Who is a music lover in the modern sense of the word? Who is a music lover, what do they eat with.

Music lovers (music lovers) appeared at the end of the 19th century, and have “preserved” to this day. And in those not so distant times, music lovers listened to music to the point of oblivion, attending all musical parties and concerts indiscriminately. And today the average music lover listens to everything: music of various genres and styles, from a variety of performers. They like everything: hard rock, classical music, pop, and folk songs.

To the question who is a music lover, There is only one answer: a fan of music, as such. In addition, these people devoted to music are thoroughly knowledgeable about everything that concerns the subject of their love. And when sometimes “grandmothers” are interested in what is a music lover, you can just tell them that this is a person who selflessly and fiercely loves music, just music.

To understand What does the word music lover mean?, it’s worth taking a look at Wikipedia. This word consists of two parts, the first of which is translated as singing (music), and the second as madness, enthusiasm, passion. Simply put, music lovers are passionate and enthusiastic connoisseurs of music who love it madly and cannot see their lives without its presence.

Music lovers are very interesting people to talk to. They know almost everything about their favorite styles of music and their performers. They “operate” with ease musical terms, names of directions and styles, musical groups and the names of the vocalists and their biographies.

When ignorant people ask what music lovers listen to very easy to answer. These interesting and truly enthusiastic guys and girls listen to any music with gratitude and pleasure. There are classics, hard rock, punk, folk, rap, ethno, and so on. Being aware of all the news and novelties on the music front, knowing all the successes and failures of the “stars”, true music lovers can easily tell what music is now “in price”, what music is worth listening to, and what to ignore. And this, often without even having a musical education.

To fully understand what does music lover mean? and his passion for music mania, let us dwell on some of his characteristic features.

Very often, along with simply listening to music everywhere and always, a music lover also collects it. There used to be collections vinyl records, then - reels, then - tape cassettes. Now the carriers and keepers of treasured recordings are CD cassettes and DVDs. This type of music collecting is called philophony. And, if a music lover is also a philophane, then such a person is literally “worth his weight in gold” - he knows so much, and can tell a lot about music and let you listen to it.

The second sign of music addiction is the desire to listen to music with as clear and high-quality sound as possible, the best music, so nothing is spared in searching for such music: neither money nor time. To achieve high-quality sound, ultra-sensitive equipment, the most expensive and high-quality media, etc. are purchased. And many generally prefer music on records, where the real timbre of the performer and even his breathing can be heard. Such truly “live” and vital music, without embellishments, “backing tracks” and “pluses”, gives a true music lover true pleasure in His Majesty Music.

Well, and, of course, a real, self-respecting music lover listens to music consciously and meaningfully, getting to the bottom of the meaning of words and melodies, the instruments used and the history of the origin of a particular composition.

So, who is a music lover?

1. A person who is well versed in almost all styles and genres of music. And even if he is a fan of hard rock, he is aware of the news of chanson or hip-hop.
2. A person who does not necessarily have huge collection music, but perfectly versed in musical genres, authors, performers, and even notes and chords.
3. A person who is a true connoisseur of music, who worships it, gets high on it, feeds his soul with it.

This is what he is, a music lover who has devoted all his free time a beautiful form of art - music. And such a music lover is truly worthy of respect and admiration!

Some people call themselves a foreign word"music lover". Who is a music lover and who really has the right to call themselves that?

The word "music lover" is a derivative of another word - "musicmania", which comes from two Greek words: melos - singing and mania - madness. That is, a music lover is passionate music lover Human. This term took root in the language at the end of the 19th century.

About music lovers

Music lovers are music lovers who cannot imagine their life without it. They can choose one musical style, which will be preferred, or will be more versatile in their musical tastes. Music lovers can listen to anything: classical, hard rock, punk, folk, rap, etc. As a rule, music lovers are well aware of the history and main performers of their favorite musical genre. They are well versed in musical styles, and they know the biographies of their idols by heart.

Who is a music lover? This is an interesting conversationalist who will give you advice on what music to listen to and what music you shouldn’t pay attention to. If you have a friend or girlfriend who is a music lover, you are lucky! You don’t have to go online every time to find out about a group or performer. You can get reliable information from your music lover friend.

Often music lovers of certain genres unite in communities or create a Fan Club famous performer. They exchange rare notes, interesting news about this musical direction, they go to concerts together. Needless to say, the life of a music lover is very rich and interesting!

So, now you know exactly who a music lover is. Are you a music lover? If not yet, then with all our hearts we wish you to become a music lover and devote part of your free time to such a wonderful art form as music!

What does a person say if he is too lazy to list the names of all his favorite bands and songs? I music lover- a universal excuse that will save you from further tedious questions. Particularly meticulous people will not be left behind at this stage; they will continue to try to find out the names of the “most favorite” performers. But in fact, both participants are very vague about who is a music lover.

Lovers of different styles of music.

The idea has become firmly established in the minds of the majority that this a person with varied tastes:

  • Hip-hop.
  • Blues.
  • Jazz.
  • Techno.
  • Electonic music.
  • Folk.
  • Country.
  • Funk.
  • Punk.
  • Chanson.

A true music lover is ready to listen to any of the listed areas and in each of them is able to find something to his liking - high-quality tracks, noteworthy performers, interesting communities of fans. Such an omnivorous “monster”, in the minds of most people around him.

But is this really so? If your friend has hundreds of songs from different artists in his player, this does not mean that he is a music lover. Perhaps a person simply has a developed outlook, he is interested in the work of many performers. Or he cannot find enough worthy compositions in the work of one singer or group, this also happens.

Historically correct definition of a music lover.

But if the person described is not a music lover, who then can even be called by this word? Music fan, a passionate enthusiast with a wide range of knowledge about many areas. The definition itself is a little less than two centuries old; initially the emphasis was placed directly on the love of music.

It was absolutely unimportant whether a person had a professional musical education or is a self-taught hobbyist. The main criterion remained attraction to melodies and rhythms, usually without a theoretical basis.

Listening to music became available to a wider audience only in the second half of the twentieth century. Before this, our ancestors got by with the help of live music and the first gramophones. Technical innovations were too expensive for every family to afford to enjoy music in the evenings. What can we say about hiking or traveling somewhere.

Just put on headphones and listen to your favorite artist on the way to work - what could be simpler and more commonplace in our time? A hundred years ago this was something out of science fiction. So fans of this art had to spend their free time collecting information about the musicians, their work and the whole movement as a whole.

Advantages and disadvantages of superficial knowledge.

IN secular society such a person could always carry on a conversation when it came to music. After all, he knew almost everything about the creativity of that time, even if his knowledge was not too deep.

However, the aristocracy rarely plunged headlong into music, studying it theoretical basis. People were more interested in gossip and intrigues regarding personal life a talented pianist or a new court musician. Over the past centuries, practically nothing has changed in this regard, as you can see.

But let's return to our topic. The music lover was a welcome guest at any reception, thanks to the vastness of his knowledge. In narrower circles, they could make fun of such a person, pointing out his ignorance of the basics, lack musical ear or something else. Despite his advantageous position in society, some new fashion or there was no mass movement in those days. Maybe because you really need to devote too much time and give your all to music if you really love it.

"Music is sweeping the planet."

Progress has not stood still all this time. Already at the beginning of the last century, radio receivers came to almost every home. The development of radio helped make music more accessible to listeners. There was no need for expensive equipment or live performances. The price that had to be paid for the opportunity to enjoy first-class creations has dropped.

At the same time, more and more people began to appear who were ready listen to music of any genre.

It didn’t matter to them what style this or that musician performed. The main thing is melody and rhythm, nothing else. These are the people we have come to call music lovers these days. But they made a slight mistake with the definition and moved away from the initial framework, when any lover of this art was called a music lover. There was no talk of any illegibility, although the person was interested in many directions at once.

Three categories of music lovers.

But we are modern people, we are accustomed to much more significant changes than distortion of the meaning of one word. let's consider today's "music lovers":

  1. Some people are simply too lazy to talk in detail about their musical tastes; the interlocutor will not understand the first time. Such people are not music lovers.
  2. Some listen to only a few strictly defined directions, but due to their incompatibility, they consider themselves to be among the list of people with very diverse tastes.
  3. And the small remaining group really only cares about the quality of the music, and not its direction and style. If a track catches you, you can’t just brush it off.

When we start listening to music, we adopt the tastes of our parents, peers and slightly older acquaintances. Having heard one track, we begin to look for something similar by the same artist or in the same direction. It’s rare that a person immediately sets off on a “free voyage”; at first, we strictly adhere to one or more musical styles. But over time, the understanding comes that the quality of the composition is much more important than the style of performance.

If a person is able to rebuild his perception and change his tastes, he will always find something for himself for real good music . Taking into account any country and any period of time.

Pros and cons for music lovers.

In general, is it a useful idea to regularly listen to music on headphones, without particularly paying attention to the surrounding reality? We need to compare all the advantages and disadvantages.

pros in this are the following:

  1. You can really isolate yourself from the world a little. This can be useful during difficult times in life and at certain stages.
  2. Music always creates a mood - cheerful, playful, melancholy, thoughtful. Depending on your wishes.
  3. You can always advise something to your friends if they ask.

Now let's go through cons:

  1. Inattention - this is a sin for any owner of headphones. When crossing the road, you may not even notice a passing car. Paying with life or health for the love of music sounds romantic. But in reality, the prospect is dubious.
  2. A few more words about health, the human ear is not designed for such loads. Gradually, headphones “damage” our hearing, and it is either very difficult or impossible to restore it.
  3. And not the least important argument, in front of acquaintances the image of a detached person is always formed, who is somewhere hovering with his music.

By and large the advantages and disadvantages approximately compensate for each other. But to be blindly carried away by one thing and devote all your free time to it is a little unreasonable. Even if you consider yourself creative person, after all, the world has not converged like a wedge on music alone, there is also painting, cinema, literature.

You can find something beautiful in everything and diversify your entertainment.

Even if we find out who a music lover really is, we will still use this concept not entirely correctly. And there is nothing wrong with that, since they began to use it in exactly this way.

Video about music lovers

A recent study by neuroscientists from Canada's McGill University showed that listening to your favorite tracks triggers the release of dopamine. The volume of release of this “hormone of happiness” is comparable to the effects of drugs or orgasm.

2. Music lovers are faster

Researchers at the University of London have discovered a correlation between running success and the tempo of the music chosen as the soundtrack for a run. It turned out that upbeat compositions help athletes run a distance of 800 meters much faster.

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3. Music lovers - Zen masters

Music, according to authoritative psychotherapists, reduces the level of cortisol in the blood and makes it easier to cope with stressful situations. And people who practice playing percussion instruments and singing are practically invulnerable to sorrow and can boast of iron immunity.

4. Music lovers sleep like a hero

45 minutes of quiet or classical music help you to seamlessly transport yourself to dreamland. This was proven by a medical experiment involving 94 students.

5. Music lovers find it easier to stay in shape.

A study conducted by the Georgia Institute of Technology found that dim lighting and the sound of music lead to fewer calories consumed during meals and greater enjoyment of meals.

6. Music lovers are the best drivers

Dutch scientists are convinced that listening to music has a positive effect on a person’s mood while driving and, therefore, makes the trip safer overall.

7. Music lovers remember everything

Music promotes more effective absorption and reproduction of information. Participants in the experiment were asked to memorize Japanese characters and at the same time listen to either their favorite songs or melodies that were neutral to them. The results were unexpected: professional musicians remembered data better when listening to neutral music, and reproduced what they had learned better when listening to tracks that gave them pleasure, while in the case of ordinary music lovers, everything was exactly the opposite.

8. Music lovers are able to cope with pain on their own

Work from Drexel University in the US demonstrates that music therapy– an excellent tool in the fight against pain symptoms both for people undergoing remission after cancer and for patients in intensive care units. It is important that it is music that the patient loves.

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9. Music lovers can talk anyone out

Just a month of music lessons significantly increases the level of verbal intelligence. This is evidenced by a study from the University of York: 90% of children aged 4 to 6 years performed better due to the “carry-over effect”, where the skills learned during musical practice continue to work in the area of ​​memorizing words and the ability to explain their meaning.

10. Music lovers are intellectuals

Those who listen to music and play instruments have higher IQs and academic success than, for example, those who attend a drama club. And those who sing best cope with their studies.

11. Music lovers are bursting with new ideas.

Music played at a moderate volume during work increases the complexity of information processing just enough to turn on abstract thinking and creativity.

12. Music lovers never age

A leading researcher at a medical center in Kansas conducted cognitive testing that showed that professional and amateur musicians remained sane and stable in memory longer than people without such experience. Music affects several areas of the brain at once, which allows it to build more diverse connections and, as a result, stay healthy longer.

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Music is an indispensable part of human life modern world. It can improve your mood, make you think and just relax. In most cases, a person prefers one type of music, but there are those who can listen to any composition.

What does "music lover" mean?

In the world you can meet true connoisseurs of music who cannot imagine their life without it; they are called music lovers. Such people like to listen to different directions, and they have no special preferences. A true music lover is well versed in musical history and knows the biographies and characteristics of many performers. This definition first appeared in XIX-XX centuries in Europe, and then it meant that a person was simply interested in music. Many music fans have an extensive collection of CDs, tapes and records.

To understand who a music lover is, it is worth saying that many people often distort the meaning of this word. True music lovers put quality first, not direction. If a track catches your attention in some way, then it will forever be included in the TOP of your favorite compositions. Correctly knowing your tastes and understanding musical perception, choose good compositions will be simple given the numerous countries and time periods.

Signs of a music lover

True music connoisseurs are often faced with a choice of which compositions are worthy of their attention. They know the release dates of a huge number of albums by heart. His repositories of hits are in perfect order, something even a demanding perfectionist would envy. A real music lover, an audiophile can easily determine the style just by looking at the disc cover. Often such people hunt for rare discs and are willing to give a lot for them.

How to become a music lover?

There are no instructions that would teach you to love different musical genres, so it's either there or it's not. Try to make a selection of your favorite compositions, but they should only be from different directions. Expand your musical horizons by becoming interested in the work of different performers, and they do not have to be world stars. For those who are interested in whether a music lover is good or bad, it is worth saying that there is nothing wrong with being passionate about music if it does not cause discomfort among others and does not turn into mania.

Psychology of music lovers

Due to the fact that a person is well versed in different styles, it’s easy for him to find mutual language with the people around you. Often he gets so carried away by his hobby that he withdraws a little from real world. Continuing to understand the topic of what a music lover is, it is worth noting that it is rare that a person immediately starts listening to different compositions, giving preference to several directions. Only after a certain period of time does one realize that the quality of the composition is much more important than the style to which it belongs.

Is music addiction a disease?

In psychology, love for different music is considered as one of the types of auditory passivity of the individual, which sometimes even expresses itself in a kind of dependence. It manifests itself not only in regular listening to your favorite compositions, but also in the desire to expand and update your own music collection. For those who are interested in who a music lover is, it is worth noting that in the modern world, music addiction is often combined with, since you can find and download any work on the Internet.

It is generally accepted that music addiction is not considered a disease or mental disorder, since it does not have pronounced negative consequences. At the same time, like other types of mania, it has several negative aspects. It has been proven that listening to music at high volumes for a long time causes hearing damage. Buying rare compositions often requires serious investments, which is also a disadvantage. Another dangerous thing about music addiction is that if you listen to sad music often, it can cause symptoms.

How to get rid of music addiction?

It has already been mentioned that love for music is not a disease, so if addiction does not cause any negative consequences, then there is no reason to fight it. It is recommended to just follow some simple rules and in to a greater extent this applies to measured listening to music at high volume. With a combination of music addiction and Internet addiction, it is necessary to limit the time spent in front of the computer so that vision does not deteriorate. If a hobby turns into mental illness, a music lover should seek help from a psychologist.

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