Signs of Nazism. Swastika - Solar symbol

Today, when many people hear the word “swastika,” they immediately think of Adolf Hitler, concentration camps, and the horrors of World War II. But, in fact, this symbol appeared even before new era and has very rich history. It has become widespread in Slavic culture, where many of its modifications existed. A synonym for the word “swastika” was the concept “solar”, that is, solar. Were there any differences in the swastika of the Slavs and the Nazis? And, if so, what were they expressed in?

First, let's remember what a swastika looks like. This is a cross, each of the four ends of which bends at right angles. Moreover, all angles are directed in one direction: to the right or to the left. Looking at such a sign, one gets the feeling of its rotation. There are opinions that the main difference between the Slavic and fascist swastikas lies in the direction of this very rotation. For the Germans, this is right-hand traffic (clockwise), and for our ancestors it is left-hand traffic (counterclockwise). But this is not all that distinguishes the swastika of Aryans and Aryans.

Also important distinctive feature is the constancy of color and shape of the Fuhrer's army badge. The lines of their swastika are quite wide, absolutely straight, and black. The underlying background is a white circle on a red canvas.

What about the Slavic swastika? Firstly, as already mentioned, there are many swastika signs that differ in shape. The basis of each symbol, of course, is a cross with right angles at the ends. But the cross may not have four ends, but six or even eight. Additional elements may appear on its lines, including smooth, rounded lines.

Secondly, the color of the swastika signs. There is also diversity here, but not so pronounced. The predominant symbol is red on a white background. The red color was not chosen by chance. After all, he was the personification of the sun among the Slavs. But there are also blue and yellow colors on some of the signs. Thirdly, the direction of movement. It was said earlier that among the Slavs it is the opposite of fascist. However, this is not quite true. We find both right-handed swastikas among the Slavs and left-handed ones.

We examined only the external distinctive attributes of the swastika of the Slavs and the swastika of the Nazis. But much more important facts are the following:

  • Approximate time of appearance of the sign.
  • The meaning that was given to it.
  • Where and under what conditions was this symbol used?

Let's start with the Slavic swastika

It is difficult to name the time when it appeared among the Slavs. But, for example, among the Scythians, it was recorded in the fourth millennium BC. And since a little later the Slavs began to separate from the Indo-European community, then, for sure, they were already used by them at that time (third-second millennium BC). Moreover, among the Proto-Slavs they were fundamental ornaments.

Swastika signs abounded in the everyday life of the Slavs. And therefore one cannot attribute the same meaning to all of them. In fact, each symbol was individual and carried its own meaning. By the way, the swastika could be either an independent sign or part of a more complex one (most often it was located in the center). Here are the main meanings of Slavic swastika (solar symbols):

  • Sacred and Sacrificial fire.
  • Ancient wisdom.
  • Home.
  • Unity of the Family.
  • Spiritual development, self-improvement.
  • Patronage of the gods in wisdom and justice.
  • In the sign of Valkikria, it is a talisman of wisdom, honor, nobility, and justice.

That is, in general, we can say that the meaning of the swastika was somehow sublime, spiritually high, noble.

Archaeological excavations have given us a lot of valuable information. It turned out that in ancient times the Slavs applied similar signs to their weapons, embroidered them on suits (clothing) and textile accessories (towels, towels), and carved them on elements of their homes and household items (dishes, spinning wheels and other wooden utensils). They did all this mainly for the purpose of protection, in order to protect themselves and their home from evil forces, from grief, from fire, from evil eye. After all, the ancient Slavs were very superstitious in this regard. And with such protection we felt much more secure and confident. Even the mounds and settlements of the ancient Slavs could have a swastika shape. At the same time, the ends of the cross symbolized a certain direction of the world.

Fascist swastika

  • Adolf Hitler himself adopted this sign as a symbol of the National Socialist movement. But we know that he was not the one who came up with it. In general, the swastika was used by other nationalist groups in Germany even before the emergence of the National Socialist German workers' party. Therefore, let's take the time of appearance as the beginning of the twentieth century.

Interesting fact: the person who suggested that Hitler take the swastika as a symbol initially presented a left-handed cross. But the Fuhrer insisted on replacing it with a right-hand one.

  • The meaning of the swastika among the Nazis is diametrically opposed to that of the Slavs. According to one version, it meant the purity of German blood. Hitler himself said that the black cross itself symbolizes the struggle for the victory of the Aryan race, creative work. In general, the Fuhrer considered the swastika an ancient anti-Semitic sign. In his book he writes that the white circle is national idea, red rectangle - the social idea of ​​the Nazi movement.
  • Where was it used? fascist swastika? Firstly, on the legendary flag of the Third Reich. Secondly, the military had it on their belt buckles, as a patch on the sleeve. Thirdly, the swastika “decorated” official buildings and occupied territories. In general, it could be on any fascist attributes, but these were the most common.

Thus, the swastika of the Slavs and the swastika of the Nazis have enormous differences. This is expressed not only in external features, but also in semantic ones. If among the Slavs this sign personified something good, noble, and lofty, then among the Nazis it was a truly Nazi sign. Therefore, when you hear something about a swastika, you shouldn’t immediately think about fascism. After all, the Slavic swastika was lighter, more humane, more beautiful.

Encyclopedia of misconceptions. Third Reich Likhacheva Larisa Borisovna

Swastika. Who invented the fascist cross?

They don't even need crosses on their graves -

Crosses on the wings will also come down...

Vladimir Vysotsky “Two songs about one air battle”

Many believe that the main symbol of the Third Reich - a black swastika on a red background - was invented by Hitler himself or people from his inner circle. But in fact, such an opinion is nothing more than a delusion. The Nazi shrine, as well as other attributes of Nazi Germany, existed long before the possessed Fuhrer came to power and initially did not carry such a sinister meaning.

The main emblem of the Third Reich has a long history. It was widespread in Iran already in the 6th millennium. BC e. Later the swastika was found on Far East, in the Middle and South-East Asia, in Tibet and Japan. It was also widely used by pre-Hellenic Greece. IN Kievan Rus this sign, called "Kolovrat", was also very popular. The swastika did not spare the indigenous people of the Americas either. And the peoples of the Caucasus and the Baltic Pomors used it as an element of ornaments even at the beginning of the 20th century.

Naturally, all this time, no one associated a cross with curved ends with massacres, destructive war and crimes against humanity. By the way, historical information There is no evidence that this sign was used by ancient Germanic tribes. The fascists who came to power were looking for a suitable emblem for the Nazi state and, without hesitation, chose the swastika, dubbing it an ancient German, or even an Aryan symbol.

Meaning of this symbol not exactly established. There is a version that it was one of the varieties of the cross with broken ends, symbolizing, according to historians, inner world human - the space located between perpendicularly intersecting lines. However, the most common view of the swastika is that it is seen as a solar sign. Ethnographers consider it just a harmless symbol of the movement of the heavenly body and the change of seasons.

For some reason, Adolf Hitler saw in her something fundamentally different. In his opinion, the cross with curved ends personified the superiority of the Aryans over other peoples. What guided the German Fuhrer when making such an assessment is a mystery.

Moreover, it is reliably known that the idea to use the swastika as an emblem did not come to Hitler’s mind. Main symbol The Third Reich was “given” by... the German Masonic Lodge! More precisely, its legal successor is the secret organization “Thule”. Initially, this society was engaged in the study and popularization ancient history and folklore. However, its members kept their nose to the wind and responded with pleasure to Hitler's ideas. The Thule ideology began to be based on the concept of German racial superiority, anti-Semitism and the pan-German dream of a new powerful German Reich. All this was heavily “seasoned” with the occult: members of society performed special rituals and magical rituals. Among the symbols used in these rituals was the swastika.

Hitler, who was always interested in the occult, liked this sign, and he first decided to make it the emblem of his party. The leader of the NSDAP slightly modified the swastika, and in the summer of 1920 a symbol was born that, two decades later, terrified all of Europe: a black cross with curved ends, inscribed in a white circle on a red background. The red color symbolized the social ideals of the party, and the white symbolized the nationalist ones. The cross indicated victory and the supremacy of the Aryan race.

After Hitler came to power, the swastika became an indispensable attribute of the state, official, military and corporate symbols of Germany. The Germans valued this “sign of superiority” so much that in 1935 they even issued a special decree “On the prohibition of Jews from hanging a flag with a swastika.” Apparently, the Nazis believed that “racially unclean” elements would desecrate their shrine with their touches.

During the existence of the Third Reich, the swastika was used everywhere: on banknotes, dishes, and souvenirs. During any celebrations, the streets of German cities were hung with flags and banners with this sign, and they were hung so densely that the eyes of passers-by began to ripple. However, sometimes the Nazi shrine was used for other purposes: a lady’s dress, the fabric of which was decorated with an ornament of thousands of small crosses, was considered fashionable.

Perhaps the swastika would have remained a symbol of the sun, fire and fertility. If not for the Second World War, with the beginning of which, thanks to Hitler, it definitely ceased to be “sunny”.

More organic and appropriate from the point of view of racial theory was the use by the Nazis of runes, which formed the basis of the writing of the ancient Germanic and Scandinavian peoples. As is known, since ancient times runic signs were not only letters, but also had magical meaning- used for fortune telling and as protective amulets. Historians believe that by introducing runes into everyday use, Hitler and his entourage tried not only to develop patriotism among the inhabitants of Germany, but also hoped to use runic signs as a magical weapon. True, the Fuhrer interpreted them selectively: he left only those meanings that corresponded to his worldview. Thus, the Zig rune, the double image of which became the “logo” of the SS, in the canonical interpretation meant the desire for light and enrichment spiritual world, as well as flourishing creativity. Naturally, the valiant SS men had no need for such qualities, therefore, in Hitler’s interpretation, the “lightning” rune meant thunder, lightning and, again, the superiority of the Aryan race.

The “rented” symbols also include the eagle and oak branches. The authorship of these signs dates back to the Roman Empire. Decorating the coat of arms of the German Reich, Hitler aimed at nothing less than the most common attributes of the power of the Roman Caesars.

The fascists borrowed such an ominous insignia as a skull (“dead head”) from the near-Masonic order - the Rosicrucians. Moreover, at first this gloomy image symbolized, in the opinion of its “discoverers,” the victory of the spirit over mortal matter. Remember the medieval philosophers who thought with a skull in their hands on the topic: “Poor Yorick...”? But in the hands, or more precisely, on the fingers of SS officers who placed the “death’s head” on silver rings, this sign acquired a completely different meaning. He became the embodiment of cruelty, destruction and death.

So make no mistake: the Nazis did not themselves come up with the symbols of the “thousand-year” Reich. All the signs and attributes they used had existed for a long time and were used for much more humane purposes.

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No, this is not a fake or a bait with a provocative headline. Here we will literally talk about fascist symbols, literally on the emblem of the Russian civil service.
So, my dear readers, I present to your attention the emblem Federal Service Bailiffs of Russia

We are interested in the objects that the double-headed eagle holds in its paws, because these are not just objects - they are symbols! Let's ask Wikipedia, what does it tell us about these items?
Let's look here and what do we see there?
A golden double-headed eagle with raised wings, crowned with one large and two small crowns. The crowns are connected by a dark green ribbon. In the eagle's right paw there is a silver scroll with a seal, in the left - a silver lictor's bundle. On the eagle's chest is a figured shield with a dark green field. In the field of the shield there is a golden “pillar of the Law”. Well, everything is clear: the “pillar of the Law” is a worthy symbol, a silver scroll, and even with a seal - also quite worthy, a lictor’s bundle... And what is this?
Isn't this the same bun that ancient Roman lictors wore? A bunch of birch twigs tied with a ribbon, symbolizing the lictor's right to enforce decisions by force? So these are fascia, or as I was taught at school fascia!!! The same fascists that became the symbol of Benito Mussolini’s radical political organization - Fascio di combattimento - “Union of Struggle”

The same fascists, thanks to whom, the members of that party began to be called fascists, and everything they did was fascism!

Here people come to you in a graphite-black uniform with fascist symbols on the sleeve... Do you think these are Gestapo men, or some other SS men? No, these are government employees Russian Federation. No, you’re not imagining it! These are not extremists, not neo-Nazis - these are civil servants, they come to you on business, on a serious matter, they are at work. At work, you know?! And with all their appearance they must personify the state. The very same state that, at the cost of tens of millions of ruined lives, through the impossible, through... Which means they, they are the ones who must look appropriate. Vanya Pupkin can drunkenly walk around the city with a swastika. Zigan a couple of times until they punch you in the face. He may have put on this swastika so that he could get punched in the face, so that he could serve a day in prison for propaganda. Nazi symbols, and then tell everyone what a hero he is, how he stood firm against the bloody KGB. But these are in the public service... In a form approved by no less than Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 540 of July 26, 2010.

In accordance with the decisions of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, among others, the following were classified as criminal organizations: National Fascist Party of Italy (Partito Nazionale Fascista), Fascist republican party Italy (Partito Fascista Republicano) and the previously described Fasci di Combattimento, and the leadership of these organizations were recognized as war criminals. Taking into account the decisions of the Nuremberg Tribunal, the attributes of all of the above organizations can be classified as Nazi (fascist) symbols. And if this is so, then why are literally fascist symbols, literally, literally a symbol of the Russian civil service. Not alone! Here is the emblem of the FSIN, the Federal Penitentiary Service.

The eagle has the same bunch in its paw... But how should we feel about it? How to understand this, given that we are talking about a state that considers itself an ardent opponent, the antipode of fascism?

Mikhail Zadornov reflects on Trekhlebov’s arrest in his blog.

Mikhail Zadornov

The first information has emerged as to why Trekhlebov was arrested: he is accused of using Nazi symbols.

Remember how I once said that instead of taking the best from the Soviet past and our present, we did the opposite? The people who accuse him combine today's illiteracy, lack of education and the Soviet inquisitorial thinking of party workers.

Do they still not know what a swastika means? Hitler's Germany became Nazi not because it adopted the swastika - ancient sign Sun, but because it declared itself the superior race! Tell me, if Hitler at that time had taken a double-headed eagle for Germany and for his party - too ancient symbol, – today’s managers would classify him as a Nazi symbol? You never know who among the power-hungry maniacs who dreamed of conquering the world used various ancient methods for their success and persuasion of the masses. magic symbols?

Of course, Trekhlebov told his students about the meaning of the swastika. After all, he taught ancient knowledge. Not only he, but all scientists in the world know about the swastika. Only our tourists, when they enter Buddhist monasteries in India, exclaim in horror: “What kind of disgusting thing is this?” when they see numerous swastikas on the walls or pillars of the monastery.

The swastika is perhaps one of the few symbols as ancient as humanity.

The swastika has been found among many peoples since time immemorial.

This is the Sun!

At first the Sun was drawn as a circle. Then they began to draw a cross closed in a circle. This meant that people began to divide space into four parts of the world. They noticed four main days in the year - two solstices and two equinoxes. Days on which there is a constant ratio between day and night at any point on Earth: the most short night, the shortest day and two days when day is equal to night. And then one of the very ancient “Kulibins” thought of giving this cross rotation, thereby indicating eternal movement and development, depending on the sun. How can you understand that a drawn cross is spinning? Tie ribbons to the ends of the cross and show in which direction the inertial force acts! Or show the rays emanating from the center circle as curved. The image of a rotating cross-sun is found by archaeologists in various parts of the world. The dating of many of them cannot be accurately determined. Only one thing is clear - some of them are from antediluvian times!

Those who consider the swastika a fascist and Nazi symbol are actually siding with... Hitler!

Yes, the word “swastika” is unpleasant to the ear of a Soviet person. Brought too much trouble Patriotic War. And the swastika remained a symbol of this misfortune in the memory on a subconscious level. But not consciously!

However, many people forget that we also had the swastika on banknotes from 1918 to 1922, and even on the sleeve patches of Red Army soldiers.

The swastika is found in Russian northern folk patterns constantly. On towels. On a spinning wheel. On vases. In the patterns of the platbands... It’s impossible to list everything!

Go to the North of Russia today, idiot investigators, and arrest everyone who you find similar towels!

Moreover, I understand that those “edited” by the church will now attack me, but the early icons also often depicted a swastika. And there are many examples of this! And there is nothing wrong with that.

Yes, the swastika can be considered a pagan sign. But in Rus', until a certain time, there was officially the so-called two-belief. This meant that people worshiped the cross as a symbol of the Sun and the crucifixion of Christ at the same time. Because for them Christ was also the embodiment of the Sun on earth! Go to Sergiev Posad and look at the crosses on the domes - in the center of the crosses are the suns! I asked more than one priest, where are the suns on the crosses from? Nobody really answered. But they probably know that this tradition - depicting crosses with the sun - has existed since the time of Sergius of Radonezh.

Can you imagine how illiterate our authorities are?!

I repeat once again that the word “swastika” is not the most pleasant for Russian ears. The Slavs called the sun sign Kolovrat. Solstice. Anti-Slavists claim that there was no such word. Right. It was not in the writings of the monastic clergy. But the people had it and still have it. It is the people who preserve the living language, but the scientists do not know the living language and often deaden it.

There were two Kolovrat in our Slavic-Russian tradition. One cross rotated along the sun, the other against the sun.

One could talk endlessly about the swastika. Yes, the word is disgusting even for me, who grew up immediately after the war, so I’ll decipher what it means.

First of all, I repeat that the word “swastika” is not Slavic origin. Indian, Sanskrit. But Sanskrit is a language invented by the Aryan Brahmins to write down the Vedas in a new place and preserve knowledge. In addition to Sanskrit, Slavic languages ​​remained the direct carriers of the Aryan language, therefore almost all Sanskrit words, if you listen carefully to them, coincide with Russian ones.

So you shouldn’t be surprised that the word “swastika” carries a luminous meaning in both Russian and Sanskrit.

"Sva" is light. IN Vedic language they pronounced it shorter - “su”. And they translated it as “God’s grace.” And what if not light is God's grace. After all, from the word “light” - “holy”. The word “asti” is “is” in relation to the third person singular: he is asti, she is asti. And “ka” in many languages ​​of the world, including the one that scientists call the hypocritical, politically correct “Indo-European,” meant “soul.” “Sv/u-asti-ka” – “he/she is the light of the soul”!

The Slavic “kolovrat” means the same thing – “rotating sun”. This has been written about more than once; “kolo” was the name given to the sun in ancient times. And then, when the letter “si” began to be pronounced like “k” (and vice versa) southern peoples(confused due to illiteracy), then “colo” turned into “solo”.

The swastika, or Kolovrat, is the sacred sign of the Aryans. The Aryans, long before the formation of the slave-owning civilizations known to us, populated the entire Eurasian continent. Naturally, they worshiped the Sun. The natural science knowledge of the Aryans is practically forgotten. Symbols live longer. Secret knowledge, as a rule, is not kept by scientists. Scientists cling to everything that appears. And people keep knowledge in oral tradition. Ask a Belarusian peasant or any resident Kola Peninsula, which means swastika. Unlike many scientists, he will tell you.

By the way, the swastika-Kolovrat was depicted on towels in a very interesting way. If you look at the towel from one side, the sun rotates clockwise, and if from the other, counterclockwise! Witty, isn't it? Symbol of eternity: darkness gives way to light, light gives way to darkness...

The Inquisition returns - they arrest you for believing in the sun!

Is Trekhlebov really to blame for the fact that Hitler merged the swastika with a maddened Germany?! And he desecrated her! Moreover, I took only the solar sign that rotates counterclockwise. That is only a sign of darkness!

And the ancient Greeks have the same solar symbol. But for them it was combined in a pattern that was called the “river of life.”

Among our Slavic ancestors, by the pattern in which the swastika was “woven” on the bride’s clothing, one could tell what kind of bride she was. Today, by looking at Scottish skirts, you can determine which surname a noble Scot belongs to. This custom also comes from pagan times. But in Scotland no one thinks of arresting a man walking down the street in a skirt. Or all the tailors who sew these skirts!

I watched some videos of Trekhlebov’s performances on YouTube. In one of them, he explained to his students that love, according to the Russian alphabet, means “people know God”!

And what is criminal about this? Both love and God in one teaching, in one word.

By the way, it’s very interesting, the investigators who issued a warrant for his arrest, or the prosecutors, I don’t know, are they Russian people? I mean them native language- Russian? I recognize nationality by the language in which a person thinks, naturally not by blood and not by the shape of the skull, as was done in Hitler’s Germany.

The Slavs are direct descendants of the Aryans! Sanskrit scholars who came to Russia from India more than once emphasized that there are no more similar languages ​​in the world than Sanskrit and Russian. The Russian language is great in that it has absorbed many Slavic dialects, dialects, pronunciations - it seems to sum it all up Slavic languages. If two people gather at a conference Slavic people and do not understand each other in their languages, they switch to Russian. I have seen a similar situation more than once in Riga, when Lithuanians were forced to speak Russian with Latvians. Although Lithuanian and Latvian are very similar to each other. But the common denominator is still Russian. (Moreover, already at a time when Russian was considered the language of the invaders).

So, let's draw the line. Trekhlebov spread knowledge about light, about the sun, and he was arrested!

Just a new version of the legend of Lucifer! After all, Lucifer too - from the word “light” - “ray”. True, he was presented to people as a fallen angel. So what do we have, Trekhlebov, a fallen angel?

However, I have another point of view. Maybe those who arrested him are not such idiots as they seem. Maybe they were just paid for it? And then it’s really bad. It's no secret that today they can be arrested either because they paid, or because of a call from above. A call from above is unlikely. Nobody up there is interested in Trekhlebov. For them, a fallen angel is one who quit in business, especially in oil or gas. For example, Yulia Tymoshenko or Yushchenko... and others like them.

However, I cannot leave the feeling that some kind of showdown between today’s Slavic communities, always arguing with each other, is involved in this matter. I’m not sure, I’m not saying...If this is so, come to your senses! Quarrel, swear, go at each other “wall to wall”, but do not betray your desire for Vedic knowledge. If some community that does not like Trekhlebov’s views ordered it, then this is a great sin. This is anti-Vedicism!

But if the authorities themselves did this, then I propose to arrest approximately half of the Russian residents in the north of Russia, in Buryatia, most of the population, to close the Buryat Buddhist datsans, which, by the way, were opened in the late 40s by decree... of Stalin! Joseph Vissarionovich allowed to depict a swastika in these datsans! And he should have hated her like no one else. But he was more literate than today’s authorities! The descendant of the ancient Ossetian-Aryans, apparently, knew the essence of this sign and understood that the solar symbol itself was not to blame for the horror that Hitler Germany unleashed.

Oh-oh-oh, I almost forgot... I’m in Ivolginsky datsan, where the holy sage Itigelov is located, the lamas presented felt slippers with the image of a swastika! In my opinion, the time has come to arrest me. Moreover, along with slippers!

And now tell me, gentlemen who hold power, after all that has been said, will you still continue to believe in Hitler, and not in our worthy solar ancestors?

I sympathize with Trekhlebov, but maybe thanks to his arrest, people will finally clear up a lot of things for themselves. And everything will end sunny.

P.S. By the way, Soviet party leaders tried to instill to the Soviet people, What Hitler's swastika invented by Hitler himself and it stood for four connected letters “G”: Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, Goering.

P.P.S. Since my words do not inspire confidence among part of the population, because I do not have any titles, I suggest reading the article of a real scientist.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, laureate of the international prize named after. Jawaharlal Nehru

Natalia GUSEVA

Swastika - child of millennia

Throughout history human civilization many signs and symbols have accumulated. Are signs immortal? No, in their enormous mass they are lost, disappearing from people’s memory. But those that continue to live will probably not be lost in the future. Such eternal signs include, in particular, the sun, the cross and the swastika.

It would seem - what is common between a closed circle of the sun and a four-pointed cross? Why is the formula “sun and cross” so familiar to the ear? Yes, because these two signs are almost identical. Since ancient times, they have been brought together by such a simple fact as the similarity of the astronomical ideas of the ancient inhabitants different countries. In very distant times, an image of the sun appears with cross lines inside a circle. It is believed that in this way a person tried to express his attitude to the four countries of the world, his understanding of the world order, and to depict the main areas of the firmament in their relationship with the sun and its movement.

It is impossible to say who, where and when began to depict the crossed sun. At least until all the archaeological discoveries in the world are made and dated. The sun with a cross inside a circle appears before us in different parts of the earth. Gradually, the sign of the cross seems to be freed from the embrace of the solar ring and begins to live its own life. It is sometimes depicted next to solar rosettes and with circles inside its outline, but more and more often in the form of a straight, and sometimes oblique, cross.

And in the same deep, impenetrable antiquity, the cross still continued to bear certain symbols its connection with the sun, its direct belonging to it. Apparently, it began with the desire of people to somehow depict the very fact of the movement of the sun. And the beginning of this was to give the solar circle curved rays. After all, the cross is static, motionless, and changes in its shape do not give it the energy of sharp rotation.

But how to show the movement of the star, its rotation? The answer was found - it is necessary to dismember the ring around the cross, leaving its segments only at four ends of the cross (or five, or seven, if the cross was thought of as spokes inside the rim of the wheel of the sun). This is how the SWASTIKA was born.

In this sense, the images on vessels from Ancient Mexico are very clear.

No one can answer the question about the time and place of such giving to the cross new form, a new meaning that more directly, more expressively connects it with the sun. But this happened, and a new sign appeared among the most ancient symbolic designs.

The sign itself is silent and bears neither guilt nor responsibility. People who use it for their own purposes, both plausible and unseemly, are responsible.

Since the 1930s, debates have flared up around the world about the meaning and historical role swastikas. In Russia, which suffered so cruelly from the enemy who destroyed the country under banners with the swastika sign, this hostility took hold in the souls of people and has not subsided for half a century, especially in the souls of representatives of the older generation. But, nevertheless, the prohibition of a sign in a country, or region, or city looks like: the swastika sign is too deep and ancient fate.

It is important to look at India for the reason that archaeologists and historians have found very few images of swastikas on monuments from other Asian countries close to India. Only one ancient image of this sign is mentioned in the literature, dating back to the same and even deeper antiquity - this is a swastika at the bottom of a vessel from Samaria, which is dated (or, more precisely, is usually dated) to the 4th millennium BC. Who created these many other things found that speak of the high development of the culture of the local population, who created prosperous cities and a developed agricultural civilization here?

This was one of the ancient civilizations land, mentioned in books most often under the name of the Indus Valley civilization, or the Harappan civilization (by the name of one of the local cities). This civilization is called pre-Aryan because its heyday occurred in the 4th-3rd millennium BC, i.e. for those centuries when the tribes of nomadic cattle breeders of the Aryans were still moving towards India across the lands of Eastern Europe, and then Central Asia. Where did their long movement begin? According to a theory widespread in science, known as the northern or arctic theory, the ancestors of the Aryans (“Aryans”) originally lived, along with the distant ancestors of all peoples who spoke Indo-European languages, on the lands of the Arctic.

The version that it was Hitler who had the brilliant idea to make the swastika a symbol of the National Socialist movement belongs to the Fuhrer himself and was voiced in Mein Kampf. Probably, nine-year-old Adolf first saw a swastika on the wall of a Catholic monastery near the town of Lambach.

The swastika sign has been popular since ancient times. A cross with curved ends has appeared on coins, household items, and coats of arms since the eighth millennium BC. The swastika symbolized life, sun, and prosperity. Hitler could see the swastika again in Vienna on the emblem of Austrian anti-Semitic organizations.

By christening the archaic solar symbol the Hakenkreuz (Hakenkreuz is translated from German as hook cross), Hitler arrogated to himself the priority of the discoverer, although the idea of ​​the swastika as a political symbol had taken root in Germany before him. In 1920, Hitler, who was, albeit unprofessional and untalented, but still an artist, allegedly independently developed the design of the party logo, proposing a red flag with a white circle in the middle, in the center of which a hooked black swastika spread predatorily.

The color red, according to the leader of the National Socialists, was chosen in imitation of the Marxists who used it. Having seen a hundred and twenty thousand demonstration of leftist forces under scarlet banners, Hitler noted the active influence of the bloody color on common man. In the book Mein Kampf, the Fuhrer mentioned the "great psychological significance» symbols and their ability to powerfully influence emotions. But it was precisely by controlling the emotions of the crowd that Hitler managed to introduce the ideology of his party to the masses in an unprecedented way.

By adding a swastika to the red color, Adolf made it diametrically opposite meaning the favorite color of socialists. By attracting the attention of the workers with the familiar color of the posters, Hitler carried out a “recruitment.”

In Hitler's interpretation, the red color personified the idea of ​​movement, white - the sky and nationalism, the hoe-shaped swastika - labor and the anti-Semitic struggle of the Aryans. Creative work was mysteriously interpreted as anti-Semitic.

In general, it is impossible to call Hitler the author of National Socialist symbols, contrary to his statements. He borrowed the color from the Marxists, the swastika and even the name of the party (slightly rearranging the letters) from the Viennese nationalists. The idea of ​​using symbolism is also plagiarism. It belongs to the oldest party member - a dentist named Friedrich Krohn, who submitted a memorandum to the party leadership back in 1919. However, the savvy dentist is not mentioned in the bible of National Socialism, Mein Kampf.

However, Kron put a different content into the decoding of symbols. The red color of the banner is love for the homeland, the white circle is a symbol of innocence for the outbreak of the First World War, the black color of the cross is grief over losing the war.

In Hitler’s interpretation, the swastika became a sign of the Aryan struggle against “subhumans.” The claws of the cross seem to be aimed at Jews, Slavs, and representatives of other peoples who do not belong to the race of “blond beasts.”

Unfortunately, the ancient positive sign was discredited by the National Socialists. The Nuremberg Tribunal in 1946 banned Nazi ideology and symbols. The swastika was also banned. IN Lately she has been somewhat rehabilitated. Roskomnadzor, for example, recognized in April 2015 that displaying this sign outside of a propaganda context is not an act of extremism. Although a “reprehensible past” cannot be erased from a biography, and the swastika is used by some racist organizations.

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