Lunar calendar March phases. The magic of numbers

Some things in life are constant. The cyclical nature of time and the interconnection of all living and nonliving creatures in the world is so obvious that since ancient times it has interested people, so that with the help of such knowledge they could learn to retell the future and feel a connection with the whole world. Thanks to the experience of many generations and modern technologies we have the opportunity to follow the closest, and, therefore, the most significant celestial body- Moon.

Moon phases in March 2017

It should be noted that the lunar calendar presented below is compiled taking into account all the main processes, the influence of the Zodiac and the days of the week, each of which has its own power that affects the processes on our planet

Lunar calendar for March 2017 - table

Below we will tell you about the most energetically significant periods of the lunar cycle: new moons and full moons, which will be in March 2017 (see lunar calendar).

New moon and full moon in March 2017

Moon in the first quarter – March 5, 2017. It's a great time to take action. Almost all long-term undertakings started on this lunar day will have a great chance of success.
Full Moon – March 12, 2017. The most powerful phase of all. At this time, feelings, desires, illnesses and fears intensify. You should prepare for this day in advance: stock up on the necessary medications, if necessary, protect yourself from unnecessary stress and use less equipment.
Moon in the last quarter – March 20, 2017. At this time, it is best to finish the things you started and start generating new ideas, but so far only on paper, without direct implementation.
New Moon – March 28, 2017. On this lunar day, the celestial body sends a certain energy impulse to the Earth, which gives strength and infects with a positive mood.

Favorable lunar days

March 3 (Fri) – Waxing Moon in Taurus. Feel free to plan the most important meetings, sign contracts and don’t worry about anything. Taurus - symbol financial stability- will save you from troubles.
March 4 (Sat) – Waxing Moon in Gemini. On this day, complete relaxation will be appropriate. Put everything off until later, go to a cafe or meet friends. Be sure to end the day with soothing treatments: bath, massage, quiet sleep.
March 15 (Wed) – Waning Moon in Scorpio. The best time for dating and even for marriage (see for wedding).
March 19 (Sun) – Waning Moon in Sagittarius. On this day it is good to devote yourself to land work or at least improving your home with indoor plants.
March 23 (Thu) – Waning Moon in Aquarius. Do not enter into transactions related to land real estate. But investing in another business will bring you a lot of wealth.
March 25 (Sat) – Waning Moon in Pisces. On this day, it is best to educate yourself. Sign up for courses, find something interesting for yourself educational book or just chat with smart people- Today everything will go well.

A new gardening season has begun and we all hope that this year we will grow an unprecedented harvest, well, at least more than last summer.

To do this, we carefully prepared soil mixtures, purchased fertilizers, and the latest pest control products. It remains to carefully study which days in March are favorable for sowing seedlings, and which days you should absolutely not do this.

For this purpose, the “Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for March 2017” was compiled. The calendar not only indicates “bad” and “good” days for sowing seeds, but also gives recommendations on what work should be done throughout the month.

If you are just starting to get acquainted with the Lunar Sowing Calendar, then I recommend that you first familiarize yourself with at least the first part of it. Then all the tips and recommendations presented in this calendar will be much clearer to you.

Moon phases in March 2017

  • The moon is waxing - from March 1 to March 11
  • Full Moon - March 12
  • The moon is waning - from March 13 to March 27
  • New Moon - March 28
  • The moon is waxing again - from March 29 to March 31

Favorable landing days in March 2017

The table shows the most favorable days for sowing seeds for seedlings.

culture culture favorable days for sowing seeds
cucumbers 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 30 tomatoes 2, 3, 6, 7, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 30
eggplant 2, 3, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 30 radish, radish 1, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26
Sweet pepper 3, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 30 hot pepper 1, 15, 16, 25, 30
White cabbage 2, 3, 6, 7, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 30 annual flowers 6, 7, 15, 16, 25, 26
cauliflower 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 11, 16, 25, 26, 30 flowers bulbous, tuberous 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
different greens 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 15, 16, 25, 26 climbing flowers 23, 24, 25

Unfavorable days for sowing seeds.

Favorable days in March 2017 for planting seedlings, cuttings and grafting

culture Favorable days for planting seedlings rooting cuttings graft
fruit trees 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 20, 21 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 20, 21
grape 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 26, 30, 31
gooseberries, currants 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 30
raspberries, blackberries 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 30
Strawberry wild-strawberry 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11

Attention! The table shows the most favorable There are days for planting and sowing seeds, but this does not mean at all that you cannot plant on other days. You should not plant anything just in prohibited days.

The table shows the phases of the Moon, its position in the signs of the Zodiac and recommended work for gardeners - gardeners - flower growers for each day of the month.

date Moon in Zodiac signs Recommended works
March 1, 2017 Wed. Waxing Moon in Aries
  • Aries- an infertile sign of the Zodiac (Days of Fruit) and yet Moon calendar recommends gardeners:
  • In the greenhouse- sowing seedlings of tomatoes, sweet peppers, hot peppers. Sowing parsley, spinach, lettuce, radish, celery, dill, Chinese cabbage, and cauliflower in a greenhouse. Thinning seedlings, loosening the soil. On the waxing Moon under the sign of Aries, the fight against pests and diseases gives good results.
  • Not recommended germinate seeds, water, replant plants, dive.
  • In the garden- cutting dry branches.
March 2, 2017 Thu. Waxing Moon in Taurus
  • Taurus- fertile zodiac sign (Days of the Root) The lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners recommends:
  • In the greenhouse - favorable time for sowing seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, early and late white cabbage, cauliflower. Forcing onions, parsley, celery, sorrel. Picking seedlings, pinching, watering, and mineral fertilizing goes well. Laying out potatoes for germination.
  • In the garden- whitewashing of trunks, preparation of cuttings.
March 3, 2017 Fri. Waxing Moon in Taurus
March 4, 2017 Sat. Waxing Moon in Gemini
  • Twins
  • In the greenhouse- sowing leeks, Chinese cabbage, radishes, watercress, dill. Pest and disease control, weeding, loosening.
  • Not recommended- germinate seeds, sow seeds for seedlings.
  • In the garden- pouring boiling water over currant and gooseberry bushes, sanitary pruning
March 5, 2017 Sun. Moon in Gemini first quarter
March 6, 2017 Mon. Waxing Moon in Cancer
  • Cancer- the most fertile sign of the Zodiac (Leaf Days)
  • In the greenhouse- favorable days for sowing seedlings of early and late white cabbage, cauliflower, savoy, broccoli, kohlrabi, leeks, celery root. Sowing early ripening cucumber hybrids for the greenhouse. It is recommended to pick seedlings of pepper, eggplant, and tomatoes. Planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse. Forcing green onions, parsley, sorrel, celery, beets, chard. Watering, mineral fertilizing. Laying out potatoes for germination.
  • In the garden- grafting into clefts, pruning trees and shrubs in frost-free weather.
March 7, 2017 Tue. Waxing Moon in Cancer
March 8, 2017 Sun. Waxing Moon in Leo
  • a lion- infertile zodiac sign (Days of Fruit)
  • In the greenhouse- sowing asparagus and bush beans, basil, fennel, cucumbers, lettuce, scorzonera. Loosening dry soil, weeding, preparing beds.
  • Not recommended water, feed plants, germinate seeds, pick seedlings, pinch, replant. You should not prune trees: wounds on plants do not heal for a long time.
March 9, 2017 Thu. Waxing Moon in Leo
March 10, 2017 Fri. Waxing Moon in Leo
March 11, 2017 Sat. Waxing Moon in Virgo
  • Virgo
  • In the greenhouse- you can sow root vegetables as green seeds (growing quickly): dill, ‘fennel, artichoke, valerian, except lettuce. You can thin out seedlings, fight weeds, pests and diseases, cultivate the land, and replant plants. Phosphorus supplementation is well absorbed. The aboveground part of the plants is vulnerable - leave them alone.
  • In the garden- pruning is not recommended, the wounds will take a long time to heal.
March 12, 2017 Sun. Full Moon Moon in Virgo According to the lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for March 2017, working with plants during the full moon is not recommended.
March 13, 2017 Mon. Waning Moon in Libra
  • Scales- Zodiac sign of average fertility (Flower Days)
  • In the greenhouse- sowing seedlings of white cabbage and cauliflower for open ground. Sowing root crops: early radishes, beets, carrots, parsnips, aromatic herbs, asparagus, leeks - for the greenhouse and windowsill. Planting sweet pepper seedlings (with 5-7 leaves). Picking seedlings. Watering is moderate.
  • In the garden-rejuvenating pruning of trees and shrubs.
March 14, 2017 Tue. Waning Moon in Libra
March 15, 2017 Wed. Waning Moon in Scorpio
  • Scorpion- fertile zodiac sign (Leaf Days) and according to the Lunar sowing calendar it is recommended:
  • In the greenhouse- favorable days for sowing seedlings of low-growing tomatoes, peppers, early cabbage (white and cauliflower), root celery, broccoli, sweet peppers, eggplant, and late tomatoes. Picking seedlings of late tomatoes, root and petiole celery, white cabbage. Sowing radishes, carrots, parsnips, parsley and root celery. Laying out potato tubers for germination. Organic fertilizing, weeding.
  • Not recommended- watering, loosening the soil - the roots are very sensitive to wounds.
  • In the garden- grafting and re-grafting, application organic fertilizers, cutting overgrowth.
March 16, 2017 Thu. Waning Moon in Scorpio
March 17, 2017 Fri. Waning Moon in Scorpio
March 18, 2017 Sat. Waning Moon in Sagittarius
  • Sagittarius- Zodiac sign of average fertility (Days of Fruition)
  • In the greenhouse- forcing green onions, fighting weeds, diseases, pests. Sowing radishes, onions, root vegetables. For seedlings - sowing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, leeks, root parsley, dill.
  • Not recommended- replant plants, germinate seeds, hill up, plant, water. You can apply organic fertilizers and loosen dry soil. Plants react painfully to any mechanical damage.
  • In the garden- spraying them against pests and diseases (at plus 4-5 degrees).
March 19, 2017 Sun. Waning Moon in Sagittarius
March 20, 2017 Mon. Moon in Capricorn last quarter
  • Capricorn- Zodiac sign of average fertility (Days of the Root)
  • In the greenhouse- favorable days for sowing seedlings - early white cabbage, sweet peppers, eggplant, late low-growing tomatoes. Sowing radishes, root and petiole celery, broccoli. An excellent time to pick vegetable seedlings. Sowing onions on turnips, root parsley, root vegetables. Watering, loosening, organic feeding of root crops, weeding. Laying out potatoes for germination.
  • In the garden- application of organic fertilizers, disease and pest control, formative pruning, grafting.
March 21, 2017 Tue. Waning Moon in Capricorn
March 22, 2017 Wed. Waning Moon in Capricorn
March 23, 2017 Thu. Waning Moon in Aquarius
  • Aquarius- infertile zodiac sign (Flower Days)
  • In the greenhouse- unfavorable days for sowing, planting, transplanting. These days it is better to do weeding, thinning seedlings, loosening the soil, and fighting pests and diseases.
  • In the garden- sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs, cutting of overgrowth. Pouring currants and gooseberries hot water. Removing shelters, unhilling trees, loosening dry soil, cutting out undergrowth.
March 24, 2017 Fri. Waning Moon in Aquarius
March 25, 2017 Sat. Waning Moon in Pisces
  • Fish- fertile zodiac sign (Leaf Days)
  • In the garden- weather permitting, open ground you can sow radishes, carrots, root parsley, onion sets and nigella, and plant early potatoes under the film.
  • In the greenhouse- moderate watering, organic fertilizing, sowing radishes, spinach, watercress, lettuce, root celery, for seedlings - kohlrabi cabbage, broccoli, savoy. Picking vegetable seedlings.
  • In the garden- formative pruning of trees and shrubs, processing of strawberries, application of organic fertilizers.
March 26, 2017 Sun. Waning Moon in Pisces
March 27, 2017 Mon. Waning Moon in Aries On a new moon, all plants are extremely vulnerable, so according to the Lunar Sowing Calendar, working with them on these days is not recommended.
March 28, 2017 Tue. New Moon Moon in Aries
March 29, 2017 Wed. Waxing Moon in Taurus
March 30, 2017 Thu. Waxing Moon in Taurus
  • Taurus- fertile zodiac sign (Days of the Root)
  • In the garden- a favorable time for sowing seedlings of early and late white cabbage and other types of cabbage. Sowing cucumber seeds for replanting under film, early ripening tomatoes, celery, pumpkin, turnips. Sowing basil, marjoram, eggplant, pepper for seedlings, but not for seeds. Under the film - sowing lettuce, Chinese cabbage, early spinach, radishes, early peas. Picking seedlings. Closing moisture, watering, loosening, mineral fertilizing of plants in closed ground.
  • In the garden- grafting, sowing green manure, watering, formative pruning.
March 31, 2017 Fri. Waxing Moon in Gemini
  • Twins- infertile zodiac sign (Flower Days)
  • In the garden— cleaning the site, loosening the soil, sowing green manure, dill, caraway, fennel, mineral fertilizing (nitrogen and phosphorus)
  • Not recommended- sowing seeds for seedlings.
  • In the garden— spraying against pests and diseases (wintering stage). Removing covers from trees and shrubs, planting strawberries, replanting shrubs.

Before the buds open, the gardens are sprayed with chemicals to free them from wintering pests and pathogens. Preparations: N30 (500 per 10 l of water), iron sulfate (500 g), bishal (1 l) or table salt (1 kg). Can be treated with urea (500 g) if not used in the fall. Spraying is carried out when the average daily temperature for 3-5 days is plus 4-5 degrees.

Check the bark of seedlings and young trees up to 4-5 years old. If the bark is severely damaged by mice, immediately coat the wound with garden varnish, without cleaning its edges, and wrap it with film. Make sure it doesn't crash into the bark later.

March is the time for sanitary pruning, treatment of trunks and skeletal branches. Try to treat trees on favorable days, which are indicated in the Lunar sowing calendar. Cut out any diseased or dead branches to prevent them from spreading disease. Cut, taking 2-3 cm of the healthy part of the branch. And clean the wounds with the obligatory capture of healthy bark.

Immediately cover all cuts with a diameter of more than 1 cm, as well as cleaned wounds with garden varnish or oil paint on natural drying oil. Other organic solvents may worsen wound healing.

Coat with pitch or other putties (nigrol 70% + ash 30% or nigrol 70% + clay 15% + mullein 15%) not only on the wound, but also around it. Burn all cut branches and pieces of bark immediately.

Renew sun-protective whitewash on trees if it has been washed away by rain. It is useful to spray the trunks with copper sulfate (100 g per 10 liters of water) before whitewashing.

At the end of March, if the ground has thawed, plant fruit trees, berry bushes, and root cuttings of berry bushes. Sow lawn grass seeds.

The strawberry plantation needs to be freed from cover and thoroughly “combed out” with a rake, having first scattered nitrogen fertilizers (30 g per 1 sq. m). Burn dry leaves: they may be infected with spots and powdery mildew.

If you didn’t thin out the plants in the rows and remove the rosettes between the rows in the fall, do it now. Hill up the plants newly planted in the fall, if the roots are exposed, free the buried hearts from the soil, plant new rosettes in place of the dead plants.

If you did not prune the chokeberry, sea buckthorn, gooseberry, and currant bushes in the fall, do this work early in the spring, removing and burning old, diseased, and broken cuttings. Postpone shortening the tops of raspberry shoots until April, when the degree of freezing of the buds will be noticeable.

After the snow melts, loosen the soil in the areas of chokeberry, sea buckthorn, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, yoshta, and honeysuckle. Before loosening, apply fertilizers (60 g nitrogen, 30 g phosphorus and potassium per square meter). And if you didn’t apply fertilizer in the fall, increase the dose: nitrogen 90, phosphorus and potassium 60 each. Near the bushes, loosen the soil to a depth of no more than 4-6 cm, further away - 12-14 cm.

Wintering phases of pests of berry bushes can be destroyed by spraying with preparation N 30 (300 g per 10 liters of water). Instead, you can use mustard infusion: pour 40 g of powder into 1 liter of water, leave for 3 days in a tightly sealed container, then strain, dilute with water 1:4.

Spray strawberries against the raspberry weevil with infusion of red capsicum: 100 g of dry crushed pods, pour 2 liters of water, boil for an hour, then leave for 2 days, strain and squeeze. To spray on Yule water, take 0.5 liters of decoction.

Lunar calendars for the following months:

The lunar calendar will help you correctly and effectively plan your affairs for the month ahead. In turn, this will allow you to rationally distribute your time and energy.

By analyzing the energy of the moon phases, astrologers determine when your likelihood of success in a particular area will be maximum. will help you unlock your potential and understand what to do in difficult situations.

March 1: on the very first day of spring, Aries will rule the roost. On the waxing Moon, this Zodiac Sign gains its strength, showing the whole world what real dynamics are. Be careful in all areas of your life - don't give in to your emotions and don't do anything you might regret in the future.

March 2, 3, 4: Taurus, who will replace Aries, will make this world a little more beautiful. These three days will be extremely favorable, especially for those who want to spend some money on themselves. Invest in your appearance, change yourself. The Moon's energy will be strong and stable, so don't be afraid to take action.

March 5, 6: on Sunday, March 5, Gemini will sharply gain strength, but then fade away. Ninths lunar day it is better to spend it in spiritual matters. Build relationships with those who deserve it and don't be afraid to tell the truth. to a loved one. On Monday, be on your guard, as your mood may drop sharply, which will negatively affect your luck.

March 7, 8: The moon continues to grow, so it's not time to relax just yet. The constellation Cancer, influencing the Moon these two days, will show you Right way in love. These will be two great days for those who are looking for a soulmate. Spend evenings with friends and attend interesting events more often.

March 9, 10: The Moon in Leo will try to put a spoke in your wheels. It is better to postpone new beginnings until a more favorable time arrives. Be careful when making important decisions. Remember the power of positive thinking.

March 11, 12: the waxing Moon usually does not go well with Virgo, but not on the 11th. This day is perfect for financial transactions and education. On March 12th there will be a Full Moon. This day is extremely negative and dangerous, but Virgo will change it slightly in better side. Think about the good more often.

March 13, 14 and 15: Libra will pick up the baton immediately after Virgo. The first day after the Full Moon will not yet be entirely favorable, but the second will already be able to give you good mood and the desire to move forward. March 15 will be the peak of positive interaction between the waning Moon and Libra. Dedicate this day to internal problems.

March 16, 17: These two days will be surprisingly stable thanks to Scorpio, who will try to help you correct the mistakes of the past. The waning moon is good time for such a union.

March 18, 19 and 20: Sagittarius most often does not get along well with the waning Moon. However, these three days are quite good. Energetically, they will be very powerful, but not always stable. It is worth devoting this period to work, business, career and study.

March 21, 22: the energy of the earth element and the waning moon will join forces to make these two days favorable in all areas of life. Things related to spiritual quests will have a particularly good effect on your mood. Perhaps you will be able to solve some big problem.

March 23, 24, 25: Aquarius will help those who practice find inspiration creative activity. All his energy will be directed precisely towards this. In difficult situations, allow yourself to think outside the box to get away with it. March 24 will be a difficult day, so limit your spending and get plenty of rest if you get the chance.

March 26, 27: The waning Moon in Pisces will make 28 and 29 lunar days ambiguous. They are good for spiritual quests, but for other matters they may be unfavorable. Based on what your mood will be. Your wishes come first.

March 28, 29: On the 28th there will be a New Moon - the energy minimum of the entire month. Aries will fill energy gaps where necessary, so don’t be afraid to finish and start what you see fit. On March 29, it is better to suspend vigorous activity in the love and financial spheres.

March 30, 31: the last two days of the first month of spring will pass under the auspices of Taurus and the waxing Moon. It is on these two days that you will be able to feel the full power of spring and its positive waves. This is a great time for internal changes, introspection, and new acquaintances.

This month as a whole will be very favorable, but not only because spring will replace winter, making you enjoy life. The moon will be on your side. Use a lot of positive days correctly. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.02.2017 06:37

The conclusion of a marriage union is best timed to coincide with the most energetically favorable days. With the help of the lunar...

Astrologers say: The New Moon, lasting from March 28 to March 31, 2017, can become a special period in your life - it promises a real breakthrough, the fulfillment of what you have long and persistently dreamed of. Or didn’t even dream...

In 2017 there are some kind of Entry Points to new destiny and one of them is the new moon, starting on March 28th. So, how to lure money, love and happiness on this day?

What is special about the New Moon 2017?

The uniqueness of this period is that the New Moon will occur in the sign of Aries, while in this sign there are 6 more planets in the sign of Fire. Such a powerful planetary configuration is characterized by an incredibly powerful flow of energy. Let's use it!

Make a wish

On the March New Moon 2017, the Moon is located between the Earth and the Sun, dark side to the Earth, so it is not visible in the sky. The day after tomorrow a thin crescent of a young moon will appear - and all that time, especially today, it is important not just to make a wish, but to visualize, draw in your mind what you want to receive as a result. During this period, you are presented with extraordinary opportunities - it is important not to miss them, and then a generous reward awaits you.

Desires need to be written down (either on a piece of paper or in an app on your phone).

There can be an unlimited number of wish items: write down everything - from little things to cherished desires.

Write down your desires clearly and with the wording “I have...”. Do not write the particle NOT (“I don’t want to be in debt” - “I paid off the debt”), do not write in the future tense - indicate the desire as if it had already come true.

It is important to feel joy, delight, pleasure from a fulfilled desire, as if it had come true.

If the next day at least one of your wishes comes true, make a new one.

Important rituals for the March New Moon 2017

Be sure to buy yourself something red on this day - small change, an accessory, a food product in red packaging.

Add a few sprigs of thyme to your tea - this is a masculine spice, and it will give you courage to make important decisions.

Call and tell people important news if you were holding it back for another, more appropriate time.

IMPORTANT.Be careful today and in the coming days on the road and behind the wheel.

Important words for the March New Moon 2017

During this period, it is important to openly express your desires regarding material things, but also important things that you want to learn - this is the willingness to accept the flow of energy in order to become Different - better, wiser, more insightful.

Let this period become, as a whole, a Period of Decision to act. And to do this, you should admit important things to yourself and prepare the ground for renewal. Make up your mind and be happy!

(Waxing Crescent).
At 05:18 the period of the moon without a course begins
At 09:02 the 5th Lunar day begins.
At 10:42 the period of the Moon without a course ends
At 10:42 the Moon moves from Aries into the sign of Taurus. until 09:02 the 4th Lunar day continues

Symbol - Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
This day is good for solitude and passivity. It’s good to do quiet household chores and relax peacefully with your family. This day is the first of the unfavorable ones - it is considered the day of the fall of man. All sorts of temptations are possible, you may be asked to choose between good and evil, you may be tempted to do something bad. Therefore, you need to think ten times before making a decision. In acceptance the right decision Prayer will help you. Group work is contraindicated; you cannot pick flowers or cut down trees. It’s good to be in nature on this day, unravel the threads. You can cut your hair (if the Moon is not in Aries).
Divination. Only yes or no.
Dreams. Your parents may appear in one way or another in the dreams of these lunar days. This is an indication: you need to analyze what problems you inherited from them and begin to solve them. If you dream of some kind of danger, this is a warning that you need to be especially careful. If on the night preceding this day you see threads and your hair gets tangled, you should abandon your plan.
Medically The 4th lunar day is associated with the larynx, and the reset negative energy leads to osteochondrosis.
Procreation Day. Perhaps the soul of one of your ancestors will return to your family. A gentle child of home and family will be born if he does not become lazy. "Bathe each other" on this day of Love.
Those born on this lunar day can grow up to be big egoists or even become criminals. Parents will have to use all their strength and skill to guide them on the right path.
They are carriers of some kind of cosmic secret: from childhood they are not entirely clear to others. As well as ourselves. But if they manage to solve the inner mystery, they become amazing people. at 09:02 the 5th Lunar day begins

The symbol is a unicorn.
Symbolizes the choice of goal, loyalty to principles, duty, transformation and assimilation of food. You can and should actively express your emotions and feelings - it will be appropriate, and you will be understood correctly. Only on this day is food completely absorbed and transformed in the tissues. On this day you need to get enough, but not overeat. Milk and cottage cheese are preferable as the basis of nutrition; Animal food is contraindicated. It’s good on the fifth day to travel somewhere, cry, part with unnecessary things, work with herbs - collect, dry them and infuse them. This is a creative day on which knowledge is perfectly absorbed. You can defend your ideals, principles, beliefs.
Divination. For the future.
Dreams. It's good if you cry in your sleep - this is cleansing. The body is thus put in order. If dreams are connected with the road, with movement, everything is fine with you. If you dream about something unpleasant, this is a sign that you need to take care of your health.
Medically attention should be paid to the esophagus. Nausea and vomiting mean improper use of this day. You can't go hungry.
The day is dual. A child conceived on this day may be pursued throughout his life by strong and dangerous enemies. He will be punished for all his misdeeds and evil thoughts. All his evil will turn against him. Retribution. On the other hand, a child can become an unusual personality, capable of experiencing transformations and transmutations. The fate of those conceived on this day will undergo drastic changes for bad or good side two or three times.
Those born on this lunar day transform food into physical and astral energy. Heroes and saints may be born, but without serious outside help they are short-lived. Partially they can be helped by a good configuration in the birth horoscope with a strong Jupiter, Venus or the Sun.
Distinctive feature people of this day are fussy, they do not get fat. They can't eat sauerkraut, pickles, they should avoid products containing rotting germs.

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