Dmitry Shepelev - biography, information, personal life. Dmitry Shepelev starts a new life Personal life of Dmitry Shepelev

First wife - Anna Tabolina. He lived in a civil (actual) marriage with singer Zhanna Friske. The couple has a son - Plato.

Brief information

Dmitry was born into the family of programmer Andrei Viktorovich and accountant Natalya Alexandrovna. As a child, he was actively involved in sports.

In the ninth grade, Shepelev got a job on Belarusian television in the “5x5” program.

After graduating from high school, he entered the Belarusian State University at the Faculty of Journalism, which he graduated in 2005.

At the age of 20 he worked as a DJ at the radio station Alfa Radio.

In 2004, he received a job offer from the Ukrainian music channel M1 and moved to Kyiv. At the same time, he worked in several more shows on different channels.

In 2008, Dmitry received a job offer from Channel One: he became the host of the program “Can You? Sing!” Combined work in Ukraine and Russia.

In 2009 he was the presenter of Eurovision. That same year he finally moved to Russia.

In 2009, he became the host of the “Property of the Republic” program together with Yuri Nikolaev. From 2011 to 2013, he was one of the hosts of the “Minute of Glory” program on Channel One.


Sports, travel, acting

Personal life

He dated Anna Tabolina for seven years, with whom he co-hosted the show “5x5.” The couple even got married, but their marriage lasted three weeks.

Since 2011, he lived in a civil (actual) marriage with singer Zhanna Friske. On April 7, 2013, the couple had a son, Platon, who, after the singer’s death, lives with Dmitry.

After the singer’s death, a scandal broke out between Shepelev and Friske’s relatives. They accused the TV presenter of allegedly forbidding them to see Plato. In addition, the parties began to quarrel because they could not decide who should answer for the missing money from Rusfond, collected for Zhanna during her illness by fans.

In 2016, he published the book “Zhanna,” dedicated to Zhanna Friske.

IN teenage years entered the top 10 junior tennis players in Belarus.

In 2009, he traveled around the United States for three weeks and wrote travel notes, which were later published in a magazine.


I don't read what the newspapers write. This doesn't interest me at all. I find this shameful. I can’t wrap my head around how the death of a person can become the reason for endless publications and reports in newspapers, magazines, and on television channels

It seems to me that there are some more important things that unite people - views on life, love for certain momentary joys that many deny themselves, the ability to enjoy simple things, for example, flirting, a look, the touch of hands, a love of food. Eventually. Things that make people happy. It seems to me that this is exactly what unites me and Zhanna

Now the people closest to me are my son, my parents and several devoted, trusted friends. We stick together

Dmitry Shepelev is a handsome man and a favorite of millions of women, a popular TV presenter, born in the capital of Belarus, Minsk, on January 25, 1983.


The boy’s parents had nothing to do with show business and worked as ordinary engineers. The family had little wealth, and the boy was not particularly pampered. Therefore, already in high school In order to have his own pocket money, he worked part-time during the holidays at the post office.

Dmitry was fond of sports - he loved to swim, played water polo and was seriously involved in tennis since childhood. He could have made a good sports career, as he even entered the TOP 10 juniors at school. However, he had other plans.

It's interesting that in school years Dmitry was not too sociable. He avoided all school parties and concerts. He could rarely be seen in a crowd of classmates on the street. He loved to read and preferred humanities subjects; he studied exact sciences with great reluctance.

He dreamed of a career as a journalist, but, not being confident in his own abilities, he did not tell anyone about it, trying to somehow make his way towards his goal on his own. His dream brought him to the casting entertainment show on local television "5x5". He was hoping for at least a place in the crowd, but he got the role of the presenter. This immediately made Dima a school star and attracted the attention of all the girls to him.


Having received the certificate, Dmitry enters the Faculty of Journalism at Minsk University. By this time, his face had already become recognizable, and even in stores he was often skipped in line. Naturally, this greatly flattered his pride and stimulated him to develop his career.

Now he worked part-time not at the post office, but as a DJ or presenter at local radio stations, which attracted girls even more to his person. Dmitry gradually formed a circle of fans. Later he switches to the Unistar channel, where he interviews famous musicians.

In 2004, he was accidentally noticed by the management of the M1 music channel. They liked the presenter’s relaxed communication style, and he was invited to work in Kyiv for the Guten Morgen program. For some time, Dmitry had to constantly shuttle between Kiev and Minsk, which is why he almost dropped out of the university. But he still received his diploma, with honors.

Dmitry’s career in Ukraine developed much more successfully and rapidly than in his native Minsk, and in 2008, having become the host of the second “Star Factory,” he makes a fateful decision and finally moves to Kyiv. He immediately receives new offers, and he is already hosting several entertainment programs at once.

Literally a year later he was lured to Moscow by himself, who offered him a place on Channel One. Now Dmitry again lives in two countries: he flies between Russia and Ukraine, where he begins to work closely with the “95th Quarter” in the “Make a Comedian Laugh” program.

In 2009, Dmitry took a prestigious place in the Green Room, becoming one of the Russian representatives at Eurovision. There, in just a few days, he had to conduct more than 80 interviews and press conferences. It was difficult, but it made him recognizable and even earned him a TEFI award.

Subsequently, Dmitry became the host of several popular music programs, as well as the show project “Ice and Fire”. His career on Russian television continues to actively develop, but Dmitry has no plans to move to Moscow yet. Moreover, he is in great demand on Ukrainian television.

Personal life of Dmitry Shepelev

At school for a long time The girls did not pay any attention to the modest and quiet boy. Until he became a TV presenter. But now Dmitry himself was interested not in novels, but in the development own career. Therefore, although he was flattered by the attention, he did not start a serious relationship.

However, one of the girls still managed to win his heart. He dated Anna Startseva for more than seven years, and in the end they finally got married. But after three years they officially divorced, since Dmitry was only busy with his own career.

With Anna Startseva

Dmitry met his second wife, Zhanna Friske, in Miami. However, most likely this happened much earlier, since they had already celebrated Zhanna’s 39th birthday there. And then, having officially appeared in public as a couple, they celebrated the New Year together.

In 2012, he literally glowed with happiness, and the press considered one of the most beautiful couples Russian show business. A year later, Jeanne’s fans learned about her pregnancy. In one of the most prestigious clinics in Miami in April 2013, their long-awaited son Plato was born.

And a year later, Zhanna’s fans were shocked by another news - the singer was diagnosed with brain cancer. The fight for her life began, and Dmitry supported Zhanna, constantly being close to her and his son. For some time he even practically abandoned his career. However, they failed to defeat death - in June 2015, Zhanna died.

They never officially registered their marriage. Having learned about the illness, Zhanna wanted to have a wedding after her recovery, but she did not live to see it. Her relatives began vying with each other to accuse Dmitry of pursuing selfish goals in this union, and because of him, Zhanna could not receive normal treatment. They did not even allow him to see his son.

But gradually the passions subsided, although the pain remained. Dmitry often takes the boy in and continues to build a career. He tries to keep himself in shape and in free time loves going to the pool.

Television has become so firmly entrenched in our lives that, probably, many can no longer imagine their existence not only without popular shows, but also without no less popular presenters. For many they have become family, and we worry and sympathize with them as if they were our own loved ones. Therefore, it is always interesting for the common man to keep abreast of all the events taking place in the life of an idol. This article will talk about a popular presenter who managed to conquer three countries with his talent - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. This is everyone’s favorite Dmitry Shepelev, whose biography will be presented below.

This simple Belarusian guy at such a young age managed to reach unprecedented creative heights. Many admirers and admirers of this talent are interested in how old Dmitry Shepelev is, where he was born, how he grew up, who his wife is and much more. We will tell you about all this, but in order.

Dmitry Shepelev: biography of a star (childhood)

Shepelev Dmitry was born on January 25, 1983 in Minsk. The boy grew very athletic child. He was seriously interested in swimming, played tennis from the age of six and even entered the top ten juniors of the Republic of Belarus. He was quite diligent in his studies, but in the class he was not particularly friendly with anyone and extracurricular activities did not participate very willingly. As the class teacher recalls, Dima (at least it seemed to everyone) always knew what he wanted from life.

Dmitry's father and mother are graduates of technical universities, and therefore were far from show business. But their son was very attracted to television, so while still in school, Dima and his friends decided to try themselves in this form of art. According to the announcement, the boys came to local television to participate in the crowd. And, I must say, Dmitry showed himself to be very talented. He was noticed and invited to host the “5 x 5” program, where he worked until he graduated from high school. It should be noted that the parents raised their son in strictness. The boy began to earn pocket money on his own by delivering mail.

Student years

After graduating from high school, Dmitry Shepelev (his biography during this period was quite eventful) finally decided to connect his life with television. He easily enters the Belarusian State University at the Faculty of Journalism. And again fate gives him a brilliant chance to make himself known. While studying at the university, Dmitry enrolled in a TV presenter school, where he met Viktor Drozdov, who at that time held the position of program director at Alfa Radio. He suggested that the guys record a skimmer (an introduction in which the presenter should announce songs and performers with jokes).

Dmitry did it best. Drozdov suggested young talent work as a radio presenter. By that time the guy was only twenty years old. So Shepelev studied and worked at the same time at the Alpha radio station. Then he was invited to the Unistar radio station, where Dima produced morning show. The career of the young presenter developed very rapidly.

Dima conducted the first of its kind live radio broadcast of a Robbie Williams concert. In addition, he interviewed many stars, in particular Bryan Adams. In addition to working as a radio presenter, Dmitry worked part-time in nightclubs. At the same time, he was invited to television, where he worked for several years on the ONT channel.

Due to the enormous workload, Shepelev often missed classes, for which they wanted to expel him from the university. Fortunately, Dmitry was a diligent student, he was twice nominated for the title of “best student in the stream,” so the threat of expulsion nevertheless passed. In 2005, Shepelev brilliantly graduated from the university, defending thesis on the topic “Theory and practice of commercial radio broadcasting.”

Moving to Kyiv

In 2005, the popular Belarusian Dmitry Andreevich Shepelev was invited by the Ukrainian TV channel “M1” as a presenter on the program Guten Morgen. The offer was very tempting, and Dima agreed. Endless travel from one country to another began: a week in Kyiv on television, another in Minsk on the radio. This life on wheels lasted four years.

Tired of his busy schedule, Dmitry decides to move permanently to Kyiv. In 2008, Shepelev became the host of the music show “Star Factory-2” on the New Channel.

Conquest of Russian television

During his work in Ukraine, Dmitry receives such an offer from management Russian television, which the presenter could not refuse. And at the peak of his popularity, he moved to Moscow to work on Channel One. As it turned out later, Konstantin Ernst decided to invite the talented young man to your team. And Dmitry becomes the host of the music show “Can You? Sing!”

One more meaningful work In his career as a TV presenter, he began hosting the Eurovision final in 2009. While the competition was going on, Dmitry held 80 press conferences, running almost a marathon. In the same year, Shepelev received a Russian award in the field of television in the category “Leader” entertainment program" The presenter shared the monetary part of the award with his colleagues: Andrei Malakhov, Ivan Urgant, Natalia Vodianova and Alsou, but kept the bronze figurine, which weighs no less than five kilograms, for himself.

At this time, he again combines work in two countries. In Ukraine, a young man leads game show, which is called “To Play or Not to Play.” And already in 2011 he became the host of the humorous project “Make the Comedian Laugh.” In addition to Dmitry Shepelev, Mikhail Galustyan and Vladimir Zelensky participate in this show. The essence of the transfer is that simple people Those with a good sense of humor can earn very good money. Dima left the project, but promised to return.

Student again

In 2010, the popular presenter sat down at the student desk again. He entered the European Humanities University in Lithuania at the Faculty of Visual Culture: Cinema, Television and the Internet.

Interests and hobbies

Presenter Dmitry Shepelev - very sports man. He enjoys surfing and snowboarding. He still plays tennis. His partner on the court is Yuri Nikolaev. He loves to travel. He often travels to Europe. In 2012, I traveled to the USA and independently studied the country for three weeks. A young man's dream is to sail around the entire world.

Personal life

Dmitry Shepelev (the biography provides few reliable facts) does not like to talk about his personal life. It is known that he married for the first time in student years. But this marriage lasted only three weeks. In 2010, on the winter broadcast of the Ice and Fire program, Dmitry gave Sati Casanova a bouquet of gorgeous flowers and invited the girl on a date. This news spread throughout the media, but no matter how hard journalists tried to find out what kind of relationship exists between the young people, neither the TV presenter nor the singer gave any comments. And in the summer of 2011, Dmitry flew to Mexico to congratulate Zhanna Friske, the ex-soloist of the group “Brilliant,” on her birthday. This fact, of course, also did not go unnoticed by the press. Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske celebrated New Year 2012 together in Miami.

Birth of an heir

And since then, the lovers have no longer hidden from the press, which, naturally, gave rise to many rumors. More and more photographs appear in the media showing young people who do not hide their relationships. And already on April 4, 2013, in an elite clinic in Miami, the child of Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske was born - a boy who was given beautiful name Plato.

The young mother immediately after giving birth wrote on Facebook that she was very happy about the birth of her baby in this city, since the climate here is very mild, and therefore babies are not wrapped up, but almost immediately after birth they are taken to bathe in the ocean. Zhanna Friske Dmitry Shepelev, while waiting for his son, worked tirelessly to provide his beloved with a comfortable birth in an expensive clinic. And in order to support his wife during the birth of the baby, he decided to be present at this exciting event. The young people have not formalized their relationship, but, according to Dmitry, they will definitely do so.

Other projects of Dmitry Shepelev

The star’s projects include “Red and Black”, “Property of the Republic”, “Autumn Kitchen”, “Minute of Fame”, “Hello Girls”, “Spring of Victory”. He is the host of many concerts both in Russia and Ukraine.

Natural charm, charisma, intelligence and high professionalism helped Dmitry Shepelev to become such a popular and sought-after presenter in three countries. The programs hosted by this young man automatically become popular among the people.

Zhanna Friske - brief information

Name: Dmitry Shepelev
Date of birth: 01/25/1983
Age: 34 years
Place of birth: Minsk, Belarus
Weight: 74 kg
Height: 1.75 m
Occupation: radio and TV presenter, actor, DJ
marital status: Not maried

A native of Minsk, Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend, who lives with him after the death of Zhanna Friske, found themselves embroiled in a scandalous story that continues into 2017.

The common-law husband went abroad, taking his son with him famous singer shortly before the tragedy. According to the relatives of the late star Russian stage, Dmitry took a huge amount of money with him and kidnapped the child. It also became known that his new girlfriend Ksenia went on vacation with Shepelev.

Relatives of Zhanna Friske believe that he acted immorally, tarnishing the memory of their daughter. But, despite all the statements in the press and rumors, Dmitry could not be brought to criminal responsibility. He provided irrefutable evidence that he acted within the law in carrying out last will singer and protecting the interests of her child.

Biography of the “fugitive”

Dmitry Shepelev was born on January 25, 1983 in a family that had nothing to do with show business. Since childhood, he was actively involved in sports, visiting tennis sections and the swimming pool. In the field of sports he has achieved great success, entering the top ten best junior tennis players in Belarus.

After graduating from high school, immediately after the ninth grade, the ambitious and self-confident young man entered the faculty of journalism on a state basis. Studying did not stop Dmitry from earning a living by using his talents.

Shepelev got a job on a TV channel and regularly broadcast on Alfa Radio as a DJ. But, after some time, he was invited to work at the Unistar radio station, where he stayed much longer.

In 2004, Dmitry Shepelev, who works for ONT, accepted an invitation from another, favorite channel, M1. He was called to the position of presenter morning show"Guten Morgen". Not wanting to leave his favorite radio station, Dmitry “chased two birds with one stone” for a very long time, working as a presenter on both radio and television stations in different countries.

He had to regularly fly from Minsk to Kyiv to delight viewers and listeners with his unique performances.

In 2008, tired of rushing between two countries, Dmitry Shepelev decided to move to live in Kyiv. The reason was an invitation to take part in the show “Star Factory-2” as a presenter. And after the end of the project, the young man immediately accepted an offer from the New Channel to perform in the same role in two programs - “Do you play or not play” and “Star Karaoke”.

After finishing work in the projects, in 2012 Shepelev easily moved to the Inter channel as the second host of the show “Red or Black”. And a year later, he appears as the face of the “Summer Kitchen with Dmitry Shepelev” program, where he shows his new talents and charms housewives who are interested in cooking.

In parallel with this project, he acts as a presenter in the most interesting music show“One family”, where several families fight for something pleasant monetary reward, showing off their talents in the field of music.

Love story

Rumors and scandals accompanied the relationship between Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev from the very beginning. In August 2011, journalists first tried to tell celebrity fans about the creation new couple among the stars. But the public accepted this news, as another way to increase the singer’s popularity.

But just six months later, journalists published pictures of the couple spending time on a joint vacation in Miami.
Despite all the facts, Zhanna and Dmitry continued to prove that they were just friends. And in May 2012 they were noticed again at a joint SPA procedure.

A little later, the first rumors appeared that the wedding date had already been set: 12/12/12. Trying to explain the secrecy of their idols, fans decided that Friske was pregnant and did not want to advertise her situation. And in July, everything turned upside down when the singer and presenter appeared separately at the film festival. As Friske commented on this situation, the couple broke up at that time. But the quarrel did not last long. Several days passed and Zhanna refused a lucrative contract with MTV for the sake of a joint vacation in Italy with Shepelev.

Birth of a son

Rumors that appeared in the first half of 2012 about Zhanna Friske’s pregnancy resumed in November of the same year. And only a month later, Dmitry Malikov confirmed that the singer was in her 5th month, which is why she suffered working together at a later date, when she can recover after childbirth.

Shortly before the New Year, one of the members of the film crew Blue light told reporters that Zhanna was not pregnant from Shepelev.

The source of information believed that the baby’s father was a certain businessman associated with crime. But in April 2013, all the rumors died down, because the singer gave birth in Miami, and Shepelev was recorded in the “Paternity” column.

True, until the singer’s death, the couple never signed, which is why many disputes and lawsuits arose between Friske’s relatives and her common-law husband.

Circumstances of the incident

After the terrible tragedy in June 2015, when Zhanna Friske died of brain cancer, Dmitry Shepelev immediately left the country.

He justified his behavior and absence from the funeral by saying that he was fulfilling the will of the deceased common-law wife. Before her death, Zhanna gave Shepelev custody of their son Plato and asked him to take the child away and protect him from pain. The boy did not have to see his mother die and attend the funeral.

Despite condemnation from Friske's relatives and friends, Dmitry Shepelev, his new girlfriend after Zhanna and his son Plato set off on an exciting journey.

When the newly minted married couple returned, it turned out that the presenter, even before the death of his common-law wife, began dating her friend and cosmetologist, Ksenia Stepanova.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna do not hide their relationship and post online photos of a family of three, including their son deceased singer. The nanny who replaced dad while he was at work was also fired. Now he does not need the help of strangers who will raise Friske’s child.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna live together in the house of the newly-minted guardian Plato.

Ksenia became a mother for the boy, replacing him real mother. She tries to take an active part in the life and upbringing of the child. This behavior upsets Friske’s relatives and causes a lot of speculation on this topic. But according to the law there are no prohibitions on bringing into the house new woman who can accept and understand the child.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend, cosmetologist Oksana Stepanova, support the policy pursued by her lover. She doesn't answer phone calls Friske's relatives and does not make contact with them. Dmitry and Oksana do not want the son of the famous singer Platon to communicate with people who could cause him moral trauma.

Failed meeting

Zhanna Friske's parents turned to the Guardianship and Trusteeship authorities for help to defend their rights as grandparents. In response, they received an official statement that Dmitry, as the only and official guardian of Plato, independently decides who is allowed and who is forbidden to see the child. If, in Shepelev’s opinion, a meeting with relatives could harm the boy’s psychological health, he has the right to refuse to allow them to meet.

After some time, Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend agreed to organize a meeting between Plato and relatives from outside ex-wife, but only on their terms. Grandparents can have contact with their grandchild in the child’s area of ​​residence and only in the presence of a security guard who, if necessary, will interrupt unwanted communication.

At the same time, Dmitry urges not to raise the issue of his birth mother and her death in front of the child.
Outraged by this decision, Zhanna Friske’s parents told Dmitry that their grandson must know the truth. But, according to the father and guardian of the child, in this case there will be no meeting with Plato. Therefore, in order to finally see their grandson, the grandparents agreed to the terms of the boy's guardianship. They love Plato very much and miss him, so they agree to any conditions just to see the child.

Whether the meeting will take place is up to Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend, who appeared after Zhanna Friske, to decide. On this moment it is constantly transferred, and the reasons and arguments are not exposed to the public.


The desire to see their grandson is not the only reason for disputes between the relatives of Friske and Shepelev. A huge amount of 68,000,000 rubles was collected for the singer’s treatment.

She was able to undergo a complex operation in America, and also travel around the world, restoring her health. Unfortunately, this didn't help. And after Jeanne's death, most of the remaining money mysteriously disappeared.

Zhanna's parents are still engaged in legal proceedings with Shepelev

Friske's parents blamed Shepelev for the incident. But Dmitry steadfastly denied what had happened; in the end, evidence was found that the patient’s mother disposed of the money. Based on this, Rusfond won the court and ordered the older generation to pay every penny.

Also, during the proceedings, they tried to deprive Dmitry Shepelev of paternity twice. The first time it was lawyer Yuri Gashchin from Kostroma, who was a sperm donor. He believed that there were chances of a celebrity getting pregnant from his genetic material. But after Platon’s guardian stated that the grandparents would see their grandson when Gashchin stopped trying to sue his son, the Kostroma lawyer’s statement was quickly withdrawn.

But soon a new attempt began. Now it was announced that Plato’s father was Shepelev’s predecessor. There is no evidence or refutation of this fact yet. Therefore, Dmitry Shepelev with his son and new girl continue to hold siege.

Zhanna Friske - rare interesting facts

The girl took the surname Friske when she began her career in the group “Brilliant”. Friske is the surname of the singer's paternal grandmother. Subsequently, the artist’s relatives also took the name Friske.
Producer of the group “Brilliant” Andrei Grozny, having met Zhanna Friske, first invited her to become a choreography consultant for the project, and then asked her to join the team.
In 2004 and 2005, Zhana Friske played the role of the “dark” Alisa Donnikova in the blockbusters “ The night Watch" and "Day Watch". For her role in “Day Watch,” the singer received the MTV Russia Movie Awards 2006 in the “Best Actress” category.
In 2007, Zhanna Friske won a triple victory at the Muz-TV awards, receiving awards in three categories: “Best Performer”, “ Best video" and "Best Duet" (for the song "Malinki" together with the group "Disco Accident").
Became the father of the child common law husband singers, showman and TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev.
Zhanna Friske donated part of the collected funds to the treatment of children suffering from cancer.
At the same time, the animal caused chaos, so the star herself began to leave him various goodies. The singer’s favorite delicacy was “Kiev cake”.
Zhanna had a twin brother, she and he were born at seven months old, but he died at birth.
She studied at the choreography department of the Moscow Institute of Culture, then at the correspondence department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, but never graduated from both educational institutions.
She worked as a sales manager in a company engaged in the sale of office furniture.
After Zhanna left the group “Brilliant,” her place in the team was taken by younger sister Natalia Friske.

The media found out that ex-husband Friske Shepelev secretly works on Ukrainian TV and meets with an ex-member of the group " VIA Gra".

Secrets of the Friske family, news for today, June 2, 2016: the singer’s ex-husband Shepelev hid Plato for six months, despite the court’s decision

TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev violated a resolution obliging him to allow Zhanna Friske’s family to see three-year-old Plato, according to the decision of the guardianship commission. The lawyer of the Friske family, who participated in the proceedings, told Life about this. According to the lawyer, the decision came into force on November 15, 2015, but the child’s father ignored it until April 2016, preventing the family from meeting with Plato.

According to him, initially the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in the Presnensky district of Moscow established that relatives could see Plato 4 times a month. At the same time, the grandmother has the right to communicate with her grandson on the first and fourth Mondays of the month for four hours. Every second Friday evening for two hours Plato must spend time in the company of Olga and Vladimir Friske, and every fourth Friday with his grandmother and aunt Natalya Friske.

On weekends, namely on the first and third Saturdays, every morning Plato should begin with communication with his grandparents, who should look after him until lunch. Also, every fourth Sunday, the entire Friske family has the right to spend leisure time with the child, having discussed the place and time in advance with Shepelev.

The lawyer for the Friske family emphasized that due to the fact that Dmitry Shepelev refused to follow the commission’s decision on guardianship and trusteeship of the Presnensky district of Moscow, the relatives were forced to appeal to the Khamovnichesky District Court, from where they were redirected to the department of social protection of the population of Khamovniki. On December 16, 2015, the commission made a new decision, according to which Vladimir Borisovich Friske was allowed to communicate with his grandson only once a month - every 3rd Monday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the presence of security and a child psychologist.

Regarding the mother of the late singer and sister, the situation has not changed. However, even after reconsidering the case, Friske’s relatives did not receive the long-awaited meeting.

Shepelev allowed them to do this only eight months later, in April 2016, on the child’s birthday. The meeting took place in the presence of security and a child psychologist, although this was not at all necessary. “Shepelev was constantly rude to Natalya and Olga Vladimirovna, so the meeting did not last long. He also insisted that he would not allow his grandfather to see Plato, “until he changes.” I don’t know what changes he wants to see, apparently he wants the family she knelt in front of him and begged him to let them see Plato,” the lawyer said.

Vladimir Friske himself told Life that he would achieve punishment for Shepelev. The 57-year-old father of the late singer said that he had filed a new lawsuit against his son-in-law for non-compliance with the commission's decision on guardianship.

Media: Shepelev secretly meets with Meicher in Ukraine (photo)

Meanwhile, the Belarusian TV presenter, Zhanna Friske’s common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev, after a long lull, appeared on Ukrainian television, REN-TV reports.

After Shepelev’s common-law wife Friske began fighting cancer, Dmitry spent all his time with her. After the singer’s death, he disappeared from the screens, and is now secretly filming a Ukrainian TV show.

The media report that in order to keep the filming of a new project with Shepelev secret, its participants hand over mobile communications equipment and cameras at the entrance to the filming pavilion. This demand was put forward by the presenter himself. Film crew They were forbidden to enter Dmitry’s dressing room without warning.

Famous Russian TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev secretly meets with ex-member of the VIA Gra group Nadezhda Meikher in Kyiv on the set of the Super Intuition project.

Shepelev willingly agreed to become the host of the program, but forbade viewers from taking photographs during the broadcast and demanded increased security measures on the site, reports.

Be that as it may, Shepelev was spotted filming a show in the capital of Ukraine. They took place in the Dovzhenko pavilion. Offered Dmitry a new job New channel, who paid Dmitry a small fee (about five thousand dollars).

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