History of origin and interpretation of the name Zulfir. The meaning of the name Zulfiya, psychological portrait

The female name Zulfiya comes from Persia (modern Iran). It is extremely popular in Islamic countries. Translated from Arabic, Zulfiya means “beautiful”, “curly”, “attractive”, “pretty”, “charming”, “magnificent”. Muslims like to call their daughters this name, assuming that it will be the key to their happy destiny. A girl with this name must be smart and very beautiful.

There are names identical in meaning and consonant, such as Zulfa, Zulfira, Zulfat, Zulfidzhamal, Zulfinur, Zulfinaz.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Zulfiya

Zulfiya is a very gifted and intelligent person. She has such character traits as determination, independence, responsibility, integrity, and sociability. She is an interesting conversationalist, well versed in many issues. Zulfiya is a conservative person and does not like changes, which usually scare her. She is generous and kind.

Zulfiya may develop such negative character traits as irritability and conflict, excessive vulnerability, selfishness, stubbornness, and laziness. She can be quick-tempered and sometimes capable of inappropriate behavior.

As a child, Zulfiya is a restless, inquisitive girl who loves noisy games. She has abilities and studies easily at school. Zulfiya cannot afford to get bad grades. The girl is self-critical and works on her shortcomings. She may suffer from complexes, inventing shortcomings for herself. She is sociable and friendly if her friends follow her rules, but will stubbornly defend her principles if someone disagrees with her. She is talented and has artistic abilities, she draws, sings and dances well.

Thanks to her natural talent, Zulfiya can become an actress, singer, artist, ballerina or athlete. She is a born leader and can become a leader. Zulfiya can reach career heights in her chosen profession. However, she is not ambitious and a career is not always her cherished goal. She often lacks determination, as well as willpower. However, if she sets a goal for herself, she will work hard and selflessly to achieve it. She can make an excellent diplomat, lawyer, or politician. She can also become an economist, financier, accountant, translator or businesswoman.

Zulfiya is quite a flighty and amorous girl. She has a very turbulent personal life. She likes more experienced men. But her feelings can quickly dry up, then she easily breaks off the relationship. Zulfiya is looking for a very reliable, devoted and loving person as a companion, who, having fallen in love with him, will become a faithful wife. Zulfiya will make an ideal wife who will do everything. She will be a caring and loving mother.

The main task is not to arouse spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the unity of style, soft lines and, just as important, general external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing makes the same unpleasant impression as a worn-out, stale part of the suit. Try to learn to understand styles. Otherwise, the desire for a certain average type can lead to you looking like a “gray mouse”.

Compatibility of the name Zulfira, manifestation in love

Zulfira, for you, marriage is like a long-term partnership. You are capable of the most sublime love and the most sincere affection, but do not tolerate attacks on your freedom in any form. And as soon as you feel that the bonds of marriage are turning into fetters on your feet, you react violently and unambiguously, introducing an imbalance into family life. If your partner has the common sense not to focus on your marital responsibilities, coexistence can be long, calm and happy.


You strive for freedom with all your heart. Any framework and restrictions weigh on your soul, constraining its movements like shackles. You need space. Therefore, when choosing between stable well-being and the undivided right to dispose of yourself, you always choose the latter.

Whenever fate provides you with the opportunity to somehow diversify your life, you without hesitation give up what you already have in favor of something new, still unknown. “Being overgrown with moss” is clearly not for you. You move through life easily, adapting to any circumstances. The process of movement itself is what your soul craves.

You just have to remember that “a hundred friends” will never replace one “heart friend”. Your reluctance to establish a stable relationship, to “settle” for a long time on one attachment, may subsequently become the reason for the formation of a complete vacuum around you, loneliness, which will be difficult for you to come to terms with.

Therefore, try not to miss the moment when freedom ceases to bring joy.

The common name contains Tatar, Persian and Kazakh roots. Muslim women are often called Zulfiya.

The etymological meaning of the Islamic name is “curly-haired girl”, “beauty”, “possessing attractiveness”.

The everyday sound has various variations and endearing forms: Zulya, Zulfira, Zulfidzhamal, Zulenka, Zulfat, Zulfinur and many others.

Zulenka's childhood is marked by curiosity and activity. This is an exceptionally active, inquisitive and enthusiastic girl. Loves the public and cannot stand privacy. Among the children he tries to dominate, command, and sometimes provokes conflicts. Her peers are offended by her, but Zulechka is very stubborn and rarely goes to reconciliation first.

It is difficult for the baby to sit still, she is restless and emotional, and switches to other activities at lightning speed. The older a girl gets, the smoother her character becomes.

She is capable and even talented in learning sciences at school easily. However, Zulya often violates discipline and receives criticism from teachers. Critical remarks can make a girl lose her temper; she loses her composure and may burst into tears. The emotional state of adolescence is not very stable. Restoring normal mood is easier as you get older.

The schoolgirl loves to attend all kinds of hobby groups and can try many creative and sports activities. Zulfira should not be rushed, over time she will find her way. You just need to encourage the girl, praise her for her successes, and try not to notice her failures. She is a creative person, sings well and takes part in amateur performances at school.

It may seem that Zulya is a frivolous and frivolous girl, but this is a false impression. This is a very purposeful person, she knows how to set goals and follow them clearly.

An energetically strong girl attracts people; there are always fans, listeners and friends around her. She has authority among her peers and colleagues, but Zulfiya prefers to be a kind of “gray eminence,” dispensing advice and suggesting the right decisions. Leadership positions are inherent throughout life's journey.

Active and energetic by nature, Zulenka does not tolerate sluggish, uninitiative people. She condemns optionality and unpunctuality.

A distinctive feature is an analytical mind and good memory.

Negative character traits include rare temper and irritability. At these moments, you should not argue and piss her off even more. You can’t call her outgoing either, but the woman knows how to analyze her actions and will not fail to ask for forgiveness.

Zulfiya is by no means a chatterbox and will not gossip behind her back; she is a self-sufficient woman. Early tries to separate from the parental family, independence and autonomy are developed.

She is demanding of her friends, does not forgive betrayal, and tries to carry friendly affection through her entire life.

Secret secret and the mystery of Zulfiya can be called how she has been trying all her life to change her character, to become less impulsive and more tolerant. If we compare this woman in her teenage and adult years, these are two diametrically opposed personalities.

Horoscopic characteristics

  • Celestial body – Jupiter
  • Rock – amber resin
  • Color shade – blue, blue and azure colors
  • Zodiac constellation – Pisces, Gemini
  • Tree, plant – thuja, cypress, daylily
  • Animal - jay

Character according to zodiac signs

Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius. A woman born in the winter months is authoritarian and independent. She is overly angry, which gives rise to conflicts in communicating with people. She has an enviable memory, is committed to principles, and does not like surprises.

Pisces, Aries, Taurus. These signs endow the “spring” Zulfiya with pride and self-centeredness. She is a creative and ambitious person, men are “crazy” about her. She is capable of making concessions and sacrifices for the sake of her family.

Gemini, Cancer, Leo. Born in the summer, the girl will build a sports career. She is characterized by perseverance and stubbornness. Makes contact, forgives insults.

Virgo, Libra, Scorpio. Tenacious and assertive “autumn” Zulfiya is not afraid of obstacles. Has a penchant for learning foreign languages ​​and is capable of building a diplomatic career. A sociable person, a sensitive comrade.

Day Angel

Zulfiya does not celebrate her name day because her name is Muslim. If there is a desire to be baptized, the girl will be given a name chosen according to the church calendar.

Health and habits

The girl is healthy and physically strong. Has excellent abilities for playing sports. Vital activity helps you easily cope with problems and recover from failures.

You should take care of your nervous state and muffle outbursts of anger. It’s also a good idea to take care of your vocal cords and avoid catching a cold. If you follow a healthy regimen and get proper rest, you will be able to maintain the necessary tone for many years.

Zulfiya does not accept bad habits, she is not prone to overeating, and rejects alcohol.

Love and family union

A seductive and rather charming girl is surrounded by fans, men like her. He easily enters into relationships, but just as easily he cools down, becoming disappointed in the young man.

A thinking and intelligent person, she gains freedom early and begins to run an independent household. Zulfiya prefers older men than her peers. An emotional woman will appreciate a serious, caring partner who will become her reliable support and protection.

In the family she will prove herself to be a loving wife and an excellent housewife. He loves to receive guests, sets rich tables, and makes preparations for the winter. The house is always cozy and clean.

She is not prone to betrayal, will be a reliable friend to her husband, and will support his endeavors in business and career.

The name Zulfiya, what does it mean? Does the name Zulfiya influence the fate of the bearer or does it all depend on parental upbringing? The answers to these questions vary, sometimes even contradictory. And yet, almost every one of us at least once in our lives has met a person whose name does not suit him: “Well, she’s pure zulfiya!”

Have you ever called people you barely know by the “wrong” name? And this is absolutely natural, since each of us subconsciously identifies the image of a person with the well-known and significant features of a particular name.

And in order to understand who is who, on the website aZnaeteLiVy.Ru we tried to collect the most complete information about names - their origin, meaning, name days, talismans, patrons of the name and zodiac signs inherent in them.

About the name Zulfiya: Meaning, origin

  • The meaning of the name Zulfiya: curly
  • Origin of the name Zulfiya: Arabic Tatar Azerbaijani

The name Zulfiya translated from Arabic means “curly, with curls”, in the figurative meaning “charming”, “beautiful”, “attractive”, “pretty”. The name Zulfiya is a common female name of Persian origin in Islamic countries. Related, identical in meaning, but different in pronunciation for the name Zulfiya are other female names, such as Zulfat, Zulfa, Zulfidzhamal, Zulfinaz, Zulfikamal, Zulfinur, Zulfira, Zulfinisa, etc.

Zulfiya is inquisitive and stubborn by nature. She has a good memory, but in business she is hampered by the lack of great willpower and determination. Often a girl is annoyed by innovations. In moments of anger, Zulfiya becomes inadequate and it is better for her not to fall under the hot hand. True, Zulfiya is not vindictive, she quickly moves away. In fact, the girl is kind, although she is principled. She tries to be independent in everything and knows how to take responsibility for her actions. Zulfiya, born in summer, is less stubborn. She is more flexible and kind. Responsive, always ready to help. “Summer” Zulfiya does not give in to difficulties. She has more tenacity than other women with this name.

Zulfiya is restless. She cannot do the same thing for a long time. At the same time, Zulfiya, especially those born in winter, strives to be a leader. She is quick-tempered and sensitive to failure. In her work, Zulfiya shows some persistence, she is calculating and smart. She is sociable and self-critical. Zulfiya understands with whom and what to talk about. Such qualities will be favorable for a career as a diplomat. In addition, Zulfiya will be able to express herself in art or sports - she has a talent for this.

“Spring” Zulfiya can be selfish, but for the sake of her loved ones she is ready to sacrifice her interests. Among the opposite sex, Zulfiya prefers strong men. She skillfully manipulates the strong half of humanity and knows her worth well.

The girl with this name is very sociable; Zulfiya is an extrovert by nature. She always has a large circle of friends. Although Zulfiya is very sociable by nature, she observes rather than takes part. She is very annoyed by the slowness and lack of punctuality of those around her. Zulfiya, especially those born in summer, is good at resolving quarrels and conflicts, but she tries to solve her own problems without the help of others.

Numerology of the name Zulfiya

  • Name number: 3
  • Heart number: 1
  • Personality number: 2
  • Happiness number: 3
  • Lucky numbers for the name Zulfiya: 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75, 87, 93, 102, 111
  • Happy days of the month: 3, 12, 21, 30

The meaning of the letters of the name Zulfiya

The letters of a name play an important role in shaping a person’s character. For example, the first letter of a name indicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a certain element.

In contrast to the first letter, there is the last letter of the name. The last letter of our name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles heel, which must be covered and protected.

  • h – tendency to doubt, material difficulties, dissatisfaction, high intuition
  • y – intuition, tendency to intrigue, vulnerability, timidity, generous empathy
  • l – logic, ingenuity, musicality, cannot stand discomfort, artistry, pettiness, logic
  • b – ability to classify, sort into shelves
  • f – ability to adapt, tenderness, originality of ideas, ability to lie
  • and – impressionability, realism, subtle spirituality, peacefulness
  • I – intelligence, creativity, self-esteem

Talismans named after Zulfiya

  • Happy season: Autumn
  • Happy days of the week: Thursday
  • Unlucky days of the week: Wednesday
  • Lucky Color: Yellow
  • Mascot plant: Black Spruce
  • Talisman stones named after Zulfiya: Obsidian, Tin, Turquoise, Sapphire, Chalcedony, Topaz, Chrysolite
  • Spirit animal: Owl
  • Tree: Elderberry

Astrology of the name Zulfiya

According to astrology, a correspondence has been identified between the planet - the ruler of the name and a certain quality of character.

For the name Zulfiya, the ruling planet is Jupiter, which gives the name a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits that Jupiter gives: Optimism, enthusiasm, fearlessness

Disadvantages that the name Jupiter gives: Impulsive, dogmatic, lazy, forgive themselves a lot, lack of common sense

  • Astrological color of name: Red
  • Side of the world: West
  • Astrological stone: Hematite, Pyrite, Sapphire
  • Representation animal: Falcon

In addition, each letter of your name also corresponds to one or another planet, which in turn have a direct impact on a person’s destiny. Therefore, if a name has repeating letters, then the influence of the planet that corresponds to this letter increases significantly. Such planets are called dominant and you should pay attention to its position (strong or weak, what sign of the Zodiac it is in).

Dominant planet for Zulfiya:

And an important role belongs to the planet that controls the last letter of the name - the final one. The final planet in some cases influences life expectancy and the nature of death.

Last planet named: Proserpina

Planetary number and meaning of the name Zulfiya

For the name Zulfiya the planetary number is 7 and manages this name Saturn.

When the final number of the name is seven, the mystery of overcoming obstacles and passing tests is activated, for which you will later be rewarded a hundredfold. This number is associated with self-improvement and gaining wisdom.

Zodiac and Sacred number of the name Zulfiya

For the name Zulfiya, the Zodiac number is 9 Sagittarius.

Sagittarians involve you in the mystery of teaching, the search for teaching, tradition, finding your place and authority in society. They create a field of law, transmission of traditions, expansion of activity, long-distance travel.

Sacred number for the name Zulfiya - 6 , which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Virgo

Virgos involve you in the mystery of selfless service and caring for others, creating a field of work, duty and rationalism.

The name Zulfiya is a popular Arabic name that is of Persian origin. It owes its popularity to Arab (Islamic) culture and many mistakenly consider it Arabic, but this is far from the case. The name came to Arab culture from Persia, that is, from the territory of modern Iran. There The name Zulfiya means "beautiful girl with long curly curly hair". The name has the same meaning in Arabic. Taking into account the fact that Arabic is the language of Islam, it is among believers around the world and their loved ones that the names of Arabic culture become popular.

The meaning of the name Zulfiya for a girl

As a child, Zulfiya is distinguished by her mobility and craving for everything new. She is a very inquisitive and active girl, but unfortunately she cannot be called cheerful. The girl always strives to dominate other children, which often gives rise to conflicts. In addition, she is particularly stubborn towards adults. It is worth noting that if in many children stubbornness goes hand in hand with perseverance, then unfortunately Zulfiya’s perseverance is often lacking. She tends to quickly change the scope of her hobbies and switch to a new task without completing the previous one. It can also be noted that as she grows up, many of Zulfiya’s negative character traits will become less noticeable.

Zulfiya's studies can be quite easy, because she is endowed with excellent abilities by nature. Of course, it is somewhat more difficult for active children to sit still during a lesson, but Zulfiya’s curiosity will be a good help in her studies. But what can have a negative impact on her is criticism from teachers and parents. She is extremely difficult to tolerate any comments, and then it takes a very long time for her to return to normal. It is better to praise Zulfiya for her successes and try, if possible, not to notice her mistakes. Of course, Zulfiya will be interested not only in school. She will certainly find herself some other hobby, and will try a huge number of them. The main thing is not to rush your child into making a choice and try to help as much as possible.

Zulfiya's health can be called good. She is growing up as a strong child, and her high vitality, although it causes a lot of trouble for her parents, is of course a blessing for her. The girl’s nervous system really requires increased attention, because Zulfiya is already prone to impulsiveness. With an incorrect sleep pattern, this feature begins to noticeably intensify. Parents should take the regime seriously and try to put Zulfiya to bed on time.

Short name Zulfiya

Zulka, Zulya, Zulchik.

Diminutive pet names

Zulfiya, Zulfiechka, Zulfienka, Zulenka, Zulyushka, Zulechka, Zulyusha, Zulyusya.

Name Zulfiya for international passport- ZULFIIA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Name Zulfiya in English

There is no name Zulfiya in English, which means you need to use the transliteration of the name: Zulfiya, Zulfia, or as in the international passport.

Church name Zulfiya(in the Orthodox faith) not definitely. This means that the baptismal name will necessarily be different from the secular one.

Characteristics of the name Zulfiya

Adult Zulfiya is a pleasant woman who really tries to avoid idle talk. She knows well the weaknesses of her character and works hard on them. Over time, she completely takes control of her tendency to act impulsively. She is also characterized by such a trait as the desire for independence. Zulfiya shows this quite early and takes seriously the solution to this problem. Zulfiya has few friends and prefers small companies, although she does not get lost at large events. She is a reliable but very demanding friend. For her, friendship is sacred.

Zulfiya usually starts working early. This is one of the ways in which she seeks to show her independence. She is a diligent and reliable employee. Strives to maintain friendly relations with colleagues, but will not remain silent in case of negligence on the part of colleagues. It is worth noting some indecisiveness of Zulfiya, even in the case of serious success at work. Only regular praise allows her to become more confident. Then Zulfiya will finally begin to express her suggestions for improving the work process. They are usually surprisingly simple and effective.

Zulfiya's family life is usually successful, and this is largely due to her own merit. She is in no hurry to get married, but is serious about starting a family. It is worth noting that Zulfiya is quite attractive, and therefore she does not have any particular problems with the choice. However, even taking this into account, Zulfiya has been looking for a worthy life partner for quite a long time. In marriage, she is a caring and kind wife, as well as an equally wonderful mother. She loves to receive guests, because the house is her well-deserved pride. She is a wonderful housewife, which her loved ones appreciate and her guests notice.

The secret of the name Zulfiya

Zulfiya's main secret is how much effort it took her to change her character. So impulsive and stubborn in childhood, Zulfiya becomes almost the complete opposite. She doesn’t like to talk about the difficulties she encountered along the way and how hard it was for her.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Fish.

Totem animal- Jay.

Name color- Blue.

Tree- Cypress.

Plant- Lily.

Stone- Amber.

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