

On this day, the doors of museums open to everyone, showing new exhibits and halls absolutely free of charge. Employees tell and educate in the spirit of the slogan: “Museums are an important means of enriching cultures, cultural exchange and developing cooperation, mutual understanding and peace among peoples.” The opening of festivals and various exhibitions is timed to coincide with the holiday, thematic lectures, scientific readings, excursions, and classes for children are held.

On May 18, it is especially emphasized that it is extremely important that museums are not closed custodians of exhibits. It is necessary that they meet society halfway. A love for museum culture must be instilled from childhood, so that everyone can contribute to the repository of the historical heritage of mankind.

Since 1977, each Museum Day has had its own theme, and the Museums Committee provides an overview of events related to this theme, making them publicly available.

On May 18, museum workers celebrate their professional holiday. On this day, International Museum Day is celebrated all over the world. Moreover, all those who go to one of the museums at least once a week, in the hope of seeing a new exhibit, and perhaps catching some new, interesting details in an already familiar thing, can also rightfully celebrate this holiday. And it doesn’t matter at all which museum you are going to today: the Louvre, the Hermitage or the regional local history museum.

History of appearance

The decision to create a new holiday came in 1977, after a meeting of the International Council of Museums, and best of all, the idea of ​​a new date belonged to Soviet workers. Thus, this is one of the few decisions of the USSR in those years that was unanimously supported by all members of the council, including capitalist countries. Thus, new holiday Museum Day began to be celebrated in more than 150 countries around the world.

The role of museums

According to the definition of the international council - main function museums - to serve the interests of society and influence its harmonious development, cultivating in people a sense of beauty, transmitting knowledge of historical and cultural processes of the past. On this moment There are tens of thousands of museums in the world on a wide variety of topics: from the museum of beer and vodka, to retro cars and space technology. The range of exhibits on display is enormous, because we should not forget that the world’s population has long exceeded 7 billion, which means that every person should find in the museum something that will interest only him.

Official mottos

May 18 is Museum Day, which means that very soon we will find out exactly what motto the Council of Museums came up with for 2019. According to tradition, each year is held under a certain message, for example, in previous years they advocated for the fight against the illegal export of valuable museum exhibits, a few years ago they advocated for increasing the role of museums in the cultural education of society, and so on.

Free admission

World Museum Day is not just a date, but also a real opportunity for everyone to view this or that collection completely free of charge. In any case, any self-respecting museum opens its doors on this day completely free of charge. This promotion is well known as the night of museums, so many museums not only allow visitors in for free, but are also open all night. But this promotion is not always held on May 18 and, as a rule, they open their doors on the Saturday night closest to international day museums. This is announced in advance, so that visitors do not miss the opportunity to spend the night in a particular museum, and maybe even take a big night tour.

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