Drawings for the Day of Slavic Writing in pencil. Our Day of Slavic Literature and Culture! Pictures on the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture

Days Slavic writing and culture Days of Slavic literature and culture state and public organizations, together with the Russian Orthodox Church, began to be held since 1991 in accordance with the Resolution of the Presidium Supreme Council RSFSR Days of Slavic Writing

The celebration does not have a once and for all approved script. Typical events of the Days in Russia are scientific symposiums or conferences devoted to problems of culture, civilization, Slavic world, as well as concerts, meetings with writers and poets in parks, gardens, libraries, cultural centers and thematic shows feature films, and exhibitions, competitions and festivals. The celebration does not have a once and for all approved script. Typical events of the Days in Russia were scientific symposia or conferences dedicated to the problems of culture, civilization, the Slavic world, as well as concerts, meetings with writers and poets in parks, gardens, libraries, houses of culture and thematic screenings of feature films, exhibitions, competitions and festivals.

History ν ρχ ν Λόγος, κα Λόγος ν πρ ς τ ν Θεόν, κα Θε ς ν Λόγος. ν ρχ ν Λόγος, κα Λόγος ν πρ ς τ ν Θεόν, κα Θε ς ν Λόγος. In the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... The tombs, mummies and bones are silent, - Only the word is given life: From ancient darkness, in the world graveyard, Only Writings sound. And we have no other property! Know how to protect, at least to the best of your ability, in days of anger and suffering, Our immortal gift - speech. I.A. Bunin)

At first glance, it may seem that the history of the development of writing among the Slavs has a very distant connection with the history of the Slavs. In reality this is not the case. On the contrary, one can correctly approach the understanding of the history of the Slavs only by finding out the main stages of their writing. In fact: to write real history, it is necessary to use not only historical chronicles, letters, various documents, but also individual, even fragmentary records on stones, metal objects, clay vessels, etc. The very discovery of an object with a Slavic inscription often proves that that the Slavs lived in the place where it was discovered, or, at the very least, that the inhabitants of this area were in communication with the Slavs.

The Origin of Slavic Writing When we try to imagine the beginning of Russian literature, our thought necessarily turns to the history of writing. The importance of writing in the history of the development of civilization can hardly be overestimated. The possibilities of writing are not limited by time or distance. But people did not always master the art of writing. This art has been developing for a long time, over many millennia.

Types of writing First, picture writing (pictography) appeared: some event was depicted in the form of a picture, then they began to depict not the event, but individual items, and then in the form of conventional signs (ideography, hieroglyphs), and, finally, they learned to depict not objects, but to convey their names with signs (sound writing). The Greeks created their alphabet based on the Phoenician letter, but significantly improved it by introducing special signs for vowel sounds. The Greek letter formed the basis of the Latin alphabet, and in the 9th century the Slavic letter was created by using letters of the Greek alphabet.

In the history of the development of Slavic writing, we can distinguish three stages and three different groups. These three groups are as follows: 1) runes, or “runitsa”, 2) “glagolitic” and 3) “Cyrillic” and “Latin”, based on Greek or Latin letters. Before baptism in Rus', the so-called Velesovitsa was used, which had one hundred and forty-seven letters! This name was given already in the 20th century, after the name of the god Veles. It was with this ancient Russian alphabet that the famous “Veles Book” was written. Veles's book - unique monument ancient Slavic writing of the 9th century. n. e. It was carved on wooden tablets by Slavic magicians. Covers the two-thousand-year history of migrations of the Slavic-Aryans from Semirechye to the Dnieper (XI century BC - 9th century AD), reflects their religious and philosophical worldview, as well as relationships with many other peoples of Europe and Asia. Veles's book was translated into Russian for the first time in rhythmic prose - line by line with ancient text, which is accompanied by the necessary explanations and comments

BIRCH BARK LITERATURES - letters and documents of the 11th-15th centuries. on birch bark, discovered by excavations of ancient Russian cities. The first birch bark documents were found in Novgorod in 1951 by an archaeological expedition led by A. V. Artsikhovsky. The letters were scratched with a sharp bone or metal stick (also found during excavations) on specially prepared birch bark. The Novgorod name for the birch bark document is birch bark. Most of the birch bark letters are private letters, which touch on everyday and economic issues, contain instructions, describe conflicts, and some letters are humorous.

The ABC The great work of creating the Slavic alphabet was accomplished by the brothers Constantine (who took the name Cyril at baptism) and Methodius. The main merit in this matter belongs to Kirill. Methodius was his faithful assistant. Compiling the Slavic alphabet, Kirill was able to catch the basic sounds of this language in the sound of the Slavic language he knew from childhood and find for each of them letter designations. When reading Old Church Slavonic, we pronounce the words as they are written. The Slavic book language (Old Church Slavonic) became widespread as common language for many Slavic peoples. It was used by the southern Slavs (Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats), Western Slavs(Czechs, Slovaks), Eastern Slavs (Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians).

Cyril and Methodius Slavic enlighteners, creators of the Slavic alphabet, preachers of Christianity, the first translators of liturgical books from Greek to Slavic language. Cyril (about) and his older brother Methodius (about) were born in Thessalonica in the family of a military leader. Cyril was educated at the court of the Byzantine Emperor Michael III in Constantinople. Kirill knew Slavic, Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Arabic well. Refusing the admiral career offered to him by the emperor, Kirill became the patriarch's librarian, then taught philosophy.

Methodius entered early military service. For 10 years he was the manager of one of the regions inhabited by the Slavs. Then he retired to a monastery. In the 60s, having renounced the rank of archbishop, he became abbot of the Polychron monastery on the Asian shore of the Sea of ​​Marmara. Before leaving for Moravia, Cyril created the Slavic alphabet and, with the help of Methodius, translated several liturgical books from Greek into Slavic (selected readings from the Gospel, apostolic messages, psalms, etc.) In 866 (or 867), Cyril and Methodius, at the call of Pope Nicholas I, went to Rome. Pope Adrian II, in a special message, allowed them to distribute Slavic books and Slavic worship. After arriving in Rome, Kirill became seriously ill and died. Methodius was consecrated to the rank of Archbishop of Moravia and Pannonia.

With their activities, Cyril and Methodius laid the foundation for Slavic writing and literature. This activity was continued in the South Slavic countries by the disciples of Cyril and Methodius, expelled from Moravia in 866. Since 1991, our country has officially celebrated the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture on May 24 as the day of Saints Methodius and Cyril (Constantine). The creators of the Slavic alphabet were canonized by the Orthodox Church and were revered in Rus' as great civil men, captured in monuments and historical memorials. Revival of the holiday of Slavic literature and culture

World traditions of the holiday In accordance with the Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated January 30, 1991 on the annual holding of the Days of Slavic Literature and Culture since 1991, state and public organizations, together with the Russian Orthodox Church, began to hold Days of Slavic Literature and Culture. During the celebration in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, in all churches of Russia, divine liturgy, religious processions, in Moscow at the monument to Saints Cyril and Methodius - a prayer service, children's pilgrimage missions to Russian monasteries, scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions of icons, graphics.

Glory to you, brothers, enlighteners of the Slavs, holy fathers of the Slavic Church, Glory to you, teachers of the truth of Christ, Glory to you, creators of our letters! Be a link of unity for the Slavs, Holy Brothers Methodius, Cyril, May the spirit of reconciliation overshadow it with your prayer before the Lord of hosts! Glory to you, brothers, enlighteners of the Slavs, holy fathers of the Slavic Church, Glory to you, teachers of the truth of Christ, Glory to you, creators of our letters!

Glagolitic Glagolitic existed at least 200 years before Cyril. One thing is certain: the Glagolitic alphabet is centuries older than the Cyrillic alphabet. That is why on ancient parchments (palimpsests) the Cyrillic alphabet always overlaps the Glagolitic alphabet. One thing is certain: the Glagolitic alphabet is centuries older than the Cyrillic alphabet. That is why on ancient parchments (palimpsests) the Cyrillic alphabet always overlaps the Glagolitic alphabet. According to the overwhelming majority of researchers, the Glagolitic alphabet is older than the Cyrillic alphabet. The Glagolitic alphabet originated apparently, on the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula, where it still exists in a dying form.

The characters of the Greek statutory alphabet served as a model for writing Cyrillic letters. The first books in Cyrillic were also written in the charter. Ustav is a letter where the letters are written straight at the same distance from each other, without slanting - they seem to be “arranged”. The letters are strictly geometric, vertical lines, as a rule, are thicker than horizontal ones, there is no space between words. Old Russian manuscripts IX - XIV centuries written charter. From the middle of the 14th century, semi-ustav became widespread, which was less beautiful than the charter but allowed you to write faster. A slant has appeared in the letters, their geometry is not so noticeable; the ratio of thick and thin lines is no longer maintained; the text has already been divided into words.

Az beeches vede. The verb is good. Live well, earth, and, like people, think about our peace. Rtsy’s word is firm - uk fret dick. Tsy, worm, shta ra yus yati! The combination of the above phrases makes up the ABC Message: I know the letters: Writing is a property. Work hard, earthlings, as you should reasonable people– comprehend the universe! Carry the word with conviction - Knowledge is a gift of God! Dare, delve deeply in order to comprehend the Light of Being!

Books Ancient Rus' Books of Ancient Rus' The ancestors skillfully decorated books with Stones, gilding and enamel. And like precious crowns, the ancient Gospels shone. In the monasteries, the novices-scribes diligently, with a skillful hand, diligently wrote line after line. Letters of Slavic patterned ligature are entwined with floral ornaments. And the silhouettes of forest animals and birds curled like flowers, herbs and stems.

The Tale of Bygone Years Chronicles - historical works, in which events are presented on a yearly basis, i.e. about events that occurred within one year and begin with the words “In the summer of such and such...” (“summer” in Old Russian means “year”). Old Russian chronicle created in the 1110s. The earliest copy of the Tale of Bygone Years that has reached our time dates back to the 14th century. It was called the Laurentian Chronicle after the copyist, the monk Laurentius, and was compiled into the Tale of Bygone Years - the first chronicle, the text of which has reached us almost in its original form. The title The Tale of Bygone Years is translated as The Tale of Past Years. The main events are wars, the founding of churches and monasteries, the death of princes and metropolitans - the heads of the Russian Church. The chronicler does not interpret events, does not look for their causes, but simply describes them.

Ostromir Gospel The Ostromir Gospel is the oldest ancient Russian handwritten book. It was rewritten by order of the eminent Novgorod mayor Ostromir and decorated with a binding with precious stones. Work on the manuscript began on October 21, 1056 and was completed on May 12, 1057. FROM THE FIRST SELECTION OF SVYATOSLAV 1073 FROM THE FIRST SELECTION OF SVYATOSLAV 1073 Manuscript

Of great interest is the “Apostle,” published in Lvov in 1574 by the printing house of Ivan Fedorov, whose name is associated with book printing in Ukraine. Among the scientific publications of the 16th century, the “Slovenian Lexicon and Interpretation of Names”, created by the famous student, poet, engraver, and typographer Pamva Bernida, was of great importance. Significant event in cultural life there was the release of Innocent Gisel’s “Synopsis” (1674), a collection of stories national history from ancient times to the 70s of the 17th century. This book has been reprinted more than 30 times and has been a teaching tool for more than 100 years.

In Russia full list The handwritten (in Slavic language) Bible was collected for the first time in 1499 by Novgorod Archbishop Gennady, but it was almost unknown to anyone. Before that, that is, from the 10th century. until the 15th century, only separate books of the Old Slavic Bible were in use, translated from Latin in 884. THE BIBLE or THE HOLY BOOKS OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT Russian translation executed by THE HOLY GOVERNING SYNODOM WITH 230 drawings by GUSTAV DORE

Language and writing are perhaps the most important culture-forming factors. If the people are deprived of the right or opportunity to speak native language, then this will be the most severe blow to his native culture. If books in their native language are taken away from a person, he will lose the most important treasures of his culture. Language and writing are perhaps the most important culture-forming factors. If a people is deprived of the right or opportunity to speak their native language, this will be the most severe blow to their native culture. If books in their native language are taken away from a person, he will lose the most important treasures of his culture. Language, our magnificent language, Whether it is river or steppe expanse, In it are the screeches of an eagle and the eternal roar, The chanting, and the ringing, and the incense of pilgrimage. It contains the cooing of a dove in spring, the flight of a lark towards the sun - higher, higher, Birch Grove. Through light, Heavenly rain, awakened Konstantin Balmont (1925) Konstantin Balmont (1925)

This year we managed to develop and implement a project dedicated to this important holiday. Colleagues from the gift workshop became my partners who were close in spirit and spirit. "Happiness is near!"

My acquaintance with the workshop took place more than a year back. It was a pleasant accident! I started bringing my kids to master classes in painting and ceramics. There were no strict age restrictions for practicing on the pottery wheel! And this is worth a lot! Even my beloved Museum of Local Lore gives such strict restrictions that my preschoolers and I were unable to take part in the events that interested us! We went on only a few excursions and made wonderful dolls from fabric.

Target: The significance of this holiday is difficult to overestimate! It is important to know your roots, the history of your people, language!

On May 24, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture took place. One gets the impression that only philologists know about this amazing holiday... It’s sad... Do you know?...

Every year I try to pay special attention to such an event! Why? First of all, I am a language teacher! Secondly, let's turn to the work of Professor Glinkina. Lidia Andreevna Glinkina was able to endow me with a love for the history of our language already in my first lesson at the university! Low bow to you, dear Lidia Andreevna!!!

“The merits of Cyril and Methodius in the history of culture are enormous... The first ordered Slavic alphabet was developed, which marked the beginning of the development of Slavic writing...

Cyril and Methodius translated many books from Greek, which was the beginning of the formation of the Old Church Slavonic literary language...

Cyril and Methodius during for long years carried out great educational work among the Western and Southern Slavs and contributed to the spread of literacy among these peoples! "...

(from the book "Holiday" Slavic word", to help the literature teacher for the Days Slavic culture and writing.

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“Slavic culture and writing” - On May 24, the Church commemorates the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius. Glagolitic. Two alphabets were created - Glagolitic and Cyrillic. Culture unites people. The brothers were Orthodox monks and created the Slavic alphabet in a Greek monastery. ...that we didn’t have our own written language before Cyril and Methodius?

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“History of Slavic writing” - Byzantium has always attracted Russian merchants. The Russians concluded treaties with the Greeks and sometimes helped Byzantium with troops. Chernorizets Brave. Researchers place the year of birth of Methodius in the second decade of the 9th century. How do we know about the educational activities of the brothers Cyril and Methodius and the beginning of Slavic writing?

“Ancient writing” - Glagolitic corresponded well to the phonemic composition of the Old Church Slavonic language. But coming up with such a simple and natural method turned out to be the most difficult thing. The formation of writing is a very difficult process that lasted thousands of years. But when it finally happened, new way demonstrated undoubted advantages.

Day of Slavic Literature and Culture - a kind of recognition Soviet power merits of two outstanding Orthodox saints: Cyril and Methodius. Cyril and Methodius were born in the 9th century in the city of Thessaloniki, and by origin they were Slavs from a noble family. Both became Orthodox monks (Cyril and Methodius are their names after tonsure). In 857, the Byzantine emperor sent brothers to the Khazar Khaganate to preach there Orthodox faith. As the story goes, they successfully convinced the Khazar prince and his entourage to accept Christianity, and even took 200 Greek captives from captivity. In 862, preachers came to Moravia (at the request of the Moravian prince) - here they created the Slavic alphabet, translated the Gospel, Psalter and other liturgical books into Slavic. Cyril and Methodius were recognized by the church as saints back in the 9th century, but in Russia the memory of the enlightenment brothers began to be celebrated in 1863 - this was the decision of the Russian Holy Synod, which set the date for this as May 11 according to the old style (May 24 according to the new style). In 1985, in the USSR, May 24 was declared a “holiday of Slavic culture and writing.” On January 30, 1991, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR adopted a resolution to annually celebrate the days Russian culture and writing. Each year a different city became the capital of this holiday.

About Cyril and Methodius
It is known for certain that the authors of the Russian alphabet and writing come from the Greek city of Thessaloniki. Saints Cyril and Methodius worked on Slavic writing while within the walls of one of the Greek monasteries, since by status they were monks and preached Orthodoxy. According to scientists, they invented Slavic writing in the 9th century and called it Cyrillic, in honor of the name of one of the monks. It is interesting that Cyril is not the real name of the author of the writing; at birth he was named Constantine, but after becoming a monk, he changed his name to Cyril. Thus, we can judge that it was Cyril who made the greatest contribution to the creation of writing, and his older brother Methodius helped him in everything.

Greek trace
When celebrating the days of Slavic culture and writing, it is worth remembering that the Cyrillic alphabet originated from the Greek alphabet. When creating it, Kirill relied specifically on his native alphabet; in addition, he had an excellent command of some other languages, which allowed him to perceive our speech by ear and translate it into writing. In order to more accurately show Russian and Slavic speech in writing, we had to work hard and change the familiar Greek alphabet in many ways.

Az, beeches, lead...
It is impossible to imagine the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture without two different alphabets - Glagolitic and Cyrillic. Thanks to his titanic work, he managed to translate such Orthodox works as the Gospel and the Psalter into writing.

Bulgaria - Russia
This is not the first time that the holiday of Slavic literature and culture has been celebrated. It is interesting that the tradition of honoring the saints who gave Slavic peoples writing came from Bulgaria, where this day was celebrated back in the 19th century. Later, the tradition spread further to the east, reaching Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland and other countries.

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