What is the name of the Nazi cross? Prohibition of the use of Swastikas

Many legends and speculations have accumulated around this ancient symbol, so someone may be interested in reading about this ancient solar cult symbol.

In fact, I, who grew up in the USSR, had a prejudiced attitude towards the swastika as fascist sign. But is this really so? The swastika is one of the most archaic sacred symbols, found among many peoples of the world. Swastika symbols were used to designate calendar signs back in the days of the Scythian kingdom.

Many people nowadays Swastika associated with fascism and Hitler. This has been hammered into people's heads for the last 70 years. It's time to fix the situation.
IN modern schools, and even in lyceums and gymnasiums in Russia, modern children are told a rather crazy hypothesis that the Swastika is a German fascist cross made up of four letters “G”, denoting the first letters of the leaders of Nazi Germany: Hitler, Himmler, Goering and Goebbels (sometimes it is replaced by Hess ). Well, variations on this theme, Germany Hitler Goebbels Himmler. At the same time, few children think about the fact that German surnames: HITLER, HIMMLER, GERING, GEBELS (HESS), no Russian letters "G". I don’t know what they pass off as truth in Western schools, but I’m more than sure that there, too, the swastika is primarily a fascist symbol.Unfortunately, the true meaning of this runic symbol has been overwritten by this stereotype over the past 70 years. At the same time, from time immemorial, the swastika was an integral part of the Slavic ornament.

Moreover, without wanting to look into the depths of centuries, you can find more intelligible examples. Not many people remember that on Soviet money in the period from 1917 to 1923 the Swastika was depicted as legalized state symbols; not immediately noticeable, but it is a fact. She's in the center.

As you can already see Soviet authority, 18 years old.

Have no doubt, before the stars she was no less popular.

And not only on Russian money it was. Here are the Lithuanian five litas.

They also forgot that the sleeve patches of soldiers and officers of the Red Army during the same period also had the Swastika in laurel wreath, and inside the Swastika were the letters R.S.F.S.R. And how can we remember when almost 100 years have passed since then? That is, one must not remember, but know.

There is a hypothesis that the Golden Swastika-Kolovrat was given to Adolf Hitler by Comrade I.V. Stalin himself as a party symbol in 1920. But this may have already been invented, I’m not sure.

Well, for balance, American troops of the 1930s. 45th Infantry Division.

And the famous Lafayette flying division.

There were also Finnish, Polish and Latvian swastika patches. If you are interested, you can find them all on the Internet yourself.

A thoughtful and not stupid person will always distinguish a swastika painted on the grave of a veteran from a swastika in an ethnic ornament.

The antics of neo-fascists and just bastards who paint black crosses on the tombstones of the Old Jewish Cemetery in Riga cannot in any way be attributed to ethnic rituals. And yet, with all my uncompromising attitude towards fascism and the results of the war and a rather biased attitude towards the swastika, I decided to dig up information on this topic. But since we’ve touched on the most famous interpretation of this symbol today, let’s talk about fascism itself.
The term Fascism comes from the Latin "fascio" ligament, bundle. In Russian, a similar word is fascina - a bunch of branches, twigs. Fashina symbolizes something strong, reliable, created from something weak and fragile. Remember the parable about the fingers, which are each weak on their own, but when clenched into a fist they represent strength. Or historical example, when you can easily break each arrow, but it is impossible to do this with a whole bunch.

“The Roman soldiers of Julius Caesar who conquered Egypt began to call themselves the first fascists (in many ways, their methods were quite fascist in modern understanding) In the image of the Medjays, the Romans believed that they were bringing order and law to the barbarian country. A battle ax covered with a bunch of rods and intertwined with ribbons, which was called a fascina, was considered a symbol of the emperor’s power. The symbolism is that around a strong power (axe), through small restrictions (ribbon), peoples (rods) will grow stronger." (c) But let’s return to the swastika sign, a runic solar symbol.

We will return to the symbolism of the Third Reich towards the end of the publication. In the meantime, let's look at the swastika without shudder and prejudice. Let's try to get rid of the contemptuous look at this ancient symbol eternal rotation.

I decided to distance myself from the presentation of this topic by new Russian preachers. It is impossible to deny the fact that the ancient Slavic traditions used the solar sign of the swastika, but their approach was very intrusive. In order not to slide into the opposite direction of misconceptions, let’s look at the swastika a little more broadly.

Considering that not everyone can handle long texts, I decided to show the collected examples to rehabilitate the sign itself. Let's just pay attention to the diversity of swastikas in cultures different nations. This should be enough to understand the essence.

Let's start, perhaps, with the universe. Find the Big Dipper, and to the left of it you will see the constellation in the form of the Swastika. I don’t know if this is true, but now it is excluded from their atlases starry sky. This is what they say in the articles. I haven't checked it myself, it's not that important.

Doesn't it look like a spiral galaxy?
And here are the runic symbols of the ancestors. There are also many examples and interpretation options.

And India, where the swastika is very common.

Even in the jungle you can find a swastika.

What do you think is in the picture? This is a fragment of the robe of an Orthodox priest of the highest church rank.

Do you still believe that the swastika was invented by the fascists of Nazi Germany?

Do you recognize anyone in this picture? The Russian Emperor hurries to his car.

But you are not looking at the king, but at the hood of the car. Found it? The appearance of the swastika at the court of the last Russian Tsar is associated with the name of his wife, Alexandra Fedorovna. Perhaps here the influence of the doctor Pyotr Badmaev on the empress was manifested. Buryat by origin, Lamaist, Badmaev preached Tibetan medicine and maintained connections with Tibet. There are known images of the gammatic cross on hand-drawn postcards of the Empress.

“The left-sided swastika had a special meaning in the royal family and was used as a talisman and as a symbolic reflection of the king’s personality. Before the execution, the former empress drew a swastika on the wall of Ipatiev’s house and wrote something. The image and inscription were photographed and then destroyed. The owner of this photograph was the leader of the white movement in exile, General Alexander Kutepov. In addition, Kutepov kept the icon found on the body of the former empress. Inside the icon there was a note in which the Green Dragon society was mentioned. Strange telegrams signed “Green” were received from Sweden by Grigory Rasputin. The Greens,” akin to the Thule society, is located in Tibet. Before Hitler came to power, there lived a Tibetan lama in Berlin, nicknamed “the man with green gloves.” Hitler regularly visited him and reported to the newspapers three times, without errors, how many Nazis would be elected to the Reichstag. The initiates called the lama “the holder of the keys to the kingdom of Agharti.” In 1926, still small colonies of Tibetans and Hindus appeared in Berlin and Munich. When the Nazis gained access to the Reich's finances, they began to send large expeditions to Tibet, this vital connection was not interrupted until 1943. On the day when Soviet troops ended the battle for Berlin, about a thousand bodies of death volunteers, people of Tibetan blood, were found among the corpses of the last defenders of Nazism.

In July 1918, immediately after the execution of the royal family, the troops of the White Army occupied Yekaterinburg. First of all, the officers hurried to the Ipatiev House - the last refuge of the august persons. There, among other things, they saw signs familiar from the icons - crosses with curved ends. It was a left-turning, so-called collective swastika - “amulet”. As it turned out later, it was painted by Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

It is for these signs that ignorant London reviewers of the film about the Romanovs will later dub her the “fascist Brünnhilde,” unaware of the ancient Christian Indian traditions of leaving the swastika where the attributes of any holiday are removed after its completion, so that evil does not penetrate there. The Empress consecrated the house with an “amulet”, anticipating the end of the celebration of life...(c)

And this photo shows Jackie Bouvier, the future Jackie Kennedy, in a festive costume associated with culture American Indians.

The geography is expanding.
In India, the Swastika is a symbol of esoteric Buddhism. According to legend, it was imprinted on the heart of Buddha, for which it received the name “Seal of the Heart.”

Let's look into the history of the spread of the swastika.
""Together with one branch of the Indo-European tribes that moved from the southern regions of the Russian Plain in a southeastern direction and reached through Mesopotamia and Central Asia to the Indus Valley, the swastika entered cultures eastern peoples.
It was common on painted pottery from ancient Susiana (Mesopotamian Elam on the east coast Persian Gulf- III millennium BC) - on bowls, where it was placed in the very center of the composition. This is perhaps a typical example when the swastika was used by the most ancient non-Indo-European people. The signs were symmetrically located relative to a rectangle crossed out by an oblique cross indicating the ground.
Somewhat later, the swastika began to be used by Semitic peoples: the ancient Egyptians and Chaldeans, whose state was located on the western shore of the Persian Gulf.

If desired, you can even find a combination of a swastika and the six-pointed star of Magendovid in the ornament.

With the same wave of Indo-Europeans in the middle of the second millennium BC. The swastika penetrated into the culture of North India. There it successfully existed until our time, but acquired a mystical meaning.

In the most general interpretation, the swastika is considered by Indians to be a symbol of movement and the eternal rotation of the world - the “circle of samsara.” This symbol was supposedly imprinted on the Buddha's heart and is therefore sometimes called the "Seal of the Heart". It is placed on the chest of those initiated into the mysteries of Buddhism after their death. It is carved on every rock, temple, and wherever the founders of Buddhism left their milestones.

Later, the swastika penetrates into Tibet, then into Central Asia and China. Another century later, the swastika comes to Japan and Southeast Asia together with Buddhism, which made it its symbol."

Together with Buddhism from India, the swastika penetrated into Tibet and Japan. In Japan, the swastika symbol is called manji. Manji can be seen on samurai flags, armor, and family crests.

Along with North America, the east of Eurasia is marked solar sign and a Japanese man wearing a manji-decorated helmet.

Japanese print 18th century

Japanese roof

Here is the facade of a building in Kathmandu decorated with a swastika.

And here is Buddha himself.

At this point it was possible to put an end to it. For a general understanding that there is nothing bad in the swastika itself, these examples are already enough. But we'll look at a few more. The East generally preserves its history more carefully and observes traditions. Pagoda tower with golden swastika, solar sign.

Another Buddha
Isn’t this an example of the fact that the solar Kolovrat is not just an ornament of a decorative nature, but a sacred symbol that has a deep sacred meaning. That’s why we can see it on a Buddhist mandala.

And on the sacred stupa

Modern Nepal

The Kolovrat swastika is also imprinted on the tusks of mammoths. Under the golden Kolovrat on a scarlet banner, the legendary Prince Svyatoslav marched on Constantinople and beat the Khazars. This radiant symbol was used by pagan Magi (priests) in rituals associated with the ancient Slavic Vedic Faith, and is still embroidered by Vyatka, Kostroma,
Vologda needlewomen.

In early Christianity, the swastika was known as a gamma cross; until the end of the Middle Ages it was one of the emblems of Christ; it could often be found on Orthodox icons. As an example, a swastika on a headdress Mother of God icons called "Sovereign". Remember the ornament on the festive robe of the Orthodox priest above? From there.

According to legend, Genghis Khan wore on his right hand a ring with the image of a swastika, into which was set a magnificent ruby ​​- the sun stone. In the oldest synagogue in Israel, a Swastika is depicted on the floor, although it is believed that the Jews are almost the only tribe that does not consider the swastika a sacred symbol.

The Swastika has once again become popular in European culture in the 19th century. It began to be used everywhere in ornamentation as a sign of Light, Sun, Love, Life. There has even been an interpretation that the Swastika symbol must be understood as an abbreviation of four words starting with the Latin letter “L”: Light - Light, Sun; Love - Love; Life - Life; Luck - Fate, Luck, Happiness. This is its modern interpretation, without signs of a pagan cult.

Here is a very old "fossil" example of a swastika.

The swastika currently appears on the Finnish presidential standard.

And it can be found on the map of modern America...

Disputes about the origin of the swastika have not subsided for many years. Its fragments have been found on almost all continents in the cultures of Hinduism, Lamaism, and Christianity. Today it is believed that this sign originates from the ancient religion of the Aryans - Indo-Europeans. Its first images on Aryan altars and burials, Harappan seals and weapons, and Samarian bowls date back to the 30th century BC. It was excavated in the Urals, the same age as the pyramids of Egypt, with a street layout in the form of a round swastika mandala with an altar in the center.

What did the swastika mean? This is an Aryan symbol of unity heavenly powers fire and wind with the altar - the place where these heavenly forces merge with earthly ones. Therefore, the altars of the Aryans were decorated with swastikas and were revered as saints, protected from evil. The name "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit term "suasti" - "prosperity under the Sun", and the swastika mandala - from the concept of "wheel", "disk", or "circle of eternity", divided into sectors. In China and Japan, swastika characters mean wishes for longevity under the Sun.

In the mid-20th century, the swastika became one of the main tools in the confrontation between civilizations. And this was reflected not only in the mass use of the symbol as a “marker” of certain forces, but also in the active esoteric and mystical technology of application. This aspect was dealt with by special communities of the 3rd Reich, primarily the Ahnenerbe. The swastika was used as a universal tool for contact and remote mental coding of individuals and groups, volitional projection onto a geographic region, the formation of events (of a given type of future), etc. Not all manipulations with the swastika produced the expected effect, but the degree of effectiveness and nature of use are not generally known information. This side of the 2nd World War still keeps its secrets.
In general, there are a great many swastikas.

But how did the swastika become the personification of fascism?

Created in 1921 according to the sketches of Adolf Hitler, the party symbols and flag of the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party) subsequently became the state symbols of Germany (1933-1945). It is possible that Hitler, when choosing the swastika as an emblem, was guided by the theory of the German geopolitician Karl Haushofer, who believed that the swastika was a symbol of thunder, fire and fertility among the ancient Aryan magicians.

It was Haushofer who came up with the expression: “Space as a factor of force,” which Hitler borrowed from him. In the mind of Hitler himself, the swastika symbolized the “struggle for the triumph of the Aryan race.” By this time, the Swastika was already actively used by Austrian anti-Semitic organizations.

It was then accepted Nazi salute"Ziga". “Ziga” (“sieg” - victory) is a gesture of greeting the Sun: from the heart to the Sun dear right hand, the palm of the left hand lies inside on the stomach, forming a zig-rune. After 1933, the swastika finally began to be perceived as Nazi symbol, as a result, was excluded from the emblem of the scouting movement. Kipling removed the swastika from the covers of his books.

"IN modern world, as before, special tools are widely used - graphic symbols - to purposefully influence the feelings, thoughts and desires of people. The history of the use of symbols is as deep as the history of homo sapiens. And in this story, a special place is occupied by the idea of ​​​​searching for a certain universal key, a magical sign, having mastered which it becomes possible to control not only a person, but also entire nations. How realistic is this idea?
The answer is related to the answer to another question: what does the world we live in consist of? They have been asked for thousands of years outstanding thinkers, it remains relevant in the modern world. In the era of antiquity, the idea was popular that behind the diversity of objects and phenomena there were only a few fundamental principles - the elements: fire, water, earth, air, and the quintessence of these elements - ether. According to ancient teachings, all known objects and phenomena are formed from these substances, and the system-forming process is the interaction of the world of ideas and the world of elements. The world of ideas in this case is like “grand software” for the Universe. This interpretation of the structure of the world allows for the materialization of ideas into certain monads through a special substance - the substance of pure information - capable of modifying any object in the material world. Maybe this is how we should understand the meaning of the mysterious “ philosopher's stone».
In this case, we define information as one of the primary principles, a kind of element. What are the elements of the world of ideas reflected in the form of substance? How will human consciousness perceive them? Apparently, in the form of symbols and signs. It is likely that a person’s internal mental space can be represented in the form of living symbols combined into texts. Having at their core the same nature - a single world of ideas in the Universe, people, regardless of race, era, linguistic culture, habitat, have the same primary symbolic structures in their mental structure. This point of view allows us to understand why, throughout the known history of human civilization, there are similar and even completely identical symbols used in almost all regions of the planet by a variety of peoples." (c)

And if you're interested, the swastika museum

VIDEO And lastly, photos of a friend. Swastika in Singapore.

The publication used material from a dozen articles and publications.

August 21st, 2015 , 08:57 pm

Looking at this Tibetan yak, I noticed the swastika ornament. And I thought: the swastika is “fascist”!

I have come across many times attempts to divide the swastika into “right-handed” and “left-handed”. They say that "f The "ashist" swastika is "left-handed", it rotates to the left - "backward", i.e. counterclockwise in time.Slavic swastika- on the contrary - “right-handed”. If the swastika rotates clockwise ("right-sided" swastika), then this means an increase in vital energy, but if it rotates counterclockwise (left-sided), then this indicates a "suction" of vital energy to Navi, the afterlife dead.

michael101063 c A very ancient sacred symbol writes: "... you need to know that the swastika can be left-sided and right-sided. The left-sided one was associated with lunar cults, black magic of blood sacrifices and the downward spiral of involution. The right-sided one was associated with solar cults, white magic and the upward spiral of evolution .

It is no coincidence that the Nazis used and continue to use the left-handed swastika, just like the black sorcerers Bon-po in Tibet, to whom expeditions of the Nazi occult Institute Ahnenerbe went for sacred knowledge of antiquity.

It is no coincidence that there has always been tension between the Nazis and black sorcerers close connection and cooperation. And it is also not accidental that the Nazis massacred civilians, since in essence they are bloody sacrifices to the forces of darkness."

And so I look at this yak and I feel sorry for him: the stupid Tibetans have hung him all over with a “fascist” “left-handed” swastika, through which the Navy will suck out all his energy and he, poor fellow, will become hobbled and die.

Or maybe it’s not the Tibetans who are stupid, but those who divide it into the “malicious” left-sided side and the “beneficent” right-sided side? It is obvious that our distant ancestors did not know such a division. Here is an ancient Novgorod ring found by the expedition of Ak. Rybakova.

If you believe modern idle “reasoning”, then the owner of this ring was a mentally abnormal person, a withered evil spirit with a penis at half past six. This is of course complete nonsense. If this form of swastika was associated with something negative, neither animals nor (especially) people would wear it.

R. Bagdasarov, our main “expert” on swastikas, notes that there are no clear meanings for the “left” and “right” swastikas even in India, not to mention other cultures. In Christianity, for example, both versions of the swastika are used.

If we divide the swastika into “positive” and “negative”, then it turns out that the clergyman worships both God and the devil at the same time, which again looks like complete nonsense.

So there are no “right-handed” or “left-handed” swastikas. A swastika is a swastika.

Half a century has passed since the end of the Second World War, but the two letters SS (more precisely, of course, SS) are still synonymous for most with horror and terror. Thanks to the mass production of Hollywood and the Soviet film factories that tried to keep up with it, almost all of us are familiar with the uniforms of the SS men and their emblem with a death's head. But the actual history of the SS is much more complex and multifaceted. In it one can find heroism and cruelty, nobility and meanness, selflessness and intrigue, deep scientific interests and a passionate craving for ancient knowledge distant ancestors.

The head of the SS, Himmler, who sincerely believed that the Saxon king Henry I “Birdcatcher”, the founder of the First Reich, elected in 919 as king of all Germans, was spiritually reincarnated in him. In one of his speeches in 1943 he said:

“Our order will enter the future as a union of the elite, uniting the German people and the whole of Europe around itself. It will give the world leaders of industry, agriculture, as well as political and spiritual leaders. We will always obey the law of elitism, choosing the highest and discarding the lowest. If we If we stop following this fundamental rule, we will thereby condemn ourselves to and disappear from the face of the earth like any other human organization."

His dreams, as we know, were not destined to come true for completely different reasons. From a young age, Himmler showed an intense interest in " ancient heritage our ancestors." Associated with the Thule Society, he was fascinated by the pagan culture of the Germans and dreamed of its revival - of the time when it would replace the "foul-smelling Christianity." In the intellectual depths of the SS, a new "moral" culture was being developed, based on pagan ideas.

Himmler considered himself the founder of a new pagan order that was “destined to change the course of history,” to carry out a “cleansing of the rubbish accumulated over millennia” and return humanity to “the path prepared by Providence.” In connection with such grandiose plans for a “return,” it is not surprising that the ancient . On the uniforms of the SS men they were distinguished, testifying to the elitism and sense of camaraderie that reigns in the organization. Since 1939, they went to war singing a hymn that included the following line: "We are all ready for battle, we are inspired by the runes and the death's head."

According to the Reichsführer SS, the runes were to play special role in SS symbolism: on his personal initiative, within the framework of the Ahnenerbe program - the Society for the Study and Dissemination of the Cultural Heritage of Ancestors - the Institute of Runic Writing was established. Until 1940, all recruits of the SS Order underwent mandatory instruction regarding runic symbolism. By 1945 there were 14 main runic symbols in use in the SS. The word "rune" means "secret script". Runes are the basis of alphabets carved into stone, metal and bone, and became widespread primarily in pre-Christian times. Northern Europe among the ancient Germanic tribes.

"...The great gods - Odin, Ve and Willi carved a man from an ash tree and a woman from a willow. The eldest of Bor's children, Odin, breathed soul into people and gave life. To give them new knowledge, Odin went to Utgard, the Land of Evil , to the World Tree. There he tore out his eye and brought it to , but this seemed not enough to the Guardians of the Tree. Then he gave his life - he decided to die in order to be resurrected. For nine days he hung on a branch, pierced by a spear. Each of the eight nights of Initiation revealed new ones to him. the secrets of existence. On the ninth morning, Odin saw rune-letters inscribed on the stone under him. His mother’s father, the giant Belthorn, taught him to carve and paint runes, and from then on the World Tree began to be called Yggdrasil..."

This is how the Snorrian Edda (1222-1225) talks about the acquisition of runes by the ancient Germans, perhaps the only full review heroic epic ancient Germans, based on legends, prophecies, spells, sayings, cults and rituals of the Germanic tribes. In the Edda, Odin was revered as the god of war and the patron of the dead heroes of Valhalla. He was also considered a necromancer.

The famous Roman historian Tacitus, in his book “Germania” (98 BC), described in detail how the Germans were engaged in predicting the future using runes.

Each rune had a name and a magical meaning that went beyond purely linguistic boundaries. The design and composition changed over time and acquired magical significance in Teutonic astrology. At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. The runes were remembered by various “folkish” (folk) groups that spread in Northern Europe. Among them was the Thule Society, which played a significant role in the early days of the Nazi movement.


SWASTIKA is the Sanskrit name for the sign depicting a hook cross (among the ancient Greeks this sign, which became known to them from the peoples of Asia Minor, was called “tetraskele” - “four-legged”, “spider”). This sign was associated with the cult of the Sun among many peoples and was found already in the Upper Paleolithic era and even more often in the Neolithic era, primarily in Asia (according to other sources, the oldest image of the swastika was discovered in Transylvania, it dates back to the late stone age; The swastika was also found in the ruins of the legendary Troy, this is the Bronze Age). Already from the 7th-6th centuries BC. e. it is included in symbolism, where it means secret doctrine Buddha. The swastika is reproduced on oldest coins India and Iran (BC penetrates from there to); in Central America it is also known among the peoples as a sign indicating the circulation of the Sun. In Europe, the spread of this sign dates back to a relatively late time - the Bronze and Iron Ages. During the era of migration of peoples, he penetrates through the Finno-Ugric tribes to the north of Europe, Scandinavia and the Baltic, and becomes one of the supreme Scandinavian god Odin (Wotan in German mythology), who suppressed and absorbed the previous solar (solar) cults. Thus, the swastika, as one of the varieties of the image of the solar circle, was practically found in all parts of the world, as sun sign served as an indication of the direction of rotation of the Sun (from left to right) and was also used as a sign of well-being, “turning away from the left side.”

It was precisely because of this that the ancient Greeks, who learned about this sign from the peoples of Asia Minor, changed the turn of their “spider” to the left and at the same time changed its meaning, turning it into a sign of evil, decline, death, since for them it was “alien” . Since the Middle Ages, the swastika was completely forgotten and was only occasionally found as a purely ornamental motif without any meaning or significance.

Only at the very end of the 19th century, probably on the basis of the erroneous and hasty conclusion of some German archaeologists and ethnographers that the swastika sign could be an indicator for identifying the Aryan peoples, since it is allegedly found only among them, in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century they began to use the swastika as anti-Semitic sign (for the first time in 1910), although later, at the end of the 20s, the works of English and Danish archaeologists were published who discovered the swastika not only in territories inhabited by Semitic peoples (in Mesopotamia and Palestine), but also directly on Hebrew sarcophagi.

For the first time, the swastika was used as a political sign-symbol on March 10-13, 1920 on the helmets of militants of the so-called “Erhard Brigade”, which formed the core of the “Volunteer Corps” - a monarchical paramilitary organization under the leadership of generals Ludendorff, Seeckt and Lützow, who carried out the Kapp putsch - counter-revolutionary a coup that installed the landowner W. Kapp as “premier” in Berlin. Although the Social Democratic government of Bauer fled ignominiously, the Kapp putsch was liquidated in five days by the 100,000-strong German Army created under the leadership of the German Communist Party. The authority of militaristic circles was then greatly undermined, and from that time on the swastika symbol began to mean a sign of right-wing extremism. Since 1923, on the eve of Hitler’s “Beer Hall Putsch” in Munich, the swastika has become the official emblem of Hitler’s fascist party, and since September 1935 - the main state emblem of Hitler’s Germany, included in its coat of arms and flag, as well as in the emblem of the Wehrmacht - an eagle holding in its claws wreath with swastika.

Only a swastika standing on an edge at 45°, with the ends directed towards the right side. This very sign was on the state banner of National Socialist Germany from 1933 to 1945, as well as on the emblems of the civil and military services of this country. It is also advisable to call it not “swastika”, but Hakenkreuz, as the Nazis themselves did. The most accurate reference books consistently distinguish between Hakenkreuz (" Nazi swastika") And traditional types swastikas in Asia and America, which stand on the surface at an angle of 90°.

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    Symbols of the Third Reich


    Half a century has passed since the end of the Second World War, but the two letters SS (more precisely, of course, SS) are still synonymous for most with horror and terror. Thanks to the mass production of Hollywood and the Soviet film factories that tried to keep up with it, almost all of us are familiar with the black uniforms of the SS men and their emblem with a death's head. But the actual history of the SS is significantly...

Yes, reader, let’s puzzle ourselves now with this question: why did Adolf Hitler make the swastika a symbol of National Socialism?!

Unfortunately, the majority of modern people on the planet learned that the swastika - the gammatic cross - is an Aryan symbol, at the instigation of Hitler. Alas, this is what happened. The Nazi Fuhrer himself claimed that he was an Aryan, and that for this reason he had every right to adopt the Aryan swastika.

We all know what this “Aryan” did in history. The Second World War he unleashed (1939-1945) killed 50 million people alone different nationalities and another 100 million people became crippled. And all this atrocity against many peoples was committed under the sign of the Aryan swastika. Here under this sign:

At the same time, it is known that several decades earlier this same cross symbol, only with a different direction of bending its ends, was especially revered in the Russian Empire.

It could be seen, for example, on the car of Tsar Nicholas II and in the everyday life of ordinary Russians. Here are a number of photographic documents to confirm this.

Towel. Tarnogsky district Vologda region. Late XIX century.

What did the swastika sign symbolize in the minds of Russians?

Why the last one Russian Tsar had it with him, and ordinary Russians in the recent past also had a swastika in their home in the form of embroidery and drawings?

If you delve into encyclopedias, you can find the following explanation: "From ancient times, the swastika was a symbol of prosperity for the Slavs."

This definition quite comprehensively explains why this symbol was once widely used. Was it believed that he brings prosperity?! - well, who wouldn’t want to have it?!

Once I saw the same swastika signs on the ancient clothes of Orthodox priests stored in the museum. This museum is located in the Novodevichy Mother of God-Smolensk Monastery.

Personally, this presence of swastikas on the old clothes of Russian clergy surprised me a little, puzzled me and then pushed me to the idea that the swastika is not just"symbol of well-being", behind this cross sign lies something more. And I wanted to dig deeper and explore this topic.

During the search, I learned that the words "symbol of well-being"- it's just an adjective. A simple example: sometimes at weddings the groom is given the task to name 10 adjective words for his bride, and he begins to list: beloved, affectionate, kind, caring, and so on... So the words “symbol of well-being” are adjective words... .

I am sure that most modern people who have not conducted a similar search like me will never guess that in ancient times the swastika sign was, it turns out, the most important symbol of Christianity!

Yes, yes, the most important thing!

I will say more: this was the only cross in true Christianity, if by true Christianity we mean practical activities Jesus Christ and his disciples-apostles numbering 12 people.

So, this symbol of the swastika in the teaching and practice of Jesus Christ graphically designated God, who is the Spirit!

“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:23-24).

Have you heard, know these words of Christ the Savior?

From the very beginning, this graphic image of God the Spirit in the form of a swastika filled the Teachings of Jesus Christ with a deep ideological meaning, one might even say a natural scientific meaning.

The image presented here is dated to the 2nd-5th century AD. This drawing (on the left - restored, on the right - a fragment of the original) was found on the wall in the catacombs of Priscilla, in Rome. It is interpreted that the dove here represents the soul of a deceased righteous man who flew to Paradise to receive communion from a vessel with"by the Holy Spirit" . To avoid writing words on the cup"Holy Spirit"or"spirit", the painter replaced the words with a graphic image - a swastika sign.

Reference: Catacombs of Priscilla- Christian underground burials of the 2nd-5th centuries in Rome, forming three levels. These catacombs arose in the burial place of the Roman family of the consul Aquilius Glabrius. In the 1st century AD e. this family owned vast lands. One of the representatives of this family, Priscilla, was executed by order of Emperor Domitian. In the Greek chapel (Italian: Capella Greca), named after the discovered inscriptions in Greek, a feast scene (an allegory of the Eucharist) is depicted. This chapel contains examples of early Christian art, including the oldest image of the Virgin Mary with a baby in her arms and the prophet Isaiah or Balaam, dating back to the 2nd century.

Exactly the same vessel with"by the Holy Spirit" , which is guarded by birds of paradise, was depicted in an ancient mosaic floor painting, also dating back to early Christian art. And here we also see a swastika. This image is a screenshot from documentary film, telling about Christianity in the first centuries. In 2016 it was shown on Russian TV channel"Culture".

And now you will see a completely interesting mosaic floor painting of one of the early Christian churches. To be honest, this picture impressed me very much!

This is a swastika on the mosaic floor of the Christian Orthodox Church of Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian, built in the city of Geras (Jerash) in North Jordan in 553.

This floor mosaic painting shows multiple images of swastikas moving in all directions! So the early Christian artist tried to convey through painting the meaning that was previously clear to every Christian believer: "Holy Spirit" moves in space, and in movement he performs some sacred act known only to him.

In the presented picture we find a swastika in the form of sort of “bricks” different directions rotation in projection - left-handed and right-handed.

If a simple flat sign of a swastika symbolizes some kind of rotation around its axis in one direction or another, then by creating such a three-dimensional image of a swastika, the ancient Orthodox artist tried to show some kind of “spiritual movement” in space, in which one can guessspiral movement!

This mosaic picture testifies that in ancient times the first Christians had a natural scientific understanding of"Holy Spirit" !

And there is evidence (practically proof!) that the ancients saw the physical meaning of the “Holy Spirit” - in its spiral movement!

In the language of ancient scientists - Latin - the word spiral (spīralis from spīra) - means “coil, curl.” And the word spiro translated from the same Latin into Russian - means "to blow, to blow, to be alive."

I note that in the old days the people in Russia depicted "gammatic cross" didn’t call it a “swastika”, but called it a word "breeze". Which completely coincides with the meaning of “to blow, to fan, to be alive.” You can talk about this read from historian Roman Bagdasarov.

Now attention! "Holy Spirit" in Latin - Spiritus Sanctus.

As you can see, the root is the same everywhere - "spir", and therefore the meaning is the same!

These are the kind of miracles that open up for someone (they opened up for me a long time ago!) later past centuries from the Nativity of Christ!!!

And now we are all being convinced, and many have already been convinced, literally forced to believe that the main symbol of Christianity is the cross on which, according to the Gospels, the Savior was crucified. And no one among the believers thinks (there is faith - no need for intelligence?) that it is blasphemy to turn the object or instrument of murder of a holy person into a symbol of faith. However, today, alas and ah, Christians of all denominations, after the war unleashed by Adolf Hitler, consider exclusively a wooden crucifixion cross as a symbol of Christianity, and also a golden crucifixion cross, which they hang on their necks. But if you think about it, this cross is nothing more than a symbol of the torment and death of one of the great enlighteners.

It is phenomenal that many people today literally look at the swastika with fear, and at the same time, the crucifixion of Christ the Savior on display does not frighten or shock them at all!

Roman performance entitled: "Look, Christians, what we have done to your God!"

Do you think Adolf Hitler did not know about the true sacred meaning of the swastika when he took it as a symbol of Nazism and World War II?!

Do you think he didn’t know that in early Christianity this was a symbol of God, who is spirit?

Of course he did! He had a powerful organization "Ahnenerbe", which was specially created back in 1935 for "studying the traditions, history and heritage of the German race with the aim of occult-ideological support for the functioning of the state apparatus of the Third Reich".

And if he knew everything, then what?

Why the early Christian symbol of God, a symbol of well-being, (a symbol of receiving good!), which in pre-revolutionary Russia was a holy symbol, why did he use it to celebrate the summer solstice on June 22, 1941? treacherous attack on the USSR?

Pay attention to the word “treacherous”, and to the fact that Hitler planned the attack on the USSR on a holy day for the sun-worshipping Slavs. It was, firstly, the summer solstice, and secondly, it was Sunday!

In 1941, in the Sovinformburo reports about Germany's treacherous attack on the USSR was said more than once, and every soviet man understood this in my own way. Most, of course, thought that this word referred to political relationships and agreements between Stalin and Hitler. This was partly true. But this was even more true in a religious sense: using the swastika as a symbol of war and Nazism, Adolf Hitler literally acted as the Anti-Christ. This was precisely the greatest treachery on his part...

Treacherous in the sense that he used the symbol of the Christian God to kill millions of people...

Continuation of the topic in a separate article "DEVIL'S LAIR: the truth about Switzerland, Zionism and the Jews!"

Today, when many people hear the word “swastika,” they immediately think of Adolf Hitler, concentration camps, and the horrors of World War II. But, in fact, this symbol appeared before the new era and has a very rich history. It has become widespread in Slavic culture, where many of its modifications existed. A synonym for the word “swastika” was the concept “solar”, that is, solar. Were there any differences in the swastika of the Slavs and the Nazis? And, if so, what were they expressed in?

First, let's remember what a swastika looks like. This is a cross, each of the four ends of which bends at right angles. Moreover, all angles are directed in one direction: to the right or to the left. Looking at such a sign, one gets the feeling of its rotation. There are opinions that the main difference between the Slavic and fascist swastikas lies in the direction of this very rotation. For the Germans, this is right-hand traffic (clockwise), and for our ancestors it is left-hand traffic (counterclockwise). But this is not all that distinguishes the swastika of Aryans and Aryans.

External differences

Also important distinctive feature is the constancy of color and shape of the Fuhrer's army badge. The lines of their swastika are quite wide, absolutely straight, and black. The underlying background is a white circle on a red canvas.

What about the Slavic swastika? Firstly, as already mentioned, there are many swastika signs that differ in shape. The basis of each symbol, of course, is a cross with right angles at the ends. But the cross may not have four ends, but six or even eight. Additional elements may appear on its lines, including smooth, rounded lines.

Secondly, the color of the swastika signs. There is also diversity here, but not so pronounced. The predominant symbol is red on a white background. The red color was not chosen by chance. After all, he was the personification of the sun among the Slavs. But there are both blue and yellow colors on some of the signs. Thirdly, the direction of movement. It was said earlier that among the Slavs it is the opposite of fascist. However, this is not quite true. We find both right-handed swastikas among the Slavs and left-handed ones.

We examined only the external distinctive attributes of the swastika of the Slavs and the swastika of the fascists. But much more important facts are the following:

  • Approximate time of appearance of the sign.
  • The meaning that was given to it.
  • Where and under what conditions was this symbol used?

Let's start with the Slavic swastika

It is difficult to name the time when it appeared among the Slavs. But, for example, among the Scythians, it was recorded in the fourth millennium BC. And since a little later the Slavs began to stand out from the Indo-European community, then, for sure, they were already used by them at that time (third-second millennium BC). Moreover, among the Proto-Slavs they were fundamental ornaments.

Swastika signs abounded in the everyday life of the Slavs. And therefore one cannot attribute the same meaning to all of them. In fact, each symbol was individual and carried its own meaning. By the way, the swastika could be either an independent sign or part of a more complex one (most often it was located in the center). Here are the main meanings of Slavic swastika (solar symbols):

  • Sacred and Sacrificial fire.
  • Ancient wisdom.
  • Unity of the Family.
  • Spiritual development, self-improvement.
  • Patronage of the gods in wisdom and justice.
  • In the sign of Valkikria, it is a talisman of wisdom, honor, nobility, and justice.

That is, in general, we can say that the meaning of the swastika was somehow sublime, spiritually high, noble.

Archaeological excavations have given us a lot of valuable information. It turned out that in ancient times the Slavs applied similar signs to their weapons, embroidered them on suits (clothes) and textile accessories (towels, towels), and carved them on elements of their homes and household items (dishes, spinning wheels and other wooden utensils). They did all this mainly for the purpose of protection, in order to protect themselves and their home from evil forces, from grief, from fire, from evil eye. After all, the ancient Slavs were very superstitious in this regard. And with such protection we felt much more secure and confident. Even the mounds and settlements of the ancient Slavs could have a swastika shape. At the same time, the ends of the cross symbolized a certain direction of the world.

Fascist swastika

  • Adolf Hitler himself adopted this sign as a symbol of the National Socialist movement. But we know that he was not the one who came up with it. In general, the swastika was used by other nationalist groups in Germany even before the emergence of the National Socialist German workers' party. Therefore, let's take the time of appearance as the beginning of the twentieth century.

Interesting fact: the person who suggested that Hitler take the swastika as a symbol initially presented a left-handed cross. But the Fuhrer insisted on replacing it with a right-hand one.

  • The meaning of the swastika among the Nazis is diametrically opposed to that of the Slavs. According to one version, it meant the purity of German blood. Hitler himself said that the black cross itself symbolizes the struggle for the victory of the Aryan race, creative work. In general, the Fuhrer considered the swastika an ancient anti-Semitic sign. In his book he writes that the white circle is national idea, red rectangle - the social idea of ​​the Nazi movement.
  • Where was it used? fascist swastika? Firstly, on the legendary flag of the Third Reich. Secondly, the military had it on their belt buckles, as a patch on the sleeve. Thirdly, the swastika “decorated” official buildings and occupied territories. In general, it could be on any fascist attributes, but these were the most common.

Thus, the swastika of the Slavs and the swastika of the Nazis have enormous differences. This is expressed not only in external features, but also in semantic ones. If among the Slavs this sign personified something good, noble, and lofty, then among the Nazis it was a truly Nazi sign. Therefore, when you hear something about a swastika, you shouldn’t immediately think about fascism. After all, the Slavic swastika was lighter, more humane, more beautiful.

The swastika and six-pointed star are stolen Slavic symbols.

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