When optimizing a cultural institution, what aspects are taken into account. A pistol at the temple of culture

A decision was made to increase the wages of employees of cultural institutions in the Nizhny Novgorod region by 62.1 percent from April 1, 2013. Since March, active preparatory work. About how this is happening in the urban district of the city of Shakhunya to the correspondent of the newspaper “Znamya Truda” Olga Zinovieva said the head of the department for culture, sports and youth policy S.B. Shchepin.

- Now the institutions are developing the so-called “Road Map”. What it is?

This is a development strategy, according to which wages will increase only if the qualitative and quantitative indicators in work increase. One of the main tasks set for us is optimization. We are focused on work that will give maximum results. Each cultural institution, be it a club or a library, should be in maximum demand among the population living in the service area. It is necessary to attract as many event visitors and participants in creative and leisure groups as possible.
But not everything is as simple as it seems. In large settlements of the district (Shakhunya, Syava, Vakhtan), it is possible to attract additional people by expanding the scope of activity. This is very difficult to do in rural recreation centers and libraries. The main reason is that the number of villagers is decreasing from year to year, which naturally entails a decrease in attendance at cultural institutions. And those residents who remain in the village are already regular participants in events, spectators, and readers. This potential is used almost completely, because in small settlements there is nowhere to go except to the library and recreation center.
Much attention is now being paid to connecting libraries to the Internet. But today, out of 21 libraries in the Shakhunya urban district, only eight have Internet access. Electronic catalogs are being actively compiled. In six years, we need to make sure that all residents of our district have access to them.

- Will the desire to reduce costs entail the closure of some cultural institutions and a reduction in staff?

The optimization process, indeed, implies the closure of ineffective institutions. In our urban district, the Malinovsky and Akatovsky Palace of Culture and the Fadkinsky Library have not actually operated for many years. Now you need to draw up documents to close them.
Today, there are 226 staff positions in cultural institutions of our city district. From April 1 it should be 201.3. We mainly plan to reduce not workers, but staff positions, those that make up 25-50 percent of the salary. According to the recommendations of the ministry, there should also be no external part-time workers. We have already decided where the reduction will take place. Decisions were made very scrupulously, with mandatory agreement with the heads of institutions.
As of March 1, the average salary of cultural workers was 7,830 rubles. It needs to be increased to 11,911 rubles. For these purposes, it is necessary to find about two million rubles in the local budget for 2013. This is 15 percent of the total funding for increasing wages, 85 percent is allocated from the regional budget.

- There are people who are outraged by the fact that some events and concerts are held for a fee. In their opinion, selling tickets even at a purely symbolic price is not entirely legal. What can you say about this?

We are told that cultural institutions must earn money themselves. Even one of the conditions of the Road Map and the upcoming salary increase is an increase in the number of events held on a paid basis. In the nine months remaining until the end of the year, cultural institutions in the urban district of the city of Shakhunya should earn 878 thousand rubles, which will be used to pay workers. Funds allocated from local and regional budgets go mainly to salaries and utility costs. But you still need money to maintain buildings, hold events, buy suits and shoes, and those same cleaning supplies!
And at the same time, I would like to develop, and not mark time, especially since increasing the efficiency and quality of services provided in the cultural sector within the framework of the Road Map is directly related to the development of the material and technical base of institutions.
Therefore, some concerts are held on a paid basis. But if the event is classified as a public holiday, then admission is free.
Most clubs operating in cultural institutions are also free. True, there are certain groups that children attend for money. But they are organized only when this type of activity is popular, there are many people who want to do it, and there are no more places in the free groups.
We act in accordance with the Decree of the administration of the urban district of the city of Shakhunya dated March 28, 2013 No. 295 “On approval of the Regulations on paid services ah, provided to individuals and legal entities by cultural institutions of the urban district of the city of Shakhunya.”


I don’t understand why the development strategy (and in fact the sweatshop system in the cultural sector) is called a “Road Map”? What does the word “road” have to do with it? This time. Secondly, information about salary increases is incomplete. Only 44.7 percent were added to teachers, which, you see, is not 62.1 percent.

19.04.2013, 21:52

About how cultural institutions make money. For some reason, the accounting department, which should give the go-ahead for the sale of saved money, for example, for heating or electricity, is not running around too much. But this money sometimes makes it possible to carry out repairs and purchase equipment. But no! The main person in this matter is the accountant. And sometimes the institutions’ money is simply taken away from his hands! And they are transferred somewhere else. That's it! You can’t make that much money at paid concerts. And, by the way, this is done not only with cultural institutions, especially at the end of the year. But also with all budgetary institutions. For example, with a district clinic.

21.04.2013, 11:57

The article is about culture, but is classified in the “Politics” section. Moderators, why?

“Optimization” is the favorite word of the current authorities when it comes to sensitive areas of people’s lives. This word has become a symbol of anti-people reforms that have been carried out for many years in the spheres of healthcare, education, culture, and social protection. Despite the gigantic scale of what is happening, it can be difficult to give a qualified and unbiased assessment of it, due to the fact that the real truth about “optimization” is carefully hidden. However, not so long ago, official data from audits of the Accounts Chamber (AC) of the Russian Federation on the topic of “optimization” appeared. Pravda published some of them concerning medicine in issue No. 40 (“Optimization” with a fatal outcome”). Today we will talk about culture.

THE GOAL OF THE “OPTIMIZERS” is simple and unpretentious: to reduce the burden on the federal and regional budgets by reducing the number of “budget dependents.” And in the course of this simple operation, also try to “make money” on related operations - on the sale of real estate of liquidated budget organizations, on repairs and the purchase of new equipment for those institutions that it was decided to leave alive for now. In short, there is nothing fundamentally different from what is done when “optimizing” healthcare.

The only difference is that medical officials have inundated the country with expensive MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) machines purchased at inflated prices, a significant part of which is idle, and cultural officials have become carried away with the purchase of expensive bibliomobiles and bibliobuses, the benefits of which are also negligible. If in 2013 130 libraries had such specialized vehicles, then in 2014 - already 150. So, in the Samara region, a double-decker bus was purchased for a mobile library back in 2008 for 6 (!) million rubles. But due to its large size, it cannot travel to all the populated areas for which it was purchased. Over the entire 2014, this miracle of library technology left the garage only 68 times, visiting only 17 settlements. But it never reached 27 villages, so they remained unprovided with library services. “Expensive transport is idle, and the population does not receive proper service,” summed up the auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Alexander Filipenko.

“Bibliomobile” is just an episode of the “optimization” of cultural institutions, impressive in its scale. After all, in the history of “optimization” of culture, nothing like this has happened. As you know, in 273 AD, the Roman Emperor Aurelian completely destroyed and burned the most famous legendary Library of Alexandria during the capture of the city in order to suppress the rebellion of Queen Zenobia. He then took some of the books that miraculously survived to his place in Constantinople. And 1660 years later, another “optimizer” - a famous figure in the “culture of the Third Reich”, Reich Minister of Education and Propaganda Paul Joseph Goebbels, in order to “optimize” the library collections of Germany, used fires from “wrong” books.

Our “optimizers” have not yet risen to such heights, but they can also boast of something. Thus, during 2014 they managed to achieve a reduction in the number of cultural institutions in Russia by 2080, or 7.3%. Among other things, they closed libraries - 342, liquidated cultural and leisure organizations - 1,130. The “optimizers” hit cultural institutions in rural areas the hardest. True, with theaters and museums they let us down a little: only three theaters are closed, and only two museums. However, this shortcoming will be more than covered in the coming years: by 2016, it is additionally planned to close more than 300 libraries and over 450 cultural and leisure institutions. As a result, compared to January 1, 2014, the number of cultural and leisure institutions in Russia should decrease by 9.4%, libraries - by 11.5%. Why do Russians need libraries if they have “wine, cinema and dominoes”?!

An EXTREMELY DEMANDING proponent of “optimization” would say that such plans are unimpressive, but he would be wrong. In 2007, the Russian government approved social standards and norms in the field of culture, which establish requirements for the provision of cultural institutions by type, including taking into account the population size and distance from the administrative center. So, according to these standards, we should have more than 26 thousand libraries in our country. At the end of 2014, their number was just over 5 thousand. So the “optimization” results already achieved are quite convincing.

Particularly advanced “optimizers” can, of course, object: it is necessary, they say, to reduce these 5 thousand, after all, there is the Internet, and the national electronic library is about to be opened. But, firstly, the electronic library has not yet started working, and, secondly, according to data for 2014, only 51% of libraries have access to the Internet for users, while just over 6.5% of them have access to text resources . There are even fewer individual Internet users in rural areas.

However, there are also leaders of “optimization”, where already now, without waiting for 2016, they have achieved an extremely low level of library provision. Thus, in the Chelyabinsk region this level dropped to 59%. And in Samara - the number of libraries below the norm was noted in 14 out of 27 municipal districts. The provision of cultural and leisure institutions is especially low in the Yaroslavl and Novgorod regions. According to the auditor of the SP of the Russian Federation, Alexander Filipenko, many clubs in villages were built in the USSR and are currently in poor condition. In addition, they are large in area and designed for a large number of spectators, so their maintenance and repair are expensive. However, cultural centers are often the only public buildings remaining in villages, where all socially significant events are held, including elections. Having liquidated rural clubs and schools, where are the authorities going to hold elections? Using mobile ballot boxes?

However, even the complete destruction of cultural institutions will not completely remove the state’s “sociocultural” obligations to own people. Thus, social standards provide for the organization in a municipal area of ​​two to five visiting cultural teams for settlements where there are no cultural institutions. According to the SP of the Russian Federation, out of 23 regions of the Far North (and equivalent to them), 13 cultural brigades were organized in only six. “As a result of optimization, their number was reduced to eight. That is, for residents of remote areas, access to cultural services is limited,” said Alexander Filipenko.

One of the stated goals of “optimization”—increasing wages for employees of cultural institutions—has also been successfully failed. After all, the proceeds from the restructuring of the regional infrastructure amounted to only 0.5% of the wage fund. The target ratio of the average salary of employees of cultural institutions to the regional average was not achieved in 16 regions. “The achievement of the indicator in the remaining 67 regions was mainly due to overfulfillment by government agencies; in municipal ones it remains low,” the auditor noted. According to him, in general, in Moscow, the wages of cultural workers are equal to the regional average, but in municipal institutions this figure is only 37%. It also happens: in the Samara region, an audit revealed cases of an increase in the salaries of administrative and managerial personnel with a simultaneous reduction in the income of specialists. The bosses raised their own salaries and lowered those of their subordinates. How else?

As in other industries, “optimization” in the cultural sector is accompanied by a reduction in the number of employees. According to federal state statistical observation data, the number of employees of state and municipal cultural institutions in 2014 decreased by 81 thousand 499 people, or by 12.2%.

There were some incidents. “In the Chelyabinsk region, during staff reductions, the cashier, chief accountant and worker were offered the position of piano teacher,” said Alexander Filipenko. - In the Samara region, without the written consent of the employees, they were transferred to part-time work, but were required to work full-time. A worker with primary education, who previously worked as a pig farmer and nanny in a kindergarten, has been appointed to the position of designer in the village club.”

THE above-mentioned Paul Joseph Goebbels is erroneously credited with the phrase: “When I hear the word ‘culture,’ I grab my gun.” In fact, it is pronounced by the hero of the play “Schlageter” by the German poet, playwright and National Socialist Hans Jost. At the premiere of the production in Berlin in 1933, the Reich Minister of Public Education and Propaganda Goebbels was personally present, who was very well-read person and in his youth he was fascinated by many writers, whose books in adulthood he ordered to be burned. The author of the play, after Hitler came to power, replaced the banned humanist writer Heinrich Mann as president of the Academy of German Culture, and also headed the Prussian State Theater. True, in 1949 he was found involved in Nazi crimes and sentenced to prison with confiscation of property.

Russian liberal “optimizers” are still far from such colorful figures as Aurelian, Goebbels and Jost, and their impressive career rises. However, some are quite close to their colleagues in “cultural administration” who have sunk into oblivion. Thus, the other day, the chief architect of Moscow, Sergei Kuznetsov, announced on the state TV channel “Russia K” (“Culture”) that a decision had been made to move part of the book depository of the Lenin Library to the territory of New Moscow, which has not yet been populated by professors and students. Thus, a huge layer of cultural, historical and scientific heritage of Russia will be successfully removed from everyday use to long years, if not forever.

Well, if a professor who miraculously survived suddenly has the urge to check some quote with the original source, then he will be able to order the book artifact he is interested in on the Internet. And if he has enough patience, he will wait until the requested book is delivered to him - in a week. You see, in about “twenty” years, citizens will no longer be interested in books at all, even professors. This is what the “optimizers” of culture of all times and peoples sought.


http://moskprf.ru Ilya SILVER. Pensioner.

As you know, 2015 has been declared the Year of Literature. But, unfortunately, it has not yet brought us truly positive events related to the promotion of the book to the masses. But he caused a lot of grief to bookworms.

EVERYONE remembers the horrific fire in the library of the Institute of Scientific Information on social sciences, which destroyed invaluable book treasures. I was deeply saddened by the death of the wonderful Russian Soviet writer Valentina Rasputina. I was amazed and outraged by the attack on book collections that has already entered the system: the destruction of capital and provincial libraries continues.

Against this gloomy background, a real event for me was a visit, together with my nine-year-old granddaughter, to the “Storytellers” exhibition, which opened at the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin in Moscow. In addition to aesthetic pleasure and warm memories associated with my childhood and the childhood of my children, the exhibition confirmed the validity of S.Ya. Marshak that every book for children has two authors: one is a writer, and the other is an artist. The artist E. Bulatov wrote about the same thing: in a book for young children, “illustrations play no less, and sometimes even a greater role, than the text.” Let me also remind you of the special role that painting and drawing play in introducing a child to reading and art.

The exhibition presents illustrations by artists E. Bulatov, V. Konashevich and O. Vasiliev (they worked in the same direction), as well as I. Kabakov and V. Pivovarov from private collections and from the museum’s collection. These are illustrations for the works of A.S. Pushkina, V.V. Mayakovsky, K.I. Chukovsky, S.Ya. Marshak, A.L. Barto, C. Perrault, G.H. Andersen, the Brothers Grimm, Russian, French, Chinese, Polish fairy tales, children's popular science literature...

I, a man of very advanced age, was especially pleased to see the drawings for S. Lagerlöf’s favorite book from childhood, “Nils’s Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese.” My granddaughter was happy with everything, and she, like me, enthusiastically photographed the drawings she liked the most. We were not alone in our enthusiasm: there were many visitors of all ages at the exhibition.

In this regard, an idea came to mind: why not organize a permanent exhibition of illustrations for children’s books in Moscow, presenting all the riches of this trend in publishing art. After all, in Soviet time Hundreds of excellent designers of these books worked. These are T. Mavrina, M. Miturich, L. Vladimirsky, K. Rotov, P. Bagin, V. Lebedev, E. Charushin, E. Rachev, F. Lemkul, Yu. Korovin, V. Kanevsky, A. Suteev, S. . Ostrov, V. Chizhikov, L. Tokmakov and many others, who collaborated with such giants as Children's Literature, Malysh, and numerous publishing houses throughout our vast Soviet country.

Looking at the book’s splendor, I asked myself the question: why in Soviet times, beautifully designed children’s books were published in editions of hundreds of thousands, or even millions of copies, were quite cheap and were available to almost every family, but now this is not the case? And he answered his own question: capitalism! The notorious “invisible” hand of the market regulated everything in such a way that it became more profitable to produce heavy, luxurious tomes, published in scanty editions and unaffordable for many families. In this regard, I fantasized: I wish I could place signs next to the books presented at the exhibition indicating the circulation and cost of these publications in Soviet times and the approximate price of the same books at their current cost, and even in relation to people’s incomes. By the way, we just had to admire two wonderful exhibition catalogs worth 1200 and 1700 rubles.

But, despite the grief I felt about this and some of the bitter thoughts that accompanied it, I would like to say thanks a lot organizers of this book festival. I recommend Muscovites and all guests of the capital to visit the exhibition “Storytellers” at the Pushkin Museum named after A.S. Pushkin. It will run until June 28.

The regional experience of Buryatia became the main topic of the issue in the leading magazine for managers in the field of culture and art. The article by the head of the department, candidate of sociological sciences, Timur Tsybikov on reforming the network of municipal cultural institutions of the Republic of Buryatia became “defining” in the first issue of the “Handbook of the head of a cultural institution” for 2013.

Experience in reforming the network of municipal cultural institutions of the Republic of Buryatia: options, methods, examples, results.

Adoption of Federal Law No. 83-FZ dated 05/08/2010 “On Amendments to Certain legislative acts Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of the legal status of state (municipal) institutions” affected the core levers of management in all sectors. The cultural sphere was no exception: the most important task within the framework of implementing the provisions of the Federal Law was the optimization of cultural institutions, including through consolidation and redistribution of powers. The mandatory choice by a cultural institution of one of three types of organization (autonomous, budgetary or state-owned), dictated by Law No. 83-FZ, was intended, first of all, to become a basic condition for the transition to new forms of financial support for the provision of services and the introduction of results-oriented budgeting methods.

In connection with the end of the transition period and the entry into force of Law No. 83-FZ on July 1, 2012, the analysis of the results of the reform becomes especially relevant. This article presents the experience of reforming the network of municipal cultural institutions of the Republic of Buryatia.

Characteristics of the cultural sector: the beginning of reform

The key task of preserving the network of cultural institutions faced by the cultural sector during the period of systemic transformation and formationnew farming system , in the Republic of Buryatia was resolved. At the municipal level, by the time the reform began, the following were working:

464 permanent cultural centers and clubs;

178 folk art groups with the titles “folk” and “exemplary”;

more than 3 thousand club formations, in which about 46 thousand people or 4.8% of the total population of the republic participated;

In addition to this, in In rural areas of the Republic of Buryatia, there were 472 libraries; the total coverage of the population with library services was 36.2%.

At the same time, a number of acute problems have accumulated in the cultural sphere at the municipal level.. Industry, traditionally focused on government financial support, turned out to be the least prepared for market conditions. Almost all cultural institutions needed financial resources for the acquisition of library collections, forreplacement of worn-outequipment and musical instruments, acquisition of modern organizationalmachinery and specialized technical equipment,stage and production tools. The infrastructure of cultural institutions in rural areas, formed in the last century, did not meet the needs of the population.

. Another component of the problem of municipal culture wasuncertainty of the organizational and legal status of cultural institutions in rural areas. By mid-2011, only 13.5% of the total number of institutions were registered as independent legal entities. Thus, the majority of rural cultural institutions did not have the status of a legal entity, and therefore, in the context of the new law, the right to receive budget funds, secure the property used and the land plots occupied. The creation of full-fledged institutions in all municipalities at the settlement level was actually impossible due to limited financial resources and a lack of personnel trained to meet the requirements.

By mid-2011, the majority of rural cultural institutions did not have the status of a legal entity, and therefore did not have the right to receive budget funds.

The solution to these problems was seen in a certain centralization of the activities of cultural institutions, concentration and integration of financial, personnel, property and material resources cultural institutions different types and levels.

The goal of reforming the network of municipal cultural institutions was precisely the integration of resources to ensure the effective operation of institutions as independent legal entities.

To create in the Republic of Buryatia optimal system provision of municipal services in the socio-cultural sphere were developed three reform options:

■ combining the resources of different types of cultural institutions within one public legal entity (creation of multifunctional centers);

■ transfer of powers in the field of culture from the settlement level to the district level;

■ creation of educational, cultural and sports complexes on the basis of secondary schools.

The reform options proposed to municipalities were developed on the basis of an analysis of regional experience, identifying the most viable and effective forms of activity of municipal cultural institutions that were already functioning as independent legal entities.

The choice of one or another reform option remained with the municipalities. When making decisions, they were guided by the possibilities, primarily financial, of rural or urban settlements to provide optimal conditions for the activities of cultural institutions. Let's consider these options one by one.

Pooling resources

The initial model for the first reform option was the positive experience of creating nine multifunctional centers in six regions of the Republic of Buryatia (Selenginsky, Zaigraevsky, Dzhidinsky, Kabansky, Mukhorshibirsky, Muisky). For example, the multifunctional autonomous institution joint venture “Novoselenginskoye” of the Selenginsky district was created from three rural libraries, one children’s library and three rural clubs(villages Novoselenginsk, Burgatai, Povorot); The autonomous institution “Center for Culture, Library Services and Sports” in Gusinoozersk was formed from three city libraries, the City Leisure and Sports Center “Russia”.

In September 2009, in the village of Selenginsk, Kabansky district, the creation of a municipal autonomous institution was initiated - the Zhemchuzhina cultural and leisure center based on combining the resources of the city and children's libraries, the Palace of Culture and the Sports Complex with a swimming pool. This reform option, aimed at centralizing the resources of different types of cultural institutions within one public legal entity, was recommended, first of all, for municipal cultural institutions located in relatively large settlements and urban districts.

The flowchart for creating a multifunctional center in the field of culture is presented in Figure 1.

Rice. 1. Flow diagram for creating a multifunctional center in the field of culture

The process of creating a multifunctional center can be represented as the following algorithm:

1. Adoption of a decision by the representative body of the municipal district on the creation of a multifunctional socio-cultural center.

2. Approval of the Charter, structure and staffing of the Center.

3. Formation of a municipal task for the provision of municipal services by the Center on the basis of the approved List of municipal services, financial standards and a list of quality standards for municipal services.

Transfer of powers to the district level

When developing the second reform option, the experience of the municipal formation “Severobaikalsky district” was used, where out of 10 rural settlements 8 transferred powers in the “Culture” sector to the district administration. According to the concluded agreements, the settlements were transferred, and the district administration accepted the authority to provide library services to the population; creating conditions for organizing leisure time, developing folk art and reviving folk crafts. Funding for the implementation of delegated powers was also transferred from the settlement level to the district level.

As a result of the transfer of powers in the field of culture in this region, rural clubs and libraries of settlements were united into 6 single centers, which made it possible to concentrate limited financial resources, material, technical and human resources and begin to create multifunctional cultural centers at the district level. Taking into account the fact that the practice of transferring powers from settlements to the level of municipal districts is a fairly widespread and effective mechanism for implementing local government reform in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, this reform option was considered the most justified for the majority of municipal cultural institutions.

The option of transferring powers to the district level was considered the most justified for the majority of municipal cultural institutions.

Flowchart for implementing the second reform option in accordance with clause 4 of Art. 15 of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On general principles organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation” and the Charter of the municipality provides for the following organizational measures presented in Figure 2.

Rice. 2. Scheme for implementing the second option for reforming the cultural sector

The process can be represented as the following algorithm of actions:

1. Adoption of the Decision of the representative body of the settlement on the transfer of part of the settlement’s powers in the field of culture to the level of the municipal district for a certain period (Appendix 1).

2. Adoption of the Decision of the representative body of the municipal district on the implementation of part of the powers in the field of culture of urban and rural settlements for a certain period (Appendix 2).

3. In pursuance of the above decisions of representative bodies, the following actions are carried out:

■ an Agreement is signed between the Administration of the settlement and the Administration of the municipal district (Appendix 3);

■ the municipal district receives funds in the form of subventions necessary to fulfill the delegated powers of the settlement;

■ funds are taken into account in the decision on the budget of the settlement and municipal district according to the corresponding budget classification codes.

4. Agreements are concluded for the transfer for free use of material and technical assets of cultural institutions in rural settlements;

5. Changes are being made to the following municipal legal acts:

■ Charter, structure and staffing table cultural institutions of the municipal district;

■ a list of municipal services (works) provided (performed) by municipal cultural institutions of a certain municipal district of the Republic of Buryatia, in which the municipal task is located, carried out at the expense of the municipal budget;

■ a list of quality standards for municipal services (work) provided (performed) by municipal cultural institutions of a given municipal district;

■ minimum financial standard for the provision of municipal services (work) by municipal cultural institutions of a given municipal district.

6. Formation of a municipal task by cultural institutions of a given municipal district in terms of fulfilling powers transferred from the level of a rural settlement.

Creation of school-based complexes

The creation of educational, cultural and sports complexes (hereinafter - OKSC) on the basis of secondary schools provides for the transfer of powers and the unification of institutions of various departmental affiliations. This model is administrative in nature, as it involves the transfer to the school of cultural and sports workers’ positions, as well as the necessary material and technical base. In addition, when forming a municipal task, the school must reflect the order for the provision of not only educational services, but also culture and sports, with calculations of standards and the cost of these services. Expenses for the provision of services by OKS in the field of culture and sports are marked in the total volume of allocated subsidies for the implementation of municipal tasks.

When implementing the project to create OKSK, by order of the Government of the Republic of Buryatia dated July 27, 2010 No. 467, a pilot area was determined. It became the Dzhidinsky district of the Republic of Buryatia. In rural settlements. Armak and s. Two educational, cultural and sports complexes were created in Upper Ichetui. Agreements were adopted between the administrations of the Armakskoye joint venture, the Verkhne-Ichetuyskoye joint venture and the Administration of the Dzhidinsky District municipality on the transfer of powers for culture and library services to the population.

At the disposal of the Government of the Republic of Buryatia, a pilot area was identified for the implementation of the project to create OKSK.

In accordance with the amendments to constituent documents educational institutions(Charter) for the material and technical support of cultural centers and rural libraries were transferred by the Administrations of rural settlements on the basis of a free use agreement to municipal educational institutions.

The creation of OKSK turned out to be especially effective in small settlements.

This integration option has proven to be especially effective in small settlements.

Let us consider the possibilities of unification using specific examples of pilot settlements.

In the rural settlement of “Armak” the school is located in a standard building, where there are sports, assembly and small tennis halls, a canteen, a library, a periodicals room, a museum, game Zone. Given fairly good material conditions, the school is characterized by low enrollment and poor organization of additional education for children. In a small school with a design capacity of 306 students, 73 students study.

In the joint venture “Verkhne-Ichetuyskoe” On the contrary, there is a well-equipped and in demand cultural center, and the material and technical base of the school needs to be improved. It is in such cases that cooperation and integration of secondary schools and institutions that implement programs of additional education, cultural, leisure, sports and health care seem appropriate.

Note that Armaksky and Ichetuisky, as pilot educational, cultural and sports complexes, received an additional 2.5 million rubles from the republican budget. to strengthen the material and technical base. These funds were used to purchase equipment for the library, concert hall, theater seats, lighting equipment, musical instruments, for the creation of studios, rural service and information centers, as well as for the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological measures (repair of shower rooms, heating mains, sewers), purchase of equipment for training and production workshops, catering units, multimedia technology.

Strengthening the material and technical base of the club and library made it possible to create the necessary conditions for organizing additional education for school students, cultural, leisure and information and library services for residents of the settlement.

Rice. 3. Flowchart of the process of creating OKSK

Algorithm for creating OKSK (Figure 3) consists of the following steps.

Step 1:making a decision of a municipal district and rural settlement on the creation of OKSK.

Step 2:adoption of the Agreement on the transfer of powers by rural settlements, in terms of culture and sports, to the district Administration (Article 8 of Law No. 131-FZ). The regulatory framework for the adoption of this agreement provides for the participation of elected bodies at different levels, so the adoption of the agreement is a rather lengthy process.

Step 3:on the basis of Law No. 83-FZ, the type of an existing municipal educational institution is changed to an autonomous or budgetary institution of a new type . Accordingly, a transition is being made from estimated financing to financing based on municipal assignments.

In order to implement the model of creating OKSK on the basis of an educational institution it is necessary to amend the following sections of the Charter:

■ “Goals, objectives and subject matter of the school”;

■ “Main characteristics of the educational process”;

■ “Structure of the financial and economic activities of the school.”

The Governing Council will have an important role in the management of the OKSK, and therefore the Charter provides for the mandatory inclusion of representatives of culture and sports in the Council.

Step 4: introduction into the staffing table of an educational institution of additional positions for heads of structural units that were transferred to the school by agreement. Among them:

■ Deputy Director for Sports;

■ Deputy Director for Culture;

■ Deputy Director for Information Support.

One of the important aspects of the creation of OKSK is the formation of a municipal task.

The procedure for forming a municipal assignment was defined as follows:

1) analysis of the capabilities of the educational institution;

2) formation of a list of services provided by the educational institution, including: organization and conduct of various cultural, sports and other leisure events; provision of library services, gym, office equipment.

When calculating the financial support of the municipal task, the following were taken into account:

■ standards (requirements, conditions) for the provision of educational, cultural and sports services;

■ determining the cost of services (financing standards);

■ expenses for the development of the institution, approved by the relevant programs.

It should be noted that indicators of the volume and quality of the municipal task are the indicators of the Programs for the socio-economic development of the region and the republic in the sections “Education”, “Culture”, “Physical culture and sports”.

The main results of the creation of OKSK in the republic , How integrated complex on the basis of a general education institution are:

■ the emergence of mechanisms for effective interaction between institutions of different departmental subordination;

■ integration of resources of institutions located in rural areas;

■ optimization of maintenance costs (for Armak OKSK alone, savings from reducing maintenance costs amount to about 100 thousand rubles per year);

■ growth of positive motivation of students to learn by improving conditions for identifying and realizing individual abilities and interests of schoolchildren.

Results of the transformations

As a result of the reform, by September 1, 2012, work was carried out to integrate and optimize 644 municipal cultural institutions (cultural and leisure institutions and libraries), including 378 institutions united within one public legal entity; powers to ensure the activities of 262 institutions were transferred from the rural settlement level to the district level, and 4 institutions became part of educational, cultural and sports complexes.

The reform took place:

■ mainly according to the first option in 8 municipal districts;

■ mainly according to the second option in 5 districts;

■ according to the third option in two rural settlements of the pilot (Dzhidinsky) district.

At the same time, reform tasks related to the viability of cultural institutions that perform a socially significant function in rural areas have remained completely unresolved in a number of areas. For 246 cultural institutions, no measures have been taken on the proposed reform options. Moreover, some cultural institutions are included in the administration of rural settlements. Thus, they completely lost their independence in resolving their financial and personnel issues. Accordingly, in the future they will not be interested in increasing the volume of municipal services and increasing their own income. These institutions will not be able to apply for state support and be applicants for grants and competitive programs of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia, since legally they are not cultural institutions.

Since the actual results of the reform of the network of municipal cultural institutions - a necessary component of a qualitative change in the state of culture in rural areas - are directly dependent on the work of the executive power in the regions, then on the part of the heads of administrations municipalities it is necessary to strengthen control over the progress of reform, as well as carry out constant monitoring.

As of September 1, 2012, out of 413 municipal cultural institutions of the Republic of Buryatia, 208 institutions or 50.3% were registered as independent legal entities. Of these, 162 new type budgetary institutions, 41 autonomous institutions and 5 state institutions were created.

All fears associated with a possible large-scale reduction in the number and network of municipal cultural institutions were unfounded. Carrying out measures to optimize and integrate cultural institutions cannot be understood as closing institutions. As a result of the reform, network cultural units remained virtually unchanged.

Carrying out measures to optimize and integrate cultural institutions cannot be understood as closing institutions.

The number of staff units was reduced from 2766.2 to 2708.7 units, or by only 2% (mainly administrative, managerial and support personnel who were removed from the staff), including in cultural and leisure institutions, the staff number decreased from 1984.6 units to 1939.7 (2%), and in municipal libraries ah - from 781.7 units to 763.5 (2%).

The main performance indicators of institutions have been preserved and, moreover, increased. Thus, the growth rate of the volume of paid services for the 1st half of 2012 amounted to 120%, the indicators of book lending of municipal libraries increased from 2334 thousand copies. in the 1st quarter of 2012 to 4894 thousand copies. in the 2nd quarter of 2012 or by 209.7%. The ratio of population attendance at paid cultural and leisure events held by municipal cultural institutions was achieved by 101.8% of the planned values ​​​​set for the first half of the current year.

Of course, it is too early to talk about the completion of the process of reforming the network of municipal cultural institutions. It will be possible to generalize the experience of operating models of cultural institutions and sum up the final results of the reform no earlier than mid-2013.

T.G. Tsybikov,

Minister of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia, Ph.D. sociol. sciences,

D.Ts. Boronoeva,

Leading specialist-expert of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia, Ph.D. ist. sciences

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Dissertation - 480 RUR, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

Frolova Anna Sergeevna. INTEGRATION OF THE ACTIVITIES OF RURAL CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS AS A FACTOR IN OPTIMIZING THE POPULATION’S LEISURE: dissertation... Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.05 / Frolova Anna Sergeevna; [Place of defense: Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture], 2017.- 249 p.


Chapter I. Theoretical and methodological foundations for integrating the activities of municipal cultural institutions as a factor in optimizing the leisure time of the rural population 22

1.1. Socio-cultural conditions, historical experience and the essence of integrating the activities of rural cultural institutions in the context of optimizing the leisure of the population 22

1.2. Theory and experience of optimizing the leisure of the population in the conditions of integration of the core activities of rural cultural institutions 48

1.3. Pedagogical potential of the work of rural clubs, museums, libraries as the basis for the integration of their activities 65

Chapter II. Development and experimental testing of a model for integrating the activities of rural cultural institutions to optimize the leisure time of the population 91

2.1. Model and criteria for integration interaction of rural municipal cultural institutions to optimize the leisure time of the population 91

2.2. Analysis of the practice of integrating the activities of rural cultural institutions in Russian regions 106

2.3. Pilot study of the integration of the activities of rural cultural institutions in the Altai Territory 128

Conclusion 153

List of accepted abbreviations 165

References 166

Introduction to the work

The relevance of research. The problem of optimizing the leisure time of the rural population and ways to solve it in the modern socio-cultural situation are determined by a number of factors, including: the implementation of local government reform on the basis of Federal Law 131-FZ “ "(2003). One of the negative consequences of the reform was a reduction in the number of cultural institutions at the municipal level, operating including in rural areas (M. B. Abramova, I. M. Vetlitsina, E. L. Ignatieva, etc.). Another factor that has had a significant impact on the processes of organizing modern organized leisure in rural areas and its qualitative characteristics is the reorientation of leisure interests and demands of young residents of domestic rural areas in the direction of widely promoted means mass media and the Internet of foreign cultural samples and models of leisure behavior of a predominantly “Western” format (S. N. Gorushkina, L. V. Dukacheva, I. V. Kiriya, etc.). The third factor was the mass “domestication” of leisure time for rural residents, noted by domestic sociologists and specialists in the field of theory of socio-cultural activity (G. G. Voloshchenko and others). A typical modern villager gives preference to leisure activities at home, without showing sustained interest in leisure activities offered by local cultural institutions. A natural consequence is the outflow of visitors from cultural institutions operating in rural areas, which often has a negative impact on the formation of developing leisure behavior of rural residents.

In this regard, the issues of finding ways to increase the efficiency of cultural institutions, among which the most typical for rural areas, due to their quantitative prevalence, are the historically established types of domestic organizational structures for cultural purposes: club-type institutions, libraries and museums that are part of the territorial complex of cultural services for rural population of modern Russia.

Text " Fundamentals of state cultural policy"(December 2014) records the need of modern Russian society to “preserve the existing network of cultural organizations, create conditions for their development, and their mastery of new technologies of cultural activity”; notes the importance of “strengthening the role of such cultural organizations as a museum, library... House of Culture in the matter of historical and cultural education and training.” The document declares the public need for “development of infrastructure for cultural activities, creation of favorable cultural environment in... rural settlements", the need to "create legislative, organizational and financial mechanisms for the development... of intermunicipal cultural cooperation and interaction."

At the federal and regional levels, this need of society and the state regarding the development of the sphere of culture and leisure in modern stage reflected in the texts of federal target programs “ " (2002) and " "(2013), as well as in the text of the state regional program " Sustainable development of rural areas Altai Territory for 2012–2020."(2011).

An analysis of the practice of the statutory activities of rural cultural institutions allows us to discover that in conditions of a small number of employees and limited material and technical resources, cultural institutions - through regular partner contacts, gradually taking on the form of integrating activities - successfully solve the problem of improving the organized leisure of rural residents, ensure that leisure time is filled with valuable pedagogical developmental and recreational content. This trend constitutes a worthy alternative to the destructive leisure practices of villagers, which can be reduced, for example, to excessive alcohol consumption (especially on holidays), committing illegal acts, systematic passive relaxation while watching television, and mindless imitation of patterns of “standard”, fashionable leisure.

In connection with the above, the topic of the dissertation research seems relevant. Its significance is justified by the need to search pedagogical paths and modern ways of solving it in theory, methodology and organization of socio-cultural activities. Organizational and pedagogical possibilities for integrating the activities of rural cultural institutions can be considered as a factor, i.e., the reason and driving force for optimizing the leisure time of the rural population, determining the nature of this optimization, however, in the theory and practice of socio-cultural activities, this problem currently cannot be classified as deeply meaningful and thoroughly worked out.

Degree of scientific development of the problem. An analysis of the state of development of the problem allows us to state the presence of a certain number of scientific works of domestic researchers, in various aspects revealing the issues of reforming the management system of Russian rural territories and the issues of administering the activities of rural cultural institutions in post-reform conditions (T. V. Abankina, M. B. Abramova, R. Babun, A. A. Vasiliev, M. R. Zazulina, E. L. Ignatieva, N. Maksimova, E. V. Maksimova, S. V. Shvartseva, E. L. Shekova, etc.). In our research, we relied on theoretical principles and conclusions set out in the works of domestic sociologists devoted to the problems of the quality of life of the population (including rural), the dynamics of development of the social sphere of regions, rural municipalities (V.N. Bobkov, E.V. Bocharova, I. N. Buzdalov, A. V. Vorontsov, S. I. Grigoriev, P. S. Maslovsky-Mstislavsky, V. A. Pa-tsiorkovsky, V. I. Staroverov, A. Ya. Trotskovsky, A. A. Khagurov and others).

Of significant importance for the development of certain aspects of the research topic were the works of scientists, which touch on the issues of preserving and developing the infrastructure of the socio-cultural sphere (T. V. Abankina, M. B. Avramova, E. S. Grinfeld, Yu. A. Shubin, etc. .); scientific works in which attempts are made to search and fix the boundaries of core activities modern club, library and museum (V. Vikulova, T. V. Galkina, A. Yu. Gil, M. Ya. Dvorkina, I. N. Donina, T. A. Zhdanova, T. A. Lovkova, Z. V. Russak and etc.); as well as studies concerning modern forms of interaction between rural cultural institutions (T. F. Berestova, A. D. Zharkov, L. S. Zharkova, L. V. Sokolskaya, Z. V. Russak, M. N. Tishchenko, M. G. Khugaeva and many others). In this regard, we were interested in both modern approaches of practicing managers to organizing processes of inter-institutional interaction (T. Abramova, V. Avetisyan, N. O. Androsova, E. L. Babiy, T. Kuznetsova, T. Kyapyanova, etc.), and and works of a theoretical nature that reveal issues of the formation of a cultural environment for personal development (T. A. Zhdanova, A. S. Kondykov, L. V. Sekretova, S. B. Sinetsky, etc.), the organization of cultural services for the rural population, creation cultural space of rural settlements (I. M. Vetlitsina, L. A. Klaven, Ya. I. Mozelova, I. E. Chestnodumov, etc.). In addition, for our research it is important historical aspect integration of the activities of cultural institutions, namely: the spread of rural cultural and sports complexes in our country (V.I. Rybalka and others) and, in particular, in Altai in the 1980s. (A. Prokhozhev, G. Ryzhkova, S. G. Sizov, T. Solyanova, etc.).

Exploring the process of optimizing the leisure of the rural population and its connection with the integration of the activities of rural cultural institutions, we relied on data from multi-scale sociological studies obtained by scientists specializing in the study of the cultural interests and demands of residents of a modern Russian village (G. G. Voloshchenko, M. K. Gorshkov , S. N. Gorushkina, L. V. Dukacheva, I. V. Kiriya, N. E. Likhachev, etc.). Also significant are the works of specialists in the field of the theory of socio-cultural activity concerning the nature, functions, typology of leisure (G. A. Avanesova, Yu. A. Streltsov, etc.), leisure pedagogy (A. F. Volovik, V. A. Volovik, V.D. Ponomarev, etc.), features of leisure activities and leisure behavior of various categories of the population (A.V. Sokolov, V.V. Medvedenko, G.V. Olenina, etc.), a complex of socio-cultural technologies ( Yu. D. Krasilnikov, E. I. Grigorieva, etc.) as a modern tool for the formation and development of organized leisure for the population.

The problem of partnership, complex forms of interaction between cultural institutions in rural areas is outlined in the works of T. V. Bezuglova, L. K. Blyudova, V. Vikulova, L. Boytsova, S. N. Gorushkina, Yu. A. Demchenko, L. A. Dmitrieva , T. B. Lovkova, E. V. Miroshnichenko, Ya. I. Mozelova, O. Yu. Murashko, M. N. Osipova and many others. etc. In our scientific work important had dissertation research materials on the issues of integrating the activities of cultural institutions, belonging to scientists specializing in the field of theory, methodology and organization of socio-cultural activities: in particular, the works of V. I. Solodukhin, L. V. Sekretova; The dissertation work of D. V. Shamsutdinova, which sets out the concept of leisure activities as a factor in the socio-cultural integration of the individual, also became important.

In the research of foreign experts, modern problems of cooperation between clubs, libraries and museums are reflected in the publications of B. Ostby (Birger 0stby), M. Chute (Mary L. Chute) A. Yarrow (Alexandra Yarrow) and etc.

Analysis of the degree of scientific development of the problem revealed the following contradictions concerning the process of optimizing the leisure of the rural population based on the integration of the activities of multidisciplinary cultural institutions subordinate to municipal authorities at the district or village levels:

an increased need for the development of infrastructure for cultural and leisure activities, for the creation of comfortable conditions for strengthening the role of such cultural organizations as a club, library and museum, where an adequate way to satisfy this need can be the establishment of integration relationships between them, and the weak development of the theoretical foundations of the process of integration of activities these types of rural cultural institutions, as well as the lack practical recommendations implementation of the results of integration into the work of rural cultural institutions.

awareness of pedagogically unsatisfactory results, as well as the low quality and insufficient quantity of cultural and leisure programs organized in conditions of practice of disconnected functioning - i.e. exclusively by independent forces - rural clubs, libraries and museums and the insufficient development of organizational and pedagogical methods and mechanisms for integrating the activities of these institutions, which contribute to the optimization of organized leisure for residents of rural areas;

the need of the municipal sector of culture and leisure for optimal forms of cultural and leisure activities, various types of leisure, especially in the developmental and recreational variety of leisure behavior of the rural population and the insufficient development of new, adequate pedagogical approaches to solving this problem, associated, in particular, with integration of the activities of rural cultural institutions, in the theory and practice of socio-cultural activities.

These contradictions made it possible to formulate research problem, which lies in the need to substantiate, develop and implement in an organized manner in rural cultural institutions pedagogical process new ways and means of optimizing the leisure of the population related to the integration of their activities.

The problem defined the following formulation research topics: “Integration of the activities of rural cultural institutions as a factor in optimizing the leisure of the population.”

Purpose of the study: theoretically substantiate and experimentally prove the effectiveness of integrating the activities of rural cultural institutions as a factor in optimizing the leisure of the population.

Object of study optimization of organized leisure time for the rural population in cultural institutions is advocated.

Subject of research is the organizational and pedagogical process of integrating the activities of rural cultural institutions as a factor (i.e. the driving force and reason) for optimizing the organized leisure of the rural population.

During the research, the following was put forward hypothesis: optimization of leisure time for rural residents, organized subject to the integration of the activities of cultural institutions, will be effective if the following positions are implemented:

considering the process of optimizing the leisure of villagers and the process of integrating the activities of rural cultural institutions as two interrelated processes, where one process - integration, is the driving force and cause of another process - optimizing the leisure of the rural population;

understanding modern rural institutions of the socio-cultural sphere (club, library and museum profiles), which are institutionalized subjects of organizing leisure time for the rural population, as needing the development of integration relationships;

research of theoretical and methodological foundations, modeling and experimental testing of a model for integrating the activities of rural institutions operating in the municipal sector of the cultural sector, which will entail the optimization of organized leisure time for villagers, i.e. will improve its quantitative and qualitative characteristics according to certain criteria.

The purpose and hypothesis of the study determined it tasks:

explore socio-cultural conditions, historical experience and determine the essence of integration of the activities of rural cultural institutions in the context of the need to optimize the leisure time of villagers;

analyze the theory and practice of optimizing leisure time for the population of rural municipalities in the conditions of integration of the activities of diverse cultural institutions operating in rural areas;

to identify the common pedagogical potential of the work of rural club, library and museum institutions as a basis for the integration of their activities;

develop a model and criteria for the integration interaction of cultural institutions to optimize the leisure of the rural community;

The interdisciplinary nature of the research determines the reliance on the achievements of various areas of social and humanitarian knowledge, which is why theoretical and methodological basis of the study are:

on philosophical level: the philosophical and philosophical-pedagogical meaning of the concept “factor” as “manifestations of cause-and-effect relationships and the driving force in the development of a process that determine its character or individual features” (R.V. Ryvkina, I.B. Lebedeva); philosophy of process (P. P. Gaidenko); the structure of human activity within the framework of a systems approach (M. S. Kagan); philosophical idea about the phases or levels of leisure (E.V. Dobrinskaya, E.V. Sokolov) as the basis for the development of a typology and classification of types of leisure and leisure activities of a person.

on general scientific level: research of the phenomenon of partnership, integration of various types of cultural institutions, interpenetration of forms of activity of a club and a museum, a museum and a library, a library and a club (E. M. Akulich, S. N. Gorushkina, Z. V. Russak, M. Ya. Dvorki -na, Yu. A. Demchenko, T. B. Lovkova, E. V. Miroshnichenko, O. Yu. Murashko, L. V. Sokolskaya, etc.); transformation of the cultural sphere in connection with the reform of local self-government (M. B. Abramova, G. N. Butyrin, A. A. Vasiliev, I. M. Vetlitsina, S. I. Grigoriev, E. S. Grinfeld, E. M. Zezeka, N. E. Likhachev, etc.); historical, cultural and sociological analysis of leisure (G. G. Voloshchenko, M. K. Gorshkov and others); problems of modern museum, library and club pedagogy (T. V. Galkina, A. F. Volovik, V. A. Volovik, E. P. Mandebura, B. A. Stolyarov, I. I. Tikhomirova, L. N. Shekhovskaya and etc.); qualimetric approach in pedagogy, which makes it possible to develop representative methods for measuring the results of a pedagogical experiment (I.K. Shalaev).

On specifically scientific level: institutional approach to the classification of institutions and institutions of the socio-cultural sphere (M. A. Ariarsky, A. V. Sokolov): determination of the functional and purposeful purpose of various types of cultural institutions in post-reform socio-economic conditions (A. D. Zharkov, L . S. Zharkova, V. M. Chizhikov); the idea of ​​paradoxical leisure activities modern man(Yu. A. Streltsov), which defines pedagogical approaches to the organization of developmental leisure, resisting spontaneous personality-destructive leisure behavior (A. V. Sokolov); socio-cultural approach to the integration of the individual in the system of leisure activities (D. V. Shamsut-dinova), development of integration processes in the socio-cultural sphere (V. I. Solodukhin); the idea of ​​the developing essence of technologies, forms, programs, projects of cultural, leisure and socio-cultural activities of various categories of the population (E. I. Grigorieva, T. G. Kiseleva, Yu. D. Krasilnikov, G. V. Olenina, etc.) ; interpretation of the effectiveness of socio-cultural activities (V. M. Ryabkov).

The dissertation research used the following complex methods theoretical nature: theoretical analysis and generalization scientific literature philosophical, sociological content, scientific and professional press materials devoted to various issues from the fields of theory of socio-cultural activity, library science and museology by domestic and foreign authors.

Among the methods of empirical level, the dissertation research involved: analysis of published and unpublished documents of rural cultural institutions, expert survey (with elements of in-depth interview), focus group discussion, method of mapping microsociety problems, modeling, pedagogical experiment.

Information base research amounted to: federal target program " Social development of the village until 2013" (2002), federal target program " Sustainable development of rural areas for 2014–2017 and for the period until 2020" (2013), Fundamentals of state cultural policy (2014), Action Plan ("road map") " Changes in social sectors aimed at increasing the efficiency of the cultural sector" (2012), federal laws 131-FZ " On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation" (2003), 83-FZ " On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of the legal status of state (municipal) institutions" (2010), industry laws 54-FZ " About the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and museums of the Russian Federation" (1996), 78-FZ " About librarianship"(1994), etc.

Basic experimental base The ascertaining stage of the study was performed by 206 domestic rural cultural institutions (including from the Volga, North-Western, Siberian, Central and Ural federal districts Russia). The experimental base for the formative stage of the research work was nine cultural institutions, clubs, libraries and museums included in the experimental group, operating in three rural municipal districts of the Altai Territory: Pavlovsky, Smolensky and Kosikhinsky, as well as six cultural institutions (clubs, museums and libraries ) Zonal and Biysk districts of the Altai Territory, included in the control group. In total, 229 managers and employees of rural cultural institutions and 90 village residents took part in the experiment.

The study was carried out over several stages(from 2010 to 2016).

On first stage(2010–2011) based on the study of scientific, professional literature from various fields of social and humanitarian knowledge - the theory of socio-cultural and cultural-leisure activities, library science and museology - a theoretical understanding of the essence of integration processes in the system of activities of socio-cultural institutions was undertaken spheres operating within the boundaries of a modern rural settlement, from the standpoint of several scientific approaches (phenomenological, institutional, pedagogical, etc.).

On second stage(2012–2015) selection of research tools took place (preparation, examination, “piloting” and adjustment of all units of the document-7 complex

detailed support for field research: questionnaire, interview plan and focus group discussion, registration cards, observation diary, protocols, etc.); a series of scientific expeditions were undertaken to rural areas of the Altai Territory (Biysky, Zonal, Smolensky, Pavlovsky, etc.).

Third stage(2015–2016) became the final one: the processing of data obtained during an expert survey, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, a pedagogical experiment was carried out, comprehension and generalization of the results of research work, formulation of conclusions and design of a dissertation test.

Scientific novelty research is as follows:

    the socio-cultural conditions and essence of integration of the activities of rural cultural institutions are determined in connection with the problem of optimizing the leisure of the rural population; It has been established that the solution to this problem requires the integration of the activities of multidisciplinary cultural institutions, which consists in the systematic cooperation of these organizational structures to create joint cultural and leisure programs that are attractive to villagers, increasing the developmental and recreational potential of organized leisure, which contributes to the sustainable development of rural cultural institutions as subjects of organized leisure residents of a modern village;

    given a brief description of nature, character, functional-purpose content and typology of leisure, an analysis of the preferences of the rural population of certain types of leisure is presented; It has been established that the most significant place in library and museum work is given to forms of educational and educational types of leisure, while club work is characterized by the organization of forms of entertainment, entertainment and artistic and creative types of leisure;

    a correlation has been identified between the essential functions, principles and goals of the core activities of club, library and museum institutions as pedagogical systems, their orientation in practical work towards the main goals of pedagogically organized leisure (development, recreation, entertainment) of their audiences; this allows the club, library and museum to successfully practice jointly organized programs without violating the specific, “industry” functions of the core activities of each of these types of institutions;

    a pedagogical model has been developed for organizing the integration interaction of rural cultural institutions, the most typical of which are a club, a library and a museum, showing the process of optimizing the leisure of the rural population; the model includes reasons, external and internal goals, mechanisms, principles, human resources of integrity, a coordinating body as an internal subject of managing the integration process, assessment of the effectiveness of this process based on certain criteria;

    the levels and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the integration interaction of rural cultural institutions - clubs, libraries and museums - have been determined and tested; The content of the criteria are indicators of quantitative and qualitative signs of optimizing the organized leisure of village residents in accordance with the criteria for integration interaction of cultural institutions (source of initiative for integration interaction, frequency, systematicity, coincidence of goals of integration contacts).

The theoretical significance of the dissertation research is as follows: 1) the theory of socio-cultural activity is supplemented due to the definition of the concept “integration of the activities of rural cultural institutions” developed in the study, which is understood as a method of implementing their partnership interaction that has a historical tradition, characterized by a voluntary, systematic pooling of resources and professional efforts of staff of various institutions (club, library, museum) to create joint modern cultural and leisure programs that are attractive to the rural population and solve pedagogical problems in the field of leisure; integration helps to improve the quality and increase the number of such programs, and also helps to stabilize the processes of implementing the statutory activities of rural cultural institutions;

    a pedagogical model for organizing the integration interaction of the most typical cultural institutions for rural areas (club, library and museum) has been developed in order to optimize the leisure time of rural residents; the model is the author’s version of a conceptual and theoretical solution to this problem based on the use of systemic and process approaches, goal-setting methodology, and the principle of subjectivity to determine the source of initiative for the development of integration processes;

    An analysis and evaluation of the pedagogical experiment is proposed, which allows us to assert that the pedagogical model and the criteria for its implementation are adequate to the problem being solved and are theoretical methods for proving the effectiveness of integrating the activities of rural cultural institutions as a factor in optimizing the leisure time of the rural population.

The practical significance of the dissertation research lies in the fact that the conclusions formulated in it have found and may in the future find their practical application in the work of rural cultural institutions, as well as structural divisions of village and district administrations that manage the activities of these institutions. Familiarization with the research materials will be useful for specialists providing analytical, methodological, educational, informational, etc. support for the activities of municipal rural cultural institutions, as well as for specialists whose activities are related to the processes of development and promotion of socio-cultural projects, with teaching the fundamentals of social technology -cultural design at advanced training courses for employees of cultural institutions. The results of the dissertation research are important for teachers of universities and colleges who manage the process of training personnel for institutions of cultural and leisure, library and museum profiles, and can be included in the content of academic disciplines taught in higher education (for example, “Fundamentals of cultural policy”, “Innovation methodological activities of libraries”, “Management of socio-cultural activities”, “Management of library and information activities”, “Management of museum affairs”, “Regional library (museum) work”, “Social work in various fields life activity”, etc.).

Reliability and validity the results obtained during the study are ensured by the correctness of the initial theoretical and methodological positions; a body of methods adequate to the purpose, objectives and hypothesis of the study; experimental testing of the hypothesis and its confirmation; the reliability of the statistical data used, the use of mathematical methods for processing experimental data.

Provisions for defense:

1. In modern difficult situation associated with transformation (commercialization,
liberalization, “Westernization”) of the public sector of culture, as a result
implementation of local government reform in the practice of rural cultural institutions
tours, an integration of their activities arose, which is a process that appeared in
socio-cultural sphere of rural areas in response, on the one hand, to the destructive
the nature of the cultural and economic situation associated with the post-reform reduction
networks of cultural institutions as an infrastructure base for organized leisure, on the other hand
ron, with changes in leisure preferences and the “domestication” of unorganized leisure
hectares of villagers, which reduces the pedagogical recreational and developmental potential of leisure, organic
called by the forces of cultural institutions. Cultural institutions problem solving opti
mization of leisure of the rural population, integration associated with systematic
joining efforts to create modern, attractive for the population, pedagogical
skiy meaningful cultural and leisure programs, jointly organized by various industries
cultural institutions (club, library, museum), which contributes to sustainable
development of rural cultural institutions operating in conditions
yah shortage of material, technical, financial and human resources, as well as increasing
quality of leisure time for villagers.

2. Organized leisure time for the population of modern rural areas requires optimal
tion, which means the improvement of its qualitative characteristics on the basis

newly defined criteria. Due to the paradoxical nature of the phenomenon of leisure, the complexity of the pedagogical influence on the leisure behavior of the individual and social communities, to implement the recreational and developmental orientation of organized leisure of the rural population, taking into account the characteristics of the leisure preferences of rural residents, their lifestyle, the nature of physical labor, low level of solvency, it is necessary to integrate the activities of rural cultural institutions, namely the club, library and museum, as historically established subjects of organized leisure of the population; this will help ensure not only an increase in the number of cultural and leisure programs, but also improve their quality, make the organized leisure of villagers attractive and more diverse through the integration of forms of informational and educational types of leisure, traditionally inherent mainly in libraries and museums, and forms of entertainment and entertainment and artistic and creative types of leisure, which are largely characteristic of the club’s work.

    The integration interaction of rural cultural institutions does not essentially contradict the goals, functions and principles of the core activities of each of the most common types of cultural institutions in rural areas (club, library or museum), since within the framework of their sectoral theories, at the theoretical and methodological level, these institutions are conceptualized in the status full-fledged pedagogical systems that form and develop (each in its own degree) informational, educational, creative, communicative, recreational leisure needs and interests of their audiences in accordance with the principles of leisure pedagogy. At the level of practice, the integration process can be considered as an organizational and pedagogical mechanism for combining the pedagogical potentials of multidisciplinary cultural institutions of a rural municipality with the aim of organizing high-quality, diverse, developing leisure for the population, the artistic, entertainment, gaming, creative and amateur forms of which, being inherent only to the club, in modern situations through integration widely penetrate into the activities of museums and libraries.

    In order for the integration process to be effective, it is necessary to develop and experimentally test a pedagogical model, criteria and levels of organization of integration interaction of rural cultural institutions, on the basis of which in the Siberian region it was possible to establish that integration is: 1) the reason for optimizing the leisure time organized by these institutions population, since in those areas of the Altai Territory where facts of integration have not been recorded, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of leisure have remained consistently low; 2) the driving force behind leisure optimization, since with the help of criteria and levels of the integration process the dynamics of leisure optimization indicators were identified. As a result of integration, the nature of organized leisure for the rural population has changed, namely: the qualitative and quantitative characteristics and attractiveness for the population of pedagogically oriented cultural and leisure programs developed through the joint efforts of rural clubs, libraries and museums have significantly improved. As a result of theoretical and experimental work, it was possible to prove that the integration of the activities of rural cultural institutions is a factor, i.e., the cause and driving force of organized leisure of the rural population, significantly improving the nature of leisure, increasing its efficiency.

Approbation of results research work was made during their discussion at international scientific, scientific-methodological and scientific-practical conferences (Westwood (Canada), 2015; Moscow, 2014; Barnaul, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016; Barnaul/Gorno-Altaisk, 2014); at conferences All-Russian level (Omsk, 2011; Tyumen, 2011; Barnaul/Novosibirsk, 2012; Barnaul, 2012, 2014, 2016); at conferences interregional level (Barnaul, 2012), etc.; as well as at scientific and practical conferences regional And urban levels (Barnaul, 2010–2015), etc. The results of the dissertation research were discussed at the department of social

cultural activities of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Altai State Institute of Culture" (Barnaul).

The main provisions, conclusions and recommendations of the dissertation research are presented in 18 publications, three of which are published in peer-reviewed scientific publications included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The research materials were introduced into the practice of cultural institutions of the administrative centers of three rural municipal districts of the Altai Territory, which formed the experimental group of the experimental base of the formative stage of research work: 1) Pavlovsk district: MBUK " District House of Culture "Youth"", MBUK " ", Remzavodsk settlement library-branch of MBUK " Pavlovsk intersettlement model library them. I. L. Shumilova", MBUK " Pavlovsk Historical and Art Museum named after. G. F. Borunova"; 2) Smolensk district: MBU " District House of Culture of the Smolensk region of the Altai Territory", SMUK " Smolensk Historical and Memorial Museum named after. A. P. Soboleva", MKU " Centralized library system Smolensk district of Altai Territory"; 3) Kosikhinsky district: MMBU " Kosikhinsky District House of Culture", MMBU " Kosikhinsky model memorial regional library named after R. I. Rozhdestvensky" and MBU " Kosikhinsky District Museum of Local Lore».

Dissertation structure includes an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of accepted abbreviations, a main list of references, including 194 titles and an additional list of references containing a description of 111 materials from Internet resources of local governments of municipal districts and rural settlements of the Altai Territory, their own web pages of rural cultural institutions and regional scientific and methodological services, 8 appendices, author's graphic material in the amount of 3 drawings, 23 tables and 11 diagrams.

Theory and experience of optimizing the leisure of the population in the conditions of integration of the core activities of rural cultural institutions

The share of the rural population in the total population of Russia is about 26% (approximately 38 million people according to Rosstat as of January 1, 2016). The scientific community shows significant interest in the specifics of the development of the domestic village, including the problems of organizing leisure time for villagers in the modern socio-cultural situation.

The authors of the fundamental encyclopedia “Sociology” (Moscow, 2003) propose to consider the “village” (in the broad sense) as “a socio-territorial community, a historically specific settlement structure, one of the first forms of settlement of people engaged primarily in agricultural labor, characterized in contrast from the city by a small concentration of population in a certain area." Sociologists, considering the village as social system, note that the village “plays a subordinate role in relation to the city, life activity in it is determined by natural cycles, it is distinguished by relatively difficult working conditions due to its low power supply, less developed social infrastructure, and worse conditions for cultural development and leisure activities.”

On the one hand, the specific features of peasant (and emphatically oppositional urban) culture, according to scientists, include: “internal cohesion of the rural community; …preservation of traditions, customs of antiquity, high specific gravity collective activities during working and free time; working lifestyle, ... the predominance of moral regulators of behavior over legal, juridical ones”, etc. Academic thought traditionally assumes that rural areas have a high degree of functional load of an ultra-complex sociocultural order. One of the leading modern Russian sociologists and political scientists A. A. Khagurov, among the key functions of the village, indicates: the solution by the village (along with the city) of strategic tasks of resettlement of Russian citizens; ensuring social control over territories; preservation of historically developed agricultural landscapes; playing a decisive role in ensuring the country's food security; preservation of the ethnocultural diversity of Russian society; ensuring the environmental well-being of the country; participation (in the status of the most important link) in resolving the issue of the quality of life of Russians; the creation of peasant culture, which largely determined national mentality and etc. .

On the other hand, researchers current state domestic rural areas (for example, P. P. Veliky, V. V. Patsiorkovsky, V. I. Staroverov, A. A. Khagurov, V. L. Shabanov, etc.) express opinions and assessments on the subject of extremely negative in its qualitative consequences of the transformation of its traditionalist sociocultural foundations. The transformation, provoked by the actualization of radical state liberal-market reforms, has acquired an “irreversible systemic-structural character” and represents a serious obstacle to the positive socio-cultural dynamics of the development of the domestic village.

The fundamental sociocultural discord in the life of a rural community manifests itself as a complex of problems of a spiritual, cultural and pedagogical (social pedagogy) nature. In relation to the domestic peasantry at the turn of the 20th–21st centuries. serious “violations of the principle of social justice” were committed, which gave rise to a block of acute problems, including: systemic deformation of the way of life, which entailed complex crises and conflicts of personal and group axiological orientation; escalation of processes of devaluation of sociocultural norms and ideals.

In multidisciplinary studies concerning the life of rural areas, experts express opinions that “the village as a socio-territorial system has entered a stage of systemic degradation.” According to S.I. Grigoriev, “the vitality of the country’s rural population, its spiritual and cultural image, the resources of spiritual, moral and demographic development turned out to be reduced to strategically dangerous limits.” Meanwhile, the quality of life of the peasantry “determines ... the national security ... of the state”1.

The task of improving the level and quality of life of the rural population, fixed in the text of the “Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020”, acquires the status of a key state task2. It seems that the solution to this problem is not least correlated with the requirement for qualitative improvement of leisure time for modern villagers.

Domestic academic thought (represented, for example, by V.N. Bobkov, P.S. Maslovsky-Mstislavsky, E.R. Pak, etc.) defines the scientific category “quality of life”3 as “the level of development and the degree of satisfaction of a complex of highly developed needs and interests of people”, circulating, among other things, in the spiritual, cultural and informational areas of their life.

Pedagogical potential of the work of rural clubs, museums, libraries as the basis for the integration of their activities

The usual boundaries of strict specialization of the core activities of modern cultural institutions are losing their clarity and strength under the pressure of a number of objective factors (such as changes in socio-legal, socio-cultural, socio-political, socio-economic and other contextual operating conditions) and subjective factors (for example, recognition the intrinsic value of leisure, individualization of the content and hierarchy of the personality axiosystem of the mass modern Russian, deuniversalization of models of his leisure behavior, changes in the composition of his leisure interests and personal expectations regarding the conditions and methods of their formation and satisfaction, etc.). The productivity of the development of inter-institutional partnership contacts among rural municipal cultural institutions is ensured, from our point of view, by the “opening” of these highly specialized boundaries, which is a consequence of the reorientation of the work of cultural institutions towards the organization of leisure activities: like the club, modern rural libraries and museums show the same strong concern for the quality of organization of leisure time for their audience, are also interested in communicating leisure activities with a pedagogical focus, and intensively developing its developmental and recreational potential.

It is no secret that cultural institutions have chronic difficulties in attracting audiences to actively participate in the cultural life of rural areas, associated, first of all, with the problem of finding new forms, methods and technologies for organizing leisure activities for the local population. In this sense, it is no coincidence - even natural - that library and museum workers regularly turn to the methodological and technological arsenal of club work, specializing exclusively in the organization of leisure activities. Through regular borrowing of traditional and innovative forms of socio-cultural activity, modern library and museum practice expects to gain reliable protection from the risks of lack of demand from rural audiences. In our opinion, the cooperation of the work of institutions representing the fields of cultural and leisure activities, library and information science and museum work is facilitated by the development of two interrelated processes. Firstly, the rapprochement of cultural institutions in the positions of active subjects of organizing leisure activities of the municipal community, equally interested in improving the quality characteristics of leisure time for villagers. Secondly, there is a growing need to neutralize the outright tilt cultural events towards vulgar entertainment, primitive entertainment by saturating them with informational, educational, educational and historical and cultural content.

Researchers (T. G. Kiseleva, Yu. D. Krasilnikov, Yu. A. Streltsov, etc.) note the presence of inter-institutional contacts in the practice of functioning of the modern socio-cultural sphere, characterizing them as fragile, the reasons for which are called “the lack of a clear idea of ​​... forms collaboration". However, experts do not question the natural “desire for social partnership” for cultural institutions and note the strengthening of “their joint, concerted and coordinated actions on the basis of common, coinciding functions” as one of the trends in the development of the socio-cultural sphere.

The philosophical category “function” (from the Latin function – execution, implementation, accomplishment) in social science and the humanities is usually used to designate “the external manifestation of the properties of an object in a given system of relations.” Functions of cultural institutions (in the options “social tasks”, “ social role", etc.) are defined as “distinctive duties in relation to society” (L. M. Shlyakhtina).

Turning to the procedure of functional analysis21 using a comparative method, we identify meaningful correlations of elements of the functional load of cultural institutions (see Table 4). Analyzing the data given in table. 4, we find it fair to say that it is possible and necessary to develop integration relations between cultural institutions based on a set of coinciding essential social functions, which includes the following: developmental, aimed at comprehensive support for the processes of personality formation, transformation of its qualitative properties in the direction of improvement; the developing principle is recognized as essentially immanent to the other functions (M. A. Ariarsky, T. G. Kiseleva, Yu. D. Krasilnikov, O. V. Pervushina, etc.);

Analysis of the practice of integrating the activities of rural cultural institutions in Russian regions

Of course, the results of integration interaction require a competent assessment, which is not always possible to competently produce on the basis of a set of indicators traditionally used in a narrow sectoral manner, i.e., “by type of institution”: separately for club-type organizations, separately for public libraries, separately for museums. The prerogative of formulating and approving a list of performance assessment indicators, methods for recording their values, determining the subjects participating in the integration process, the order of reporting periods, etc. belongs to cultural institutions and local governments.

The process of developing a system of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of integration interaction between cultural institutions includes, in our opinion, at least seven stages (see Appendix 3), each of which is characterized by its own content: “discussion”, “preparatory”, “expertise”, “ approbation", "corrective" and "operational". Among the participants in this process we name: employees of cultural institutions, acting as subjects of integration interaction; a coordination body formed from among proactive specialists from teams of cultural institutions to perform administrative, coordination, control and other functions in relation to the progress of the integration process; an independent expert acting as an authoritative reviewer of the system of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of inter-institutional cooperation; as well as representatives of local authorities (committees (departments) for culture of district or village administrations), whose authority extends to approval of the text of the municipal task for the provision of services (performance of work) in the field of culture. At the end of each stage, through collective efforts, a document is developed that serves as a “starting point” for organizing work at the next stage.

Thus, the process of integrating the activities of the structures of the municipal socio-cultural sphere of the domestic village (clubs, libraries and museums) is characterized by the presence of internal and external goals directly related to the optimization of organized leisure time for the population of the rural municipality. The integration process, implemented by the mechanisms of budgetary and extra-budgetary support, documentary and legal regulation, research and methodological support, is subject to specific principles for the development of partnership relations (equality of subjects of interaction, achievement of socially significant goals through joint efforts, etc.). In procedural terms, integration interaction, the state of which can be objectively assessed according to a number of special criteria, is differentiated into several stages with its own content, covering a list of integration subjects and a set of procedures, operations and actions corresponding to the stages.

This model is pedagogical insofar as the pedagogical nature is, firstly, the external goal of integrating the activities of cultural institutions and, secondly, the qualitative results of this integration associated with optimizing the leisure time of the population of rural areas.

This pedagogical model for organizing the integration interaction of rural cultural institutions, aimed at optimizing the leisure of the population, and the criteria for assessing the state of integration interaction of rural cultural institutions must be tested during a pedagogical experiment.

The organization of empirical research of the problem reflected in the formulation of the topic of the dissertation work was carried out in two main stages: 1) piloting, the key goal of which was the preparation, testing and adjustment of the original scientific and methodological tools for the main research activities; 2) field, dedicated to conducting the main empirical research on the stated topic.

During the pilot phase of the study, a series of pilot expert surveys and standardized interviews were conducted27. The results of preliminary research practices completely coincided with the results of the main field study of the problem of integrating the activities of rural cultural institutions as a factor in optimizing the leisure of the population. Its starting stage was an expert survey (with elements of an in-depth interview)28 with the participation of representatives of 206 rural29 cultural institutions from several regions of Russia. An increase in the level of information content of the survey results was achieved through the use of a focus group discussion method at the final stage of the ascertaining research, supplemented by a shortened version of the method of mapping microsociety problems.

Pilot study of the integration of the activities of rural cultural institutions in the Altai Territory

Let us note, first of all, the significant progress in the quantitative values ​​of each of the mentioned criteria in relation to all participants in the experimental group. The frequency of partner contacts between institutions (especially those operating in the administrative center of the Smolensky district) has increased significantly: from annual (and even more rare) to monthly, and in some cases even to weekly (Pavlovsky district).

The initiators of the development of inter-institutional cooperation relations before the experiment were: structural units local government bodies responsible for resolving issues of organizing cultural services for the population of rural municipalities, as well as personnel of cultural institutions, who showed varying degrees of interest (from weak to strong) in establishing joint work. During the experiment, it was possible to record a gradual transition of initiative from power structures to the heads of cultural institutions, who, through participation in special working councils created by them (informal coordinating bodies), successfully resolve the issue of administering integration processes: they formulate the goals and objectives of cooperation, and are engaged in determining the list of jointly organized activities, assess quality, develop solutions to problems supporting inter-institutional cooperation relationships, etc.

The systematic nature of integration contacts, assessed primarily from the point of view of possessing the qualities of controllability and “planability,” during the experiment developed from the level of “low” to “above average.”

According to the criterion of coincidence of the goals of the subjects of integration interaction, the pre-experimental situation in all participating municipalities was assessed as unsatisfactory due to the weak readiness of cultural workers to find ways to bring together the activities of club, library and museum institutions. At the experimental stage of the study, the indicator increased to a level “above average” thanks, in particular, to the establishment of the work of informal coordination councils, one of the core functions of which was the constructive coordination of the goals of all participants in integration relations.

Finally, according to the criterion “levels and criteria for optimizing organized leisure for residents of a rural municipality,” significant progress is also observed. Before the experiment began, the work of each cultural institution was built in accordance with its own plan: the museum and library specialize in organizing educational programs, and the club specializes in artistic and creative events, the number of which is small, and the forms are not diverse, so they remain unattractive for the population. In the process of developing integration processes, jointly organized programs of organized leisure, characterized by entertainment, scale, stable frequency, diversity and novelty of forms, gain popularity among the rural population, receive financial support from the municipal or state power. Thus, the level of integration interaction practiced by cultural institutions of the district center of the Pavlovsk municipality turned out to be the highest: with a maximum value of 50 points, the level of development of integration of the activities of local clubs, libraries and museums is estimated at 48 points.

The situation is similar in Kosikhinsky and Smolensky and regional centers: the level of development of partnerships between cultural institutions qualifies as “maximum” (43 and 45 points, respectively).

The overall result of the scientific experiment should be recognized as the achievement of the maximum level of dynamics of integration interaction between rural municipal cultural institutions in the process of improving the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of organized leisure of the rural population of regional centers of the Altai Territory.

To simplify the necessary mathematical calculations, we present the data of two tables (Tables 10 and 11) in one (see Table 12), where we indicate the number of cultural institutions (experimental and control groups), the actual state of integration of whose activities at the time of measurement was correlated with one of three levels of integration interaction.


"You can't save money while losing souls..."

Municipalities are keen on optimizing cultural institutions

State Duma deputy Elena Yampolskaya is a rare guest in the Southern Urals, from which she was elected to parliament. But today she flew in specifically to reprimand the local authorities for their attitude towards the cultural sector

The Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region is seriously alarmed by the situation with the closure of libraries and rural clubs in the region. According to the head of the department, Alexey Betekhtin, for last year The Southern Urals lost 16 cultural institutions at once. Moreover, 11 libraries stopped working in the Krasnoarmeysky district. This trend has been observed for several years and has every chance of continuing, because, according to regional officials, the heads of some territories are too keen on optimizing social institutions. Under the guise of optimization, centers of culture are simply closed, without realizing what this desire to save will turn out to be.

Alarming statistics were voiced on Wednesday at the board of the regional Ministry of Culture, where they summed up the results of the past year and outlined plans for the near future. First, Minister Betekhtin reported that in 2016, many interesting and significant events took place in the region, active work on the development of tourism, which I managed to talk about in vivid colors the day before at the regional tourism forum.

The head of the department also said that last year a strategy for state cultural policy until 2030 was adopted at the federal level. The document is intended to change the situation in all 43 municipalities of the region and bring the provision of services in this area to a new level. But, Alexey Betekhtin complained, the implementation of the strategy may be hampered by the short-sightedness of some local leaders, who, despite any federal strategies, continue to close rural libraries and clubs.

“The decision to reduce the network must be carefully considered; we must clearly answer the questions: what will happen if we reduce the number of cultural institutions? Where will people go? Won't they leave? settlement? How will they get to cultural institutions located in other localities? Is there transport accessibility? — the regional minister of culture posed the questions point-blank. “I hope that the Krasnoarmeysky district knows the answers to these questions, because in 2016 a decision was made there to close 11 libraries at once. This territory generally “delights” us every year; they are leaders in closing cultural institutions.”

Betekhtin believes that not a single cultural institution should be liquidated without the decision of the residents themselves, which should be formalized at meetings. Later, the head of the Ministry of Culture explained to the site’s journalist that the reduction in the number of institutions often occurs because local authorities misinterpret optimization problems.

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“The bulk of cultural institutions in the region are not closing, but are being transformed. If you look at it from a statistical point of view, the number of institutions has decreased. In fact, several legal entities-libraries have merged into one centralized library system. The number of libraries, staff, and books remained the same. But all this is now handled by one accounting department,” the minister explained, pointing out that in some municipalities, on the sly, they began not to downsize legal entities, but to close the libraries and clubs themselves, transferring their buildings to other structures. That's why the ministry sounded the alarm.

At the same time, the head of the regional Ministry of Culture called the complaints of local officials about the lack of money unfounded. As a bad example, he cited the same Krasnoarmeysky district, whose leadership explains its actions by the poor material and technical base of cultural institutions and the lack of funds for repairs.

“They say they don’t have enough money, but everyone doesn’t have enough. At the same time, libraries are in demand. And after the closure, their indicators dropped in the number of books issued and the number of children studying in clubs,” Betekhtin was indignant.

However, he admitted, in a number of territories where libraries and cultural centers were merged, the indicators also fell. “That means something didn’t work,” the minister reasoned. — We didn’t have the task of optimizing the system so as to give less money for culture. The goal was to free up funds and use them for development and increasing employee salaries, and not to fire everyone so that there would be no one to pay. Where local authorities have worked clearly, the system works.”

One of the territories where, on the contrary, things have improved is the Korkinsky district. There, for many years, cultural institutions were scattered and were run by rural settlements. The legislation allows the powers to maintain them to be left at the settlement level, the minister says, but his department has always criticized such decisions. Now a centralized club system is being created in the region, taking all centers of culture in the villages under its control. In the Uvelsky district, these institutions have been transferred to the district level for ten years now. There, money was never “spread” among all the settlements, but systematically, every year they renovated one club. In the end, most of them were put in order.

Interestingly, the Uvelsky district is still among the territories in which residents’ satisfaction with cultural services is at a low level, along with the Korkinsky and Argayashsky districts, as well as Kyshtym and Zlatoust. Regional officials were also surprised by the composition of the anti-rating, and they promised to analyze in more detail the reasons for the population's discontent.

“Maybe people are just accustomed to a certain level and want it to only get better,” Alexey Betekhtin suggested in a conversation with a journalist for the site. — Where there is absolutely nothing, and a man with a button accordion is already culture. And where everything is good, someone may not like the curtains on the stage. In any case, we will sort it out."

Satisfaction with cultural life was shown above average in Magnitogorsk, Ozyorsk, Snezhinsk, Verkhny Ufaley, Kusinsky, Plastovsky, Katav-Ivanovsky, Ust-Katavsky, Kartalinsky and Chebarkulsky districts.

To influence local leaders, Alexey Betekhtin will prepare “heavy artillery” in the person of State Duma deputy Elena Yampolskaya. The now former editor-in-chief of the Kultura newspaper arrived in Chelyabinsk for the so-called regional week, which is given to deputies to work in the regions. Moreover, she arrived for only one day, from which we can conclude that Yampolskaya came specifically to participate in the board of a regional ministry close to her in spirit.

“I ask municipal leaders not to cut the budgets of cultural institutions, to refuse such optimization,” said Elena Yampolskaya. — During the elections, I spoke about the need to protect cultural institutions from bureaucratic arbitrariness, especially in villages and small towns. Today, when it comes to saving money on a budget, they are the first to go under the knife. But when clubs and libraries disappear, degradation occurs, people leave the locality. Our officials forget that there are things more valuable than money. You cannot save money while losing souls. You can't just close a school like that. But the library is easy.”

The deputy promised the audience to achieve the adoption of a law protecting cultural institutions. To do this, in particular, it is necessary to revise the legislation on patronage - today businessmen who help cultural institutions do not receive special preferences. But local officials should not sit and wait for changes from above, Yampolskaya believes.

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“The Chelyabinsk region is a powerful industrial region, where there are many enterprises that can help culture. But businessmen have a different psychology. “Christ joy” does not affect them. Interesting, ambitious projects are what can attract business,” noted Elena Yampolskaya, thereby urging people to think about such projects.

Meanwhile, regional authorities also have certain levers of influence on municipalities that pay little attention to culture, Minister Betekhtin perked up after such support.

“Today we discussed the strategy; it forces the heads of territories to bring institutions into line with certain requirements. If there is no book supply in the area, the head will have to make efforts to raise the indicator. Otherwise, the head will be considered ineffective: he did not implement the strategy adopted for the entire country. And opening a library is much more difficult than closing it,” the minister warned, speaking to a website correspondent at the end of the meeting. “For some reason, this comes to some people late.”

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