German Gref expressed the secret doctrine of the Russian elite.

The fantasy of our fattening officials and moneylenders, representing in Russia the interests of their overseas curators, is already acquiring a utopian character.

The day before, the head of Sberbank, honorary “downshifter of all Rus'” German Gref suggested thinking about establishing a ministry for artificial intelligence. In turn, Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko expressed the idea of ​​​​creating a Ministry of Loneliness. The gentlemen took as a standard United Arab Emirates and the UK, where such departments already operate. If something like this had been announced in KVN, one would have laughed heartily, but alas, such news is usually a harbinger of new mockery of “ human capital" – i.e. ordinary citizens.

The collector of biometrics and the driver of people into the world of cashless money, Gref, was apparently “chipped” accordingly at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January. He acted there as a moderator at round table“AI Technology is Transforming Companies and the Economy: Gains and Threats.”

“Literally everyone in business today is starting to do this, and this concerns the state. I don't think this is just a PR task. Of course, this is PR, on the one hand, on the other hand, we need to think carefully, maybe it makes sense to create such a ministry,” the head of Sberbank again decided to demonstrate his unlimited power in Russia, thus giving instructions to members of the Government.

Transnational Gref heads an office that is state-owned only for the uninitiated, and he, of course, is very concerned about the latest trends in global business, and not about socio-economic disasters modern Russia. We already have one “minister without portfolio” - technocrat Mikhail Abyzov, whose family has US citizenship, making our government “open” to any international winds. Now Oskarovich offers to appoint him a partner at the expense of the budget, and even with his own apparatus and budget. The fact that in November 2017 the decline in the real sector of the economy reached its maximum since 2009, that every seventh Russian lives in poverty, apparently cannot in any way interrupt the “golden shower” for the crazy experiments of the favorite of the head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina.

The first person of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko, does not lag behind the main bankster.

“Maybe one day we will create a Ministry of Loneliness (like in Great Britain - editor’s note), I don’t know. I have already proposed creating a Ministry of Happiness, but somehow they don’t really support me so far. Next up is the Ministry of Loneliness. We’ll be creative, maybe we’ll get through,” RIA Novosti quotes the speaker of the Federation Council as saying.

Valentina Ivanovna did not ask whether the people needed such creativity from officials and parliamentarians. Of course - after all we're talking about about another senseless attempt to copy the British experience, allocating funds for the placement of their friends and relatives in bread-winning jobs. At the same time, Matvienko does not even hide: in fact target audience– i.e. No one is going to allocate money to lonely elderly Russians.

"This is very important topic- loneliness of older people. Older people require daily attention. It’s not so much the money that is needed, but attention,” Matvienko says carefully.

If, with our “affordable medicine,” God willing, two-thirds of the currently able-bodied men and women survive to retirement age, they will be expected to receive a “living wage” in the form of the minimum wage, which is, in fact, problematic to survive on. And in fact, why do our pensioners need benefits at the same level as the British? The main thing is that they will not be deprived of the attention of the new Ministry of Millionaires. Dying - so with music!

I remember that George Orwell in the dystopia “1984” had a Ministry of Love, in which they “sprayed” human personality everyone who was able to think for themselves. There was also a Ministry of Truth, which in practice did the exact opposite - i.e. lying and brainwashing 24 hours a day. And of course, the Ministry of Peace, which was responsible for the war and the constant escalation of hatred in society. Now, in all seriousness, we are being asked to establish ministries of happiness and loneliness in Russia - naturally, solely for the benefit of the people. What will be the true tasks of these institutions - let everyone decide for themselves, there is room for imagination to run wild. According to the Orwellian formula, these goals and objectives should be directly opposite to the names of the departments.

As for artificial intelligence, fanatical faith is officially formalized into a religion, the adherent of which is not only German Gref. The world's first digital church has been founded in Silicon Valley, preaching the "joys" of transhumanism in its doctrine "The Way of the Future." Its creator, ex-Google and Uber engineer Anthony Lewandowski, took the idea of ​​“deus ex machina” to its logical conclusion. In his Manual (the gospel of digital religion), Levandowski claims that a new artificial superintelligence, which will soon be created by man, will surpass him in intelligence and take control of the Earth from humanity. He will become a god for all of us, and people must “convince him of the need to take care of himself” and not turn into “his pet animals.” AI ministries will be created around the world in order to “peacefully” and “friendly” transfer power from people to machines. Atomized humanity, deprived of traditional values, is planned to be handed over to the “ministries of happiness, love and loneliness”, where it will receive its “mug of soma” and go into virtual dreams. Once again you are convinced that futurology writers are the best forecasters and forecasters.

In conclusion, it remains to remind Mr. Gref about the sad future of his estate. He gives us the example of the UAE, where they are seriously engaged in supporting artificial intelligence, but it is in this country that there has been no interest on loans for a long time. Islamic banking implies a high level of ethics and morality, excluding lending individuals who find themselves in a difficult financial situation, as well as banks making money out of other money (i.e. out of thin air). And if you really use Foreign experience, then we need to start with the elimination of the gaskets in the person of Sberbank, our comrades, who, without alternative, impose their disservices on us when doing business, making payments and transfers, and having an eternal gesheft from this.

President of Sberbank, former minister economic development and trade in Russia, German GREF gave a shocking lecture on the structure of power at the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg. Relying on the authority of BUDDHA, CONFUCIUS and MARX, he tried to prove that the people should be purposefully dumbed down and in no case should be allowed into the mechanisms of government. The main thing in society is the strata: hierarchically structured groups, the top of which is allowed everything, the bottom - nothing.

At one time, this is how Buddhism was born: the great heir of one of the richest families in India went to the people and was horrified at how poorly the people lived, and tried to help them. He tried to find the answer, what is the root of happiness, how to make people happier. He found no answer, and as a result Buddhism was born, in which the key ideology he established was the renunciation of desire. He saw no way to realize these desires. People want to be happy, they want to realize their aspirations, but there is no way to realize all their desires,” the banker explained to the assembled officials and oligarchs the reason for human misfortune. Without allowing them to come to their senses, he moved on to Karl Marx.
- The economic mode of production that Marx dreamed of has not yet been realized, and therefore you need to work, and it is not a fact that everyone will get this job, and it is not a fact that everyone will get the one they want wages, and it’s not a fact that he will be satisfied with this. And at the same time, if every person can participate directly in management, what are we managing?

The words that not everyone will get a job, and even if they do, you shouldn’t count on a decent salary, sound quite threatening from the lips of the former Minister of Economic Development. Well, then the logic is clear. People with low salaries should not be allowed into power. They need to go to the barracks.
- The great Minister of Justice of China Confucius began as a great democrat, and ended as a man who came up with the whole theory of Confucianism, which created strata in society, and great thinkers such as Lao Tzu came up with their theories of Tao, encrypting them, afraid to convey them to common people, because they understood: as soon as all people understand the basis of their “I” and self-identify, it will be extremely difficult to manage, that is, manipulate them,” Gref sighed.

It turns out that we do not and cannot have any right to free information - because otherwise it will be difficult to control us, that is, to manipulate us. But there's a catch.
“People don’t want to be manipulated when they have knowledge,” the official admitted with chagrin. - In Jewish culture, Kabbalah, which gave the science of life, was a secret teaching for three thousand years, because people understood what it meant to remove the veil from the eyes of millions of people and make them self-sufficient.

There is only one way out: it is much easier to deceive - manipulate - a person if you deprive him of the opportunity to gain knowledge. Our education ministers know this better than Gref. It’s not for nothing that the previous minister Andrei Fursenko introduced the Unified State Exam, and new Dmitry Livanov declared the uselessness of higher education.
“Any mass management implies an element of manipulation,” German Oskarovich never tires of repeating. - How to live, how to manage a society where everyone has equal access to information, everyone has the opportunity to receive directly unprepared information through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge machines that are lowered onto their heads, means mass media, which seem to be independent, but in fact we understand that all the media are still busy building and preserving strata.

Whether intentionally or not, Gref shared his vision of the process of social development with Dr. Goebbels, who put it somewhat more briefly: “Give me the media, and I will make a herd of pigs out of any nation.” Further development events we remember. Undoubtedly, the liberal Gref also considers himself a swineherd. But it seems he forgot that he wasn’t dealing with pigs after all. At least for now.

The “truth serum” for Gref was an innocent question about the future of democracy in Russia and self-government.
- I want to tell you that you say terrible things, actually. “What you say makes me scared,” said the head of Sberbank. - You propose to transfer power virtually into the hands of the population. But you know, for many millennia this problem has been key in public discussions. And we know how many wise heads have thought about this topic.
What happened next is popularly called “Put out the lights, or Ostap got carried away.”
For some reason, the Catholic Gref began with Buddhism.

The cynical revelations of German Gref, who, as they joke on the RuNet, “was injected with truth serum,” shocked the public. The head of Sberbank at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum said that he would be scared if power ended up in the hands of the people. “You say terrible things. “You are proposing to transfer power virtually into the hands of the population,” Gref frightened the discussion participants. - As soon as simple people will understand the basis of their self, self-identify, manage, i.e. it will be extremely difficult to manipulate them.”

People do not want to be manipulated when they have knowledge, he stated.

At the same time, the head of Sberbank referred to great thinkers, “such as Lao Tzu,” who came up with their theories, “encrypting them, afraid to convey them to the common people.” He also recalled Confucius, who began as a democrat and then created the doctrine of the division of society into strata.

In Jewish culture, Gref noted, Kabbalah gave the science of life and was a secret teaching for three thousand years, “because people understood what it meant to remove the veil from the eyes of millions, to make them self-sufficient.” “How to manage them? Any mass control implies an element of manipulation,” Gref explained.

The head of Sberbank is especially concerned about a society where “everyone has equal access to information.”

“How to live, how to manage a society where everyone has the opportunity to judge directly, to receive unprepared information, not through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge machines of the media, which are supposedly independent, but in fact, we understand that Is all the media busy preserving strata?” – said Gref.

Gref is afraid of a society where everyone has equal access to information

As part of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, a business breakfast of Sberbank was held, at which its head German Gref also spoke. At the breakfast, a discussion broke out, during which Gref expressed his fears that power might end up in the hands of citizens, and then launched into discussions about Kabbalah, Conficianism and Buddhism, writes

“You say terrible things,” Gref told the discussion participants. - “You propose to transfer power, in fact, into the hands of the population.” He expressed fears that once “people understand the basis of their self, it will become extremely difficult to control them, manipulate them.”

As it turns out, the era of widespread Internet penetration also frightens the head of Sberbank. “How to live, how to manage a society where everyone has equal access to information, everyone has the opportunity to judge directly, receive undissected information, receive it not through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge machines of the media unleashed on their heads?

“How to live in such a society? Your reasoning makes me a little scared, to be honest,” admits Gref.

During his speech, German Gref conducted a short historical and religious excursion, first recalling the history of Buddhism, and then moved on to Confucius, noting that he began as a democrat and ended up creating the doctrine of the division of society into strata. The Taoists, Gref continued, kept the teaching secret for centuries, because they understood that if the people were given knowledge of who they were and what they needed, it would become difficult to manipulate them. Finally, Kabbalah long years remained a secret teaching, since those in power did not want to remove the veil from the eyes of the people and make people self-sufficient.

Verbatim transcript:

I want to tell you that you are actually saying terrible things. What you say makes me scared. Why? You propose to transfer power virtually into the hands of the population.

But you know, for many millennia this problem has been key in public discussions. And we know how many wise heads have thought about this topic. At one time, this is how Buddhism was born: the great heir to one of the richest families in India went to the people and was horrified at how poorly the people lived, and he tried to help the people, he tried to find the answer, what was the root of happiness, how to make the people happier. He did not find the answer, and as a result Buddhism was born, in which the key ideology that he laid down was the renunciation of desires, he did not see a way to realize those desires. People want to be happy, they want to realize their aspirations, but there is no way to realize all their desires. The economic mode of production that Marx dreamed of has not yet been realized, and therefore you need to work, and it is not a fact that everyone will get this job, and it is not a fact that everyone will receive the desired wage, and it is not a fact that they will be satisfied from this. And wherein

If every person can participate directly in management, what are we governing?

People don't want to be manipulated when they have knowledge. In Jewish culture, Kabbalah, which gave the science of life, was a secret teaching for three thousand years, because people understood what it meant to remove the veil from the eyes of millions of people and make them self-sufficient. Any mass control implies an element of manipulation. How to live, how to manage a society where everyone has equal access to information, everyone has the opportunity to receive directly undissected information through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge machines that are lowered on their heads, the media, which are seemingly independent, but on Do we really understand that all the media are still busy building and preserving strata?

So how to live in such a society? Your reasoning makes me a little scared, to be honest. It seems to me that you don't quite understand what you are saying.

German Gref: “Russia is looking for a third way because it has not heard anything about the first two!”


At today's discussion at SPIEF 2012, the head of Sberbank German Gref almost acted as a speaker for Bolotnaya, ridiculing the rhetoric of Vladimir Putin and his governors (about “sovereign democracy”, “media noise”, Russia’s third way”), as well as the fear of the Internet authorities. The BUSINESS Online correspondent, who was at the forum in St. Petersburg, listened with curiosity to the discussion “Exiting the managerial dead end: the wisdom of the crowd or the authoritarian genius.” Business breakfasts of Sberbank held by its head German Gref

, have already become a tradition on the forum. They were at the last SPIEF and at the Gaidar forum. The author of these lines, who was present at one of these discussions in January, noted this time Gref’s increasingly inclined toward “oppositionism.” It seems that the permanent rallies in the capital did not pass without a trace for him. The discussion on the second day of SPIEF 2012 was, it seems, even based on the topic of social protests, but camouflaged under Gref’s favorite “crowdsourcing”. The panel discussion traditionally began very early, but actually brought together people high level . Among the listeners we saw not only some governors, but also a gloomy- a well-known conservative for whom, probably, the latest social upheavals in the Middle East and in the center of Moscow do not cause much optimism. “You need to know the enemy by sight,” his eyes seemed to say, carefully studying the smiling liberal Gref.

Gref, starting the discussion, flattered those present, noting that people with philosophical abstract thinking. And he assured that he also gathered people into the “presidium” not on the principle of their affiliation with power. Having apologized for his presence, however, Elvira Nabiullina (former Minister of Economic Development, now Assistant Vladimir Putin - ed.). “Thank you to her for agreeing to stay with us,” Gref joked.

Despite the similarity of their views, today they are actually in different intellectual camps. He himself is an obvious supporter of liberalism; she smoothly moved from Putin’s government to his administration, which today is considered the “shadow and real government.” The topic of the discussion sounded provocative: “The way out of the managerial impasse: the wisdom of the crowd or the authoritarian genius?” Whether he meant by “authoritarian genius” Vladimir Vladimirovich, and by “wisdom of the crowd” - the Moscow creative class opposing the current leader of the country remained a mystery...

Apart from him and Nabiullina, we thought about this issue Beth Noveck- Advisor to the US and UK governments, author of the book "Wiki Government" and administration spokesman Barack Obama; Tim Kelsey- Executive Director for Data Transparency and Openness at the UK Cabinet Office ( It’s strange that there is such a position in the English government - auto); Harvard professor Andrey Shleifer, editor of Nezavisimaya Gazeta Konstantin Remchukov and head of the foundation public opinion Alexander Oslon.

Gref traditionally conducted a survey of listeners. And to the first question: “What is preventing the global economy from emerging from the crisis,” he offered three possible answers. Temporary leadership deficit? Conflict between a rapidly changing world and old systems of governance? No managerial deadlock? 70% of the room (which, by the way, included governors) decided that the reason was the conflict between the changing world and the old control systems. Remchukov said that one of the main reasons is the Internet, which revealed that the individual needs of people do not correspond to the pace of the economy. Whereas all modern system management is based on vertical connections, when the government “knows” what people need and tries to give it to them, the Internet allows you to organize horizontal connections. But the authorities do not have mechanisms to adequately meet the needs of people who know what the Internet is. According to Oslon, the Internet most likely appeared as a tool that allows authorities to use hidden social energy. In fact, this is a “new collective intelligence.”

Gref asked the American Novek what the causes of the “Arab revolutions,” the Moscow protests and the Occupy Wall Street action had in common. Noveck responded that the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street prove that there is dissatisfaction with outdated institutions of governance. Voting, which the state has used to supposedly participate in the power of the people, is a passive model of delegation of decision-making social strata: “Government is designed to manage values ​​and manage experiences. The way the government manages them is outdated. Values ​​are managed by voting, which is held once a year. It's not enough in modern conditions. Elections and voting alone are not enough. The management of experience is carried out by a bureaucracy that is slow and “stupid” than the “wisdom of the crowd.” “Bubbles of discontent” and desire to participate in government “burst to the surface.” Kelsey agreed that the fundamental problem was that the time when “governments could run societies behind a curtain is passing.”


Gref said that “he became scared,” since the participants in the discussion were actually proposing to transfer power to the population, while they had been trying to solve this problem for millennia, and so far it was futile. After which I unexpectedly embarked on a historical and religious excursion. I first remembered Buddhism, which arose after a representative of a rich family went to the people, decided to make him happy, and he didn’t succeed, but Buddhism turned out: “He didn’t find the answer to how to make people happy. All people want this, but it is impossible to realize all their desires. As a result, Buddhism is about renouncing desires.”

And the implementation of a Marxist economic system capable of making all people happy is still a long way off ( that is, Gref did not actually exclude the possibility that Marx was right?! - quite an unusual statement for a liberal - auto).

After Buddhism and Marx, Gref moved on to Confucius, noting that he started as a democrat and ended up creating the doctrine of the division of society into strata. The Taoists, Gref continued, kept the teaching secret for centuries, because they understood that if the people were given knowledge of who they were and what they needed, it would become difficult to manipulate them. Finally, Kabbalah remained a secret teaching for many years, since those in power did not want to remove the veil from the eyes of the people and make people self-sufficient.

Next, the incensed Gref “kicked” the media, “which are supposedly independent,” but are still busy, he believes, “preserving strata.” That is, according to Gref, any good undertaking sooner or later ends in undemocratic attempts to preserve the existing state of affairs. How will it be possible to transfer power to the crowd, and will this not end in tragedy?

Nabiullina did not agree with German Oskarovich. She believes that there is nothing terrible if the government delegates powers to the population, but it is scary if it transfers them to the crowd. A crowd, the presidential aide believes, is never rational. And she sees the reason for the desire of the same creative class to influence the management of the state in the fact that “our society has become more educated, logical and thinking, and is no longer amenable to manipulation by the “old models of management.”


Noticing that the governors were sitting in the front row, Gref decided to tell “a parable from real life” about these same “old management models”, without naming names. One of the young modern governors, the head of Sberbank began the “parable”, arriving at his estate for the first time and being horrified, he decided to fix everything. Repaired roads and house facades. However, following the results of the first year of his rule, the governor’s rating fell by 10%. The governor complained to Gref that “he doesn’t understand such people,” saying, what else do they need?! Then Gref asked Oslon to conduct a survey in the region, and it turned out that the five priorities of the population and the five priorities in the work of the governor did not coincide at all! The population needed pure water, good heating, housing and communal services first of all. Changing priorities, towards the end next year The governor achieved an increase in his rating by 20%.

Gref believes that the moral of this fable is simple: if the leader had initially been in contact with those he manages, many problems and misunderstandings could have been avoided. However, any politician is afraid of the same Internet, he was surprised. Especially his “masquerade”, when anonymous people harshly evaluate politicians. The main desire of the authorities in the end is to turn off the Internet, but even by turning off the Internet, “you will not be able to turn off the real state of affairs,” the moderator of the discussion warned. Its participants (except for Nabiullina, of course) meanwhile thought about the fact that, when meeting with workers at factories, Putin listens to the demands of the population, and these demands never intersect with the demands of the Internet community and the speeches of the president himself at international forums: “Never once we did not hear what the simple worker demanded competitive environment, justice or investment climate."

The authorities have decided Russian participants discussions, started talking about it after the Internet started talking about it. At the same time, the same government is forced to carry out purely electoral tasks relying on the majority of the population, which traditionally depends on the budget. Middle class ultimately independent of the state. And the middle “creative class” has no leaders - which is why Putin’s question about the protesters (“Who should we negotiate with?”) makes no sense. Just as his desire for the opposition to propose a program does not make sense (“A wise government itself must propose a program”).


The head of the FOM generally stated that the further it goes, the less opportunities traditional institutions of power have to solve problems “like a father solves the problems of children.” According to Oslon, today there are not and cannot be universal people, modern Leonardo da Vinci, who are personally ready to solve all problems. This is the “complacency effect” or “complex of usefulness,” he said sarcastically. Gref, with the same intonation, proposed to legally prohibit officials from opening and reading the Internet, “which interferes with stable governance.” Today, he explained, Obama, Merkel, and Putin are forced to read impartial opinions to themselves, because people, as a rule, do not like power. Kelsey explained that the same authorities need transparency! And he cited the example of British openness, when data on healthcare, for all hospitals (including mortality) are made publicly available. After the same heart surgeons decided to publish their data 7 years ago, the mortality rate has now fallen by 50%.

“You have transparency, but you are now in another country,” Gref answered sarcastically. - We have a sovereign democracy! We are a nuclear power, and we have many secrets, and if we open access, these secrets will go abroad... We have a third path of development. But I always say, Russia is looking for a third way, because it has not heard anything about the first two!


Nabiullina was embarrassed by such “enemy” speeches from her neighbor. “I don’t even know how to continue or how to start,” she tried to smile. And she said that in Russia they are also trying to make everything more transparent, citing the experience of “transparency in government procurement”: “Yes, maybe our system is not as advanced as in other countries, but it has somewhat increased the activity of people and society,” she said offendedly . “The Ministry of Finance is creating an “electronic budget” that will be available to citizens in an understandable and accessible form” ( By the way, the Minister of Finance stated the same thing Anton Siluanov and Minister of Economic Development and Trade Andrey Belousov at a parallel panel discussion on Russian reforms - almost word for word-auto).

At the same time, she diplomatically admitted that the government does not keep up with the needs of the people, does not even have time to recognize them. And if during the crisis it seemed to be enough to provide the people with salaries and employment, then in times of prosperity this is no longer enough. She is like her boss yesterday ( Let us remind you that Putin proposed collecting 100 thousand signatures on the Internet legislative act and then submit it for discussion in parliament - auto), “acknowledged the fact” of the existence social networks, saying that this is a trick with the help of which the authorities can capture these very needs. However, she does not recognize “anonymity,” believing that the “masquerade of the Internet” does not allow this community to be included in the work.

Having supported this topic, Gref unexpectedly went even further in his “opposition sentiments” ( it even became somehow strange that he was never seen at rallies in Moscow-auto) and mocked the relationship of those in power to the media:

The media is just noise. They criticize everything all the time and don't write about good things. Always unhappy with something! – Gref ironically quoted numerous government officials. - And if you meet the demands of journalists, it means showing your weakness to the authorities! If we somehow react to media publications, we immediately decide that the government is weak!

The summary words of this discussion can be recognized as Gref’s “joke” that both “democracy” and “sovereign democracy” have become the rubbish of the 20th century, since the situation is when citizens “can only wait for an improvement in life” from politicians elected every 5-6 years , miracles and telling jokes in kitchens” is a thing of the past.

Sergey Afanasyev, St. Petersburg

The President of Sberbank, the former Minister of Economy of Russia, who was considered one of the main strategists in Vladimir Putin’s former team - in general, German Gref - came out with unexpectedly frank discussions about how Russian and not only Russian power has been tripled. Relying on the authority of Buddha, Confucius and Lao Tzu, Gref tried to prove that the people under no circumstances should be trusted to govern themselves, and that the most important thing in society is strata, that is, hierarchically structured groups.

On the Internet, Gref's stream of consciousness, posted in the form of a video on YouTube, has already caused a reaction that combined laughter with bewilderment. It’s not uncommon to hear comments along the lines of “What was this author smoking?” etc. Indeed, at first glance, the four-minute speech of the head of Sberbank may seem like a chaotic set of quotes and fragmentary information from a course in the history of political philosophy, but if you listen and read it more carefully, you can understand that Gref, perhaps even unconsciously, expressed the principles on which he rests (well, or trying to hold on) modern Russian government.

It all started with an answer to a question that was not included in the YouTube video. However, it can be assumed that they were talking about either democracy, or self-government, or something similar. And this idea caused horror in Gref. “I want to tell you that you are actually saying terrible things. “What you say makes me scared,” said the head of Sberbank. - Why? You propose to transfer power virtually into the hands of the population. But you know, for many millennia this problem has been key in public discussions. And we know how many wise heads have thought about this topic.” And then followed an excursion into these public discussions and into these wise heads.

Gref began from afar - with Siddhartha Gautama, aka Shakyamuni Buddha. “At one time, this is how Buddhism was born, the great heir of one of the richest families in India went to the people and was horrified at how poorly the people lived, and he tried to help the people, he tried to find the answer, what was the root of happiness, how to make the people happier. He did not find the answer, and as a result Buddhism was born, in which the key ideology he laid down was the renunciation of desire, he did not see a way to realize those desires. People want to be happy, they want to realize their aspirations, but there is no way to realize all their desires,” said the ex-minister.

Without going into the details of Gautama's life and teachings and without even checking them for compliance with Gref's words, one can ask: why Buddhism, in fact? Why not Christianity, why not Orthodoxy, which, whether we like it or not, has existed in Russia for a thousand years? Perhaps the fact is that the teachings of Christ, with its forgiveness and non-covetousness, do not quite correspond to the aspirations of Russian authorities, or perhaps Gref simply decided not to invade areas where Vsevolod Chaplin already reigns supreme - but one way or another, in public discussions we are now asked to focus on the Buddha.

However, Gref quickly moves from Buddha to Karl Marx, without explaining this transition in any way: “The economic mode of production that Marx dreamed of has not yet been realized, and therefore you need to work, and it is not a fact that everyone will get this job, and it is not a fact that that everyone will receive the desired salary, and it is not a fact that they will be satisfied with this. And at the same time, if every person can participate directly in management, what are we managing?” So, noting with regret that the Marxist ideal has not been realized, Gref, on the basis of this, proposes to preserve the system of alienation of man from power. Thesis, in general view, is this: a dissatisfied person in power has nothing to do, and we have few satisfied people, so, alas, don’t blame us, we won’t allow everyone into power.

To substantiate this thesis, Gref returns from Marx to the Ancient East - to Confucius and Lao Tzu: “The great Minister of Justice of China, Confucius, began as a great democrat, and ended as a man who came up with the whole theory of Confucianism, which created strata in society, and great thinkers , such as Lao Tzu, came up with their theories of Tao, encrypting them, afraid to convey them to the common people, because they understood: once all people understand the basis of their “I”, self-identify, it will be extremely difficult to manage, that is, to manipulate them.”

Here we already see the information component of the Gref doctrine. Former minister Using the example of the ancient Chinese, he explains to us that we do not and cannot have any right to free information - because otherwise it will be difficult to control us, that is, to manipulate us. A constitution that says the opposite can obviously be ignored - especially since in the time of Lao Tzu the concept of a constitution did not exist at all.

Next, the excursion into mystical teachings continues, Kabbalah comes into play. “People don't want to be manipulated when they have knowledge. In Jewish culture, Kabbalah, which gave the science of life, was a secret teaching for three thousand years, because people understood what it meant to remove the veil from the eyes of millions of people and make them self-sufficient,” Gref shares his knowledge. The task becomes clear: not to give people knowledge and not to allow them to become self-sufficient. To do this, apparently, it is necessary to cultivate shortcomings and limit opportunities for learning (those interested can recall, for example, the Unified State Exam).

And finally, Gref comes to the main idea - the idea of ​​inequality. He sees inequality as the key to effective governance. Maintaining inequality requires what he calls “strata.” “How to manage them? Any mass control implies an element of manipulation. How to live, how to manage a society where everyone has equal access to information, everyone has the opportunity to receive directly undissected information through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge machines that are lowered on their heads, the media, which are seemingly independent, but on “Do we really understand that all the media are still busy building and preserving strata?” the banker concludes.

So, the general model of power according to Gref is as follows: people can only be controlled under conditions of their inequality and ignorance. In order to maintain this state, it is necessary to control the media and project these models into the consciousness of citizens with the help of a specially hired apparatus. The manipulation carried out through this apparatus is necessary to maintain the system of “strata” - that is, a certain modern version caste system, in which only one layer of citizens is allowed to reach real power, and it is not so easy to get into this layer.

It seems that here it is no longer difficult to compare Gref’s model with modern Russian reality and independently draw a conclusion about what percentage of truth is contained in his words. If we imagine that Gref himself, unwittingly (or wanting?) expressed a secret doctrine Russian elite, then everything falls into place. We simply live in the Confucian-Taoist model of the state, and if we realize this, then we will not have any further questions.

No, you can, of course, ask about the constitution, human rights, humanism and other fruits and values ​​of the European Enlightenment (which, apparently, passed by German Gref and his colleagues) - but how can any article of the Constitution compare with the immortal passages of Lao- Tzu? For example, with this: “To empty people’s hearts, to fill their insides, to soften their aspirations, to make their backbone strong, so that people will always remain without knowledge and without desires, so that even those who know will not dare to act.” That's where we stand.

At a recent Gaidar gathering forum, the president of Sberbank spoke extremely frankly about Russia:

“We lost the competition and found ourselves in the camp of countries that are losing, downshifter countries. Countries and people who managed to adapt and invest in this in time are the winners. Those who did not have time will lose very much"

and called for the sale of its strategic assets to solve the country’s economic problems. The State Duma was outraged by the words of the president, for a moment, of the country’s state bank and called on him to resign:

"...The head of Sberbank, German Gref, can no longer lead it after saying that Russia is a downshifter country. This opinion was expressed by State Duma Deputy Speaker Nikolai Levichev, representing the A Just Russia faction."

"“It is not surprising to hear this derogatory statement about our country from the so-called liberal economists of the 90s - they never believed in their own country and sought to sell everything as quickly as possible,” TASS quotes him as saying.

“I am against persecution for my views, various auto-da-fes, but I think that after such statements, the head of the largest state-owned bank should have left his post - voluntarily resign,” he concluded.

Well, the vice speaker got carried away. I think he can do it! After all, according to data back in 2000, he was reportedly a defendant in at least four criminal cases. This is discussed in some detail here:

As for proposals to privatize everything and everyone, and of course for the benefit of one’s own pocket, this is the favorite method of all liberal miracle economists, starting from the blessed times of the “great privatizer”. I think you don’t even need to name a name - everyone will understand who we are talking about. And the followers of this economic model gathered, precisely at the forum named after their idol of the nineties.

So in 2007, German Gref, who at that time was, by the way, the “Minister of Economic Development”, stated that “... everything that is not related to the state’s performance of its direct functions should be privatized. For example, Aeroflot, since transportation is not part of the functions of states

What cannot be taken away is that German Gref is very hardworking. Here's an example of that:

Gref, quite by accident, of course, combines his work at Sberbank with work at the American bank J.P. Morgan Chase.

"The head of Sberbank was elected to the international council of the financial corporation, where he replaced the CEO of Rusnano Anatoly Chubais "

By the way, this American bank spoke very highly of Anatoly Chubais’s work there:

""For us great luck“that a person with such unique experience as Anatoly Borisovich will share his views and assessments with our firm as we invest in the growth of our business in Russia and other countries in Central Europe.”CEO James Dimon.

That’s because our people don’t appreciate Anatoly Borisovich and his work, unlike American bankers. Question: maybe his diligence in work was directed specifically at the American banking system?

Let us return, however, to German Gref...

"...Despite the fact that Ukraine under its current government has actually become a state unfriendly to Russia, which is conducting a punitive operation against the pro-Russian south-eastern regions; branches of the Russian Sberbank continue to operate in Kyiv and other large Ukrainian cities. The business of the banking structure, headed by the domestic ultra-liberal German Gref, not only did not deteriorate under the junta, but, on the contrary, is successfully developing.

Thus, according to the publication Izvestia, all seven Ukrainian branches of Sberbank of Russia show enviable profits. And this is against the background of losses of local credit institutions, including the largest Privatbank and Oschadbank.

As it turned out, the secret of German Gref’s success in Nezalezhnaya is largely connected with large credit projects. It turns out that the Russian Sberbank opened a credit line to government agencies of Ukraine to modernize the Ukrainian military-industrial complex and re-equip the army.

There is no doubt: lending to the mobilization economy of a warring state is an extremely profitable business..."

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