What does it mean to throw a zig? No matter what they say, the ridge is a Nazi salute

Greeting used German Nazis in the 1930s - 40s and prevalent among the neo-Nazi movement. This gesture looks like a straightened arm thrown up at an angle of 45 degrees. The fingers are gathered together, the palm is pointing down. As you can see, the body movement is very sweeping and noticeable - coupled with standing up at the command “Attention!” body and shouting "Heil Hitler!" (“Long live Hitler!”) it added solemnity to communication among Nazi military structures.

The neo-fascist movement adopted the manner of “zigging” from its predecessors very willingly. True, by translating the accompanying chants into native language no one cared, so the words “Heil Hitler!” We never received a Russian-language equivalent.

The ridge gesture itself was one of the elements of the Fuhrer’s personality cult; it was officially introduced into government institutions Nazi Germany, was compulsorily used in the NSDAP and SS. He was also loved in the unofficial sphere. The inscriptions "Heil Hitler!" found at the end of acts, orders and even personal letters. As for the ridge, its full version described above was not always used. For cases when the greeting and farewell did not take place with Hitler himself or the high military command, medium and small ridge were used. In the first case, it is an outstretched arm parallel to the ground with a lowered palm; in the second, it is a not fully raised arm with bent elbow. The small ridge is very similar to a normal raised hand greeting. Neo-Nazis use all variations of these greeting gestures, although the most solemn of them (the big ridge) has caught on the best.

As is the case with any symbol or gesture remembered by mankind, they are trying to look for the roots of the ridge in a history more ancient than the interwar period of the twentieth century. Drawing on Hitler's love of ancient symbols and sources of various dubiousness, the ridge is alternately attributed to the ancient Romans, Celts and Slavs. The latter concept especially warms the soul of Russian neo-Nazis, who emphasize their Slavic-Aryan origins. Their concept proclaims the triumph of the white race, and calls the ancestors of the Slavs “Aryans” - a tribe that migrated from Slavic lands to Europe and gave birth to other white peoples. According to neo-Nazis, during the Second World War, Hitler had nothing against the Slavs, who also considered themselves to be the white race, and the Ost plan did not exist, since the original document has not survived to this day; other evidence was forged. In this way, neo-Nazis explain their admiration for the ideologists of the Reich and Hitler: they cared for the purity of the white race and tried to clear territories for its development.

The skinhead subculture is often associated with the neo-Nazi movement, but this is not entirely true. Skinheads emerged in the late 1960s as informal antagonists of the hippies, who rejected the position of peace and love and sought to make a tough statement of their position. Only NS skinheads are close to neo-Nazi ideology - one of the later branches of the subculture.

In Russia, skinheads and neo-Nazis are practically not separated, since the nationalist vision of the movement is more developed in the country. Russian neo-Nazis not only “throw the sieg” at illegal parades and meetings, but also use one of its variants in daily communication, replacing the greeting with a sieg and the words “Sieg Heil!” ("Viva victory!"). The latter was also adopted from the legacy of the Nazi Reich and is used by modern Nazis more often than glorifications of the Fuhrer. One of the most popular chants of Russian NS skinheads and neo-Nazis is “Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! We will build a new paradise!” The construction of paradise in this case means the triumph of the white race and the physical extermination of representatives of national minorities, in particular Gypsies, Jews, Caucasians, Azerbaijanis and other emigrants with a skin tone darker than that of the Slavs.

Sports radical young people most often fall into the ranks of skinheads and neo-Nazis, so it is logical that their destructive energy splashes out not only on the battlefield as a threat to the white race, but also on the football field. Often neo-Nazis and skinheads join the ranks of ultras and participate in city brawls after football matches, resulting in real pogroms and clashes with representatives of other radical groups, subcultures and nationalities. And in stadiums during the game you can see fans throwing zigs.

NS skinheads can be recognized not only by the zig greeting, but also by other signs, such as the presence of accessories or jewelry with a swastika or Slavic symbols. Distinctive sign representatives of the skinhead subculture have a shaved head or a very short haircut. Most neo-Nazis hide their faces with a bandage or neckerchief stretched from the chin to the eyes.

Nata Zinkevich

How to throw zigs correctly. Popular science guide.

This article has the goal of educating the youngest representatives of the NS movement. The article will discuss such issues related to the use of zigs as:

    Definition of the concept of "ridge";
    Correct execution of the ridge;
    The meaning of using ridge;
    Types of zig;
Graphic materials will also be given as examples for clarity.

Definition of the concept "ridge".

“Ziga” (from German “sieg” - victory, winning) is a gesture of greeting the Sun: from the heart to the Sun along the path of the right hand; the palm of the left hand lies inside on the stomach, forming a zig-rune.
Description: the open palm of the right hand with fingers folded towards each other touches the left side of the chest, where the heart is anatomically located, then sharply rushes forward and upward, while the person’s gaze is directed upward, to the Sun, since it is with this gesture that the person greets and connects with him on an energetic path through his right hand. This was a description of the gesture “from the heart to the Sun.” When throwing a zig and establishing a high-quality energy connection, the formation of a zig run is also important; for this, the palm of the left hand should lie with the inside on the stomach (as in Fig. 1).

The meaning of using ridge.

In ancient times, our ancestors, the Aryan peoples, universally used the practice of throwing ridges, welcoming and praising pagan gods, first of all, the god of the Sun, thus connecting as an “energy bridge” with the highest spiritual power through the means of information and energy exchange. Later, the gesture was also used to greet military and political leaders. In Nazi Germany, the second quarter of the twentieth century was devoted to ridge Special attention. The gesture was used mainly to greet each other: ordinary citizens threw large zigs, while high-ranking leaders had the right to throw small and medium zigs, which indicated their higher position in society (read about small, large, and medium zigs in the section Types of zigs ). In Germany, among the military, it was customary to add to the traditional ridge the biting clicking of heels while throwing the ridge.
In our time, the practice of greeting a leader with a ridge and praising the gods has been preserved with almost reconstructionist precision.

Types of zig.

There are zigs (see Fig. 2):

Big ridge. Any representative of white humanity can throw a big ridge. The remaining options are exotic and perverted.
Medium ridge. People who are more senior in white society have the right to throw the middle ridge at people who are less senior.
Small ridge. Only the most senior representatives of society have the right to throw a small ridge: heads of state, spontaneous leaders...


Using the example of the personality of the leader of the German people, A. Hitler, let’s see what zigs look like. Hitler, as the most senior member of German society in the second quarter of the twentieth century, had the right to throw all types of zigs. Naturally, when throwing a big zig, a person shows the greatest respect to another.

The Fuhrer of the German people throws a big ridge

The Fuhrer of the German people throws a middle ridge

The Fuhrer of the German people throws a small ridge

Grandfather, who are these people in the photo? Fascists?
- Yes, grandson, fascists
- What are they doing?
- They raise their hands in a fascist salute and shout “Heil Hitler”
- Is that you in the photo?
- Yes, grandson, it’s me
-Are you shouting “Heil Hitler” too?
- What are you talking about, grandson! It was when they all started shouting “Heil Hitler” that I raised my hand and indignantly said “WAIT A MINUTE!”


There is a terrible gesture in this world,
A terribly forbidden gesture!
He breaks mystical networks,
And glorifies the Sun-Cross!

An incorruptible partisan gesture,
Left defender, bare your fangs!
Judeo-Russian pate
Afraid of raised hand.

Left defender, know and remember -
F$$dam has no place in Rus'!
Let the zombies become zombies
Don’t burden us with the Talmud!

All life is a struggle! Your way
We cut into the Sky through horror.
Go ahead, friends! From the heart to God!
Bless! Good luck!

thank you for your attention. ridge!

    IN Soviet time people were simpler than now, not so indifferent to each other. If someone saw that a teenager was throwing a ridge (raising his right hand in a fascist salute), such a joker would at least receive a good punch from the first person passing by. And the enemy would have been handed over to the police. And then, you see, the KGB would be interested in such behavior. Because our people paid a terrible price for getting rid of fascism.

    The niece needs to be forced to show several Soviet films about the fascists, about their atrocities, so that you feel ashamed and never do that again.

    Sieg is a Nazi salute, derived from the cry of Sieg Heil! (Glory to Victory!) with the right arm thrown forward and upward. The ridge has no sacred meaning or ancient Aryan origin; it was invented by Rudolf Hess at one of the rallies.

    This is what the ridge looks like:

    Such an expression as throwing a zig bert originated in the ranks of the Nazis. The fact is that this expression means a kind of greeting with one hand thrown up. For our country, for obvious reasons, such a greeting is unacceptable.

    The road to hell is trampled by good intentions - this is about a ridge. When the Germans threw zigs - they stretched their right arms up, they thus worshiped the Sun and asked him for victory, thinking that they were doing the right thing, cleansing the world of wickedness. Hitler screwed up their brains, and still some young people with low IQs rush around, don’t like blacks and consider this a normal phenomenon.

    Here are instructions on how to throw a zig correctly:

    If anyone doesn’t understand, the Nazis threw zigs.

    To zig means to throw out your hand with the cry of Sieg Heil, as was customary among the Nazis. And for some reason they associate (the Nazis fuck them!) this zigging with the symbol of infinity, that is, a rotated figure eight...

    Zig (throw a zig) is a welcoming hand movement, gesture. Ziga has been known since pagan times, because in essence it is a symbolic form of greeting the Sun expressed in raising the hand. Therefore, this is not stupidity, but a form of worship of pagan gods and harmony with the outside world (at least then).

    The ridge is done in motion: from the heart in the direction of the Sun, with the right hand. Wherein, left hand his palm will remain (lie) on his stomach. This forms a zig rune.

    As often happens in history, new content is added to the old well-thought-out form, completely distorting it in meaning, tying it to an unnatural, unnatural and simply inhumane action. Just like what happened with the swastika.

    The Nazis, having adopted this greeting gesture, introduced a negative, anti-human meaning into it. With their vile actions (starting a war, killing millions of people), they denigrated Zig. Modern Nazis are doing the same now.

    It will probably take a lot of time to return the original meaning of zige

    This expression comes from the Nazis. They greeted each other like that. Throw your arms up and shout Sieg Heil!. This is what modern youth call throwing a zig. Not the best thing your child could learn. Have an educational conversation and take action.

    Ziga. Zigzag. Hail Hitler. Sieg Heil.

    Nazi salute, right hand up, as in Heil Hitler.

    True, this gesture has a justification.

    First, the right hand is placed on the heart. Then he goes up with his open palm.

    It's ancient Slavic greeting, meaning from the heart to the sun. From heart to heaven.

    After the baptism of Rus' it almost disappeared.

    Now many people are returning to the Faith of their ancestors, the one that existed before baptism.

    And there is nothing wrong with the fact that the niece throws a zig.

    If only there was no war.

    The expression to throw a zig goes back to ancient times, but the most important time is the Second World War and before the Second World War, when it was customary in Germany to throw a zig to Hitler or say Sieck Heil, Heil Hitler, many people know that Hitler was obsessed with antiquities and believed in prophecies and the magic of many things, but this is already in other descriptions.

    Throwing a zig or zigan means to greet someone as the Nazis did in their time. In our time and in our country, such a movement is unacceptable. I know of a case where they gave me 15 days for slogging near a monument.

25 Nov 2011, 12:47

Are you zigging?..

This post aims to familiarize yourself with the historical and cultural background of the concept of “ridge”.

Definition of the concept "ridge".

“Ziga” (from German “sieg” - victory, winning) is a gesture of greeting the Sun: from the heart to the Sun along the path of the right hand; the palm of the left hand lies with the inner side on the stomach, forming a zig-rune.
Description: the open palm of the right hand with fingers folded towards each other touches the left side of the chest, where the heart is anatomically located, then sharply rushes forward and upward, while the person’s gaze is directed upward, to the Sun, since it is with this gesture that the person greets and connects with him on an energy path through your right hand. This was a description of the gesture “from the heart to the Sun.” When throwing a zig and establishing a high-quality energy connection, the formation of a zig rune is also important; for this, the palm of the left hand should lie with the inside on the stomach.

The meaning of using ridge.

In ancient times, our ancestors, the Aryan peoples, universally used the practice of throwing ridges, welcoming and praising the pagan gods, primarily the Sun God, thus connecting as an “energy bridge” with the highest spiritual power through information and energy exchange. Later, the gesture was also used to greet military and political leaders. In Nazi Germany in the second quarter of the twentieth century, special attention was paid to ridge. The gesture was used mainly to greet each other: ordinary citizens threw large zigs, while high-ranking leaders had the right to throw small and medium zigs, which indicated their higher position in society (read about small, large, and medium zigs in the section Types of zigs ). In Germany, among the military, it was customary to add to the traditional ridge the biting clicking of heels while throwing the ridge.
In our time, the practice of greeting a leader with a ridge and praising the gods has been preserved with almost reconstructionist precision.

Types of zig.

1. Big ridge. Any representative of white humanity can throw a big ridge. The remaining options are exotic and perverted.
2. Medium ridge. People who are more senior in white society have the right to throw the middle ridge at people who are less senior.
3. Small ridge. Only the most senior representatives of society have the right to throw a small ridge: heads of state, spontaneous leaders...

Using the example of the personality of the leader of the German people A. Hitler, let's see what zigs look like. Hitler, as the most senior member of German society in the second quarter of the twentieth century, had the right to throw all types of zigs. Naturally, when throwing a big zig, a person shows the greatest respect to another.

The Fuhrer of the German people throws a big ridge

The Fuhrer of the German people throws a middle ridge

The Fuhrer of the German people throws a small ridge

Yuri Dolgoruky throws a medium ridge

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin throws a big ridge.

Well, homework.
Determine the type of ridge yourself:














Some of the material is taken here.

This article has the goal of educating the youngest representatives of the NS movement. The article will discuss issues related to the use of zigs such as:
Definition of the concept of "ridge";
Correct execution of the ridge;
The meaning of using ridge;
Types of zig;
Graphic materials will also be given as examples for clarity.

Definition of the concept "ridge".
“Ziga” (from German “sieg” - victory, winning) is a gesture of greeting the Sun: from the heart to the Sun along the path of the right hand; the palm of the left hand lies with the inner side on the stomach, forming a zig-rune.
Description: the open palm of the right hand with fingers folded towards each other touches the left side of the chest, where the heart is anatomically located, then sharply rushes forward and upward, while the person’s gaze is directed upward, to the Sun, since it is with this gesture that the person greets and connects with him on an energy path through your right hand. This was a description of the gesture “from the heart to the Sun.” When throwing a zig and establishing a high-quality energy connection, the formation of a zig run is also important; for this, the palm of the left hand should lie with the inside on the stomach (as in Fig. 1).

The meaning of using ridge.
In ancient times, our ancestors, the Aryan peoples, universally used the practice of throwing ridges, welcoming and praising the pagan gods, primarily the Sun God, thus connecting as an “energy bridge” with the highest spiritual power through information and energy exchange. Later, the gesture was also used to greet military and political leaders. In Nazi Germany in the second quarter of the twentieth century, special attention was paid to ridge. The gesture was used mainly to greet each other: ordinary citizens threw large zigs, while high-ranking leaders had the right to throw small and medium zigs, which indicated their higher position in society (read about small, large, and medium zigs in the section Types of zigs ). In Germany, among the military, it was customary to add to the traditional ridge the biting clicking of heels while throwing the ridge.
In our time, the practice of greeting a leader with a ridge and praising the gods has been preserved with almost reconstructionist precision.

Types of zig.
There are zigs (see Fig. 2):
Big ridge. Any representative of white humanity can throw a big ridge. The remaining options are exotic and perverted.
Medium ridge. People with higher ranks in white society have the right to throw the middle ridge at people of lesser rank.
Small ridge. Only the most senior representatives of society have the right to throw a small ridge: heads of state, spontaneous leaders...

Rice. 2.

Using the example of the personality of the leader of the German people, A. Hitler, let’s see what zigs look like. Hitler, as the most senior member of German society in the second quarter of the twentieth century, had the right to throw all types of zigs. Naturally, when throwing a big zig, a person shows the greatest respect to another.

The Fuhrer of the German people throws a big ridge

The Fuhrer of the German people throws a middle ridge

The Fuhrer of the German people throws a small ridge

Yuri Dolgoruky throws a medium ridge

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