Musical hour at a summer school camp. Summer camp event

Natalia Danilina
“In the Land of the Treble Clef” (Music quiz for school camp children)

"IN country



(Music quiz)

Musical event for school camp children

Target: consolidation of knowledge about music received earlier; development of creativity and listening skills music; instilling love for music, to the world of beauty; showing attention, resourcefulness and respect for comrades.

Equipment: stripes with the names of competitions; "chamomile" with tasks; stands with images of scales and musical instruments ; musical arrangement.

Quiz progress

Music supervisor:- Today, guys, we will visit an unusual country-« The land of the treble clef» . Who knows what it is « treble clef» ? (this is a special icon at the beginning of the musical line on the left). live in this country kind and funny people. They know how to compose such wonderful songs that their fame spreads all over the world. In this country there are no quarrels and fights, but favorite dish people - beans. They take "F", add "salt", and it turns out "beans"- an excellent delicacy.

Do you know how they appear good songs? I'll reveal 3 to you secret:

1) good music Only a kind and good person can compose;

2) good song should be given to friends and acquaintances immediately;

3) a good song needs to be written down so as not to forget.

To find out how the song is recorded, guess riddle:

Five steps - a ladder,

There is a song on the steps. (notes)

Let's listen, what notes are these and where do they live?

Every note has a home.

Where do you live, note "before"?

Here on a small bench.

On the extension line.

Note "re", where do you live?

Where do you sing songs?

Below, under 1 line,

I hide my song

And if necessary, I sing.

Look, remember and understand, -

A note sang softly "mi",-

I don't have to climb high

I'm good at 1, here.

Between 1 and 2

"F" looks out the window

Between 1 and 2

She's a little cramped.

On line 2 "salt"

With a note "F" meet.

If you say "F" And "salt" ,

It turns out "beans"- the word comes out.

Did you notice me? –

The note asked "la".-

Between 2 and 3 I sing songs children:

"La la la la la la!"

On line 3 "si",

Right in the middle

Sings whenever you ask

So loudly, without hesitation.

Music supervisor:- Below 4, above 3

Note "before" we will meet again.

"Before" And "before"- octave,

Fun for kids.

(each child hangs his own note on the staff on the board)

Music supervisor:- So, we remembered about the notes. What else will we meet in this country you will now find out, at the same time, test your knowledge and skills. This will not be just a journey, but a competition. I announce the beginning of our music quiz. (fanfare sounds)

Take part in there will be 2 teams in the quiz:

"Bells", motto: “We, like bells, ring a song.

IN music. we will definitely win the quiz».

"Merry notes", motto: “We are cheerful notes, louder than all, more cheerful,

to the perky club musicians

We invite all friends."

Music supervisor:- And our competitions will be judged by a respected jury consisting of our wonderful teachers.

Music supervisor:- We all love to listen music. When we hear our favorite melody, we smile at it like good friend. I think you know a lot music. instruments through which we hear music. Now I will ask riddles about music. instruments. For each correct answer, the team receives a point.

So, 1 competition « Musical riddles » For "Bells".

The box is dancing on my knees -

Sometimes he sings, sometimes he cries bitterly. (harmonic)

I stand on 3 legs

Feet in black boots,

Black teeth, pedal.

I call myself (piano).

It's huge, like a closet

He's not on his feet

It has powerful bass,

This is important (double bass).

Youth from different countries

Dancing dashingly to (accordion).

I put the pipe to my lips,

A trill sounded through the forest;

The tool is very fragile

Called (pipe).

He was born from an accordion,

I became friends with the piano.

It also looks like a button accordion.

What will you call him? (accordion).

Riddles for "Merry notes":

1) Leather on top, leather on bottom,

2) We’ll go in a round dance,

Let's sing the song louder.

He'll jingle for us, guess what?

Veselushka (balalaika).

3) We have a cheerful friend,

He loves a ringing knock.

The question here is not at all difficult,

Everyone knows what it is (tambourine).

4) Can play "forte" And "piano",

That's why they called (piano).

Guys, who knows what the words mean? "forte" And "piano"(loud quiet)

5) Carved in the forest,

Smoothly hewn

Sings, sings,

What is it called? (violin) .

6) Six- and seven-string,

Light and good

Always necessary

On a hike bonfire. (guitar).

(show the named instruments at the stand)


Music supervisor:- We remembered the names of all the notes. Let's repeat them together: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si. Now you must come up with and write down words, the first syllable of which is our notes. For example, do-house, river, etc. The team that writes the most words will win.

So, 2nd competition “Oh, those notes!”


Music supervisor:- Next 3 competition "Guess the melody". Your task is to guess the proposed melodies.


Music supervisor:- Well done, you know all the songs. And now the 4th competition « Musical daisy» . On the board you see "chamomile", on the petals of which questions are written. Participants take turns answering questions, receiving a score.


Petal Quests:

1. What note is put in the soup? (salt)

2. Which one key doesn’t burst out of the ground and doesn’t open anything? (violin)

3. Seven guys on the ladder started playing a song. (notes)

4. Who writes music. works? (composer)

5. He lives without a tongue, does not eat or drink, but speaks and sings. (radio)

6. What combination of notes grows a vegetable garden? (beans)

7. 2 notes, 2 letters, all together a game that kids love to play. (do-mi-no)

8. What 3 pillars exist in music? (march, dance, song)

9. What instruments have strings? (violin, harp, double bass, cello)

10. Which instruments have keys? (piano, accordion)


Music supervisor:- I think you all love to sing and know a lot of songs. Now I will speak to each team in turn initial words songs, and you should will you continue them.

Next 5th competition "I'll start, you continue" For "Bells":

"May there always be sun..."

"2*2, four..."

"Friendship is strong..."

"The rivers have cooled..."

“Kneading the snow with a spoon...”

"Born in the forest..."


"Nothing in the world..."

“Tell me, Snow Maiden...”

"In the field..."

And songs for "Merry notes":

"Little Christmas tree..."

"Let them run..."

"The tired sleep..."

"The sun came out..."

“I was sitting in the grass...”

"I was once..."

"Across the blue sea..."

"What do I care about snow..."

"I'm in the sun..."



Music supervisor:- Next 6th competition "Bird Choir". Talking about music, we usually say that it is performed by a person. But let's remember whose choir we can hear in the forest in the summer? Of course, avian. I have prepared riddles about these singers. For the correct answer, a score.

Riddles for "Bells":

1) Lives in the meadow violinist,

He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop. (grasshopper)

2) Not a king, but wearing a crown,

Not a horseman, but with spurs. (rooster)

3) Finally, our best singer arrived to us,

He sings all day and night. (nightingale)

4) She has a long tail, black on the back,

White belly and shoulders,

chattering instead of speech. (magpie)

Riddles for "Merry notes":

1. There is a trunk, there is a stake on the trunk,

The palace is on stake, there is a singer in the palace. (starling)

2. Variegated bird, she’s not big,

3. He builds his nest in the field,

Where the plants grow

His song and flight

Entered into poems. (lark)

4. He doesn’t mind sleeping all day,

But as soon as night comes,

His bow will sing.

Call the musician(cricket).


Music supervisor:- Next 7th competition "Dancing! Dancing!" You all know the notes, you know the songs, you know the instruments and the singer birds. What about dancing? Tell me, what names of dances do you know? (answers children) I have 2 envelopes with letters in them, from which you can add up the names of 3 dances.

"Bells"- waltz, quadrille, tango;

"Merry notes"- mazurka, hopak, polka.

A point for speed.

(summarizing, awarding)

Music supervisor:- So ours is over quiz. I would like to congratulate the winning team and thank everyone for their participation and good knowledge. I wish to keep my love forever music. She gives us many wonderful moments; listening to her, we dream or remember something good and pleasant. Guys, did you like the competitions, what new did you learn from our meeting? (answers children) IN conclusion, I propose to perform a song "It's fun to walk together".

See you again!

School events and school holidays

Fun event at summer camp Fun Fair


Conducting games and competitions for the entire camp.

Event location: playground summer camp.

Number of participants: 50-100 people.

Age of participants: 10-15 years.

Material support:

  • props for competitions at stations;
  • station map;
  • auction prizes;
  • toy money;
  • prizes for sale.

Preparing for a summer camp event

In preparation for the holiday, it is necessary to arrange tables for “stations”, prepare and distribute the necessary props. It is desirable that the “stations” cover a fairly large area.

For orientation between them, you can draw a diagram of their location and hang it in a visible place (a better, but more labor-intensive option is to make diagrams for each participant).

In addition, for the holiday it is necessary to prepare “money”, which participants will receive for completing tasks, and prizes that can be purchased for this “money” in the fair shop.

Shops can also be placed in several places (by indicating their location on the map). Do not forget to calculate that the “sold” goods provide all the “money” issued.

Another interesting event for a fair - an auction that can be held after the main part of the holiday to raffle off the remaining “money”.

Camp event plan:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Running through the “stations”.
  3. Fair shops.
  4. Auction "Pig in a poke".

Event duration: 2 hours.


As an introduction, you can tell the children the rules of the holiday, show on the map what stations there are, where the “shops” are located.

Running through the “stations”

For “stations” you can come up with any tasks that can be completed quickly and easily. The “fee” for completing a task may depend on its complexity. If the task involves competition between several participants, the winner receives the main “cash” prize, the remaining participants are necessarily awarded small incentive prizes. A participant who has earned “money” from a “station” cannot participate in the same competition again.

1. Tongue twister station.

Participants are asked to pull out a piece of paper with a written tongue twister from the bag and pronounce it.

Examples of tongue twisters

In the shallows we lazily caught burbot.
You replaced my burbot with tench.

Have you watered the lily? Have you seen Lydia?

Cavaliers to the Queen
They sailed in a caravel.

The jackal walked, the jackal galloped.

The priest is standing on his head, the cap is on his butt,
a shock under the priest, a priest under the hood.

Popcorn bag.

Sashka has cones and checkers in his pocket.

You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t over-speak them all.

We bought Valerika and Varenka
Mittens and felt boots.

Buy a pile of spades.

2. Station of ditties.

Participants are invited to sing any ditty and receive a prize for it.

3. Station of riddles.

Participants are asked to guess the riddle. Those who guess correctly (possibly several people at once) receive a prize.

Examples of riddles with a trick

Who likes to run around on branches?
Of course, red... ( Squirrel)

Knows a lot about raspberries
The owner of the forest, brown... ( Bear)

Who is beating like a drum?
Sitting on a pine tree... ( Woodpecker)

Who is not friends with bright light,
Underground in winter and summer?
He dug up the entire slope with his nose.
It's just gray... ( Mole)

Who is trembling under the tree in the forest,
So as not to meet with a double-barreled shotgun?
He gallops across the field, emboldened.
This beast is called... ( Hare)

This beast sleeps in winter,
He looks awkward.
Loves berries and honey.
And it’s called... ( Bear)

In the thicket, with my head raised,
Howling from hunger... ( Wolf)

Daughters and sons
Teaches you to grunt... ( Pig)

From the palm tree down, to the palm tree again,
Jumps deftly... ( Monkey)

The tail is a fan, there is a crown on the head,
There is no more beautiful bird than... ( Peacock)

4. Origami station.

Participants are invited to make a paper figurine (with the help of the facilitator or independently).

5. Attraction “Hand Golf”.

For the competition you need to make a handmade golf course from a shoebox. To do this, the box is turned upside down and a hole is cut out at the bottom into which a tennis ball should freely pass. The lid of the box is placed on top of it in a heap so that a ball can be rolled along the lid.

The task for the participants is to roll the ball into the box.

6. Attraction “Burst the Ball!”

Each player is tied to his right leg (ankle) balloon. After the starting signal, all participants try to break through the balls of other players and save their own ball. Players whose balloon pops are eliminated from the game. Last Man, remaining in the game is declared the winner. All participants receive incentive prizes.

7. Attraction "Cockerels".

A circle with a diameter of 2 m is drawn on the ground. Two people participate in the competition at the same time. Each participant stands on his right leg, holding his ankle left leg right hand. The left hand is hidden behind the back. The goal of the players is to push the opponent out of the circle. The one who does this is declared the winner. In addition, a participant who lets go of his left leg or uses his hands during the “fight” is considered a loser.

8. “Tear off the hat” attraction.

The presenter calls two opponents and puts hats on their heads. Left hand Each participant presses it to the body and has no right to use it during the game. The players' task is to rip off the opponent's hat with their right hand, while keeping their own on their head. The winner is the participant who completes the game task first.

9. Attraction "Ringbros".

To play, you need to make several rings from thick rope. The task for the participants is to throw a rope ring over a stick dug into the ground.

10. Skomorokhi station.

At this station, participants are asked to show a short variety act(sing a song, recite a poem, show a pantomime, etc.).

11. Tricky task station.

Participants are asked to solve a problem. Those who find the correct or original answer to the problem (possibly several people at once) receive a prize.

Examples of problems

Which clock shows the exact time only twice a day?

Answer: A clock that has stopped.

What is lighter: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron?

Answer: They have equal weight.

When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house?

Answer: When the door is open.

How to write the word "mousetrap" in five letters?

Answer: cat.

What rocks are not in the sea?

Answer: dry.

What three numbers, when added or multiplied, give the same result?

Answer: 1, 2 and 3.

When are hands pronouns?

Answer: when they are you-we-you.

Which female name consists of two letters that are repeated twice?

Answer: Anna, Alla.

One egg is cooked for 4 minutes. How many minutes should you boil 6 eggs?

Answer: 4 minutes.

Where is the end of the world?

Answer: where the shadow begins.

12. Stikhoplety station.

Participants are asked to compose a quatrain containing a pair of given rhymes.

13. Station Geographical Society.

Participants are asked questions. Those who answer the question receive a prize.

Sample questions

How many continents are there in total? ( Six)

What oceans do you know? ( Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, Arctic)

Where is Brazil? ( In Latin America)

Capital of France? ( Paris)

Brussels is the capital of which country? ( Belgium)

The inhabitants of this country call it Suomi, but what do we call this country? ( Finland)

Which country is called Country rising sun? (Japan).

The world's highest mountain? ( Everest).

In what country is Sydney located? ( In Australia)

What is the zero parallel called? ( Equator).

15. Competition Hit the target.

The game "Darts" is required for the competition. Participants compete in throwing darts at a target and receive a reward based on the accuracy of their throw.

16. Competition Catch the candy.

A candy is tied to one end of the thread, the other end must be secured to the visor of the cap so that the candy is at the level of the chin of the person wearing the cap. Participants in the competition take turns putting a cap on their head and try to catch the candy with their mouth, without using their hands. The one who succeeds receives a prize.

Fair shops

At the same time as the stations, “shops” begin to operate. It is best to place them in different places and divide them according to the range of “sold” goods.

Examples of stores:

  • cafe (“sale” of juices, sparkling and mineral water (in glasses), various buns and sandwiches). It is advisable to place several tables next to it or organize a “cafe” right in the dining room;
  • food kiosk (“sale” of chocolates, sweets, chewing gum);
  • “a thousand little things” (“sale” of small prizes - stationery, small toys, etc.);
  • bookstore (“sale” of small books, crosswords, magazines);
  • win-win lottery (drawing of various prizes).

Auction “Pig in a poke”

The auction is held for children who did not have time to spend the “money” they earned. The interesting thing about the auction is that the lot is not shown to participants until the end of the drawing. The presenter only gives an approximate or humorous description of the item and names its initial cost.

Participants offer their bets and the one who reports the highest amount receives the item being played and finds out what it is. Thus, 5-10 lots can be played in the auction. In this case, it is necessary to alternate between valuable and funny prizes.

Examples of lots and comic descriptions for them

  • the item is edible and necessary for all of us ( salt);
  • something sticky ( candy);
  • small that can become big ( balloon);
  • item business man (notebook);
  • an item for those who want to leave their mark ( colored chalk);
  • kit young artist (pencil and sheet of paper);
  • kit young writer (pencil and sheet of paper);
  • set of young mathematicians ( pencil and sheet of paper);
  • item to satisfy hunger ( bread).

The layout of the “stations” and “shops” needs to be thought through and ensure that there is an even distribution of participants between them so that there are not long queues or too many people crowding around the stations. Each child who took part in the competition should receive a small reward, regardless of the success of his actions.

Holiday script for the camp “Hello, sunny summer”

Scenario for 1st summer laziness for children's camp. Interesting and funny scenario for children. Poems and many songs, fun games for schoolchildren. Characters: two presenters, children - readers. What is needed in preparation: learn songs and poems with children, organize teams, decorate the stage.

Humor Day at Children's Camp

Scenario for Humor Day at a children's camp. An interesting and fun scenario for children. Poems and many songs, fun games for schoolchildren. Characters: presenter, teams of children. What is needed in preparation: props - paper and cardboard, pens, headscarves, plastic bottles, hoops, Cell Phones, Chinese hats, cardboard thermometers.

Scenario for opening a camp shift

Scenario for opening a camp shift in a children's school camp. Oath of allegiance to the camp, others interesting rituals aimed at strengthening friendship between children. Characters: two presenters, children. What is needed in preparation: children need to draw posters, emblems of their squad, come up with a motto, squad name, squad song.

Scenario for Dating Day at Camp

An event for the first day of camp, when children are not yet familiar with each other, teachers and the laws of the camp. Dating games for schoolchildren to get to know each other in game form. Characters: teachers, children. What is needed in preparation: educators must prepare props for games and provide instructions for children.

Scenario for summer health camp"Mysteries of Summer"

Scenario of an event in a school health camp for children from 7 to 10 years old, which takes place in an interesting form of traveling through imaginary stations. Actors: presenters for each station, team. What is needed in preparation: preparation and execution of assignments; venues; formation of teams, jury; making cards.

Scenario of an event dedicated to June 1 - Children's Day in a children's camp. On this day, children are told about the holiday. Party games for children in the camp. Characters: the presenter, the cat Basilio and the Fox Alice. What is needed in preparation: props for games, prizes, room decoration, costumes of fairy-tale characters.

Scenario for Children's Day in the “Childhood Holiday” camp

Scenario for a game show dedicated to International Day child protection. It is advisable to hold this event on the street, where there are book exhibitions and playgrounds. Characters: presenter, clowns, artist, Uncle Styopa, Fiona, Fiona's assistants 2-3 girls, robot - Palamarchuk. What is needed in preparation: props for games, costumes of characters, room equipment.

Script for kindergarten or a school camp on the theme of the holiday - Children's Day. It takes place outside. Children, led by funny presenters, play games and solve riddles. Characters: Liar-Bully, Clown Smeshinkin (performed by adults). What is needed in preparation: costumes of the heroes - presenters, props for games.

Scenario for the summer music and sports festival camp “Long live children all over the planet”

Scenario sporting event outdoors for children's camp. The holiday is held on the street, children are divided into teams and participate in outdoor games. Characters: presenter, grandmother, two girls. What you need in preparation: a beautifully decorated area balloons, ribbons, flags, props for games.

Scenario for summer camp “Festival of the Sun”

The Sun Festival scenario for a children's camp is ideal for uniting and making friends with children. Games, riddles, Interesting Facts from the Sun. Characters: presenter. What is needed in preparation: decorating the site with many “suns”, a costume “ Sunny bunny", music, poster with quiz questions about the sun.

Scenario of the event for the summer camp “Day of Miracles”

Fun scenario have an interesting holiday for children's camp. According to the scenario, 2 teams of children must find a magic tree using a fragment of the map. Characters: presenter, Baba Yaga, Basilio the cat, Alice the fox. What is needed in preparation: purchase bananas according to the number of children participating and hang them on the tree, prepare cards and tasks for teams, costumes for heroes.

Scenario "Day of Liars" in a summer camp

Scenario for a very fun holiday at the school summer camp “Liars' Day”. The holiday develops imagination, Creative skills children. Funny Games and competitions. Characters: two presenters, two liars. What is needed in preparation: the day before, each squad must compose an implausible story for the competition funny story on the topic of life in the camp. You will also need props for competitions and fun music.

Scenario competitive program for the summer camp “The Best”

The scenario of the competition program “The Most” is ideal for entertaining children at a school summer camp. Competitions should evaluate both intellectual and athletic achievements of children, erudition, and ingenuity. Characters: two presenters, jury. What you need in preparation: awards for the winners, props for competitions, fun music.

Scenario for the “Creativity Day” holiday in a summer camp

A very interesting holiday scenario for a summer camp for schoolchildren. Creative competitions in the categories “Dancers”, “Fashion Designers”, “Writers”, “Artists”, “Poets” should help every child show their talent. Characters: presenters. What is needed during preparation: task sheets for each unit, props for creative competitions, awards for winners, music for a dance competition.

Game scenario for the summer camp "Polundra"

Scenario of a fun outdoor game for a summer school camp. The essence of the game is for teams to complete competitions and, as a result, reach a place where a large box of chocolates is hidden for the winners. Characters: presenters. What is needed in preparation: tasks for teams, props for competitions, candy, music. The game can be played both outdoors and indoors.

Scenario of a patriotic holiday on Russia Day for a summer school camp. Beautiful poems and songs about Russia. It’s good if the children read their poems about the Motherland. Characters: presenters, poetry readers. What is needed in preparation: learn songs and poems, decorate the hall with flags and balloons in the color of the Russian flag, set up tables and chairs.

Scenario for closing a shift at a summer camp

Scenario for closing a shift at the summer camp “Welcome from the opposite side!” Fun party Ideal for children saying goodbye to camp. Characters: 2 buffoons, presenter, Padishah, translator, gardener, nurse. What is necessary in preparation: compose poems, ditties or songs about each counselor, teacher, etc., distribute the words in advance, because they are quite complex.

Scenario of a disco with competitions at a school camp

Scenario for a fun disco at a summer school camp. Dancing and other competitions at the disco will make it more interesting for the participants. Characters: disco host, fishermen. What is needed in preparation: fishermen's costumes, props for competitions, awards for winners, musical equipment.

Scenario for a dating holiday at the opening of a school camp

This dating holiday scenario is proposed to be held in the “light” format at the opening of a school camp. The purpose of the holiday is to let children get to know each other and create an atmosphere of trust in the camp. Characters: presenter, counselors. What is needed in preparation: cardboard stars with questions for children, come up with chants.

Scenario of the Olympic Games in the summer camp “Faster, Higher, Stronger”

Scenario of a sports event for a school summer camp, which can be held as Olympic Games. Sports competitions, competitions, interesting facts about the Olympics. Characters: presenters, Prometheus, Zeus. What is needed in preparation: props and sports equipment for sports competitions, awards for winners, music.

Scenario for opening a school camp for children 7 - 10 years old

This scenario for opening a shift at a school camp is suitable for younger schoolchildren - children 7 - 10 years old. The purpose of the holiday is to give children the opportunity to get to know each other and express themselves. Games, riddles for children. Characters: presenter. What you need in preparation: props for competitions and games.

Scenario for the opening of a camp shift with the participation of life-size puppets

This scenario for opening a shift at a summer camp is quite labor-intensive, but very bright and interesting. Games, competitions, riddles for children, presentations by counselors, stories about the camp. Characters: 2 presenters, life-size puppets: Baba - Yaga, Cat, Hare, Tiger. Hut. What is needed in preparation: Costumes of life-size dolls, music recordings, refreshments, T-shirts for counselors.

Scenario of the counselors’ concert at the opening of the camp shift

A concert by counselors will be a successful event at the opening of a shift at a summer camp. Children will be able to learn more about their counselors and make friends with them. The concert needs to end with an evening gathering of the squad. Characters: counselors, children. What is needed in preparation: costumes for counselors, stars to give to children.

Scenario of the ceremonial ceremony for the opening of the shift in the camp

Usually the opening of a camp shift begins with a ceremonial assembly. We offer a line-up scenario with the removal of the Russian flag and greetings camp management for children. Characters: counselors, teachers, camp director, children. What is needed in preparation: Russian flag, musical equipment, microphones.

Scenario of a game entertainment program for Children's Day

Gaming entertainment dedicated to International Children's Day is designed for older preschoolers - children aged 5-6 years. It is advisable to hold games and competitions for children outside. Characters: 2 presenters, children - readers, Vredina (adult). What is needed in preparation: props for games, Vredina’s costume, prizes for competition winners, music.

The presenters come out.

1st presenter.

Hello my friends,

We are glad to meet you.

Who is there in the hall!

We send greetings to you all now.

2nd presenter.

We are glad to start our holiday,

We will sing and dance.

And the song contest is here, friends,

I declare it open.

1st presenter.

Dear Guys! Today we have a Song Contest. You all prepared for this competition in advance. We will choose the most best performers, the best dancers. For this we rely on our jury. (Jury Presentation)

2nd presenter. Now we will draw lots for the participants. (The drawing of lots is carried out.)

1st presenter. So, let's start our concert.

2nd presenter.

Everyone around knows this song.

And both adults and children sing it.

Because with the song like this

It’s interesting to live, friends, in this world.

I will now remind you of the words,

What you will find out right away without error:

“The river begins with a blue stream,

Well, friendship begins with a smile.”

The phonogram of the song “Smile” is turned on and those present sing it together.

1st presenter. And now the participants speak. Let's welcome them.

The concert part is underway. At the end the results are summed up. The winners are awarded.

MBOU "Nimengskaya OSH"

Scenario of an educational and musical event at a summer camp

Title "Flower Day"

The summer camp teachers prepared and conducted the event:

Saltykova L.N., Oreshnikova P.N., Farzullaev R.M.


Broadening one's horizons, developing attentiveness and accuracy;

Fostering love for nature and respect for it.

Equipment and materials: laptop, projector, speakers, screen;

for practical work - scissors, glue, paper napkins, colored paper and cardboard, stapler, pens, long skewers for daisy stems, glue gun, blanks of fabric daisy petals and centers, padding polyester.

Progress of the event:

The first part of the celebration takes place in the school assembly hall:

Music plays (sounds like "Merry Song")

1 Presenter:

Hello, dear children and adults! We start today's day at our camp with such a cheerful song!

2 Presenter:

Hi all! My name is Tsvetik! Hello from me to you all!

Guys, are you familiar with these lines? What cartoon character did this phrase remind you of? (Yes, this is “The Adventures of Dunno.”) Do you think Dunno loved flowers? Did he know anything about flower festivals?

1 Presenter:

Guys, what holidays do you know? (New Year, birthday, tankman’s day, Teacher’s day, miner’s day and many others). What do you think, is there a flower holiday in our calendar? Do not know? The summer days of June are considered a real holiday of flowers. It is during this period that many flowers shine with all the colors of the rainbow. This period in nature is called the summer solstice. And the date is June 21. And it is on this day that International Flower Day is celebrated. In many countries, various flower festivals are held, where you can see the unprecedented beauty of nature’s creations and human hands. Who founded this and when? beautiful holiday, unknown. Each country has its own symbol. In Russia, the holiday is celebrated under the emblem of chamomile. So today, let us also arrange this magical, wonderful holiday. Let's go..... On the screen is the cartoon "Locomotive in Romashkovo".

2 Presenter:

So what will we be talking about? Of course about summer, about flowers. After all, they are different: spring and summer, autumn and winter. Flowers always decorate our lives. They are the most pleasant gift. We give them to our family and friends. "Flowers" - beautiful word, it conceals tenderness, smile, kindness and joy. So, let's begin our amazing flower journey...

1 Presenter:

Guys, I suggest you all sing together a karaoke song - warm-up "There is a flower in the world...". Well done everyone!

2 Presenter:

Guys! What flower names do you know? Do you know how flowers appeared? Let's watch a short video clip of "Legends of Flowers".

1 Presenter:

But I’m very interested, do you know riddles about flowers? Shall we play? in my hands big flower. What's its name? - “Chamomile”, guess why I chose it. Girls often use the daisy flower to tell fortunes. And I prepared it for you at Romashka different tasks. Tear off the piece of paper and complete the task.

No. 1. Read the poem expressively:

Dandelion golden
He was handsome, young,
Wasn't afraid of anyone
Even the wind itself!
Dandelion golden
He has grown old and gray-haired,
And as soon as I turned gray,
He flew away with the wind.

No. 2. Guess the riddle:

I'm capricious and tender
Needed for any holiday.
I can be white, yellow, red,
But I always remain beautiful! (Rose)

No. 3. Guess a riddle:

Rye is earing in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
bright blue and fluffy,
It's just a pity that it's not fragrant. (Cornflower)

No. 4. Guess a riddle:

The lush bush in the garden blossomed,
Attracting wasps and bees.
All covered in large double flowers -
White, pink, burgundy! (Peony)

No. 5. Read the poem expressively:

What is the bell about?
Ringing in the meadow?
Reply to this
I can't help you.
But I think this:
It will ring in the morning
And they hear the flowers -
It's time to wake up.

No. 6. Choose two friends and sing a funny karaoke song:

"Friends don't have days off."

No. 7. Read the poem expressively:

Hey daisies,
Give me an answer:
Where are you from,
If it `s not a secret?
- Not a secret, -
answered the daisies, -
The sun carried us
In your pocket!

No. 8. Guess a riddle:

There is a curl in the garden -
White shirt,
Heart of gold.
What it is? chamomile
No. 9. Guess a riddle:

Window and balcony bush.
The leaf is fluffy and fragrant,
And the flowers on the window -
Like a hat on fire. (Geranium)

No. 10.Guess the riddle:
I am a herbaceous plant
With a lilac flower.
But change the emphasis
And I turn into candy. (Iris)

No. 11. Write a description of the flower - (Rose).

No. 12. Make up the name of a flower from letters - (o-z-r-a = rose, a-t-r-a-s = aster)

1 Presenter:

- Guys, you are so great! You read poetry loudly and expressively. You guess the riddles correctly.

2 Presenter:

Guys, you know that there are many different legends. It turns out there is a legend about chamomile. Let's watch the video "The Legend of Chamomile".

The task on the “daisy fortune teller” is simple. But I have prepared a very difficult task for you. Well, no one can guess. Let's watch the presentation "Flower Riddles". Shall we begin?!

1 Presenter:

Once again, you know a lot and are good at guessing.

Guys, do you know medicinal plants? List them. Well done! The simplest ones, those that are often necessary and grow literally under our feet - you know. This is very wonderful, it means we can safely go on a hike with you. And I propose to continue this topic. Let's watch the video" Medicinal plants"and remember them.

2 Presenter:

This concludes the first part of our Flower Day holiday. Now we will go to the school workshop and work with our hands.

The second part of the holiday takes place in the school workshop:

All children go to the workshop for a master class on making an applique “Dandelions from paper napkins” and a flower from fabric (see video tutorial and pictures).

1 Presenter:

Well done, you have created wonderful dandelion flowers, somewhat unique, each with their own, no two are alike. Your works are original and beautiful in their own way. A photo shoot of crafts is taking place.

Have you ever noticed how beautiful flowers are? No? So let's immediately admire them. Watch the video "Amazing Flowers".

2 Presenter:

Now I invite everyone to sing together the song “It’s fun to walk together” and “If you are kind.”

Guys! It is not necessary to pick flowers to put them in a vase for just a few days. Listen to the poem here:

If I pick a flower...

If you pick a flower...

If everything: both me and you,

If we pick flowers,

They will be empty

And trees and bushes...

And there will be no beauty

And there will be no kindness

If only you and me -

If we pick flowers...

1 Presenter:

Guys! Did you know that not all flowers can stand in the same vase?

Lily of the valley cannot be placed in water with other flowers. It releases toxic substances into the water that destroy other flowers.

Did you know that our ordinary carnation does not tolerate noise? If you put it next to a radio, it will wither.

2 Presenter:

Rose and mignonette are at enmity with each other. They will die if they are placed in the same vase. And the carnation, although it does not like the rose, can stand together with it, only both flowers lose their aroma.

Let's take care of the meadow flowers, take care of native nature!

1 Presenter:

Love beautiful world colors. It is filled with joy and happiness, as well as its magnificent variety of colors and smells.

Summing up the holiday.

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8.Teacher presentation primary classes Zakrzhevskoy E. D., Karaganda.

Results of the master class:

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